rem rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catsnap.sql /main/63 2010/01/15 13:59:08 alexsanc Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1991, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem catsnap.sql Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates data dictionary views for snapshots Rem NOTES Rem Must be run while connected to SYS or INTERNAL. Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem alexsanc 11/19/09 - Bug 8826832 Rem huagli 07/15/09 - expose commit SCN-based MV log info Rem avangala 04/02/09 - LAST_REFRESH_DATE in DBA_MVIEWS has to support Rem for all the NLS languages Rem zqiu 05/27/08 - add FAST_CS for FAST CUBESOLVE Rem wesmith 10/22/07 - MV log purge optimization Rem zqiu 12/11/07 - hide 2nd cube mv pct refresh metadata Rem desingh 03/23/07 - bug5872368: ExplainMVArrayType size Rem zqiu 09/25/06 - hide secondary CUBE MVs Rem rburns 08/25/06 - move types into catsnap.sql Rem wesmith 07/11/06 - add application edition support Rem wesmith 04/17/06 - view dba_redefinition_{objects|errors}: Rem add object type for MV logs Rem sramakri 12/07/05 - add pct infor to DBA_MVIEWS Rem xan 05/19/04 - expose ntab and partition type in Rem dba_redefinition_objects Rem tfyu 01/29/03 - Bug stale_since Rem sxavier 11/18/02 - Fix staleness column in user_mviews Rem masubram 10/07/02 - add online redefinition views Rem mxiao 06/25/02 - change SNAPSHOT to MATERIALIZED VIEW Rem abgupta 07/09/02 - add UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD to DBA_MVIEWS Rem desinha 06/07/02 - fix lrg 100598 Rem desinha 04/29/02 - #2303866: change user => userenv('SCHEMAID') Rem pabingha 10/15/01 - fix *_snapshot_logs snapshot_id for CDC Rem twtong 10/12/01 - fix bug-2046799 Rem sbedarka 08/20/01 - #(1862397) amend dba_mviews.rewrite_capability Rem twtong 07/16/01 - add unknown specific cols to catsnap.sql Rem twtong 06/25/01 - reflect NEED_COMPILE in cols depends on Rem summary mflags Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem pabingha 05/16/01 - add CDC metadata to MV Log views Rem bpanchap 02/16/01 - Making LAST_REFRESH_DATE type date Rem mbrey 02/13/01 - bug 1639332 replace snapshot with mview in views Rem tfyu 12/14/00 - Add FAST_PCT Rem tfyu 01/18/01 - fix bugs# 1588499 and 1588519 Rem twtong 01/09/01 - code review Rem twtong 12/20/00 - modify staleness info in dba_mviews Rem slawande 11/21/00 - Add sequence col to user_snapshot_logs. Rem bpanchap 11/20/00 - Adding time to Last refresh date in dba_mviews Rem slawande 10/06/00 - Adding bit to DBA_MVIEWS Rem rvenkate 10/02/00 - modify snapshot views to add object_id Rem slawande 10/17/00 - Add seq# info to Rem slawande 05/23/00 - Add decode for insert-only AGG MVs. Rem wesmith 05/12/00 - Exclude secondary MVs from queries on snap$ Rem slawande 05/08/00 - Update *_mviews with new MAV refresh capability. Rem rshaikh 10/08/99 - bug 1025636: fix for sqlplus Rem alakshmi 10/14/99 - Bug 557451: get snaptime from snap_reftime$ for Rem dba_snapshots Rem slawande 09/23/99 - Remove fast/complete_refresh_time from *_mviews Rem bpanchap 08/11/99 - Last refresh date should be null when build defe Rem igreenbe 07/29/99 - adjust after_fast_refresh for MAVs Rem bpanchap 08/06/99 - Adding decode statement for last refresh Rem method; Bug 923186 Rem igreenbe 07/16/99 - add *_mviews views Rem hasun 11/13/98 - BUG#730154: Fix *_snapshot for MJV and NEVER REF Rem wesmith 11/02/98 - Fix view dba_refresh Rem nshodhan 09/09/98 - Modify views to exclude RepAPI snapshots Rem hasun 05/21/98 - Support UNKNOWN status for snapshots Rem hasun 05/21/98 - Change NONE to NEVER for *_snapshots.type Rem hasun 05/14/98 - Add prebuilt to *_snapshots Rem hasun 04/28/98 - Add refresh_mode to *_snapshots Rem hasun 04/10/98 - Add status to *_snapshots Rem hasun 04/08/98 - Support REFRESH FORCE option Rem jgalagal 01/20/98 - Add aggregate snapshot in dba_snapshots Rem masubram 03/27/97 - fix comment on reg_snap$.rep_type Rem masubram 03/11/97 - Modify the snapshot registration views Rem hasun 03/10/97 - Expose parallel prop parameters Rem hasun 10/21/96 - Add master_rollback_seg column to *_snapshots Rem masubram 10/11/96 - Add dba_snapshot_log_filter_cols view Rem masubram 10/04/96 - Fixed dba_snapshots to get snaptime from snap$ Rem masubram 09/25/96 - Fixed all_registered_snapshots Rem masubram 09/24/96 - Add all_snapshot_logs,snap_ref_times, mod dba_sn Rem hasun 06/12/96 - Add column comments Rem tpystyne 06/01/96 - change rgchild$.type to rgchild$.type# Rem mmonajje 05/21/96 - Replace interval col name with interval# Rem asurpur 05/15/96 - Dictionary Protection: granting privileges on vi Rem asurpur 04/08/96 - Dictionary Protection Implementation Rem hasun 05/06/96 - replmerge Rem adowning 04/22/96 - merge obj to main Rem hasun 04/18/96 - Modify views for additional snapshot states Rem hasun 04/12/96 - Add new COMPLEX snapshot type Rem hasun 04/10/96 - Modify views for new snapshot id Rem hasun 03/26/96 - Make DBA_SNAPSHOTS more robust Rem hasun 03/15/96 - Add STATUS column to dba_snapshots Rem hasun 02/27/96 - Merge from BIG Rem hasun 02/13/96 - Add support for filter columns Rem ashgupta 02/08/96 - Merging snapshot registration code (proj 2045) Rem hasun 12/05/95 - Modify []_snapshots and []_snapshot_logs Rem for primary key snapshots Rem jcchou 11/15/95 - bug#302137 - refgroup in sys.snap$ Rem jcchou 11/09/95 - #310646 - rbs missing from views Rem jcchou 09/26/95 - bug#310646 - rgroup$ views Rem ashgupta 02/08/96 - Merging snapshot registration code (proj 2045) Rem adowning 12/23/94 - merge changes from branch 1.7.720.1 Rem adowning 12/21/94 - merge changes from branch 1.4.710.4 Rem hasun 12/05/95 - Modify []_snapshots and []_snapshot_logs Rem for primary key snapshots Rem adowning 12/05/94 - fix all_snapshots Rem adowning 11/11/94 - merge changes from branch 1.4.710.3 Rem adowning 10/14/94 - fix typo USER to DBA Rem wmaimone 05/26/94 - #186155 add public synoyms for dba_ Rem rjenkins 01/19/94 - merge changes from branch 1.4.710.2 Rem jbellemo 12/17/93 - merge changes from branch 1.4.710.1 Rem rjenkins 12/17/93 - creating job queue Rem jbellemo 11/09/93 - #170173: change uid to userenv schemaid Rem rjenkins 07/06/93 - adding updatable snapshots Rem wbridge 12/03/92 - fix error handling for refresh all Rem tpystyne 11/08/92 - use create or replace view Rem glumpkin 10/25/92 - Renamed from SNAPVEW.SQL Rem mmoore 06/02/92 - #(96526) remove v$enabledroles Rem rjenkins 01/14/92 - copying changes from catalog.sql Rem rjenkins 05/20/91 - Creation remark remark FAMILY "SNAPSHOTS" remark Table replication definitions. remark create or replace view DBA_SNAPSHOTS (OWNER, NAME, TABLE_NAME, MASTER_VIEW, MASTER_OWNER, MASTER, MASTER_LINK, CAN_USE_LOG, UPDATABLE, REFRESH_METHOD, LAST_REFRESH, ERROR, FR_OPERATIONS, CR_OPERATIONS, TYPE, NEXT, START_WITH, REFRESH_GROUP, UPDATE_TRIG, UPDATE_LOG, QUERY, MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG, STATUS, REFRESH_MODE, PREBUILT) as select s.sowner, s.vname, tname, mview, t.mowner, t.master, mlink, decode(bitand(s.flag,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(s.flag,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(s.flag,16), 16, 'ROWID', (decode(bitand(s.flag,32), 32, 'PRIMARY KEY', (decode(bitand(s.flag,8192), 8192, 'JOIN VIEW', (decode(bitand(s.flag,4096), 4096, 'AGGREGATE', (decode(bitand(s.flag,256), 256, 'COMPLEX', (decode(bitand(s.flag,536870912), 536870912, 'OBJECT ID', 'UNKNOWN'))))))))))), t.snaptime, s.error#, decode(bitand(s.status,1), 0, 'REGENERATE', 'VALID'), decode(bitand(s.status,2), 0, 'REGENERATE', 'VALID'), decode(s.auto_fast, 'C', 'COMPLETE', 'F', 'FAST', '?', 'FORCE', 'N', 'NEVER', NULL, 'FORCE', 'ERROR'), s.auto_fun, s.auto_date, r.refgroup, s.ustrg, s.uslog, s.query_txt, s.mas_roll_seg, decode(bitand(s.status,4), 4, 'INVALID', (decode(bitand(s.status,8), 8, 'UNKNOWN', 'VALID'))), decode(NVL(s.auto_fun, 'null'), 'null', decode(s.auto_fast, 'N', 'NEVER', (decode(bitand(s.flag, 32768), 0, 'DEMAND', 'COMMIT'))), 'PERIODIC'), decode(bitand(s.flag,131072), 0, 'NO', 'YES') from sys.snap$ s, sys.rgchild$ r, sys.snap_reftime$ t where t.sowner = s.sowner and t.vname = s.vname and t.instsite = 0 and s.instsite = 0 and not (bitand(s.flag, 268435456) > 0 /* MV with user-defined types */ and bitand(s.objflag, 32) > 0) /* secondary MV */ and not (bitand(s.flag2, 33554432) > 0) /* secondary CUBE MV */ and t.tablenum = 0 and t.sowner = r.owner (+) and t.vname = (+) and nvl(r.instsite,0) = 0 and r.type# (+) = 'SNAPSHOT' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SNAPSHOTS for DBA_SNAPSHOTS / comment on table DBA_SNAPSHOTS is 'All snapshots in the database' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table the snapshot is stored in -- has an extra column for the master rowid' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_VIEW is 'View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table that this snapshot is a copy of' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_LINK is 'Database link name to the master site' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and will never use a log' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only. Look up REPLICATION' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The values used to drive a fast refresh of the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.ERROR is 'The number of failed automatic refreshes since last successful refresh' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.FR_OPERATIONS is 'If REGENERATE, then the fast refresh operations have not been generated' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.CR_OPERATIONS is 'If REGENERATE, then the complete refresh operations have not been generated' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.TYPE is 'The type of refresh (complete,fast,force) for all automatic refreshes' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.NEXT is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.START_WITH is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_GROUP is 'All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_TRIG is 'The name of the trigger which fills the UPDATE_LOG' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_LOG is 'The table which logs changes made to an updatable snapshots' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY is 'The original query that this snapshot is an instantiation of' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.STATUS is 'The status of the contents of the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_MODE is 'This indicates how and when the snapshot will be refreshed' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOTS.PREBUILT is 'If YES, this snapshot uses a prebuilt table as the base table' / grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOTS to select_catalog_role / /* * define the ability to "access a snapshot" as the ability to * "access the snapshot's table_name (e.g., snap$_foo). */ create or replace view ALL_SNAPSHOTS as select s.* from dba_snapshots s, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and s.table_name = and = s.owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_SNAPSHOTS is 'Snapshots the user can access' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table the snapshot is stored in -- has an extra column for the master rowid' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_VIEW is 'View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table that this snapshot is a copy of' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_LINK is 'Database link name to the master site' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and will never use a log' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only. Look up REPLICATION' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The values used to drive a fast refresh of the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.ERROR is 'The error returned last time an automatic refresh was attempted' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.TYPE is 'The type of refresh (complete,fast,force) for all automatic refreshes' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.NEXT is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.START_WITH is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_GROUP is 'All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_TRIG is 'The name of the trigger which fills the UPDATE_LOG' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_LOG is 'The table which logs changes made to an updatable snapshots' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY is 'The original query that this snapshot is an instantiation of' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.STATUS is 'The status of the contents of the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_MODE is 'This indicates how and when the snapshot will be refreshed' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOTS.PREBUILT is 'If YES, this snapshot uses a prebuilt table as the base table' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SNAPSHOTS for ALL_SNAPSHOTS / grant select on ALL_SNAPSHOTS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_SNAPSHOTS as select s.* from dba_snapshots s, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.owner = / comment on table USER_SNAPSHOTS is 'Snapshots the user can look at' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the snapshot' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.TABLE_NAME is 'Table the snapshot is stored in -- has an extra column for the master rowid' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_VIEW is 'View of the master table, owned by the snapshot owner, used for refreshes' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table that this snapshot is a copy of' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_LINK is 'Database link name to the master site' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and will never use a log' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only. Look up REPLICATION' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The values used to drive a fast refresh of the snapshot' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.ERROR is 'The error returned last time an automatic refresh was attempted' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.TYPE is 'The type of refresh (complete,fast,force) for all automatic refreshes' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.NEXT is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.START_WITH is 'The date function used to compute next refresh dates' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_GROUP is 'All snapshots in a given refresh group get refreshed in the same transaction' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_TRIG is 'The name of the trigger which fills the UPDATE_LOG' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATE_LOG is 'The table which logs changes made to an updatable snapshots' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY is 'The original query that this snapshot is an instantiation of' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.STATUS is 'The status of the contents of the snapshot' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_MODE is 'This indicates how and when the snapshot will be refreshed' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOTS.PREBUILT is 'If YES, this snapshot uses a prebuilt table as the base table' / create or replace public synonym USER_SNAPSHOTS for USER_SNAPSHOTS / grant select on USER_SNAPSHOTS to public with grant option / rem rem This view family is being replaced with [DBA/ALL/USER]_MVIEW_LOGS and rem [DBA/ALL/USER]_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS for the 9i release. For changes to the rem [DBA/ALL/USER]_SNAPSHOT_LOGS view family, verify whether changes need rem to be done to the replacement views. rem create or replace view DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS ( LOG_OWNER, MASTER, LOG_TABLE, LOG_TRIGGER, ROWIDS, PRIMARY_KEY, OBJECT_ID, FILTER_COLUMNS, SEQUENCE, INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES, CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS, SNAPSHOT_ID) as select m.mowner, m.master, m.log, m.trig, decode(bitand(m.flag,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,4), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,1024), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,16), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), s.snaptime, s.snapid from sys.mlog$ m, sys.slog$ s where s.mowner (+) = m.mowner and s.master (+) = m.master union select ct.source_schema_name, ct.source_table_name, ct.change_table_name, ct.mvl_v7trigger, decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,4), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,1024), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,16), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), s.snaptime, s.snapid from sys.cdc_change_tables$ ct, sys.slog$ s where s.mowner (+) = ct.source_schema_name and s.master (+) = ct.source_table_name and bitand(ct.mvl_flag, 128) = 128 / create or replace public synonym DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS / comment on table DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS is 'All snapshot logs in the database' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot log' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'An after-row trigger on the master which inserts rows into the log' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records rowid information' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the snapshot log records primary key information' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the snapshot log records object id information' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records filter column information' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the snapshot log records sequence information' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the snapshot log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS is 'One date per snapshot -- the date the snapshot of the master last refreshed' / comment on column DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.SNAPSHOT_ID is 'Unique identifier of the snapshot' / grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS as select s.* from dba_snapshot_logs s, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and s.log_table = and = s.log_owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS is 'All snapshot logs in the database that the user can see' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot log' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'An after-row trigger on the master which inserts rows into the log' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records rowid information' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the snapshot log records primary key information' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the snapshot log records object id information' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records filter column information' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the snapshot log records sequence information' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the snapshot log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS is 'One date per snapshot -- the date the snapshot of the master last refreshed' / comment on column ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.SNAPSHOT_ID is 'Unique identifier of the snapshot' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS / grant select on ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS ( LOG_OWNER, MASTER, LOG_TABLE, LOG_TRIGGER, ROWIDS, PRIMARY_KEY, OBJECT_ID, FILTER_COLUMNS, SEQUENCE, INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES, CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS, SNAPSHOT_ID) as select log_owner, master, log_table, log_trigger, rowids, primary_key, object_id, filter_columns, sequence, include_new_values, current_snapshots, snapshot_id from dba_snapshot_logs s, sys.user$ u where s.log_owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS is 'All snapshot logs owned by the user' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot log' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'Trigger on master table; fills the snapshot log' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records rowid information' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the snapshot log records primary key information' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the snapshot log records object id information' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the snapshot log records filter column information' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the snapshot log records sequence information' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the snapshot log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS.CURRENT_SNAPSHOTS is 'Dates that all known simple snapshots last refreshed' / create or replace public synonym USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS / grant select on USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS to public with grant option / create or replace view DBA_RCHILD as select REFGROUP, OWNER, NAME, TYPE# from rgchild$ r where r.instsite = 0 / comment on table DBA_RCHILD is 'All the children in any refresh group. This view is not a join.' / create or replace public synonym DBA_RCHILD for DBA_RCHILD / grant select on DBA_RCHILD to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_RGROUP as select REFGROUP, OWNER, NAME, decode(bitand(flag,1),1,'Y',0,'N','?') IMPLICIT_DESTROY, decode(bitand(flag,2),2,'Y',0,'N','?') PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC, decode(bitand(flag,4),4,'Y',0,'N','?') REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS, ROLLBACK_SEG, JOB, purge_opt# PURGE_OPTION, parallelism# PARALLELISM, heap_size# HEAP_SIZE from rgroup$ r where r.instsite = 0 / comment on table DBA_RGROUP is 'All refresh groups. This view is not a join.' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.NAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column DBA_RGROUP.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym DBA_RGROUP for DBA_RGROUP / grant select on DBA_RGROUP to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_REFRESH as select r.owner ROWNER, RNAME, r.REFGROUP, decode(bitand(r.flag,1),1,'Y',0,'N','?') IMPLICIT_DESTROY, decode(bitand(r.flag,2),2,'Y',0,'N','?') PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC, decode(bitand(r.flag,4),4,'Y',0,'N','?') REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS, r.rollback_seg ROLLBACK_SEG, j.JOB, j.NEXT_DATE, j.INTERVAL# interval, decode(bitand(j.flag,1),1,'Y',0,'N','?') BROKEN, r.purge_opt# PURGE_OPTION, r.parallelism# PARALLELISM, r.heap_size# HEAP_SIZE from rgroup$ r, job$ j where r.instsite = 0 and r.job = j.job(+) / comment on table DBA_REFRESH is 'All the refresh groups' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REFRESH for DBA_REFRESH / grant select on DBA_REFRESH to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_REFRESH as select * from dba_refresh where ( rowner = (select name from sys.user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) or userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 or exists (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro x, sys.system_privilege_map m, sys.sysauth$ s where x.kzsrorol = s.grantee# and s.privilege# = m.privilege and = 'ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW') / comment on table ALL_REFRESH is 'All the refresh groups that the user can touch' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REFRESH for ALL_REFRESH / grant select on ALL_REFRESH to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_REFRESH as select d.* from dba_refresh d, sys.user$ u where d.rowner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_REFRESH is 'All the refresh groups' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column USER_REFRESH.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym USER_REFRESH for USER_REFRESH / grant select on USER_REFRESH to public with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN as select rc.owner OWNER, NAME, rc.TYPE# TYPE, r.owner ROWNER, RNAME, r.REFGROUP, decode(bitand(r.flag,1),1,'Y',0,'N','?') IMPLICIT_DESTROY, decode(bitand(r.flag,2),2,'Y',0,'N','?') PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC, decode(bitand(r.flag,4),4,'Y',0,'N','?') REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS, r.rollback_seg ROLLBACK_SEG, j.job, j.NEXT_DATE, j.INTERVAL# interval, decode(bitand(j.flag,1),1,'Y',0,'N','?') BROKEN, r.purge_opt# PURGE_OPTION, r.parallelism# PARALLELISM, r.heap_size# HEAP_SIZE from rgroup$ r, rgchild$ rc, job$ j where r.refgroup = rc.refgroup and r.instsite = 0 and rc.instsite = 0 and r.job = j.job (+) / comment on table DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN is 'All the objects in refresh groups' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.OWNER is 'Owner of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NAME is 'Name of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.TYPE is 'Type of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN for DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN / grant select on DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN as select * from dba_refresh_children where ( rowner = (select name from sys.user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) or userenv('SCHEMAID') = 0 or exists (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro x, sys.system_privilege_map m, sys.sysauth$ s where x.kzsrorol = s.grantee# and s.privilege# = m.privilege and = 'ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW') / comment on table ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN is 'All the objects in refresh groups, where the user can touch the group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.OWNER is 'Owner of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NAME is 'Name of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.TYPE is 'Type of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN for ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN / grant select on ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN as select d.* from dba_refresh_children d, sys.user$ u where d.rowner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN is 'All the objects in refresh groups, where the user owns the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.OWNER is 'Owner of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NAME is 'Name of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.TYPE is 'Type of the object in the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROWNER is 'Name of the owner of the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.RNAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFGROUP is 'Internal identifier of refresh group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.IMPLICIT_DESTROY is 'Y or N, if Y then destroy the refresh group when its last item is subtracted' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PUSH_DEFERRED_RPC is 'Y or N, if Y then push changes from snapshot to master before refresh' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.REFRESH_AFTER_ERRORS is 'If Y, proceed with refresh despite error when pushing deferred RPCs' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use while refreshing' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.JOB is 'Identifier of job used to automatically refresh the group' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be automatically refreshed, if not broken' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.INTERVAL is 'A date function used to compute the next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.BROKEN is 'Y or N, Y is the job is broken and will never be run' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PURGE_OPTION is 'The method for purging the transaction queue after each push' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.PARALLELISM is 'The level of parallelism for transaction propagation' / comment on column USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN.HEAP_SIZE is 'The heap size used for transaction propagation' / create or replace public synonym USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN for USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN / grant select on USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN to public with grant option / rem rem This view family is being replaced with [DBA/ALL/USER]_REGISTERED_MVIEWS rem for the 9i release. For changes to the [DBA/ALL/USER]_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS rem view family, verify whether changes need to be done to the replacement rem views. rem create or replace view DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS (OWNER, NAME, SNAPSHOT_SITE, CAN_USE_LOG, UPDATABLE, REFRESH_METHOD, SNAPSHOT_ID, VERSION, QUERY_TXT) as select sowner, snapname, snapsite, decode(bitand(flag,1), 0 , 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(flag,2), 0 , 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(flag, 32), 32, 'PRIMARY KEY', decode(bitand(flag, 536870912), 536870912, 'OBJECT ID', 'ROWID')), snapshot_id, decode(rep_type, 1, 'ORACLE 7 SNAPSHOT', 2, 'ORACLE 8 SNAPSHOT', 3, 'REPAPI SNAPSHOT', 'UNKNOWN'), query_txt from sys.reg_snap$ / create or replace public synonym DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS for DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS / grant select on DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS is 'Remote snapshots of local tables' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The name of the snapshot' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_SITE is 'Global name of the snapshot site' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the snapshot uses rowid, primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_ID is 'Identifier for the snapshot used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.VERSION is 'Version of snapshot' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the snapshot' / create or replace view ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS as select * from dba_registered_snapshots s where exists (select a.snapshot_id from all_snapshot_logs a where s.snapshot_id = a.snapshot_id) or userenv('SCHEMAID') = 1 or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) / comment on table ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS is 'Remote snapshots of local tables that the user can see' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The name of the snapshot' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_SITE is 'Global name of the snapshot site' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the snapshot uses rowid or primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_ID is 'Identifier for the snapshot used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.VERSION is 'Version of snapshot' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the snapshot' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS for ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS / grant select on ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS as select * from dba_registered_snapshots s where exists (select snapshot_id from user_snapshot_logs u where s.snapshot_id = u.snapshot_id) / comment on table USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS is 'Remote snapshots of local tables currently using logs owned by the user' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.NAME is 'The name of the snapshot' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_SITE is 'Global name of the snapshot site' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this snapshot is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the snapshot is read only' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the snapshot uses rowid or primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.SNAPSHOT_ID is 'Identifier for the snapshot used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.VERSION is 'Version of snapshot' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the snapshot' / create or replace public synonym USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS for USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS / grant select on USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS to public with grant option / rem rem Family of MVIEW views rem rem DBA_MVIEWS /* Some of the column values come from summary meta-data. This meta-data * can be missing for pre-8.1.5 MVs. Missing information will be assigned * a null value. The columns that depend on a summary row are REWRITE_ENABLED, * REWRITE_CAPABILITY, LAST_REFRESH_TYPE, LAST_REFRESH_DATE * * 11g enhancement: three new fields have been added to get aggregate * pct information related to the mv. These fields are NUM_PCT_TABLES, * NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS and NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS. */ create or replace view DBA_MVIEWS ( OWNER, /* owner name */ MVIEW_NAME, /* materialized view name */ CONTAINER_NAME, /* materialized view container table name */ QUERY, /* defining query */ QUERY_LEN, /* length of defining query (in bytes) */ UPDATABLE, /* Y if updatable materialized view, else N */ UPDATE_LOG, /* update log for updatable materialized views */ MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG, /* rollback segment for master site */ MASTER_LINK, /* dblink for master site */ /* rewrite info: */ REWRITE_ENABLED, /* Y if enabled for rewrite, else N */ REWRITE_CAPABILITY, /* NONE/TEXTMATCH/GENERAL */ /* (determined statically) */ /* refresh info: */ REFRESH_MODE, /* DEMAND/COMMIT/NEVER */ REFRESH_METHOD, /* COMPLETE/FORCE/FAST/NEVER */ BUILD_MODE, /* IMMEDIATE/DEFERRED/PREBUILT */ FAST_REFRESHABLE, /* NO/DIRLOAD/DML/DIRLOAD_DML/ */ /* DIRLOAD_LIMITEDDML */ /* (determined statically) */ /* refresh execution: */ LAST_REFRESH_TYPE, /* COMPLETE/FAST/UNKNOWN */ LAST_REFRESH_DATE, /* date of last refresh */ /* staleness: */ STALENESS, /* FRESH/STALE/UNUSABLE/UNKNOWN/UNDEFINED/ */ /* NEEDS_COMPLILE/COMPILATION_ERROR/ */ /* AUTHORIZATION_ERROR */ AFTER_FAST_REFRESH, /* FRESH/STALE/UNUSABLE/UNKNOWN/UNDEFINED/NA/ */ /* NEEDS_COMPILE/COMPILATION_ERROR/ */ /* AUTHORIZATION_ERROR */ /* specific info for MVs in unknown state */ UNKNOWN_PREBUILT, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it is */ /* prebuilt */ UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it has */ /* PLSQL function */ UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it has */ /* external table */ UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it is */ /* marked as consider fresh */ UNKNOWN_IMPORT, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it is */ /* imported */ UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD, /* (Y/N) MV is in unknown state because it used */ /* trusted constraints for refresh */ /* meta-data info: */ COMPILE_STATE, /* VALID/NEEDS_COMPILE/COMPILATION_ERROR/ */ /* AUTHORIZATION_ERROR */ /* (state of the MV -- set by alter compile) */ USE_NO_INDEX, /* Y if mv using no index, else N */ STALE_SINCE, /* date of MV frist becoming stale */ NUM_PCT_TABLES, /* number of PCT detail tables */ NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS, /* number of fresh PCT partition regions */ NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS /* number of stale PCT partition regions */ ) as select s.sowner as OWNER, s.vname as MVIEW_NAME, s.tname as CONTAINER_NAME, s.query_txt as QUERY, s.query_len as QUERY_LEN, decode(bitand(s.flag,2), 0, 'N', 'Y') as UPDATABLE, /* updatable */ s.uslog as UPDATE_LOG, s.mas_roll_seg as MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG, s.mlink as MASTER_LINK, decode(w.mflags, '', '', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 4), 4, 'N', 'Y')) as REWRITE_ENABLED, /* rewrite capability * KKQS_NOGR_PFLAGS: * QSMG_SUM_PART_EXT_NAME + QSMG_SUM_CONNECT_BY + * QSMG_SUM_RAW_OUTPUT + QSMG_SUM_SUBQUERY_HAVING + * QSMG_SUM_SUBQUERY_WHERE + QSMG_SUM_SET_OPERATOR + * QSMG_SUM_NESTED_CURSOR + QSMG_SUM_OUT_MISSING_GRPCOL + * QSMG_SUM_AGGREGATE_NOT_TOP * * KKQS_NOGR_XPFLAGS: * QSMG_SUM_WCLS * * QSMG_SUM_DATA_IGNORE - 2nd-class summary */ decode(w.pflags, '', '', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.pflags, 1073741824), /* 2nd-class summary */ 1073741824, 'NONE', /* 2152929292 = 2147483648 + 2048 + 4096 + 65536 + 131072 + * 1048576 + 4194304 + 8 + 4 */ decode(bitand(w.pflags, 2152929292), 0, decode(bitand(w.xpflags, 8192), 8192, 'TEXTMATCH', 'GENERAL'), 'TEXTMATCH'))) as REWRITE_CAPABILITY, decode(s.auto_fast, 'N', 'NEVER', decode(bitand(s.flag, 32768), 0, 'DEMAND', 'COMMIT')) as REFRESH_MODE, decode(s.auto_fast, /* refresh method */ 'C', 'COMPLETE', 'F', 'FAST', '?', 'FORCE', 'N', 'NEVER', NULL, 'FORCE', 'ERROR') as REFRESH_METHOD, decode(bitand(s.flag, 131072), /* build mode */ 131072, 'PREBUILT', decode(bitand(s.flag, 524288), 0, 'IMMEDIATE', 'DEFERRED')) as BUILD_MODE, /* fast refreshable * rowid+primary key+object id+subquery+complex+MAV+MJV+MAV1 * 536900016 = 16+32+536870912+128+256+4096+8192+16384 */ decode(bitand(s.flag2, 67108864), 67108864, /* if primary CUBE MV, use its secondary MV's flag value to * determine its FAST REFRESHABILITY. */ (decode(bitand((select s2.flag from sys.snap$ s2 where s2.parent_sowner=s.sowner and s2.parent_vname=s.vname), 536900016), 16, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* rowid */ 32, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* primary key */ 536870912, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* object id */ 160, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* subquery - has both the primary key */ /* bit and the subquery bit (32+128) */ 536871040, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* subquery - has both the object id bit */ /* and the subquery bit (536870912+128) */ 256, 'NO', /* complex */ 4096, decode(bitand(s.flag2,23), /* KKZFAGG_INSO */ 0, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* regular MAV */ 'DIRLOAD_LIMITEDDML'), /* insert only MAV */ 8192, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* MJV */ 16384, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* MAV1 */ decode(bitand(s.flag2, 16384), 16384, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* UNION_ALL MV */ 'ERROR'))), decode( bitand(s.flag, 536900016), 16, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* rowid */ 32, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* primary key */ 536870912, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* object id */ 160, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* subquery - has both the primary key */ /* bit and the subquery bit (32+128) */ 536871040, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* subquery - has both the object id bit */ /* and the subquery bit (536870912+128) */ 256, 'NO', /* complex */ 4096, decode(bitand(s.flag2,23), /* KKZFAGG_INSO */ 0, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* regular MAV */ 'DIRLOAD_LIMITEDDML'), /* insert only MAV */ 8192, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* MJV */ 16384, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* MAV1 */ decode(bitand(s.flag2, 16384), 16384, 'DIRLOAD_DML', /* UNION_ALL MV */ 'ERROR'))) as FAST_REFRESHABLE, /* fixing bug 923186 */ decode(w.mflags, /*last refresh type */ '','', /*missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags,16384+32768+4194304+1073741824), 0, 'NA', 16384, 'COMPLETE', 32768, 'FAST', 4194304, 'FAST_PCT', 1073741824, 'FAST_CS', 'ERROR')) as LAST_REFRESH_TYPE, /* end fixing bug 923186 */ /* the last refresh date should be of date type and not varchar, ** SO BE CAREFUL WITH CHANGES IN THE FOLLOWING DECODE */ decode(w.lastrefreshdate, /* last refresh date */ NULL, to_date(NULL, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), /* missing summary */ decode(to_char(w.lastrefreshdate,'DD-MM-YYYY'),'01-01-1950', to_date(NULL, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), w.lastrefreshdate)) as LAST_REFRESH_DATE, /* staleness */ decode(NVL(s.mlink,'null'), /* not null implies remote */ 'null', decode(bitand(s.status, 4), /* snapshot-invalid */ 4, 'UNUSABLE', decode(o.status, 1, decode(w.mflags, '', '', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 8388608), 8388608, 'IMPORT', /* mv imported */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 64), /* wh-unusable */ 64, 'UNUSABLE', /* unusable */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 32), 0, /* unknown */ /* known stale */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 1), 0, 'FRESH', 'STALE'), 'UNKNOWN')))), 2, 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', 3, 'COMPILATION_ERROR', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR')), 'UNDEFINED') as STALENESS, /* remote MV */ /* after fast refresh */ /* in the decode for after fast refresh, we only have to check * whether w.mflags is null once. all of the other occurences * fall under the first check. if the summary information is not * null, we need to check for the warehouse unusable condition * before we check to see if the MV is complex. if the summary * information is null, we still need to check whether the MV * is complex. */ decode(NVL(s.mlink,'null'), /* remote */ 'null', decode(s.auto_fast, /* never refresh */ 'N', 'NA', decode(bitand(s.flag, 32768), /* on commit */ 32768, 'NA', decode(bitand(s.status, 4), /* snap-invalid */ 4, 'NA', decode(w.mflags, /* missing summary */ '', decode(bitand(s.flag, 256), /* complex */ 256, 'NA', ''), decode(o.status, 1, decode(bitand(w.mflags, 8388608), 8388608, 'UNKNOWN', /* imported */ /* warehouse unusable */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 64), 64, 'NA', decode(bitand(s.flag, 256), /*complex*/ 256, 'NA', /* unknown */ decode(bitand(w.mflags,32), 32, 'UNKNOWN', /* known stale */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 1), 0, 'FRESH', /* stale states (on-demand only) * (This decode is the default clause for the known-stale * decode statement. It should be indented there, but there * isn't enough room.) */ decode(bitand(s.flag, 176), /* ri+pk+sq */ /* 16+32+128 */ 0, decode(bitand(s.flag, 28672), /* mjv+mav1+mav */ /* 8192+16384+4096 */ 0, 'ERROR', /* no mv type */ /* mjv/mav/mav1 MV */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 1576832), /* 1576832 = 128+256+512+1024+2048+524288+1048576*/ /*si + su + lsi + lsu + sf + sp + spu */ 128, 'FRESH', /* si */ 256, 'UNKNOWN', /* su */ 512, 'STALE', /* sf */ 1024, 'FRESH', /* lsi */ 2048, 'UNKNOWN', /* lsu */ 524288, 'FRESH', /* sp */ 1048576, 'UNKNOWN', /* spu */ /* 128+1024 */ 1152, 'FRESH', /* si+lsi*/ /* 256+2048 */ 2304, 'UNKNOWN', /* su+lsu*/ 'ERROR')), /* ri or pk or sq MV */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 1576832), /* 1576832 = 128+256+512+1024+2048+524288+1048576 */ 128, 'STALE', /* si */ 256, 'STALE', /* su */ 512, 'STALE', /* sf */ 1024, 'FRESH', /* lsi */ 2048, 'UNKNOWN', /* lsu */ 524288, 'FRESH', /* sp */ 1048576, 'UNKNOWN', /* spu */ /* 128+1024 */ 1152, 'STALE', /* si+lsi*/ /* 256+2048 */ 2304, 'STALE', /* su+lsu*/ 'ERROR'))))))), 2, 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', 3, 'COMPILATION_ERROR', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR'))))), 'UNDEFINED') as AFTER_FAST_REFRESH, /* remote mv */ /* UNKNOWN_PREBUILT */ decode(w.pflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(s.flag, 131072), 131072, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_PREBUILT, /* UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC */ decode(w.pflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.pflags, 268435456), 268435456, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC, /* UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE */ decode(w.xpflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.xpflags, 32768), 32768, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE, /* UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH */ decode(w.mflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 8192), 8192, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH, /* UNKNOWN_IMPORT */ decode(w.mflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 8388608), 8388608, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_IMPORT, /* UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD */ decode(w.mflags, '','', /* missing summary */ decode(bitand(w.mflags, 33554432), 33554432, 'Y', 'N')) as UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD, decode(o.status, 1, 'VALID', 2, 'AUTHORIZATION_ERROR', 3, 'COMPILATION_ERROR', 5, 'NEEDS_COMPILE', 'ERROR') as COMPILE_STATE, /* compile st*/ decode(bitand(s.flag2,1024), 0, 'N', 'Y') as USE_NO_INDEX, /* USE NO INDEX ? */ (select min(TIME_DP) from sys.SMON_SCN_TIME where (SCN_WRP*4294967295+ SCN_BAS) > (select min(t.spare3) from tab$ t, dependency$ d where t.obj#= d.p_obj# and w.obj#=d.d_obj# and t.spare3 > w.lastrefreshscn)) as STALE_SINCE, /* whether this is a PCT refresh enabled primary CUBE MV */ (decode(bitand(w.xpflags, 8589934592), 0, (select count(*) as num_pct_tables from (select wd.sumobj#, wd.detailobj# from sys.sumdetail$ wd where wd.detaileut > 0) wdd where wdd.sumobj# = w.obj#), (select count(*) as num_pct_tables from (select wd.sumobj#, wd.detailobj# from sys.sumdetail$ wd where wd.detaileut > 2147483648 ) /* special secondary cube row */ wdd where wdd.sumobj# = w.obj#) )) as NUM_PCT_TABLES, (select num_fresh_partns from (select sumobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */ union select s.sumobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */) s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#, partn_state)) group by sumobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = w.obj#) as NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS, (select num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, sum(num_fresh_partitions) as num_fresh_partns, sum(num_stale_partitions) as num_stale_partns from (select sumobj#, decode(partn_state, 'FRESH', partn_count, 0) as num_fresh_partitions, decode(partn_state, 'STALE', partn_count, 0) as num_stale_partitions from (select sumobj#, partn_state, count(*) as partn_count from (select sumobj#, (case when partn_scn is NULL then 'FRESH' when partn_scn < mv_scn then 'FRESH' else 'STALE' end) partn_state from (select s.obj# as sumobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabpart$ t where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */ union select s.sumobj#, s.mv_scn, s.pobj# pobj#, t.obj# as sub_pobj#,t.spare1 as partn_scn from tabsubpart$ t, (select s.obj# as sumobj#, s.lastrefreshscn as mv_scn, t.obj# pobj#, t.spare1 as partn_scn from sys.sum$ s, sys.sumdetail$ sd, sys.tabcompart$ t, sys.obj$ o where s.obj# = sd.sumobj# and sd.detailobj# = and bitand(sd.detaileut, 2147483648) = 0 /* NO secondary CUBE MV rows */) s where t.pobj# = s.pobj#)) group by sumobj#, partn_state)) group by sumobj#) nfsp where nfsp.sumobj# = w.obj#) as NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS from sys.user$ u, sys.sum$ w, sys.obj$ o, sys.snap$ s where w.containernam(+) = s.vname and o.obj#(+) = w.obj# and o.owner# = u.user#(+) and (( = s.sowner) or ( IS NULL)) and s.instsite = 0 and not (bitand(s.flag, 268435456) > 0 /* MV with user-defined types */ and bitand(s.objflag, 32) > 0) /* secondary MV */ and not (bitand(s.flag2, 33554432) > 0) /* secondary CUBE MV */ / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEWS for DBA_MVIEWS / comment on table DBA_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views in the database' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view container table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.QUERY is 'The defining query that the materialized view instantiates' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.QUERY_LEN is 'The number of bytes in the defining query (based on the server character set' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'Indicates whether the materialized view can be updated' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UPDATE_LOG is 'Name of the table that logs changes to an updatable materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.MASTER_LINK is 'Name of the database link to the master site' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'Indicates whether rewrite is enabled for the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.REWRITE_CAPABILITY is 'Indicates the kind of rewrite that is enabled' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.REFRESH_MODE is 'Indicates how and when the materialized view will be refreshed' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The default refresh method for the materialized view (complete, fast, ...)' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.BUILD_MODE is 'How and when to initially build (load) the materialized view container' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.FAST_REFRESHABLE is 'Indicates the kinds of operations that can be fast refreshed for the MV' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_TYPE is 'Indicates the kind of refresh that was last performed on the MV' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date that the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.STALENESS is 'Indicates the staleness state of the materialized view (fresh, stale, ...)' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.AFTER_FAST_REFRESH is 'Indicates the staleness state the MV will have after a fast refresh is done' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PREBUILT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is prebuilt' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains PL/SQL function' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains external tables' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH is 'Indicates if the materialized view is considered fresh' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_IMPORT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is imported' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD is 'Indicates if the materialized view used trusted constraints for refresh' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Indicates the validity of the MV meta-data' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.USE_NO_INDEX is 'Indicates whether the MV uses no index' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.STALE_SINCE is 'Time from when the materialized view became stale' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.NUM_PCT_TABLES is 'Number of PCT detail tables' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of fresh PCT partition regions' / comment on column DBA_MVIEWS.NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of stale PCT partition regions' / grant select on DBA_MVIEWS to select_catalog_role / rem ALL_MVIEWS create or replace view ALL_MVIEWS as select m.* from dba_mviews m, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and m.mview_name = and = m.owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists ( select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEWS for ALL_MVIEWS / comment on table ALL_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views in the database' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view container table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.QUERY is 'The defining query that the materialized view instantiates' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.QUERY_LEN is 'The number of bytes in the defining query (based on the server character set' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'Indicates whether the materialized view can be updated' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UPDATE_LOG is 'Name of the table that logs changes to an updatable materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.MASTER_LINK is 'Name of the database link to the master site' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'Indicates whether rewrite is enabled for the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.REWRITE_CAPABILITY is 'Indicates the kind of rewrite that is enabled' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.REFRESH_MODE is 'Indicates how and when the materialized view will be refreshed' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The default refresh method for the materialized view (complete, fast, ...)' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.BUILD_MODE is 'How and when to initially build (load) the materialized view container' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.FAST_REFRESHABLE is 'Indicates the kinds of operations that can be fast refreshed for the MV' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_TYPE is 'Indicates the kind of refresh that was last performed on the MV' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date that the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.STALENESS is 'Indicates the staleness state of the materialized view (fresh, stale, ...)' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.AFTER_FAST_REFRESH is 'Indicates the staleness state the MV will have after a fast refresh is done' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PREBUILT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is prebuilt' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains PL/SQL function' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains external tables' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH is 'Indicates if the materialized view is considered fresh' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_IMPORT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is imported' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD is 'Indicates if the materialized view used trusted constraints for refresh' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Indicates the validity of the MV meta-data' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.USE_NO_INDEX is 'Indicates whether the MV uses no index' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.STALE_SINCE is 'Time from when the materialized view became stale' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.NUM_PCT_TABLES is 'Number of PCT detail tables' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of fresh PCT partition regions' / comment on column ALL_MVIEWS.NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of stale PCT partition regions' / grant select on ALL_MVIEWS to public with grant option / rem USER_MVIEWS create or replace view USER_MVIEWS as select m.* from dba_mviews m, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and m.owner = / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEWS for USER_MVIEWS / comment on table USER_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views in the database' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.MVIEW_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.CONTAINER_NAME is 'Name of the materialized view container table' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.QUERY is 'The defining query that the materialized view instantiates' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.QUERY_LEN is 'The number of bytes in the defining query (based on the server character set' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'Indicates whether the materialized view can be updated' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UPDATE_LOG is 'Name of the table that logs changes to an updatable materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use at the master site' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.MASTER_LINK is 'Name of the database link to the master site' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.REWRITE_ENABLED is 'Indicates whether rewrite is enabled for the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.REWRITE_CAPABILITY is 'Indicates the kind of rewrite that is enabled' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.REFRESH_MODE is 'Indicates how and when the materialized view will be refreshed' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'The default refresh method for the materialized view (complete, fast, ...)' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.BUILD_MODE is 'How and when to initially build (load) the materialized view container' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.FAST_REFRESHABLE is 'Indicates the kinds of operations that can be fast refreshed for the MV' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_TYPE is 'Indicates the kind of refresh that was last performed on the MV' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.LAST_REFRESH_DATE is 'The date that the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.STALENESS is 'Indicates the staleness state of the materialized view (fresh, stale, ...)' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.AFTER_FAST_REFRESH is 'Indicates the staleness state the MV will have after a fast refresh is done' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PREBUILT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is prebuilt' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_PLSQL_FUNC is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains PL/SQL function' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_EXTERNAL_TABLE is 'Indicates if the materialized view contains external tables' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_CONSIDER_FRESH is 'Indicates if the materialized view is considered fresh' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_IMPORT is 'Indicates if the materialized view is imported' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.UNKNOWN_TRUSTED_FD is 'Indicates if the materialized view used trusted constraints for refresh' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE is 'Indicates the validity of the MV meta-data' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.USE_NO_INDEX is 'Indicates whether the MV uses no index' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.STALE_SINCE is 'Time from when the materialized view became stale' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.NUM_PCT_TABLES is 'Number of PCT detail tables' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.NUM_FRESH_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of fresh PCT partition regions' / comment on column USER_MVIEWS.NUM_STALE_PCT_REGIONS is 'Number of stale PCT partition regions' / grant select on USER_MVIEWS to public with grant option / rem DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES rem must keep original [DBA/ALL/USER]_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES names as rem synonyms for backward compatibility create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES (OWNER, NAME, MASTER_OWNER, MASTER, LAST_REFRESH) as select sowner, vname, mowner, master, snaptime from sys.snap_reftime$ t where t.instsite = 0 / create or replace public synonym DBA_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES for DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES for DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES is 'All fast refreshable materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the MV' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER is 'Name of the master table' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES as select s.* from dba_mview_refresh_times s, all_mviews a where s.owner = a.owner and = a.mview_name / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES is 'Materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table that the user can look at' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the MV' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER is 'Name of the master table' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES for ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES for ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES as select s.* from dba_mview_refresh_times s, sys.user$ u where u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and s.owner = / comment on table USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES is 'Materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table that the user can look at' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.NAME is 'The view used by users and applications for viewing the MV' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER_OWNER is 'Owner of the master table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.MASTER is 'Name of the master table' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES.LAST_REFRESH is 'SYSDATE from the master site at the time of the last refresh' / create or replace public synonym USER_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES for USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES for USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES / grant select on USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES to public with grant option / rem rem This view family replaced [DBA/ALL/USER]_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for the 9i rem release. For changes to this family, check to see if the original rem needs changing as well. rem create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_LOGS ( LOG_OWNER, MASTER, LOG_TABLE, LOG_TRIGGER, ROWIDS, PRIMARY_KEY, OBJECT_ID, FILTER_COLUMNS, SEQUENCE, INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES, PURGE_ASYNCHRONOUS, PURGE_DEFERRED, PURGE_START, PURGE_INTERVAL, LAST_PURGE_DATE, LAST_PURGE_STATUS, NUM_ROWS_PURGED, COMMIT_SCN_BASED) as select m.mowner, m.master, m.log, m.trig, decode(bitand(m.flag,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,4), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,1024), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,16), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,16384), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(m.flag,32768), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), purge_start, purge_next, last_purge_date, last_purge_status, rows_purged, decode(bitand(m.flag, 65536), 0, 'NO', 'YES') from sys.mlog$ m union select ct.source_schema_name, ct.source_table_name, ct.change_table_name, ct.mvl_v7trigger, decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,512), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,4), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,1024), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(ct.mvl_flag,16), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null from sys.cdc_change_tables$ ct where bitand(ct.mvl_flag, 128) = 128 / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_LOGS for DBA_MVIEW_LOGS / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_LOGS is 'All materialized view logs in the database' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view log' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'An after-row trigger on the master which inserts rows into the log' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records rowid information' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the materialized view log records primary key information' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the materialized view log records object id information' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records filter column information' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the materialized view log records sequence information' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the materialized view log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_ASYNCHRONOUS is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged asynchronously' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_DEFERRED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged in a deferred manner' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_START is 'For deferred purge, the purge start date' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_INTERVAL is 'For deferred purge, the purge interval' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_DATE is 'Date of the last purge' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_STATUS is 'Status of the last purge: error code or 0 for success' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.NUM_ROWS_PURGED is 'Number of rows purged in the last purge' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOGS.COMMIT_SCN_BASED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is commit SCN-based' / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_LOGS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_MVIEW_LOGS as select s.* from dba_mview_logs s, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.owner# = u.user# and s.log_table = and = s.log_owner and o.type# = 2 /* table */ and ( u.user# in (userenv('SCHEMAID'), 1) or o.obj# in ( select obj# from sys.objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or /* user has system privileges */ exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table ALL_MVIEW_LOGS is 'All materialized view logs in the database that the user can see' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view log' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'An after-row trigger on the master which inserts rows into the log' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records rowid information' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the materialized view log records primary key information' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the materialized view log records object id information' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records filter column information' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the materialized view log records sequence information' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the materialized view log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_ASYNCHRONOUS is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged asynchronously' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_DEFERRED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged in a deferred manner' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_START is 'For deferred purge, the purge start date' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_INTERVAL is 'For deferred purge, the purge interval' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_DATE is 'Date of the last purge' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_STATUS is 'Status of the last purge: error code or 0 for success' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.NUM_ROWS_PURGED is 'Number of rows purged in the last purge' / comment on column ALL_MVIEW_LOGS.COMMIT_SCN_BASED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is commit SCN-based' / create or replace public synonym ALL_MVIEW_LOGS for ALL_MVIEW_LOGS / grant select on ALL_MVIEW_LOGS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_MVIEW_LOGS as select s.* from dba_mview_logs s, sys.user$ u where s.log_owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_MVIEW_LOGS is 'All materialized view logs owned by the user' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view log' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TABLE is 'Log table; with rowids and timestamps of rows which changed in the master' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.LOG_TRIGGER is 'Trigger on master table; fills the materialized view log' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.ROWIDS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records rowid information' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.PRIMARY_KEY is 'If YES, the materialized view log records primary key information' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.OBJECT_ID is 'If YES, the materialized view log records object id information' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.FILTER_COLUMNS is 'If YES, the materialized view log records filter column information' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.SEQUENCE is 'If YES, the materialized view log records sequence information' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.INCLUDE_NEW_VALUES is 'If YES, the materialized view log records old and new values (else only old values)' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_ASYNCHRONOUS is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged asynchronously' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_DEFERRED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is purged in a deferred manner' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_START is 'For deferred purge, the purge start date' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.PURGE_INTERVAL is 'For deferred purge, the purge interval' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_DATE is 'Date of the last purge' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.LAST_PURGE_STATUS is 'Status of the last purge: error code or 0 for success' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.NUM_ROWS_PURGED is 'Number of rows purged in the last purge' / comment on column USER_MVIEW_LOGS.COMMIT_SCN_BASED is 'If YES, the materialized view log is commit SCN-based' / create or replace public synonym USER_MVIEW_LOGS for USER_MVIEW_LOGS / grant select on USER_MVIEW_LOGS to public with grant option / rem rem This view family partially replaced [DBA/ALL/USER]_SNAPSHOT_LOGS for the rem 9i release. For changes to this family, check to see if the original rem needs changing as well. rem create or replace view DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS ( OWNER, MASTER, MVIEW_LAST_REFRESH_TIME, MVIEW_ID) as select s.mowner, s.master, s.snaptime, s.snapid from sys.slog$ s / create or replace public synonym DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS for DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS / comment on table DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views with log(s) in the database' / comment on column DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_LAST_REFRESH_TIME is 'One date per materialized view -- the date the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Unique identifier of the materialized view' / grant select on DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS to select_catalog_role / rem privilege checking being performed through all_mview_logs create or replace view ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS as select s.* from dba_base_table_mviews s, all_mview_logs a where a.log_owner = s.owner and a.master = s.master / comment on table ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views with log(s) in the database that the user can see' / comment on column ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_LAST_REFRESH_TIME is 'One date per materialized view -- the date the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Unique identifier of the materialized view' / create or replace public synonym ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS for ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS / grant select on ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS as select s.* from dba_base_table_mviews s, sys.user$ u where s.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS is 'All materialized views with log(s) owned by the user in the database' / comment on column USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MASTER is 'Name of the master table which changes are logged' / comment on column USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_LAST_REFRESH_TIME is 'One date per materialized view -- the date the materialized view was last refreshed' / comment on column USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Unique identifier of the materialized view' / create or replace public synonym USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS for USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS / grant select on USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS to public with grant option / rem rem This view family replaced [DBA/ALL/USER]_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS for the rem 9i release. For changes to this family, check to see if the original rem needs changing as well. rem create or replace view DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS (OWNER, NAME, MVIEW_SITE, CAN_USE_LOG, UPDATABLE, REFRESH_METHOD, MVIEW_ID, VERSION, QUERY_TXT) as select sowner, snapname, snapsite, decode(bitand(flag,1), 0 , 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(flag,2), 0 , 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(flag, 32), 32, 'PRIMARY KEY', decode(bitand(flag, 536870912), 536870912, 'OBJECT ID', 'ROWID')), snapshot_id, decode(rep_type, 1, 'ORACLE 7 MATERIALIZED VIEW', 2, 'ORACLE 8 MATERIALIZED VIEW', 3, 'REPAPI MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'UNKNOWN'), query_txt from sys.reg_snap$ / create or replace public synonym DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS for DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS / grant select on DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS is 'Remote materialized views of local tables' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.NAME is 'The name of the materialized view' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_SITE is 'Global name of the materialized view site' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this materialized view is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the materialized view is read only' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the materialized view uses rowid, primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Identifier for the materialized view used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.VERSION is 'Version of materialized view' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the materialized view' / create or replace view ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS as select * from dba_registered_mviews s where exists (select a.mview_id from all_base_table_mviews a where s.mview_id = a.mview_id) or userenv('SCHEMAID') = 1 or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) / comment on table ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS is 'Remote materialized views of local tables that the user can see' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.NAME is 'The name of the materialized view' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_SITE is 'Global name of the materialized view site' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this materialized view is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the materialized view is read only' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the materialized view uses rowid or primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Identifier for the materialized view used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.VERSION is 'Version of materialized view' / comment on column ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the materialized view' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS for ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS / grant select on ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS as select * from dba_registered_mviews s where exists (select u.mview_id from user_base_table_mviews u where s.mview_id = u.mview_id) / comment on table USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS is 'Remote materialized views of local tables currently using logs owned by the user' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.NAME is 'The name of the materialized view' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_SITE is 'Global name of the materialized view site' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.CAN_USE_LOG is 'If NO, this materialized view is complex and cannot fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.UPDATABLE is 'If NO, the materialized view is read only' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.REFRESH_METHOD is 'Whether the materialized view uses rowid or primary key or object id for fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.MVIEW_ID is 'Identifier for the materialized view used by the master for fast refresh' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.VERSION is 'Version of materialized view' / comment on column USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS.QUERY_TXT is 'Query defining the materialized view' / create or replace public synonym USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS for USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS / grant select on USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS to public with grant option / /* * This view is currently used only by the replication manager and * is not made public. Use a synonym to maintain original name of * [DBA/ALL/USER]_SNAPSHOT_LOG_FILTER_COLS for backward compatibility */ create or replace view DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS (OWNER, NAME, COLUMN_NAME) as select mowner, master, colname from sys.mlog_refcol$ union select ct.source_schema_name, ct.source_table_name, cc.column_name from sys.cdc_change_tables$ ct, sys.cdc_change_columns$ cc where cc.change_table_obj# = ct.obj# and bitand(ct.mvl_flag, 128) = 128 and cc.column_name not in ('RSID$','XIDUSN$','XIDSLT$','XIDSEQ$','OPERATION$', 'CSCN$','COMMIT_TIMESTAMP$','SOURCE_COLMAP$','TARGET_COLMAP$', 'USERNAME$', 'TIMESTAMP$', 'ROW_ID$','SYS_NC_OID$') / comment on table DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS is 'All filter columns (excluding PK cols) being logged in the materialized view logs' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS.OWNER is 'Owner of the master table being logged' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS.NAME is 'Name of the master table being logged' / comment on column DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Filter column being logged' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOG_FILTER_COLS for DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS / create or replace public synonym DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS for DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS / grant select on DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS to select_catalog_role / /* This view is an online redefinition view and contains the objects * invoved in the current redefinition(s) */ create or replace view DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS (OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, BASE_TABLE_OWNER, BASE_TABLE_NAME, INTERIM_OBJECT_OWNER, INTERIM_OBJECT_NAME, EDITION_NAME) as select decode(obj_type, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'INDEX', 3, 'CONSTRAINT', 4, 'TRIGGER', 6, 'NESTED TABLE', 7, 'PARTITION', 10, 'MV LOG', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(ou.type#, 2, ou.ext_username,, obj_name, bt_owner, bt_name, decode(iu.type#, 2, iu.ext_username,, int_obj_name, decode(ou.type#, 2, (select name from sys.obj$ o where ou.spare2 = o.obj#), decode(obj_type, 4, 'ORA$BASE', NULL)) from sys.redef_object$ ro, sys.user$ ou, sys.user$ iu where ro.obj_owner = and ro.int_obj_owner = / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.BASE_TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the base table of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.BASE_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the base table of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.INTERIM_OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the corresponding interim redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.INTERIM_OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the corresponding interim redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS.EDITION_NAME is 'Name of the edition that the redefinition object belongs to' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS for DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS / grant select on DBA_REDEFINITION_OBJECTS to select_catalog_role / /* This view is an online redefinition view and contains the dependent objects * for which errors were raised while attempting to create similar objects * onto the interim table of the redefinition */ create or replace view DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS (OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, BASE_TABLE_OWNER, BASE_TABLE_NAME, DDL_TXT, EDITION_NAME) as select decode(obj_type, 1, 'TABLE', 2, 'INDEX', 3, 'CONSTRAINT', 4, 'TRIGGER', 6, 'NESTED TABLE', 7, 'PARTITION', 10, 'MV LOG', 'UNKNOWN'), decode(ou.type#, 2, ou.ext_username,, obj_name, bt_owner, bt_name, ddl_txt, decode(ou.type#, 2, (select name from sys.obj$ o where ou.spare2 = o.obj#), decode(obj_type, 4, 'ORA$BASE', NULL)) from sys.redef_dep_error$ e, sys.user$ ou where e.obj_owner = / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.BASE_TABLE_OWNER is 'Owner of the base table of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.BASE_TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the base table of the redefinition object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.DDL_TXT is 'DDL used to create the corresponding interim dependent object' / comment on column DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS.EDITION_NAME is 'Name of the edition that the redefinition object belongs to' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS for DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS / grant select on DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS to select_catalog_role / ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note that the following VARRAY type definitions are intentionally defined -- outside dbms_snapshot and created within the SYS schema. Due to a bug in -- JDBC (#1589780, #1518757), type definitions within a package are currently -- not visible to JDBC drivers. ---- mthiyaga 01/19/01. -- -- Create RewriteMsg type -- The fields defined here are identical to the REWRITE_TABLE, which is an -- alternate output medium for EXPLAIN REWRITE -- CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE SYS.RewriteMessage AS OBJECT( mv_owner VARCHAR2(30), mv_name VARCHAR2(30), sequence NUMBER(3), /* sequence no of the msg */ query_text VARCHAR2(2000), query_block_no NUMBER(3), /* block no of the current subquery */ rewritten_text VARCHAR2(2000), /* rewritten query text */ message VARCHAR2(512), pass VARCHAR2(3), /* indicate the no of rewrite passes */ mv_in_msg VARCHAR2(30), /* MV in current message */ measure_in_msg VARCHAR2(30), /* Measure in current message */ join_back_tbl VARCHAR2(30), /* Join back table in current msg */ join_back_col VARCHAR2(30), /* Join back column in current msg */ original_cost NUMBER(10), /* original query cost */ rewritten_cost NUMBER(10), /* rewritten query cost */ flags NUMBER, reserved1 NUMBER, reserved2 VARCHAR2(10) ) / GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.RewriteMessage TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM RewriteMessage FOR SYS.RewriteMessage; -- -- Create a VARRAY of type RewriteMessage -- We don't expect the number of error messages to be more than a few. -- But we allocate an array of size 256 elements, just in case. -- -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE SYS.RewriteArrayType AS VARRAY(256) OF RewriteMessage / GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.RewriteArrayType TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM RewriteArrayType FOR SYS.RewriteArrayType; -- -- -- Create ExplainMVMessage type -- The fields defined here are identical to the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE, which -- is an alternate output medium for EXPLAIN_MVIEW. -- CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE SYS.ExplainMVMessage AS OBJECT ( MVOWNER VARCHAR(30), -- NULL for SELECT based EXPLAIN_MVIEW MVNAME VARCHAR(30), -- NULL for SELECT based EXPLAIN_MVIEW CAPABILITY_NAME VARCHAR(30), -- A descriptive name of the particular -- capability: -- REWRITE -- Can do at least full text match -- rewrite -- REWRITE_PARTIAL_TEXT_MATCH -- Can do at leat full and partial -- text match rewrite -- REWRITE_GENERAL -- Can do all forms of rewrite -- REFRESH -- Can do at least complete refresh -- REFRESH_FROM_LOG_AFTER_INSERT -- Can do fast refresh from an mv log -- or change capture table at least -- when update operations are -- restricted to INSERT -- REFRESH_FROM_LOG_AFTER_ANY -- can do fast refresh from an mv log -- or change capture table after any -- combination of updates -- EUT -- Can do Enhanced Update Tracking on -- the table named in the RELATED_NAME -- column. EUT is needed for fast -- refresh after partitioned -- maintenance operations on the table -- named in the RELATED_NAME column -- and to do non-stale tolerated -- rewrite when the mv is partially -- stale with respect to the table -- named in the RELATED_NAME column. -- EUT can also sometimes enable fast -- refresh of updates to the table -- named in the RELATED_NAME column -- when fast refresh from an mv log -- or change capture table is not -- possilbe. POSSIBLE VARCHAR(1), -- T = capability enabled -- F = capability disabled RELATED_TEXT VARCHAR(2000),-- Owner.table.column, alias name, etc. -- related to this message. The -- specific meaning of this column -- depends on the MSGNO column. See -- the documentation for -- DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() for details RELATED_NUM NUMBER, -- When there is a numeric value -- associated with a row, it goes here. -- The specific meaning of this column -- depends on the MSGNO column. See -- the documentation for -- DBMS_MVIEW.EXPLAIN_MVIEW() for details MSGNO NUMBER, -- When available, QSM message # -- explaining why disabled or more -- details when enabled. MSGTXT VARCHAR(2000),-- Text associated with MSGNO. SEQ NUMBER) -- Useful in ORDER BY clause when -- selecting from this table. / GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.ExplainMVMessage TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ExplainMVMessage FOR SYS.ExplainMVMessage; -- -- Create a VARRAY of type ExplainMVMessage -- We don't expect the number of error messages to be more than a few. -- But we allocate an array of size 50 elements, just in case. -- -- 11g: Array size changed to 100 elements. -- bug5872368: Array size changed to 200 elements. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE SYS.ExplainMVArrayType AS VARRAY(200) OF SYS.ExplainMVMessage / GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.ExplainMVArrayType TO PUBLIC; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ExplainMVArrayType FOR SYS.ExplainMVArrayType;