Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catsadv.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/01/14 09:53:51 vchandar Exp $ Rem Rem catsadv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catsadv.sql - Streams Advisor Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem vchandar 01/12/11 - Backport vchandar_bug-10384221 from main Rem vchandar 12/29/10 - bug 10384221 Rem vchandar 07/20/10 - Backport vchandar_bug-9891228 from main Rem vchandar 06/22/10 - bug 9216660 Rem rmao 05/19/10 - change to dba_capture/apply.purpose Rem haxu 04/02/10 - exclude local anr from propagation receiver Rem vchandar 02/21/10 - fix apply latency/throughput queries for XOut Rem bpwang 01/28/10 - Bug 9256726: Add path status, component state Rem arbalakr 11/13/09 - increase length of module and action columns Rem thoang 06/01/09 - use hwm_time to compute XOut latency Rem jinwu 01/13/09 - display active paths only Rem tianli 10/14/08 - use server_id for xstream server filtering Rem jinwu 09/12/08 - decode component status Rem jinwu 09/09/08 - apply latency 0 if apply in idle state Rem tianli 08/11/08 - change XStream component Rem jinwu 04/08/08 - change CCA_MODE to OPTIMIZATION_MODE Rem jinwu 04/04/08 - remove column ORIGINAL_PATH_ID and ACTIVE Rem jinwu 04/01/08 - remove network stats for Capture Rem jinwu 03/31/08 - fix PS "src_schema"."src_queue"=>"".""@dstdb Rem jinwu 02/08/08 - change 'APPLY NETWORK RECEIVER' to Rem 'PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER' for local CCAC Rem jinwu 01/24/08 - get rid of x$kwqps and x$kwqpd Rem jinwu 01/24/08 - use gv$streams_capture.OPTIMIZATION for CCA_MODE Rem jinwu 01/17/08 - use flags_knstcap to tell CCA or CCAC Rem jinwu 01/15/08 - change name for PS and PR Rem jinwu 01/02/08 - add capture prop CCA_MODE Rem jinwu 01/02/08 - remove direct link CAPTURE->APPLY rem jinwu 07/05/07 - rename 'CPATURE PROCESS' to 'CAPTURE SESSION' rem jinwu 06/08/07 - distinguish propagation sender based on dest db Rem jinwu 05/24/07 - add capture/apply parallelism in Rem "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" Rem jinwu 05/19/07 - add sub_component_type in Rem "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" Rem jinwu 05/11/07 - correct TOTAL_COUNT in Rem "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" Rem jinwu 03/21/07 - collect event based on advisor_run_time Rem jinwu 03/09/07 - outer join in dba_streams_tp_path_bottleneck Rem jinwu 02/03/07 - support diagnostic pack access Rem jinwu 02/01/07 - change MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE from BUFFERED to Rem CAPTURED for apply Rem jinwu 01/31/07 - compose component propagation sender using Rem streams$_propagation_process Rem jinwu 12/18/06 - add column access_status Rem jinwu 12/15/06 - modify capture and apply latency Rem jinwu 11/13/06 - count(distinct sample_time) as total_count Rem jinwu 10/10/06 - replace OPTIMIZED with ORIGINAL_PATH_ID Rem jinwu 09/18/06 - add event_type to streams$_component_event_in Rem jinwu 09/07/06 - split streams advisor from catstr.sql Rem jinwu 09/07/06 - Created Rem rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem temporary tables created for Configuration/Performance/Error advisors rem - streams$_component_in rem - streams$_component_link_in rem - streams$_component_prop_in rem - streams$_component_stat_in rem - streams$_component_event_in rem - streams$_local_findings_in rem - streams$_local_actions_in rem - streams$_local_recs_in rem - streams$_component_stat_out rem - streams$_path_stat_out rem - streams$_path_bottleneck_out rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem temporary table for streams component create global temporary table streams$_component_in ( component_id number, /* ID of the component */ component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the component */ component_db varchar2(128), /* db the component resides */ component_type number, /* type of the Streams component */ /* 1 capture */ /* 2 propagation sender */ /* 3 propagation receiver */ /* 4 apply */ /* 5 queue */ component_property number, /* properties of the component */ /* 0x01 downstream capture */ /* 0x02 local capture */ /* 0x04 hot mining */ /* 0x08 cold mining */ /* 0x10 buffered queue */ /* 0x20 persistent queue */ component_changed_time date, /* time that the component was last changed */ analysis_flag raw(4) default '00000000', /* flag of the analysis */ /* to be conducted on the component */ /* Value '00000001' - selected for statistical analysis */ spare1 number, /* spare column 1 */ spare2 number, /* spare column 2 */ spare3 varchar2(4000), /* spare column 3 */ spare4 date /* spare column 4 */ )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for streams component link create global temporary table streams$_component_link_in ( source_component_id number, /* ID of the source component */ source_component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the source component */ source_component_db varchar2(128), /* the source component db */ source_component_type number, /* type of the source component */ dest_component_id number, /* ID of the dest component */ dest_component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the dest component */ dest_component_db varchar2(128), /* the dest component db */ dest_component_type number, /* type of the destination component */ path_id number, /* ID of the path the component belongs to */ position number, /* position of the link in the stream path */ path_flag raw(4) default '00000000',/* flag of the stream path */ /* bit 1 - whether the link is on an active path */ /* bit 2 - whether the link is on an optimized path */ /* value '00000000' - inactive unoptimized path */ /* value '00000001' - active unoptimized path */ /* value '00000002' - inactive optimized path */ /* value '00000003' - active optimized path */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for Streams component properties rem This table contains information such as SOURCE_DATABASE, APPLY_CAPTURED rem and MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE. Such information can be used to prune topology rem path calculation. create global temporary table streams$_component_prop_in ( component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the component */ component_db varchar2(128), /* db on which the component resides */ component_type number, /* type of the component */ prop_name varchar2(30), /* name of the property */ prop_value varchar2(4000), /* value of the property */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for Streams component statistics create global temporary table streams$_component_stat_in ( component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the component */ component_db varchar2(128), /* db on which the component resides */ component_type number, /* type of the component */ stat_time date, /* time that statistics were taken */ count1 number, /* first count dependent on the type */ count2 number, /* second count dependent on the type */ count3 number, /* third count (spare column) */ count4 number, /* fouth count (spare column) */ latency number, /* latency of the component */ status number, /* status of the component */ snapshot number, /* number of component statistics snapshot */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for Streams component event create global temporary table streams$_component_event_in ( component_name varchar2(4000), /* name of the component */ component_db varchar2(128), /* db on which the component resides */ component_type number, /* type of the component */ sub_component_type number default null, /* type of the sub-component */ stat_time date, /* time that statistics were taken */ session_id number, /* session id of the component */ session_serial# number, /* session serial number of the component */ event varchar2(128), /* description of the event */ event_type number, /* type of the event */ /* Value 0 : BUSY event */ /* Value 1 : IDLE event */ /* Value 2 : FLOW CONTROL event */ event_count number, /* number of times the event has appeared */ total_count number, /* total number of occurrence times of events */ module_name varchar2(64), /* name of the module where event occurs */ action_name varchar2(64), /* name of the action where event occurs */ /* Example: module_name = 'STREAMS' */ /* Example: action_name = 'STREAMS Capture' */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for Streams local findings create global temporary table streams$_local_findings_in ( message_id number, /* id of the finding message */ message_arg1 varchar2(4000), /* argument 1 to the finding message */ message_arg2 varchar2(4000), /* argument 2 to the finding message */ message_arg3 varchar2(4000), /* argument 3 to the finding message */ message_arg4 varchar2(4000), /* argument 4 to the finding message */ message_arg5 varchar2(4000), /* argument 5 to the finding message */ type number, /* type of the finding */ more_info_id number, /* id of more_info related to the finding */ info_arg1 varchar2(4000), /* argument 1 to the finding more info */ info_arg2 varchar2(4000), /* argument 2 to the finding more info */ info_arg3 varchar2(4000), /* argument 3 to the finding more info */ info_arg4 varchar2(4000), /* argument 4 to the finding more info */ info_arg5 varchar2(4000), /* argument 5 to the finding more info */ advisor_type varchar2(30), /* type of the advisor: PERFORMANCE, */ /* CONFIGURATION, and ERROR */ run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for Streams local recommendations create global temporary table streams$_local_recs_in ( benefit_id number, /* ID for the benefit of this recommendation */ benefit_arg1 varchar2(4000), /* argument 1 to the rec. benefit */ benefit_arg2 varchar2(4000), /* argument 2 to the rec. benefit */ benefit_arg3 varchar2(4000), /* argument 3 to the rec. benefit */ benefit_arg4 varchar2(4000), /* argument 4 to the rec. benefit */ benefit_arg5 varchar2(4000), /* argument 5 to the rec. benefit */ advisor_type varchar2(30), /* type of the advisor */ run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for streams local actions create global temporary table streams$_local_actions_in ( message_id number, /* id of the action message */ message_arg1 varchar2(4000), /* argument 1 to the action message */ message_arg2 varchar2(4000), /* argument 2 to the action message */ message_arg3 varchar2(4000), /* argument 3 to the action message */ message_arg4 varchar2(4000), /* argument 4 to the action message */ message_arg5 varchar2(4000), /* argument 5 to the action message */ command varchar2(64), /* command to run to execute the action */ command_id number, /* id of the command to run */ flags number, /* flags associated with the action */ attr1 varchar2(4000), /* attribute 1 */ attr2 varchar2(4000), /* attribute 2 */ attr3 varchar2(4000), /* attribute 3 */ attr4 varchar2(4000), /* attribute 4 */ attr5 clob, /* attribute 5 */ attr6 clob, /* attribute 6 */ num_attr1 number, /* attribute 1 in number format */ num_attr2 number, /* attribute 2 in number format */ num_attr3 number, /* attribute 3 in number format */ num_attr4 number, /* attribute 4 in number format */ num_attr5 number, /* attribute 5 in number format */ advisor_type varchar2(30), /* type of the advisor */ run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for streams component statistics for tuning create global temporary table streams$_component_stat_out ( component_id number, /* id of the component */ statistic_time date, /* time that the statistic was taken */ statistic_name varchar2(64), /* name of the statistic. arbitrary length */ statistic_value number, /* value of the statistic */ statistic_unit varchar2(64), /* unit of the statistic. arbitrary length */ advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ sub_component_type number default null, /* type of Streams sub-component */ /* Specify the id and serial# of session for which statistic is calculated */ session_id number default null, /* id of the session */ session_serial# number default null, /* serial# of the session */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for derived stream statistics create global temporary table streams$_path_stat_out ( path_id number, /* id the stream */ statistic_time date, /* time that the statistic was taken */ statistic_name varchar2(64), /* name of the statistic. arbitrary length */ statistic_value number, /* value of the statistic */ statistic_unit varchar2(64), /* unit of the statistic. arbitrary length */ advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / rem temporary table for stream bottleneck components create global temporary table streams$_path_bottleneck_out ( path_id number, /* id the stream */ component_id number, /* id of the component */ top_session_id number, /* top session id of the component */ top_session_serial# number, /* top session serial number of the component */ module_name varchar2(64), /* the module name for the top session */ action_name varchar2(64), /* the action name for the top session */ bottleneck_identified varchar2(30), /* whether bottleneck was identified */ advisor_run_id number, /* 1-based logical number of advisor run */ advisor_run_time date, /* time that the advisor was run */ advisor_run_reason varchar2(4000), /* reason for bottleneck results */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(4000), spare4 date )ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Streams Performance Advisor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Per database views -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" -- -- Each view has four spare columns -- SPARE1: number -- SPARE2: number -- SPARE3: varchar2(4000) -- SPARE4: date -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- COMPONENT_TYPE: -- 1 - capture -- 2 - propagation sender -- 3 - propagation receiver -- 4 - apply -- 5 - queue -- Note: should be consistent with constant definitions in package -- dbms_streams_advisor_adm -- COMPONENT_PROPERTY: -- 0x01 - downstream capture (bit 1) -- 0x02 - local capture (bit 2) -- 0x04 - hotmining (bit 3) -- 0x08 - coldmining (bit 4) -- 0x10 - buffered queue (bit 5) -- 0x20 - persistent queue (bit 6) -- -- Since, PROPAGATON SENDER and PROPAGATION RECEIVER take -- the following name formats respectively: -- "SRC_SCHEMA"."SRC_QUEUE"=>"DST_SCHEMA"."DST_QUEUE"@DST_DB -- "SRC_SCHEMA"."SRC_QUEUE"@SRC_DB=>"DST_SCHEMA"."DST_QUEUE" -- -- Since 11,2, PROPAGATION RECEIVER takes the following name in case -- of XStream Inbound server, where the SRC_DB name is the source name -- users provided in the XStreamInAttach call. -- "SRC_DB"=>"DST_SCHEMA"."DST_QUEUE" -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT"( COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, COMPONENT_PROPERTY, COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME, SPARE1, SPARE2, SPARE3, SPARE4) AS SELECT v.COMPONENT_NAME, v.COMPONENT_DB, v.COMPONENT_TYPE, v.COMPONENT_PROPERTY, v.COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME, 0, 0, NULL, to_date(NULL, '') FROM ( SELECT caq.COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as COMPONENT_DB, caq.COMPONENT_TYPE, caq.COMPONENT_PROPERTY, o.mtime as COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME FROM ( -- Capture SELECT c.capture_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 1 as COMPONENT_TYPE, decode(bitand(c.flags, 64), 64, -- Downstream 0001; Downstream Hotmining 0101; Downstream Coldmining 1001 decode(p.value, 'Y', 5, 'N', 9, null, 0, 1), -- Local 0010; Local Hotmining 0110; Local Coldmining 1010; Unknown 0000 decode(p.value, 'Y', 6, 'N',10, null, 0, 2)) as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, 'SYS' as OBJECT_OWNER, c.capture_name as OBJECT_NAME -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_capture with sys.streams$_capture_process -- and dba_capture_parameters with sys.streams$_process_params to -- optimize query performance. FROM sys.streams$_capture_process c, sys.streams$_process_params p WHERE p.process_type = 2 AND -- type 2 indicates capture process p.process# = c.capture# AND -- For local and downstream capture, 'DOWNSTREAM_REAL_TIME_MINE' -- is always populated. = 'DOWNSTREAM_REAL_TIME_MINE' UNION -- Apply SELECT apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 0 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, 'SYS' as OBJECT_OWNER, apply_name as OBJECT_NAME -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply with sys.streams$_apply_process FROM sys.streams$_apply_process UNION -- Queue -- Every queue in 'gv$buffered_queues' is buffered. Otherwise, persistent. SELECT ('"'||q.queue_schema||'"."'||q.queue_name||'"') as COMPONENT_NAME, 5 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 16 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, q.queue_schema as OBJECT_OWNER, q.queue_name as OBJECT_NAME FROM gv$buffered_queues q UNION SELECT ('"'||t.schema||'"."'||||'"') as COMPONENT_NAME, 5 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 32 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, t.schema as OBJECT_OWNER, as OBJECT_NAME FROM$_queues q,$_queue_tables t WHERE q.table_objno = t.objno AND -- Use$_queues.usage to find 'NORMAL_QUEUE' in dba_queues q.usage NOT IN (1, 2) AND q.eventid NOT IN (SELECT queue_id FROM gv$buffered_queues) ) caq, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, global_name -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_objects with sys.obj$ and sys.user$ -- and extract global_name WHERE caq.object_owner = AND caq.object_name = AND o.owner# = u.user# AND -- namespace values for queue, capture and apply are 10, 37 and 39 respectively o.namespace in (10, 37, 39) UNION -- Propagation Sender -- Using sys.streams$_propagation_process instead of gv$propagation_sender, -- we can have propagation sender even when dst_database_name is missing in -- gv$propagation_sender. We can have creation_time as component_changed_time. SELECT ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'||destination_queue|| '"@'||destination_dblink) as COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as COMPONENT_DB, 2 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 0 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, -- The creation time of propagation is the last ddl time. creation_time as COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process, global_name UNION -- Propagation Receiver -- Using sys.streams$_propagation_process, we can always produce -- propagation receiver, even when gv$propagation_receiver is missing. -- NOTE: This streams component is stored on the source database though -- it physically resides on the destination database. SELECT ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"@'||global_name||'=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'|| destination_queue||'"') as COMPONENT_NAME, destination_dblink as COMPONENT_DB, 3 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 0 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, to_date(null, '') as COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_propagation with sys.streams$_propagation_process FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process, global_name WHERE destination_dblink IS NOT NULL UNION -- Propagation Receiver in case of XStreamIn, using xstream$_server. -- The component name is formatted as: -- "SOURCE_NAME"=>"QUEUE_SCHEMA"."QUEUE_NAME" SELECT ('"'||xs.cap_src_database||'"=>"'|| xs.queue_owner||'"."'||xs.queue_name||'"') as COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as COMPONENT_DB, 3 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 0 as COMPONENT_PROPERTY, xs.create_date as COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME FROM xstream$_server xs, global_name WHERE xs.flags = 2 ) v / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" is 'DBA Streams Component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT".COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT".COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the streams component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT".COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT".COMPONENT_PROPERTY is 'Properties of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT".COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME is 'Time that the streams component was last changed by a DDL' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" for "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK"( SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, DEST_COMPONENT_DB, DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, SPARE1, SPARE2, SPARE3, SPARE4) AS SELECT v.SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, v.SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, v.SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, v.DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, v.DEST_COMPONENT_DB, v.DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE, 0 as SPARE1, 0 as SPARE2, NULL as SPARE3, to_date(NULL, '') as SPARE4 FROM ( -- CAPTURE -> QUEUE SELECT c.capture_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 1 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, ('"'||c.queue_owner||'"."'||c.queue_name||'"') as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 5 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_capture with sys.streams$_capture_process FROM sys.streams$_capture_process c, global_name UNION -- QUEUE -> PROPAGATION SENDER SELECT ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue||'"') as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 5 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'||destination_queue|| '"@'||destination_dblink) as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 2 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process, global_name UNION -- PROPAGATION SENDER -> PROPAGATION RECEIVER SELECT ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'||destination_queue|| '"@'||destination_dblink) as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 2 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"@'||global_name||'=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'|| destination_queue||'"') as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, destination_dblink as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 3 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_propagation with sys.streams$_propagation_process FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process, global_name UNION -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER -> QUEUE -- NOTE: This link is stored on the source database though it physically -- resides on the destination database SELECT ('"'||source_queue_schema||'"."'||source_queue|| '"@'||global_name||'=>"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'|| destination_queue||'"') as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, destination_dblink as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 3 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, ('"'||destination_queue_schema||'"."'||destination_queue||'"') as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, destination_dblink as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 5 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_propagation with sys.streams$_propagation_process FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process, global_name WHERE destination_dblink IS NOT NULL UNION -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER -> QUEUE in case of XStreamIn -- XStream inbound server is presented as PROPAGATION RECEIVER and we need -- to add a link from propagation receiver to queue SELECT ('"'||xs.cap_src_database||'"=>"'|| xs.queue_owner||'"."'||xs.queue_name||'"') as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 3 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, ('"'||xs.queue_owner||'"."'||xs.queue_name||'"') as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 5 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE FROM xstream$_server xs, global_name WHERE xs.flags = 2 UNION -- QUEUE -> APPLY SELECT ('"'||a.queue_owner||'"."'||a.queue_name||'"') as SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, 5 as SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, a.apply_name as DEST_COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as DEST_COMPONENT_DB, 4 as DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply with sys.streams$_apply_process FROM sys.streams$_apply_process a, global_name ) v / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" is 'DBA Streams Component Link' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the source component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the source component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the source component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".DEST_COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the destination component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".DEST_COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the destination component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK".DEST_COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the destination component' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" for "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_LINK" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CAPTURE - PROP_NAMEs include SOURCE_DATABASE, OPTIMIZATION_MODE -- APPLY - PROP_NAMEs include SOURCE_DATABASE, APPLY_CAPTURED and -- MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE -- -- This view is useful for (streams topology) path pruning and configuration -- checking. For example, the SOURCE_DATABASE properties for capture and -- apply can be matched to speed up streams topology calculation. -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP"( COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, PROP_NAME, PROP_VALUE, SPARE1, SPARE2, SPARE3, SPARE4) AS SELECT v.COMPONENT_NAME, global_name as COMPONENT_DB, v.COMPONENT_TYPE, v.PROP_NAME, v.PROP_VALUE, 0, 0, NULL, to_date(NULL, '') FROM ( -- Capture property: SOURCE_DATABASE SELECT c.capture_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 1 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'SOURCE_DATABASE' as PROP_NAME, c.source_dbname as PROP_VALUE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_capture with sys.streams$_capture_process FROM sys.streams$_capture_process c UNION -- CAPTURE property: PARALLELISM SELECT c.capture_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 1 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'PARALLELISM' as PROP_NAME, p.value as PROP_VALUE FROM sys.streams$_capture_process c, sys.streams$_process_params p WHERE c.capture# = p.process# AND = 'PARALLELISM' AND p.process_type = 2 -- type 2 indicates capture process UNION -- Capture property: OPTIMIZATION_MODE SELECT c.capture_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 1 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'OPTIMIZATION_MODE' as PROP_NAME, decode(c.optimization, 1, '1', 2, '2', '0') as PROP_VALUE FROM gv$streams_capture c UNION -- Apply property: PARALLELISM SELECT apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'PARALLELISM' as PROP_NAME, to_char(count(server_id)) as PROP_VALUE FROM v$streams_apply_server GROUP BY apply_name UNION -- Apply property: SOURCE_DATABASE SELECT ap.apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'SOURCE_DATABASE' as PROP_NAME, am.source_db_name as PROP_VALUE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply_progress with -- sys.streams$_apply_process and sys.streams$_apply_milestone FROM sys.streams$_apply_process ap, sys.streams$_apply_milestone am WHERE ap.apply# = am.apply# (+) UNION -- Apply property: APPLY_CAPTURED SELECT a.apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'APPLY_CAPTURED' as PROP_NAME, decode(bitand(a.flags, 1), 1, 'YES', 0, 'NO') as PROP_VALUE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply with sys.streams$_apply_process FROM sys.streams$_apply_process a UNION -- Apply property: MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE SELECT a.apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, 'MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE' as PROP_NAME, decode(bitand(a.flags, 1), 1, 'CAPTURED', decode(bitand(a.flags, 128), 128, 'CAPTURED', 0, 'PERSISTENT')) as PROP_VALUE -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply with sys.streams$_apply_process FROM sys.streams$_apply_process a ) v, global_name / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" is 'DBA Streams Component Properties' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the streams component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP".PROP_NAME is 'Name of the property' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP".PROP_VALUE is 'Value of the property' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" for "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_PROP" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" -- capture, apply, queue, propagation sender ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- STATUS of Streams Component -- 1 aborted -- 2 disabled -- 3 flow control CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT"( COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, STAT_TIME, COUNT1, COUNT2, COUNT3, -- COUNT4 is a spare for future extension. COUNT4, LATENCY, STATUS, SPARE1, SPARE2, SPARE3, SPARE4) AS SELECT v.COMPONENT_NAME, global_name COMPONENT_DB, v.COMPONENT_TYPE, sysdate STAT_TIME, v.COUNT1, v.COUNT2, v.COUNT3, 0 COUNT4, v.LATENCY, decode(v.STATUS, 'ENABLED', 0, 'ABORTED', 1, 'DISABLED', 2, 'FLOW CONTROL', 3, 'VALID', 0, 'INVALID', 1, 'N/A', 2, 0), 0, 0, NULL, to_date(NULL, '') FROM global_name, ( -- CAPTURE SELECT c.capture_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 1 as COMPONENT_TYPE, -- COUNT1: TOTAL MESSAGES CAPTURED nvl(vcap.total_messages_captured, 0) as COUNT1, -- COUNT2: TOTAL MESSAGES ENQUEUED nvl(vcap.total_messages_enqueued, 0) as COUNT2, -- COUNT3: TOTAL BYTES SENT nvl(vcap.bytessent, 0) as COUNT3, -- LATENCY: SECONDS nvl((vcap.AVAILABLE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME-vcap.CAPTURE_MESSAGE_CREATE_TIME) * 86400, -1) as LATENCY, CASE WHEN (vcap.state = 'PAUSED FOR FLOW CONTROL') THEN 'FLOW CONTROL' ELSE decode(c.status, 1, 'DISABLED', 2, 'ENABLED', 4, 'ABORTED', 'UNKNOWN') END as STATUS -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_capture with sys.streams$_capture_process FROM sys.streams$_capture_process c, ( SELECT cap.capture_name, cap.total_messages_captured, cap.total_messages_enqueued, cap.available_message_create_time, cap.capture_message_create_time, cap.state, sess.value as bytessent FROM gv$streams_capture cap, gv$statname stat, gv$sesstat sess WHERE cap.sid = sess.sid AND sess.statistic# = stat.statistic# AND = 'bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink') vcap WHERE c.capture_name = vcap.capture_name (+) UNION -- APPLY SELECT a.apply_name as COMPONENT_NAME, 4 as COMPONENT_TYPE, -- COUNT1: TOTAL MESSAGES APPLIED nvl(aps.COUNT1, 0) as COUNT1, -- COUNT2: TOTAL TRANSACTIONS APPLIED nvl(apc.total_applied, 0) as COUNT2, 0 as COUNT3, -- LATENCY: SECONDS CASE WHEN aps.state != 'IDLE' THEN nvl((aps.apply_time - aps.create_time)*86400, -1) WHEN apc.state != 'IDLE' THEN nvl((apc.apply_time - apc.create_time)*86400, -1) WHEN apr.state != 'IDLE' THEN nvl((apr.apply_time - apr.create_time)*86400, -1) ELSE 0 END as LATENCY, decode(a.status, 1, 'DISABLED', 2, 'ENABLED', 4, 'ABORTED', 'UNKNOWN') as STATUS -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_apply with sys.streams$_apply_process -- Calculate apply latency in order of SERVER, COORDINATOR, READER FROM sys.streams$_apply_process a, ( SELECT apply_name, state, apply_time, max_create_time as create_time, count1 FROM ( SELECT apply_name, state, apply_time, applied_message_create_time, MAX(applied_message_create_time) OVER (PARTITION BY apply_name) as max_create_time, SUM(total_messages_applied) OVER (PARTITION BY apply_name) as count1 FROM gv$streams_apply_server) -- There may be many apply slaves, pick the first one for -- apply_time, apply_message_create_time WHERE ROWNUM <= 1) aps, ( SELECT c.apply_name, state, -- If XOut use hwm_time else use lwm_time CASE WHEN (bitand(p.flags, 256)) = 256 THEN c.hwm_time ELSE c.lwm_time END as apply_time, CASE WHEN (bitand(p.flags, 256)) = 256 THEN hwm_message_create_time ELSE lwm_message_create_time END as create_time, total_applied FROM gv$streams_apply_coordinator c, sys.streams$_apply_process p WHERE p.apply_name = c.apply_name) apc, ( SELECT apply_name, state, dequeue_time as apply_time, dequeued_message_create_time as create_time FROM gv$streams_apply_reader ) apr WHERE a.apply_name = apc.apply_name (+) AND apc.apply_name = apr.apply_name (+) AND apr.apply_name = aps.apply_name (+) UNION -- QUEUE SELECT ('"'||q.queue_schema||'"."'||q.queue_name||'"') as COMPONENT_NAME, 5 as COMPONENT_TYPE, -- COUNT1: CUMULATIVE MESSAGES ENQUEUED q.cnum_msgs as COUNT1, -- COUNT2: CUMULATIVE MESSAGES SPILLED q.cspill_msgs as COUNT2, -- COUNT3: CURRENT QUEUE SIZE q.num_msgs as COUNT3, 0 as LATENCY, decode(o.status, 0, 'N/A', 1, 'VALID', 'INVALID') as STATUS -- OPTIMIZE: Replace dba_objects with sys.obj$ and sys.user$ FROM gv$buffered_queues q, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u WHERE q.queue_schema = AND q.queue_id = o.obj# AND o.owner# = u.user# UNION -- PROPAGATION SENDER SELECT ('"'||ps.queue_schema||'"."'||ps.queue_name||'"=>'|| CASE WHEN ps.dblink IS NOT NULL AND (ps.dst_queue_schema IS NULL OR ps.dst_queue_name IS NULL) THEN ps.dblink ELSE ('"'||ps.dst_queue_schema||'"."'||ps.dst_queue_name|| '"@'||ps.dst_database_name) END) as COMPONENT_NAME, 2 as COMPONENT_TYPE, -- COUNT1: TOTAL MESSAGES SENT ps.total_msgs as COUNT1, -- COUNT1: TOTAL BYTES SENT ps.total_bytes as COUNT2, 0 as COUNT3, -- LATENCY: SECONDS ps.last_lcr_latency as LATENCY, CASE WHEN (regexp_instr(s.last_error_msg, '.*flow control.*', 1, 1, 0, 'i') > 0) -- ORA-25307: Enqueue rate too high, flow control enabled -- Subscribers could not keep pace with the enqueue rate, -- propagation is in flow control THEN 'FLOW CONTROL' WHEN (ps.schedule_status = 'SCHEDULE DISABLED') THEN 'DISABLED' WHEN (ps.schedule_status = 'PROPAGATION UNSCHEDULED') THEN 'ABORTED' WHEN (j.enabled != 'TRUE' AND j.retry_count >= 16) -- (dqs.schedule_disabled = 'Y' AND dqs.failures >= 16) THEN 'ABORTED' ELSE ps.schedule_status END as STATUS FROM gv$propagation_sender ps, -- OPTIMIZE: Replace DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES dqs with base tables q, s, j$_queues q,$_schedules s, sys.dba_scheduler_jobs j WHERE ps.dst_database_name IS NOT NULL AND ps.queue_id = q.eventid AND ps.queue_name = AND q.oid = s.oid (+) AND s.job_name = j.job_name (+) ) v / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" is 'DBA Streams Component Statistics' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the streams component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".STAT_TIME is 'Time that statistics were taken' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COUNT1 is 'First count, dependent on the type of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COUNT2 is 'Second count, dependent on the type of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COUNT3 is 'Third count, dependent on the type of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".COUNT4 is 'Fourth count, dependent on the type of the component (Spare Column)' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".LATENCY is 'Latency of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT".STATUS is 'Status of the component' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" for "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_STAT" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" -- capture, apply, propagation sender, propagation receiver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" contains only session information. -- -- The 11gR1 supports only the following SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE(s): -- CAPTURE SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE: -- 11 LOGMINER READER -- 12 LOGMINER PREPARER -- 13 LOGMINER BUILDER -- 14 CAPTURE SESSION -- -- APPLY SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE: -- 41 PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER (LOCAL CCAC) -- 42 APPLY READER -- 43 APPLY COORDINATOR -- 44 APPLY SERVER -- -- Since patch release, APPLY NETWORK RECEIVER is changed to -- PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER. This subcomponent will only show up for -- CAPTURE SERVER in local CCAC. See the following for all combinations: -- -- ---------------------- ------------------------- -- LOCAL CCA REMOTE CCA -- ---------------------- ------------------------- -- CAPTURE CAPTURE -- LOGMINER READER LOGMINER READER -- LOGMINER PREPARER LOGMINER PREPARER -- LOGMINER BUILDER LOGMINER BUILDER -- CAPTURE SESSION CAPTURE SESSION -- -- PROPGATION SENDER (CAPTURE SESSION) -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER (APPLY NETWORK RECEIVER) -- -- APPLY APPLY -- APPLY READER APPLY READER -- APPLY COORDINATOR APPLY COORDINATOR -- APPLY SERVER APPLY SERVER -- -- ---------------------- ------------------------- -- LOCAL CCAC REMOTE CCAC -- ---------------------- ------------------------- -- CAPTURE CAPTURE -- LOGMINER READER LOGMINER READER -- LOGMINER PREPARER LOGMINER PREPARER -- LOGMINER BUILDER LOGMINER BUILDER -- CAPTURE SESSION CAPTURE SESSION -- -- PROPGATION SENDER (CAPTURE SERVER) -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER (APPLY NETWORK RECEIVER) -- -- APPLY APPLY -- PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER -- APPLY READER APPLY READER -- APPLY COORDINATOR APPLY COORDINATOR -- APPLY SERVER APPLY SERVER -- -- -- In case of XStreamIn there will be two components: -- -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER (XStream Inbound Server) -- -- APPLY -- APPLY READER -- APPLY COORDINATOR -- APPLY SERVER -- -- -- The numbering of SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE indicates the relative position of -- sub-components within top_level components. -- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT"( COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, STAT_TIME, SESSION_ID, SESSION_SERIAL#, EVENT, EVENT_COUNT, TOTAL_COUNT, MODULE_NAME, ACTION_NAME, SPARE1, SPARE2, SPARE3, SPARE4) AS SELECT C.COMPONENT_NAME, global_name AS COMPONENT_DB, C.COMPONENT_TYPE, C.SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, sysdate AS STAT_TIME, C.SESSION_ID, C.SESSION_SERIAL#, V.EVENT, 0 AS EVENT_COUNT, 0 AS TOTAL_COUNT, SUBSTRB(V.MODULE_NAME,1, (SELECT KSUMODLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) MODULE_NAME, SUBSTRB(V.ACTION_NAME,1, (SELECT KSUACTLEN FROM X$MODACT_LENGTH)) ACTION_NAME, 0, 0, STATE, to_date(NULL, '') FROM global_name, ( -- CAPTURE SELECT capture_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 1 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 14 AS sub_component_type, sid AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_capture UNION SELECT capture_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 1 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, decode(l.role, 'reader', 11, 'preparer',12, 'builder', 13, 14) AS sub_component_type, l.sid AS SESSION_ID, l.serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, NULL AS STATE FROM gv$streams_capture c, gv$logmnr_process l WHERE c.logminer_id = l.session_id -- Don't want row for capture process since state is NULL AND l.role in ('reader', 'preparer', 'builder') UNION -- APPLY SERVER, non-XStreamOut case SELECT apply_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 4 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 44 AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, sid AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_apply_server WHERE apply_name NOT IN (SELECT apply_name FROM dba_apply WHERE UPPER(purpose)= 'XSTREAM OUT') UNION -- APPLY SERVER, XStreamOut case -- In case of XStreamOut, only includes the XStream Outbound Server SELECT sas.apply_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 4 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 44 AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, sas.sid AS SESSION_ID, sas.serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, sas.state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_apply_server sas, dba_apply da WHERE sas.server_id = 2 AND sas.apply_name = da.apply_name AND UPPER(da.purpose) = 'XSTREAM OUT' UNION -- APPLY COORDINATOR SELECT apply_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 4 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 43 AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, sid AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_apply_coordinator UNION -- APPLY READER SELECT apply_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 4 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 42 AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, sid AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_apply_reader UNION -- PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER -- In case of XStreamIn, we will populate the XStream inbound server as -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER, so do not show it as PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER SELECT apply_name AS COMPONENT_NAME, 4 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, 41 AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, proxy_sid AS SESSION_ID, proxy_serial AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$streams_apply_reader WHERE proxy_sid > 0 AND ((proxy_sid, proxy_serial) NOT IN (SELECT sid, serial# FROM gv$streams_capture)) AND (apply_name NOT IN (SELECT apply_name FROM dba_apply WHERE UPPER(purpose)='XSTREAM IN')) UNION -- PROPAGATION SENDER SELECT ('"'||queue_schema||'"."'||queue_name||'"=>'|| CASE WHEN dblink IS NOT NULL AND (dst_queue_schema IS NULL OR dst_queue_name IS NULL) THEN dblink ELSE ('"'||dst_queue_schema||'"."'||dst_queue_name|| '"@'||dst_database_name) END) AS COMPONENT_NAME, 2 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, NULL AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, session_id AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$propagation_sender UNION -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER, exclude the case for XStreamIn where src_queue_schema -- and src_queue_name are NULL. Also exclude local anr for backward -- compatibility. A propagation receiver is considered local anr if source -- and destination queues are the same and the source db is the same as -- the local db. SELECT ('"'||src_queue_schema||'"."'||src_queue_name|| '"@'||src_dbname||'=>"'|| dst_queue_schema||'"."'||dst_queue_name||'"') AS COMPONENT_NAME, 3 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, NULL AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, session_id AS SESSION_ID, serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, state AS STATE FROM gv$propagation_receiver P WHERE src_queue_schema IS NOT NULL AND src_queue_name IS NOT NULL AND NOT ((P.SRC_QUEUE_SCHEMA = P.DST_QUEUE_SCHEMA) and (P.SRC_QUEUE_NAME = P.DST_QUEUE_NAME) and (P.SRC_DBNAME = (SELECT GLOBAL_NAME FROM GLOBAL_NAME))) UNION -- PROPAGATION RECEIVER in case of XStreamIn, we will populate the -- XStream inbound server as PROPAGATION RECEIVER -- Note: in gv$propagation receiver, there is no source queue name and -- queue owner, the src_dbname is populated with the XStreamIn source -- name, thus the src_dbname in gv$propagation receiver should be the same -- as the cap_src_database in xstream$_server table. SELECT ('"'||pr.src_dbname||'"=>"'|| pr.dst_queue_schema||'"."'||pr.dst_queue_name||'"') AS COMPONENT_NAME, 3 AS COMPONENT_TYPE, NULL AS SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, pr.session_id AS SESSION_ID, pr.serial# AS SESSION_SERIAL#, pr.state AS STATE FROM gv$propagation_receiver pr, xstream$_server xs WHERE pr.src_dbname = xs.cap_src_database AND NOT ((pr.SRC_QUEUE_SCHEMA = pr.DST_QUEUE_SCHEMA) and (pr.SRC_QUEUE_NAME = pr.DST_QUEUE_NAME) and (pr.SRC_DBNAME = (SELECT GLOBAL_NAME FROM GLOBAL_NAME))) ) C, -- Need to get proper size for EVENT, MODULE_NAME, ACTION_NAME ( SELECT NULL AS COMPONENT_NAME, LPAD(' ', 64, ' ') AS EVENT, LPAD(' ', 64, ' ') AS MODULE_NAME, LPAD(' ', 64, ' ') AS ACTION_NAME FROM DUAL) V WHERE C.SESSION_ID IS NOT NULL AND C.SESSION_SERIAL# IS NOT NULL AND C.COMPONENT_NAME = V.COMPONENT_NAME (+) / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" is 'DBA Streams Component Event' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".COMPONENT_DB is 'Database on which the streams component resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the streams component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".STAT_TIME is 'Time that statistics were taken' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".SESSION_ID is 'Session ID of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".SESSION_SERIAL# is 'Session serial number of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".EVENT is 'Description of the event of the component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".EVENT_COUNT is 'The number of times that this event has appeared so far' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".TOTAL_COUNT is 'The total number of events' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".MODULE_NAME is 'Name of the module where the event occurs' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT".ACTION_NAME is 'Name of the action where the event occurs' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" for "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_COMPONENT_EVENT" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Create views that contain per-database information needed -- by three advisors: Configuration, Performance and Error. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Todo: ADVISOR_TYPE needs to be decoded properly CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS"( MESSAGE_ID, MESSAGE_ARG1, MESSAGE_ARG2, MESSAGE_ARG3, MESSAGE_ARG4, MESSAGE_ARG5, TYPE, MORE_INFO_ID, INFO_ARG1, INFO_ARG2, INFO_ARG3, INFO_ARG4, INFO_ARG5, ADVISOR_TYPE, RUN_TIME) AS SELECT f.msg_id MESSAGE_ID, m.p1 MESSAGE_ARG1, m.p2 MESSAGE_ARG2, m.p3 MESSAGE_ARG3, m.p4 MESSAGE_ARG4, m.p5 MESSAGE_ARG5, f.type, f.more_info_id, i.p1 INFO_ARG1, i.p2 INFO_ARG2, i.p3 INFO_ARG3, i.p4 INFO_ARG4, i.p5 INFO_ARG5, t.advisor_name ADVISOR_TYPE, sysdate RUN_TIME FROM wri$_adv_tasks t, wri$_adv_findings f, wri$_adv_message_groups m, wri$_adv_message_groups i WHERE f.task_id = AND -- wri$ 0x04 -> Task bitand(,4) = 4 AND f.task_id = m.task_id AND f.msg_id = AND f.task_id = i.task_id AND f.more_info_id = / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS" is 'DBA Streams Findings' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ID is 'ID of the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ARG1 is 'Argument 1 to the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ARG2 is 'Argument 2 to the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ARG3 is 'Argument 3 to the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ARG4 is 'Argument 4 to the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MESSAGE_ARG5 is 'Argument 5 to the finding message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".TYPE is 'Type of the finding' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".MORE_INFO_ID is 'ID for more information related to the finding' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".INFO_ARG1 is 'Argument 1 to the finding more info' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".INFO_ARG2 is 'Argument 2 to the finding more info' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".INFO_ARG3 is 'Argument 3 to the finding more info' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".INFO_ARG4 is 'Argument 4 to the finding more info' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".INFO_ARG5 is 'Argument 5 to the finding more info' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".ADVISOR_TYPE is 'Type of the advisor (PERFORMANCE, CONFIGURATION, ERROR)' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS".RUN_TIME is 'Time that the advisor was run' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS" for "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_FINDINGS" to select_catalog_role / -- Todo: ADVISOR_TYPE needs to be decoded properly CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS"( BENEFIT_ID, BENEFIT_ARG1, BENEFIT_ARG2, BENEFIT_ARG3, BENEFIT_ARG4, BENEFIT_ARG5, ADVISOR_TYPE, RUN_TIME) AS SELECT r.benefit_msg_id BENEFIT_ID, m.p1 BENEFIT_ARG1, m.p2 BENEFIT_ARG2, m.p3 BENEFIT_ARG3, m.p4 BENEFIT_ARG4, m.p5 BENEFIT_ARG5, t.advisor_name ADVISOR_TYPE, sysdate RUN_TIME FROM wri$_adv_recommendations r, wri$_adv_tasks t, wri$_adv_message_groups m WHERE r.task_id = AND r.task_id = m.task_id AND r.benefit_msg_id = -- wri$ 0x04 -> Task AND bitand(,4) = 4 / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS" is 'DBA Streams Recommendations' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ID is 'ID of the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ARG1 is 'Argument 1 to the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ARG2 is 'Argument 2 to the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ARG3 is 'Argument 3 to the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ARG4 is 'Argument 4 to the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".BENEFIT_ARG5 is 'Argument 5 to the recommendation benefit' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".ADVISOR_TYPE is 'Type of the advisor (PERFORMANCE, CONFIGURATION, ERROR)' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS".RUN_TIME is 'Time that the advisor was run' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS" for "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_RECOMMENDATIONS" to select_catalog_role / -- Todo: ADVISOR_TYPE needs to be decoded properly CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS"( MESSAGE_ID, MESSAGE_ARG1, MESSAGE_ARG2, MESSAGE_ARG3, MESSAGE_ARG4, MESSAGE_ARG5, COMMAND, COMMAND_ID, FLAGS, ATTR1, ATTR2, ATTR3, ATTR4, ATTR5, ATTR6, NUM_ATTR1, NUM_ATTR2, NUM_ATTR3, NUM_ATTR4, NUM_ATTR5, ADVISOR_TYPE, RUN_TIME) AS SELECT a.msg_id as MESSAGE_ID, m.p1 as MESSAGE_ARG1, m.p2 as MESSAGE_ARG2, m.p3 as MESSAGE_ARG3, m.p4 as MESSAGE_ARG4, m.p5 as MESSAGE_ARG5, c.command_name as COMMAND, a.command as COMMAND_ID, a.flags as FLAGS, a.attr1 as ATTR1, a.attr2 as ATTR2, a.attr3 as ATTR3, a.attr4 as ATTR4, a.attr5 as ATTR5, a.attr6 as ATTR6, a.num_attr1 as NUM_ATTR1, a.num_attr2 as NUM_ATTR2, a.num_attr3 as NUM_ATTR3, a.num_attr4 as NUM_ATTR4, a.num_attr5 as NUM_ATTR5, t.advisor_name as ADVISOR_TYPE, sysdate as RUN_TIME FROM wri$_adv_actions a, wri$_adv_tasks t, x$keacmdn c, wri$_adv_message_groups m WHERE a.task_id = AND a.command = c.indx -- wri$ 0x04 -> Task AND bitand(,4) = 4 AND a.task_id = m.task_id AND a.msg_id = / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS" is 'DBA Streams Actions' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ID is 'ID of the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ARG1 is 'Argument 1 to the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ARG2 is 'Argument 2 to the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ARG3 is 'Argument 3 to the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ARG4 is 'Argument 4 to the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".MESSAGE_ARG5 is 'Argument 5 to the action message' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".COMMAND is 'Command to run to execute the action' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".COMMAND_ID is 'ID of the command to run' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".FLAGS is 'Flags associated with the action' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR1 is 'Attribute 1' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR2 is 'Attribute 2' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR3 is 'Attribute 3' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR4 is 'Attribute 4' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR5 is 'Attribute 5' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ATTR6 is 'Attribute 6' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".NUM_ATTR1 is 'Attribute 1 in number format' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".NUM_ATTR2 is 'Attribute 2 in number format' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".NUM_ATTR3 is 'Attribute 3 in number format' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".NUM_ATTR4 is 'Attribute 4 in number format' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".NUM_ATTR5 is 'Attribute 5 in number format' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".ADVISOR_TYPE is 'Type of the advisor (PERFORMANCE, CONFIGURATION, ERROR)' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS".RUN_TIME is 'Time that the advisor was run' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS" for "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_ACTIONS" to select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Streams topoloy/statistics/bottleneck views ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK -- "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT -- DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK -- -- Create public DBA Streams Database view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE( GLOBAL_NAME, LAST_QUERIED, VERSION, COMPATIBILITY, MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS) AS SELECT global_name, last_queried, version, compatibility, management_pack_access FROM streams$_database / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE is 'DBA Streams Database' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE.GLOBAL_NAME is 'Global Name of the Streams Database' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE.LAST_QUERIED is 'Time the Streams Database Was Last Queried' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE.VERSION is 'Database Version of the Streams Database' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE.COMPATIBILITY is 'Compatible Setting of the Streams Database' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE.MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS is 'Management Pack Access of the Streams Database' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE for DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE to select_catalog_role / -- Create public DBA Streams Component view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT( COMPONENT_ID, COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME) AS SELECT COMPONENT_ID, nvl(COMPONENT_NAME, SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, decode(COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL) COMPONENT_TYPE, COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME FROM streams$_component / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT is 'DBA Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT.COMPONENT_ID is 'ID of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT.COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT.COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Streams Component Resides' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT.COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT.COMPONENT_CHANGED_TIME is 'Time That the Component Was Last Changed by a DDL' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT for DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT to select_catalog_role / -- Create DBA Streams Component Link (Streams Topology Links) view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK( SOURCE_COMPONENT_ID, SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME, SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB, SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE, DESTINATION_COMPONENT_ID, DESTINATION_COMPONENT_NAME, DESTINATION_COMPONENT_DB, DESTINATION_COMPONENT_TYPE, PATH_ID, POSITION) AS SELECT L.SOURCE_COMPONENT_ID, nvl(S.COMPONENT_NAME, S.SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, S.COMPONENT_DB, decode(S.COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL), L.DEST_COMPONENT_ID, nvl(D.COMPONENT_NAME, D.SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, D.COMPONENT_DB, decode(D.COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL), L.PATH_ID, L.POSITION FROM streams$_component S, streams$_component D, streams$_component_link L WHERE L.SOURCE_COMPONENT_ID = S.COMPONENT_ID AND L.DEST_COMPONENT_ID = D.COMPONENT_ID AND -- Display active stream paths only -- '00000001' is ACTIVE_PATH_FLAG defined by dbms_streams_adv_adm_utl utl_raw.bit_and(L.PATH_FLAG, '00000001') = '00000001' / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK is 'DBA Streams Component Link (Streams Topology Links)' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.SOURCE_COMPONENT_ID is 'ID of the Source Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.SOURCE_COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Source Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.SOURCE_COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Source Streams Component Resides' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.SOURCE_COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Source Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.DESTINATION_COMPONENT_ID is 'ID of the Destination Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.DESTINATION_COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Destination Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.DESTINATION_COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Destination Streams Component Resides' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.DESTINATION_COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Destination Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.PATH_ID is 'ID of the Stream Path' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK.POSITION is 'Position of the Link within the Stream Path' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK for DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK to select_catalog_role / -- Create DBA Streams Component Property view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP"( COMPONENT_ID, COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, PROP_NAME, PROP_VALUE) AS SELECT C.COMPONENT_ID, nvl(C.COMPONENT_NAME, C.SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, C.COMPONENT_DB, decode(C.COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL), P.PROP_NAME, P.PROP_VALUE FROM streams$_component C, streams$_component_prop P WHERE C.COMPONENT_ID = P.COMPONENT_ID / comment on table "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" is 'DBA Streams Component Properties' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_ID is 'ID of the Streams Component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Streams Component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Streams Component Resides' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams Component' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".PROP_NAME is 'Name of the Property' / comment on column "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP".PROP_VALUE is 'Value of the Property' / create or replace public synonym "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" for "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" / grant select on "_DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_PROP" to select_catalog_role / -- Create DBA Streams Component Statistics view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT( COMPONENT_ID, COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, SESSION_ID, SESSION_SERIAL#, STATISTIC_TIME, STATISTIC_NAME, STATISTIC_VALUE, STATISTIC_UNIT, ADVISOR_RUN_ID, ADVISOR_RUN_TIME) AS SELECT C.COMPONENT_ID, nvl(C.COMPONENT_NAME, C.SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, C.COMPONENT_DB, decode(C.COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL), decode(S.SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE, -- Capture sub-components 11, 'LOGMINER READER', 12, 'LOGMINER PREPARER', 13, 'LOGMINER BUILDER', 14, 'CAPTURE SESSION', -- Apply sub-components 41, 'PROPAGATION SENDER+RECEIVER', 42, 'APPLY READER', 43, 'APPLY COORDINATOR', 44, 'APPLY SERVER', NULL), S.SESSION_ID, S.SESSION_SERIAL#, S.STATISTIC_TIME, S.STATISTIC_NAME, -- State is a varchar2 stored in spare3, everything else is a number decode(S.STATISTIC_NAME, 'STATE', S.SPARE3, S.STATISTIC_VALUE), S.STATISTIC_UNIT, S.ADVISOR_RUN_ID, S.ADVISOR_RUN_TIME FROM streams$_component C, streams$_component_stat_out S WHERE C.COMPONENT_ID = S.COMPONENT_ID AND S.STATISTIC_NAME IS NOT NULL AND S.STATISTIC_NAME NOT IN ( 'SEND RATE TO APPLY', 'BYTES SENT VIA SQL*NET TO DBLINK') / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT is 'DBA Streams Component Statistics' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.COMPONENT_ID is 'ID of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Streams Component Resides' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.SUB_COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Streams Sub-component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.SESSION_ID is 'ID of the Streams Session for the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.SESSION_SERIAL# is 'Serial# of the Streams Session for the Streams Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.STATISTIC_TIME is 'Time That the Statistic Was Taken' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.STATISTIC_NAME is 'Name of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.STATISTIC_VALUE is 'Value of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.STATISTIC_UNIT is 'Unit of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.ADVISOR_RUN_ID is '1-based Logical Number of Advisor Run' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT.ADVISOR_RUN_TIME is 'Time That the Advisor Was Run' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT for DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT to select_catalog_role / -- Create DBA Streams Path Statistics view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT( PATH_ID, STATISTIC_TIME, STATISTIC_NAME, STATISTIC_VALUE, STATISTIC_UNIT, ADVISOR_RUN_ID, ADVISOR_RUN_TIME) AS SELECT PATH_ID, STATISTIC_TIME, STATISTIC_NAME, STATISTIC_VALUE, STATISTIC_UNIT, ADVISOR_RUN_ID, ADVISOR_RUN_TIME FROM streams$_path_stat_out / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT is 'DBA Streams Path Statistics' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.PATH_ID is 'ID of the Streams Path' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.STATISTIC_TIME is 'Time That the Statistic Was Taken' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.STATISTIC_NAME is 'Name of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.STATISTIC_VALUE is 'Value of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.STATISTIC_UNIT is 'Unit of the Statistic' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.ADVISOR_RUN_ID is '1-based Logical Number of Advisor Run' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT.ADVISOR_RUN_TIME is 'Time That the Advisor Was Run' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT for DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT to select_catalog_role / -- Create DBA Streams Bottleneck Statistics view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK( PATH_ID, COMPONENT_ID, COMPONENT_NAME, COMPONENT_DB, COMPONENT_TYPE, TOP_SESSION_ID, TOP_SESSION_SERIAL#, ACTION_NAME, BOTTLENECK_IDENTIFIED, ADVISOR_RUN_ID, ADVISOR_RUN_TIME, ADVISOR_RUN_REASON) AS SELECT B.PATH_ID, B.COMPONENT_ID, nvl(C.COMPONENT_NAME, C.SPARE3) COMPONENT_NAME, C.COMPONENT_DB, decode(C.COMPONENT_TYPE, 1, 'CAPTURE', 2, 'PROPAGATION SENDER', 3, 'PROPAGATION RECEIVER', 4, 'APPLY', 5, 'QUEUE', NULL), B.TOP_SESSION_ID, B.TOP_SESSION_SERIAL#, B.ACTION_NAME, B.BOTTLENECK_IDENTIFIED, B.ADVISOR_RUN_ID, B.ADVISOR_RUN_TIME, B.ADVISOR_RUN_REASON FROM streams$_component C, streams$_path_bottleneck_out B WHERE B.COMPONENT_ID = C.COMPONENT_ID (+); / comment on table DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK is 'DBA Streams Path Bottleneck' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.PATH_ID is 'ID of the Streams Path' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.COMPONENT_NAME is 'Name of the Bottleneck Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.COMPONENT_DB is 'Database Where the Bottleneck Component resides' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.COMPONENT_TYPE is 'Type of the Bottleneck Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.TOP_SESSION_ID is 'ID of the Top Session for the Bottleneck Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.TOP_SESSION_SERIAL# is 'Serial# of the Top Session for the Bottleneck Component' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.ACTION_NAME is 'Action Name for the Bottleneck Process' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.BOTTLENECK_IDENTIFIED is 'Whether Bottlecneck Was Identified' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.ADVISOR_RUN_ID is '1-Based Logical Number of Advisor Run' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.ADVISOR_RUN_TIME is 'Time That the Advisor Was Run' / comment on column DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK.ADVISOR_RUN_REASON is 'Reasons for Bottleneck Analysis Results' / create or replace public synonym DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK for DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK / grant select on DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK to select_catalog_role /