Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catupstr.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/3 2011/05/26 09:53:23 cmlim Exp $ Rem Rem catupstr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catupstr.sql - CATalog UPgrade STaRt script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script performs the initial checks for upgrade Rem (open for UPGRADE, AS SYSDBA, etc.) and then runs Rem the "i" scripts, utlip.sql, and the "c" scripts Rem to complete the basic RDBMS upgrade Rem Rem NOTES Rem Invoked from catupgrd.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cmlim 05/21/11 - Backport cmlim_bug-12363704 from main Rem cdilling 02/14/11 - bug 10373381: check instance is Rem cmlim 01/19/11 - Backport cmlim_bug-10400001 from st_rdbms_11.2.0 Rem - Check that 112 oracle has DV off prior to upgrade Rem cmlim 06/21/10 - update_tzv14: 11202 is now at time zone file v14 Rem cmlim 04/26/10 - bug 9546509; suggest to force a checkpoint prior Rem to shutdown abort in instructions Rem cdilling 03/12/10 - abort upgrade if invalid conditions for editions Rem - bug 9454506 Rem cmlim 02/01/10 - 11202 is now at time zone file version 13 Rem cmlim 11/11/09 - change the timezone check from 8 to 11 Rem cdilling 06/01/09 - check for supported upgrade versions Rem cdilling 05/26/09 - for PSU check only 5 digits for version Rem cmlim 01/16/09 - bug 7496789: update check on when DV needs to be Rem relinked off Rem cmlim 12/19/08 - timezone_b7193417-c: rewrite timezone check Rem cmlim 12/12/08 - timezone_b7193417-b: if old OH has newer timezone Rem version than 8, abort if new OH is not patched Rem rlong 09/25/08 - Rem cmlim 07/24/08 - bug 7193417: support timezone file version Rem changes in 11.2 Rem awitkows 03/30/08 - DST. repl registry with props Rem rburns 11/11/07 - XbranchMerge rburns_bug-6446262 from Rem st_rdbms_project-18813 Rem rburns 11/08/07 - check for INVALID old versions of types Rem jciminsk 10/22/07 - Upgrade support for 11.2 Rem cdilling 10/09/07 - update version to 11.2 Rem cdilling 08/23/07 - check disabled indexes only Rem rburns 07/16/07 - add 11.1 patch upgrade Rem rburns 05/29/07 - add timezone version check Rem rburns 05/01/07 - reload dbms_assert Rem rburns 03/10/07 - add DV and OLS check Rem cdilling 02/19/07 - add sys.enabled$indexes table for bug 5530085 Rem dvoss 02/19/07 - Check bootstrap migration status Rem rburns 10/23/06 - add session script Rem rburns 08/14/06 - add RDBMS identifier Rem cdilling 06/08/06 - add error logging table Rem gviswana 06/07/06 - Enable 4523571 fix Rem rburns 05/22/06 - parallel upgrade Rem rburns 05/22/06 - Created Rem Rem ===================================================================== Rem Exit immediately if there are errors in the initial checks Rem ===================================================================== WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; DOC ###################################################################### ###################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if the user running this script is not SYS. Disconnect and reconnect with AS SYSDBA. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_AS_SYSDBA') FROM DUAL WHERE USER != 'SYS'; DOC ###################################################################### ###################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if the database server version is not correct for this script. Perform "ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT" prior to "SHUTDOWN ABORT", and use a different script or a different server. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_11_2_0_3') FROM v$instance WHERE substr(version,1,8) != ''; DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if the database has not been opened for UPGRADE. Perform "ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT" prior to "SHUTDOWN ABORT", and restart using UPGRADE. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_OPEN_UPGRADE') FROM v$instance WHERE status != 'OPEN MIGRATE'; DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if the Oracle Database Vault option is TRUE. Upgrades cannot be run with the Oracle Database Vault option set to TRUE since AS SYSDBA connections are restricted. Perform "ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT" prior to "SHUTDOWN ABORT", relink the server without the Database Vault option, and restart the server using UPGRADE mode. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('DATA_VAULT_OPTION_ON') FROM v$option WHERE value = 'TRUE' and parameter = 'Oracle Database Vault'; DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if Database Vault is installed in the database but the Oracle Label Security option is FALSE. To successfully upgrade Oracle Database Vault, the Oracle Label Security option must be TRUE. Perform "ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT" prior to "SHUTDOWN ABORT", relink the server with the OLS option (but without the Oracle Database Vault option) and restart the server using UPGRADE. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('LABEL_SECURITY_OPTION_OFF') FROM v$option WHERE value = 'FALSE' and parameter = (SELECT 'Oracle Label Security' FROM user$ where name = 'DVSYS'); DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following statement will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if bootstrap migration is in progress and logminer clients require utlmmig.sql to be run next to support this redo stream. Run utlmmig.sql then (if needed) restart the database using UPGRADE and rerun the upgrade script. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_RUN_UTLMMIG.SQL') FROM SYS.V$DATABASE V WHERE V.LOG_MODE = 'ARCHIVELOG' and V.SUPPLEMENTAL_LOG_DATA_MIN != 'NO' and exists (select 1 from sys.props$ where name = 'LOGMNR_BOOTSTRAP_UPGRADE_ERROR'); DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following error is generated if the pre-upgrade tool has not been run in the old ORACLE_HOME home prior to upgrading a pre-11.2 database: SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_HAVE_RUN_PRE-UPGRADE_TOOL_FOR_TIMEZONE') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01722: invalid number o Action: Shutdown database ("alter system checkpoint" and then "shutdown abort"). Revert to the original oracle home and start the database. Run pre-upgrade tool against the database. Review and take appropriate actions based on the pre-upgrade output before opening the datatabase in the new software version. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Assure CHAR semantics are not used in the dictionary ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=BYTE; Rem To keep the check simple and avoid multiple errors - in upgrade mode, Rem create registry$database and add tz_version in case the table Rem and/or column do not exist. CREATE TABLE registry$database (platform_id NUMBER, platform_name VARCHAR2(101), edition VARCHAR2(30), tz_version NUMBER); ALTER TABLE registry$database add (tz_version number); Rem Check if tz_version was populated if the db is pre-11.2 SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_HAVE_RUN_PRE-UPGRADE_TOOL_FOR_TIMEZONE') FROM sys.props$ WHERE ( ( (0 = (select count(*) from registry$database)) OR ((SELECT tz_version from registry$database) is null) ) AND ( ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '9.2.') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '10.1') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '10.2') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '11.1') ) ); DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following error is generated if the pre-upgrade tool has not been run in the old oracle home prior to upgrading a pre-11.2 database: SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_SAME_TIMEZONE_FILE_VERSION') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01722: invalid number o Action: Shutdown database ("alter system checkpoint" and then "shutdown abort"). Revert to the original ORACLE_HOME and start the database. Run pre-upgrade tool against the database. Review and take appropriate actions based on the pre-upgrade output before opening the datatabase in the new software version. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_BE_SAME_TIMEZONE_FILE_VERSION') FROM sys.props$ WHERE ( ((SELECT TO_NUMBER(value$) from sys.props$ WHERE name = 'DST_PRIMARY_TT_VERSION') != (SELECT tz_version from registry$database)) AND (((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '9.2.') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '10.1') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '10.2') OR ((SELECT substr(version,1,4) FROM registry$ where cid = 'CATPROC') = '11.1')) ); DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following error is generated if (1) the old release uses a time zone file version newer than the one shipped with the new oracle release and (2) the new oracle home has not been patched yet: SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_PATCH_TIMEZONE_FILE_VERSION_ON_NEW_ORACLE_HOME') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01722: invalid number o Action: Shutdown database ("alter system checkpoint" and then "shutdown abort"). Patch new ORACLE_HOME to the same time zone file version as used in the old ORACLE_HOME. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('MUST_PATCH_TIMEZONE_FILE_VERSION_ON_NEW_ORACLE_HOME') FROM sys.props$ WHERE ( (name = 'DST_PRIMARY_TT_VERSION' AND TO_NUMBER(value$) > 14) AND (0 = (select count(*) from v$timezone_file)) ); DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following statements will cause an "ORA-01722: invalid number" error if the SYSAUX tablespace does not exist or is not ONLINE for READ WRITE, PERMANENT, EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL, and SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO. The SYSAUX tablespace is used in 10.1 to consolidate data from a number of tablespaces that were separate in prior releases. Consult the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for sizing estimates. Create the SYSAUX tablespace, for example, create tablespace SYSAUX datafile 'sysaux01.dbf' size 70M reuse extent management local segment space management auto online; Then rerun the catupgrd.sql script. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # SELECT TO_NUMBER('No SYSAUX tablespace') FROM dual WHERE 'SYSAUX' NOT IN (SELECT name from ts$); SELECT TO_NUMBER('Not ONLINE for READ/WRITE') from ts$ WHERE name='SYSAUX' AND online$ !=1; SELECT TO_NUMBER ('Not PERMANENT') from ts$ WHERE name='SYSAUX' AND (contents$ !=0 or (contents$ = 0 AND bitand(flags, 16)= 16)); SELECT TO_NUMBER ('Not LOCAL extent management') from ts$ WHERE name='SYSAUX' AND bitmapped = 0; SELECT TO_NUMBER ('Not AUTO segment space management') from ts$ WHERE name='SYSAUX' AND bitand(flags,32) != 32; Rem ===================================================================== Rem Assure CHAR semantics are not used in the dictionary Rem ===================================================================== ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=BYTE; Rem ===================================================================== Rem Continue even if there are SQL errors in remainder of script Rem ===================================================================== WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; Rem Rem Bug 5530085 Rem Rem Poplulate sys.enabled_indexes table with the list of function-based Rem indexes that are currently not 'disabled'. This schema/index name list Rem will be later used in utlrp.sql to enable indexes in the list that may Rem have become disabled. Rem CREATE TABLE sys.enabled$indexes( schemaname, indexname, objnum ) AS select,, i.obj# from user$ u, obj$ o1, obj$ o2, ind$ i where u.user# = o1.owner# and o1.type# = 1 and o1.obj# = i.obj# and bitand(, 16)= 16 and bitand(i.flags, 1024)=0 and = o2.obj# and bitand(o2.flags, 2)=0; Rem Rem Create error logging table Rem CREATE TABLE sys.registry$error(username VARCHAR(256), timestamp TIMESTAMP, script VARCHAR(1024), identifier VARCHAR(256), message CLOB, statement CLOB); DELETE FROM sys.registry$error; set errorlogging on table sys.registry$error; set errorlogging on identifier 'RDBMS'; commit; Rem Rem Pre-create log to record upgrade operations and errors Rem CREATE TABLE registry$log ( cid VARCHAR2(30), /* component identifier */ namespace VARCHAR2(30), /* component namespace */ operation NUMBER NOT NULL, /* current operation */ optime TIMESTAMP, /* operation timestamp */ errmsg varchar2(1000) /* ORA error message number */ ); Rem Clear log entries if the table already exists DELETE FROM registry$log; Rem put timestamps into spool log and registry$log INSERT INTO registry$log (cid, namespace, operation, optime) VALUES ('UPGRD_BGN','SERVER',-1,SYSTIMESTAMP); COMMIT; SELECT 'COMP_TIMESTAMP UPGRD__BGN ' || TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ') || TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'J SSSSS ') AS timestamp FROM DUAL; Rem Run Session initialization script Rem error logging table must exist @@catupses.sql Rem ===================================================================== Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: load dictionary changes for basic SQL processing Rem ===================================================================== Rem run all of the "i" scripts from the earliest supported release @@i0902000 Rem ===================================================================== Rem END STAGE 1: load dictionary changes for basic SQL processing Rem ===================================================================== Rem ===================================================================== Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invalidate all non-Java objects Rem ===================================================================== -- This block of code sets up to run utlip.sql only if the release is -- prior to 11.1 or there has been a platform change. -- It uses the existence of a 11.1 table to determine the need for -- utlip.sql. MODEL$ is created in the upgrade to 11.1; -- if it exists, then utlip.sql is not needed unless there is -- a platform change. DEFINE utlip_file = 'utlip.sql'; DEFINE utlip_tabcol = NULL; COLUMN utlip_name NEW_VALUE utlip_file NOPRINT; COLUMN utlip_tabcolumn NEW_VALUE utlip_tabcol NOPRINT; SELECT 'nothing.sql' AS utlip_name FROM obj$ WHERE name = 'MODEL$' and owner#=0; SELECT platform_id AS utlip_tabcolumn FROM v$database; SELECT 'SELECT platform_id FROM registry$database' AS utlip_tabcolumn FROM obj$ WHERE name = 'REGISTRY$DATABASE'; -- Set utlip_name if the platform identifer in v$database -- does not match platform identifier in registry$database SELECT 'utlip.sql' AS utlip_name FROM v$database WHERE v$database.platform_id NOT IN (&&utlip_tabcol); @@&utlip_file -- Bug 6446262, check forINVALID old versions of types and update -- any with status = 6 SELECT name, subname, owner#, status FROM obj$ WHERE type#=13 AND subname IS NOT NULL AND status > 1; UPDATE obj$ SET status=1 WHERE type#=13 AND subname IS NOT NULL AND status=6; COMMIT; ALTER SYSTEM FLUSH SHARED_POOL; -- Reload dbms_assert package for changed interfaces (used in "c" scripts) @@dbmsasrt.sql @@prvtasrt.plb Rem ===================================================================== Rem END STAGE 2: invalidate all non-Java objects Rem ===================================================================== Rem ===================================================================== Rem BEGIN STAGE 3: dictionary upgrade Rem ===================================================================== WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### The following check_edition_exists procedure may result in this error: ERROR at line 1: ORA-20000: Editioning view exists for non-edition enabled schema ORA-06512: at "SYS.CHECK_EDITION_EXISTS", line 21 ORA-06512: at line 2 if there exists non-edition enabled schemas that have editioning views. One of the following corrective actions must be taken before the upgrade will proceed. 1. Drop these editioning views. 2. Edition enable the schemas using the alter user statement. 3. Replace the editioning views with regular views. Perform a "ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT" prior to "SHUTDOWN ABORT" and take a corrective action described above. Restriction is for: 1) When source database is and is being upgraded to 2) To identify the particular schema/views run the pre-upgrade script /rdbms/admin/utlu112i.sql in normal mode on the source database. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE check_edition_exists AS d_version VARCHAR2(30); server_version VARCHAR2(30); ev_count INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT version INTO d_version FROM registry$ where cid='CATPROC'; select version into server_version from v$instance; IF substr(d_version,1,8) = '' AND substr(server_version,1,8)= '' THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT count(*) FROM SYS.DBA_EDITIONING_VIEWS EV, SYS.DBA_USERS US WHERE US.USERNAME = EV.OWNER AND US.EDITIONS_ENABLED <> ''Y'' AND ROWNUM < 2' INTO ev_count; IF ev_count > 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Editioning view exists for non-edition enabled schema' ); END IF; END IF; END check_edition_exists; / Rem check if an editioning view exists for a non edition enabled user begin check_edition_exists; end; / drop procedure check_edition_exists; Rem Determine original release and run the appropriate script CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION version_script RETURN VARCHAR2 IS p_null char(1); p_version VARCHAR2(30); p_prv_version VARCHAR2(30); server_version VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN -- For 11.2, direct uppgrades are supported from,, -- and above, and and above -- SELECT version INTO p_version FROM registry$ where cid='CATPROC'; IF substr(p_version,1,7) = '' THEN RETURN '0902000'; ELSIF substr(p_version,1,8) = '' THEN RETURN '1001000'; ELSIF substr(p_version,1,6) = '10.2.0' AND substr(p_version,1,8) != '' THEN RETURN '1002000'; ELSIF substr(p_version,1,6) = '11.1.0' THEN RETURN '1101000'; ELSIF substr(p_version,1,6) = '11.2.0' THEN -- current version SELECT version INTO server_version FROM v$instance; IF substr(p_version,1,8) != substr(server_version,1,8) THEN --- run c1102000 RETURN '1102000'; ELSE -- version is the same as instance, so rerun the previous upgrade -- rerun upgrade of previous release EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT prv_version FROM registry$ where cid=''CATPROC''' INTO p_prv_version; IF substr(p_prv_version,1,5) = '9.2.0' THEN RETURN '0902000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version,1,6) = '10.1.0' THEN RETURN '1001000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version,1,6) = '10.2.0' THEN RETURN '1002000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version,1,6) = '11.1.0' THEN RETURN '1101000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version,1,6) = '11.2.0' OR p_prv_version IS NULL THEN -- new database RETURN '1102000'; ELSE RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Upgrade re-run not supported from version ' || p_prv_version ); END IF; END IF; END IF; RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Upgrade not supported from version ' || p_version ); END version_script; / Rem get the correct script name into the "upgrade_file" variable COLUMN file_name NEW_VALUE upgrade_file NOPRINT; SELECT version_script AS file_name FROM DUAL; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE Rem run the selected "c" upgrade script @@c&upgrade_file Rem Remove entries from sys.duc$ - rebuilt for 11g by catalog and catproc Rem Can cause errors on any DROP USER statements in upgrade scripts truncate table duc$; Rem ===================================================================== Rem END STAGE 3: dictionary upgrade Rem =====================================================================