Rem Rem $Header: catxdbr.sql 17-aug-2007.14:07:15 smalde Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbr.sql - XDB Resource View related schema objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script creates the views, packages, index types, operators and Rem indexes required for providing SQL access to resource data. Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script should be run as "XDB". Rem Rem TODO: Support ACLs in functional implementation of prim oper Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem smalde 08/17/07 - Bug 6344412: Change 9999 to 8888 Rem fge 11/01/04 - move implementation to prvtxdr0.sql Rem spannala 05/19/04 - make sure the types and indexes are valid Rem fge 07/28/03 - add resid to resource_view Rem spannala 07/29/03 - change xdbhi_idxtyp creation Rem njalali 07/31/03 - recompiling xdb.xdbhi_im type after drop type Rem najain 07/29/03 - add ODCIIndexAlter for xdbhi_idx Rem fge 05/19/03 - move stats initialization to catxdbeo.sql Rem fge 03/05/03 - support xdb repository view cost model Rem mkrishna 02/17/03 - make prvt invokers rights Rem fge 01/16/03 - add WITH CURRENT_USER to xdbhi_idxtyp creation Rem fge 09/27/02 - forward merge fix of bug 2540212 from Rem fge 09/18/02 - add authid current_user to xdbhi_im/xdb_funcimpl Rem fge 09/04/02 - optimize path_view Rem varora 08/26/02 - change scanctx in xdbhi_im to raw 8 Rem njalali 07/31/02 - undo resid change Rem fge 07/09/02 - add resid to resource_view Rem fge 05/21/02 - add ancillary operator abspath Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem fge 01/21/02 - move implementation to prvtxdbr.sql Rem sichandr 01/17/02 - grant execute on xdb.path_array Rem ayoaz 01/10/02 - specify without dml option for xdbhi_idxtyp Rem spannala 12/27/01 - xdb setup should run as sys Rem spannala 01/11/02 - making all systems types have standard TOIDs Rem spannala 12/13/01 - removing connect Rem nagarwal 11/05/01 - grant DML privileges to resource view Rem nagarwal 11/08/01 - invoke prvtxdbpi Rem tsingh 11/17/01 - remove connection string Rem vnimani 10/01/01 - add contentschemais function Rem nle 09/20/01 - move versioning package Rem nagarwal 09/12/01 - add catxdbvr.sql Rem nagarwal 09/08/01 - add PATH VIEW definition Rem nagarwal 09/05/01 - privileges fix Rem nagarwal 08/29/01 - add support for ALL_PATH operator Rem nagarwal 08/22/01 - functional implementation for EQUALS_PATH operator Rem nagarwal 08/14/01 - grant priv on indextype Rem nagarwal 08/03/01 - add without column data to indextype Rem nagarwal 07/26/01 - changes wrt resource->xmltype Rem tsingh 06/30/01 - XDB: XML Database merge Rem nagarwal 05/20/01 - overload operators Rem nagarwal 04/30/01 - Support for DML on resource view Rem nagarwal 04/24/01 - Add functional implementation for operators Rem nagarwal 04/15/01 - Add start, fetch, close routines for ext idx Rem nagarwal 04/03/01 - Created Rem /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OPERATORS and INDEXTYPES */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -- primary operator create operator xdb.under_path binding (sys.xmltype, number, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context xdb.xdbhi_im compute ancillary data without column data using XDB.XDB_FUNCIMPL.under_path_func, (sys.xmltype, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context xdb.xdbhi_im compute ancillary data without column data using XDB.XDB_FUNCIMPL.under_path_func1; create operator xdb.equals_path binding (sys.xmltype, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context xdb.xdbhi_im compute ancillary data without column data using XDB.XDB_FUNCIMPL.equal_path_func; grant execute on xdb.under_path to public; grant execute on xdb.equals_path to public; create or replace public synonym under_path for xdb.under_path; create or replace public synonym equals_path for xdb.equals_path; -- ancillary operators create operator xdb.path binding (number) return varchar2 ancillary to xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, number, varchar2), xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2) without column data using xdb.xdb_ancop.path_func; create operator xdb.depth binding (number) return number ancillary to xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2), xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, number, varchar2) using xdb.xdb_ancop.depth_func; create operator xdb.abspath binding (number) return varchar2 ancillary to xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, number, varchar2), xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2) without column data using xdb.xdb_ancop.abspath_func; grant execute on xdb.path to public; create or replace public synonym path for xdb.path; grant execute on xdb.depth to public; create or replace public synonym depth for xdb.depth; grant execute on xdb.abspath to public; create or replace public synonym abspath for xdb.abspath; -- indextype create or replace indextype xdb.xdbhi_idxtyp for xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, number, varchar2), xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2), xdb.equals_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2) using xdb.xdbhi_im without dml with current_user; -- using xdb.xdbhi_im without column data; grant execute on xdb.xdbhi_idxtyp to public; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* INDEXES */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create index xdb.xdbhi_idx on xdb.xdb$resource p (value(p)) indextype is xdb.xdbhi_idxtyp; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* VIEWS */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace view xdb.resource_view as select value(p) res, abspath(8888) any_path, sys_nc_oid$ resid from xdb.xdb$resource p where under_path(value(p), '/', 8888) = 1 ; show errors; create or replace public synonym resource_view for xdb.resource_view; grant select on xdb.resource_view to public ; grant insert on xdb.resource_view to public; grant delete on xdb.resource_view to public; grant update on xdb.resource_view to public;