Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cdrac.sql /main/2 2009/10/09 15:38:04 achoi Exp $ Rem Rem cdrac.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cdrac.sql - Catalog DRAC.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem service objects Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in drac.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem achoi 09/22/09 - edition as a service attribute Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem Rem Add workgroup services views create or replace view DBA_SERVICES as select SERVICE_ID, NAME, NAME_HASH, NETWORK_NAME, CREATION_DATE, CREATION_DATE_HASH, FAILOVER_METHOD, FAILOVER_TYPE, FAILOVER_RETRIES, FAILOVER_DELAY, MIN_CARDINALITY, MAX_CARDINALITY, decode(GOAL, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'SERVICE_TIME', 2, 'THROUGHPUT', NULL) GOAL, decode(bitand(FLAGS, 2), 2, 'Y', 'N') DTP, decode(bitand(FLAGS, 1), 1, 'YES', 0, 'NO') ENABLED, decode(bitand(NVL(FLAGS,0), 4), 4, 'YES', 0, 'NO', 'NO') AQ_HA_NOTIFICATIONS, decode(bitand(NVL(FLAGS,0), 8), 8, 'LONG', 0, 'SHORT', 'SHORT') CLB_GOAL, EDITION from service$ where DELETION_DATE is null / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.SERVICE_ID is 'The unique ID for this service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.NAME is 'The short name for the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.NAME_HASH is 'The hash of the short name for the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.NETWORK_NAME is 'The network name used to connect to the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.CREATION_DATE is 'The date the service was created' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.CREATION_DATE_HASH is 'The hash of the creation date' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.FAILOVER_METHOD is 'The failover method (BASIC or NONE) for the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.FAILOVER_TYPE is 'The failover type (SESSION or SELECT) for the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.FAILOVER_RETRIES is 'The number of retries when failing over the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.FAILOVER_DELAY is 'The delay between retries when failing over the service' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.MIN_CARDINALITY is 'The minimum cardinality of this service to be maintained by director' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.MAX_CARDINALITY is 'The maximum cardinality of this service to be allowed by director' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.ENABLED is 'Indicates whether or not this service will be started/maintained by director' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.AQ_HA_NOTIFICATIONS is 'Indicates whether AQ notifications are sent for HA events' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.GOAL is 'The service workload management goal' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.DTP is 'DTP flag for services' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.CLB_GOAL is 'Connection load balancing goal for services' / comment on column DBA_SERVICES.EDITION is 'Initial session edition for services' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SERVICES for DBA_SERVICES / grant select on DBA_SERVICES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_SERVICES as select * from dba_services / create or replace public synonym ALL_SERVICES for ALL_SERVICES / grant select on ALL_SERVICES to select_catalog_role / commit;