Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catxdbz0.sql /main/9 2009/02/05 15:23:57 spetride Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbz0.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2005, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbz0.sql - xdb security initialization Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script registers all required system schemas before Rem initXDBSecurity() can be called. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem spetride 06/11/08 - 11.2 acl schema Rem thbaby 12/06/07 - set acl on schemas created pre-security Rem vkapoor 05/08/07 - bug 5769835 Rem sidicula 12/19/06 - Avoid xmltable in xds_acl view Rem bkhaladk 04/24/06 - add CSX xml.xsd and xmltr.xsd schema Rem petam 04/14/06 - fix xds_acl and xds_ace views Rem petam 04/07/06 - separate out the install of ResConfig Rem abagrawa 03/11/06 - Use acl.xsd in registerschema Rem thbaby 03/12/06 - csx fix - principal not transient Rem petam 02/08/06 - add ACL and ACE views Rem petam 12/07/05 - acl enhancement for fusion security Rem mrafiq 09/22/05 - merging changes for upgrade/downgrade Rem thoang 03/01/05 - Created Rem Rem Register ACL Schema -- Create directory for picking up schemas exec dbms_metadata_hack.cre_dir; -- Register the CSX xml.xsd declare XMLNSXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xmlcsx.xsd.11.0'); XMLNSURL VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; begin xdb.dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(XMLNSURL, XMLNSXSD, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'XDB', options=>DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / declare TRXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xmltr.xsd.11.0'); TRURL VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; begin xdb.dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(TRURL, TRXSD, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'XDB', options => DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / declare ACLXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('acl.xsd.11.2'); ACLURL VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; begin xdb.dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(ACLURL, ACLXSD, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'XDB', options => DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / -- Disable XRLS hierarchy priv check for xdb$acl and xdb$schema tables BEGIN xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy('XDB', 'XDB$ACL'); xdb.dbms_xdbz.disable_hierarchy('XDB', 'XDB$SCHEMA'); END; / -- INSERT bootstrap AND root acl's DECLARE b_abspath VARCHAR2(200); b_data VARCHAR2(2000); r_abspath VARCHAR2(200); r_data VARCHAR2(2000); o_abspath VARCHAR2(200); o_data VARCHAR2(2000); ro_abspath VARCHAR2(200); ro_data VARCHAR2(2000); retbool BOOLEAN; BEGIN b_abspath := '/sys/acls/bootstrap_acl.xml'; b_data := ' true dav:owner true XDBADMIN true PUBLIC '; r_abspath := '/sys/acls/all_all_acl.xml'; r_data := ' true PUBLIC '; o_abspath := '/sys/acls/all_owner_acl.xml'; o_data := ' true dav:owner '; ro_abspath := '/sys/acls/ro_all_acl.xml'; ro_data := ' true PUBLIC '; retbool := dbms_xdb.createresource(b_abspath, b_data); retbool := dbms_xdb.createresource(r_abspath, r_data); retbool := dbms_xdb.createresource(o_abspath, o_data); retbool := dbms_xdb.createresource(ro_abspath, ro_data); END; / declare tablename varchar2(2000); sqlstatement varchar2(2000); begin select e.xmldata.default_table into tablename from xdb.xdb$element e where = ( select ref(s) from xdb.xdb$schema s where s.xmldata.schema_url = '') and = 'acl'; tablename := 'xdb.' || '"' || tablename || '"'; sqlstatement := 'update xdb.xdb$resource r set r.xmldata.acloid = ( select e.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || tablename || ' e where extractvalue(e.object_value, ''/acl/@description'') like ''Protected%'')'; execute immediate sqlstatement; sqlstatement := 'update xdb.xdb$acl set acloid = ( select e.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || tablename || ' e where extractvalue(e.object_value, ''/acl/@description'') like ''Protected%'')'; execute immediate sqlstatement; sqlstatement := 'update xdb.xdb$schema set acloid = ( select e.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || tablename || ' e where extractvalue(e.object_value, ''/acl/@description'') like ''Protected%'')'; execute immediate sqlstatement; sqlstatement := 'update xdb.xdb$h_index set acl_id = ( select e.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || tablename || ' e where extractvalue(e.object_value, ''/acl/@description'') like ''Protected%'')'; execute immediate sqlstatement; sqlstatement := 'update xdb.xdb$h_link set child_acloid = ( select e.sys_nc_oid$ from ' || tablename || ' e where extractvalue(e.object_value, ''/acl/@description'') like ''Protected%'')'; execute immediate sqlstatement; end; / commit; -- Insert a row into xdbready to indicate ACLs are available insert into xdb.xdb$xdb_ready values (null); commit; create or replace view XDS_ACL (ACLID, SHARED, DESCRIPTION, SECURITY_CLASS_NS, SECURITY_CLASS_NAME, PARENT_ACL_PATH, INHERITANCE_TYPE) as select a.object_id, substr(extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/@shared', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/@description', 'xmlns=""'), xmlquery('declare namespace a=""; fn:namespace-uri-from-QName(fn:data(/a:acl/a:security-class))' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE returning content), xmlquery('declare namespace a=""; fn:local-name-from-QName(fn:data(/a:acl/a:security-class))' PASSING OBJECT_VALUE returning content), CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from/@href', 'xmlns=""') ELSE (CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with/@href', 'xmlns=""') ELSE NULL END) END, CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/extends-from', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'extends-from' ELSE (CASE existsNode(a.object_value, '/acl/constrained-with', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'constrained-with' ELSE NULL END) END FROM XDB.XDB$ACL a; create or replace public synonym XDS_ACL for XDS_ACL; grant select on XDS_ACL to PUBLIC; comment on table XDS_ACL is 'All ACLs that are visible to the current user in the database' / comment on column XDS_ACL.ACLID is 'The ACL ID of an ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SHARED is 'Whether this ACL is shared or not' / comment on column XDS_ACL.DESCRIPTION is 'The ACL description' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SECURITY_CLASS_NS is 'The namespace of the Security Class' / comment on column XDS_ACL.SECURITY_CLASS_NAME is 'The name of the Security Class' / comment on column XDS_ACL.PARENT_ACL_PATH is 'The path of its parent ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACL.INHERITANCE_TYPE is 'The inhertance type, i.e. constrained-with or extends-from' / create or replace view XDS_ACE (ACLID, START_DATE, END_DATE, IS_GRANT, INVERT, PRINCIPAL, PRIVILEGE) as select a.object_id, extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/@start_date', 'xmlns=""'), extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/@end_date', 'xmlns=""'), substr(extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/grant', 'xmlns=""'), 1, 5), CASE existsNode(value(b), '/ace/invert', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END, CASE existsNode(value(b), '/ace/invert', 'xmlns=""') WHEN 1 THEN extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/invert/principal', 'xmlns=""') ELSE extractvalue(value(b), '/ace/principal', 'xmlns=""') END, extract(value(b), '/ace/privilege', 'xmlns=""') from xdb.xdb$acl a, table(XMLSequence(extract(a.object_value, '/acl/ace'))) b; create or replace public synonym XDS_ACE for XDS_ACE; grant select on XDS_ACE to PUBLIC; comment on table XDS_ACE is 'All ACEs in ACLs that are visible to the current user in the database' / comment on column XDS_ACE.ACLID is 'The ACL ID of an ACL' / comment on column XDS_ACE.START_DATE is 'The start_date attribute of the ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.END_DATE is 'The end_date attribute of the ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.IS_GRANT is 'true if this is a grant ACE, false otherwise' / comment on column XDS_ACE.INVERT is 'true if this ACE contains invert principal, false otherwise' / comment on column XDS_ACE.PRINCIPAL is 'The principal in this ACE' / comment on column XDS_ACE.PRIVILEGE is 'The privileges in this ACE' / commit;