Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catstrt.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/05/13 11:32:36 yurxu Exp $ Rem Rem catstrt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catstrt.sql - STReams Transformation catalog views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem yurxu 05/04/11 - Backport yurxu_bug-12391440 from main Rem yurxu 04/12/11 - Backport yurxu_bug-11922716 from main Rem yurxu 01/28/10 - Bug 9216488: duplicate dba_xstream_administrator Rem to dba_streams_administrator Rem yurxu 12/28/09 - Bug-9216453: duplicate dba_stream_administrator Rem to dba_xstream_administrator Rem thoang 10/13/09 - add dba_xstream_administrator Rem rihuang 09/19/08 - Add view DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - add Streams Transformation catalog views Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - Created Rem -- This cannot be placed in sql.bsq because of a sys.anydata column rem streams$_internal_transform is populated by APIs in dbms_streams_adm create table streams$_internal_transform ( rule_owner varchar2(30) not null, /* rule owner */ rule_name varchar2(30) not null, /* rule name */ declarative_type number, /* The type of the transform */ from_schema_name varchar2(30), /* old schema name */ to_schema_name varchar2(30), /* new schema name */ from_table_name varchar2(30), /* old table name */ to_table_name varchar2(30), /* new table name */ schema_name varchar2(30), /* schema name */ table_name varchar2(30), /* table name */ from_column_name varchar2(4000), /* old column name */ to_column_name varchar2(4000), /* new column name */ column_name varchar2(4000), /* column name */ column_value sys.anydata, /* default column value */ column_type number, /* column type */ column_function varchar2(30), /* column function name */ value_type number, /* to transform old, new, or both columns */ step_number number, /* order to run */ precedence number, /* order to run for same step number */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000) ) / create index i_streams_internal_transform1 on streams$_internal_transform(rule_owner, rule_name) / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on transform functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFM_FUNCTION" (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, VALUE_TYPE, TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME, CUSTOM_TYPE) as select r.rule_owner, r.rule_name, SYS.ANYDATA.GetTypeName(ctx.nvn_value), DECODE(SYS.ANYDATA.GetTypeName(ctx.nvn_value), 'SYS.VARCHAR2', SYS.ANYDATA.AccessVarchar2(ctx.nvn_value), NULL), DECODE(ctx.nvn_name, 'STREAMS$_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION', 'ONE TO ONE', 'STREAMS$_ARRAY_TRANS_FUNCTION', 'ONE TO MANY') from DBA_RULES r, table(r.rule_action_context.actx_list) ctx where ctx.nvn_name = 'STREAMS$_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION' OR ctx.nvn_name = 'STREAMS$_ARRAY_TRANS_FUNCTION' / -- dba_streams_transform_function view create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, VALUE_TYPE, TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME, CUSTOM_TYPE) as select rule_owner, rule_name, value_type, transform_function_name, custom_type from "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFM_FUNCTION" / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION is 'Rules-based transform functions used by Streams' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.RULE_OWNER is 'The owner of the rule associated with the transform function' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.RULE_NAME is 'The name of the rule associated with the transform function' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.VALUE_TYPE is 'The type of the transform function name. This type must be VARCHAR2 for a rule-based transformation to work properly' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME is 'The name of the transform function, or NULL if the VALUE_TYPE is not VARCHAR2' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.CUSTOM_TYPE is 'The type of the transform function' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION for DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION to select_catalog_role / -- all_streams_transform_function view create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION as select tf.* from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION tf, ALL_RULES r where tf.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and tf.rule_name = r.rule_name / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION is 'Rules-based transform functions used by Streams' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.RULE_OWNER is 'The owner of the rule associated with the transform function' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.RULE_NAME is 'The name of the rule associated with the transform function' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.VALUE_TYPE is 'The type of the transform function name. This type must be VARCHAR2 for a rule-based transformation to work properly' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME is 'The name of the transform function, or NULL if the VALUE_TYPE is not VARCHAR2' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION.CUSTOM_TYPE is 'The type of the transform function' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION for ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on streams$_privileged_user table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private view to select all columns from sys.streams$_privileged_user. -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_PRIVILEGED_USER" as select * from sys.streams$_privileged_user / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_PRIVILEGED_USER" to exp_full_database / create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR (USERNAME, LOCAL_PRIVILEGES, ACCESS_FROM_REMOTE) as select, decode(bitand(pu.privs, 1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(pu.privs, 2), 0, 'NO', 'YES') from user$ u, "_DBA_STREAMS_PRIVILEGED_USER" pu where u.user# = pu.user# AND pu.privs != 0 and (pu.flags IS NULL or pu.flags = 0 or (bitand(pu.flags, 1) = 1)) / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR is 'Users granted the privileges to be a streams administrator' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR.USERNAME is 'Name of the user who has been granted privileges to be streams administrator' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR.LOCAL_PRIVILEGES is 'YES, if user has been granted local Streams admininstrator privileges. NO, if the user does not have local Streams administrator privileges.' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR.ACCESS_FROM_REMOTE is 'YES, if user can be used for remote Streams administration through a database link. NO, if the user cannot be used for remote Streams administration' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR for DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR to select_catalog_role / -- XStream admin is not considered as Streams admin. create or replace view DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR (USERNAME, PRIVILEGE_TYPE, GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES, CREATE_TIME) as select xp.username, decode(xp.privilege_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'APPLY', 3, '*'), decode(xp.privilege_level, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), xp.create_time from sys.xstream$_privileges xp / comment on table DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR is 'Users granted the privileges to be a XStream administrator' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.USERNAME is 'Name of the user who has been granted privileges to be XStream administrator' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.PRIVILEGE_TYPE is 'Type of privilege granted' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES is 'Whether to grant select privileges' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.CREATE_TIME is 'Timestamp for the granted privilege' / create or replace public synonym DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR for DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR / grant select on DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR to select_catalog_role / -- XStream admin is not considered as Streams admin. create or replace view ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR (USERNAME, PRIVILEGE_TYPE, GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES, CREATE_TIME) as (select xp.username, decode(xp.privilege_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'APPLY', 3, '*'), decode(xp.privilege_level, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), xp.create_time from sys.xstream$_privileges xp, sys.user$ u, dba_role_privs rp where ((xp.username = and (u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) union select xp.username, decode(xp.privilege_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'APPLY', 3, '*'), decode(xp.privilege_level, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), xp.create_time from sys.xstream$_privileges xp, sys.user$ u, dba_role_privs rp where ( = rp.grantee and rp.granted_role = 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE' and (u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')))) / comment on table ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR is 'Users granted the privileges to be a XStream administrator for the user' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.USERNAME is 'Name of the user who has been granted privileges to be XStream administrator' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.PRIVILEGE_TYPE is 'Type of privilege granted' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES is 'Whether to grant select privileges' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR.CREATE_TIME is 'Timestamp for the granted privilege' / create or replace public synonym ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR for ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR / grant select on ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on streams$_internal_transform table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private view select to all columns from streams$_internal_transform -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS" as select * from sys.streams$_internal_transform / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS" to exp_full_database / create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, TRANSFORM_TYPE, FROM_SCHEMA_NAME, TO_SCHEMA_NAME, FROM_TABLE_NAME, TO_TABLE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, FROM_COLUMN_NAME, TO_COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_VALUE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_FUNCTION, VALUE_TYPE, USER_FUNCTION_NAME, SUBSETTING_OPERATION, DML_CONDITION, DECLARATIVE_TYPE, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, 'DECLARATIVE TRANSFORMATION', from_schema_name, to_schema_name, from_table_name, to_table_name, schema_name, table_name, from_column_name, to_column_name, column_name, column_value, sys.anydata.gettypename(column_value), column_function, decode(value_type, 1, 'OLD', 2, 'NEW', 3, '*'), NULL, NULL, NULL, decode(declarative_type, 0, 'KEEP COLUMNS', 1, 'DELETE COLUMN', 2, 'RENAME COLUMN', 3, 'ADD COLUMN', 4, 'RENAME TABLE', 5, 'RENAME SCHEMA'), precedence, step_number from "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS" t union all select rule_owner, rule_name, 'SUBSET RULE', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, decode(subsetting_operation, 1, 'INSERT', 2, 'UPDATE', 3, 'DELETE'), dml_condition, NULL, NULL, NULL from sys.streams$_rules where subsetting_operation is not NULL union all select rule_owner, rule_name, 'CUSTOM TRANSFORMATION', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, transform_function_name, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL from "_DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFM_FUNCTION" / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS is 'Transformations defined on rules' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TRANSFORM_TYPE is 'The type of transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema to be renamed' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The new schema name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_TABLE_NAME is 'The table to be renamed' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_TABLE_NAME is 'The new table name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to rename' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_COLUMN_NAME is 'The new column name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to add or delete' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_VALUE is 'The value of the column to add' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_TYPE is 'The type of the new column' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_FUNCTION is 'The name of the default function used to add a column' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.USER_FUNCTION_NAME is 'The name of the user-defined transformation function to run ' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'DML operation for row subsetting' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.DML_CONDITION is 'Row subsetting condition' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.DECLARATIVE_TYPE is 'The type of declarative transformation to run' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS for DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS as select st.* from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS st, ALL_APPLY aa, ALL_CAPTURE ca where (aa.apply_user = st.rule_owner) or (ca.capture_user = st.rule_owner) / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS is 'Transformations defined on rules for the user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TRANSFORM_TYPE is 'The type of transformation' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema to be renamed' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The new schema name' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_TABLE_NAME is 'The table to be renamed' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_TABLE_NAME is 'The new table name' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be modified' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be modified' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.FROM_COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to rename' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.TO_COLUMN_NAME is 'The new column name' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to add or delete' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_VALUE is 'The value of the column to add' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_TYPE is 'The type of the new column' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.COLUMN_FUNCTION is 'The name of the default function used to add a column' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.USER_FUNCTION_NAME is 'The name of the user-defined transformation function to run ' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'DML operation for row subsetting' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.DML_CONDITION is 'Row subsetting condition' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.DECLARATIVE_TYPE is 'The type of declarative transformation to run' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS for ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS to select_catalog_role / -- Rename Schema create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, FROM_SCHEMA_NAME, TO_SCHEMA_NAME, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, from_schema_name, to_schema_name, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'RENAME SCHEMA'; / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA is 'Rename schema transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.FROM_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema to be renamed' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.TO_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The new schema name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA for DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA to select_catalog_role / -- Rename table create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, FROM_SCHEMA_NAME, TO_SCHEMA_NAME, FROM_TABLE_NAME, TO_TABLE_NAME, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, from_schema_name, to_schema_name, from_table_name, to_table_name, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'RENAME TABLE'; / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE is 'Rename table transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.FROM_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema to be renamed' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.TO_SCHEMA_NAME is 'The new schema name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.FROM_TABLE_NAME is 'The table to be renamed' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.TO_TABLE_NAME is 'The new table name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE for DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE to select_catalog_role / -- Delete column create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, VALUE_TYPE, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, value_type, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'DELETE COLUMN'; / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN is 'Delete column transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to delete' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.VALUE_TYPE is 'Whether to delete the old column value of the lcr, the new value, or both' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN for DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN to select_catalog_role / -- Keep columns create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, VALUE_TYPE, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, value_type, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'KEEP COLUMNS' / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS is 'Keep columns transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be kept' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be kept' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to keep' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.VALUE_TYPE is 'Whether to keep the old column value of the lcr, the new value, or both' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS for DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS to select_catalog_role / -- Keep columns for the user create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS as select skc.* from DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS skc, ALL_APPLY aa, ALL_CAPTURE ca where (aa.apply_user = skc.rule_owner) or (ca.capture_user = skc.rule_owner) / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS is 'Keep columns transformations for the user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be kept' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be kept' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to keep' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.VALUE_TYPE is 'Whether to keep the old column value of the lcr, the new value, or both' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS for ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS to select_catalog_role / -- Rename column create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, FROM_COLUMN_NAME, TO_COLUMN_NAME, VALUE_TYPE, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, schema_name, table_name, from_column_name, to_column_name, value_type, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'RENAME COLUMN'; / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN is 'Rename column transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.FROM_COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to rename' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.TO_COLUMN_NAME is 'The new column name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.VALUE_TYPE is 'Whether to rename to the old column value of the lcr, the new value, or both' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN for DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN to select_catalog_role / -- Add column create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN (RULE_OWNER, RULE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_VALUE, COLUMN_TYPE, COLUMN_FUNCTION, VALUE_TYPE, PRECEDENCE, STEP_NUMBER) as select rule_owner, rule_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, column_value, sys.anydata.gettypename(column_value), column_function, value_type, precedence, step_number from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS where declarative_type = 'ADD COLUMN'; / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN is 'Add column transformations' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule which has an associated transformation' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.TABLE_NAME is 'The table of the column to be modified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.COLUMN_NAME is 'The column to add' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.COLUMN_VALUE is 'The value of the column to add' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.COLUMN_TYPE is 'The type of the new column' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.COLUMN_FUNCTION is 'The name of the default function used to add a column' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.VALUE_TYPE is 'Whether to add to the old value of the lcr, the new value, or both' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.PRECEDENCE is 'Execution order relative to other declarative transformations on the same step_number' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN.STEP_NUMBER is 'The order that this transformation should be executed' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN for DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* support drop user cascade */ DELETE FROM sys.duc$ WHERE owner='SYS' AND pack='DBMS_STREAMS_ADM_UTL' AND proc='PROCESS_DROP_USER_CASCADE' AND operation#=1 / INSERT INTO sys.duc$ (owner, pack, proc, operation#, seq, com) VALUES ('SYS', 'DBMS_STREAMS_ADM_UTL', 'PROCESS_DROP_USER_CASCADE', 1, 1, 'Drop any capture or apply processes for this user') / commit; /* name-value types to be stored in an anydata object in the user properties * column of the queue table. We would have stored the value as type AnyData, * but wrapping a AnyData inside of a AnyData is prohibited. */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sys.streams$nv_node TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID 'BE329A8842822386E0340003BA0FD53F' AS OBJECT ( nvn_name varchar2(32), nvn_value_vc2 varchar2(4000), nvn_value_raw raw(32), nvn_value_num number, nvn_value_date date) / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sys.streams$nv_array TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID 'BE329A88428A2386E0340003BA0FD53F' AS VARRAY(1024) of sys.streams$nv_node / /* Types used in internal lcr transformation */ CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sys.streams$transformation_info TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID 'D307723624873404E0340003BA0FD53F' AS OBJECT ( transform_type number, operation number, from_schema_name varchar2(30), to_schema_name varchar2(30), from_table_name varchar2(30), to_table_name varchar2(30), schema_name varchar2(30), table_name varchar2(30), value_type number, from_column_name varchar2(4000), to_column_name varchar2(4000), column_name varchar2(4000), column_value_vc2 varchar2(4000), column_value_raw raw(4000), column_value_num number, column_value_date date, column_value_nvc2 nvarchar2(2000), column_value_bflt binary_float, column_value_bdbl binary_double, column_value_ts timestamp, column_value_tz timestamp with time zone, column_value_ltz timestamp with local time zone, column_value_iym interval year to month, column_value_ids interval day to second, column_value_char char(2000), column_value_nchar nchar(1000), column_value_urid varchar2(4000), column_type number, column_function varchar2(4000), step_number number) / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sys.streams$_anydata_array AS VARRAY(2147483647) of sys.anydata / grant execute on sys.streams$_anydata_array to PUBLIC /