Rem Rem $Header: catxdbpv.sql 02-jun-2006.10:52:28 rmurthy Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbpv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbpv.sql - XDB Path View related Schema Objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This scripts contains the types, packages, views and triggers rem required for the Path View Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script should be run as "XDB" Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rmurthy 05/22/06 - remove extractvalue from path view Rem rmurthy 01/17/05 - add symbolic links Rem rmurthy 01/10/05 - add link type to path view Rem fge 07/28/03 - add resid tp path_view Rem athusoo 06/19/03 - Adding alias to resource_view query Rem fge 05/19/03 - move stats initialization to catxdbeo.sql Rem fge 05/07/03 - add stats schema registration Rem mkrishna 02/20/03 - invokers rights for path view Rem fge 09/05/02 - Rem fge 09/04/02 - optimize path_view Rem njalali 07/31/02 - undo resid change Rem fge 07/09/02 - add resid to path_view Rem fge 02/04/02 - redefine path_view Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem sichandr 01/31/02 - fix path view query to use link name Rem sichandr 01/18/02 - fix path_view definition Rem spannala 12/27/01 - setup should be run as SYS Rem spannala 12/13/01 - removin set echo on Rem nagarwal 11/15/01 - cast the path view def Rem nagarwal 11/05/01 - move path view schema to catxdbstd Rem nagarwal 10/31/01 - fix path view type definition Rem nagarwal 10/29/01 - grant privileges to path view Rem mkrishna 11/01/01 - change xmldata to xmldata Rem nagarwal 09/18/01 - Merged nagarwal_xdb_path_view Rem nagarwal 09/13/01 - add DML routines for path view Rem nagarwal 09/09/01 - PATH_VIEW definition Rem nagarwal 09/08/01 - Created Rem drop operator xdb.all_path force; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* LIBRARY */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -- the path_view_lib is created in catxdbr.sql /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* OPERATORS */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -- ancillary operator create operator xdb.all_path binding (number) return xdb.path_array ancillary to xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, number, varchar2), xdb.under_path(sys.xmltype, varchar2) without column data using xdb_ancop.allpath_func; grant execute on xdb.all_path to public; create or replace public synonym all_path for xdb.all_path; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* XMLTYPE VIEW & PATH VIEW */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace view xdb.path_view as select /*+ ORDERED */ t2.path path, t.res res, xmltype.createxml(xdb.xdb_link_type(NULL, r2.xmldata.dispname,,, h.flags, h.parent_oid, h.child_oid, decode(bitand(sys_op_rawtonum(h.flags), 1024), 1024, xdb.xdb$enum_t(hextoraw('01')), decode(bitand(sys_op_rawtonum(h.flags), 512), 512, xdb.xdb$enum_t(hextoraw('02')), xdb.xdb$enum_t(hextoraw('00'))))), '', 'LINK') link, t.resid from ( select xdb.all_path(9999) paths, value(p) res, p.sys_nc_oid$ resid, decode(bitand(sys_op_rawtonum(p.xmldata.flags), 8388608), 8388608, utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(p.xmldata.xmllob, 4000)), p.xmldata.dispname) name from xdb.xdb$resource p where xdb.under_path(value(p), '/', 9999)=1 ) t, TABLE( cast (t.paths as xdb.path_array) ) t2, xdb.xdb$h_link h, xdb.xdb$resource r2 where t2.parent_oid = h.parent_oid and t2.childname = and t2.parent_oid = r2.sys_nc_oid$; show errors; create or replace public synonym path_view for xdb.path_view; grant select on xdb.path_view to public ; grant insert on xdb.path_view to public ; grant delete on xdb.path_view to public ; grant update on xdb.path_view to public ; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PACKAGES and FUNCTIONS for instead-of trigger */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace package xdb.XDB_PVTRIG_PKG authid current_user AS procedure pvtrig_ins(res sys.xmltype, link sys.xmltype, path varchar2) is language C name "INSERT_XDBPV" library xdb.PATH_VIEW_LIB with context parameters ( context, res, res INDICATOR, link, link INDICATOR, path, path INDICATOR, path LENGTH); procedure pvtrig_del(res sys.xmltype, link sys.xmltype, path varchar2) is language C name "DELETE_XDBPV" library xdb.PATH_VIEW_LIB with context parameters ( context, res, res INDICATOR, link, link INDICATOR, path, path INDICATOR, path LENGTH ); procedure pvtrig_upd(o_res sys.xmltype, n_res sys.xmltype, o_link sys.xmltype, n_link sys.xmltype, o_path varchar2, n_path varchar2) is language C name "UPDATE_XDBPV" library xdb.PATH_VIEW_LIB with context parameters ( context, o_res, o_res INDICATOR, n_res, n_res INDICATOR, o_link, o_link INDICATOR, n_link, n_link INDICATOR, o_path, o_path INDICATOR, o_path LENGTH, n_path, n_path INDICATOR, n_path LENGTH); end XDB_PVTRIG_PKG; / show errors; create or replace public synonym xdb_pvtrig_pkg for xdb.xdb_pvtrig_pkg; grant execute on xdb.xdb_pvtrig_pkg to public; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* INSTEAD-OF TRIGGER */ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ create or replace trigger xdb.xdb_pv_trig INSTEAD OF insert or delete or update on xdb.path_view for each row begin if inserting then xdb.xdb_pvtrig_pkg.pvtrig_ins(:new.res,, :new.path); /* check that either the REF or the BLOB columns are filled, not both */ end if; if deleting then xdb.xdb_pvtrig_pkg.pvtrig_del(:old.res,, :old.path); /* check if we get the correct values from two tables in a view */ end if; if updating then xdb.xdb_pvtrig_pkg.pvtrig_upd(:old.res, :new.res,,, :old.path, :new.path ); end if; end; / show errors;