Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catspace.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/05/17 22:09:52 gaggoel Exp $ Rem Rem catspace.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catspace.sql - CATalog SPACE management Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem declares all space management views and includes relevant space Rem management related packages. Rem Rem NOTES Rem currently dbms_space is in dbmsutil.sql - we should probably move Rem that here. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem gaggoel 05/11/11 - Backport gaggoel_bug-6967106 from main Rem gaggoel 02/01/11 - Backport gaggoel_bug-10434101 from main Rem rmacnico 06/11/09 - ARCHIVE LOW/HIGH Rem rmacnico 04/14/09 - Bug 8360974: dba_tables and AdvCmp Rem adalee 03/04/09 - new seg$ cachehint values Rem shsong 02/12/09 - Bug 8251884: add online/offline status to Rem DBA_TEMP_FILES Rem weizhang 12/04/08 - bug 6658672: ts alert not considering disk free Rem space Rem skiyer 11/18/08 - 7499672:correct missing predicate in Rem DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3 Rem weizhang 02/19/08 - storage clause INITIAL/NEXT for ASSM segment Rem bemeng 11/13/07 - use seg$ to get space usage in ts_quotas views Rem skiyer 08/21/07 - 6084512:Filter dropped undo seg from Rem dba_undo_extents Rem bemeng 07/10/07 - dba_temp_free_space: group sort seg info by ts Rem bemeng 06/25/07 - dba_temp_free_space: add outer join Rem vmarwah 05/23/07 - Compress for operation in *_TABLESPACES Rem bemeng 04/11/07 - move advisor related segments to sysaux tbs Rem smuthuli 03/08/07 - securefile name changes Rem slynn 10/12/06 - smartfile->securefile Rem skiyer 10/09/06 - 5527591:Include filespchdr blocks in tbs_metrics Rem skiyer 09/28/06 - 5549540:Deduct recyclebin object from tbs_metrics Rem bemeng 08/25/06 - fix new temp space view Rem adalee 08/07/06 - add ENCRYPTED column to *_TABLESPACES Rem atsukerm 04/03/06 - add predicate_evaluation column to tablespaces Rem family Rem bemeng 02/23/06 - create temp space views Rem smuthuli 03/09/06 - project 18567: securefiles Rem mabhatta 05/30/06 - adding SMU11 support to dba_undo_segments Rem weizhang 03/23/06 - bug 5029334: speed up dba_extents query Rem skiyer 03/13/06 - 5083393:DBA_FREE_SPACE change for file_id Rem correction Rem jklebane 11/03/05 - #(4702510). Remove join order hints from Rem dba_extents Rem weizhang 05/05/05 - speed up dba_auto_segadv_ctl query Rem nireland 02/26/05 - Add hints to user_free_space for bitmapped Rem recyclebin. #4058932 Rem nireland 02/21/05 - Add recyclebin to dba_free_space_coalesced. Rem #4069128 Rem nireland 12/20/04 - Add dropped tbs column for quotas. #2856726 Rem smuthuli 12/02/04 - move space quota views in here Rem nireland 12/06/04 - Fix EM / sys_dba_segs problem. #3965060 Rem smuthuli 06/15/04 - speed up asa_recommendations Rem bemeng 05/02/04 - dba_data_files: join x$kccfe for online status Rem smuthuli 05/05/04 - auto space advisor Rem vmarwah 03/15/04 - Bug 3492682: fix the DBA_FREE_SPACE views Rem bemeng 12/31/03 - add hints in DBA_FREE_SPACE Rem nmukherj 11/16/03 - changed the view DBA_SEGMENTS: bug2948717 Rem smuthuli 09/17/03 - add DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS Rem mdilman 09/02/03 - change BIGFILE column values for dba_tablespaces Rem vmarwah 08/11/03 - account for rbin space Rem nireland 04/23/03 - Fix DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS. #2816521 Rem bemeng 04/01/03 - add public synonym for v$filespace_usage Rem mdilman 09/17/02 - add BIGFILE column to DBA_TABLESPACES Rem wyang 09/12/02 - add RETENTION to dba_tablespaces and Rem user_tablespaces Rem qyu 08/12/02 - support lob shared segment Rem hbaer 08/08/02 - bug 2474106: COMPRESSION in *_TABLESPACES Rem vkarra 08/08/02 - tablespace groups Rem wyang 12/05/01 - deprecate commit time for DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS Rem yuli 07/23/01 - add column FORCE_LOGGING to dba_tablespaces Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE AND REPLACE SYNONYM Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice (remove ;) Rem jklebane 02/20/01 - 1614732 :remove hints; rearrange sel list Rem smuthuli 03/14/01 - freelist* = NULL for bitmap segs Rem smuthuli 02/26/01 - add STATUS to DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS Rem smuthuli 01/11/01 - rename dba_smu_extents to dba_undo_extents Rem apareek 08/11/00 - multiple bsz - DBA_TABLESPACES Rem smuthuli 10/06/00 - add block_size to dba/user_tablespaces Rem vkarra 09/28/00 - update to reflect new syntax Rem smuthuli 08/07/00 - add dba_smu_extents. Rem smuthuli 07/18/00 - differentiate permanent versus undo tablespaces Rem smuthuli 07/18/00 - fix sys_dba_segs for SMU Rem vkarra 06/18/00 - bitmap segments Rem smuthuli 08/12/99 - add space views for OEM folks Rem smuthuli 07/12/99 - rename dbmsspace.sql to dbmsspc.sql Rem nireland 06/21/99 - Remove meaningless values for temp tbs. #891996 Rem rshaikh 05/24/99 - remove com so views dont show in dictionary view Rem akruglik 07/01/98 - modify definition of SYS_OBJECTS to include LOB Rem partitions and subpartitions Rem bhimatsi 06/22/98 - fix space views to use correct file# Rem jwlee 04/29/98 - add column PLUGGED_IN to dba_tablespaces Rem sbasu 04/27/98 - add index subpartition to sys_objects list Rem nireland 04/24/98 - Don't show dropped tablespaces in Rem USER_TABLESPACES. #553723 Rem bhimatsi 04/14/98 - bitmap ts - fixed views synonyms Rem bhimatsi 04/08/98 - tempfiles - view changes Rem bhimatsi 04/03/98 - dba_temp_files - fix Rem atsukerm 03/31/98 - revised bitmapped syntax. Rem bhimatsi 03/26/98 - temp tablespaces Rem bhimatsi 03/26/98 - temp tablespaces Rem bhimatsi 03/20/98 - bitmapped ts - temp tablespaces Rem atsukerm 03/19/98 - put hints in the dba_extents. Rem bhimatsi 03/11/98 - fix _segs Rem bhimatsi 03/07/98 - eliminate index_stats Rem bhimatsi 02/27/98 - create file for space mgmgmt views and procedure Rem bhimatsi 02/27/98 - Created Rem -- load in the dbms_space_admin package @@dbmsspc -- load in the plb for above @@prvtspad.plb -- now define the views - this has to be done in this order as the view -- depends on functions from dbms_space_admin package remark FAMILY "SEGMENTS" remark Storage for all types of segments remark This family has no ALL member. remark define SYS_OBJECTS for use by segments views remark The sys_objects view is a basis for segments views remark The sys_user_segs view is a basis for user_segments and remark user_extents views remark The sys_dba_segs view is a basis for dba_segments and remark dba_extents views remark the value of extents/blocks in coming out of sys_user_segs and remark sys_dba_segs is correct only only for non-bitmapped tablespaces remark for bitmapped tablespaces, we have a procedure which we execute remark on the view on top of these to reduce the calls to the least remark selective set remark remark IMPORTANT NOTE ON SYS_OBJECTS : The definition for sys_objects is remark is replicated in kttm.c. So if you ever want to change the definition remark of sys_objects please notify the owner of kttm.c. remark create or replace view SYS_OBJECTS (OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_TYPE_ID, SEGMENT_TYPE_ID, OBJECT_ID, HEADER_FILE, HEADER_BLOCK, TS_NUMBER) as select decode(bitand(, 8192), 8192, 'NESTED TABLE', 'TABLE'), 2, 5, t.obj#, t.file#, t.block#, t.ts# from$ t where bitand(, 1024) = 0 /* exclude clustered tables */ union all select 'TABLE PARTITION', 19, 5, tp.obj#, tp.file#, tp.block#, tp.ts# from sys.tabpart$ tp union all select 'CLUSTER', 3, 5, c.obj#, c.file#, c.block#, c.ts# from sys.clu$ c union all select decode(i.type#, 8, 'LOBINDEX', 'INDEX'), 1, 6, i.obj#, i.file#, i.block#, i.ts# from sys.ind$ i where i.type# in (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) union all select 'INDEX PARTITION', 20, 6, ip.obj#, ip.file#, ip.block#, ip.ts# from sys.indpart$ ip union all select 'LOBSEGMENT', 21, 8, l.lobj#, l.file#, l.block#, l.ts# from sys.lob$ l where (bitand(, 64) = 0) or (bitand(, 128) = 128) union all select 'TABLE SUBPARTITION', 34, 5, tsp.obj#, tsp.file#, tsp.block#, tsp.ts# from sys.tabsubpart$ tsp union all select 'INDEX SUBPARTITION', 35, 6, isp.obj#, isp.file#, isp.block#, isp.ts# from sys.indsubpart$ isp union all select decode(lf.fragtype$, 'P', 'LOB PARTITION', 'LOB SUBPARTITION'), decode(lf.fragtype$, 'P', 40, 41), 8, lf.fragobj#, lf.file#, lf.block#, lf.ts# from sys.lobfrag$ lf / grant select on SYS_OBJECTS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view SYS_USER_SEGS (SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, SEGMENT_TYPE_ID, SEGMENT_SUBTYPE, TABLESPACE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, BLOCKSIZE, HEADER_FILE, HEADER_BLOCK, BYTES, BLOCKS, EXTENTS, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, RETENTION, MINRETENTION, PCT_INCREASE, FREELISTS, FREELIST_GROUPS, BUFFER_POOL_ID, FLASH_CACHE, CELL_FLASH_CACHE, SEGMENT_FLAGS, SEGMENT_OBJD) as select, o.subname, so.object_type, s.type#, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097408), 2097152, 'SECUREFILE', 256, 'ASSM', 'MSSM'), ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, s.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), to_char(decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097152), 2097152, decode(s.lists, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'AUTO', 2, 'MIN', 3, 'MAX', 4, 'DEFAULT', 'INVALID'), NULL)), decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097152), 2097152, s.groups, NULL), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), s.extpct), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1, 0), s.hwmincr from sys.obj$ o, sys.ts$ ts, sys.sys_objects so, sys.seg$ s where s.file# = so.header_file and s.block# = so.header_block and s.ts# = so.ts_number and s.ts# = ts.ts# and o.obj# = so.object_id and o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.type# = so.segment_type_id and o.type# = so.object_type_id union all select, NULL, decode(s.type#, 1, 'ROLLBACK', 10, 'TYPE2 UNDO'), s.type#, NULL, ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, s.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), NULL, NULL, s.extpct, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1, 0), s.hwmincr from sys.ts$ ts, sys.undo$ un, sys.seg$ s where s.file# = un.file# and s.block# = un.block# and s.ts# = un.ts# and s.ts# = ts.ts# and s.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.type# in (1, 10) and un.status$ != 1 union all select to_char(f.file#) || '.' || to_char(s.block#), NULL, decode(s.type#, 2, 'DEFERRED ROLLBACK', 3, 'TEMPORARY', 4, 'CACHE', 9, 'SPACE HEADER', 'UNDEFINED'), s.type#, NULL, ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, s.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), NULL, NULL, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), s.extpct), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1, 0), s.hwmincr from sys.ts$ ts, sys.seg$ s, sys.file$ f where s.ts# = ts.ts# and s.ts# = f.ts# and s.file# = f.relfile# and s.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.type# not in (1, 5, 6, 8, 10) / grant select on SYS_USER_SEGS to select_catalog_role / Rem Note that the way dataobj number is returned from this view. It is taken Rem from obj$ and undo$ rather than seg$. these are going to be same and hence Rem it is ok. The reason it is done this way is because we use the same Rem view for migrate purposes and at that time, seg$ doesnt have the objd Rem also note that undo segment no is passed for objd for undo segs. this Rem is exactly what we wish. create or replace view SYS_DBA_SEGS (OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, SEGMENT_TYPE_ID, SEGMENT_SUBTYPE, TABLESPACE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, BLOCKSIZE, HEADER_FILE, HEADER_BLOCK, BYTES, BLOCKS, EXTENTS, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, RETENTION, MINRETENTION, PCT_INCREASE, FREELISTS, FREELIST_GROUPS, RELATIVE_FNO, BUFFER_POOL_ID, FLASH_CACHE, CELL_FLASH_CACHE, SEGMENT_FLAGS, SEGMENT_OBJD) as select NVL(, 'SYS'),, o.subname, so.object_type, s.type#, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097408), 2097152, 'SECUREFILE', 256, 'ASSM', 'MSSM'), ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, f.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), to_char(decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097152), 2097152, decode(s.lists, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'AUTO', 2, 'MIN', 3, 'MAX', 4, 'DEFAULT', 'INVALID'), NULL)), decode(bitand(s.spare1, 2097152), 2097152, s.groups, NULL), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), s.extpct), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), s.file#, bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1,0), o.dataobj# from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.ts$ ts, sys.sys_objects so, sys.seg$ s, sys.file$ f where s.file# = so.header_file and s.block# = so.header_block and s.ts# = so.ts_number and s.ts# = ts.ts# and o.obj# = so.object_id and o.owner# = u.user# (+) and s.type# = so.segment_type_id and o.type# = so.object_type_id and s.ts# = f.ts# and s.file# = f.relfile# union all select NVL(, 'SYS'),, NULL, decode(s.type#, 1, 'ROLLBACK', 10, 'TYPE2 UNDO'), s.type#, NULL, ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, f.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), NULL, NULL, s.extpct, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), s.file#, bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1,0), from sys.user$ u, sys.ts$ ts, sys.undo$ un, sys.seg$ s, sys.file$ f where s.file# = un.file# and s.block# = un.block# and s.ts# = un.ts# and s.ts# = ts.ts# and s.user# = u.user# (+) and s.type# in (1, 10) and un.status$ != 1 and un.ts# = f.ts# and un.file# = f.relfile# union all select NVL(, 'SYS'), to_char(f.file#) || '.' || to_char(s.block#), NULL, decode(s.type#, 2, 'DEFERRED ROLLBACK', 3, 'TEMPORARY', 4, 'CACHE', 9, 'SPACE HEADER', 'UNDEFINED'), s.type#, NULL, ts.ts#,, ts.blocksize, f.file#, s.block#, s.blocks * ts.blocksize, s.blocks, s.extents, s.iniexts * ts.blocksize, s.extsize * ts.blocksize, s.minexts, s.maxexts, decode(bitand(s.spare1, 4194304), 4194304, bitmapranges, NULL), NULL, NULL, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), s.extpct), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.lists, 0, 1, s.lists)), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 32), 32, to_number(NULL), decode(s.groups, 0, 1, s.groups)), s.file#, bitand(s.cachehint, 3), bitand(s.cachehint, 12)/4, bitand(s.cachehint, 48)/16, NVL(s.spare1,0), s.hwmincr from sys.user$ u, sys.ts$ ts, sys.seg$ s, sys.file$ f where s.ts# = ts.ts# and s.user# = u.user# (+) and s.type# not in (1, 5, 6, 8, 10) and s.ts# = f.ts# and s.file# = f.relfile# / grant select on SYS_DBA_SEGS to select_catalog_role / remark USER_SEGMENTS masks out tablespace number from sys_user_segs create or replace view USER_SEGMENTS (SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, SEGMENT_SUBTYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, BYTES, BLOCKS, EXTENTS, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, RETENTION, MINRETENTION, PCT_INCREASE, FREELISTS, FREELIST_GROUPS, BUFFER_POOL, FLASH_CACHE, CELL_FLASH_CACHE) as select segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, segment_subtype, tablespace_name, decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, blocks, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, header_file, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks), blocks)))*blocksize, decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, blocks, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, header_file, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks), blocks))), decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, extents, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_extents(tablespace_id, header_file, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, extents) , extents))), initial_extent, next_extent, min_extents, max_extents, max_size, retention, minretention, pct_increase, freelists, freelist_groups, decode(buffer_pool_id, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'RECYCLE', 'DEFAULT'), decode(flash_cache, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'NONE', 'DEFAULT'), decode(cell_flash_cache, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'NONE', 'DEFAULT') from sys_user_segs / comment on table USER_SEGMENTS is 'Storage allocated for all database segments' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of segment: "TABLE", "CLUSTER", "INDEX", "ROLLBACK", "DEFERRED ROLLBACK", "TEMPORARY", "SPACE HEADER", "TYPE2 UNDO" or "CACHE"' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_SUBTYPE is 'SubType of Lob segment: "SECUREFILE", "ASSM", "MSSM", NULL' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.BYTES is 'Size, in bytes, of the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.BLOCKS is 'Size, in Oracle blocks, of the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.EXTENTS is 'Number of extents allocated to the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.INITIAL_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the initial extent of the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.NEXT_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the next extent to be allocated to the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.MIN_EXTENTS is 'Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.MAX_EXTENTS is 'Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.MAX_SIZE is 'Maximum number of blocks allowed in the segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.RETENTION is 'Retention option for SECUREFILE segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.MINRETENTION is 'Minimum Retention Duration for SECUREFILE segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.PCT_INCREASE is 'Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.FREELISTS is 'Number of process freelists allocated to this segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.FREELIST_GROUPS is 'Number of freelist groups allocated to this segment' / comment on column USER_SEGMENTS.BUFFER_POOL is 'The default buffer pool to be used for blocks from this segment' / create or replace public synonym USER_SEGMENTS for USER_SEGMENTS / grant select on USER_SEGMENTS to PUBLIC with grant option / remark DBA_SEGMENTS masks out tablespace number from sys_dba_segs create or replace view DBA_SEGMENTS (OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, SEGMENT_SUBTYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, HEADER_FILE, HEADER_BLOCK, BYTES, BLOCKS, EXTENTS, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, RETENTION, MINRETENTION, PCT_INCREASE, FREELISTS, FREELIST_GROUPS, RELATIVE_FNO, BUFFER_POOL, FLASH_CACHE, CELL_FLASH_CACHE) as select owner, segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, segment_subtype, tablespace_name, header_file, header_block, decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, blocks, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks), blocks)))*blocksize, decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, blocks, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks), blocks))), decode(bitand(segment_flags, 131072), 131072, extents, (decode(bitand(segment_flags,1),1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_extents(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, extents) , extents))), initial_extent, next_extent, min_extents, max_extents, max_size, retention, minretention, pct_increase, freelists, freelist_groups, relative_fno, decode(buffer_pool_id, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'RECYCLE', 'DEFAULT'), decode(flash_cache, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'NONE', 'DEFAULT'), decode(cell_flash_cache, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'NONE', 'DEFAULT') from sys_dba_segs / create or replace public synonym DBA_SEGMENTS for DBA_SEGMENTS / grant select on DBA_SEGMENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_SEGMENTS is 'Storage allocated for all database segments' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.OWNER is 'Username of the segment owner' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of segment: "TABLE", "CLUSTER", "INDEX", "ROLLBACK", "DEFERRED ROLLBACK", "TEMPORARY","SPACE HEADER", "TYPE2 UNDO" or "CACHE"' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.SEGMENT_SUBTYPE is 'SubType of Lob segment: "SECUREFILE", "ASSM", "MSSM", NULL' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.HEADER_FILE is 'ID of the file containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.HEADER_BLOCK is 'ID of the block containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.BYTES is 'Size, in bytes, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.BLOCKS is 'Size, in Oracle blocks, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.EXTENTS is 'Number of extents allocated to the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.INITIAL_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the initial extent of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.NEXT_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the next extent to be allocated to the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.MIN_EXTENTS is 'Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.MAX_EXTENTS is 'Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.MAX_SIZE is 'Maximum number of blocks allowed in the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.RETENTION is 'Retention option for SECUREFILE segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.MINRETENTION is 'Minimum Retention Duration for SECUREFILE segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.PCT_INCREASE is 'Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.FREELISTS is 'Number of process freelists allocated in this segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.FREELIST_GROUPS is 'Number of freelist groups allocated in this segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS.BUFFER_POOL is 'The default buffer pool to be used for segments blocks' / remark remark DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD masks out tablespace number from sys_dba_segs create or replace view DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD (OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, HEADER_FILE, HEADER_BLOCK, BYTES, BLOCKS, EXTENTS, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, PCT_INCREASE, FREELISTS, FREELIST_GROUPS, RELATIVE_FNO, BUFFER_POOL) as select owner, segment_name, partition_name, segment_type, tablespace_name, header_file, header_block, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks)*blocksize, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, blocks), dbms_space_admin.segment_number_extents(tablespace_id, relative_fno, header_block, segment_type_id, buffer_pool_id, segment_flags, segment_objd, extents), initial_extent, next_extent, min_extents, max_extents, pct_increase, freelists, freelist_groups, relative_fno, decode(buffer_pool_id, 1, 'KEEP', 2, 'RECYCLE', 'DEFAULT') from sys_dba_segs / create or replace public synonym DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD for DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD / grant select on DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD is 'Storage allocated for all database segments' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.OWNER is 'Username of the segment owner' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of segment: "TABLE", "CLUSTER", "INDEX", "ROLLBACK", "DEFERRED ROLLBACK", "TEMPORARY","SPACE HEADER", "TYPE2 UNDO" or "CACHE"' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.HEADER_FILE is 'ID of the file containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.HEADER_BLOCK is 'ID of the block containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.BYTES is 'Size, in bytes, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.BLOCKS is 'Size, in Oracle blocks, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.EXTENTS is 'Number of extents allocated to the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.INITIAL_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the initial extent of the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.NEXT_EXTENT is 'Size, in bytes, of the next extent to be allocated to the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.MIN_EXTENTS is 'Minimum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.MAX_EXTENTS is 'Maximum number of extents allowed in the segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.PCT_INCREASE is 'Percent by which to increase the size of the next extent to be allocated' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.FREELISTS is 'Number of process freelists allocated in this segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.FREELIST_GROUPS is 'Number of freelist groups allocated in this segment' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD.BUFFER_POOL is 'The default buffer pool to be used for segments blocks' / remark remark FAMILY "EXTENTS" remark Extents associated with their segments. remark create or replace view USER_EXTENTS (SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, EXTENT_ID, BYTES, BLOCKS) as select ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type, ds.tablespace_name, e.ext#, e.length * ds.blocksize, e.length from sys.uet$ e, sys.sys_user_segs ds where e.segfile# = ds.header_file and e.segblock# = ds.header_block and e.ts# = ds.tablespace_id and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 1) = 0 and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0 union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(e) */ ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type, ds.tablespace_name, e.ktfbueextno, e.ktfbueblks * ds.blocksize, e.ktfbueblks from sys.sys_user_segs ds, sys.x$ktfbue e where e.ktfbuesegfno = ds.header_file and e.ktfbuesegbno = ds.header_block and e.ktfbuesegtsn = ds.tablespace_id and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 1) = 1 and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0 / comment on table USER_EXTENTS is 'Extents comprising segments owned by the user' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name of the segment associated with the extent' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of the segment' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.EXTENT_ID is 'Extent number in the segment' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.BYTES is 'Size of the extent in bytes' / comment on column USER_EXTENTS.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in ORACLE blocks' / create or replace public synonym USER_EXTENTS for USER_EXTENTS / grant select on USER_EXTENTS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_EXTENTS (OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, PARTITION_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, EXTENT_ID, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BYTES, BLOCKS, RELATIVE_FNO) as select ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type, ds.tablespace_name, e.ext#, f.file#, e.block#, e.length * ds.blocksize, e.length, e.file# from sys.uet$ e, sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.file$ f where e.segfile# = ds.relative_fno and e.segblock# = ds.header_block and e.ts# = ds.tablespace_id and e.ts# = f.ts# and e.file# = f.relfile# and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 1) = 0 and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0 union all select ds.owner, ds.segment_name, ds.partition_name, ds.segment_type, ds.tablespace_name, e.ktfbueextno, f.file#, e.ktfbuebno, e.ktfbueblks * ds.blocksize, e.ktfbueblks, e.ktfbuefno from sys.sys_dba_segs ds, sys.x$ktfbue e, sys.file$ f where e.ktfbuesegfno = ds.relative_fno and e.ktfbuesegbno = ds.header_block and e.ktfbuesegtsn = ds.tablespace_id and ds.tablespace_id = f.ts# and e.ktfbuefno = f.relfile# and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags, 0), 1) = 1 and bitand(NVL(ds.segment_flags,0), 65536) = 0 / create or replace public synonym DBA_EXTENTS for DBA_EXTENTS / grant select on DBA_EXTENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_EXTENTS is 'Extents comprising all segments in the database' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the segment associated with the extent' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name of the segment associated with the extent' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.PARTITION_NAME is 'Partition/Subpartition Name, if any, of the segment' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of the segment' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.FILE_ID is 'Name of the file containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.EXTENT_ID is 'Extent number in the segment' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.BYTES is 'Size of the extent in bytes' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_EXTENTS.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the segment header' / remark remark remark This view is a sister view of dba_extents. It shows the extent remark information for System Managed Undo segments only. The additional remark columns expose the commit times for the extents. remark commit_jtime and commit_wtime are deprecated. remark NULL will be returned for them. remark create or replace view DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS (OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, EXTENT_ID, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BYTES, BLOCKS, RELATIVE_FNO, COMMIT_JTIME, COMMIT_WTIME, STATUS) as select /*+ ordered use_nl(e) use_nl(f) */ 'SYS',,, e.ktfbueextno, f.file#, e.ktfbuebno, e.ktfbueblks * t.BLOCKSIZE, e.ktfbueblks, e.ktfbuefno, nullif(e.ktfbuectm, e.ktfbuectm), nullif(e.ktfbuestt, e.ktfbuestt), decode(e.ktfbuesta, 1, 'ACTIVE', 2, 'EXPIRED', 3, 'UNEXPIRED', 'UNDEFINED') from undo$ u, ts$ t, sys.x$ktfbue e, sys.file$ f where e.ktfbuesegfno = u.file# and e.ktfbuesegbno = u.block# and e.ktfbuesegtsn = u.ts# and (u.spare1 = 1 or u.spare1 = 2) and u.status$ != 1 and t.ts# = u.ts# and e.ktfbuefno = f.relfile# and u.ts# = f.ts# / create or replace public synonym DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS for DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS / grant select on DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS is 'Extents comprising all segments in the system managed undo tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the segment associated with the extent' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name of the segment associated with the extent' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.FILE_ID is 'Name of the file containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.EXTENT_ID is 'Extent number in the segment' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.BYTES is 'Size of the extent in bytes' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the segment header' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.COMMIT_JTIME is 'Commit Time of the undo in the extent expressed as Julian date' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.COMMIT_WTIME is 'Commit Time of the undo in the extent expressed as wall clock time' / comment on column DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS.STATUS is 'Transaction Status of the undo in the extent ' / remark remark This view selects all the used extents in locally managed remark tablespaces. Built on top of x$ktfbue. remark create or replace view DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS (SEGMENT_FILEID, SEGMENT_BLOCK, TABLESPACE_ID, EXTENT_ID, FILEID, BLOCK, LENGTH) as select u.ktfbuesegfno, u.ktfbuesegbno, u.ktfbuesegtsn, u.ktfbueextno, u.ktfbuefno, u.ktfbuebno, u.ktfbueblks from sys.x$ktfbue u where not exists (select * from sys.recyclebin$ rb where u.ktfbuesegtsn = rb.ts# and u.ktfbuesegfno = rb.file# and u.ktfbuesegbno = rb.block#) / create or replace public synonym DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS for DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS / grant select on DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS is 'All extents in the locally managed tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_FILEID is 'File number of segment header of the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_BLOCK is 'Block number of segment header of the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.TABLESPACE_ID is 'ID of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.EXTENT_ID is 'Extent number in the segment' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.FILEID is 'File Number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.BLOCK is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS.LENGTH is 'Number of blocks in the extent' / remark remark This view selects the used extents in dictionary managed remark tablespaces. Built on top of uet$ remark create or replace view DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS (SEGMENT_FILEID, SEGMENT_BLOCK, TABLESPACE_ID, EXTENT_ID, FILEID, BLOCK, LENGTH) as select u.segfile#, u.segblock#, u.ts#, u.ext#, u.file#, u.block#, u.length from sys.uet$ u where not exists (select * from sys.recyclebin$ rb where u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block#) / create or replace public synonym DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS for DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS / grant select on DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS is 'All extents in the dictionary managed tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_FILEID is 'File number of segment header of the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.SEGMENT_BLOCK is 'Block number of segment header of the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.TABLESPACE_ID is 'ID of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.EXTENT_ID is 'Extent number in the segment' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.FILEID is 'File Number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.BLOCK is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS.LENGTH is 'Number of blocks in the extent' / remark remark FAMILY "FREE_SPACE" remark Free extents. remark This family has no ALL member. remark create or replace view USER_FREE_SPACE (TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BYTES, BLOCKS, RELATIVE_FNO) as select, fi.file#, f.block#, f.length * ts.blocksize, f.length, f.file# from sys.fet$ f, sys.ts$ ts, sys.file$ fi where f.ts# = ts.ts# and f.ts# = fi.ts# and f.file# = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped = 0 and (ts.ts# in (select tsq.ts# from sys.tsq$ tsq where tsq.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and tsq.maxblocks != 0) or exists (select null from sys.v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -15 /* UNLIMITED TABLESPACE */) ) union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(f) use_nl(fi) */, fi.file#, f.ktfbfebno, f.ktfbfeblks * ts.blocksize, f.ktfbfeblks, f.ktfbfefno from sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbfe f, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = f.ktfbfetsn and f.ktfbfetsn = fi.ts# and f.ktfbfefno = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 and (ts.ts# in (select tsq.ts# from sys.tsq$ tsq where tsq.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and tsq.maxblocks != 0) or exists (select null from sys.v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -15 /* UNLIMITED TABLESPACE */) ) union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(u) use_nl(fi) */, fi.file#, u.ktfbuebno, u.ktfbueblks * ts.blocksize, u.ktfbueblks, u.ktfbuefno from sys.recyclebin$ rb, sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbue u, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = rb.ts# and rb.ts# = fi.ts# and rb.file# = fi.relfile# and u.ktfbuesegtsn = rb.ts# and u.ktfbuesegfno = rb.file# and u.ktfbuesegbno = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 and (ts.ts# in (select tsq.ts# from sys.tsq$ tsq where tsq.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and tsq.maxblocks != 0) or exists (select null from sys.v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -15 /* UNLIMITED TABLESPACE */) ) union all select, fi.file#, u.block#, u.length * ts.blocksize, u.length, u.file# from sys.ts$ ts, sys.uet$ u, sys.file$ fi, sys.recyclebin$ rb where ts.ts# = u.ts# and u.ts# = fi.ts# and u.segfile# = fi.relfile# and u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped = 0 and (ts.ts# in (select tsq.ts# from sys.tsq$ tsq where tsq.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and tsq.maxblocks != 0) or exists (select null from sys.v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -15 /* UNLIMITED TABLESPACE */) ) / comment on table USER_FREE_SPACE is 'Free extents in tablespaces accessible to the user' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.FILE_ID is 'ID number of the file containing the extent' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.BYTES is 'Size of the extent in bytes' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column USER_FREE_SPACE.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the extent' / create or replace public synonym USER_FREE_SPACE for USER_FREE_SPACE / grant select on USER_FREE_SPACE to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE (TABLESPACE_NAME, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BYTES, BLOCKS, RELATIVE_FNO) as select, fi.file#, f.block#, f.length * ts.blocksize, f.length, f.file# from sys.ts$ ts, sys.fet$ f, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = f.ts# and f.ts# = fi.ts# and f.file# = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped = 0 union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(f) use_nl(fi) */, fi.file#, f.ktfbfebno, f.ktfbfeblks * ts.blocksize, f.ktfbfeblks, f.ktfbfefno from sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbfe f, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = f.ktfbfetsn and f.ktfbfetsn = fi.ts# and f.ktfbfefno = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(u) use_nl(fi) */, fi.file#, u.ktfbuebno, u.ktfbueblks * ts.blocksize, u.ktfbueblks, u.ktfbuefno from sys.recyclebin$ rb, sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbue u, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = rb.ts# and rb.ts# = fi.ts# and u.ktfbuefno = fi.relfile# and u.ktfbuesegtsn = rb.ts# and u.ktfbuesegfno = rb.file# and u.ktfbuesegbno = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 union all select, fi.file#, u.block#, u.length * ts.blocksize, u.length, u.file# from sys.ts$ ts, sys.uet$ u, sys.file$ fi, sys.recyclebin$ rb where ts.ts# = u.ts# and u.ts# = fi.ts# and u.segfile# = fi.relfile# and u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped = 0 / create or replace public synonym DBA_FREE_SPACE for DBA_FREE_SPACE / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE is 'Free extents in all tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.FILE_ID is 'ID number of the file containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.BYTES is 'Size of the extent in bytes' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Relative number of the file containing the extent' / remark remark Free extents in locally managed tablespaces remark Built on top of x$ktfbfe remark create or replace view DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE (TABLESPACE_ID, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BLOCKS) as select ktfbfetsn, ktfbfefno, ktfbfebno, ktfbfeblks from x$ktfbfe / create or replace public synonym DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE for DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE / grant select on DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE is 'Free extents in all locally managed tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_ID is 'ID of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE.FILE_ID is 'ID number of the file containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in blocks' / remark remark Free extents in dictionary managed tablespaces remark Built on top of fet$ remark create or replace view DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE (TABLESPACE_ID, FILE_ID, BLOCK_ID, BLOCKS) as select ts#, file#, block#, length from fet$ / create or replace public synonym DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE for DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE / grant select on DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE is 'Free extents in all dictionary managed tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_ID is 'ID of the tablespace containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE.FILE_ID is 'ID number of the file containing the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE.BLOCK_ID is 'Starting block number of the extent' / comment on column DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE.BLOCKS is 'Size of the extent in blocks' / remark remark FAMILY "FREE_SPACE_COALESCED" remark Free extents which are Coalesced remark This family has only DBA member remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark Coalesced free extents and blocks in dictionary managed tablespaces. remark and also the same for objects in the recyclebin. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1 as select a.ts#, count(*) extents_coalesced, sum(a.length) blocks_coalesced from sys.fet$ a where not exists ( select * from sys.fet$ b where b.ts# = a.ts# and b.file# = a.file# and a.block# = b.block# + b.length) group by ts# union all select u.ts#, count(*) extents_coalesced, sum(u.length) blocks_coalesced from sys.uet$ u, sys.ts$ ts, sys.recyclebin$ rb where ts.ts# = u.ts# and u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped = 0 and not exists ( select * from sys.uet$ ub where u.ts# = ub.ts# and u.file# = ub.file# and u.block# = ub.block# + ub.length) group by u.ts# / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1 is REM 'Coalesced Free Extents for all dictionary Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1.extents_coalesced is 'Number of Coalesced Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1.blocks_coalesced is 'Total Coalesced Free Oracle Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark Total free extents and blocks for dictionary managed tablespaces remark and also used extents resident in the recyclebin. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2(ts#, total_extents, total_blocks) as select ts#, count(*), sum(length) from sys.fet$ group by ts# union all select u.ts#, count(*), sum(u.length) from sys.uet$ u, sys.ts$ ts, sys.recyclebin$ rb where ts.ts# = u.ts# and u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped = 0 group by u.ts# / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2 is REM 'Free Extents in dictionary Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2.total_extents is 'Number of Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2.total_blocks is 'Total Free Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark Here we get free extents and also used extents (which are in the remark recyclebin) for bitmapped tablespaces. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3(ts#, total_extents, total_blocks) as select /*+ ordered */ ktfbfetsn, count(*), sum(ktfbfeblks) from sys.x$ktfbfe group by ktfbfetsn union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(e) */ ktfbuesegtsn, count(*), sum(ktfbueblks) from sys.ts$ ts , sys.recyclebin$ rb, sys.x$ktfbue e where ts.ts# = e.ktfbuesegtsn and e.ktfbuesegtsn = rb.ts# and e.ktfbuesegfno = rb.file# and e.ktfbuesegbno = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 group by ktfbuesegtsn / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3 is REM 'Free Extents in locally managed Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3.total_extents is 'Number of Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3.total_blocks is 'Total Free Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark This collates bitmapped extents. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4(ts#, total_extents, total_blocks) as select ts#, sum(total_extents), sum(total_blocks) from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP3 group by ts# / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4 is REM 'Free Extents in locally managed Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4.total_extents is 'Number of Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4.total_blocks is 'Total Free Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5(ts#, total_extents, total_blocks) as select ts#, sum(total_extents), sum(total_blocks) from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2 group by ts# / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5 is REM 'Free Extents in dictionary managed Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5.total_extents is 'Number of Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5.total_blocks is 'Total Free Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark This view is just used for constructing the main view. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6(ts#, extents_coalesced, blocks_coalesced) as select ts#, sum(extents_coalesced), sum(blocks_coalesced) from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1 group by ts# / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6 to select_catalog_role / REM comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6 is REM 'Coalesced Free Extents for all dictionary Tablespaces' REM / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6.ts# is 'Number of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6.extents_coalesced is 'Number of Coalesced Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6.blocks_coalesced is 'Total Coalesced Free Oracle Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark MAIN VIEW for this family remark Free extents which do not have any other free extents before them are remark considered coalesced. This implies that if there is contiguous free remark space represented as 5 free extents, then we consider the first of remark these to be coalesced and the rest 4 to be non coalesced. remark create or replace view DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED (TABLESPACE_NAME, TOTAL_EXTENTS, EXTENTS_COALESCED, PERCENT_EXTENTS_COALESCED, TOTAL_BYTES, BYTES_COALESCED, TOTAL_BLOCKS, BLOCKS_COALESCED, PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED) as select name,total_extents, extents_coalesced, extents_coalesced/total_extents*100,total_blocks*c.blocksize, blocks_coalesced*c.blocksize, total_blocks, blocks_coalesced, blocks_coalesced/total_blocks*100 from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP6 a, DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP5 b, sys.ts$ c where a.ts#=b.ts# and a.ts#=c.ts# union all select name, total_extents, total_extents, 100, total_blocks*c.blocksize, total_blocks*c.blocksize, total_blocks, total_blocks, 100 from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP4 b, sys.ts$ c where b.ts# = c.ts# / create or replace public synonym DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED for DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED / grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED is 'Statistics on Coalesced Space in Tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.TOTAL_EXTENTS is 'Total Number of Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.EXTENTS_COALESCED is 'Total Number of Coalesced Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.PERCENT_EXTENTS_COALESCED is 'Percentage of Coalesced Free Extents in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.TOTAL_BYTES is 'Total Number of Free Bytes in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.BYTES_COALESCED is 'Total Number of Coalesced Free Bytes in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.TOTAL_BLOCKS is 'Total Number of Free Oracle Blocks in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.BLOCKS_COALESCED is 'Total Number of Coalesced Free Oracle Blocks in Tablespace' / comment on column DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED.PERCENT_BLOCKS_COALESCED is 'Percentage of Coalesced Free Oracle Blocks in Tablespace' / remark remark FAMILY "DATA_FILES" remark Information about database files. remark This family has a DBA member only. remark (we also have added filext$ for compatibility with 7.2 release) remark create or replace view DBA_DATA_FILES (FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, BYTES, BLOCKS, STATUS, RELATIVE_FNO, AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, MAXBLOCKS, INCREMENT_BY, USER_BYTES, USER_BLOCKS, ONLINE_STATUS) as select, f.file#,, ts.blocksize * f.blocks, f.blocks, decode(f.status$, 1, 'INVALID', 2, 'AVAILABLE', 'UNDEFINED'), f.relfile#, decode(, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), ts.blocksize * f.maxextend, f.maxextend,, ts.blocksize * (f.blocks - 1), f.blocks - 1, decode(fe.fetsn, 0, decode(bitand(fe.festa, 2), 0, 'SYSOFF', 'SYSTEM'), decode(bitand(fe.festa, 18), 0, 'OFFLINE', 2, 'ONLINE', 'RECOVER')) from sys.file$ f, sys.ts$ ts, sys.v$dbfile v, x$kccfe fe where v.file# = f.file# and f.spare1 is NULL and f.ts# = ts.ts# and fe.fenum = f.file# union all select,f.file#,, decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, ts.blocksize * hc.ktfbhcsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, hc.ktfbhcsz, NULL), decode(f.status$, 1, 'INVALID', 2, 'AVAILABLE', 'UNDEFINED'), f.relfile#, decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, decode(hc.ktfbhcinc, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, ts.blocksize * hc.ktfbhcmaxsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, hc.ktfbhcmaxsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, hc.ktfbhcinc, NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, hc.ktfbhcusz * ts.blocksize, NULL), decode(hc.ktfbhccval, 0, hc.ktfbhcusz, NULL), decode(fe.fetsn, 0, decode(bitand(fe.festa, 2), 0, 'SYSOFF', 'SYSTEM'), decode(bitand(fe.festa, 18), 0, 'OFFLINE', 2, 'ONLINE', 'RECOVER')) from sys.v$dbfile v, sys.file$ f, sys.x$ktfbhc hc, sys.ts$ ts, x$kccfe fe where v.file# = f.file# and f.spare1 is NOT NULL and v.file# = hc.ktfbhcafno and hc.ktfbhctsn = ts.ts# and fe.fenum = f.file# / create or replace public synonym DBA_DATA_FILES for DBA_DATA_FILES / grant select on DBA_DATA_FILES to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_DATA_FILES is 'Information about database data files' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.FILE_NAME is 'Name of the database data file' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.FILE_ID is 'ID of the database data file' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace to which the file belongs' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.BYTES is 'Size of the file in bytes' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.BLOCKS is 'Size of the file in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.STATUS is 'File status: "INVALID" or "AVAILABLE"' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Tablespace-relative file number' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.AUTOEXTENSIBLE is 'Autoextensible indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.MAXBYTES is 'Maximum autoextensible file size in bytes' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.MAXBLOCKS is 'Maximum autoextensible file size in blocks' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.INCREMENT_BY is 'Default increment for autoextension' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.USER_BYTES is 'Size of the useful portion of file in bytes' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.USER_BLOCKS is 'Size of the useful portion of file in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_DATA_FILES.ONLINE_STATUS IS 'Online status of the file' / create or replace view FILEXT$ (FILE#, MAXEXTEND, INC) as select f.file_id, f.maxblocks, f.increment_by from sys.dba_data_files f where f.increment_by <> 0 / comment on table FILEXT$ is 'Information about extensible files' / comment on column FILEXT$.FILE# is 'ID of the database file' / comment on column FILEXT$.MAXEXTEND is 'Maximum size of the file in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column FILEXT$.INC is 'Default increment for autoextension' / grant select on FILEXT$ to select_catalog_role / remark remark FAMILY "TABLESPACES" remark CREATE TABLESPACE parameters, except datafiles. remark This family has no ALL member. remark create or replace view USER_TABLESPACES (TABLESPACE_NAME, BLOCK_SIZE, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, PCT_INCREASE, MIN_EXTLEN, STATUS, CONTENTS, LOGGING, FORCE_LOGGING, EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, ALLOCATION_TYPE, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT, DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION, RETENTION, BIGFILE, PREDICATE_EVALUATION, ENCRYPTED, COMPRESS_FOR) as select, ts.blocksize, ts.blocksize * ts.dflinit, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), ts.blocksize * ts.dflincr), ts.dflminext, decode(ts.contents$, 1, to_number(NULL), ts.dflmaxext), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 4096), 4096, ts.affstrength, NULL), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), ts.dflextpct), ts.blocksize * ts.dflminlen, decode($, 1, 'ONLINE', 2, 'OFFLINE', 4, 'READ ONLY', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(ts.contents$, 0, (decode(bitand(ts.flags, 16), 16, 'UNDO', 'PERMANENT')), 1, 'TEMPORARY'), decode(bitand(ts.dflogging, 1), 0, 'NOLOGGING', 1, 'LOGGING'), decode(bitand(ts.dflogging, 2), 0, 'NO', 2, 'YES'), decode(ts.bitmapped, 0, 'DICTIONARY', 'LOCAL'), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 0, 'USER', 1, 'SYSTEM', 2, 'UNIFORM', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,32), 32,'AUTO', 'MANUAL'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,64), 64,'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,16), 16, (decode(bitand(ts.flags, 512), 512, 'GUARANTEE', 'NOGUARANTEE')), 'NOT APPLY'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,256), 256, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(tsattr.storattr, 1, 'STORAGE', 'HOST'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,16384), 16384, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,64), 0, null, (case when bitand(ts.flags, 65536) = 65536 then 'OLTP' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = 131072 then 'QUERY LOW' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = 262144 then 'QUERY HIGH' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = (131072+262144) then 'ARCHIVE LOW' when bitand(ts.flags, 524288) = 524288 then 'ARCHIVE HIGH' else 'BASIC' end)) from sys.ts$ ts, x$kcfistsa tsattr where$ != 3 and bitand(flags,2048) != 2048 and ( exists (select null from sys.tsq$ tsq where tsq.ts# = ts.ts# and tsq.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and (tsq.blocks > 0 or tsq.maxblocks != 0)) or exists (select null from sys.v$enabledprivs where priv_number = -15 /* UNLIMITED TABLESPACE */)) and ts.ts# = tsattr.tsid / comment on table USER_TABLESPACES is 'Description of accessible tablespaces' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.BLOCK_SIZE is 'Tablespace block size' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.INITIAL_EXTENT is 'Default initial extent size' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.NEXT_EXTENT is 'Default incremental extent size' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.MIN_EXTENTS is 'Default minimum number of extents' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.MAX_EXTENTS is 'Default maximum number of extents' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.MAX_SIZE is 'Default maximum size of segments' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.PCT_INCREASE is 'Default percent increase for extent size' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.MIN_EXTLEN is 'Minimum extent size for the tablespace' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.STATUS is 'Tablespace status: "ONLINE", "OFFLINE", or "READ ONLY"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.CONTENTS is 'Tablespace contents: "PERMANENT", or "TEMPORARY"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.LOGGING is 'Default logging attribute' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.FORCE_LOGGING is 'Tablespace force logging mode' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.EXTENT_MANAGEMENT is 'Extent management tracking: "DICTIONARY" or "LOCAL"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.ALLOCATION_TYPE is 'Type of extent allocation in effect for this tablespace' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT is 'Segment space management tracking: "AUTO" or "MANUAL"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION is 'Default table compression enabled or not: "ENABLED" or "DISABLED"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.RETENTION is 'Undo tablespace retention: "GUARANTEE", "NOGUARANTEE" or "NOT APPLY"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.BIGFILE is 'Bigfile tablespace indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.PREDICATE_EVALUATION is 'Predicates evaluated by: "HOST" or "STORAGE"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.ENCRYPTED is 'Encrypted tablespace indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column USER_TABLESPACES.COMPRESS_FOR is 'Default compression for what kind of operations' / create or replace public synonym USER_TABLESPACES for USER_TABLESPACES / grant select on USER_TABLESPACES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TABLESPACES (TABLESPACE_NAME, BLOCK_SIZE, INITIAL_EXTENT, NEXT_EXTENT, MIN_EXTENTS, MAX_EXTENTS, MAX_SIZE, PCT_INCREASE, MIN_EXTLEN, STATUS, CONTENTS, LOGGING, FORCE_LOGGING, EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, ALLOCATION_TYPE, PLUGGED_IN, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT, DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION, RETENTION, BIGFILE, PREDICATE_EVALUATION, ENCRYPTED, COMPRESS_FOR) as select, ts.blocksize, ts.blocksize * ts.dflinit, decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), ts.blocksize * ts.dflincr), ts.dflminext, decode(ts.contents$, 1, to_number(NULL), ts.dflmaxext), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 4096), 4096, ts.affstrength, NULL), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 1, to_number(NULL), ts.dflextpct), ts.blocksize * ts.dflminlen, decode($, 1, 'ONLINE', 2, 'OFFLINE', 4, 'READ ONLY', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(ts.contents$, 0, (decode(bitand(ts.flags, 16), 16, 'UNDO', 'PERMANENT')), 1, 'TEMPORARY'), decode(bitand(ts.dflogging, 1), 0, 'NOLOGGING', 1, 'LOGGING'), decode(bitand(ts.dflogging, 2), 0, 'NO', 2, 'YES'), decode(ts.bitmapped, 0, 'DICTIONARY', 'LOCAL'), decode(bitand(ts.flags, 3), 0, 'USER', 1, 'SYSTEM', 2, 'UNIFORM', 'UNDEFINED'), decode(ts.plugged, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,32), 32,'AUTO', 'MANUAL'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,64), 64,'ENABLED', 'DISABLED'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,16), 16, (decode(bitand(ts.flags, 512), 512, 'GUARANTEE', 'NOGUARANTEE')), 'NOT APPLY'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,256), 256, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(tsattr.storattr, 1, 'STORAGE', 'HOST'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,16384), 16384, 'YES', 'NO'), decode(bitand(ts.flags,64), 0, null, (case when bitand(ts.flags, 65536) = 65536 then 'OLTP' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = 131072 then 'QUERY LOW' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = 262144 then 'QUERY HIGH' when bitand(ts.flags, (131072+262144)) = (131072+262144) then 'ARCHIVE LOW' when bitand(ts.flags, 524288) = 524288 then 'ARCHIVE HIGH' else 'BASIC' end)) from sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$kcfistsa tsattr where$ != 3 and bitand(flags,2048) != 2048 and ts.ts# = tsattr.tsid / create or replace public synonym DBA_TABLESPACES for DBA_TABLESPACES / grant select on DBA_TABLESPACES to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TABLESPACES is 'Description of all tablespaces' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.BLOCK_SIZE is 'Tablespace block size' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.INITIAL_EXTENT is 'Default initial extent size' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.NEXT_EXTENT is 'Default incremental extent size' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.MIN_EXTENTS is 'Default minimum number of extents' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.MAX_SIZE is 'Default maximum size of segments' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.PCT_INCREASE is 'Default percent increase for extent size' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.MIN_EXTLEN is 'Minimum extent size for the tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.STATUS is 'Tablespace status: "ONLINE", "OFFLINE", or "READ ONLY"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.CONTENTS is 'Tablespace contents: "PERMANENT", or "TEMPORARY"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.LOGGING is 'Default logging attribute' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.FORCE_LOGGING is 'Tablespace force logging mode' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.EXTENT_MANAGEMENT is 'Extent management tracking: "DICTIONARY" or "LOCAL"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.ALLOCATION_TYPE is 'Type of extent allocation in effect for this tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT is 'Segment space management tracking: "AUTO" or "MANUAL"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.DEF_TAB_COMPRESSION is 'Default compression enabled or not: "ENABLED" or "DISABLED"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.RETENTION is 'Undo tablespace retention: "GUARANTEE", "NOGUARANTEE" or "NOT APPLY"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.BIGFILE is 'Bigfile tablespace indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.PREDICATE_EVALUATION is 'Predicates evaluated by: "HOST" or "STORAGE"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.ENCRYPTED is 'Encrypted tablespace indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACES.COMPRESS_FOR is 'Default compression for what kind of operations' / remark remark Following views related to temporary tablespaces remark FAMILY "TEMP_FILES" remark Information about database temp files. remark This family has a DBA member only. remark ### we should probably not use kccfn here remark create or replace view DBA_TEMP_FILES (FILE_NAME, FILE_ID, TABLESPACE_NAME, BYTES, BLOCKS, STATUS, RELATIVE_FNO, AUTOEXTENSIBLE, MAXBYTES, MAXBLOCKS, INCREMENT_BY, USER_BYTES, USER_BLOCKS) as select /*+ ordered use_nl(hc) */ v.fnnam, hc.ktfthctfno,, decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, ts.blocksize * hc.ktfthcsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcsz, NULL), decode(bitand(tf.tfsta, 2),0,'OFFLINE',2,'ONLINE','UNKNOWN'), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcfno, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, decode(hc.ktfthcinc, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, ts.blocksize * hc.ktfthcmaxsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcmaxsz, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcinc, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcusz * ts.blocksize, NULL), decode(hc.ktfthccval, 0, hc.ktfthcusz, NULL) from sys.x$kccfn v, sys.x$ktfthc hc, sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$kcctf tf where v.fntyp = 7 and v.fnnam is not null and v.fnfno = hc.ktfthctfno and hc.ktfthctsn = ts.ts# and v.fnfno = tf.tfnum and tf.tffnh = v.fnnum and tf.tfdup != 0 and bitand(tf.tfsta, 32) <> 32 / create or replace public synonym DBA_TEMP_FILES for DBA_TEMP_FILES / grant select on DBA_TEMP_FILES to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TEMP_FILES is 'Information about database temp files' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.FILE_NAME is 'Name of the database temp file' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.FILE_ID is 'ID of the database temp file' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace to which the file belongs' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.BYTES is 'Size of the file in bytes' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.BLOCKS is 'Size of the file in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.STATUS is 'File status: "AVAILABLE"' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.RELATIVE_FNO is 'Tablespace-relative file number' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.AUTOEXTENSIBLE is 'Autoextensible indicator: "YES" or "NO"' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.MAXBYTES is 'Maximum size of the file in bytes' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.MAXBLOCKS is 'Maximum size of the file in ORACLE blocks' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.INCREMENT_BY is 'Default increment for autoextension' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.USER_BYTES is 'Size of the useful portion of file in bytes' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FILES.USER_BLOCKS is 'Size of the useful portion of file in ORACLE blocks' / create or replace view v_$temp_extent_map as select * from v$temp_extent_map; create or replace public synonym v$temp_extent_map for v_$temp_extent_map; grant select on v_$temp_extent_map to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view gv_$temp_extent_map as select * from gv$temp_extent_map; create or replace public synonym gv$temp_extent_map for gv_$temp_extent_map; grant select on gv_$temp_extent_map to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view v_$temp_extent_pool as select * from v$temp_extent_pool; create or replace public synonym v$temp_extent_pool for v_$temp_extent_pool; grant select on v_$temp_extent_pool to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view gv_$temp_extent_pool as select * from gv$temp_extent_pool; create or replace public synonym gv$temp_extent_pool for gv_$temp_extent_pool; grant select on gv_$temp_extent_pool to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view v_$temp_space_header as select * from v$temp_space_header; create or replace public synonym v$temp_space_header for v_$temp_space_header; grant select on v_$temp_space_header to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view gv_$temp_space_header as select * from gv$temp_space_header; create or replace public synonym gv$temp_space_header for gv_$temp_space_header; grant select on gv_$temp_space_header to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view v_$filespace_usage as select * from v$filespace_usage; create or replace public synonym v$filespace_usage for v_$filespace_usage; grant select on v_$filespace_usage to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view gv_$filespace_usage as select * from gv$filespace_usage; create or replace public synonym gv$filespace_usage for gv_$filespace_usage; grant select on gv_$filespace_usage to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; remark remark FAMILY "TABLESPACE_GROUPS" remark CREATE TABLESPACE parameters, except datafiles. remark This family only has a DBA member. remark create or replace view DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS (GROUP_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME) as select, from ts$ ts, ts$ ts2 where$ != 3 and bitand(ts.flags,1024) = 1024 and ts.dflmaxext = ts2.ts# / create or replace public synonym DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS for DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS / grant select on DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS is 'Description of all tablespace groups' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS.GROUP_NAME is 'Tablespace Group name' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / remark remark FAMILY "TABLESPACE_USAGE" remark This family only has a DBA member. remark create or replace view DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS (TABLESPACE_NAME, USED_SPACE, TABLESPACE_SIZE, USED_PERCENT) as SELECT, tstat.kttetsused, tstat.kttetsmsize, (tstat.kttetsused / tstat.kttetsmsize) * 100 FROM sys.ts$ t, x$kttets tstat WHERE$ != 3 and t.bitmapped <> 0 and t.contents$ = 0 and bitand(t.flags, 16) <> 16 and t.ts# = tstat.kttetstsn union SELECT, sum(f.allocated_space), sum(f.file_maxsize), (sum(f.allocated_space)/sum(f.file_maxsize))*100 FROM sys.ts$ t, v$filespace_usage f WHERE$ != 3 and t.bitmapped <> 0 and t.contents$ <> 0 and f.flag = 6 and t.ts# = f.tablespace_id GROUP BY, f.tablespace_id, t.ts# union SELECT, sum(f.allocated_space), sum(f.file_maxsize), (sum(f.allocated_space)/sum(f.file_maxsize))*100 FROM sys.ts$ t, gv$filespace_usage f, gv$parameter param WHERE$ != 3 and t.bitmapped <> 0 and f.inst_id = param.inst_id and = 'undo_tablespace' and = param.value and f.flag = 6 and t.ts# = f.tablespace_id GROUP BY, f.tablespace_id, t.ts# / create or replace public synonym DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS for DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS / grant select on DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS is 'Description of all tablespace space usage metrics' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS.TABLESPACE_SIZE is 'Total size of the tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS.USED_SPACE is 'Total space consumed in the tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS.USED_PERCENT is '% of used space, as a function of maximum possible tablespace size' / Rem Rem Auto Segment Advisor Control tables Rem Rem CREATE TABLE wri$_segadv_objlist( auto_taskid number, ts_id number, objn number, objd number, status varchar2(40), task_id number, reason varchar2(40), reason_value number, creation_time timestamp(6), proc_taskid number, end_time timestamp(6), segment_owner varchar2(30), segment_name varchar2(81), partition_name varchar2(30), segment_type varchar2(18), tablespace_name varchar2(30) ) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_segadv_objlist_idx_aid on wri$_segadv_objlist(auto_taskid) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_segadv_objlist_idx_ts on wri$_segadv_objlist(ts_id) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_segadv_objlist_idx_obj on wri$_segadv_objlist(ts_id, objn, objd) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_segadv_objlist_idx_objd on wri$_segadv_objlist(objd) tablespace SYSAUX; CREATE TABLE wri$_segadv_cntrltab( auto_taskid number, snapid number, segments_selected number, segments_processed number, tablespace_selected number, tablespace_processed number, recommendations_count number, start_time timestamp(6), end_time timestamp(6), constraint wri$_segadv_cntrltab_pk primary key(auto_taskid) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX; Rem REm Auto Segment Advisor Family of Views. Rem REm CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL (AUTO_TASKID, TABLESPACE_NAME, SEGMENT_OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, PARTITION_NAME, STATUS, REASON, REASON_VALUE, CREATION_TIME, PROCESSED_TASKID, END_TIME) as select stats.auto_taskid, stats.tablespace_name, stats.segment_owner, stats.segment_name, stats.segment_type, stats.partition_name, stats.status, stats.reason, stats.reason_value, stats.creation_time, stats.proc_taskid, stats.end_time from wri$_segadv_objlist stats / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.AUTO_TASKID is 'Creation Task id of the auto segment advisor job' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace Name of the tablespace processed by the auto segment advisor' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.SEGMENT_OWNER is 'Owner of the segment processed by the auto segment advisor' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.SEGMENT_NAME is 'Name of the segment processed by the auto segment advisor' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.SEGMENT_TYPE is 'Type of the segment processed by the auto segment advisor' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.PARTITION_NAME is 'Name of the partition processed by the advisor' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.STATUS is 'Status of the auto advisor task for this segment or tablespace' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.REASON is 'Reason why this segment or tablespace is chosen for analysis' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.REASON_VALUE is 'Reason value for the segment or tablespace' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.CREATION_TIME is 'Time at which this entry was created' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.PROCESSED_TASKID is 'The auto task id that processed this segment' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL.END_TIME is 'Time at which the segment was completely processed' / grant select on DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL to select_catalog_role / grant select on DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL to public / create or replace public synonym DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL for DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_CTL / CREATE OR REPLACE view DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY ( AUTO_TASKID, SNAPID, SEGMENTS_SELECTED, SEGMENTS_PROCESSED, TABLESPACE_SELECTED, TABLESPACE_PROCESSED, RECOMMENDATIONS_COUNT, START_TIME, END_TIME) as select AUTO_TASKID, SNAPID, SEGMENTS_SELECTED, SEGMENTS_PROCESSED, TABLESPACE_SELECTED, TABLESPACE_PROCESSED, RECOMMENDATIONS_COUNT, START_TIME, END_TIME from wri$_segadv_cntrltab / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.AUTO_TASKID is 'Creation Task id of the auto segment advisor job' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.SNAPID is 'Minimum AWR Snapid that was used to process' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.SEGMENTS_SELECTED is 'Number of segments selected for analysis' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.SEGMENTS_PROCESSED is 'Number of segments successfully processed' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.TABLESPACE_SELECTED is 'Number of tablespaces selected for analysis' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.TABLESPACE_PROCESSED is 'Number of tablespaces successfully processed' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.RECOMMENDATIONS_COUNT is 'Number of recommendations generated' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.START_TIME is 'Time at which this task was started' / comment on column DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY.END_TIME is 'Time at which this task ended' / grant select on DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY to select_catalog_role / grant select on DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY to public / create or replace public synonym DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY for DBA_AUTO_SEGADV_SUMMARY / Rem Rem Temp Tables needed by the auto advisor Rem create global temporary table sys.wri$_adv_asa_reco_data (task_id number, ctime timestamp, segowner varchar2(100), segname varchar2(100), segtype varchar2(64), partname varchar2(100), tsname varchar2(100), benefit_type number, usp number, alsp number, rec number, chct number, cmd_id number, c1 varchar2(1000), c2 varchar2(1000), c3 varchar2(1000)) on commit preserve rows / grant select, insert, delete on sys.wri$_adv_asa_reco_data to public / remark remark FAMILY "TS_QUOTAS" remark Tablespace quotas for users. remark This family has no ALL member. remark Rem Rem Performance improvement: Rem Get segments number of blocks from seg$.blocks. This column was Rem introduced in 10g. For databases that were upgraded from older Rem releases, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks() is called to Rem gather the information. Rem View USER_TS is now useless. It is still left here just to avoid Rem any potential upgrade issue. Rem create or replace view USER_TS(uname, tsname, tsn) as select user$.name, ts$.name, ts$.ts# from user$, ts$ / create or replace view TBS_SPACE_USAGE(tsn, user#, blocks, maxblocks) as select tsq$.ts#, tsq$.user#, NVL(sum(decode(bitand(seg$.spare1, 131072), 131072, seg$.blocks, (decode(bitand(seg$.spare1, 1), 1, dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(tsq$.ts#, seg$.file#, seg$.block#, seg$.type#, seg$.cachehint, seg$.spare1, seg$.hwmincr, seg$.blocks), seg$.blocks)))), 0), tsq$.maxblocks from seg$, tsq$ where tsq$.ts# = seg$.ts# (+) and tsq$.user# = seg$.user# (+) group by tsq$.ts#, tsq$.user#, tsq$.maxblocks / create or replace view USER_TS_QUOTAS (TABLESPACE_NAME, BYTES, MAX_BYTES, BLOCKS, MAX_BLOCKS, DROPPED) as select, spc.blocks * ts.blocksize, decode(spc.maxblocks, -1, -1, spc.maxblocks * ts.blocksize), spc.blocks, spc.maxblocks, decode($, 3, 'YES', 'NO') from sys.ts$ ts, sys.tbs_space_usage spc where spc.tsn = ts.ts# and spc.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_TS_QUOTAS is 'Tablespace quotas for the user' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.BLOCKS is 'Number of ORACLE blocks charged to the user' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.MAX_BLOCKS is 'User''s quota in ORACLE blocks. NULL if no limit' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.BYTES is 'Number of bytes charged to the user' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.MAX_BYTES is 'User''s quota in bytes. NULL if no limit' / comment on column USER_TS_QUOTAS.DROPPED is 'Whether the tablespace has been dropped' / create or replace public synonym USER_TS_QUOTAS for USER_TS_QUOTAS / grant select on USER_TS_QUOTAS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_TS_QUOTAS (TABLESPACE_NAME, USERNAME, BYTES, MAX_BYTES, BLOCKS, MAX_BLOCKS, DROPPED) as select,, spc.blocks * ts.blocksize, decode(spc.maxblocks, -1, -1, spc.maxblocks * ts.blocksize), spc.blocks, spc.maxblocks, decode($, 3, 'YES', 'NO') from sys.ts$ ts, sys.tbs_space_usage spc, sys.user$ u where spc.tsn = ts.ts# and spc.user# = u.user# and spc.maxblocks != 0 / create or replace public synonym DBA_TS_QUOTAS for DBA_TS_QUOTAS / grant select on DBA_TS_QUOTAS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TS_QUOTAS is 'Tablespace quotas for all users' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.USERNAME is 'User with resource rights on the tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.BLOCKS is 'Number of ORACLE blocks charged to the user' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.MAX_BLOCKS is 'User''s quota in ORACLE blocks. NULL if no limit' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.BYTES is 'Number of bytes charged to the user' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.MAX_BYTES is 'User''s quota in bytes. NULL if no limit' / comment on column DBA_TS_QUOTAS.DROPPED is 'Whether the tablespace has been dropped' / Rem Rem Temp Space Views Rem Rem Use left outer join at Rem tsh.tablespace_name = ss.tablespace_name (+) Rem because sort segments may not havd ben created for all temp tablespaces. Rem And hence the nvl(ss.free_blocks, 0), because the outer join might Rem return null values. create or replace view DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE (TABLESPACE_NAME, TABLESPACE_SIZE, ALLOCATED_SPACE, FREE_SPACE) as SELECT tsh.tablespace_name, tsh.total_bytes/tsh.inst_count, tsh.bytes_used/tsh.inst_count, (tsh.bytes_free/tsh.inst_count) + (nvl(ss.free_blocks, 0) * ts$.blocksize) FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, sum(bytes_used + bytes_free) total_bytes, sum(bytes_used) bytes_used, sum(bytes_free) bytes_free, count(distinct inst_id) inst_count FROM gv$temp_space_header GROUP BY tablespace_name) tsh, (SELECT tablespace_name, sum(free_blocks) free_blocks FROM gv$sort_segment GROUP BY tablespace_name) ss, ts$ WHERE ts$.name = tsh.tablespace_name and tsh.tablespace_name = ss.tablespace_name (+); / create or replace public synonym DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE for DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE / grant select on DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE is 'Summary of temporary space usage' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Tablespace name' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE.TABLESPACE_SIZE is 'Total size of the tablespace' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE.ALLOCATED_SPACE is 'Total allocated space for sort segments' / comment on column DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE.FREE_SPACE is 'Total free space available' /