Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catstr.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/05/13 11:32:36 yurxu Exp $ Rem Rem catstr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catstr.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem yurxu 05/04/11 - Backport yurxu_bug-12391440 from main Rem yurxu 04/12/11 - Backport yurxu_bug-11922716 from main Rem yurxu 03/05/10 - Bug-9469148: modify user/dba_goldengate_privileges Rem juyuan 12/23/09 - dba_goldengate_privileges Rem juyuan 04/15/09 - add v$streams_pool_statistics Rem jinwu 11/03/06 - restructure by creating subsidiary catalog Rem views: catstrm.sql, catstrr.sql, catstrt.sql Rem catrse.sql, catcmp.sql and catstrc.sql Rem jstamos 06/20/06 - tune dba_comparison_scan Rem jinwu 09/07/06 - split streams advisor Rem thoang 06/01/06 - add all_sync_capture_tables Rem juyuan 07/07/06 - remove dba_streams_tables view Rem jinwu 07/06/06 - add streams$_component_prop_in Rem juyuan 06/27/06 - lrg 2278802 Rem jinwu 06/06/06 - add new DBA_STREAMS_TP (topology) views Rem juyuan 05/10/06 - add dba_streams_tables view Rem jinwu 05/25/06 - add new columns stream_id and link_level Rem to streams$_component_link_in Rem jinwu 04/26/06 - replace dblink with new column Rem dst_database_name in v$propagation_sender Rem rvenkate 04/10/06 - add comparison views Rem jinwu 04/26/06 - replace dblink with new column dst_database_name Rem in v$propagation_sender Rem liwong 05/10/06 - sync capture cleanup Rem jinwu 02/14/06 - add Streams Topology per-database views Rem juyuan 03/07/06 - add v$streams_message_tracking Rem thoang 08/22/05 - do not ref (streams_name, streams_type) from Rem streams$_message_rules & streams$_rules Rem thoang 05/06/05 - support synchronous capture Rem elu 03/09/05 - move apply spilling to catapp.sql Rem alakshmi 03/07/05 - recoverable script views Rem alakshmi 02/28/05 - error recovery for maintain_ apis Rem nshodhan 03/04/05 - add v$streams_transaction Rem liwong 02/07/05 - Include custom_type Rem htran 02/01/05 - dba_apply_spill_txn view Rem alakshmi 01/28/05 - add streams$_apply_spill_msgs_part Rem htran 01/19/05 - apply spill internal view Rem htran 01/06/05 - add scn column for spilled messages Rem elu 01/05/05 - streams apply spilling Rem nshodhan 11/24/04 - mark encrypted columns unsupported Rem htran 07/20/04 - create streams$_anydata_array type Rem bpwang 06/03/04 - streams$internal_transform.column_type to number Rem ksurlake 06/01/04 - reg$ has canonicalized subname Rem nshodhan 05/24/04 - support IOTs w/ lobs and overflow Rem bpwang 03/11/04 - Adding internal lcr transformation support Rem htran 03/03/04 - load catfgr.sql Rem htran 12/01/03 - change message_consumers for anydata context Rem bpwang 10/24/03 - Bug 2984150: Support urowid type Rem wesmith 07/29/03 - view DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS: Rem remove join to AQ tables Rem nshodhan 08/11/03 - bug : add auto_filtered column Rem bpwang 07/15/03 - bug 2771770: add streams$nv_node and nv_array Rem wesmith 06/13/03 - allow MV tables in _DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED_10_1 Rem elu 05/27/03 - decode for subsetting_operation Rem bpwang 05/19/03 - add "_DBA_STREAMS_QUEUES" Rem elu 04/29/03 - fix all_streams_message_consumers Rem nshodhan 04/25/03 - filter out CTXSYS objects from strms unsup. view Rem elu 04/22/03 - add dba_streams_rules Rem nshodhan 04/22/03 - make context indices unsupported Rem nshodhan 04/01/03 - Add support for streams_unsupported bit Rem bpwang 02/17/03 - Bug 2785745: Dropping capture and apply Rem processes when drop user cascade called on Rem capture or apply user Rem liwong 02/14/03 - Bug 2804918 Rem liwong 01/23/03 - Add dba_streams_unsupported and its siblings Rem htran 01/15/03 - add LOCAL_PRIVILEGES and ACCESS_FROM_REMOTE Rem columns to DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR. Rem add _DBA_STREAMS_PRIVILEGED_USER view. Rem liwong 12/25/02 - Fix dba_streams_message_consumers Rem liwong 12/23/02 - Support Dequeue in dba_streams_table_rules Rem apadmana 12/06/02 - Add view for exporting streams$_message_rules Rem liwong 10/23/02 - Modify dba_streams_message_consumers Rem apadmana 10/18/02 - Add view dba_streams_message_rules Rem bpwang 09/27/02 - Adding DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION and Rem - ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION views Rem apadmana 09/27/02 - Add view dba_streams_administrator Rem liwong 07/16/02 - Fix all_streams_global_rules Rem sbalaram 06/17/02 - Fix bug 2395423 Rem sbalaram 01/25/02 - Fix all_streams_*_rules views Rem wesmith 01/09/02 - Streams export/import support Rem sbalaram 12/10/01 - use create or replace synonym Rem sbalaram 12/04/01 - decode subsetting_operation Rem sbalaram 11/16/01 - Fix comments on some views Rem alakshmi 11/08/01 - Merged alakshmi_apicleanup Rem sbalaram 10/29/01 - add views Rem apadmana 10/26/01 - Created Rem Rem Streams CAPture @@catcap Rem Streams APPly @@catapp Rem Streams PRoPagation @@catprp Rem File Group Repository @@catfgr Rem Streams ADVisor(s) for Performance, Configuration and Error @@catsadv Rem STReams Message catalog views @@catstrm.sql Rem STReams Rule-related catalog views @@catstrr.sql Rem STReams Transformation catalog views @@catstrt.sql Rem Recoverable Script Execution catalog views @@catrse.sql ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- V$STREAMS_TRANSACTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view GV_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION as select * from gv$streams_transaction / create or replace public synonym GV$STREAMS_TRANSACTION for GV_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION / grant select on GV_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view V_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION as select * from v$streams_transaction / create or replace public synonym V$STREAMS_TRANSACTION for V_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION / grant select on V_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view GV_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING as select * from gv$streams_message_tracking / create or replace public synonym GV$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING for GV_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING / grant select on GV_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING to select_catalog_role / create or replace view V_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING as select * from v$streams_message_tracking / create or replace public synonym V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING for V_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING / grant select on V_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- V$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view GV_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS as select * from gv$streams_pool_statistics / create or replace public synonym GV$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS for GV_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS / grant select on GV_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view V_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS as select * from v$streams_pool_statistics / create or replace public synonym V$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS for V_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS / grant select on V_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES (username, privilege_type, grant_select_privileges, create_time) as select username, decode(privilege_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'APPLY', 3, '*'), decode(privilege_level, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), create_time from sys.goldengate$_privileges; comment on table DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES is 'Details about goldengate privileges' / comment on column DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.USERNAME is 'Name of the user that is granted the privilege' / comment on column DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.PRIVILEGE_TYPE is 'Type of privilege granted' / comment on column DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES is 'Whether to grant select privileges' / comment on column DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.CREATE_TIME is 'Timestamp for the granted privilege' / create or replace public synonym DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES for DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES / grant select on DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES as (select gp.* from DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES gp, sys.user$ u, dba_role_privs rp where ((gp.username = and (u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) union select gp.* from DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES gp, sys.user$ u, dba_role_privs rp where ( = rp.grantee and rp.granted_role = 'SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE' and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) / comment on table ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES is 'Details about goldengate privileges for the user' / comment on column ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.USERNAME is 'Name of the user that is granted the privilege' / comment on column ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.PRIVILEGE_TYPE is 'Type of privilege granted' / comment on column ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES is 'Whether to grant select privileges' / comment on column ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.CREATE_TIME is 'Timestamp for the granted privilege' / create or replace public synonym ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES for ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES / grant select on ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES (privilege_type, grant_select_privileges, create_time) as select decode(p.privilege_type, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'APPLY', 3, '*'), decode(p.privilege_level, 0, 'NO', 1, 'YES'), create_time from sys.goldengate$_privileges p, user_users u where p.username = u.username; comment on table USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES is 'Details about goldengate privileges' / comment on column USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.PRIVILEGE_TYPE is 'Type of privilege granted' / comment on column USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.GRANT_SELECT_PRIVILEGES is 'Whether to grant select privileges' / comment on column USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES.CREATE_TIME is 'Timestamp for the granted privilege' / create or replace public synonym USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES for USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES / grant select on USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES to public / Rem Data CoMParison catalog views @@catcmp.sql Rem STReams Compatibility catalog views @@catstrc.sql