Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catsqltv.sql /main/19 2009/12/08 18:04:23 arbalakr Exp $ Rem Rem catsqltv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catsqltv.sql - CATalog script for SQL Tune Views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Catalog script for sqltune views. This script contains view definitions Rem for (dba/user/all) sqltune advisor, sql tuning set and sql profile. Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem arbalakr 11/18/09 - truncate module/action the maximum lengths Rem in X$MODACT_LENGTH Rem pbelknap 06/23/09 - #8618452: db feature usg for sql monitor, Rem reporting Rem pbelknap 12/10/08 - add pack/unpack sqlset performance improvements Rem hayu 10/21/08 - add fix regression plans Rem hayu 09/01/08 - add parallel plans Rem pbelknap 04/10/07 - bug#5917151 - simplify dbms_hsxp_sql_profile_attr Rem for now import_sql_profile Rem akoeller 01/03/07 - Modify {ALL|USER}_SQLSET_REFERENCES Rem ddas 10/02/06 - plan_hash_value=>plan_id, add version Rem ddas 06/01/06 - modify definition of dbmshsxp_sql_profile_attr Rem mziauddi 05/11/06 - move dba_sql_profiles view definition to Rem catsmbvw.sql Rem pbelknap 07/18/06 - fix lrg #2409268 Rem kyagoub 06/12/06 - move plan related views to catadv.sql Rem kyagoub 06/10/06 - add plan_id to dba_sqltune_plan_stats Rem tcruanes 06/10/06 - add sql patch as new type of SQL profiles Rem pbelknap 06/06/06 - new profile type for auto-creation Rem kyagoub 05/16/06 - add wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash Rem kyagoub 04/25/06 - add exec_name to advisor plan table Rem pbelknap 07/07/05 - add extra rws stats Rem pbelknap 03/17/05 - add STATISTICS_ONLY view Rem kyagoub 11/08/04 - kyagoub_sqlset_perf Rem kyagoub 10/01/04 - add captured column to sqlset views Rem kyagoub 09/26/04 - Created Rem --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -- ------------------------- -- -- SQL TUNE VIEW DEFINITIONS -- -- ------------------------- -- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dba view definitions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- view dba_sqltune_binds ---------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_sqltune_binds AS SELECT task_id, object_id, position, value FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_binds; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_sqltune_binds FOR SYS.dba_sqltune_binds; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role GRANT SELECT ON dba_sqltune_binds to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; -------------------------- view dba_sqltune_statistics ------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_sqltune_statistics AS SELECT TASK_ID, OBJECT_ID, PARSING_SCHEMA_ID, SUBSTRB(MODULE,1,(SELECT KSUMODLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) MODULE, SUBSTRB(ACTION,1,(SELECT KSUACTLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) ACTION, ELAPSED_TIME, CPU_TIME, BUFFER_GETS, DISK_READS, DIRECT_WRITES, ROWS_PROCESSED, FETCHES, EXECUTIONS, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT, OPTIMIZER_COST, OPTIMIZER_ENV, COMMAND_TYPE FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_statistics; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_sqltune_statistics FOR SYS.dba_sqltune_statistics; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON dba_sqltune_statistics to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; ----------------------------- view dba_sqltune_plans -------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_sqltune_plans AS SELECT h.task_id, h.exec_name as execution_name, h.object_id, (case when h.attribute < power(2, 16) then decode(h.attribute, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when h.attribute > 3*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when h.attribute > 4*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when h.attribute > 5*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when h.attribute > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS attribute, statement_id, h.plan_hash as plan_hash_value, h.plan_id, timestamp, remarks, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, object_instance, object_type, optimizer, search_columns, id, parent_id, depth, position, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, access_predicates, filter_predicates, projection, time, qblock_name, other_xml FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash h, wri$_adv_sqlt_plans p where h.plan_id = p.plan_id; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_sqltune_plans FOR SYS.dba_sqltune_plans; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role GRANT SELECT ON dba_sqltune_plans to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; -------------------------- view dba_sqltune_rationale_plan --------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_sqltune_rationale_plan AS SELECT task_id, exec_name as execution_name, rtn_id AS rationale_id, object_id, operation_id, (case when plan_attr < power(2, 16) then decode(plan_attr, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when plan_attr > 3*power(2, 16) and plan_attr < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when plan_attr > 4*power(2, 16) and plan_attr < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when plan_attr > 5*power(2, 16) and plan_attr < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when plan_attr > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS plan_attribute FROM WRI$_adv_sqlt_rtn_plan; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_sqltune_rationale_plan FOR SYS.dba_sqltune_rationale_plan; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role GRANT SELECT ON dba_sqltune_rationale_plan to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user view definitions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- view user_sqltune_binds ---------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_sqltune_binds AS SELECT b.task_id, b.object_id, b.position, b.value FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_binds b, wri$_adv_objects o, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE b.object_id = and b.task_id = o.task_id and o.task_id = and t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID'); -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_sqltune_binds FOR SYS.user_sqltune_binds; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_sqltune_binds to PUBLIC; ------------------------- view user_sqltune_statistics ------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_sqltune_statistics AS SELECT b.TASK_ID, b.OBJECT_ID, PARSING_SCHEMA_ID, SUBSTRB(MODULE,1,(SELECT KSUMODLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) MODULE, SUBSTRB(ACTION,1,(SELECT KSUACTLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) ACTION, ELAPSED_TIME, CPU_TIME, BUFFER_GETS, DISK_READS, DIRECT_WRITES, ROWS_PROCESSED, FETCHES, EXECUTIONS, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT, OPTIMIZER_COST, OPTIMIZER_ENV, COMMAND_TYPE FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_statistics b, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE b.task_id = AND t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID'); -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_sqltune_statistics FOR SYS.user_sqltune_statistics; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_sqltune_statistics to PUBLIC; --------------------------- view user_sqltune_plans --------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_sqltune_plans AS SELECT h.task_id, h.exec_name as execution_name, h.object_id, (case when h.attribute < power(2, 16) then decode(h.attribute, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when h.attribute > 3*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when h.attribute > 4*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when h.attribute > 5*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when h.attribute > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS attribute, p.statement_id, h.plan_hash as PLAN_HASH_VALUE, h.plan_id, p.timestamp, p.remarks, p.operation, p.options, p.object_node, p.object_owner, p.object_name, p.object_alias, p.object_instance, p.object_type, p.optimizer, p.search_columns,, p.parent_id, p.depth, p.position, p.cost, p.cardinality, p.bytes, p.other_tag, p.partition_start, p.partition_stop, p.partition_id, p.other, p.distribution, p.cpu_cost, p.io_cost, p.temp_space, p.access_predicates, p.filter_predicates, p.projection, p.time, p.qblock_name, p.other_xml FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash h, wri$_adv_sqlt_plans p, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE h.task_id = and h.plan_id = p.plan_id and t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID'); -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_sqltune_plans FOR SYS.user_sqltune_plans; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_sqltune_plans to PUBLIC; ----------------------- view user_sqltune_rationale_plan ----------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_sqltune_rationale_plan AS SELECT rp.task_id, rp.exec_name as execution_name, rp.rtn_id AS rationale_id, rp.object_id, rp.operation_id, (case when rp.plan_attr < power(2, 16) then decode(rp.plan_attr, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when rp.plan_attr > 3*power(2, 16) and rp.plan_attr < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when rp.plan_attr > 4*power(2, 16) and rp.plan_attr < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when rp.plan_attr > 5*power(2, 16) and rp.plan_attr < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when rp.plan_attr > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS plan_attribute FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_rtn_plan rp, wri$_adv_objects o, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE rp.object_id = and rp.task_id = o.task_id and o.task_id = and o.exec_name = rp.exec_name and t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID'); -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_sqltune_rationale_plan FOR SYS.user_sqltune_rationale_plan; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_sqltune_rationale_plan to PUBLIC; --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -- ------------------------------- -- -- SQL TUNING SET VIEW DEFINITIONS -- -- ------------------------------- -- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- dba view definitionss -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ DBA_SQLSET -------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_SQLSET as select ID, NAME, OWNER, DESCRIPTION, CREATED, LAST_MODIFIED, STATEMENT_COUNT from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET for DBA_SQLSET / -- this synonym is kept here for compatibility reasons. SHOULD BE DROPED LATER create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS for DBA_SQLSET / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on DBA_SQLSET to select_catalog_role / ------------------------------- DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES -------------------------- create or replace view DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, r.sqlset_id,, r.owner, r.created, r.description from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_REFERENCES r where = r.sqlset_id / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES for DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES to select_catalog_role / ------------------------------ DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS --------------------------- create or replace view DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS as select as sqlset_name, f.owner as sqlset_owner, sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, t.sql_text, p.parsing_schema_name, user# as parsing_schema_id, p.plan_hash_value, p.bind_data, p.binds_captured, substrb(s.module, 1, (select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(s.action, 1, (select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, c.elapsed_time, c.cpu_time, c.buffer_gets, c.disk_reads, c.direct_writes, c.rows_processed, c.fetches, c.executions, c.end_of_fetch_count, c.optimizer_cost, p.optimizer_env, m.priority, s.command_type, c.first_load_time, c.stat_period, c.active_stat_period, m.other, p.plan_timestamp, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS f, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_MASK m, WRH$_SQLTEXT t, WRI$_SQLSET_STATISTICS c, user$ u where = s.sqlset_id and = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = c.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = c.plan_hash_value AND p.stmt_id = m.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = m.plan_hash_value AND s.sql_id = t.sql_id AND t.dbid = (select max(d.dbid) from V$DATABASE d) AND p.parsing_schema_name = u.NAME(+); / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS for DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS to select_catalog_role / -------------------------------- DBA_SQLSET_BINDS ------------------------------ create or replace VIEW DBA_SQLSET_BINDS as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value, p.binds_captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_BINDS b where = s.sqlset_id and = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = b.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = b.plan_hash_value UNION ALL select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value_anydata as value, p.binds_captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, TABLE(dbms_sqltune.extract_binds(p.bind_data)) b where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET_BINDS for DBA_SQLSET_BINDS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on DBA_SQLSET_BINDS to select_catalog_role / --------------------------------- DBA_SQLSET_PLANS ----------------------------- create or replace VIEW DBA_SQLSET_PLANS as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, sqlset_id, sql_id, force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, as sql_seq, statement_id, plan_id, timestamp, remarks, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, object_instance, object_type, optimizer, search_columns,, parent_id, depth, position, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, access_predicates, filter_predicates, projection, time, qblock_name, other_xml, executions, starts, output_rows, cr_buffer_gets, cu_buffer_gets, disk_reads, disk_writes, elapsed_time, last_starts, last_output_rows, last_cr_buffer_gets, last_cu_buffer_gets, last_disk_reads, last_disk_writes, last_elapsed_time, policy, estimated_optimal_size, estimated_onepass_size, last_memory_used, last_execution, last_degree, total_executions, optimal_executions, onepass_executions, multipasses_executions, active_time, max_tempseg_size, last_tempseg_size from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_PLAN_LINES l where = s.sqlset_id and = p.stmt_id and p.stmt_id=l.stmt_id and p.plan_hash_value = l.plan_hash_value / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_SQLSET_PLANS for DBA_SQLSET_PLANS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on DBA_SQLSET_PLANS to select_catalog_role / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- user view definitions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- USER_SQLSET --------------------------------- create or replace view USER_SQLSET as select NAME, ID, DESCRIPTION, CREATED, LAST_MODIFIED, STATEMENT_COUNT from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS where owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') / -- create a public synonym for the USER_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS view create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET for USER_SQLSET / -- this synonym is kept here for compatibility reasons. SHOULD BE DROPED LATER create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS for USER_sqlset / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role grant select on USER_SQLSET to PUBLIC / ---------------------------- USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS ---------------------------- create or replace view USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS as select as sqlset_name, sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, t.sql_text, p.parsing_schema_name, user# as parsing_schema_id, p.plan_hash_value, p.bind_data, p.binds_captured, substrb(s.module, 1, (select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(s.action, 1, (select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, c.elapsed_time, c.cpu_time, c.buffer_gets, c.disk_reads, c.direct_writes, c.rows_processed, c.fetches, c.executions, c.end_of_fetch_count, c.optimizer_cost, p.optimizer_env, m.priority, s.command_type, c.first_load_time, c.stat_period, c.active_stat_period, m.other, p.plan_timestamp, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS f, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_MASK m, WRH$_SQLTEXT t, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_STATISTICS c, user$ u where = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = c.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = c.plan_hash_value AND p.stmt_id = m.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = m.plan_hash_value AND s.sql_id = t.sql_id AND t.dbid = (select max(d.dbid) from V$DATABASE d) AND = s.sqlset_id AND owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') AND p.parsing_schema_name = u.NAME(+); / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS for USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS / -- grant a select privilege on the view the PUBLIC role. grant select on USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS to PUBLIC / --------------------------- USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES ----------------------------- create or replace view USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES as select as sqlset_name, r.sqlset_id,, r.owner, r.description, r.created from wri$_sqlset_definitions d, wri$_sqlset_references r where and (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') or r.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER')) / -- create a pulbic synonym create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES for USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES / -- grant select privilege to the PUBLIC role. grant select on USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES to PUBLIC / ------------------------------ USER_SQLSET_BINDS ------------------------------- create or replace VIEW USER_SQLSET_BINDS as select name as sqlset_name, sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value, p.binds_Captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_BINDS b where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = b.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = b.plan_hash_value AND d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') UNION ALL select as sqlset_name, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value_anydata as value, p.binds_captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, TABLE(dbms_sqltune.extract_binds(p.bind_data)) b where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id AND d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET_BINDS for USER_SQLSET_BINDS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on USER_SQLSET_BINDS to PUBLIC / --------------------------------- USER_SQLSET_PLANS ---------------------------- create or replace VIEW USER_SQLSET_PLANS as select as sqlset_name, sqlset_id, sql_id, force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, as sql_seq, statement_id, plan_id, timestamp, remarks, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, object_instance, object_type, optimizer, search_columns,, parent_id, depth, position, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, access_predicates, filter_predicates, projection, time, qblock_name, other_xml, executions, starts, output_rows, cr_buffer_gets, cu_buffer_gets, disk_reads, disk_writes, elapsed_time, last_starts, last_output_rows, last_cr_buffer_gets, last_cu_buffer_gets, last_disk_reads, last_disk_writes, last_elapsed_time, policy, estimated_optimal_size, estimated_onepass_size, last_memory_used, last_execution, last_degree, total_executions, optimal_executions, onepass_executions, multipasses_executions, active_time, max_tempseg_size, last_tempseg_size from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_PLAN_LINES l where = s.sqlset_id and = p.stmt_id and p.stmt_id=l.stmt_id and p.plan_hash_value = l.plan_hash_value and d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym USER_SQLSET_PLANS for USER_SQLSET_PLANS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the public role grant select on USER_SQLSET_PLANS to public / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- all view definitions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ALL_SQLSET ---------------------------------- create or replace view ALL_SQLSET as select name, id, owner, description, created, last_modified, statement_count from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS where owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/)) / -- create a public synonym for the ALL_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS view create or replace public synonym ALL_SQLSET for ALL_SQLSET / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role grant select on ALL_SQLSET to PUBLIC / ---------------------------- ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS ----------------------------- create or replace view ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS as select as sqlset_name, f.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, t.sql_text, p.parsing_schema_name, p.plan_hash_value, p.bind_data, p.binds_captured, substrb(s.module, 1, (select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(s.action, 1, (select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, c.elapsed_time, c.cpu_time, c.buffer_gets, c.disk_reads, c.direct_writes, c.rows_processed, c.fetches, c.executions, c.end_of_fetch_count, c.optimizer_cost, p.optimizer_env, m.priority, s.command_type, c.first_load_time, c.stat_period, c.active_stat_period, m.other, p.plan_timestamp, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS f, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_MASK m, WRH$_SQLTEXT t, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_STATISTICS c where = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = c.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = c.plan_hash_value AND p.stmt_id = m.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = m.plan_hash_value AND s.sql_id = t.sql_id AND t.dbid = (select max(d.dbid) from V$DATABASE d) AND = s.sqlset_id AND (owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS for ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS / -- grant a select privilege on the view the PUBLIC role. grant select on ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS to PUBLIC / --------------------------- ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES ------------------------------ create or replace view ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, r.sqlset_id,, r.owner, r.description, r.created from wri$_sqlset_definitions d, wri$_sqlset_references r where AND (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR r.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a pulbic synonym create or replace public synonym ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES for ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES / -- grant select privilege to the PUBLIC role. grant select on ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES to PUBLIC / --------------------------------- ALL_SQLSET_PLANS ----------------------------- create or replace VIEW ALL_SQLSET_PLANS as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, sqlset_id, sql_id, force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, as sql_seq, statement_id, plan_id, timestamp, remarks, operation, options, object_node, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, object_instance, object_type, optimizer, search_columns,, parent_id, depth, position, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, access_predicates, filter_predicates, projection, time, qblock_name, other_xml, executions, starts, output_rows, cr_buffer_gets, cu_buffer_gets, disk_reads, disk_writes, elapsed_time, last_starts, last_output_rows, last_cr_buffer_gets, last_cu_buffer_gets, last_disk_reads, last_disk_writes, last_elapsed_time, policy, estimated_optimal_size, estimated_onepass_size, last_memory_used, last_execution, last_degree, total_executions, optimal_executions, onepass_executions, multipasses_executions, active_time, max_tempseg_size, last_tempseg_size from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_PLAN_LINES l where = s.sqlset_id and = p.stmt_id and p.stmt_id=l.stmt_id and p.plan_hash_value = l.plan_hash_value and (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym ALL_SQLSET_PLANS for ALL_SQLSET_PLANS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the public role grant select on ALL_SQLSET_PLANS to public / ------------------------------ ALL_SQLSET_BINDS -------------------------------- create or replace VIEW ALL_SQLSET_BINDS as select name as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, sqlset_id, sql_id, force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value, p.binds_captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, WRI$_SQLSET_BINDS b where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id AND p.stmt_id = b.stmt_id AND p.plan_hash_value = b.plan_hash_value AND (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) UNION ALL select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, b.position, b.value_anydata as value, p.binds_captured as captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p, TABLE(dbms_sqltune.extract_binds(p.bind_data)) b where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id AND (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym ALL_SQLSET_BINDS for ALL_SQLSET_BINDS / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role grant select on ALL_SQLSET_BINDS to PUBLIC / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- internal view definitions -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- -- !!! NOTE: DO NOT DOCUMENT THE FOLLOWING VIEWS. THESE VIEWS ARE FOR !!! -- -- !!! INTERNAL USE ONLY AND MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. !!! -- -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- _ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_ONLY -------------------------- create or replace view "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_ONLY" as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, s.command_type, s.parsing_schema_name, substrb(module, 1, (select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(action, 1, (select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s where = s.sqlset_id AND (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_ONLY" for "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_ONLY" / -- grant a select privilege on the view the PUBLIC role. grant select on "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_ONLY" to PUBLIC / ------------------------ _ALL_SQLSET_STATISTICS_ONLY --------------------------- create or replace view "_ALL_SQLSET_STATISTICS_ONLY" as SELECT stmts.sqlset_id, stat.stmt_id sql_seq, stat.plan_hash_value, stat.elapsed_time, stat.cpu_time, stat.buffer_gets, stat.disk_reads, stat.direct_writes, stat.rows_processed, stat.fetches, stat.executions, stat.end_of_fetch_count, stat.optimizer_cost, stat.first_load_time, stat.stat_period, stat.active_stat_period, plns.plan_timestamp, plns.binds_captured FROM WRI$_SQLSET_STATISTICS stat, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS stmts, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS plns, WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS defns WHERE = stmts.sqlset_id AND stat.stmt_id = AND stat.plan_hash_value = plns.plan_hash_value AND stat.stmt_id = plns.stmt_id AND (defns.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number = -273)); create or replace public synonym "_ALL_SQLSET_STATISTICS_ONLY" for "_ALL_SQLSET_STATISTICS_ONLY" / grant select on "_ALL_SQLSET_STATISTICS_ONLY" to PUBLIC / ------------------------- _ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_PHV --------------------------- create or replace view "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_PHV" as select as sqlset_name, d.owner as sqlset_owner, s.sqlset_id, s.sql_id, s.force_matching_signature, p.plan_hash_value, s.command_type, p.parsing_schema_name, substrb(s.module, 1, (select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(s.action, 1, (select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, p.plan_timestamp, p.binds_captured, as sql_seq from WRI$_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS d, WRI$_SQLSET_STATEMENTS s, WRI$_SQLSET_PLANS p where = s.sqlset_id AND = p.stmt_id AND (d.owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER') OR EXISTS (select 1 from V$ENABLEDPRIVS where priv_number in (-273 /*ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET*/))) / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_PHV" for "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_PHV" / -- grant a select privilege on the view the PUBLIC role. grant select on "_ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS_PHV" to PUBLIC / ---------------------------- _ALL_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK ---------------------------- create or replace view "_ALL_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK" as select sqlset_id, name, owner from WRI$_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK / create or replace public synonym "_ALL_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK" for "_ALL_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK" / grant select on "_ALL_SQLSET_STS_TOPACK" to PUBLIC / --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -- --------------------------- -- -- SQLT PROFILE EXPORT PACKAGE -- -- --------------------------- -- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- Rem create view required for SQL Tuning export Package create or replace view dbmshsxp_sql_profile_attr (profile_name, comp_data) as select, od.comp_data from sqlobj$ so, sqlobj$data od where so.signature = od.signature and so.category = od.category and so.obj_type = 1 and od.obj_type = 1 / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dbmshsxp_sql_profile_attr FOR dbmshsxp_sql_profile_attr / GRANT SELECT ON dbmshsxp_sql_profile_attr TO select_catalog_role / Rem SQL Tuning Export Package @@dbmshsxp.sql @@prvthsxp.plb Rem Register export package as a system export action DELETE FROM exppkgact$ WHERE package = 'DBMSHSXP' / INSERT INTO exppkgact$ (package, schema, class, level#) VALUES ('DBMSHSXP', 'SYS', 1, 1000) / commit / --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- -- -------------------------------- -- -- SQL MONITORING SCHEMA DEFINITION -- -- -------------------------------- -- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- ---------------------------- DBA_SQL_MONITOR_USAGE ----------------------------- -- NAME: -- DBA_SQL_MONITOR_USAGE -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This view tracks feature usage data for real-time sql monitoring -- -- DOCUMENT: -- NO -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view dba_sql_monitor_usage as select num_db_reports, num_em_reports, first_db_report_time, last_db_report_time, first_em_report_time, last_em_report_time from wri$_sqlmon_usage / create or replace public synonym dba_sql_monitor_usage for dba_sql_monitor_usage / grant select on dba_sql_monitor_usage to select_catalog_role /