Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cdoptim.sql /main/10 2010/04/13 23:57:37 ptearle Exp $ Rem Rem cdoptim.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cdoptim.sql - Catalog DOPTIM.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem statistic objects Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in doptim.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ptearle 04/06/10 - 8354888: create public synonym for Rem DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS Rem ruparame 03/15/10 - Bug 9192924 Add SYS_OP_DV_CHECK to sensitive columns Rem hosu 12/27/07 - 6684794: use staleness defined in table Rem preference (move these views to catost.sql) Rem yzhu 04/12/07 - #(5958445) set partition stale status based on Rem last_analyzed time of that partition Rem mzait 02/08/07 - replace private by pending Rem mzait 12/14/06 - Allow cluster indexes to show in private Rem statistics Rem schakkap 09/27/06 - TAB_COL_STATISTICS now shows hidden column stats Rem schakkap 09/20/06 - move catost.sql contents Rem move statistics views from cdpart.sql Rem yhu 05/26/06 - Add MAINTENANCE_TYPE in *_ASSOCIATIONS Rem achoi 05/18/06 - handle application edition Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem Rem Rem Family "TAB_COL_STATISTICS" Rem This family of views contains column statistics and histogram Rem information for table columns. Rem create or replace view USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS (TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, LAST_ANALYZED, SAMPLE_SIZE, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select table_name, column_name, num_distinct, low_value, high_value, density, num_nulls, num_buckets, last_analyzed, sample_size, global_stats, user_stats, avg_col_len, HISTOGRAM from user_tab_cols where last_analyzed is not null union all select /* fixed table column stats */ ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.distcnt, h.lowval, h.hival, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.timestamp#, h.sample_size, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.hist_head$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') and h.timestamp# is not null and userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ / comment on table USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS is 'Columns of user''s tables, views and clusters' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table, view or cluster name' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number of nulls in the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_BUCKETS is 'The number of buckets in histogram for the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.GLOBAL_STATS is 'Are the statistics calculated without merging underlying partitions?' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.USER_STATS is 'Were the statistics entered directly by the user?' / comment on column USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS for USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, LAST_ANALYZED, SAMPLE_SIZE, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select owner, table_name, column_name, num_distinct, low_value, high_value, density, num_nulls, num_buckets, last_analyzed, sample_size, global_stats, user_stats, avg_col_len, HISTOGRAM from all_tab_cols where last_analyzed is not null union all select /* fixed table column stats */ 'SYS', ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.distcnt, h.lowval, h.hival, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.timestamp#, h.sample_size, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.hist_head$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') and h.timestamp# is not null and (userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-237 /* SELECT ANY DICTIONARY */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS is 'Columns of user''s tables, views and clusters' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.OWNER is 'Table, view or cluster owner' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table, view or cluster name' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number of nulls in the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_BUCKETS is 'The number of buckets in histogram for the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.GLOBAL_STATS is 'Are the statistics calculated without merging underlying partitions?' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.USER_STATS is 'Were the statistics entered directly by the user?' / comment on column ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS for ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, LAST_ANALYZED, SAMPLE_SIZE, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select owner, table_name, column_name, num_distinct, low_value, high_value, density, num_nulls, num_buckets, last_analyzed, sample_size, global_stats, user_stats, avg_col_len, HISTOGRAM from dba_tab_cols where last_analyzed is not null union all select /* fixed table column stats */ 'SYS', ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.distcnt, h.lowval, h.hival, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.timestamp#, h.sample_size, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.hist_head$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') and h.timestamp# is not null / comment on table DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS is 'Columns of user''s tables, views and clusters' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.OWNER is 'Table, view or cluster owner' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table, view or cluster name' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number of nulls in the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.NUM_BUCKETS is 'The number of buckets in histogram for the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.GLOBAL_STATS is 'Are the statistics calculated without merging underlying partitions?' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.USER_STATS is 'Were the statistics entered directly by the user?' / comment on column DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS for DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem Family "TAB_HISTOGRAMS" Rem The histograms (part of the statistics used by the cost-based Rem optimizer) on columns. Rem The TAB_COL_STATISTICS contain general information about Rem each histogram, including the number of buckets. Rem These views contains that actual histogram data. Rem create or replace view USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS (TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select /*+ ordered */, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */ ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.bucket, h.endpoint, h.epvalue from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.histgrm$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') and userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ / comment on table USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS is 'Histograms on columns of user''s tables' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name or attribute of object column' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS for USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / Rem For backwark compatibility with ORACLE7's catalog create or replace public synonym USER_HISTOGRAMS for USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / create or replace view ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */ 'SYS', ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.bucket, h.endpoint, h.epvalue from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.histgrm$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') and (userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-237 /* SELECT ANY DICTIONARY */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS is 'Histograms on columns of all tables visible to user' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.OWNER is 'Owner of table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name or attribute of object column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS for ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / Rem For backwark compatibility with ORACLE7's catalog create or replace public synonym ALL_HISTOGRAMS for ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / create or replace view DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.attrcol$ a where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = h.obj# and c.intcol# = h.intcol# and (o.type# in (3, 4) /* cluster, view */ or (o.type# = 2 /* tables, excluding iot - overflow and nested tables */ and not exists (select null from$ t where t.obj# = o.obj# and (bitand(, 512) = 512 or bitand(, 8192) = 8192)))) and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) union all select /*+ ordered */ 'SYS', ft.kqftanam, c.kqfconam, h.bucket, h.endpoint, h.epvalue from sys.x$kqfta ft, sys.fixed_obj$ fobj, sys.x$kqfco c, sys.histgrm$ h where ft.kqftaobj = fobj. obj# and c.kqfcotob = ft.kqftaobj and h.obj# = ft.kqftaobj and h.intcol# = c.kqfcocno /* * if fobj and st are not in sync (happens when db open read only * after upgrade), do not display stats. */ and ft.kqftaver = fobj.timestamp - to_date('01-01-1991', 'DD-MM-YYYY') / comment on table DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS is 'Histograms on columns of all tables' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.OWNER is 'Owner of table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name or attribute of object column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS for DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS to select_catalog_role / Rem For backwark compatibility with ORACLE7's catalog create or replace public synonym DBA_HISTOGRAMS for DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS / Rem Rem Family "PART_COL_STATISTICS" Rem These views contain column statistics and histogram information Rem for table partitions. Rem create or replace view TP$ as select tp.obj#,, c.intcol#, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,, cname from sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ tp, attrcol$ a where = c.obj# and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) and bitand(,32768) != 32768 /* not unused columns */ union select tcp.obj#,, c.intcol#, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,, cname from sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, attrcol$ a where = c.obj# and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) and bitand(,32768) != 32768 /* not unused columns */ / grant select on TP$ to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select, o.subname, tp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS for USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_PART_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select,, o.subname, tp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tp$ tp, user$ u where o.obj# = tp.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and tp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_PART_COL_STATISTICS for ALL_PART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on ALL_PART_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select,, o.subname, tp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tp$ tp, user$ u where o.obj# = tp.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and tp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS for DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem Family "PART_HISTOGRAMS" Rem These views contain the actual histogram data (end-points per Rem histogram) for histograms on table partitions. Rem create or replace view USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select, o.subname, tp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, tp$ tp where o.obj# = h.obj# and h.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select, o.subname, tp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select, o.subname, tp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS for USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select,, o.subname, tp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union select,, o.subname, tp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union select,, o.subname, tp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS for ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select,, o.subname, tp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select,, o.subname, tp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select,, o.subname, tp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tp$ tp where o.obj# = tp.obj# and tp.obj# = h.obj# and tp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 19 /* TABLE PARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS for DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem Family "SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS" Rem These views contain column statistics and histogram information Rem for table subpartitions. Rem create or replace view TSP$ as select tsp.obj#,, c.intcol#, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,, cname from sys.col$ c, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, attrcol$ a where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and bitand(,32768) != 32768 /* not unused columns */ and c.obj# = a.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = a.intcol#(+) / grant select on TSP$ to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS (TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS for USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tsp$ tsp, user$ u where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS for ALL_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on ALL_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, NUM_BUCKETS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED, GLOBAL_STATS, USER_STATS, AVG_COL_LEN, HISTOGRAM) as select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, case when nvl(h.distcnt,0) = 0 then h.distcnt when h.row_cnt = 0 then 1 when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then h.row_cnt else h.bucket_cnt end, h.sample_size, h.timestamp#, decode(bitand(h.spare2, 2), 2, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(h.spare2, 1), 1, 'YES', 'NO'), h.avgcln, case when nvl(h.row_cnt,0) = 0 then 'NONE' when (h.bucket_cnt > 255 or (h.bucket_cnt > h.distcnt and h.row_cnt = h.distcnt and h.density*h.bucket_cnt < 1)) then 'FREQUENCY' else 'HEIGHT BALANCED' end from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tsp$ tsp, user$ u where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj#(+) and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol#(+) and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS for DBA_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem Family "SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS" Rem These views contain the actual histogram data (end-points per Rem histogram) for histograms on table subpartitions. Rem create or replace view USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS (TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = h.obj# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select, o.subname, tsp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select, o.subname, tsp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS for USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS for ALL_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on ALL_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, BUCKET_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) as select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ o, sys.histgrm$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, 0, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.minimum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL union select,, o.subname, tsp.cname, 1, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.maximum else null end, null from sys.obj$ o, sys.hist_head$ h, sys.user$ u, tsp$ tsp where o.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.obj# = h.obj# and tsp.intcol# = h.intcol# and o.type# = 34 /* TABLE SUBPARTITION */ and h.row_cnt = 0 and h.distcnt > 0 and o.owner# = u.user# and o.namespace = 1 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS for DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS / grant select on DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem Family "ASSOCIATIONS" Rem Info on user defined statistics associations Rem create or replace view DBA_ASSOCIATIONS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, DEF_SELECTIVITY, DEF_CPU_COST, DEF_IO_COST, DEF_NET_COST, INTERFACE_VERSION, MAINTENANCE_TYPE ) as select,,, decode(, 1, 'COLUMN', 2, 'TYPE', 3, 'PACKAGE', 4, 'FUNCTION', 5, 'INDEX', 6, 'INDEXTYPE', 'INVALID'),,,a.default_selectivity, a.default_cpu_cost, a.default_io_cost, a.default_net_cost, a.interface_version#, decode (bitand(a.spare2, 1), 1, 'SYSTEM_MANAGED', 'USER_MANAGED') from sys.association$ a, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c where a.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# AND a.statstype#=o1.obj# (+) and o1.owner#=u1.user# (+) AND a.obj# = c.obj# (+) and a.intcol# = c.intcol# (+) / create or replace public synonym DBA_ASSOCIATIONS for DBA_ASSOCIATIONS / grant select on DBA_ASSOCIATIONS to select_catalog_role / Comment on table DBA_ASSOCIATIONS is 'All associations' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Object name for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name in the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Schema type of the object - table, type, package or function' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Owner of the statistics type' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of Statistics type which contains the cost, selectivity or stats funcs' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_SELECTIVITY is 'Default Selectivity if any of the object' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_CPU_COST is 'Default CPU cost if any of the object' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_IO_COST is 'Default I/O cost if any of the object' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_NET_COST is 'Default Networking cost if any of the object' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.INTERFACE_VERSION is 'Version number of Statistics type interface implemented' / Comment on column DBA_ASSOCIATIONS.MAINTENANCE_TYPE is 'Whether it is system managed or user managed' / create or replace view USER_ASSOCIATIONS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, DEF_SELECTIVITY, DEF_CPU_COST, DEF_IO_COST, DEF_NET_COST, INTERFACE_VERSION, MAINTENANCE_TYPE ) as select,,, decode(, 1, 'COLUMN', 2, 'TYPE', 3, 'PACKAGE', 4, 'FUNCTION', 5, 'INDEX', 6, 'INDEXTYPE', 'INVALID'),,,a.default_selectivity, a.default_cpu_cost, a.default_io_cost, a.default_net_cost, a.interface_version#, decode (bitand(a.spare2, 1), 1, 'SYSTEM_MANAGED', 'USER_MANAGED') from sys.association$ a, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c where a.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# AND a.statstype#=o1.obj# (+) and o1.owner#=u1.user# (+) AND a.obj# = c.obj# (+) and a.intcol# = c.intcol# (+) and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_ASSOCIATIONS for USER_ASSOCIATIONS / grant select on USER_ASSOCIATIONS to public with grant option / Comment on table USER_ASSOCIATIONS is 'All assocations defined by the user' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Object name for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name in the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Schema type of the object - table, type, package or function' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Owner of the statistics type' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of Statistics type which contains the cost, selectivity or stats funcs' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_SELECTIVITY is 'Default Selectivity if any of the object' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_CPU_COST is 'Default CPU cost if any of the object' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_IO_COST is 'Default I/O cost if any of the object' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_NET_COST is 'Default Networking cost if any of the object' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.INTERFACE_VERSION is 'Interface number of Statistics type interface implemented' / Comment on column USER_ASSOCIATIONS.MAINTENANCE_TYPE is 'Whether it is system managed or user managed' / create or replace view ALL_ASSOCIATIONS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, DEF_SELECTIVITY, DEF_CPU_COST, DEF_IO_COST, DEF_NET_COST, INTERFACE_VERSION, MAINTENANCE_TYPE ) as select,,, decode(, 1, 'COLUMN', 2, 'TYPE', 3, 'PACKAGE', 4, 'FUNCTION', 5, 'INDEX', 6, 'INDEXTYPE', 'INVALID'),,,a.default_selectivity, a.default_cpu_cost, a.default_io_cost, a.default_net_cost, a.interface_version#, decode (bitand(a.spare2, 1), 1, 'SYSTEM_MANAGED', 'USER_MANAGED') from sys.association$ a, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o1, sys.user$ u1, sys.col$ c where a.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# AND a.statstype#=o1.obj# (+) and o1.owner#=u1.user# (+) AND a.obj# = c.obj# (+) and a.intcol# = c.intcol# (+) and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or ( o.type# in (2) /* table */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */) ) ) or ( o.type# in (8, 9) /* package or function */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-140 /* CREATE PROCEDURE */, -141 /* CREATE ANY PROCEDURE */, -142 /* ALTER ANY PROCEDURE */, -143 /* DROP ANY PROCEDURE */, -144 /* EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE */) ) ) or ( o.type# in (13) /* type */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-180 /* CREATE TYPE */, -181 /* CREATE ANY TYPE */, -182 /* ALTER ANY TYPE */, -183 /* DROP ANY TYPE */, -184 /* EXECUTE ANY TYPE */) ) ) or ( o.type# in (1) /* index */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-71 /* CREATE ANY INDEX */, -72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -73 /* DROP ANY INDEX */) ) ) or ( o.type# in (32) /* indextype */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-205 /* CREATE INDEXTYPE */, -206 /* CREATE ANY INDEXTYPE */, -207 /* ALTER ANY INDEXTYPE */, -208 /* DROP ANY INDEXTYPE */) ) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_ASSOCIATIONS for ALL_ASSOCIATIONS / grant select on ALL_ASSOCIATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / Comment on table ALL_ASSOCIATIONS is 'All associations available to the user' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Object name for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name in the object for which the association is being defined' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Schema type of the object - column, type, package or function' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Owner of the statistics type' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of Statistics type which contains the cost, selectivity or stats funcs' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_SELECTIVITY is 'Default Selectivity if any of the object' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_CPU_COST is 'Default CPU cost if any of the object' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_IO_COST is 'Default I/O cost if any of the object' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.DEF_NET_COST is 'Default Networking cost if any of the object' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.INTERFACE_VERSION is 'Version number of Statistics type interface implemented' / Comment on column ALL_ASSOCIATIONS.MAINTENANCE_TYPE is 'Whether it is system managed or user managed' / Rem Rem Family "USTATS" Rem User defined statistics Rem create or replace view DBA_USTATS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, ASSOCIATION, COLUMN_NAME, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, STATISTICS) as select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.intcol#=c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and c.obj#=s.obj# union all -- partition case select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = t.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.intcol# = c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and union all select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and o.type#=1 union all -- index partition select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.ustats$ s, sys.indpart$ i, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = i.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# / create or replace public synonym DBA_USTATS for DBA_USTATS / grant select on DBA_USTATS to select_catalog_role / Comment on table DBA_USTATS is 'All statistics collected on either tables or indexes' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition (if applicable) for which the stats have been collected' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of the object - Column or Index' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.ASSOCIATION is 'If the statistics type association is direct or implicit' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name, if property is column for which statistics have been collected' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Schema of statistics type which was used to collect the statistics ' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of statistics type which was used to collect statistics' / Comment on column DBA_USTATS.STATISTICS is 'User collected statistics for the object' / create or replace view USER_USTATS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, ASSOCIATION, COLUMN_NAME, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, STATISTICS) as select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.intcol#=c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and c.obj#=s.obj# and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- partition case select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = t.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.intcol# = c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') union all select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and o.type#=1 and o.owner#= userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- index partition select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.ustats$ s, sys.indpart$ i, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = i.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_USTATS for USER_USTATS / grant select on USER_USTATS to public with grant option / Comment on table USER_USTATS is 'All statistics on tables or indexes owned by the user' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition (if applicable) for which the stats have been collected' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of the object - Column or Index' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.ASSOCIATION is 'If the statistics type association is direct or implicit' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name, if property is column for which statistics have been collected' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Schema of statistics type which was used to collect the statistics ' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of statistics type which was used to collect statistics' / Comment on column USER_USTATS.STATISTICS is 'User collected statistics for the object' / create or replace view ALL_USTATS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, ASSOCIATION, COLUMN_NAME, STATSTYPE_SCHEMA, STATSTYPE_NAME, STATISTICS) as select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.intcol#=c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and c.obj#=s.obj# and ( o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or ( o.type# in (2) /* table */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) union all -- partition case select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'),,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.col$ c, sys.ustats$ s, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=2 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = t.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.intcol# = c.intcol# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and and ( o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or ( o.type# in (2) /* table */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */) ) ) ) union all select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ustats$ s, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o1 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj#=o.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and o.type#=1 and ( o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or ( o.type# in (1) /* index */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-71 /* CREATE ANY INDEX */, -72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -73 /* DROP ANY INDEX */) ) ) ) union all -- index partition select,, o.subname, decode (bitand(, 3), 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'COLUMN'), decode (bitand(, 12), 8, 'DIRECT', 4, 'IMPLICIT'), NULL,,, s.statistics from sys.user$ u, sys.user$ u1, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ o1, sys.ustats$ s, sys.indpart$ i, sys.obj$ o2 where bitand(, 3)=1 and s.obj# = o.obj# and s.obj# = i.obj# and = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u.user# and s.statstype#=o1.obj# and o1.owner#=u1.user# and ( o.owner#=userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or ( o.type# in (1) /* index */ and exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-71 /* CREATE ANY INDEX */, -72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -73 /* DROP ANY INDEX */) ) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_USTATS for ALL_USTATS / grant select on ALL_USTATS to public with grant option / Comment on table ALL_USTATS is 'All statistics' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or index for which the statistics have been collected' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition (if applicable) for which the stats have been collected' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of the object - Column or Index' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.ASSOCIATION is 'If the statistics type association is direct or implicit' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name, if property is column for which statistics have been collected' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.STATSTYPE_SCHEMA is 'Schema of statistics type which was used to collect the statistics ' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.STATSTYPE_NAME is 'Name of statistics type which was used to collect statistics' / Comment on column ALL_USTATS.STATISTICS is 'User collected statistics for the object' / Rem Rem Family "TAB_MODIFICATIONS" Rem Rem These views provide information about the amount and type of Rem modifications made to rows in a table. Rem create or replace view USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, INSERTS, UPDATES, DELETES, TIMESTAMP, TRUNCATED, DROP_SEGMENTS) as select, null, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o,$ t where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = m.obj# and o.obj# = t.obj# union all select, o.subname, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = m.obj# and o.type#=19 union all select, o2.subname, o.subname, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.obj$ o2 where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = m.obj# and o.obj# = tsp.obj# and o2.obj# = tsp.pobj# / comment on table USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS is 'Information regarding modifications to tables' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TABLE_NAME is 'Modified table' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Modified partition' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Modified subpartition' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.INSERTS is 'Approximate number of rows inserted since last analyze' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.UPDATES is 'Approximate number of rows updated since last analyze' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DELETES is 'Approximate number of rows deleted since last analyze' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TIMESTAMP is 'Timestamp of last time this row was modified' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TRUNCATED is 'Was this object truncated since the last analyze?' / comment on column USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DROP_SEGMENTS is 'Number of (sub)partition segment dropped since the last analyze?' / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS for USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS / grant select on USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS (TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, INSERTS, UPDATES, DELETES, TIMESTAMP, TRUNCATED, DROP_SEGMENTS) as select,, null, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o,$ t, sys.user$ u where o.obj# = m.obj# and o.obj# = t.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -165/* ANALYZE ANY */)) ) union all select,, o.subname, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = m.obj# and o.type#=19 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -165/* ANALYZE ANY */)) ) union all select,, o2.subname, o.subname, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u where o.obj# = m.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = tsp.obj# and o2.obj# = tsp.pobj# and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */, -165/* ANALYZE ANY */)) ) / comment on table ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS is 'Information regarding modifications to tables' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of modified table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TABLE_NAME is 'Modified table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Modified partition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Modified subpartition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.INSERTS is 'Approximate number of rows inserted since last analyze' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.UPDATES is 'Approximate number of rows updated since last analyze' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DELETES is 'Approximate number of rows deleted since last analyze' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TIMESTAMP is 'Timestamp of last time this row was modified' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TRUNCATED is 'Was this object truncated since the last analyze?' / comment on column ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DROP_SEGMENTS is 'Number of (sub)partition segment dropped since the last analyze?' / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS for ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS / grant select on ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS (TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, INSERTS, UPDATES, DELETES, TIMESTAMP, TRUNCATED, DROP_SEGMENTS) as select,, null, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o,$ t, sys.user$ u where o.obj# = m.obj# and o.obj# = t.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# union all select,, o.subname, null, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = m.obj# and o.type#=19 union all select,, o2.subname, o.subname, m.inserts, m.updates, m.deletes, m.timestamp, decode(bitand(m.flags,1),1,'YES','NO'), m.drop_segments from sys.mon_mods_all$ m, sys.obj$ o, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.obj$ o2, sys.user$ u where o.obj# = m.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = tsp.obj# and o2.obj# = tsp.pobj# / comment on table DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS is 'Information regarding modifications to tables' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of modified table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TABLE_NAME is 'Modified table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Modified partition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Modified subpartition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.INSERTS is 'Approximate number of rows inserted since last analyze' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.UPDATES is 'Approximate number of rows updated since last analyze' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DELETES is 'Approximate number of rows deleted since last analyze' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TIMESTAMP is 'Timestamp of last time this row was modified' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.TRUNCATED is 'Was this object truncated since the last analyze?' / comment on column DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS.DROP_SEGMENTS is 'Number of (sub)partition segment dropped since the last analyze?' / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS for DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS / grant select on DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS to select_catalog_role / Rem Rem OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS Rem This view contains history of statistics operations performed Rem at schema/database level using dbms_stats package. Rem create or replace view DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS (OPERATION, TARGET, START_TIME, END_TIME) as select operation, target, start_time, end_time from sys.wri$_optstat_opr / create or replace public synonym DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS for DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS / grant select on DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS is 'History of statistics operations performed' / comment on column DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS.OPERATION is 'Operation name' / comment on column DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS.TARGET is 'Target on which operation performed' / comment on column DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS.START_TIME is 'Start time of operation' / comment on column DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS.END_TIME is 'End time of operation' / Rem Rem Family "TAB_STATS_HISTORY" Rem Views for displaying the statistics update time from history Rem create or replace view ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, STATS_UPDATE_TIME) as -- tables select /*+ rule */,, null, null, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and = and ot.type# = 2 and ot.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics and (ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ot.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- sub partitions select,, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ osp, obj$ ocp, sys.obj$ ot, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = u.user# and = and ot.type# = 2 and ot.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics and (ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ot.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- fixed tables select 'SYS', t.kqftanam, null, null, h.savtime from sys.x$kqfta t, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where t.kqftaobj = h.obj# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics and (userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-237 /* SELECT ANY DICTIONARY */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY for ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY / grant select on ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY is 'History of table statistics modifications' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.OWNER is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.STATS_UPDATE_TIME is 'Time of statistics update' / create or replace view DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, STATS_UPDATE_TIME) as -- tables select,, null, null, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- sub partitions select,, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.savtime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ osp, obj$ ocp, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- fixed tables select 'SYS', t.kqftanam, null, null, h.savtime from sys.x$kqfta t, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where t.kqftaobj = h.obj# and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY for DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY is 'History of table statistics modifications' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.OWNER is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.STATS_UPDATE_TIME is 'Time of statistics update' / create or replace view USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, STATS_UPDATE_TIME) as -- tables select, null, null, h.savtime from sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- partitions select, o.subname, null, h.savtime from sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- sub partitions select, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.savtime from sys.obj$ osp, sys.obj$ ocp, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics union all -- fixed tables select t.kqftanam, null, null, h.savtime from sys.x$kqfta t, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where t.kqftaobj = h.obj# and userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 /* SYS */ and h.savtime <= systimestamp -- exclude pending statistics / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY for USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY / grant select on USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY is 'History of table statistics modifications' / comment on column USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY.STATS_UPDATE_TIME is 'Time of statistics update' / Rem Rem Family "TAB_STAT_PREFS" Rem Table statistics preferences Rem create or replace view ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PREFERENCE_NAME, PREFERENCE_VALUE) AS select,, p.pname, p.valchar from sys.optstat_user_prefs$ p, obj$ o, user$ u where p.obj#=o.obj# and u.user#=o.owner# and o.type#=2 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS for ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS / grant select on ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS is 'Statistics preferences for tables' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_NAME is 'Preference name' / comment on column ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_VALUE is 'Preference value' / create or replace view DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PREFERENCE_NAME, PREFERENCE_VALUE) AS select,, p.pname, p.valchar from sys.optstat_user_prefs$ p, obj$ o, user$ u where p.obj#=o.obj# and u.user#=o.owner# and o.type#=2 / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS for DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS / grant select on DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS is 'Statistics preferences for tables' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_NAME is 'Preference name' / comment on column DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_VALUE is 'Preference value' / create or replace view USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS (TABLE_NAME, PREFERENCE_NAME, PREFERENCE_VALUE) AS select, p.pname, p.valchar from sys.optstat_user_prefs$ p, obj$ o where p.obj#=o.obj# and o.type#=2 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS for USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS / grant select on USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS is 'Statistics preferences for tables' / comment on column USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_NAME is 'Preference name' / comment on column USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS.PREFERENCE_VALUE is 'Preference value' / Rem Rem Family "TAB_PENDING_STATS" Rem Table pending statistics Rem create or replace view ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, NUM_ROWS, BLOCKS, AVG_ROW_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select,, null, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and = and ot.type# = 2 and ot.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ot.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- sub partitions select,, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ osp, obj$ ocp, sys.obj$ ot, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = u.user# and = and ot.type# = 2 and ot.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ot.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS for ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS / grant select on ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.BLOCKS is 'Number of blocks' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.AVG_ROW_LEN is 'Average row length' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / create or replace view DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, NUM_ROWS, BLOCKS, AVG_ROW_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select,, null, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- sub partitions select,, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ osp, obj$ ocp, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS for DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS / grant select on DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.BLOCKS is 'Number of blocks' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.AVG_ROW_LEN is 'Average row length' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / create or replace view USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, NUM_ROWS, BLOCKS, AVG_ROW_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select, null, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- partitions select, o.subname, null, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ o, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- sub partitions select, ocp.subname, osp.subname, h.rowcnt, h.blkcnt, h.avgrln, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ osp, sys.obj$ ocp, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.wri$_optstat_tab_history h where h.obj# = osp.obj# and osp.type# = 34 and osp.obj# = tsp.obj# and tsp.pobj# = ocp.obj# and osp.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and h.savtime > systimestamp / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS for USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS / grant select on USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS is 'History of table statistics modifications' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.BLOCKS is 'Number of blocks' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.AVG_ROW_LEN is 'Average row length' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / Rem Rem Family "IND_PENDING_STATS" Rem Index pending statistics Rem create or replace view ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, BLEVEL, LEAF_BLOCKS, DISTINCT_KEYS, AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, CLUSTERING_FACTOR, NUM_ROWS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- indexes select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and o.obj# = i.obj# -- obj(i) X ind and h.obj# = i.obj# -- stat X ind and = ot.obj# -- ind X obj(t) and ut.user# = ot.owner# -- user(t) X obj(t) and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- partitions select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indpart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indcompart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- sub partitions select,,,,, os.subname, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ os, sys.indsubpart$ isp, sys.indcompart$ icp, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.ind$ i, sys.user$ ui, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where ui.user# = oi.owner# and os.obj# = isp.obj# and h.obj# = isp.obj# and isp.pobj#= icp.obj# and = i.obj# and oi.obj# = i.obj# and = ot.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and oi.type# = 1 and os.type# = 35 and ot.type# = 2 and os.namespace = 4 and os.remoteowner IS NULL and os.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and (ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ot.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS for ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS / grant select on ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of indexes, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on table ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Index owner name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.INDEX_NAME is 'Index name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_OWNER is 'Table owner name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.BLEVEL is 'Number of levels in the index' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.LEAF_BLOCKS is 'Number of leaf blocks in the index' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.DISTINCT_KEYS is 'Number of distinct keys in the index' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of leaf blocks per key' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of data blocks per key' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.CLUSTERING_FACTOR is 'Clustering factor' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the index' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / create or replace view DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, BLEVEL, LEAF_BLOCKS, DISTINCT_KEYS, AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, CLUSTERING_FACTOR, NUM_ROWS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- indexes select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and o.obj# = i.obj# -- obj(i) X ind and h.obj# = i.obj# -- stat X ind and = ot.obj# -- ind X obj(t) and ut.user# = ot.owner# -- user(t) X obj(t) and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- partitions select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indpart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp union all select,,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indcompart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where u.user# = o.owner# -- user(i) X obj(i) and = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- sub partitions select,,,,, os.subname, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ os, sys.indsubpart$ isp, sys.indcompart$ icp, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.ind$ i, sys.user$ ui, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where ui.user# = oi.owner# and os.obj# = isp.obj# and h.obj# = isp.obj# and isp.pobj#= icp.obj# and = i.obj# and oi.obj# = i.obj# and = ot.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and oi.type# = 1 and os.type# = 35 and ot.type# = 2 and os.namespace = 4 and os.remoteowner IS NULL and os.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp / create or replace public synonym DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS for DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS / grant select on DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of indexes, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on table DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Index owner name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.INDEX_NAME is 'Index name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_OWNER is 'Table owner name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.BLEVEL is 'Number of levels in the index' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.LEAF_BLOCKS is 'Number of leaf blocks in the index' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.DISTINCT_KEYS is 'Number of distinct keys in the index' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of leaf blocks per key' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of data blocks per key' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.CLUSTERING_FACTOR is 'Clustering factor' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the index' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / create or replace view USER_IND_PENDING_STATS (INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, BLEVEL, LEAF_BLOCKS, DISTINCT_KEYS, AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY, CLUSTERING_FACTOR, NUM_ROWS, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- indexes select,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where o.obj# = i.obj# -- obj(i) X ind and h.obj# = i.obj# -- stat X ind and = ot.obj# -- ind X obj(t) and ut.user# = ot.owner# -- user(t) X obj(t) and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- partitions select,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indpart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all select,,, o.subname, null, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ o, sys.ind$ i, indcompart$ ip, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where = i.obj# and h.obj# = ip.obj# and = ot.obj# and o.obj# = ip.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and o.namespace = 4 and o.remoteowner IS NULL and o.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- sub partitions select,,,, os.subname, h.blevel, h.leafcnt, h.distkey, h.lblkkey, h.dblkkey, h.clufac, h.rowcnt, h.samplesize, h.analyzetime from sys.obj$ os, sys.indsubpart$ isp, sys.indcompart$ icp, sys.user$ ut, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.ind$ i, sys.wri$_optstat_ind_history h where os.obj# = isp.obj# and h.obj# = isp.obj# and isp.pobj#= icp.obj# and = i.obj# and oi.obj# = i.obj# and = ot.obj# and ut.user# = ot.owner# and oi.type# = 1 and os.type# = 35 and ot.type# = 2 and os.namespace = 4 and os.remoteowner IS NULL and os.linkname IS NULL and i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8) and bitand(i.flags, 4096) = 0 -- not a fake index and h.savtime > systimestamp and ot.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_IND_PENDING_STATS for USER_IND_PENDING_STATS / grant select on USER_IND_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of indexes, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on table USER_IND_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.INDEX_NAME is 'Index name' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_OWNER is 'Table owner name' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.BLEVEL is 'Number of levels in the index' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.LEAF_BLOCKS is 'Number of leaf blocks in the index' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.DISTINCT_KEYS is 'Number of distinct keys in the index' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_LEAF_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of leaf blocks per key' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.AVG_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_KEY is 'Average number of data blocks per key' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.CLUSTERING_FACTOR is 'Clustering factor' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.NUM_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the index' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'Sample size' / comment on column USER_IND_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'Time of last analyze' / Rem Rem Family "COL_PENDING_STATS" Rem Column pending statistics Rem create or replace view ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, AVG_COL_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select,, null, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- sub partitions select,, op.subname, os.subname,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, op.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, op.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.timestamp# from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and os.owner# = u.user# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp and (os.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or os.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS for ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS / grant select on ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Table owner name' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number rows with value in the column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / create or replace view DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, AVG_COL_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select,, null, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all select,, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- sub partitions select,, op.subname, os.subname,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.timestamp# from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and os.owner# = u.user# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp / create or replace public synonym DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS for DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS / grant select on DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Table owner name' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number rows with value in the column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / create or replace view USER_COL_PENDING_STATS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, NUM_DISTINCT, LOW_VALUE, HIGH_VALUE, DENSITY, NUM_NULLS, AVG_COL_LEN, SAMPLE_SIZE, LAST_ANALYZED) AS -- tables select, null, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- partitions select, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all select, o.subname, null,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.TIMESTAMP# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- sub partitions select, op.subname, os.subname,, h.distcnt, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.lowval else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.hival else null end, h.density, h.null_cnt, h.avgcln, h.sample_size, h.timestamp# from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histhead_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp and os.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_COL_PENDING_STATS for USER_COL_PENDING_STATS / grant select on USER_COL_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_COL_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table name' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition name' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Subpartition name' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Column name' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_DISTINCT is 'The number of distinct values in the column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.LOW_VALUE is 'The low value in the column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.HIGH_VALUE is 'The high value in the column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.DENSITY is 'The density of the column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.NUM_NULLS is 'The number rows with value in the column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.AVG_COL_LEN is 'The average length of the column in bytes' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.SAMPLE_SIZE is 'The sample size used in analyzing this column' / comment on column USER_COL_PENDING_STATS.LAST_ANALYZED is 'The date of the most recent time this column was analyzed' / Rem Rem Family "TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS" Rem Histogram pending statistics Rem create or replace view ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) AS -- tables select,, null, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all -- sub partitions select,, op.subname, os.subname,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and os.owner# = u.user# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp and (os.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or os.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS for ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS / grant select on ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' / create or replace view DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) AS -- tables select,, null, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- partitions select,, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all select,, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp union all -- sub partitions select,, op.subname, os.subname,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.user$ u, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and os.owner# = u.user# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp / create or replace public synonym DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS for DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS / grant select on DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' / create or replace view USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS (TABLE_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SUBPARTITION_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, ENDPOINT_NUMBER, ENDPOINT_VALUE, ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE) AS -- tables select, null, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where h.obj# = c.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- partitions select, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabpart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all select, o.subname, null,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, o.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where = c.obj# and t.obj# = o.obj# and h.intcol# = c.intcol# and h.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 19 and o.owner# = u.user# and h.savtime > systimestamp and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') union all -- sub partitions select, op.subname, os.subname,, h.bucket, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.endpoint else null end, case when SYS_OP_DV_CHECK(, os.owner#) = 1 then h.epvalue else null end from sys.obj$ os, sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tcp, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ op, sys.wri$_optstat_histgrm_history h where os.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.obj# = tsp.obj# and h.intcol#= c.intcol# and tsp.pobj#= tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and tcp.obj# = op.obj# and os.type# = 34 and h.savtime > systimestamp and os.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace public synonym USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS for USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS / grant select on USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS to PUBLIC with grant option / comment on table USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS is 'Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.SUBPARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the subpartition' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the column' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_NUMBER is 'Endpoint number' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_VALUE is 'Normalized endpoint value' / comment on column USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS.ENDPOINT_ACTUAL_VALUE is 'Actual endpoint value' /