Rem Rem $Header: catxdbj.sql 16-sep-2003.15:01:17 mjaeger Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbj.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbj.sql - Registration of XDB java dom/jndi/bean api jar files Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script install the xdb java api IN the sys schema Rem Rem NOTES Rem java api are loaded IN the sys schema WITH PUBLIC ACCESS. Rem Needs to run as SYS. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mjaeger 09/16/03 - bug 3015638: move XSU source from rdbms vob to xdk vob Rem sichandr 11/07/02 - remove shiphome workaround Rem vnimani 04/24/02 - xsu should be picked up from OH/lib Rem vnimani 03/18/02 - dont load xmlgen -- deprecated Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem sichandr 01/26/02 - temporary workaround for shiphome Rem bkhaladk 01/14/02 - add xsu loading in catxdbj. Rem spannala 12/13/01 - removing connect Rem bkhaladk 09/20/01 - Created Rem -- bug 3015638: -- Move source code and support files from rdbms vob to xdk vob. -- The xsu12.jar file used to get loaded here, -- and has now been moved to initxml.sql in the xdk vob. -- As part of bug 3015638, we are also commenting out -- the loading of the following XDB bits here. -- Because XSU (now part of XDK) depends on the XMLType, -- the servlet.jar and xdb.jar files must get loaded -- before xsu12.jar, and xsu12.jar is now in initxml.sql. -- Hence these loads have been moved there, -- and they don't need to be here at all. -- You can't have the XDB component without the XML component (aka XDK) -- in any case (because XDB depends on XDK's parser), -- so there's no harm in loading this bit of XDB along with XDK. -- At some point in the future, if we separate out just the XMLType, -- then that's the only bit that needs to get loaded with XDK, -- and it would probably be more appropriate to load -- servlet.jar and xdb.jar here, rather than in initxml.sql. -- call sys.dbms_java.loadjava('-s -g public -f -r rdbms/jlib/servlet.jar'); -- call sys.dbms_java.loadjava('-s -g public -f -r rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar');