Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catrls.sql /main/20 2008/10/27 11:10:33 achoi Exp $ Rem Rem catrls.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catrls.sql - Catalog views for Row Level Security Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates data dictionary views for row level security policies Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run while connected to SYS Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem achoi 10/02/08 - fix bug7450078 Rem clei 12/19/05 - add XDS policy type for funstion security Rem clei 11/03/03 - update comments for relevant columns views Rem clei 10/13/03 - ALL_COLUMNS -> ALL_ROWS Rem clei 08/18/03 - add security relevant column option Rem clei 05/19/03 - synonym policies not attached to base object Rem clei 01/15/03 - change rls_sc$ Rem clei 11/26/02 - add Index statement type Rem clei 07/22/02 - 10i policy type, long_predicate, sec rel cols Rem clei 10/10/01 - add synonym rls_grp$, rls_ctx and comment cleanup Rem clei 07/20/01 - add synonym support Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem clei 04/12/01 - add static policy flag Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice (remove ;). Rem dmwong 03/01/01 - rename dict vws to be consistent with the rest. Rem dmwong 12/19/00 - add public synonyms. Rem dmwong 07/11/00 - add DBA_POLICY_GROUP and DBA_POLICY_CONTEXT. Rem rshaikh 02/24/99 - change create view to create or replace view Rem dmwong 06/16/98 - update all_policies to depend on all_table and al Rem clei 03/09/98 - Created Rem create or replace view DBA_POLICIES (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE) as select,, r.gname, r.pname, r.pfschma, r.ppname, r.pfname, decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,1), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,2), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,4), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,8), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,2048), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(r.check_opt, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(r.enable_flag, 0, 'NO', 'YES'), decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,16), 0, 'NO', 'YES'), case bitand(r.stmt_type,16)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,64)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,128)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,256)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,8192)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,16384)+ bitand(r.stmt_type,32768) when 16 then 'STATIC' when 64 then 'SHARED_STATIC' when 128 then 'CONTEXT_SENSITIVE' when 256 then 'SHARED_CONTEXT_SENSITIVE' when 8192 then 'XDS1' when 16384 then 'XDS2' when 32768 then 'XDS3' else 'DYNAMIC' end, decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,512), 0, 'YES', 'NO') from user$ u, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" o, rls$ r where u.user# = o.owner# and r.obj# = o.obj#; / comment on table DBA_POLICIES is 'All row level security policies in the database' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.POLICY_GROUP is 'Name of the policy group' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.PF_OWNER is 'Owner of the policy function' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.PACKAGE is 'Name of the package containing the policy function' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.FUNCTION is 'Name of the policy function' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.SEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to query on the object' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.INS is 'If YES, policy is applied to insert on the object' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.UPD is 'If YES, policy is applied to update on the object' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.DEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to delete on the object' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.IDX is 'If YES, policy is applied to IDX on the object' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.CHK_OPTION is 'Is check option enforced for this policy?' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.ENABLE is 'Is this policy is enabled?' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.STATIC_POLICY is 'Is this policy is static?' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.POLICY_TYPE is 'policy types' / comment on column DBA_POLICIES.LONG_PREDICATE is 'If YES, maximum predicate size can be 32K' / create or replace public synonym DBA_POLICIES for DBA_POLICIES / grant select on DBA_POLICIES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_POLICIES (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE) as SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE FROM DBA_POLICIES, ALL_TABLES t WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = t.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE FROM DBA_POLICIES, ALL_VIEWS v WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = v.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = v.VIEW_NAME ) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE FROM DBA_POLICIES, ALL_SYNONYMS s WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = s.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = s.SYNONYM_NAME) / comment on table ALL_POLICIES is 'All policies for objects if the user has system privileges or owns the objects' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.PF_OWNER is 'Owner of the policy function' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.PACKAGE is 'Name of the package containing the policy function' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.FUNCTION is 'Name of the policy function' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.SEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to query on the object' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.INS is 'If YES, policy is applied to insert on the object' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.UPD is 'If YES, policy is applied to update on the object' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.DEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to delete on the object' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.IDX is 'If YES, policy is applied to IDX on the object' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.CHK_OPTION is 'Is check option enforced for this policy?' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.ENABLE is 'Is this policy is enabled?' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.STATIC_POLICY is 'Is this policy is static?' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.POLICY_TYPE is 'policy types' / comment on column ALL_POLICIES.LONG_PREDICATE is 'If YES, maximum predicate size can be 32K' / create or replace public synonym ALL_POLICIES for ALL_POLICIES / grant select on ALL_POLICIES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_POLICIES (OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE) as SELECT OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, PF_OWNER, PACKAGE, FUNCTION, SEL, INS, UPD, DEL, IDX, CHK_OPTION, ENABLE, STATIC_POLICY, POLICY_TYPE, LONG_PREDICATE FROM DBA_POLICIES WHERE OBJECT_OWNER = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_POLICIES is 'All row level security policies for synonyms, tables, or views owned by the user' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.PF_OWNER is 'Owner of the policy function' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.PACKAGE is 'Name of the package containing the policy function' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.FUNCTION is 'Name of the policy function' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.SEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to query on the object' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.INS is 'If YES, policy is applied to insert on the object' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.UPD is 'If YES, policy is applied to update on the object' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.DEL is 'If YES, policy is applied to delete on the object' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.IDX is 'If YES, policy is applied to IDX on the object' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.CHK_OPTION is 'Is check option enforced for this policy?' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.ENABLE is 'Is this policy is enabled?' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.STATIC_POLICY is 'Is this policy is static?' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.POLICY_TYPE is 'policy types' / comment on column USER_POLICIES.LONG_PREDICATE is 'If YES, maximum predicate size is 32K' / create or replace public synonym USER_POLICIES for USER_POLICIES / grant select on USER_POLICIES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_POLICY_GROUPS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP) as select,, g.gname from user$ u, obj$ o, rls_grp$ g where u.user# = o.owner# and g.obj# = o.obj#; / comment on table DBA_POLICY_GROUPS is 'All policy groups defined for any synonym, table, view in the database' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_GROUPS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Schema of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_GROUPS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_GROUPS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Policy group defined' / create or replace public synonym DBA_POLICY_GROUPS for DBA_POLICY_GROUPS / grant select on DBA_POLICY_GROUPS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_POLICY_GROUPS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP) as SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP FROM DBA_POLICY_GROUPS, ALL_TABLES t WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = t.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP FROM DBA_POLICY_GROUPS, ALL_VIEWS v WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = v.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = v.VIEW_NAME ) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP FROM DBA_POLICY_GROUPS, ALL_SYNONYMS s WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = s.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = s.SYNONYM_NAME) / comment on table ALL_POLICY_GROUPS is 'All policy groups defined for any synonym, table or view accessable to the user' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_GROUPS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Schema of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_GROUPS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_GROUPS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Policy group defined' / create or replace public synonym ALL_POLICY_GROUPS for ALL_POLICY_GROUPS / grant select on ALL_POLICY_GROUPS to public / create or replace view USER_POLICY_GROUPS (OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP) as SELECT OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP FROM DBA_POLICY_GROUPS WHERE OBJECT_OWNER = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_POLICY_GROUPS is 'All policy groups defined for any synonym, table, or view' / comment on column USER_POLICY_GROUPS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column USER_POLICY_GROUPS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Policy group defined' / create or replace public synonym USER_POLICY_GROUPS for USER_POLICY_GROUPS / grant select on USER_POLICY_GROUPS to public / create or replace view DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE) as select,, c.ns, c.attr from user$ u, obj$ o, rls_ctx$ c where u.user# = o.owner# and c.obj# = o.obj#; / comment on table DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS is 'All policy driving context defined for any synonym, table, or view in the database' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Schema of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the context' / comment on column DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS.ATTRIBUTE is 'Attribute of the context' / create or replace public synonym DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS for DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS / grant select on DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE) as SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME,NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE FROM DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS, ALL_TABLES t WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = t.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME,NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE FROM DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS, ALL_VIEWS v WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = v.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = v.VIEW_NAME ) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME,NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE FROM DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS, ALL_SYNONYMS s WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = s.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = s.SYNONYM_NAME ) / / comment on table ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS is 'All policy driving context defined for all synonyms, tables, or views accessable to the user' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Schema of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the context' / comment on column ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS.ATTRIBUTE is 'Attribute of the context' / create or replace public synonym ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS for ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS / grant select on ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS to public / create or replace view USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS (OBJECT_NAME, NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE) as SELECT OBJECT_NAME,NAMESPACE,ATTRIBUTE FROM DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS WHERE OBJECT_OWNER = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS is 'All policy driving context defined for synonyms, tables, or views in current schema' / comment on column USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the synonym, table, or view' / comment on column USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the context' / comment on column USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS.ATTRIBUTE is 'Attribute of the context' / create or replace public synonym USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS for USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS / grant select on USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS to public / create or replace view DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION) as select,, r.gname, r.pname,, decode(bitand(r.stmt_type, 4096), 0, 'NONE', 'ALL_ROWS') from sys.rls$ r, sys.rls_sc$ sc, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o, sys.col$ c where u.user# = o.owner# and r.obj# = o.obj# and r.obj# = sc.obj# and r.gname=sc.gname and r.pname=sc.pname and r.obj# = c.obj# and sc.intcol# = c.intcol# and bitand(, 32) = 0 / comment on table DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS is 'Security Relevant columns of all VPD policies in the database' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the table or view' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or view' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Name of the policy group' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.SEC_REL_COLUMN is 'Name of the security relevant column' / comment on column DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.COLUMN_OPTION is 'Option of the security relevant column' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS for DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS / grant select on DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS (OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION) as SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION from DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS, ALL_TABLES t WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = t.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME) union all SELECT OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION from DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS, ALL_VIEWS v WHERE (OBJECT_OWNER = v.OWNER AND OBJECT_NAME = v.VIEW_NAME ) / comment on table ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS is 'Security Relevant columns of all VPD policies for tables or views which the user has access' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.OBJECT_OWNER is 'Owner of the table or view' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or view' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Name of the policy group' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.SEC_REL_COLUMN is 'Name of security relevant column' / comment on column ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.COLUMN_OPTION is 'Option of the security relevant column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS for ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS / grant select on ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS (OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION) as SELECT OBJECT_NAME, POLICY_GROUP, POLICY_NAME, SEC_REL_COLUMN, COLUMN_OPTION FROM ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS WHERE OBJECT_OWNER = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS is 'Security Relevant columns of VPD policies for tables or views owned by the user' / comment on column USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the table or view' / comment on column USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_GROUP is 'Name of the policy group' / comment on column USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.POLICY_NAME is 'Name of the policy' / comment on column USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.SEC_REL_COLUMN is 'Name of security relevant column' / comment on column USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS.COLUMN_OPTION is 'Option of the security relevant column' / create or replace public synonym USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS for USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS / grant select on USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS to PUBLIC with grant option /