Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catxdbv.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/3 2011/05/20 09:12:32 spetride Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbv.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem spetride 05/11/11 - created catxdbvfexp.sql script for export views Rem spetride 02/07/11 - additional view for XML schemas export Rem spetride 04/26/10 - DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY: account for hidden sch Rem spetride 02/23/10 - add schemaoids to DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY Rem spetride 01/21/10 - add DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY Rem bhammers 04/08/09 - add OR to type in USER_XML_INDEXES Rem attran 03/03/09 - #(8313982) - ASYNC Rem sipatel 10/01/08 - #(7414934) - xdb@xtab* moved from sys to xdb Rem shvenugo 08/19/08 - enhance *_xml_indexes definition Rem bsthanik 07/12/07 - 6152793:dont access repos for schema internal Rem name Rem sichandr 11/22/06 - display ANYSCHEMA options Rem attran 10/18/06 - enhance the views **_xml_indexes Rem thbaby 08/12/06 - rename PATHS column to PARAMETERS Rem thbaby 06/15/06 - add async column to *_xml_indexes Rem hxzhang 06/08/06 - lrg#2262415, remove all select * from dba_errors Rem ataracha 01/26/06 - change user_xml_indexes to use xdb$dxpath alone Rem sichandr 05/07/06 - fix CSX info for SB tables Rem abagrawa 10/27/05 - Add XSLT for CSX schemas Rem abagrawa 10/24/05 - Add CSX cols to views Rem sichandr 08/11/05 - catalog view support Rem pnath 05/18/05 - add view for bug 4376605 Rem thbaby 01/20/05 - Add HIER_TYPE column to XXX_XML_SCHEMAS Rem sichandr 07/19/04 - add xmlindex catalog views Rem spannala 05/24/04 - upgrade might disable xdbhi_idx, rebuild it Rem najain 12/08/03 - add xml_schema_name_present Rem njalali 05/12/03 - added all_xml_schemas2 Rem amanikut 04/29/03 - 2917744 : include NSB cols/views in catalog views Rem amanikut 04/29/03 - bug 2917744 : include NSB XVs in USER_XML_VIEWS Rem njalali 03/26/03 - removing connect statement and recompiles Rem abagrawa 04/02/03 - Add comment to keep in sync Rem abagrawa 10/17/02 - Fix element name for element refs Rem njalali 08/13/02 - removing SET statements Rem ataracha 08/12/02 - compile KU$ views after catmetx Rem sichandr 02/25/02 - add int/qualified schema Rem sichandr 02/07/02 - fix hex conversions Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem spannala 01/08/02 - correcting name in comments Rem lbarton 01/09/02 - add catmetx.sql Rem nmontoya 12/12/01 - remove set echo on Rem mkrishna 11/01/01 - change xmldata to xmldata Rem sichandr 11/28/01 - catalog view fixes Rem mkrishna 09/26/01 - fix catxdbv Rem sichandr 09/05/01 - add xxx_XML_SCHEMAS and xxx_XML_VIEWS Rem mkrishna 08/02/01 - Merged mkrishna_bug-1753473 Rem mkrishna 07/29/01 - Created Rem create or replace force view DBA_XML_TABLES (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select,, null, null, null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on dba_xml_tables to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_tables for dba_xml_tables; comment on table DBA_XML_TABLES is 'Description of all XML tables in the database' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XML table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the XML table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column DBA_XML_TABLES.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view ALL_XML_TABLES (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select,, null, null, null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / grant select on all_xml_tables to public; create or replace public synonym all_xml_tables for all_xml_tables; comment on table ALL_XML_TABLES is 'Description of the all XMLType tables that the user has privileges on' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the table ' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table ' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column ALL_XML_TABLES.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view USER_XML_TABLES (TABLE_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select, null, null, null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and t.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on user_xml_tables to public; create or replace public synonym user_xml_tables for user_xml_tables; comment on table USER_XML_TABLES is 'Description of the user''s own XMLType tables' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the XMLType table' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column USER_XML_TABLES.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_TAB_COLS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, null, null, null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and != 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and != 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on dba_xml_tab_cols to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_tab_cols for dba_xml_tab_cols; comment on table DBA_XML_TAB_COLS is 'Description of all XML tables in the database' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XML table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the XML table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the XML table column' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column DBA_XML_TAB_COLS.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view ALL_XML_TAB_COLS (OWNER, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,,null,null,null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 and != 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and != 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / grant select on all_xml_tab_cols to public; create or replace public synonym all_xml_tab_cols for all_xml_tab_cols; comment on table ALL_XML_TAB_COLS is 'Description of the all XMLType tables that the user has privileges on' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.OWNER is 'Owner of the table ' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table ' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column ALL_XML_TAB_COLS.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view USER_XML_TAB_COLS (TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME, STORAGE_TYPE, ANYSCHEMA, NONSCHEMA) as select, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,,null, null, null, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and != 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,,, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 1 then 'OBJECT-RELATIONAL' when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then 'BINARY' else 'CLOB' end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,128) = 128 then 'YES' else 'NO' end else NULL end, case when bitand(opq.flags,69) = 68 then case when bitand(opq.flags,256) = 256 then 'NO' else 'YES' end else NULL end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq,$ t, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = t.obj# and t.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on user_xml_tab_cols to public; create or replace public synonym user_xml_tab_cols for user_xml_tab_cols; comment on table USER_XML_TAB_COLS is 'Description of the user''s own XMLType tables' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the XMLType table' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the table' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.STORAGE_TYPE is 'Type of storage option for the XMLtype data' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.ANYSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow ANYSCHEMA?' / comment on column USER_XML_TAB_COLS.NONSCHEMA is 'If storage is BINARY, does this column allow NONSCHEMA?' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_VIEWS (OWNER, VIEW_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select,, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 2 and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on dba_xml_views to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_views for dba_xml_views; comment on table DBA_XML_VIEWS is 'Description of all XML views in the database' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEWS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XML view' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEWS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the XML view' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEWS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEWS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEWS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / create or replace force view ALL_XML_VIEWS (OWNER, VIEW_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select,, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) union all select,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / grant select on all_xml_views to public; create or replace public synonym all_xml_views for all_xml_views; comment on table ALL_XML_VIEWS is 'Description of the all XMLType views that the user has privileges on' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the view ' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEWS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the view ' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEWS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEWS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEWS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / create or replace force view USER_XML_VIEWS (VIEW_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and = 'SYS_NC_ROWINFO$' and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on user_xml_views to public; create or replace public synonym user_xml_views for user_xml_views; comment on table USER_XML_VIEWS is 'Description of the user''s own XMLType views' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEWS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the XMLType view' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEWS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEWS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEWS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS (OWNER, VIEW_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on dba_xml_view_cols to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_view_cols for dba_xml_view_cols; comment on table DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS is 'Description of all XML views in the database' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XML view' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the XML view' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of the XML view column' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / create or replace force view ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS (OWNER, VIEW_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY VIEWLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY VIEWLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY VIEWLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY VIEWLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY VIEWLE */) ) ) union all select,, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY VIEWLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY VIEWLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY VIEWLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY VIEWLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY VIEWLE */) ) ) / grant select on all_xml_view_cols to public; create or replace public synonym all_xml_view_cols for all_xml_view_cols; comment on table ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS is 'Description of the all XMLType views that the user has privileges on' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS.OWNER is 'Owner of the view ' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the view ' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / create or replace force view USER_XML_VIEW_COLS (VIEW_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, XMLSCHEMA, SCHEMA_OWNER, ELEMENT_NAME) as select, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, null, null, null from sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and bitand(opq.flags,2) = 0 union all select, decode(bitand(, 1), 1,,, schm.xmldata.schema_url, schm.xmldata.schema_owner, decode(, null,, from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm, sys.opqtype$ opq, sys.view$ v, sys.obj$ o, sys.coltype$ ac, sys.col$ tc, sys.attrcol$ attr where o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = v.obj# and bitand(, 1) = 1 and v.obj# = tc.obj# and tc.obj# = ac.obj# and tc.intcol# = ac.intcol# and ac.toid = '00000000000000000000000000020100' and tc.intcol# = opq.intcol# and tc.obj# = opq.obj# and tc.obj# = attr.obj#(+) and tc.intcol# = attr.intcol#(+) and opq.schemaoid = schm.sys_nc_oid$ and ref(schm) = and opq.elemnum = / grant select on user_xml_view_cols to public; create or replace public synonym user_xml_view_cols for user_xml_view_cols; comment on table USER_XML_VIEW_COLS is 'Description of the user''s own XMLType views' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEW_COLS.VIEW_NAME is 'Name of the XMLType view' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEW_COLS.XMLSCHEMA is 'Name of the XMLSchema that is used for the view definition' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEW_COLS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Name of the owner of the XMLSchema used for table definition' / comment on column USER_XML_VIEW_COLS.ELEMENT_NAME is 'Name XMLSChema element that is used for the view' / Rem DBA_XML_SCHEMAS Rem This view presents a listing of all XML Schemas registered Rem in the system. create or replace force view DBA_XML_SCHEMAS (OWNER, SCHEMA_URL, LOCAL, SCHEMA, INT_OBJNAME, QUAL_SCHEMA_URL, HIER_TYPE, BINARY, SCHEMA_ID, HIDDEN) as select s.xmldata.schema_owner, s.xmldata.schema_url, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then 'NO' else 'YES' end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then xdb.dbms_csx_int.GetCSXSchema(xmltype(value(s).getclobval())) else value(s) end, xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then s.xmldata.schema_url else '' || s.xmldata.schema_owner || '/' || case when substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 1, 7) = 'http://' then substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 8) else s.xmldata.schema_url end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 128) = 128 then 'NONE' else case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 64) = 64 then 'RESMETADATA' else 'CONTENTS' end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, s.sys_nc_oid$, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 32768) = 32768 then 'YES' else 'NO' end from xdb.xdb$schema s / grant select on dba_xml_schemas to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_schemas for dba_xml_schemas; comment on table DBA_XML_SCHEMAS is 'Description of all the XML Schemas registered' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.LOCAL is 'Is this XML Schema local or global' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA is 'The XML Schema document' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.INT_OBJNAME is 'The internal database object name for the schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.QUAL_SCHEMA_URL is 'The fully qualified schema URL' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.HIER_TYPE is 'The type of hierarchy for which the schema is enabled' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.BINARY is 'Is this XML Schema registered for binary encoding usage?' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_ID is '16 byte opaque schema identifier' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMAS.HIDDEN is 'Has this XML Schema been deleted in hidden mode?' / Rem NOTE: Make sure that ALL_XML_SCHEMAS AND ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2 Rem are kept in sync with catxdbdv.sql Rem ALL_XML_SCHEMAS Rem Lists all schemas that user has permission to see. This should Rem be the ones owned by the user plus the global ones. Note that we Rem do not have the concept of "schema/user" qualified names so we Rem don't need to include schemas owned by others that this user Rem has permission to read (because anyway they can't be used) create or replace force view ALL_XML_SCHEMAS (OWNER, SCHEMA_URL, LOCAL, SCHEMA, INT_OBJNAME, QUAL_SCHEMA_URL, HIER_TYPE, BINARY, SCHEMA_ID, HIDDEN) as select, s.xmldata.schema_url, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then 'NO' else 'YES' end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then xdb.dbms_csx_int.GetCSXSchema(xmltype(value(s).getclobval())) else value(s) end, xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then s.xmldata.schema_url else '' || s.xmldata.schema_owner || '/' || case when substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 1, 7) = 'http://' then substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 8) else s.xmldata.schema_url end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 128) = 128 then 'NONE' else case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 64) = 64 then 'RESMETADATA' else 'CONTENTS' end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, s.sys_nc_oid$, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 32768) = 32768 then 'YES' else 'NO' end from user$ u, xdb.xdb$schema s where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and = s.xmldata.schema_owner union all select s.xmldata.schema_owner, s.xmldata.schema_url, 'NO', value(s), xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), s.xmldata.schema_url, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 128) = 128 then 'NONE' else case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 64) = 64 then 'RESMETADATA' else 'CONTENTS' end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, s.sys_nc_oid$, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 32768) = 32768 then 'YES' else 'NO' end from xdb.xdb$schema s where bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 and s.xmldata.schema_url not in (select s2.xmldata.schema_url from xdb.xdb$schema s2, user$ u2 where u2.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and = s.xmldata.schema_owner) / grant select on all_xml_schemas to public with grant option; create or replace public synonym all_xml_schemas for all_xml_schemas; comment on table ALL_XML_SCHEMAS is 'Description of all XML Schemas that user has privilege to reference' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.LOCAL is 'Is this XML Schema local or global' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA is 'The XML Schema document' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.INT_OBJNAME is 'The internal database object name for the schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.QUAL_SCHEMA_URL is 'The fully qualified schema URL' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.HIER_TYPE is 'The type of hierarchy for which the schema is enabled' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.BINARY is 'Is this XML Schema registered for binary encoding usage?' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_ID is '16 byte opaque schema identifier' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS.HIDDEN is 'Has this XML Schema been deleted in hidden mode?' / Rem ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2 Rem Since XMLTYPE may not be present at the stage when catalog.sql runs Rem this file, we need a version of ALL_XML_SCHEMAS that ALL_OBJECTS Rem can depend on that doesn't include XMLTYPE. This way, ALL_OBJECTS Rem won't be invalidated when we redefine the real ALL_XML_SCHEMAS from Rem dbmsxmlt.sql. create or replace force view ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2 (OWNER, SCHEMA_URL, LOCAL, INT_OBJNAME, QUAL_SCHEMA_URL) as select, s.xmldata.schema_url, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then 'NO' else 'YES' end, xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then s.xmldata.schema_url else '' || s.xmldata.schema_owner || '/' || case when substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 1, 7) = 'http://' then substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 8) else s.xmldata.schema_url end end from user$ u, xdb.xdb$schema s where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and = s.xmldata.schema_owner union all select s.xmldata.schema_owner, s.xmldata.schema_url, 'NO', xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), s.xmldata.schema_url from xdb.xdb$schema s where bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 and s.xmldata.schema_url not in (select s2.xmldata.schema_url from xdb.xdb$schema s2, user$ u2 where u2.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and = s.xmldata.schema_owner) / grant select on all_xml_schemas2 to public with grant option; create or replace public synonym all_xml_schemas2 for all_xml_schemas2; comment on table ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2 is 'Dummy version of ALL_XML_SCHEMAS that does not have an XMLTYPE column' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2.OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2.LOCAL is 'Is this XML Schema local or global' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2.INT_OBJNAME is 'The internal database object name for the schema' / comment on column ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2.QUAL_SCHEMA_URL is 'The fully qualified schema URL' / Rem ALL_OBJECTS depends on xml_schema_name_present. Recreate the package Rem body, nothing will get invalidated create or replace package body xml_schema_name_present as function is_schema_present(objname in varchar2, userno in number) return number as sel_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); tmp_num NUMBER; BEGIN sel_stmt := ' select count(*) ' || ' from user$ u, xdb.xdb$schema s ' || ' where u.user# = :1 ' || ' and = s.xmldata.schema_owner ' || ' and (xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id) = :2)'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sel_stmt INTO tmp_num USING userno, objname; /* schema found */ IF (tmp_num > 0) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; sel_stmt := ' select count(*) '|| ' from xdb.xdb$schema s ' || ' where bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, ''xxxxxxxx''), 16) = 16 ' || ' and xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id) = :1 ' || ' and s.xmldata.schema_url ' || ' not in (select s2.xmldata.schema_url ' || ' from xdb.xdb$schema s2, user$ u2 ' || ' where u2.user# = :2 ' || ' and = s.xmldata.schema_owner) '; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sel_stmt INTO tmp_num USING objname, userno; /* schema found */ IF (tmp_num > 0) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; RETURN 0; END; end xml_schema_name_present; / Rem USER_XML_SCHEMAS Rem List of all XML Schemas owned by the current user create or replace force view USER_XML_SCHEMAS (SCHEMA_URL, LOCAL, SCHEMA, INT_OBJNAME, QUAL_SCHEMA_URL, HIER_TYPE, BINARY, SCHEMA_ID, HIDDEN) as select s.xmldata.schema_url, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then 'NO' else 'YES' end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then xdb.dbms_csx_int.GetCSXSchema(xmltype(value(s).getclobval())) else value(s) end, xdb.dbms_xmlschema_int.xdb$Oid2IntName(s.object_id), case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16) = 16 then s.xmldata.schema_url else '' || s.xmldata.schema_owner || '/' || case when substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 1, 7) = 'http://' then substr(s.xmldata.schema_url, 8) else s.xmldata.schema_url end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 128) = 128 then 'NONE' else case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags, 'xxxxxxxx'), 64) = 64 then 'RESMETADATA' else 'CONTENTS' end end, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 16384) = 16384 then 'YES' else 'NO' end, s.sys_nc_oid$, case when bitand(to_number(s.xmldata.flags,'xxxxxxxx'), 32768) = 32768 then 'YES' else 'NO' end from user$ u, xdb.xdb$schema s where = s.xmldata.schema_owner and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / grant select on user_xml_schemas to public with grant option; create or replace public synonym user_xml_schemas for user_xml_schemas; comment on table USER_XML_SCHEMAS is 'Description of XML Schemas registered by the user' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.LOCAL is 'Is this XML Schema local or global' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA is 'The XML Schema document' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.INT_OBJNAME is 'The internal database object name for the schema' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.QUAL_SCHEMA_URL is 'The fully qualified schema URL' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.HIER_TYPE is 'The type of hierarchy for which the schema is enabled' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.BINARY is 'Is this XML Schema registered for binary encoding usage?' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.SCHEMA_ID is '16 byte opaque schema identifier' / comment on column USER_XML_SCHEMAS.HIDDEN is 'Has this XML Schema been deleted in hidden mode?' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_INDEXES (INDEX_OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TYPE, INDEX_TYPE, PATH_TABLE_NAME, PARAMETERS, ASYNC, STALE, PEND_TABLE_NAME,EX_or_INCLUDE) as select INDEX_OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 536870912)=536870912 then 'REPOSITORY' when bitand(p.flags, 4096)=4096 then 'BINARY' when bitand(p.flags, 8192)=8192 then 'CLOB in OR' when bitand(p.flags, 16384)=16384 then 'CLOB' else '????' end TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags , 268435456 ) != 268435456 then 'STRUCTURED' when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) = 268435456 and exists (select xt.idxobj# from xdb.xdb$xtab xt where xt.idxobj# = p.idxobj#) then 'STRUCTURED and UNSTRUCTURED' else 'UNSTRUCTURED' end INDEX_TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) != 268435456 then '' else end PATH_TABLE_NAME, p.parameters PARAMETERS, case when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=6291456 then 'ON-COMMIT' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=10485760 then 'MANUAL' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=18874368 then 'EVERY' else 'ALWAYS' end ASYNC, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end STALE, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then (select from sys.obj$ op where op.obj# = p.pendtabobj#) else '' end PEND_TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 32)=32 then 'INCLUDE' when bitand(p.flags, 128)=128 then 'EXCLUDE' else 'FULLY IX' end EX_or_INCLUDE from xdb.xdb$dxptab p, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ bo, sys.user$ bu, sys.ind$ i where oi.owner# = u.user# and oi.obj# = p.idxobj# and p.pathtabobj# = ot.obj# and i.obj# = oi.obj# and = bo.obj# and bo.owner# = bu.user# / show errors; grant select on dba_xml_indexes to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym dba_xml_indexes for dba_xml_indexes; comment on table DBA_XML_INDEXES is 'Description of all XML indexes in the database' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_OWNER is 'Username of the owner of the XML index' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_NAME is 'Name of the XML index' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Username of the owner of the indexed object' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the indexed object' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.PATH_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PATH TABLE' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.PARAMETERS is 'Structured index groups, path subsetting xpaths and scheduler job information' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.ASYNC is 'Asynchronous index type' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.STALE is 'Stale index type' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.PEND_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PENDING TABLE' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.TYPE is 'Type of indexed column (CLOB, CSX, CLOB_IN_OR, REPOSITORY)' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.EX_or_INCLUDE is 'Path Subsetting (Include or Exclude)' / comment on column DBA_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_TYPE is 'Index Type (Structured, Unstructured or both)' / create or replace force view ALL_XML_INDEXES (INDEX_OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TYPE, INDEX_TYPE, PATH_TABLE_NAME,PARAMETERS, ASYNC, STALE, PEND_TABLE_NAME, EX_or_INCLUDE) as select INDEX_OWNER, INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 536870912)=536870912 then 'REPOSITORY' when bitand(p.flags, 4096)=4096 then 'BINARY' when bitand(p.flags, 8192)=8192 then 'CLOB in OR' when bitand(p.flags, 16384)=16384 then 'CLOB' else '????' end TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags , 268435456 ) != 268435456 then 'STRUCTURED' when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) = 268435456 and exists (select xt.idxobj# from xdb.xdb$xtab xt where xt.idxobj# = p.idxobj#) then 'STRUCTURED and UNSTRUCTURED' else 'UNSTRUCTURED' end INDEX_TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) != 268435456 then '' else end PATH_TABLE_NAME, p.parameters PARAMETERS, case when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=6291456 then 'ON-COMMIT' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=10485760 then 'MANUAL' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=18874368 then 'EVERY' else 'ALWAYS' end ASYNC, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end STALE, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then (select from sys.obj$ op where op.obj# = p.pendtabobj#) else '' end PEND_TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 32)=32 then 'INCLUDE' when bitand(p.flags, 128)=128 then 'EXCLUDE' else 'FULLY IX' end EX_or_INCLUDE from xdb.xdb$dxptab p, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.user$ u, sys.user$ bu, sys.obj$ bo, sys.ind$ i where oi.owner# = u.user# and oi.obj# = p.idxobj# and p.pathtabobj# = ot.obj# and i.obj# = oi.obj# and = bo.obj# and bo.owner# = bu.user# and (u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or oi.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */))) / show errors; grant select on all_xml_indexes to public; create or replace public synonym all_xml_indexes for all_xml_indexes; comment on table ALL_XML_INDEXES is 'Description of the all XMLType indexes that the user has privileges on' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_OWNER is 'Username of the owner of the XML index' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_NAME is 'Name of the XML index' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Username of the owner of the indexed object' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the indexed object' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.PATH_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PATH TABLE' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.PARAMETERS is 'Structured index groups, path subsetting xpaths and scheduler job information' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.ASYNC is 'Asynchronous index type' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.STALE is 'Stale index type' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.PEND_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PENDING TABLE' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.TYPE is 'Type of indexed column (CLOB, CSX, CLOB_IN_OR, REPOSITORY)' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.EX_or_INCLUDE is 'Path Subsetting (Include or Exclude)' / comment on column ALL_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_TYPE is 'Index Type (Structured, Unstructured or both)' / create or replace force view USER_XML_INDEXES (INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TYPE, INDEX_TYPE, PATH_TABLE_NAME, PARAMETERS, ASYNC, STALE, PEND_TABLE_NAME, EX_or_INCLUDE) as select INDEX_NAME, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 536870912)=536870912 then 'REPOSITORY' when bitand(p.flags, 4096)=4096 then 'BINARY' when bitand(p.flags, 8192)=8192 then 'CLOB in OR' when bitand(p.flags, 16384)=16384 then 'CLOB' else 'OR' end TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags , 268435456 ) != 268435456 then 'STRUCTURED' when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) = 268435456 and exists (select xt.idxobj# from xdb.xdb$xtab xt where xt.idxobj# = p.idxobj#) then 'STRUCTURED and UNSTRUCTURED' else 'UNSTRUCTURED' end INDEX_TYPE, case when bitand(p.flags, 268435456 ) != 268435456 then '' else end PATH_TABLE_NAME, p.parameters PARAMETERS, case when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=6291456 then 'ON-COMMIT' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=10485760 then 'MANUAL' when bitand(p.flags, 65011712)=18874368 then 'EVERY' else 'ALWAYS' end ASYNC, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end STALE, case when bitand(p.flags, 2097152)=2097152 then (select from sys.obj$ op where op.obj# = p.pendtabobj#) else '' end PEND_TABLE_NAME, case when bitand(p.flags, 32)=32 then 'INCLUDE' when bitand(p.flags, 128)=128 then 'EXCLUDE' else 'FULLY IX' end EX_or_INCLUDE from xdb.xdb$dxptab p, sys.obj$ ot, sys.obj$ oi, sys.user$ u, sys.user$ bu, sys.obj$ bo, sys.ind$ i where oi.owner# = u.user# and oi.obj# = p.idxobj# and p.pathtabobj# = ot.obj# and i.obj# = oi.obj# and = bo.obj# and bo.owner# = bu.user# and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / show errors; grant select on user_xml_indexes to public; create or replace public synonym user_xml_indexes for user_xml_indexes; comment on table USER_XML_INDEXES is 'Description of the user''s own XMLType indexes' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_NAME is 'Name of the XML index' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Username of the owner of the indexed object' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the indexed object' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.PATH_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PATH TABLE' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.PARAMETERS is 'Structured index groups, path subsetting xpaths and scheduler job information' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.ASYNC is 'Asynchronous index type' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.STALE is 'Stale index type' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.PEND_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the PENDING TABLE' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.TYPE is 'Type of indexed column (CLOB, CSX, CLOB_IN_OR, REPOSITORY)' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.EX_or_INCLUDE is 'Path Subsetting (Include or Exclude)' / comment on column USER_XML_INDEXES.INDEX_TYPE is 'Index Type (Structured, Unstructured or both)' / Rem Bug fix 4376605, create a view owned by SYS which queries the Rem dictionary tables, and exposes only necessary columns to Rem qmxdpGetColName in qmxdp.c. create or replace force view USER_XML_COLUMN_NAMES (SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, OBJECT_COLUMN_NAME, EXTERNAL_COLUMN_NAME) as select,,, (select name from sys.col$ c where c.obj# = o.obj# and c.intcol# = p.objcol), (select name from sys.col$ c where c.obj# = o.obj# and c.intcol# = p.extracol) from sys.opqtype$ p, sys.col$ c, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where u.user# = o.owner# and o.type# = 2 and c.obj# = o.obj# and p.intcol# = c.intcol# and p.obj# = o.obj# and (u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */))) / grant select on USER_XML_COLUMN_NAMES to public; create or replace public synonym USER_XML_COLUMN_NAMES for USER_XML_COLUMN_NAMES; Rem XMLSchema dependencies on included or imported schemas; needed for Data Pump create or replace force view DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS (SCHEMA_URL, SCHEMA_OWNER, SCHEMA_OID, DEP_SCHEMA_URL, DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER, DEP_SCHEMA_OID) as select distinct x.xmldata.schema_url, x.xmldata.schema_owner, x.sys_nc_oid$, xt.schema_location, xd.owner, xd.schema_id from xdb.xdb$schema x, table(x.xmldata.imports) xt, dba_xml_schemas xd, dba_xml_schemas xd2 where (not (x.xmldata.schema_owner ='SYS')) and (x.xmldata.imports is not null) and (xd2.schema_id = x.sys_nc_oid$) and (xd2.hidden = xd.hidden) and ( /* included schema owned by same user as schema */ ((xd.schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.owner = x.xmldata.schema_owner)) or /* included schema is not owned by same user as schema */ /* so must be global */ (not exists (select * from dba_xml_schemas where owner = x.xmldata.schema_owner and schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.local = 'NO')) ); show errors; grant select on DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS for DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS; comment on table DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS is 'Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on imported XML schemas' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.DEP_SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the imported XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the imported XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS.DEP_SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the imported XML Schema' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES (SCHEMA_URL, SCHEMA_OWNER, SCHEMA_OID, DEP_SCHEMA_URL, DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER, DEP_SCHEMA_OID) as select distinct x.xmldata.schema_url, x.xmldata.schema_owner, x.sys_nc_oid$, xt.schema_location, xd.owner, xd.schema_id from xdb.xdb$schema x, table(x.xmldata.includes) xt, dba_xml_schemas xd, dba_xml_schemas xd2 where (not (x.xmldata.schema_owner ='SYS')) and (x.xmldata.includes is not null) and (xd2.schema_id = x.sys_nc_oid$) and (xd2.hidden = xd.hidden) and ( /* included schema owned by same user as schema */ ((xd.schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.owner = x.xmldata.schema_owner)) or /* included schema is not owned by same user as schema */ /* so must be global */ (not exists (select * from dba_xml_schemas where owner = x.xmldata.schema_owner and schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.schema_url = xt.schema_location) and (xd.local = 'NO')) ); show errors; grant select on DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES for DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES; comment on table DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES is 'Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on included XML schemas' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.DEP_SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the included XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the included XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES.DEP_SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the included XML Schema' / create or replace force view DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY(SCHEMA_URL, SCHEMA_OWNER, SCHEMA_OID, DEP_SCHEMA_URL, DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER, DEP_SCHEMA_OID) as select distinct SCHEMA_URL, SCHEMA_OWNER, SCHEMA_OID, DEP_SCHEMA_URL, DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER, DEP_SCHEMA_OID from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS union select distinct SCHEMA_URL, SCHEMA_OWNER, SCHEMA_OID, DEP_SCHEMA_URL, DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER, DEP_SCHEMA_OID from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES; show errors; grant select on DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY to select_catalog_role; create or replace public synonym DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY for DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY; comment on table DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY is 'Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on imported and included XML schemas' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.DEP_SCHEMA_URL is 'Schema URL of the dependent (include or imported) XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.DEP_SCHEMA_OWNER is 'Owner of the dependent (include or imported) XML Schema' / comment on column DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY.DEP_SCHEMA_OID is 'Oid of the dependent XML Schema' / -- view for xmlschemas dependencies create or replace view DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP (schema_url, schema_owner, schema_oid, lvl, IN_CYCLE ) as select schema_url, schema_owner, schema_oid, max(level)+1, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY connect by NOCYCLE prior schema_url = dep_schema_url and prior schema_owner = dep_schema_owner and prior schema_oid = dep_schema_oid group by schema_url, schema_owner, schema_oid, CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE union select x.xmldata.schema_url, x.xmldata.schema_owner, x.sys_nc_oid$, 1, 0 from xdb.xdb$schema x where x.xmldata.includes is NULL and x.xmldata.imports is NULL / show errors; grant select on DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP to select_catalog_role; -- we need this view as the view above returns actually two rows for cyclic schemas, -- one for the level at which the cycle was detected and with connect_by_iscycle set to 0, -- and one with the level incremented by 1 and connect_by_iscycle set to 1 create or replace view DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW (schema_url, schema_owner, schema_oid, lvl) as select l.schema_url, l.schema_owner, l.schema_oid, l.lvl from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP l where not exists (select 1 from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP where schema_url = l.schema_url and schema_owner = l.schema_owner and schema_oid = l.schema_oid and in_cycle=1) union select l.schema_url, l.schema_owner, l.schema_oid, 0 from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP l where exists (select 1 from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP where schema_url = l.schema_url and schema_owner = l.schema_owner and schema_oid = l.schema_oid and in_cycle=1) / show errors; -- the xmlschema_level_view is required for sys.ku$_xmlschema_view, which -- allows select to PUBLIC; follow the same model and grant select to PUBLIC grant select on DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW to public / create or replace public synonym DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW for DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW; Rem Upgrade Might disbale xdbhi_idx, rebuild it alter package xdb.xdb_funcimpl compile; alter index xdb.xdbhi_idx rebuild; rem rem create views for XDB export rem @@catxdbvfexp.sql rem rem create metadata API views rem @@catmetx.sql