Rem Rem $Header: catsscr.sql 06-sep-2006.19:08:30 chliang Exp $ Rem Rem catsscr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catsscr.sql - Session Capture and Restore calog objects Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script defines the catalog views to support Rem session capture and restore Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem chliang 05/03/06 - add sscr objects Rem chliang 05/03/06 - Created Rem /* create sscr capture and restore tables */ create table sscr_cap$ ( /* capturing session information */ db_name varchar2(4000), /* source db name */ inst_name varchar2(4000), /* instance name */ inst_id number, /* instance id */ sid number, /* session id */ serial# number, /* session serial# */ user_id number, /* user id */ schema_id number, /* schema id */ /* capture information */ seq# number, /* capture sequence number */ cmode number, /* capture mode */ scope number, /* capture scope */ format number, /* capture format */ directory varchar2(30), /* capture directory */ locator raw(64), /* session state locator */ capture_time timestamp /* capture time */ ) tablespace SYSAUX / create index i_sscr_cap$ on sscr_cap$(seq#) tablespace SYSAUX / create table sscr_res$ ( /* restoring session information */ db_name varchar2(4000), /* source db name */ inst_name varchar2(4000), /* instance name */ inst_id number, /* instance id */ sid number, /* session id */ serial# number, /* session serial# */ user_id number, /* user id */ schema_id number, /* schema id */ /* restore information */ seq# number, /* capture sequence number */ rmode number, /* restore mode */ scope number, /* restore scope */ format number, /* restore format */ directory varchar2(30), /* capture directory */ locator raw(64), /* session state locator */ restore_time timestamp /* restore time */ ) tablespace SYSAUX / create index i_sscr_res$ on sscr_res$(seq#) tablespace SYSAUX / create sequence sscr_cap_seq$ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 0 nomaxvalue cache 10 order nocycle / -- Create migration history view for source sessions CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_sscr_capture ( db_name, inst_name, inst_id, session_id, session_serial#, user_name, schema_name, sequence#, capture_mode, capture_scope, capture_format, capture_dir, capture_locator, capture_time ) AS SELECT c.db_name, c.inst_name, c.inst_id, c.sid, c.serial#,,, c.seq#, decode(c.cmode, 0, 'SESSION', 1, 'GLOBAL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(c.scope, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'MINIMAL', 2, 'TYPICAL', 3, 'FULL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(c.format, 0, 'NATIVE', 1, 'UNIVERSAL'),, c.locator, c.capture_time FROM sscr_cap$ c, user$ u, user$ s WHERE (c.user_id = u.user# AND c.schema_id = s.user#) / COMMENT ON TABLE DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE IS 'Session state capture statistics' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.DB_NAME IS 'Database name of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.INST_NAME IS 'Instance name of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.INST_ID IS 'Instance id of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.SESSION_ID IS 'Session ID of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.SESSION_SERIAL# IS 'Session serial# of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.USER_NAME IS 'User name of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.SCHEMA_NAME IS 'Schema name of captured session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.SEQUENCE# IS 'Sequence# of capture operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_MODE IS 'Mode of capture operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_SCOPE IS 'Scope of capture operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_FORMAT IS 'Format of capture files' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_DIR IS 'Directory object of capture files' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_LOCATOR IS 'Locator of master capture file' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE.CAPTURE_TIME IS 'Timestamp of capture operation' / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_sscr_restore ( db_name, inst_name, inst_id, session_id, session_serial#, user_name, schema_name, sequence#, restore_mode, restore_scope, restore_format, restore_dir, restore_locator, restore_time ) AS SELECT r.db_name, r.inst_name, r.inst_id, r.sid, r.serial#,,, r.seq#, decode(r.rmode, 0, 'SESSION', 1, 'GLOBAL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(r.scope, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'MINIMAL', 2, 'TYPICAL', 3, 'FULL', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(r.format, 0, 'NATIVE', 1, 'UNIVERSAL'),, r.locator, r.restore_time FROM sscr_res$ r, user$ u, user$ s WHERE (r.user_id = u.user# AND r.schema_id = s.user#) / COMMENT ON TABLE DBA_SSCR_RESTORE IS 'Session state restore statistics' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.DB_NAME IS 'Database name of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.INST_NAME IS 'Instance name of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.INST_ID IS 'Instance id of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.SESSION_ID IS 'Session ID of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.SESSION_SERIAL# IS 'Session serial# of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.USER_NAME IS 'User name of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.SCHEMA_NAME IS 'Schema name of restored session' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.SEQUENCE# IS 'Sequence# of restore operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_MODE IS 'Mode of restore operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_SCOPE IS 'Scope of restore operation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_FORMAT IS 'Format of restore files' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_DIR IS 'Directory object of restore files' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_LOCATOR IS 'Locator of master restore file' / COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_SSCR_RESTORE.RESTORE_TIME IS 'Timestamp of restore operation' /