Rem Rem $Header: cdenv.sql 31-mar-2008.22:06:03 ssonawan Exp $ Rem Rem cdenv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cdenv.sql - Catalog DENV.bsq views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem profiles, resources, etc. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script contains catalog views for objects in denv.bsq. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ssonawan 02/11/08 - bug 6757203: fix DBA_USERS view definition to Rem correctly describe user's authentication type Rem vigaur 01/25/07 - Bug 4758283 Changes Rem vigaur 12/18/06 - Rem gviswana 08/25/06 - Use DECODE for EDITIONS_ENABLED Rem gviswana 07/27/06 - ALTER USER ENABLE EDITIONS Rem rhanckel 05/19/06 - Modifing dba users. Rem cdilling 05/04/06 - Created Rem remark remark These are table that actually enables the user to see his or her remark limits remark create or replace view DBA_PROFILES (PROFILE, RESOURCE_NAME, RESOURCE_TYPE, LIMIT) as select,, decode(u.type#, 0, 'KERNEL', 1, 'PASSWORD', 'INVALID'), decode(u.limit#, 0, 'DEFAULT', 2147483647, decode(u.resource#, 4, decode(u.type#, 1, 'NULL', 'UNLIMITED'), 'UNLIMITED'), decode(u.resource#, 4, decode(u.type#, 1,, u.limit#), decode(u.type#, 0, u.limit#, decode(u.resource#, 1, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 2, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 5, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 6, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), u.limit#)))) from sys.profile$ u, sys.profname$ n, sys.resource_map m, sys.obj$ o where u.resource# = m.resource# and u.type#=m.type# and o.obj# (+) = u.limit# and n.profile# = u.profile# / create or replace public synonym DBA_PROFILES for DBA_PROFILES / grant select on DBA_PROFILES to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_PROFILES is 'Display all profiles and their limits' / comment on column DBA_PROFILES.PROFILE is 'Profile name' / comment on column DBA_PROFILES.RESOURCE_NAME is 'Resource name' / comment on column DBA_PROFILES.LIMIT is 'Limit placed on this resource for this profile' / REM REM This view enables the user to see his own profile limits REM create or replace view USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS (RESOURCE_NAME, LIMIT) as select, decode (u.limit#, 2147483647, 'UNLIMITED', 0, decode (p.limit#, 2147483647, 'UNLIMITED', p.limit#), u.limit#) from sys.profile$ u, sys.profile$ p, sys.resource_map m, user$ s where u.resource# = m.resource# and p.profile# = 0 and p.resource# = u.resource# and u.type# = p.type# and p.type# = 0 and m.type# = 0 and s.resource$ = u.profile# and s.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS is 'Display resource limit of the user' / comment on column USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS.RESOURCE_NAME is 'Resource name' / comment on column USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS.LIMIT is 'Limit placed on this resource' / create or replace public synonym USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS for USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS / grant select on USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS (RESOURCE_NAME, LIMIT) as select, decode(u.limit#, 2147483647, decode(u.resource#, 4, 'NULL', 'UNLIMITED'), -1, 0, 0, decode(p.limit#, 2147483647, decode(p.resource#, 4, 'NULL', 'UNLIMITED'), -1, 0, decode(p.resource#, 4,, 1, trunc(p.limit#/86400, 4), 2, trunc(p.limit#/86400, 4), 5, trunc(p.limit#/86400, 4), 6, trunc(p.limit#/86400, 4), p.limit#)), decode(u.resource#, 4,, 1, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 2, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 5, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), 6, trunc(u.limit#/86400, 4), u.limit#)) from sys.profile$ u, sys.profile$ p, sys.obj$ uo, sys.obj$ po, sys.resource_map m, sys.user$ s where u.resource# = m.resource# and p.profile# = 0 and p.resource# = u.resource# and u.type# = p.type# and p.type# = 1 and m.type# = 1 and uo.obj#(+) = u.limit# and po.obj#(+) = p.limit# and s.resource$ = u.profile# and s.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS is 'Display password limits of the user' / comment on column USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS.RESOURCE_NAME is 'Resource name' / comment on column USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS.LIMIT is 'Limit placed on this resource' / create or replace public synonym USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS for USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS / grant select on USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS to PUBLIC with grant option / REM REM This view shows the resource cost of the system REM create or replace view RESOURCE_COST (RESOURCE_NAME, UNIT_COST) as select,c.cost from sys.resource_cost$ c, sys.resource_map m where c.resource# = m.resource# and m.type# = 0 and c.resource# in (2, 4, 7, 8) / comment on table RESOURCE_COST is 'Cost for each resource' / comment on column RESOURCE_COST.RESOURCE_NAME is 'Name of resource' / comment on column RESOURCE_COST.UNIT_COST is 'Cost for resource' / create or replace public synonym RESOURCE_COST for RESOURCE_COST / grant select on RESOURCE_COST to PUBLIC / remark remark FAMILY "USERS" remark Users enrolled in the database. remark create or replace view USER_USERS (USERNAME, USER_ID, ACCOUNT_STATUS, LOCK_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE, TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE, CREATED, INITIAL_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP, EXTERNAL_NAME) as select, u.user#, m.status, decode(u.astatus, 4, u.ltime, 5, u.ltime, 6, u.ltime, 8, u.ltime, 9, u.ltime, 10, u.ltime, to_date(NULL)), decode(u.astatus, 1, u.exptime, 2, u.exptime, 5, u.exptime, 6, u.exptime, 9, u.exptime, 10, u.exptime, decode(u.ptime, '', to_date(NULL), decode(p.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), decode(p.limit#, 0, decode(dp.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), u.ptime + dp.limit#/86400), u.ptime + p.limit#/86400)))),,, u.ctime, nvl(cgm.consumer_group, 'DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP'), u.ext_username from sys.user$ u left outer join sys.resource_group_mapping$ cgm on (cgm.attribute = 'ORACLE_USER' and cgm.status = 'ACTIVE' and cgm.value =, sys.ts$ dts, sys.ts$ tts, sys.user_astatus_map m, profile$ p, profile$ dp where u.datats# = dts.ts# and u.tempts# = tts.ts# and u.astatus = m.status# and u.type# = 1 and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and u.resource$ = p.profile# and dp.profile# = 0 and dp.type# = 1 and dp.resource# = 1 and p.type# = 1 and p.resource# = 1 / comment on table USER_USERS is 'Information about the current user' / comment on column USER_USERS.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_USERS.USER_ID is 'ID number of the user' / comment on column USER_USERS.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE is 'Default tablespace for data' / comment on column USER_USERS.TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE is 'Default tablespace for temporary tables' / comment on column USER_USERS.CREATED is 'User creation date' / comment on column USER_USERS.INITIAL_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP is 'User''s initial consumer group' / comment on column USER_USERS.EXTERNAL_NAME is 'User external name' / create or replace public synonym USER_USERS for USER_USERS / grant select on USER_USERS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_USERS (USERNAME, USER_ID, CREATED) as select, u.user#, u.ctime from sys.user$ u, sys.ts$ dts, sys.ts$ tts where u.datats# = dts.ts# and u.tempts# = tts.ts# and u.type# = 1 / comment on table ALL_USERS is 'Information about all users of the database' / comment on column ALL_USERS.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column ALL_USERS.USER_ID is 'ID number of the user' / comment on column ALL_USERS.CREATED is 'User creation date' / create or replace public synonym ALL_USERS for ALL_USERS / grant select on ALL_USERS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_USERS (USERNAME, USER_ID, PASSWORD, ACCOUNT_STATUS, LOCK_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE, DEFAULT_TABLESPACE, TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE, CREATED, PROFILE, INITIAL_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP,EXTERNAL_NAME,PASSWORD_VERSIONS, EDITIONS_ENABLED, AUTHENTICATION_TYPE) as select, u.user#, decode(u.password, 'GLOBAL', u.password, 'EXTERNAL', u.password, NULL), m.status, decode(u.astatus, 4, u.ltime, 5, u.ltime, 6, u.ltime, 8, u.ltime, 9, u.ltime, 10, u.ltime, to_date(NULL)), decode(u.astatus, 1, u.exptime, 2, u.exptime, 5, u.exptime, 6, u.exptime, 9, u.exptime, 10, u.exptime, decode(u.ptime, '', to_date(NULL), decode(pr.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), decode(pr.limit#, 0, decode(dp.limit#, 2147483647, to_date(NULL), u.ptime + dp.limit#/86400), u.ptime + pr.limit#/86400)))),,, u.ctime,, nvl(cgm.consumer_group, 'DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP'), u.ext_username, decode(length(u.password),16,'10G ',NULL)||NVL2(u.spare4, '11G ' ,NULL), decode(bitand(u.spare1, 16), 16, 'Y', 'N'), decode(u.password, 'GLOBAL', 'GLOBAL', 'EXTERNAL', 'EXTERNAL', 'PASSWORD') from sys.user$ u left outer join sys.resource_group_mapping$ cgm on (cgm.attribute = 'ORACLE_USER' and cgm.status = 'ACTIVE' and cgm.value =, sys.ts$ dts, sys.ts$ tts, sys.profname$ p, sys.user_astatus_map m, sys.profile$ pr, sys.profile$ dp where u.datats# = dts.ts# and u.resource$ = p.profile# and u.tempts# = tts.ts# and u.astatus = m.status# and u.type# = 1 and u.resource$ = pr.profile# and dp.profile# = 0 and dp.type#=1 and dp.resource#=1 and pr.type# = 1 and pr.resource# = 1 / create or replace public synonym DBA_USERS for DBA_USERS / grant select on DBA_USERS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_USERS is 'Information about all users of the database' / comment on column DBA_USERS.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column DBA_USERS.USER_ID is 'ID number of the user' / comment on column DBA_USERS.PASSWORD is 'Deprecated from 11.2 -- use AUTHENTICATION_TYPE instead' / comment on column DBA_USERS.DEFAULT_TABLESPACE is 'Default tablespace for data' / comment on column DBA_USERS.TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE is 'Default tablespace for temporary tables' / comment on column DBA_USERS.CREATED is 'User creation date' / comment on column DBA_USERS.PROFILE is 'User resource profile name' / comment on column DBA_USERS.INITIAL_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP is 'User''s initial consumer group' / comment on column DBA_USERS.EXTERNAL_NAME is 'User external name' / comment on column DBA_USERS.PASSWORD_VERSIONS is 'Versions of encrypted passwords' / comment on column DBA_USERS.EDITIONS_ENABLED is 'Whether editions are enabled for this user' / comment on column DBA_USERS.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE is 'Authentication mechanism for the user'