Rem Rem $Header: catstrr.sql 18-mar-2008.16:59:12 thoang Exp $ Rem Rem catstrr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catstrr.sql - Streams Rule-related catalog views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem thoang 02/27/08 - Add dba_xstream_rules view Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - add sync capture catalog views Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - add Streams rule-related catalog views Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - Created Rem REM streams$_rule_name_s sequence is used to generate rule names for REM automatic creation of rule names. CREATE SEQUENCE streams$_rule_name_s START WITH 1 NOCACHE / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal unified views of streams processes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- View of all streams processes and rule sets. A process will be listed -- once for each rule set (in other words, a process will be listed twice -- if it has both a positive and negative rule set). -- Streams type is represented as a number (capture = 1, propagation = 2, -- apply = 3, dequeue = 4, sync cap = 5) to simplify joins with -- streams$_rules and streams$_message_rules. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_PROCESSES"( streams_type, streams_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, rule_set_type) as select decode(bitand(c.flags, 512), 512, 5, 1) streams_type, c.capture_name streams_name, c.ruleset_owner, c.ruleset_name, 'POSITIVE' from streams$_capture_process c union all select 1 streams_type, c.capture_name streams_name, c.negative_ruleset_owner, c.negative_ruleset_name, 'NEGATIVE' from streams$_capture_process c where bitand(c.flags, 512) != 512 union all select 2 streams_type, p.propagation_name streams_name, p.ruleset_schema, p.ruleset, 'POSITIVE' from streams$_propagation_process p union all select 2 streams_type, p.propagation_name streams_name, p.negative_ruleset_schema, p.negative_ruleset, 'NEGATIVE' from streams$_propagation_process p union all select 3 streams_type, a.apply_name streams_name, a.ruleset_owner, a.ruleset_name, 'POSITIVE' from streams$_apply_process a union all select 3 streams_type, a.apply_name streams_name, a.negative_ruleset_owner, a.negative_ruleset_name, 'NEGATIVE' from streams$_apply_process a union all select 4 streams_type, d.streams_name, d.rset_owner, d.rset_name, 'POSITIVE' from streams$_message_consumers d union all select 4 streams_type, d.streams_name, d.neg_rset_owner, d.neg_rset_name, 'NEGATIVE' from streams$_message_consumers d / -- View of all streams processes create or replace view "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES"( streams_type, streams_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name) as select 'CAPTURE' streams_type, capture_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name from all_capture union all select 'SYNC_CAPTURE' streams_type, capture_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, null negative_rule_set_owner, null negative_rule_set_name from all_sync_capture union all select 'APPLY', apply_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name from all_apply union all select 'PROPAGATION', propagation_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name from all_propagation union all select 'DEQUEUE', streams_name, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name from all_streams_message_consumers / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal unified views of streams queues ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- View of all streams queues create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_QUEUES"(queue_owner, queue_name) as select c.queue_owner queue_owner, c.queue_name queue_name from streams$_capture_process c union select p.source_queue_schema queue_owner, p.source_queue queue_name from streams$_propagation_process p union select a.queue_owner queue_owner, a.queue_name queue_name from streams$_apply_process a union select d.queue_owner queue_owner, d.queue_name queue_name from streams$_message_consumers d / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unified streams rules views ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- view of rules used by streams processes create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H"( streams_type, streams_name, rule_set_type, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, rule_owner, rule_name, rule_condition) as select sp.streams_type, sp.streams_name, sp.rule_set_type, sp.rule_set_owner, sp.rule_set_name, rule_owner, rule_name, r.condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_PROCESSES" sp, obj$ rso, user$ rsu, rule$ r, obj$ ro, user$ ru, rule_map$ rm where sp.rule_set_owner = and sp.rule_set_name = and rso.owner# = rsu.user# and rso.obj# = rm.rs_obj# and r.obj# = rm.r_obj# and ro.obj# = rm.r_obj# and ru.user# = ro.owner# / -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" to exp_full_database / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on streams$_rules table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private view select to all columns from streams$_rules -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. -- Note: the streams_name and streams_type from this view may not be valid -- (see comment in sql.bsq for streams$_rule table). -- To get those information, internal users should join this view with -- "_DBA_STREAMS_PROCESSES" view and obtain the streams_name and streams_type -- from "_DBA_STREAMS_PROCESSES". See definition of "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" -- for example. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES" as select streams_name, streams_type, rule_type, include_tagged_lcr, source_database, rule_owner, rule_name, rule_condition, dml_condition, subsetting_operation, schema_name, object_name, object_type, spare1, spare2, spare3 from sys.streams$_rules / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES" to exp_full_database / create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES (STREAMS_NAME, STREAMS_TYPE, RULE_TYPE, INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR, SOURCE_DATABASE, RULE_NAME, RULE_OWNER, RULE_CONDITION) as select r.streams_name, decode(r.streams_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION', 3, 'APPLY', 4, 'DEQUEUE', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(rule_type, 1, 'DML', 2, 'DDL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(include_tagged_lcr, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), source_database, r.rule_name, r.rule_owner, sr.rule_condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES" sr, "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" r where sr.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and sr.rule_name = r.rule_name and object_type = 3 / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES is 'Global rules created by streams administrative APIs' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES for DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES as select r.streams_name, r.streams_type, r.rule_type, r.include_tagged_lcr, r.source_database, r.rule_name, r.rule_owner, r.rule_condition from dba_streams_global_rules r, "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES" p, all_rules ar where r.streams_name = p.streams_name and r.streams_type = p.streams_type and ar.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and ar.rule_name = r.rule_name / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES is 'Global rules created on the streams capture/apply/propagation process that interact with the queue visible to the current user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES for ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES (STREAMS_NAME, STREAMS_TYPE, SCHEMA_NAME, RULE_TYPE, INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR, SOURCE_DATABASE, RULE_NAME, RULE_OWNER, RULE_CONDITION) as select r.streams_name, decode(r.streams_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION', 3, 'APPLY', 4, 'DEQUEUE', 'UNDEFINED'), schema_name, decode(rule_type, 1, 'DML', 2, 'DDL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(include_tagged_lcr, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), source_database, r.rule_name, r.rule_owner, sr.rule_condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES" sr, "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" r where sr.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and sr.rule_name = r.rule_name and object_type = 2 / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES is 'Schema rules created by streams administrative APIs' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Name of the schema selected by this rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES for DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES as select sr.streams_name, sr.streams_type, sr.schema_name, sr.rule_type, sr.include_tagged_lcr, sr.source_database, sr.rule_name, sr.rule_owner, sr.rule_condition from dba_streams_schema_rules sr, "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES" p, all_rules r where sr.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and sr.rule_name = r.rule_name and sr.streams_name = p.streams_name and sr.streams_type = p.streams_type / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES is 'Rules created by streams administrative APIs on all user schemas' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Name of the schema selected by this rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES for ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The following view lists all the table rules and the STREAMS process that -- uses the corresponding rule. If the same rule is used by multiple -- STREAMS processes then that table rule will be listed multiple times. create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES (STREAMS_NAME, STREAMS_TYPE, TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, RULE_TYPE, DML_CONDITION, SUBSETTING_OPERATION, INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR, SOURCE_DATABASE, RULE_NAME, RULE_OWNER, RULE_CONDITION) as select r.streams_name, decode(r.streams_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION', 3, 'APPLY', 4, 'DEQUEUE', 5, 'SYNC_CAPTURE', 'UNDEFINED'), schema_name, object_name, decode(rule_type, 1, 'DML', 2, 'DDL', 'UNKNOWN'), dml_condition, decode(subsetting_operation, 1, 'INSERT', 2, 'UPDATE', 3, 'DELETE'), decode(include_tagged_lcr, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), source_database, r.rule_name, r.rule_owner, sr.rule_condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES" sr, "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" r where sr.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and sr.rule_name = r.rule_name and object_type = 1 / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES is 'Table rules created by streams administrative APIs' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the table selected by this rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table selected by this rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'Row subsetting condition' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'DML operation for row subsetting' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES for DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES as select tr.streams_name, tr.streams_type, tr.table_owner, tr.table_name, tr.rule_type, tr.dml_condition, tr.subsetting_operation, tr.include_tagged_lcr, tr.source_database, tr.rule_name, tr.rule_owner, tr.rule_condition from dba_streams_table_rules tr, "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES" p, all_rules ar where tr.rule_owner = ar.rule_owner and tr.rule_name = ar.rule_name and tr.streams_name = p.streams_name and tr.streams_type = p.streams_type / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES is 'Rules created by streams administrative APIs on tables visible to the current user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process: capture/propagation/apply process' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION or APPLY' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the table selected by this rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table selected by this rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'Type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'Row subsetting condition' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'DML operation for row subsetting' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'Whether or not to include tagged LCR' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'Name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule to be applied' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Generated rule condition evaluated by the rules engine' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES for ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on streams$_message_rules tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private view select to all columns from streams$_message_rules. -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES" as select * from sys.streams$_message_rules / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES" to exp_full_database / create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES (STREAMS_NAME, STREAMS_TYPE, MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME, MESSAGE_TYPE_OWNER, MESSAGE_RULE_VARIABLE, RULE_NAME, RULE_OWNER, RULE_CONDITION) as select r.streams_name, decode(r.streams_type, 2, 'PROPAGATION', 3, 'APPLY', 4, 'DEQUEUE', 'UNDEFINED'), msg_type_name, msg_type_owner, msg_rule_var, r.rule_name, r.rule_owner, sr.rule_condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES" sr, "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" r where sr.rule_owner = r.rule_owner and sr.rule_name = r.rule_name / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES is 'Rules for Streams messaging' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process : propagation/apply/dequeue' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: PROPAGATION, APPLY, or DEQUEUE' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME is 'Name of the message type' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_OWNER is 'Owner of the message type' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_RULE_VARIABLE is 'Name of variable in the message rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Rule condition' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES for DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES as select mr.* from dba_streams_message_rules mr, "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES" p, all_rules ar where mr.rule_owner = ar.rule_owner and mr.rule_name = ar.rule_name and mr.streams_name = p.streams_name and mr.streams_type = p.streams_type / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES is 'Rules for Streams messaging visible to the current user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the streams process : propagation/apply/dequeue' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: PROPAGATION, APPLY, or DEQUEUE' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME is 'Name of the message type' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_OWNER is 'Owner of the message type' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.MESSAGE_RULE_VARIABLE is 'Name of variable in the message rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Rule condition' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES for ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unified streams rules views ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This view of all the rules used by streams processes assumes that -- rule names are unique over streams$_rules and streams$_message_rules. -- Column same_rule_condition compares the original rule condition (ORC) -- to the current rule condition (CRC), and has value 'Y' if they -- are the same, 'N' if they are different, and NULL if it cannot be -- determined. The algorithm used to find the value of the column is: -- if ORC is NULL then -- same_rule_condition = NULL; -- else -- if ORC = CRC then -- same_rule_condition = 'Y'; -- else -- if length(CRC) > 4000 -- -- ORC only stores the first 4000 bytes, so unable to compare -- -- if length(CRC) > 4000 -- same_rule_condition = NULL; -- else -- same_rule_condition = 'N'; -- end if; -- end if; -- end if; create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_RULES as select decode(r.streams_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION', 3, 'APPLY', 4, 'DEQUEUE', 5, 'SYNC_CAPTURE') streams_type, r.streams_name, r.rule_set_owner, r.rule_set_name, r.rule_owner, r.rule_name, r.rule_condition, r.rule_set_type, decode(sr.object_type, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'SCHEMA', 3, 'GLOBAL') streams_rule_type, sr.schema_name, sr.object_name, decode(sr.subsetting_operation, 1, 'INSERT', 2, 'UPDATE', 3, 'DELETE') subsetting_operation, sr.dml_condition, decode(sr.include_tagged_lcr, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES') include_tagged_lcr, sr.source_database, decode(sr.rule_type, 1, 'DML', 2, 'DDL') rule_type, smr.msg_type_owner message_type_owner, smr.msg_type_name message_type_name, smr.msg_rule_var message_rule_variable, NVL(sr.rule_condition, smr.rule_condition) original_rule_condition, decode(NVL(sr.rule_condition, smr.rule_condition), NULL, NULL, dbms_lob.substr(r.rule_condition), 'YES', decode(least(4001,dbms_lob.getlength(r.rule_condition)), 4001, NULL, 'NO')) same_rule_condition from "_DBA_STREAMS_RULES_H" r, streams$_rules sr, streams$_message_rules smr where r.rule_name = sr.rule_name(+) and r.rule_owner = sr.rule_owner(+) and r.rule_name = smr.rule_name(+) and r.rule_owner = smr.rule_owner(+) / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_RULES is 'Rules used by Streams processes' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION, APPLY or DEQUEUE' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the Streams process' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Current rule condition' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_TYPE is 'Type of the rule set: POSITIVE or NEGATIVE' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: TABLE, SCHEMA or GLOBAL' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'For table and schema rules, the schema name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.OBJECT_NAME is 'For table rules, the table name' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'For subset rules, the type of operation: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'For subset rules, the row subsetting condition' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'For global, schema or table rules, whether or not to include tagged LCRs' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'For global, schema or table rules, the name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_OWNER is 'For message rules, the owner of the message type' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME is 'For message rules, the name of the message type' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_RULE_VARIABLE is 'For message rules, the name of the variable in the message rule' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, the original rule condition when the rule was created' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_RULES.SAME_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, whether or not the current rule condition is the same as the original rule condition' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_RULES for DBA_STREAMS_RULES / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_RULES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_RULES as select r.* from dba_streams_rules r, "_ALL_STREAMS_PROCESSES" p where r.streams_type = p.streams_type and r.streams_name = p.streams_name / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_RULES is 'Rules used by streams processes' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the streams process: CAPTURE, PROPAGATION, APPLY or DEQUEUE' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the Streams process' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Current rule condition' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_SET_type is 'Type of the rule set: POSITIVE or NEGATIVE' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.STREAMS_RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: TABLE, SCHEMA or GLOBAL' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'For table and schema rules, the schema name' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.OBJECT_NAME is 'For table rules, the table name' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'For subset rules, the type of operation: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'For subset rules, the row subsetting condition' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'For global, schema or table rules, whether or not to include tagged LCRs' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'For global, schema or table rules, the name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_OWNER is 'For message rules, the owner of the message type' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_TYPE_NAME is 'For message rules, the name of the message type' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.MESSAGE_RULE_VARIABLE is 'For message rules, the name of the variable in the message rule' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, the original rule condition when the rule was created' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_RULES.SAME_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, whether or not the current rule condition is the same as the original rule condition' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_RULES for ALL_STREAMS_RULES / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_RULES to public with grant option / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- view to get sync capture tables ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES (TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, ENABLED) as SELECT distinct sr.table_owner, sr.table_name, decode(bitand(t.trigflag, 32), 32, 'YES', 'NO') FROM dba_streams_table_rules sr, obj$ tob, user$ tu, tab$ t WHERE streams_type = 'SYNC_CAPTURE' AND sr.table_owner = AND sr.table_name = AND tob.owner# = tu.user# AND tob.obj# = t.obj# / comment on table DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES is 'All tables that are captured by synchronous streams captures.' / comment on column DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the sync capture table' / comment on column DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the sync capture table' / comment on column DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.ENABLED is 'Is synchronous Streams capture enabled for this table?' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES for DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES / grant select on DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES to public with grant option / -- View of all sync capture tables create or replace view ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES (TABLE_OWNER, TABLE_NAME, ENABLED) as SELECT distinct sr.table_owner, sr.table_name, decode(bitand(t.trigflag, 32), 32, 'YES', 'NO') FROM all_streams_table_rules sr, obj$ tob, user$ tu, tab$ t WHERE streams_type = 'SYNC_CAPTURE' AND sr.table_owner = AND sr.table_name = AND tob.owner# = tu.user# AND tob.obj# = t.obj# / comment on table ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES is 'All tables that are captured by synchronous streams captures.' / comment on column ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the synchronous capture table' / comment on column ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the synchronous capture table' / comment on column ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES.ENABLED is 'Is synchronous Streams capture enabled for this table?' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES for ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES / grant select on ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_XSTREAM_RULES and ALL_XSTREAM_RULES VIEW ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view dba_xstream_rules as select streams_name, streams_type, streams_rule_type, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, rule_set_type, rule_owner, rule_name, rule_type, rule_condition, schema_name, object_name, include_tagged_lcr, subsetting_operation, dml_condition, source_database, original_rule_condition, same_rule_condition from dba_streams_rules where ((streams_type = 'CAPTURE') or (streams_type = 'APPLY')) and ((streams_type, streams_name) IN (select 'APPLY', server_name from sys.xstream$_server union select 'CAPTURE', capture_name from sys.xstream$_server)) / comment on table DBA_XSTREAM_RULES is 'Details about the XStream server rules' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the Streams process' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams process: CAPTURE or APPLY' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: TABLE, SCHEMA or GLOBAL' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_type is 'Type of the rule set: POSITIVE or NEGATIVE' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Current rule condition' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'For table and schema rules, the schema name' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.OBJECT_NAME is 'For table rules, the table name' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'For global, schema or table rules, whether or not to include tagged LCRs' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'For subset rules, the type of operation: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'For subset rules, the row subsetting condition' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'For global, schema or table rules, the name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, the original rule condition when the rule was created' / comment on column DBA_XSTREAM_RULES.SAME_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, whether or not the current rule condition is the same as the original rule condition' / create or replace public synonym dba_xstream_rules for dba_xstream_rules / grant select on dba_xstream_rules to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_xstream_rules as select streams_name, streams_type, streams_rule_type, rule_set_owner, rule_set_name, rule_set_type, rule_owner, rule_name, rule_type, rule_condition, schema_name, object_name, include_tagged_lcr, subsetting_operation, dml_condition, source_database, original_rule_condition, same_rule_condition from all_streams_rules where ((streams_type = 'CAPTURE') or (streams_type = 'APPLY')) and ((streams_type, streams_name) IN (select 'APPLY', server_name from sys.xstream$_server union select 'CAPTURE', capture_name from sys.xstream$_server)) / comment on table ALL_XSTREAM_RULES is 'Details about the XStream server rules visible to user' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the Streams process' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams process: CAPTURE or APPLY' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.STREAMS_RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: TABLE, SCHEMA or GLOBAL' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_SET_type is 'Type of the rule set: POSITIVE or NEGATIVE' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_NAME is 'Name of the rule' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_TYPE is 'For global, schema or table rules, type of rule: DML or DDL' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.RULE_CONDITION is 'Current rule condition' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.SCHEMA_NAME is 'For table and schema rules, the schema name' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.OBJECT_NAME is 'For table rules, the table name' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.INCLUDE_TAGGED_LCR is 'For global, schema or table rules, whether or not to include tagged LCRs' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.SUBSETTING_OPERATION is 'For subset rules, the type of operation: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.DML_CONDITION is 'For subset rules, the row subsetting condition' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.SOURCE_DATABASE is 'For global, schema or table rules, the name of the database where the LCRs originated' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.ORIGINAL_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, the original rule condition when the rule was created' / comment on column ALL_XSTREAM_RULES.SAME_RULE_CONDITION is 'For rules created by Streams administrative APIs, whether or not the current rule condition is the same as the original rule condition' / create or replace public synonym all_xstream_rules for all_xstream_rules / grant select on all_xstream_rules to select_catalog_role /