Rem Rem $Header: catxdbc1.sql 29-apr-2008.15:26:09 vhosur Exp $ Rem Rem catxdbc1.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catxdbc1.sql - Registration of XDB Config Schema Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script registers the XDB configuration schema Rem Rem NOTES Rem Subject to change, as the schema evolves Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vhosur 04/29/08 - IPv6 support Rem rangrish 07/03/07 - change roles for web services Rem rangrish 08/15/06 - create new WS roles Rem abagrawa 03/11/06 - Use xdbconfig.xsd in registerschema Rem pnath 10/13/05 - add num_job_queue_processes Rem najain 12/28/04 - no length restriction on ipaddress Rem abagrawa 12/27/05 - Use CSX for xdbconfig Rem rtjoa 11/21/05 - Adding http and http2 host into xdbconfig Rem mrafiq 09/20/05 - merging changes for upgrade/downgrade Rem thbaby 09/19/05 - add acl-evaluation-method Rem najain 12/28/04 - no length restriction on ipaddress Rem rpang 04/01/05 - request-validation-function/input-filter-enable Rem rpang 03/24/05 - Fix SSO typo Rem petam 03/18/05 - add allow-repository-anonymous-access for http Rem abagrawa 02/08/05 - Remove public grants on xdb$config Rem rpang 12/01/04 - Reordered plsql element Rem petam 11/02/04 - bug#3957281 - add element Rem petam 11/11/04 - added element Rem spannala 11/21/04 - adding rollback-on-error and Rem copy-on-inconsistent-update Rem spannala 03/22/04 - adding nfsconfig Rem rpang 10/27/04 - Added owa-debug-enable Rem rpang 10/14/04 - plsql-servlet-config to the end for downgrade Rem rpang 07/28/04 - Added database-username attribute Rem rpang 06/02/04 - Added PL/SQL servlet configuration Rem rangrish 05/11/04 - add XDBWEBSERVICES role Rem spannala 05/10/04 - remove http2 listener Rem thbaby 02/17/04 - add HTTP2 elements to schema Rem spannala 07/11/03 - put new elements at the end Rem athusoo 07/17/03 - Set minOccurs=0 for new elements Rem athusoo 03/11/03 - Add xdbcore-xobmem-bound Rem rmurthy 11/20/02 - add schemalocation and xml mimetype mappings Rem njalali 09/26/02 - granting select privs on config tbl to public Rem dchiba 06/28/02 - Adding default URL charset in httpconfig Rem nmontoya 05/20/02 - ADD acl-cache-size Rem spannala 07/10/02 - adding case-sensitive-index-clause Rem nmontoya 07/08/02 - GRANT ALL ON xdb$config to xdbadmin Rem fge 04/26/02 - add resource-view-cache-size to sysconfig Rem abagrawa 03/08/02 - Change default log values Rem abagrawa 03/04/02 - Change userconfig to have minoccurs=0 Rem nmontoya 02/26/02 - SET acl-max-age TYPE TO unsignedInt Rem rmurthy 02/14/02 - fix schema Rem spannala 01/31/02 - removing ftp-root Rem esedlar 02/05/02 - Remove duplicate type defs for protocols Rem rmurthy 12/28/01 - set elementForm to qualified Rem spannala 12/27/01 - setup should be run as SYS Rem sidicula 12/14/01 - Adding max-header-size in httpconfig Rem rmurthy 12/17/01 - fix schemas Rem abagrawa 11/19/01 - Add servlet realm Rem abagrawa 11/20/01 - Add default table Rem sidicula 11/08/01 - Config params for HTTP & FTP Rem jwwarner 10/24/01 - add authenticated user role Rem abagrawa 10/17/01 - Adding Rem sidicula 10/24/01 - Timeouts Rem abagrawa 10/07/01 - Merged abagrawa_http_trans Rem abagrawa 09/20/01 - Created Rem Rem alter session set events='31156 trace name context forever'; Rem Register Config Schema declare CONFIGURL VARCHAR2(2000) := ''; CONFIGXSD BFILE := dbms_metadata_hack.get_bfile('xdbconfig.xsd.11.2'); begin xdb.dbms_xmlschema.registerSchema(CONFIGURL, CONFIGXSD, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 'XDB', options => DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.REGISTER_BINARYXML); end; / -- create the "virtual" authenticated user role we use in servlets create role authenticatedUser; -- create role for web services. Must be granted to users for web services use create role XDB_WEBSERVICES; -- grant XDB_WEBSERVICES to xdb; create role XDB_WEBSERVICES_WITH_PUBLIC; create role XDB_WEBSERVICES_OVER_HTTP; -- grant database privileges on xdb$config table so that users with xdbadmin -- role can proceed with xdb configuration update grant all on xdb.xdb$config to xdbadmin ; create or replace trigger xdb.xdbconfig_validate before insert or update on xdb.XDB$CONFIG for each row declare xdoc xmltype; begin xdoc := :new.sys_nc_rowinfo$; xmltype.schemaValidate(xdoc); end; /