Rem Rem $Header: catstrm.sql 11-nov-2006.15:42:25 jinwu Exp $ Rem Rem catstrm.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catstrm.sql - STReams Message catalog views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - add Streams Message catalog views Rem jinwu 11/09/06 - Created Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Views on streams message consumers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private view select to all columns from streams$_message_consumers. -- Used by export. Respective catalog views will select from this view. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS" as select * from sys.streams$_message_consumers / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS" to exp_full_database / -- Private view to list information about message notifications associated -- with Streams message consumers. This view is used by export. create or replace view "_DBA_STREAMS_MSG_NOTIFICATIONS" (STREAMS_NAME, QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_OWNER, RULE_SET_NAME, RULE_SET_OWNER, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER, NOTIFICATION_TYPE, NOTIFICATION_ACTION, USER_CONTEXT, CONTEXT_SIZE, ANY_CONTEXT, CONTEXT_TYPE) as select c.streams_name, c.queue_name, c.queue_owner, c.rset_name, c.rset_owner, c.neg_rset_name, c.neg_rset_owner, decode(UPPER(substr(r.location_name,1,instr(r.location_name,'://') -1)), 'PLSQL', 'PROCEDURE', 'MAILTO', 'MAIL', 'HTTP', 'HTTP'), substr(r.location_name, instr(r.location_name, '://') + 3), r.user_context, r.context_size, r.any_context, r.context_type from sys."_DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS" c, sys.reg$ r where '"' ||c.queue_owner||'"."'||c.queue_name||'":"'||c.streams_name || '"' = r.subscription_name (+) and NVL(r.namespace, 1) = 1 / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_MSG_NOTIFICATIONS" to exp_full_database / create or replace view DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS (STREAMS_NAME, QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_OWNER, RULE_SET_NAME, RULE_SET_OWNER, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER, NOTIFICATION_TYPE, NOTIFICATION_ACTION, NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT) as select streams_name, queue_name, queue_owner, rule_set_name, rule_set_owner, negative_rule_set_name, negative_rule_set_owner, notification_type, notification_action, decode(context_type, 0, sys.anydata.ConvertRaw(user_context), 1, any_context) from sys."_DBA_STREAMS_MSG_NOTIFICATIONS" / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS is 'Streams messaging consumers' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the consumer' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.QUEUE_NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.QUEUE_OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the negative rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the negative rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_TYPE is 'Type of notification action: plsql/mailto/http' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_ACTION is 'Notification action' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT is 'Context for the notification action' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS for DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- View of streams message consumers create or replace view ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS as select c.* from dba_streams_message_consumers c, all_queues q where c.queue_name = and c.queue_owner = q.owner and ((c.rule_set_owner is null and c.rule_set_name is null) or ((c.rule_set_owner, c.rule_set_name) in (select r.rule_set_owner, r.rule_set_name from all_rule_sets r))) and ((c.negative_rule_set_owner is null and c.negative_rule_set_name is null) or ((c.negative_rule_set_owner, c.negative_rule_set_name) in (select r.rule_set_owner, r.rule_set_name from all_rule_sets r))) / comment on table ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS is 'Streams messaging consumers visible to the current user' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.STREAMS_NAME is 'Name of the consumer' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.QUEUE_NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.QUEUE_OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the rule set' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME is 'Name of the negative rule set' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER is 'Owner of the negative rule set' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_TYPE is 'Type of notification action: plsql/mailto/http' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_ACTION is 'Notification action' / comment on column ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS.NOTIFICATION_CONTEXT is 'Context for the notification action' / create or replace public synonym ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS for ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS / grant select on ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS to public with grant option /