Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/cddst.sql /main/3 2009/07/28 03:06:39 huagli Exp $ Rem Rem cddst.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cddst.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates the data dictionary views for DST patching Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run while connectd as SYS or INTERNAL Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem huagli 07/16/09 - remove UPGRADE_ACTIVE column Rem awitkows 04/24/09 - improve performance of ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS Rem awitkows 03/27/08 - correct UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS Rem huagli 01/07/08 - Created Rem remark remark FAMILY "TSTZ_TAB_COLS" remark The columns that make up table objects, which are defined on TIMESTAMP remark WITH TIME ZONE data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of remark TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type remark create or replace view USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS (TABLE_NAME, QUALIFIED_COL_NAME) as with va_of_tstz_typ as (select distinct from ( select p_obj# obj# from sys.dependency$ start with p_obj# in ( select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.attribute$ a where o.oid$ = a.toid and a.attr_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' union all select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.collection$ c where o.oid$ = c.toid and c.elem_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' ) connect by prior d_obj# = p_obj# and bitand(prior property, 1) = 1 order siblings by d_obj#, p_obj# ) t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ c where t.obj# = o.obj# and o.oid$ = c.toid and bitand(c.flags, 8) = 8 ) select table_name, qualified_col_name from ( select utc.table_name, utc.qualified_col_name, data_type from user_tab_cols utc, user_all_tables uat where (data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE' or data_type in (select name from va_of_tstz_typ)) and utc.table_name = uat.table_name union all select table_name, qualified_col_name, data_type from user_nested_table_cols where data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE' or data_type in (select name from va_of_tstz_typ) ) / comment on table USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS is 'Columns of user''s tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.QUALIFIED_COL_NAME is 'Qualified column name' / create or replace public synonym USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS for USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS / grant select on USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS (owner, table_name, qualified_col_name, nested) as with rw (p_obj#, d_obj#, property) as ( select p_obj#, d_obj#, property from sys.dependency$ where p_obj# in ( select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.attribute$ a where o.oid$ = a.toid and a.attr_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' union all select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.collection$ c where o.oid$ = c.toid and c.elem_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' ) union all select d.p_obj#, d.d_obj#, from rw, sys.dependency$ d where rw.d_obj# = d.p_obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 ), va_of_tstz_typ (name) as ( select distinct from rw, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ c where rw.p_obj# = o.obj# and o.oid$ = c.toid and bitand(c.flags, 8) = 8 ), all_tstz_candiate_tab_cols (owner, table_name, table_property, table_nested, column_name, data_type, qualified_col_name) as ( select,,, case when bitand(, 8192) = 8192 then 1 else 0 end,, case when c.type# = 181 then 'TIMESTAMP(' ||c.scale|| ')' || ' WITH TIME ZONE' when c.type# in (58, 111, 121, 122, 123) then nvl2(ac.synobj#, (select from obj$ o where o.obj#=ac.synobj#), else 'UNDEFINED' end, decode(bitand(, 1024), 1024, (select decode(bitand(, 1), 1,, from sys.col$ cl, attrcol$ rc where cl.intcol# = c.intcol#-1 and cl.obj# = c.obj# and c.obj# = rc.obj#(+) and cl.intcol# = rc.intcol#(+)), decode(bitand(, 1), 0,, (select from sys.attrcol$ tc where c.obj# = tc.obj# and c.intcol# = tc.intcol#))) from sys.col$ c, sys."_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, sys.user$ u, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.obj$ ot,$ t where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.owner# = u.user# and c.obj# = ac.obj#(+) and c.intcol# = ac.intcol#(+) and ac.toid = ot.oid$(+) and ot.type#(+) = 13 and o.obj# = t.obj# and c.type# in (58, 111, 121, 122, 123, 181) ) select owner, table_name, qualified_col_name, table_nested from all_tstz_candiate_tab_cols where data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE' or data_type in (select name from va_of_tstz_typ) / comment on table ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS is 'Columns of user''s tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.OWNER is 'Owner of the table' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.QUALIFIED_COL_NAME is 'Qualified column name' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.NESTED is 'Nested table column?' / create or replace public synonym ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS for ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS / grant select on ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, QUALIFIED_COL_NAME) as with va_of_tstz_typ as (select distinct from ( select p_obj# obj# from sys.dependency$ start with p_obj# in ( select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.attribute$ a where o.oid$ = a.toid and a.attr_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' union all select distinct o.obj# from sys.obj$ o, sys.collection$ c where o.oid$ = c.toid and c.elem_toid = '0000000000000000000000000000003E' ) connect by prior d_obj# = p_obj# and bitand(prior property, 1) = 1 order siblings by d_obj#, p_obj# ) t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ c where t.obj# = o.obj# and o.oid$ = c.toid and bitand(c.flags, 8) = 8 ) select owner, table_name, qualified_col_name from ( select dtc.owner, dtc.table_name, dtc.qualified_col_name, data_type from dba_tab_cols dtc, dba_all_tables dat where (data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE' or data_type in (select name from va_of_tstz_typ)) and dtc.owner = dat.owner and dtc.table_name = dat.table_name union all select owner, table_name, qualified_col_name, data_type from dba_nested_table_cols where data_type like 'TIMESTAMP%WITH TIME ZONE' or data_type in (select name from va_of_tstz_typ) ) / comment on table DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS is 'Columns of all tables in the database, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.OWNER is 'Owner of the table' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS.QUALIFIED_COL_NAME is 'Qualified column name' / create or replace public synonym DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS for DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS / grant select on DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS to select_catalog_role / remark remark FAMILY "TSTZ_TABLES" remark Tables which are defined on TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type or remark ADT type containing attribute(s) of TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type remark create or replace view USER_TSTZ_TABLES (TABLE_NAME, UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS) as select distinct table_name, decode(bitand(, 137438953472), 137438953472, 'YES', 'NO') from user_tstz_tab_cols uttc, sys.obj$ o,$ t where uttc.table_name = and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = t.obj# / comment on table USER_TSTZ_TABLES is 'Description of the user''s own tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column USER_TSTZ_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_TSTZ_TABLES.UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS is 'Is table upgrade in progress?' / create or replace public synonym USER_TSTZ_TABLES for USER_TSTZ_TABLES / grant select on USER_TSTZ_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_TSTZ_TABLES (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS) as select /*+ leading(actt, o, u, t) */ attc.owner, attc.table_name, decode(bitand(, 137438953472), 137438953472, 'YES', 'NO') from (select distinct owner, table_name from all_tstz_tab_cols) attc, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ t where attc.table_name = and attc.owner = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# / comment on table ALL_TSTZ_TABLES is 'Description of tables accessible to the user, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the table' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_TSTZ_TABLES.UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS is 'Is table upgrade in progress?' / create or replace public synonym ALL_TSTZ_TABLES for ALL_TSTZ_TABLES / grant select on ALL_TSTZ_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TSTZ_TABLES (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS) as select distinct owner, table_name, decode(bitand(, 137438953472), 137438953472, 'YES', 'NO') from dba_tstz_tab_cols dttc, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$ t where dttc.table_name = and dttc.owner = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# / comment on table DBA_TSTZ_TABLES is 'Description of all tables in the database, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the table' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_TSTZ_TABLES.UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS is 'Is table upgrade in progress?' / create or replace public synonym DBA_TSTZ_TABLES for DBA_TSTZ_TABLES / grant select on DBA_TSTZ_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option /