rem rem $Header: catrepc.sql 06-nov-2006.14:29:42 elu Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1993, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem ***** Oracle Proprietary ***** Rem ***** This file contains the embodiment of proprietary technology. ***** Rem ***** It is for the sole use of Oracle employees and Oracle ***** Rem ***** customers who have executed non-disclosure agreements. ***** Rem ***** The contents of this file may not be disclosed to persons ***** Rem ***** or organization who have not executed a non-disclosure ***** Rem ***** agreement. ***** Rem NAME Rem catrep.sql - replication catalog tables and views Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file implements the repcat tables, views, and sequences. Rem Tables: Rem repcat$_repcat Rem repcat$_repschema Rem repcat$_repobject Rem repcat$_repcolumn Rem repcat$_key_columns Rem repcat$_generated Rem repcat$_repprop Rem repcat$_repcatlog Rem repcat$_ddl Rem repcat$_repgroup_privs Rem repcat$_flavors Rem repcat$_flavor_objects Rem repcat$_extension Rem repcat$_sites_new Rem Sequences Rem repcat$_repprop_key Rem repcat_log_sequence Rem repcat$_flavors_s Rem Rem This following repcat tables are for conflict resolution Rem Tables: Rem repcat$_audit_column Rem repcat$_audit_attribute Rem repcat$_parameter_column Rem repcat$_resolution Rem repcat$_resolution_method Rem repcat$_conflict Rem repcat$_grouped_column Rem repcat$_column_group Rem repcat$_priority Rem repcat$_priority_group Rem repcat$_statistics_control Rem repcat$_statistics Rem Rem The following view replaces a simpler view defined in catdefer.sql Rem It reflects more repcat based deferred rpc destinations. Rem deftrandest Rem The following deferred RPC views are defined here. Rem defcall Rem defcalldest Rem The following package is created or replaced to make grants necessary Rem to enable SYS to grant select in defcalldest. Rem system.ora$_sys_rep_auth Rem Rem The following repcat tables are to support refresh group templates: Rem Tables: Rem REPCAT$_USER_PARM_VALUES Rem REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS Rem REPCAT$_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS Rem REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS Rem REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_SITES Rem REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run when connected to SYS or INTERNAL Rem Rem DEPENDENCIES Rem Rem USAGE Rem Rem SECURITY Rem Rem COMPATIBILITY Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem elu 10/30/06 - modify for parallel upgrade Rem desingh 08/03/06 - lrg#2046364 Rem desingh 01/27/06 - bug#4749532: add foreign key indexes to Rem repcat_audit_column Rem desingh 02/14/05 - bug#4055881: modify _ALL_REP... views Rem rburns 05/11/04 - use dynamic SQL Rem liwong 10/06/03 - Recompile deftrandest synonym Rem gviswana 05/21/02 - Grant LOCK ANY TABLE to SYS Rem desinha 04/29/02 - #2303866: change user => userenv('SCHEMAID') Rem jingliu 03/15/02 - suppress errors: DML on repcat$_resolution_method Rem celsbern 06/01/01 - Fixing typo Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem celsbern 05/17/01 - added CONFLICT_TYPE_ID to _ALL_REPRESOLUTION view Rem arrajara 04/18/01 - caching async_updatable_table is not supported Rem narora 04/17/01 - _REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES: created Rem nshodhan 04/06/01 - bug 1725230: change snapshot->mview Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice (remove ;). Rem sbalaram 04/04/01 - Bug #1717932: Fix repcat_repcolumn_base Rem for datetime types Rem jingliu 03/22/01 - modify repcat$_template_targets Rem celsbern 02/28/01 - changed dba_instantiation_ddl to _all view. Rem liwong 02/13/01 - replace consistent_at by flashback_scn Rem narora 02/13/01 - fix repcat_repflavor_columns.type_mod Rem narora 02/13/01 - repcat_repcolumn_base r2 only for soidref_fk_attr Rem sbalaram 02/09/01 - Add more "_ALL_*" views for internal use Rem jingliu 01/29/01 - type support for iAS Rem narora 01/03/01 - repcat_repcolumn_base join r2 with r using lcname Rem narora 12/06/00 - repcat_repcolumn_base needs length of soidref_fk Rem - even if pos is null Rem dzhang 12/13/00 - Fix repcat_repflavor_columns for XMLType Rem liwong 11/16/00 - support XMLType Rem celsbern 11/15/00 - fixing seed data Rem arrajara 11/15/00 - "_ALL_REPCOLUMN": change internal_cname to cname Rem elu 11/02/00 - modify repcat$_parameter_column Rem liwong 10/27/00 - Add system.repcat$_resolution_idx2 Rem dzhang 10/11/00 - move repcat$_repcolumn_fk_idx to system schema Rem celsbern 10/10/00 - 8.2 IAS support added.. Rem arrajara 09/24/00 - change repcat$_repcolumn, dba,all,user_repcolumn Rem liwong 09/21/00 - add indexes for FKs to minimize deadlocks Rem arrajara 09/01/00 - codepoint semantics support Rem liwong 09/01/00 - add master w/o quiesce: fixes Rem elu 08/21/00 - remove hashcode from repobject views Rem elu 08/14/00 - add repcat_repcolumn_base Rem sbalaram 07/13/00 - local tz and dls support Rem celsbern 06/30/00 - fixing merge problems. Rem celsbern 06/29/00 - fixed repcatlog views.. Rem elu 06/26/00 - add column ddl_num to template_objects Rem rvenkate 06/23/00 - add username and remove userid from Rem repcat$_repgroup_privs Rem elu 06/22/00 - add new column hashcode to repobject, repcolumn Rem elu 06/19/00 - add column ddl_num to views Rem liwong 06/13/00 - add_master_db w/o quiesce Rem elu 06/12/00 - add ddl_num to repcat$_ddl Rem liwong 05/16/00 - add_master_db w/o quiesce Rem jstamos 05/16/00 - add_master_db w/o quiesce Rem masubram 04/05/00 - add new types for template objects Rem masubram 03/29/00 - add new IAS object types Rem celsbern 03/29/00 - fixed template_objects constraints for IAS Rem celsbern 03/27/00 - modified template constraints for IAS. Rem celsbern 04/20/00 - moved repcat$_flavors_unq2 constraint back to Rem celsbern 03/21/00 - modified repcatlog constraint for add_column & phases Rem celsbern 02/11/00 - added sequence for generating flavor names Rem sbalaram 12/01/99 - add repcat_repflavor_columns Rem sbalaram 11/23/99 - Change dba_repflavor_objects Rem sbalaram 10/27/99 - add type = -1 in dba_repflavor_columns Rem liwong 07/28/99 - replicated objects Rem schandar 07/25/99 - Modify script to work in SQL*Plus Rem celsbern 07/13/99 - fixed rgt_object views to correctly show 'PACKAG Rem nshodhan 06/29/99 - Bug# 684871: remove blank line Rem avaradar 06/04/99 - date time support Rem liwong 02/22/99 - Modify system.repcat$_flavors_s Rem hasun 12/19/98 - Consider internal packages in repcat_repobject Rem hasun 12/17/98 - Add comment on snapshot sites for repschema Rem liwong 12/17/98 - Fix dba_repflavor_columns Rem hasun 12/07/98 - Fix user_repsites Rem hasun 12/05/98 - Fix user_repgroup Rem hasun 12/02/98 - Support multiple grps at same snap site Rem celsbern 10/28/98 - changed shape of repcat$_template_sites table. Rem celsbern 10/15/98 - added support for mviews on template tables. Rem celsbern 09/25/98 - added user and all views for templates. Rem nshodhan 09/09/98 - Modify views to exclude RepAPI snapshots Rem celsbern 08/03/98 - fixed bad comment lines for derived_from_oname Rem liwong 07/22/98 - Add repcat$_repcat.flag Rem liwong 07/22/98 - Add receiver_tracing_enabled to repcat_repobject Rem celsbern 06/29/98 - added derived_from_sname and derived_from_oname Rem celsbern 06/19/98 - fixed repcat$_template_objects_c1 constraint. Rem celsbern 06/16/98 - fixed object_type constraint on template_objects Rem liwong 06/13/98 - add repcat$_flavor_objects_fk2 Rem celsbern 06/11/98 - removed repcat$_template_output table and change Rem celsbern 05/27/98 - changed temporary tables to global temporary tab Rem celsbern 05/14/98 - changed LONGs to CLOBs for rgt tables Rem jstamos 05/04/98 - add unique index Rem celsbern 04/23/98 - fixed up repcat$_template_object table. Rem jstamos 04/22/98 - change column comment Rem celsbern 04/21/98 - added database link object_type for templates. Rem celsbern 04/20/98 - added user_override flag to repcat$_template_par Rem jstamos 04/20/98 - add type check for table in dba_repflavor_object Rem jstamos 04/20/98 - permit obsolete flavors in check constraint Rem jstamos 04/10/98 - make repcolumn constraint deferrable Rem jstamos 04/06/98 - change testing to waiting Rem celsbern 04/06/98 - Fixed merge problems. Rem celsbern 04/06/98 - fixed creation of repcat$_template_objects_n1 ind Rem hasun 03/10/98 - Snapshots can be either a table or a view Rem jstamos 02/19/98 - flavor support Rem celsbern 02/17/98 - Added tables and view for refresh group template Rem wesmith 01/20/98 - Add column global_flag to repcat$_repgroup_privs Rem liwong 12/23/97 - add replication_trigger_eixsts Rem internal_package_exists columns to repobject Rem wesmith 12/15/97 - Untrusted security model code review Rem wesmith 09/03/97 - Untrusted security model enhancements Rem liwong 09/15/97 - add -4 to repcat$_repobject_type Rem liwong 06/23/97 - add recipient_key in repprop_dblink_how index Rem jstamos 05/19/97 - 433036: record split update package Rem adowning 04/28/97 - 2k->4k varchar Rem adowning 04/27/97 - fix typo Rem adowning 04/27/97 - v8 column sizes for reppriority Rem jstamos 04/09/97 - move defcall view to prvtdfri Rem jstamos 04/08/97 - restore procname to defcall Rem jstamos 04/04/97 - tighter AQ integration Rem liwong 04/02/97 - Add system.repcat$_repprop_key Rem masubram 03/27/97 - fix comment on repcat$_snapgroup.rep_type Rem liwong 03/24/97 - Replace def$_aqcall.batch_no by def$_aqcall.cscn Rem masubram 03/13/97 - Add table and views for snapshor group registrat Rem jnath 03/02/97 - bug 429647: remove clauses that check standalone Rem procedures for deferred RPC Rem liwong 03/06/97 - merge bug 433785 manually Rem liwong 02/24/97 - Optimize deftrandest Rem liwong 02/12/97 - Add system.repcat$_repprop_dblink_how Rem liwong 02/11/97 - Add comment for defcalldest Rem liwong 02/10/97 - Add queue_batch, delivery_order in deftrandest Rem liwong 01/07/97 - Added comments for populating Rem - repcat$_resolution_method Rem hasun 12/28/96 - Add LOB PACKAGE to repcat_generated Rem liwong 12/13/96 - Fixed bug 430300 Rem celsbern 12/11/96 - Added NCHAR support. Rem asgoel 10/23/96 - fix - adding a repcatlog request Rem celsbern 10/03/96 - moved repcat$_cdef view from prvtrepc to here. Rem sjain 10/01/96 - AQ conversion Rem jstamos 09/16/96 - send and compare old columns Rem asgoel 09/12/96 - Fixes after code review Rem asgoel 08/22/96 - Added validate flags to repcat table Rem ldoo 08/07/96 - Fix typo Rem ldoo 07/31/96 - Replace repgenerated with repgenobjects. Rem jstamos 07/30/96 - minimize update comm: add %_repobject.flag Rem jstamos 07/17/96 - support LOBs Rem ldoo 06/05/96 - Fix resolution views Rem asgoel 06/13/96 - Added a needs generation column to repobj table Rem tpystyne 06/01/96 - change last type to type# Rem mmonajje 05/24/96 - Replace type col name with type# Rem ldoo 05/17/96 - Remove trigger_owner Rem ldoo 05/14/96 - Fix repcolumn views Rem asurpur 04/08/96 - Dictionary Protection Implementation Rem sbalaram 04/08/96 - Bug# 328957 - Add delivery_order column to Rem system.repcat$_repprop table Rem sbalaram 03/15/96 - Expose trigflag via repcat_repobject Rem ldoo 12/11/95 - Add trigger_owner to repobject Rem sjain 10/10/95 - Name changes of dba_repcat etc. Rem jstamos 09/21/95 - null oname implies null sname: repcat_repcatlog Rem jstamos 08/17/95 - code review changes for deferred RPCs Rem hasun 05/25/95 - Create public synonyms for DBA_ views Rem hasun 05/10/95 - Modify Deferred RPC views for Object Group Rem hasun 04/20/95 - Restore Rep3 semantics to all_repcat, all_repsch Rem hasun 04/11/95 - merge changes from branch 1.2.720.6 Rem hasun 03/30/95 - BUG#273284: Modify to support PUBLIC repschema Rem hasun 03/23/95 - Replace foreign key contraint in reprop Rem hasun 03/20/95 - Change RepCat for SYNC Replication Rem hasun 01/31/95 - Modify tables and views for Rep3 - Object Groups Rem hasun 01/31/95 - merge changes from branch 1.2.720.5 Rem hasun 01/23/95 - merge changes from branch 1.1.710.9 Rem jstamos 01/20/95 - add primary key and index Rem jstamos 01/20/95 - merge changes from branch 1.2.720.4 Rem hasun 01/11/95 - Add fix to resolve duplicate SCNs Rem wmaimone 12/29/94 - BUG#254503 commit is SQL Rem adowning 12/23/94 - merge changes from branch 1.2.720.1 Rem adowning 12/21/94 - merge changes from branch 1.1.710.6-8 Rem jstamos 12/08/94 - foreign key in repschema to def$_destination Rem dsdaniel 12/05/94 - eliminate deftrandest Rem adowning 12/05/94 - fix all_repobject, all_repgenerated Rem dsdaniel 11/17/94 - merge changes from branch 1.1.710.5 Rem dsdaniel 11/11/94 - defcalldest view Rem dsdaniel 10/13/94 - merge changes from branch 1.1.710.3 Rem jstamos 08/10/94 - move trigger creation to prvtrepc.sql Rem adowning 06/14/94 - made tables owned by system Rem ldoo 06/14/94 - Creation of conflict resolution tables Rem adowning 02/04/94 - Branch_for_patch Rem adowning 02/04/94 - Creation Rem adowning 02/04/94 - Official creation Rem jstamos 09/20/93 - Creation Rem jstamos 09/20/93 - Unofficial creation Rem ldoo 06/28/92 - Added objects for collecting statistics. -- NOTE -- the procedure dbms_repcat_utl.canonicalize converts names to a common form -- the columns sname, oname, col, and rname_procedure in the following -- repcat tables are canonicalized -- each variable with the name canon_* must have been canonicalized -- each IN parameter with the name canon_* must be canonicalized -- unless specified otherwise, such a parameter must not be NULL -- Sys is granted priviledges through roles, which don't apply to -- packages owned by sys. Explicitly grant permissions. grant select any table to sys with admin option / grant insert any table to sys / grant update any table to sys / grant delete any table to sys / grant lock any table to sys / grant select any sequence to sys / -- create a table for replicated object groups CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repcat ( gowner VARCHAR2(30) default 'PUBLIC', --- obj group's owner sname VARCHAR2(30), -- interpreted as object group name CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcat_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, gowner), master VARCHAR2(1), -- Y=master, N=snapshot status INTEGER -- master: NORMAL, QUIESCING, or QUIESCED -- snapshot: NULL CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcat_status CHECK (status IN (0, 1, 2)), schema_comment VARCHAR2(80), flavor_id NUMBER, -- local flavor of object group flag raw(4) default '00000000' ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT is 'Information about all replicated object groups' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.SNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.MASTER is 'Is the site a master site for the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.STATUS is 'If the site is a master, the master''s status' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.SCHEMA_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCAT.FLAG is 'Miscellaneous repgroup info' / -- create a top-level table to hold flavor definitions CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_flavors ( flavor_id NUMBER NOT NULL, gowner VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'PUBLIC', gname VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavors_unq1 UNIQUE (gname, flavor_id, gowner), CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavors_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (gname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, fname VARCHAR2(30), creation_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE, created_by NUMBER DEFAULT UID, published VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'N', CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavors_c2 CHECK (published is NULL or (published in ('Y','N','O'))) ) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_flavors_fname ON system.repcat$_flavors(fname) / CREATE UNIQUE INDEX system.repcat$_flavors_gname ON system.repcat$_flavors(gname, fname, gowner) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_flavors_fk1_idx ON system.repcat$_flavors(gname, gowner) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS is 'Flavors defined for replicated object groups' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier, unique within object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.GNAME is 'Name of the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.CREATION_DATE is 'Date on which the flavor was created' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.CREATED_BY is 'Identifier of user that created the flavor' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVORS.PUBLISHED is 'Indicates whether flavor is published (Y/N) or obsolete (O)' / -- create a sequence to identify flavors within an object group create sequence system.repcat$_flavors_s nocache / -- create a sequence used for automatic generation of flavor names create sequence system.repcat$_flavor_name_s nocache / -- flavor ID is sb4 (see knift) alter sequence system.repcat$_flavors_s increment by 1 minvalue -2147483647 maxvalue 2147483647 / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repcat (sname, --- OBSOLETE master, status, schema_comment, gname, fname, rpc_processing_disabled, gowner) AS SELECT r.sname, r.master, DECODE (r.status, 0, 'NORMAL', 1, 'QUIESCING', 2, 'QUIESCED', NULL, 'NORMAL', 'UNDEFINED'), r.schema_comment, r.sname, f.fname, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(r.flag, 1, 1), '01'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), r.gowner FROM system.repcat$_repcat r, system.repcat$_flavors f WHERE r.sname = f.gname (+) AND r.flavor_id = f.flavor_id (+) AND r.gowner = f.gowner (+) / comment on table REPCAT_REPCAT is 'Information about all replicated object groups' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.GOWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.MASTER is 'Is the site a master site for the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.STATUS is 'If the site is a master, the master''s status' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.SCHEMA_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCAT.RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED is 'Whether this site disables processing of replication RPC' / grant select on REPCAT_REPCAT to select_catalog_role / -- Create a table to hold the masters for replicated object groups. -- If it is modified, modify the repcat_repschema view if appropriate. -- For snapshot site (gowner, sname) will specify that this entry is for the -- snapshot object group. It does not imply that the owner of the group at -- master site (snapmaster == 'Y') is the same as the value of gowner -- (the group owner of master groups is always PUBLIC). CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repschema ( gowner VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'PUBLIC', -- owner of the object group sname VARCHAR2(30), -- interpreted as object group name CONSTRAINT repcat$_repschema_prnt FOREIGN KEY(sname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, dblink VARCHAR2(128), -- a master site (M_XDBI) CONSTRAINT repcat$_repschema_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, dblink, gowner), masterdef VARCHAR2(1), -- Y: the master has the authoritative definition -- N: the master has a copy snapmaster VARCHAR2(1), -- this col is maintained independently at each replica -- master: NULL -- snapshot: Y indicates current master for refreshing -- snapshot: N for all other masters master_comment VARCHAR2(80), master VARCHAR2(1), -- Y=master, N=snapshot -- this column duplicates repcat$_repcat.master -- it is here to improve deferred RPC performance prop_updates NUMBER DEFAULT 0, my_dblink VARCHAR2(1), -- Y = the dblink is my global_name -- N = ignore -- this column is here to detect a problem during import extension_id RAW(16) DEFAULT '00', CONSTRAINT repcat$_repschema_dest FOREIGN KEY(dblink, extension_id) REFERENCES system.def$_destination(dblink, catchup) ) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin create index system.repcat$_repschema_dest_idx on system.repcat$_repschema(dblink, extension_id) / create index system.repcat$_repschema_prnt_idx on system.repcat$_repschema(sname, gowner) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.GOWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.SNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is this the current refresh_master' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.MASTER is 'Redundant information from repcat$_repcat.master' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.PROP_UPDATES is 'Number of requested updates for master in repcat$_repprop' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.MY_DBLINK is 'A sanity check after import: is this master the current site' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPSCHEMA.EXTENSION_ID is 'Dummy column for foreign key' / -- hide unnormalized, duplicate data (master column) from users CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repschema (sname, --- OBSOLETE dblink, masterdef, snapmaster, master_comment, gname, master, gowner) AS SELECT sname, dblink, masterdef, snapmaster, master_comment, sname, master, gowner FROM system.repcat$_repschema / comment on table REPCAT_REPSCHEMA is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.GOWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is this the current refresh_master' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column REPCAT_REPSCHEMA.MASTER is 'Redundant information from repcat_repcat.master' / grant select on REPCAT_REPSCHEMA to select_catalog_role / -- create a table to store snapshot repgroup registration information create TABLE system.repcat$_snapgroup ( gowner VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'PUBLIC', gname VARCHAR2(30), dblink VARCHAR2(128), group_comment VARCHAR2(80), rep_type NUMBER, flavor_id NUMBER -- flavor of object group at snapshot ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP is 'Snapshot repgroup registration information' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.GOWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.GNAME is 'Name of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.DBLINK is 'Database site of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.GROUP_COMMENT is 'Description of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.REP_TYPE is 'Type of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SNAPGROUP.REP_TYPE is 'Identifier of flavor at snapshot' / CREATE UNIQUE INDEX system.i_repcat$_snapgroup1 ON system.repcat$_snapgroup(gname, dblink, gowner) / ------------------------------------------------------------- --- This view is obsolete and has been replaced by --- DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS. This view is kept only for backwards --- compatibility. In the future, any modifications should be done --- in DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS. ------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_registered_snapshot_groups (NAME, SNAPSHOT_SITE, GROUP_COMMENT, VERSION, FNAME, OWNER) as select s.gname, s.dblink, s.group_comment, decode(s.rep_type, 1, 'ORACLE 7', 2, 'ORACLE 8', 3, 'REPAPI', 'UNKNOWN'), f.fname, s.gowner from system.repcat$_snapgroup s, system.repcat$_flavors f WHERE s.gname = f.gname (+) AND s.flavor_id = f.flavor_id (+) AND s.gowner = f.gowner (+) / create or replace public synonym DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS for DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS / grant select on DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS is 'Snapshot repgroup registration information' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.OWNER is 'Owner of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.NAME is 'Name of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.SNAPSHOT_SITE is 'Database site of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.GROUP_COMMENT is 'Description of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.VERSION is 'Version of the snapshot repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor of the snapshot repgroup' / ------------------------------------------------------------- --- This view replaces DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS. ------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_registered_mview_groups (NAME, MVIEW_SITE, GROUP_COMMENT, VERSION, FNAME, OWNER) as select s.gname, s.dblink, s.group_comment, decode(s.rep_type, 1, 'ORACLE 7', 2, 'ORACLE 8', 3, 'REPAPI', 'UNKNOWN'), f.fname, s.gowner from system.repcat$_snapgroup s, system.repcat$_flavors f WHERE s.gname = f.gname (+) AND s.flavor_id = f.flavor_id (+) AND s.gowner = f.gowner (+) / create or replace public synonym DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS for DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS / grant select on DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS is 'Materialized view repgroup registration information' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.OWNER is 'Owner of the materialized view repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.NAME is 'Name of the materialized view repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.MVIEW_SITE is 'Database site of the materialized view repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.GROUP_COMMENT is 'Description of the materialized view repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.VERSION is 'Version of the materialized view repgroup' / comment on column DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor of the materialized view repgroup' / -- create a table that names the replicated objects CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repobject ( sname VARCHAR2(30), -- owner of replicated object oname VARCHAR2(30), -- replicated object name, type INTEGER CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_type CHECK (type IN (-1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, -3, -4, 13, 14, 32, 33)), --- type -4 (internal package) only exists in --- updatable snapshot sites --- 13 = type, 14 = type body, 32 = indextype, --- 33 = operator CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, oname, type), version# NUMBER -- Version# for TYPE CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_version CHECK (version# >= 0 AND version# < 65536), hashcode RAW(17), -- hashcode for TYPE id NUMBER, object_comment VARCHAR2(80), status INTEGER -- this col is maintained independently at each replica CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_status CHECK (status IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), genpackage INTEGER -- this col is set and used at the master def site only CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_genpackage CHECK (genpackage IN (0, 1, 2)), genplogid INTEGER, gentrigger INTEGER -- this col is set and used at the master def site only CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_gentrigger CHECK (gentrigger IN (0, 1, 2)), gentlogid INTEGER, --- For generated objects objects (include $RP/$RL/ --- repobject_type_internal_pkg) for snapshots at snapshot sites, --- the value of (gowner, gname) pairs will be NULL. This is because multiple --- snapshot may use the same generated object. --- Generated objects for procedural replications at snapshot sites --- will have the (gowner, gname) pair as its base objects. --- --- Note that repobject_type_internal_pkg only appears in repcat$_repobject --- in snapshot site, it is not recorded in repcat$_generated table. --- --- Generated objects can only be dropped when the last object using the --- generated object is dropped. The new relationship between REPOBJECT --- and GENERATED is many-to-many. gowner VARCHAR2(30), --- owner of object group gname VARCHAR2(30), --- replicated object group name CONSTRAINT repcat$_repobject_prnt FOREIGN KEY(gname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, -- usage of flag: -- first bit in least significant byte for min_commmunication, -- second bit in least significant byte is used to remember whether -- generate_replication_support has been invoked, -- third bit in least significant byte to indicate the existence of -- internal pkgs -- Note: if you ever change size of flag, please -- make corresponding changes in KNIPFLEN flag raw(4) default '00000000' ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT is 'Information about replicated objects' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object''s object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GNAME is 'Name of the object''s object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.VERSION# is 'Version of objects of TYPE' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.HASHCODE is 'Hashcode of objects of TYPE' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GENPACKAGE is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication package' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GENPLOGID is 'Log id of message sent for generating package support' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GENTRIGGER is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication trigger' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.GENTLOGID is 'Log id of message sent for generating trigger support' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPOBJECT.FLAG is 'Information about replicated object' / --- create index on (gname, oname, type) for faster access CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repobject_gname ON system.repcat$_repobject(gname, oname, type, gowner) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repobject_prnt_idx ON system.repcat$_repobject(gname, gowner) / -- Create a base view to make more complex views easier to understand. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- This view is intended for code that needs fast access to repcat$_repobject -- or to obtain a row-level lock. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repobject_base ( sname, oname, type, status, generation_status, id, object_comment, gowner, gname, trigflag, min_communication, internal_package_exists, receiver_tracing_enabled, nested_table, hashcode ) AS SELECT sname, oname, DECODE (type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', -4, 'INTERNAL PACKAGE', --- -3, 'UPDATABLE SNAPSHOT', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 32, 'INDEXTYPE', 33, 'OPERATOR', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE (status, 0, 'CREATE', 1, 'COMPARE', 2, 'VALID', 3, 'DROPPED', 4, 'ERROR', 5, 'ABSENT', 6, 'INCOMPLETE', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE (DECODE (gentrigger, NULL, genpackage, gentrigger * 3 + genpackage), 0, 'GENERATED', -- 0, 0 1, 'NEEDSGEN', -- 0, 1 2, 'DOINGGEN', -- 0, 2 3, 'NEEDSGEN', -- 1, 0 4, 'NEEDSGEN', -- 1, 1 5, 'DOINGGEN', -- 1, 2 6, 'DOINGGEN', -- 2, 0 7, 'DOINGGEN', -- 2, 1 8, 'DOINGGEN'), -- 2, 2 id, object_comment, gowner, gname, DECODE(o.type, 2, DECODE(bitand(t.trigflag, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N'), -1, DECODE(bitand(t.trigflag, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N'), NULL), DECODE(o.type, -1, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '01'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), 2, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '01'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), NULL), DECODE(o.type, 2, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '04'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), -1, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '04'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), NULL), DECODE(o.type, 2, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '10'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), 9, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '10'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), -1, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(o.flag, 1, 1), '10'), '00', 'N', 'Y'), NULL), DECODE(bitand(, 8192), 8192, 'Y', 0, 'N'), RAWTOHEX(o.hashcode) FROM system.repcat$_repobject o,$ t WHERE = t.obj# (+) / comment on table REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE is 'Information about replicated objects' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object''s object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.GNAME is 'Name of the object''s object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.GENERATION_STATUS is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication packages' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.TRIGFLAG is 'Inline trigger flag' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS is 'Internal package exists?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.RECEIVER_TRACING_ENABLED is 'Tracing at receiving site is enabled?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.MIN_COMMUNICATION is 'Send only necessary OLD and NEW values for an updated row?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.NESTED_TABLE is 'Storage table for a nested table column?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE.HASHCODE is 'Hashcode of an object of TYPE' / grant select on REPCAT_REPOBJECT_BASE to select_catalog_role / -- create a table that stores the replicated columns in sorted order CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repcolumn( sname VARCHAR2(30), oname VARCHAR2(30), type INTEGER, -- cname refers to SYS column name, i.e., SYS.COL$.NAME if exists. -- If the column is an attribute column and the local flavor does not -- contain this column, cname is REPCAT$_PO if POS is not NULL or -- REPCAT$_SQ if POS is NULL. cname VARCHAR2(30), -- lcname refers to long column names. This column is needed -- for vertical partitioning since there is no SYS.ATTRCOL$ entry for an -- absent column in the local flavor. lcname VARCHAR2(4000), toid RAW(16), -- type TOID. version# NUMBER CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcolumn_version CHECK (version# >= 0 AND version# < 65536), hashcode RAW(17), -- type hashcode -- name of type is in obj$.name and -- ctype_owner of type is in user$.name. They are needed since a replica may -- not have the type replicated locally. -- ctype_name and ctype_owner may vary between a snapshot and its -- master. During get_repcolumn_info, this may need to be fixed up -- based on TOID (if exists). -- If a snapshot does not -- have this type replicated, (ctype_owner, ctype_name) refers to the -- type in its master. ctype_name VARCHAR2(30), ctype_owner VARCHAR2(30), id NUMBER, -- must match col$.intcol# in the local database pos NUMBER, -- order by pos asc(alphabetically sorted at masterdef) CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcolumn_pk PRIMARY KEY (sname, oname, type, cname), CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcolumn_fk FOREIGN KEY (sname, oname, type) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repobject ON DELETE CASCADE, -- top refers to the long column name of the top -- of an attribute. TOP is NULL if the column is top-level. top VARCHAR2(30), flag RAW(2) default '0000', ctype NUMBER, length NUMBER, -- length in bytes precision# NUMBER, scale NUMBER, null$ NUMBER, charsetid NUMBER, -- must be the local db or nchar charset id charsetform NUMBER, property RAW(4) default '00000000', clength NUMBER -- length in characters ) / create index system.repcat$_repcolumn_fk_idx on system.repcat$_repcolumn(sname, oname, type) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN is 'Replicated columns for a table sorted alphabetically in ascending order' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.CNAME is 'Column name' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.ID is 'Column ID' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.POS is 'Ordering of column used as IN parameter in the replication procedures' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.FLAG is 'Replication information about column' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE is 'Type of the column' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.PRECISION# is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.NULL$ is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.CHARSETID is 'Character set identifier' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.CHARSETFORM is 'Character set form' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.version# is 'Version# of a column of user-defined type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.hashcode is 'Hashcode of a column of user-defined type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.lcname is 'Long column name' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.toid is 'Type object identifier of a user-defined type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$ is 'Top column name for an attribute' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCOLUMN.clength is 'The maximum length of the column in characters' / -- create a table that names "primary-key" columns for column-level repl CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_key_columns ( sname VARCHAR2(30), -- schema name oname VARCHAR2(30), -- replicated object name type INTEGER, CONSTRAINT repcat$_key_columns_prnt FOREIGN KEY(sname, oname, type) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repobject(sname, oname, type) ON DELETE CASCADE, -- COL refers to the SYS column name (SYS.COL$.NAME). -- Since COL is a pk column and the maximum allowable length -- for an index record is less than 800 bytes, we can not use -- long column name for COL. -- Please note that key columns must be present in all replicas, -- hence SYS.COL$.NAME must exist. col VARCHAR2(30), CONSTRAINT repcat$_key_columns_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, oname, col) ) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin create index system.repcat$_key_columns_prnt_idx on system.repcat$_key_columns(sname, oname, type) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_KEY_COLUMNS is 'Primary columns for a table using column-level replication' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_KEY_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing table' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_KEY_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_KEY_COLUMNS.TYPE is 'Type identifier' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_KEY_COLUMNS.COL is 'Column in the table' / -- track the objects generated to support row/column-level replication -- as well as wrappers generated to support procedural replication CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_generated ( sname VARCHAR2(30), -- schema of generated object oname VARCHAR2(30), -- name of generated object type INTEGER, -- type of generated object CONSTRAINT repcat$_repgen_prnt FOREIGN KEY(sname, oname, type) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repobject(sname, oname, type) ON DELETE CASCADE, reason NUMBER, CONSTRAINT repcat$_generated_obj CHECK (reason IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10)), -- 0 = trigger (Rep2 async propagation) $RT -- 1 = replication package $RP -- 2 = resolution package $RR -- 3 = priority package $RV -- 4 = auditing package $RA -- 5 = procedural replication wrapper -- 6 = Rep3 trigger package $TP -- 7 = Rep3 trigger (mixed propagation) $RT -- 9 = LOB package $RL -- 10 = update package $RU base_sname VARCHAR2(30), -- schema of user's object base_oname VARCHAR2(30), -- name of user's object base_type INTEGER, -- type of user's object CONSTRAINT repcat$_repgen_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, oname, type, base_sname, base_oname, base_type), CONSTRAINT repcat$_repgen_prnt2 FOREIGN KEY(base_sname, base_oname, base_type) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repobject(sname, oname, type) ON DELETE CASCADE, package_prefix VARCHAR2(30), -- for package wrappers procedure_prefix VARCHAR2(30), -- for procedure and package wrappers -- universal code will have two 'Y's below distributed VARCHAR2(1) -- 'Y' or 'N' ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_GENERATED.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_generated_n1 ON system.repcat$_generated(base_sname, base_oname, base_type) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repgen_prnt_idx ON system.repcat$_generated(sname, oname, type) / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_generated (sname, oname, type, reason, base_sname, base_oname, base_type, package_prefix, procedure_prefix, distributed) AS SELECT sname, oname, DECODE (type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', --- -3, 'UPDATABLE SNAPSHOT', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE (reason, 0, 'REPLICATION TRIGGER', 1, 'REPLICATION PACKAGE', 2, 'RESOLUTION PACKAGE', 3, 'PRIORITY PACKAGE', 4, 'AUDIT PACKAGE', 5, 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER', 6, 'TRIGGER PACKAGE', 7, 'MIXED REPLICATION TRIGGER', 8, 'MIXED REPLICATION WRAPPER', 9, 'LOB PACKAGE', 10, 'REPLICATION UPDATE PACKAGE', 'UNDEFINED'), base_sname, base_oname, DECODE (base_type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', --- -3, 'UPDATABLE SNAPSHOT', 'UNDEFINED'), package_prefix, procedure_prefix, distributed FROM system.repcat$_generated / comment on table REPCAT_GENERATED is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column REPCAT_GENERATED.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / grant select on REPCAT_GENERATED to select_catalog_role / --- Since (gowner,gname) may be NULL for generated objects ($RP/$RL/ --- repobject_type_internal_pkg) at snapshot sites. --- We will need to join with REPCAT_GENERATED to get the correct --- group name and owner (See repcat$_repobject) --- This view is now a union of three queries: --- Query 1: Get all objects explicitly registered with --- create_{snapshot,master}_repobject(). --- Query 2: Get all of the generated objects shared by any snapshot repobjects --- where (gowner, gname) is NULL. --- Query 3: Get the internal package for each snapshot. This is the tricky --- part because internal packages are not registered in --- repcat$_generated. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repobject ( sname, oname, type, status, generation_status, id, object_comment, gowner, gname, trigflag, min_communication, internal_package_exists, receiver_tracing_enabled, nested_table, hashcode ) AS SELECT sname, oname, type, status, generation_status, id, object_comment, gowner, gname, trigflag, min_communication, internal_package_exists, receiver_tracing_enabled, nested_table, hashcode FROM repcat_repobject_base WHERE gowner IS NOT NULL AND gname IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT o.sname, o.oname, o.type, o.status, o.generation_status,, o.object_comment, bo.gowner, bo.gname, o.trigflag, o.min_communication, o.internal_package_exists, o.receiver_tracing_enabled, o.nested_table, o.hashcode FROM repcat_repobject_base o, repcat_generated g, repcat_repobject_base bo WHERE (o.gowner IS NULL AND o.gname IS NULL) AND (o.sname = g.sname AND o.oname = g.oname AND o.type = g.type) AND (bo.sname = g.base_sname AND bo.oname = g.base_oname AND bo.type = g.base_type) AND (bo.gowner IS NOT NULL AND bo.gname IS NOT NULL) UNION SELECT o.sname, o.oname, o.type, o.status, o.generation_status,, o.object_comment, bo.gowner, bo.gname, o.trigflag, o.min_communication, o.internal_package_exists, o.receiver_tracing_enabled, o.nested_table, o.hashcode FROM repcat_repobject_base o, repcat_repobject_base bo, sys.snap$ s WHERE (o.gowner IS NULL AND o.gname IS NULL AND o.type = 'INTERNAL PACKAGE') AND o.sname = s.mowner AND o.oname = s.master AND (bo.sname = s.sowner AND bo.oname = s.vname AND bo.type = 'SNAPSHOT') AND (s.mlink IS NOT NULL AND SUBSTR(s.mlink, 2) NOT IN (SELECT global_name from global_name)) AND s.instsite = 0 / comment on table REPCAT_REPOBJECT is 'Information about replicated objects' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object''s object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.GNAME is 'Name of the object''s object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.GENERATION_STATUS is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication packages' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.TRIGFLAG is 'Inline trigger flag' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS is 'Internal package exists?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.RECEIVER_TRACING_ENABLED is 'Tracing at receiving site is enabled?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.MIN_COMMUNICATION is 'Send only necessary OLD and NEW values for an updated row?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.HASHCODE is 'Hashcode of an object of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPOBJECT.NESTED_TABLE is 'Storage table for a nested table column?' / grant select on REPCAT_REPOBJECT to select_catalog_role / -- create a table to hold propagation information -- (row-level and column-level replication of tables) -- (procedure wrappers) CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repprop ( sname VARCHAR2(30), -- schema name oname VARCHAR2(30), -- replicated object name type INTEGER, CONSTRAINT repcat$_repprop_prnt FOREIGN KEY(sname, oname, type) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repobject(sname, oname, type) ON DELETE CASCADE, dblink VARCHAR2(128), -- a master site (M_XDBI) CONSTRAINT repcat$_repprop_primary PRIMARY KEY(sname, oname, type, dblink), --- CONSTRAINT repcat$_repprop_prnt2 --- FOREIGN KEY(sname, dblink) --- REFERENCES system.repcat$_repschema(sname, dblink) --- ON DELETE CASCADE, how INTEGER CONSTRAINT repcat$_repprop_how CHECK (how IN (0, 1, 2, 3)), --- 0 = None --- 1 = Asynchronous --- 2 = Synchronous --- 3 = Sync optional async propagate_comment VARCHAR2(80), delivery_order NUMBER, recipient_key NUMBER, -- key of (sname, oname) extension_id RAW(16) DEFAULT '00' ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP is 'Propagation information about replicated objects' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.DBLINK is 'Destination database for propagation' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.HOW is 'Propagation choice for the destination database' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.PROPAGATE_COMMENT is 'Description of the propagation choice' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.DELIVERY_ORDER is 'Value of delivery order when the master was added' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.RECIPIENT_KEY is 'Recipient key for sname and oname, used in joining with def$_aqcall' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPPROP.EXTENSION_ID is 'Identifier of any active extension request' / -- make the global low water mark computation faster -- since repcat$_repprop is for admin, read is a far more -- frequent operations than update, it pays off to create such index CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repprop_dblink_how ON system.repcat$_repprop (dblink, how, extension_id, recipient_key) / -- make the join on recipient key faster CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repprop_key_index ON system.repcat$_repprop (recipient_key) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repprop_prnt_idx ON system.repcat$_repprop (sname, oname, type) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repprop_prnt2_idx ON system.repcat$_repprop (sname, dblink) / -- create sequence for recipient key -- (schema_name, package_name ---> recipient key) CREATE SEQUENCE system.repcat$_repprop_key / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repprop (sname, oname, type, dblink, how, propagate_comment) AS SELECT p.sname, p.oname, DECODE (p.type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', -4, 'INTERNAL PACKAGE', --- -3, 'UPDATABLE SNAPSHOT', 'UNDEFINED'), p.dblink, DECODE (, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'ASYNCHRONOUS', 2, 'SYNCHRONOUS', 3, 'SYNC_OR_ASYNC', 'UNDEFINED'), p.propagate_comment FROM system.repcat$_repprop p WHERE (p.sname, p.oname, p.type) NOT IN (SELECT sname, oname, type from system.repcat$_generated) AND p.oname != 'REP$WHAT_AM_I' / comment on table REPCAT_REPPROP is 'Propagation information about replicated objects' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.DBLINK is 'Destination database for propagation' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.HOW is 'Propagation choice for the destination database' / comment on column REPCAT_REPPROP.PROPAGATE_COMMENT is 'Description of the propagation choice' / grant select on REPCAT_REPPROP to select_catalog_role / -- create a table to hold the repcat intentions list and asynchronous errors --- The sname column will always contain a schema name. This value may --- also be the name of an existing object group. --- The gname column contains a non-null only if gname != sname, otherwise --- gname is NULL CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repcatlog ( version NUMBER, -- repcat version number id NUMBER, -- sequence number source VARCHAR2(128), -- where the request originated userid VARCHAR2(30), -- who made the request timestamp DATE, -- when the request was made role VARCHAR2(1), -- 'Y' for masterdef and 'N' for master master VARCHAR2(128), -- which master executes this intention CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcatlog_primary PRIMARY KEY(id, source, role, master), sname VARCHAR2(30), -- schema name request INTEGER, -- repcat administrative procedure name CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcatlog_request CHECK (request IN (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25)), oname VARCHAR2(30), -- replicated object name, if applicable type INTEGER, -- replicated object type, if applicable CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcatlog_type CHECK (type IN (-1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, -3, 13, 14, 32, 33)), a_comment VARCHAR2(2000), -- replicated comment, if applicable bool_arg VARCHAR2(1), -- boolean argument, if applicable ano_bool_arg VARCHAR2(1), -- another boolean argument, if applicable int_arg INTEGER, -- integer argument, if applicable ano_int_arg INTEGER, -- another integer argument, if applicable lines INTEGER, -- number of lines in repcat$_ddl status INTEGER CONSTRAINT repcat$_repcatlog_status CHECK (status IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), message VARCHAR2(200), -- error message errnum NUMBER, -- Oracle error number gname VARCHAR2(30) -- replicated object group name ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG is 'Information about asynchronous administration requests' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.VERSION is 'Version of the repcat log record' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ID is 'Identifying number of repcat log record' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.USERID is 'Name of the user who submitted the request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.TIMESTAMP is 'When the request was submitted' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request$_ddl' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.REQUEST is 'Name of the requested operation' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.SNAME is 'Schema of replicated object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ONAME is 'Replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.TYPE is 'Type of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.A_COMMENT is 'Textual argument used for comments' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.BOOL_ARG is 'Boolean argument' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ANO_BOOL_ARG is 'Another Boolean argument' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.INT_ARG is 'Integer argument' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ANO_INT_ARG is 'Another integer argument' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.LINES is 'The number of rows in system.repcat$_ddl at the processing site' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.STATUS is 'Status of the request at this database' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with processing the request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPCATLOG.ERRNUM is 'Oracle error number associated with processing the request' / --- create index on (gname, sname, oname, type) for faster access CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repcatlog_gname ON system.repcat$_repcatlog(gname, sname, oname, type) / -- hide arguments and encodings from users CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repcatlog (id, source, status, userid, timestamp, role, master, request, sname, oname, type, message, errnum, gname) AS SELECT id, source, DECODE(status, 0, 'READY', 1, 'DO_CALLBACK', 2, 'AWAIT_CALLBACK', 3, 'ERROR', 'UNDEFINED'), userid, timestamp, DECODE (role, 'Y', 'MASTERDEF', 'N', 'MASTER', 'UNDEFINED'), master, DECODE(request, -1, 'WAITING', 0, 'CREATE_MASTER_REPOBJECT', 1, 'DROP_MASTER_REPSCHEMA', 2, 'ADD_MASTER_DATABASE', 3, 'ALTER_MASTER_REPOBJECT', 4, 'DROP_MASTER_REPOBJECT', 5, 'SUSPEND_MASTER_ACTIVITY', 6, 'RESUME_MASTER_ACTIVITY', 7, 'EXECUTE_DDL', 8, 'GENERATE_REPLICATION_SUPPORT', 9, 'GENERATE_SUPPORT_PHASE_1', 10, 'GENERATE_SUPPORT_PHASE_2', 11, 'ALTER_MASTER_PROPAGATION', 12, 'END_PHASE_2', 13, 'GENERATE_INTERNAL_PKG_SUPPORT', 14, 'END_GEN_INTERNAL_PKG_SUPPORT', 15, 'COPY_FLAVOR_DEFINITIONS', 16, 'COMPILE_MASTER_REPOBJECT', 17, 'RENAME_SHADOW_COLUMN_GROUP', 18, 'PULL_EXTENSION', 19, 'CONTROL_PROPAGATION', 20, 'WAIT_FOR_NEW_SITES_TO_PREPARE', 21, 'ADD_COLUMN_PHASE_1', 22, 'ADD_COLUMN_PHASE_2', 23, 'ADD_COLUMN_PHASE_3', 24, 'ADD_COLUMN_PHASE_4', 25, 'PREPARE_FOR_IMPORT', 'UNDEFINED'), DECODE(oname, NULL, NULL, sname), oname, DECODE (type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 0, 'UNDEFINED', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 32, 'INDEXTYPE', 33, 'OPERATOR', --- -3, 'UPDATABLE SNAPSHOT', 'UNDEFINED'), message, errnum, NVL(gname, sname) FROM system.repcat$_repcatlog / comment on table REPCAT_REPCATLOG is 'Information about asynchronous administration requests' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.ID is 'Identifying number of repcat log record' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.STATUS is 'Status of the request at this database' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.USERID is 'Name of the user who submitted the request' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.TIMESTAMP is 'When the request was submitted' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.REQUEST is 'Name of the requested operation' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.SNAME is 'Schema of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.ONAME is 'Replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.TYPE is 'Type of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with processing the request' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCATLOG.ERRNUM is 'Oracle error number associated with processing the request' / grant select on REPCAT_REPCATLOG to select_catalog_role / -- create a table that holds ddl CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_ddl ( log_id NUMBER, -- request identifier source VARCHAR2(128), -- where the request originated role VARCHAR2(1), -- 'Y' for masterdef and 'N' for master master VARCHAR2(128), -- CONSTRAINT repcat$_ddl_prnt FOREIGN KEY(log_id, source, role, master) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcatlog(id, source, role, master) ON DELETE CASCADE, line INTEGER, text VARCHAR2(2000), -- ddl to execute ddl_num INTEGER DEFAULT 1 -- order of ddls to execute ) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin create index system.repcat$_ddl_index on system.repcat$_ddl(log_id, source, role, master) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL is 'Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.LOG_ID is 'Identifying number of the repcat log record' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.LINE is 'Ordering of records within a single request' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.TEXT is 'Portion of an argument' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_DDL.DDL_NUM is 'Ordering of DDLs to execute' / CREATE UNIQUE INDEX system.repcat$_ddl ON system.repcat$_ddl(log_id, source, role, master, line) / -- create a table that stores the users who are registered for -- object group privileges. CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_repgroup_privs ( userid NUMBER, -- OBSOLETE username VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, -- username gowner VARCHAR2(30), -- owner of object group gname VARCHAR2(30), -- replicated object group name CONSTRAINT repcat$_repgroup_privs_fk FOREIGN KEY (gname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT repcat$_repgroup_privs_uk UNIQUE (username, gname, gowner), global_flag NUMBER NOT NULL, -- 1 if gname is NULL, 0 otherwise created DATE NOT NULL, -- date of registration privilege NUMBER -- registered privileges ) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS is 'Information about users who are registered for object group privileges' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.USERID is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Identifying number of the user' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.USERNAME is 'Identifying name of the registered user' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.GOWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.GLOBAL_FLAG is '1 if gname is NULL, 0 otherwise' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.CREATED is 'Registration date' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REPGROUP_PRIVS.PRIVILEGE is 'Registered privileges' / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repgroup_privs_n1 ON system.repcat$_repgroup_privs(global_flag, username) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_repgroup_privs_fk_idx ON system.repcat$_repgroup_privs(gname, gowner) / create or replace view ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES (USERNAME, GNAME, CREATED, RECEIVER, PROXY_SNAPADMIN, OWNER) as select u.username, rp.gname, rp.created, decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 2), 2, 'Y', 'N'), rp.gowner from system.repcat$_repgroup_privs rp, all_users u where rp.username = u.username and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES is 'Information about users who are registered for object group privileges' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.CREATED is 'Registration date' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.RECEIVER is 'Receiver privileges' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.PROXY_SNAPADMIN is 'Proxy snapadmin privileges' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES for ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES / grant select on ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES (USERNAME, GNAME, CREATED, RECEIVER, PROXY_SNAPADMIN, OWNER) as select u.username, rp.gname, rp.created, decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 2), 2, 'Y', 'N'), rp.gowner from system.repcat$_repgroup_privs rp, dba_users u where rp.username = u.username / comment on table DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES is 'Information about users who are registered for object group privileges' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.CREATED is 'Registration date' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.RECEIVER is 'Receiver privileges' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.PROXY_SNAPADMIN is 'Proxy snapadmin privileges' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES for DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES / grant select on DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES (USERNAME, GNAME, CREATED, RECEIVER, PROXY_SNAPADMIN, OWNER) as select u.username, rp.gname, rp.created, decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N'), decode(bitand(rp.privilege, 2), 2, 'Y', 'N'), rp.gowner from system.repcat$_repgroup_privs rp, all_users u where rp.username = u.username and u.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES is 'Information about users who are registered for object group privileges' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.USERNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.CREATED is 'Registration date' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.RECEIVER is 'Receiver privileges' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES.PROXY_SNAPADMIN is 'Proxy snapadmin privileges' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES for USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES / grant select on USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES to PUBLIC with grant option / CREATE SEQUENCE system.repcat_log_sequence / create or replace view USER_REPGROUP (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE MASTER, STATUS, SCHEMA_COMMENT, GNAME, FNAME, RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED, OWNER) as select r.sname, r.master, r.status, r.schema_comment, r.sname, r.fname, r.rpc_processing_disabled, r.gowner from repcat_repcat r, user_users u where (r.sname = u.username) or r.gowner in (select name from user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and type# = 1) / comment on table USER_REPGROUP is 'Replication information about the current user' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.MASTER is 'Is the site a master site' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.STATUS is 'If site is master, the master''s status' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.SCHEMA_COMMENT is 'User description of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED is 'Whether this site disables processing of replication RPC' / Rem -- user_repcat is maintained for backwards compatability create or replace view USER_REPCAT as select * from USER_REPGROUP / create or replace public synonym USER_REPCAT for USER_REPCAT / grant select on USER_REPCAT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace public synonym USER_REPGROUP for USER_REPGROUP / grant select on USER_REPGROUP to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPGROUP (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE MASTER, STATUS, SCHEMA_COMMENT, GNAME, FNAME, RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED, OWNER) as select r.sname, r.master, r.status, r.schema_comment, r.sname, r.fname, r.rpc_processing_disabled, r.gowner from repcat_repcat r / comment on table ALL_REPGROUP is 'Information about replicated object groups' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.MASTER is 'Is the site a master site for the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.STATUS is 'If the site is a master, the master''s status' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.SCHEMA_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPGROUP.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED is 'Whether this site disables processing of replication RPC' / Rem -- This synonym all_repcat is for backwards compatability create or replace view ALL_REPCAT as select * from ALL_REPGROUP / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPCAT for ALL_REPCAT / grant select on ALL_REPCAT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPGROUP for ALL_REPGROUP / grant select on ALL_REPGROUP to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPGROUP (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE MASTER, STATUS, SCHEMA_COMMENT, GNAME, FNAME, RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED, OWNER) as select r.sname, r.master, r.status, r.schema_comment, r.sname, r.fname, r.rpc_processing_disabled, r.gowner from repcat_repcat r / comment on table DBA_REPGROUP is 'Information about all replicated object groups' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.MASTER is 'Is the site a master site for the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.STATUS is 'If the site is a master, the master''s status' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.SCHEMA_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPGROUP.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column USER_REPGROUP.RPC_PROCESSING_DISABLED is 'Whether this site disables processing of replication RPC' / grant select on DBA_REPGROUP to select_catalog_role / Rem -- Next two lines are for backwards compatability. In 7.3 we changed names Rem -- from *_repcat to *_repgroup create or replace view DBA_REPCAT as select * from DBA_REPGROUP / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPCAT for DBA_REPCAT / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPGROUP for DBA_REPGROUP / grant select on DBA_REPCAT to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPSITES (GNAME, DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, MASTER, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.master, r.gowner from repcat_repschema r, user_users u where (r.sname = u.username) or r.gowner in (select name from user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and type# = 1) / comment on table USER_REPSITES is 'N-way replication information about the current user' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the schema' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.SNAPMASTER is 'For snapshot sites, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.MASTER_COMMENT is 'User description of the database site' / comment on column USER_REPSITES.MASTER is 'Redundant information from user_repcat.master' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPSITES for USER_REPSITES / grant select on USER_REPSITES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPSITES (GNAME, DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, MASTER, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.master, r.gowner from repcat_repschema r / comment on table ALL_REPSITES is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the schema' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column ALL_REPSITES.MASTER is 'Redundant information from all_repcat.master' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPSITES for ALL_REPSITES / grant select on ALL_REPSITES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPSITES (GNAME, DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, MASTER, PROP_UPDATES, MY_DBLINK, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.master, r.prop_updates, r.my_dblink, r.gowner from system.repcat$_repschema r / comment on table DBA_REPSITES is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the schema' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.MASTER is 'Redundant information from dba_repcat.master' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.PROP_UPDATES is 'Number of requested updates for master in repcat$_repprop' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES.MY_DBLINK is 'A sanity check after import: is this master the current site' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPSITES for DBA_REPSITES / grant select on DBA_REPSITES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPSCHEMA (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, GNAME, MASTER, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.sname, r.master, r.gowner from repcat_repschema r, user_users u where (r.sname = u.username) or r.gowner in (select name from user$ where user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and type# = 1) / comment on table USER_REPSCHEMA is 'N-way replication information about the current user' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the object group' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.SNAPMASTER is 'For snapshot sites, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.MASTER_COMMENT is 'User description of the database site' / comment on column USER_REPSCHEMA.MASTER is 'Redundant information from user_repcat.master' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPSCHEMA for USER_REPSCHEMA / grant select on USER_REPSCHEMA to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPSCHEMA (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, GNAME, MASTER, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.sname, r.master, r.gowner from repcat_repschema r / comment on table ALL_REPSCHEMA is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column ALL_REPSCHEMA.MASTER is 'Redundant information from all_repcat.master' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPSCHEMA for ALL_REPSCHEMA / grant select on ALL_REPSCHEMA to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPSCHEMA (SNAME, --- OBSOLETE DBLINK, MASTERDEF, SNAPMASTER, MASTER_COMMENT, MASTER, PROP_UPDATES, MY_DBLINK, GNAME, GROUP_OWNER) as select r.sname, r.dblink, r.masterdef, r.snapmaster, r.master_comment, r.master, r.prop_updates, r.my_dblink, r.sname, r.gowner from system.repcat$_repschema r / comment on table DBA_REPSCHEMA is 'N-way replication information' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.SNAME is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.DBLINK is 'A database site replicating the object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.MASTERDEF is 'Is the database the master definition site for the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.SNAPMASTER is 'For a snapshot site, is the database the current refresh master' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.MASTER_COMMENT is 'Description of the database site' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.MASTER is 'Redundant information from dba_repcat.master' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.PROP_UPDATES is 'Number of requested updates for master in repcat$_repprop' / comment on column DBA_REPSCHEMA.MY_DBLINK is 'A sanity check after import: is this master the current site' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPSCHEMA for DBA_REPSCHEMA / grant select on DBA_REPSCHEMA to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPOBJECT (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, STATUS, GENERATION_STATUS, ID, OBJECT_COMMENT, GNAME, MIN_COMMUNICATION, REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS, INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS, GROUP_OWNER, NESTED_TABLE) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.generation_status,, r.object_comment, r.gname, r.min_communication, r.trigflag, r.internal_package_exists, r.gowner, r.nested_table from repcat_repobject r, user_users u where r.sname = u.username and r.type != 'INTERNAL PACKAGE' / comment on table USER_REPOBJECT is 'Replication information about the current user''s objects' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated objects group' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated objects group' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.SNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.GENERATION_STATUS is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication packages' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'User description of the replicated object' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS is 'Inline trigger flag exists?' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS is 'Internal package exists?' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.MIN_COMMUNICATION is 'Send only necessary OLD and NEW values for an updated row?' / comment on column USER_REPOBJECT.NESTED_TABLE is 'Storage table for a nested table column?' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPOBJECT for USER_REPOBJECT / grant select on USER_REPOBJECT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPOBJECT (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, STATUS, GENERATION_STATUS, ID, OBJECT_COMMENT, GNAME, MIN_COMMUNICATION, REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS, INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS, GROUP_OWNER, NESTED_TABLE) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.generation_status,, r.object_comment, r.gname, r.min_communication, r.trigflag replication_trigger_exists, r.internal_package_exists, r.gowner, r.nested_table from repcat_repobject r, all_objects o where (r.sname = 'PUBLIC' or r.sname in (select u.username from all_users u)) and r.sname = o.owner and r.oname = o.object_name and r.type != 'INTERNAL PACKAGE' and (r.type = o.object_type or (r.type = 'SNAPSHOT' and o.object_type IN ('VIEW','TABLE'))) union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.generation_status,, r.object_comment, r.gname, r.min_communication, r.replication_trigger_exists, r.internal_package_exists, r.group_owner, r.nested_table from user_repobject r union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.generation_status,, r.object_comment, r.gname, r.min_communication, r.trigflag replication_trigger_exists, r.internal_package_exists, r.gowner, r.nested_table from repcat_repobject r where (r.sname = 'PUBLIC' or r.sname in (select u.username from all_users u)) and (r.gname, r.gowner) in (select nvl(rp.gname,r.gname), nvl(rp.owner, r.gowner) from user_repgroup_privileges rp where rp.proxy_snapadmin='Y') / comment on table ALL_REPOBJECT is 'Information about replicated objects' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.GENERATION_STATUS is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication packages' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS is 'Internal replication trigger exists?' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS is 'Internal package exists?' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.MIN_COMMUNICATION is 'Send only necessary OLD and NEW values for an updated row?' / comment on column ALL_REPOBJECT.NESTED_TABLE is 'Storage table for a nested table column?' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPOBJECT for ALL_REPOBJECT / grant select on ALL_REPOBJECT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPOBJECT (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, STATUS, GENERATION_STATUS, ID, OBJECT_COMMENT, GNAME, MIN_COMMUNICATION, REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS, INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS, GROUP_OWNER, NESTED_TABLE) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.generation_status,, r.object_comment, r.gname, r.min_communication, r.trigflag replication_trigger_exists, r.internal_package_exists, r.gowner, r.nested_table from repcat_repobject r where r.type != 'INTERNAL PACKAGE' / comment on table DBA_REPOBJECT is 'Information about replicated objects' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.STATUS is 'Status of the last create or alter request on the local object' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.GENERATION_STATUS is 'Status of whether the object needs to generate replication packages' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.ID is 'Identifier of the local object' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.OBJECT_COMMENT is 'Description of the replicated object' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.REPLICATION_TRIGGER_EXISTS is 'Internal replication trigger exists?' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.INTERNAL_PACKAGE_EXISTS is 'Internal package exists?' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.MIN_COMMUNICATION is 'Send only necessary OLD and NEW values for an updated row?' / comment on column DBA_REPOBJECT.NESTED_TABLE is 'Storage table for a nested table column?' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPOBJECT for DBA_REPOBJECT / grant select on DBA_REPOBJECT to select_catalog_role / -- Create a base view on repcat$_repcolumn. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- self join with r2 is to select the 'real' column for 'virtual' columns -- we are currently only interested in the real column for soidref_fk create or replace view repcat_repcolumn_base (sname, oname, type, cname, id, pos, compare_old_on_delete, compare_old_on_update, send_old_on_delete, send_old_on_update, ctype, ctype_toid, ctype_owner, ctype_hashcode, ctype_version#, ctype_num, ctype_mod, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, character_set_name, top, char_length, char_used, property, lpos) as select r.sname, r.oname, decode(r.type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM'), r.lcname, -- cname, long column name, -- we want to leave the pos as NULL for virtual columns r.pos, -- we want the send and compare bits from the 'real' column decode(nvl(r.pos,r2.pos), NULL, NULL, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(nvl(r2.flag, r.flag), 1, 1), '04'), '00', 'Y','N')), decode(nvl(r.pos,r2.pos), NULL, NULL, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(nvl(r2.flag, r.flag), 1, 1), '08'), '00', 'Y','N')), decode(nvl(r.pos,r2.pos), NULL, NULL, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(nvl(r2.flag, r.flag), 1, 1), '01'), '00', 'Y','N')), decode(nvl(r.pos,r2.pos), NULL, NULL, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(nvl(r2.flag, r.flag), 1, 1), '02'), '00', 'Y','N')), decode(r.ctype, 1, decode(r.charsetform, 2, 'NVARCHAR2', 'VARCHAR2'), 2, 'NUMBER', 12, 'DATE', 23, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '08'), '08', r.ctype_name, 'RAW'), 58, r.ctype_name, 69, 'ROWID', 96, decode(r.charsetform, 2, 'NCHAR', 'CHAR'), -- system provided type may be stored as clob, e.g., XMLType 112, NVL(r.ctype_name, decode(r.charsetform, 2, 'NCLOB', 'CLOB')), 113, 'BLOB', 178, 'TIME(' ||r.scale|| ')', 179, 'TIME(' ||r.scale|| ')' || ' WITH TIME ZONE', 180, 'TIMESTAMP(' ||r.scale|| ')', 181, 'TIMESTAMP(' ||r.scale|| ')' || ' WITH TIME ZONE', 182, 'INTERVAL YEAR(' ||r.precision#||') TO MONTH', 183, 'INTERVAL DAY(' ||r.precision#||') TO SECOND(' ||r.scale|| ')', 111, r.ctype_name, 121, r.ctype_name, 122, r.ctype_name, 123, r.ctype_name, 231, 'TIMESTAMP(' ||r.scale|| ')' || ' WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE', 'UNDEFINED'), r.toid, r.ctype_owner, RAWTOHEX(r.hashcode), r.version#, r.ctype, decode(r.ctype, 111, 'REF'), -- CTYPE_MOD decode(nvl(r.pos, r2.pos), NULL, NULL, r.length), decode(nvl(r.pos, r2.pos), NULL, NULL, r.precision#), decode(nvl(r.pos, r2.pos), NULL, NULL, r.scale), decode(nvl(r.pos, r2.pos), NULL, NULL, decode(sign(r.null$),-1,'D', 0, 'Y', 'N')), decode(r.charsetform, 1, 'CHAR_CS', 2, 'NCHAR_CS', 3, NLS_CHARSET_NAME(r.charsetid), 4, 'ARG:'||r.charsetid), decode(r.ctype, 23, -- nested table column SETID (in the parent table) decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '08'), '08',decode(, r.lcname, NULL,,, -- for XMLType storage column 112, decode(, r.lcname, NULL,,, r.clength, decode(r.ctype, 1, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(r.flag,1,1),'10'),'00','B','C'), 96, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(r.flag,1,1),'10'),'00','B','C'), ''),, -- for soidref_fk we need to select the pos of the real column -- in the lpos field so that in the definition of dba_repcolumn we -- can say nvl(pos, lpos) showing the pos of the real column rather -- than null. decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(,2,1),'01'),'01', r2.pos, null) from system.repcat$_repcolumn r, system.repcat$_repcolumn r2 where r2.sname (+) = r.sname and r2.oname (+) = r.oname and r2.lcname (+) = r.lcname and (+) <> -- we select r2 only for soidref_fk_attr and utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(nvl( (+),'0000'),2,1),'02')='02' -- filter out nested table column and utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '01') != '01' -- filter out special opaque type referenced in table opqtype$ and utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 2, 1), '08') != '08' -- filter out soidref_fk_attr column and utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 2, 1), '02') != '02' / comment on table REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE is 'Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CNAME is 'Name of the replicated column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.ID is 'ID of the replicated column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.POS is 'Ordering of the replicated column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.COMPARE_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.SEND_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.SEND_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE is 'Type of the column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.DATA_LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.DATA_PRECISION is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.DATA_SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.NULLABLE is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CHARACTER_SET_NAME is 'Name of character set for column, if applicable' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_VERSION# is 'Type version# of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_NUM is 'Type of a column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.CTYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.TOP is 'Top column name for an attribute' / comment on column REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE.LPOS is 'Ordering of the real replicated column' / create or replace public synonym REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE for REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE / grant select on REPCAT_REPCOLUMN_BASE to select_catalog_role / create or replace view dba_repcolumn (sname, oname, type, cname, id, pos, compare_old_on_delete, compare_old_on_update, send_old_on_delete, send_old_on_update, ctype, ctype_toid, ctype_owner, ctype_hashcode, ctype_mod, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, character_set_name, top, char_length, char_used) as select sname, oname, type, cname, id, nvl(pos, lpos), compare_old_on_delete, compare_old_on_update, send_old_on_delete, send_old_on_update, ctype, ctype_toid, ctype_owner, ctype_hashcode, ctype_mod, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, character_set_name, top, char_length, char_used from repcat_repcolumn_base / comment on table DBA_REPCOLUMN is 'Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CNAME is 'Name of the replicated column' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.ID is 'ID of the replicated column' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.POS is 'Ordering of the replicated column' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE is 'Type of the column' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.DATA_LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.DATA_PRECISION is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.DATA_SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.NULLABLE is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CHARACTER_SET_NAME is 'Name of character set for column, if applicable' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.TOP is 'Top column name for an attribute' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_LENGTH is 'The maximum length of the column in characters' / comment on column DBA_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_USED is 'C if the width was specified in characters, B if in bytes' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPCOLUMN for DBA_REPCOLUMN / grant select on DBA_REPCOLUMN to select_catalog_role / create or replace view "_DBA_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" (owner, table_name) as select, from sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o,$ t where u.user# = o.owner# and o.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 8192) = 8192 / create or replace view "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" (owner, table_name) as select nt.owner, nt.table_name from "_DBA_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, all_objects o where nt.owner=o.owner and nt.table_name=o.object_name / create or replace view "_USER_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" (table_name) as select nt.table_name from "_DBA_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, sys.user$ u where nt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / create or replace view all_repcolumn (sname, oname, type, cname, id, pos, compare_old_on_delete, compare_old_on_update, send_old_on_delete, send_old_on_update, ctype, ctype_toid, ctype_owner, ctype_hashcode, ctype_mod, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, character_set_name, top, char_length, char_used) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.cname,, r.pos, r.compare_old_on_delete, r.compare_old_on_update, r.send_old_on_delete, r.send_old_on_update, r.ctype, r.ctype_toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_hashcode, r.ctype_mod, r.data_length, r.data_precision, r.data_scale, r.nullable, r.character_set_name,, r.char_length, r.char_used from all_tab_columns tc, sys.dba_repcolumn r where r.sname = tc.owner and r.oname = tc.table_name and (( IS NOT NULL AND = tc.column_name) OR ( IS NULL AND r.cname = tc.column_name)) union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.cname,, r.pos, r.compare_old_on_delete, r.compare_old_on_update, r.send_old_on_delete, r.send_old_on_update, r.ctype, r.ctype_toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_hashcode, r.ctype_mod, r.data_length, r.data_precision, r.data_scale, r.nullable, r.character_set_name,, r.char_length, r.char_used from "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, sys.dba_repcolumn r where r.sname = nt.owner and r.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table ALL_REPCOLUMN is 'Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CNAME is 'Name of the replicated column' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.ID is 'ID of the replicated column' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.POS is 'Ordering of the replicated column' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE is 'Type of the column' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.DATA_LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.DATA_PRECISION is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.DATA_SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.NULLABLE is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CHARACTER_SET_NAME is 'Name of character set for column, if applicable' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.TOP is 'Top column name for an attribute' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_LENGTH is 'The maximim length of the column in characters' / comment on column ALL_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_USED is 'C if the width was specified in characters, B if in bytes' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPCOLUMN for ALL_REPCOLUMN / grant select on ALL_REPCOLUMN to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create a view suitable for remote access from repcat. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- This view respects column-level security and it will not select -- any column which does not exist locally. create or replace view "_ALL_REPCOLUMN" (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, LONG_CNAME, ID, POS, FLAG, CTYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, NULL$, CHARSETID, CHARSETFORM, CNAME, CTYPE_TOID, CTYPE_OWNER, CTYPE_NAME, CTYPE_VERSION#, CTYPE_HASHCODE, TOP, PROPERTY, CHAR_LENGTH) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.lcname,, r.pos, r.flag, r.ctype, r.length, r.precision#, r.scale, r.null$, r.charsetid, r.charsetform, r.cname, r.toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_name, r.version#, r.hashcode,,, r.clength from all_tab_columns tc, system.repcat$_repcolumn r where r.sname = tc.owner and r.oname = tc.table_name and ((NVL(, r.cname) = tc.column_name) OR ( IS NULL AND r.cname = 'SYS_NC_OID$' AND -- sOID column utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '10') = '10')) union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.lcname,, r.pos, r.flag, r.ctype, r.length, r.precision#, r.scale, r.null$, r.charsetid, r.charsetform, r.cname, r.toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_name, r.version#, r.hashcode,,, r.clength from "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, system.repcat$_repcolumn r where r.sname = nt.owner and r.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table "_ALL_REPCOLUMN" is 'Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".LONG_CNAME is 'Long column name of the replicated column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CNAME is 'Internal column name of the replicated column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".ID is 'ID of the replicated column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".POS is 'Ordering of the replicated column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".FLAG is 'Replication information about column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE is 'Type name of the column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE_NAME is 'Type name of a column of TYPE' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE_VERSION# is 'Type version# of a column of TYPE' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CTYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".DATA_LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".DATA_PRECISION is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".DATA_SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".NULL$ is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CHARSETID is 'Character set identifier' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CHARSETFORM is 'Character set form' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".TOP is 'Top column of this attribute column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".CHAR_LENGTH is 'The maximum length of the column in characters' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN".PROPERTY is 'Property of this column' / grant select on "_ALL_REPCOLUMN" to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view user_repcolumn (sname, oname, type, cname, id, pos, compare_old_on_delete, compare_old_on_update, send_old_on_delete, send_old_on_update, ctype, ctype_toid, ctype_owner, ctype_hashcode, ctype_mod, data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable, character_set_name, top, char_length, char_used) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.cname,, r.pos, r.compare_old_on_delete, r.compare_old_on_update, r.send_old_on_delete, r.send_old_on_update, r.ctype, r.ctype_toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_hashcode, r.ctype_mod, r.data_length, r.data_precision, r.data_scale, r.nullable, r.character_set_name,, r.char_length, r.char_used from user_tab_columns tc, sys.dba_repcolumn r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and r.oname = tc.table_name and (( IS NOT NULL AND = tc.column_name) OR ( IS NULL AND r.cname = tc.column_name)) union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.cname,, r.pos, r.compare_old_on_delete, r.compare_old_on_update, r.send_old_on_delete, r.send_old_on_update, r.ctype, r.ctype_toid, r.ctype_owner, r.ctype_hashcode, r.ctype_mod, r.data_length, r.data_precision, r.data_scale, r.nullable, r.character_set_name,, r.char_length, r.char_used from "_USER_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, sys.dba_repcolumn r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and r.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table USER_REPCOLUMN is 'Replicated columns for the current user''s table in ascending order' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.SNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CNAME is 'Name of the replicated column' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.ID is 'ID of the replicated column' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.POS is 'Ordering of the replicated column' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.COMPARE_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Compare the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_DELETE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated deletes' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.SEND_OLD_ON_UPDATE is 'Send the old value of the column in replicated updates' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE is 'Type of the column' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.DATA_LENGTH is 'Length of the column in bytes' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.DATA_PRECISION is 'Length: decimal digits (NUMBER) or binary digits (FLOAT)' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.DATA_SCALE is 'Digits to right of decimal point in a number' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.NULLABLE is 'Does column allow NULL values?' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CHARACTER_SET_NAME is 'Name of character set for column, if applicable' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CTYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.TOP is 'Top column name for an attribute' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_LENGTH is 'The maximum length of the column in characters' / comment on column USER_REPCOLUMN.CHAR_USED is 'C if the width was specified in characters, B if in bytes' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPCOLUMN for USER_REPCOLUMN / grant select on USER_REPCOLUMN to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_REPPROP (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, DBLINK, HOW, PROPAGATE_COMMENT) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.dblink,, r.propagate_comment from repcat_repprop r, repcat_repobject ro, user_users u where r.sname = u.username and r.sname = ro.sname and r.oname = ro.oname and r.type = ro.type and ro.type in ('PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') / comment on table USER_REPPROP is 'Propagation information about the current user''s objects' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.SNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.DBLINK is 'Destination database for propagation' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.HOW is 'Propagation choice for the destination database' / comment on column USER_REPPROP.PROPAGATE_COMMENT is 'User description of the propagation choice' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPPROP for USER_REPPROP / grant select on USER_REPPROP to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPPROP (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, DBLINK, HOW, PROPAGATE_COMMENT) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.dblink,, r.propagate_comment from repcat_repprop r, all_users u, all_repobject ro where r.sname = u.username and r.sname = ro.sname and r.oname = ro.oname and r.type = ro.type and ro.type in ('PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') / comment on table ALL_REPPROP is 'Propagation information about replicated objects' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.DBLINK is 'Destination database for propagation' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.HOW is 'Propagation choice for the destination database' / comment on column ALL_REPPROP.PROPAGATE_COMMENT is 'Description of the propagation choice' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPPROP for ALL_REPPROP / grant select on ALL_REPPROP to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPPROP (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, DBLINK, HOW, PROPAGATE_COMMENT) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.dblink,, r.propagate_comment from repcat_repprop r, repcat_repobject ro where r.sname = ro.sname and r.oname = ro.oname and r.type = ro.type and ro.type in ('PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') / comment on table DBA_REPPROP is 'Propagation information about replicated objects' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.SNAME is 'Name of the object owner' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.DBLINK is 'Destination database for propagation' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.HOW is 'Propagation choice for the destination database' / comment on column DBA_REPPROP.PROPAGATE_COMMENT is 'Description of the propagation choice' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPPROP for DBA_REPPROP / grant select on DBA_REPPROP to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS (SNAME, ONAME, COL) as select rk.sname, rk.oname, rc.lcname from system.repcat$_key_columns rk, system.repcat$_repcolumn rc where rk.sname = rc.sname and rk.oname = rc.oname and rk.col = rc.cname -- SYS column name / comment on table DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS is 'Primary columns for a table using column-level replication' / comment on column DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing table' / comment on column DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS.COL is 'Column in the table' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS for DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS / grant select on DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS (SNAME, ONAME, COL) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.col from sys.dba_repkey_columns r, user_users u where r.sname = u.username / comment on table USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS is 'Primary columns for a table using column-level replication' / comment on column USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing table' / comment on column USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS.COL is 'Column in the table' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS for USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS / grant select on USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS (SNAME, ONAME, COL) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.col from sys.dba_repkey_columns r, all_repobject ro where r.sname = ro.sname and r.oname = ro.oname and ro.type IN ('TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') / comment on table ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS is 'Primary columns for a table using column-level replication' / comment on column ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing table' / comment on column ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS.COL is 'Column in the table' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS for ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS / grant select on ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_REPGENOBJECTS (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, user_users u where r.base_sname = u.username / comment on table USER_REPGENOBJECTS is 'Objects generated for the current user to support replication' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the user''s object' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the user''s object' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column USER_REPGENOBJECTS.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPGENOBJECTS for USER_REPGENOBJECTS / grant select on USER_REPGENOBJECTS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPGENOBJECTS (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, all_users u, all_objects o where r.base_sname = u.username and r.base_sname = o.owner and r.base_oname = o.object_name and (r.base_type = o.object_type or (r.base_type = 'SNAPSHOT' and o.object_type IN ('VIEW','TABLE'))) union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from user_repgenobjects r union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, all_users u, repcat_repobject ro where r.base_sname = u.username and r.base_sname = ro.sname and r.base_oname = ro.oname and r.base_type = ro.type and (ro.gname, ro.gowner) in (select nvl(rp.gname,ro.gname), nvl(rp.owner, ro.gowner) from user_repgroup_privileges rp where rp.proxy_snapadmin='Y') / comment on table ALL_REPGENOBJECTS is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column ALL_REPGENOBJECTS.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPGENOBJECTS for ALL_REPGENOBJECTS / grant select on ALL_REPGENOBJECTS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPGENOBJECTS (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r / comment on table DBA_REPGENOBJECTS is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column DBA_REPGENOBJECTS.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPGENOBJECTS for DBA_REPGENOBJECTS / grant select on DBA_REPGENOBJECTS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPGENERATED -- obsolete, keep for compatibility (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, user_users u where r.base_sname = u.username and ((r.reason = 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER' and r.type != 'SYNONYM') or r.reason != 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER') / comment on table USER_REPGENERATED is 'Objects generated for the current user to support replication' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the user' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the user''s object' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the user''s object' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column USER_REPGENERATED.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPGENERATED for USER_REPGENERATED / grant select on USER_REPGENERATED to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPGENERATED -- obsolete, keep for compatibility (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, all_users u, all_objects o where r.base_sname = u.username and r.base_sname = o.owner and r.base_oname = o.object_name and (r.base_type = o.object_type or (r.base_type = 'SNAPSHOT' and o.object_type IN ('VIEW','TABLE'))) and ((r.reason = 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER' and r.type != 'SYNONYM') or r.reason != 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER') union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from user_repgenerated r union select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r, all_users u, repcat_repobject ro where r.base_sname = u.username and ((r.reason = 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER' and r.type != 'SYNONYM') or r.reason != 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER') and r.sname = ro.sname and r.oname = ro.oname and r.type = ro.type and (ro.gname, ro.gowner) in (select nvl(rp.gname,ro.gname), nvl(rp.owner, ro.gowner) from user_repgroup_privileges rp where rp.proxy_snapadmin='Y') / comment on table ALL_REPGENERATED is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column ALL_REPGENERATED.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPGENERATED for ALL_REPGENERATED / grant select on ALL_REPGENERATED to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPGENERATED -- obsolete, keep for compatibility (SNAME, ONAME, TYPE, BASE_SNAME, BASE_ONAME, BASE_TYPE, PACKAGE_PREFIX, PROCEDURE_PREFIX, DISTRIBUTED, REASON) as select r.sname, r.oname, r.type, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, r.base_type, r.package_prefix, r.procedure_prefix, r.distributed, r.reason from repcat_generated r where ((r.reason = 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER' and r.type != 'SYNONYM') or r.reason != 'PROCEDURAL REPLICATION WRAPPER') / comment on table DBA_REPGENERATED is 'Objects generated to support replication' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.SNAME is 'Schema containing the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.ONAME is 'Name of the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.TYPE is 'Type of the generated object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.BASE_SNAME is 'Name of the object''s owner' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.BASE_ONAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.BASE_TYPE is 'Type of the object' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.PACKAGE_PREFIX is 'Prefix for package wrapper' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.PROCEDURE_PREFIX is 'Procedure prefix for package wrapper or procedure wrapper' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.DISTRIBUTED is 'Is the generated object separately generated at each master' / comment on column DBA_REPGENERATED.REASON is 'Reason the object was generated' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPGENERATED for DBA_REPGENERATED / grant select on DBA_REPGENERATED to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPCATLOG (ID, SOURCE, USERID, TIMESTAMP, ROLE, MASTER, SNAME, REQUEST, ONAME, TYPE, STATUS, MESSAGE, ERRNUM, GNAME) as select, r.source, r.userid, r.timestamp, r.role, r.master, r.sname, r.request, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.message, r.errnum, r.gname from repcat_repcatlog r, user_users u where r.sname = u.username or r.userid = u.username / comment on table USER_REPCATLOG is 'Information about the current user''s asynchronous administration requests' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.ID is 'Identifying number of repcat log record' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.USERID is 'Name of the user who submitted the request' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.TIMESTAMP is 'When the request was submitted' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.REQUEST is 'Name of the requested operation' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.SNAME is 'Schema of replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.ONAME is 'Replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.TYPE is 'Type of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.STATUS is 'Status of the request at this database' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with processing the request' / comment on column USER_REPCATLOG.ERRNUM is 'Oracle error number associated with processing the request' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPCATLOG for USER_REPCATLOG / grant select on USER_REPCATLOG to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPCATLOG (ID, SOURCE, USERID, TIMESTAMP, ROLE, MASTER, SNAME, REQUEST, ONAME, TYPE, STATUS, MESSAGE, ERRNUM, GNAME) as select, r.source, r.userid, r.timestamp, r.role, r.master, r.sname, r.request, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.message, r.errnum, r.gname from repcat_repcatlog r, all_objects o where (r.sname = 'PUBLIC' or r.sname in (select u.username from all_users u)) and r.sname = o.owner and r.oname = o.object_name and r.type = o.object_type union select, r.source, r.userid, r.timestamp, r.role, r.master, r.sname, r.request, r.oname, r.type, r.status, r.message, r.errnum, r.gname from user_repcatlog r / comment on table ALL_REPCATLOG is 'Information about asynchronous administration requests' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.ID is 'Identifying number of repcat log record' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.USERID is 'Name of the user who submitted the request' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.TIMESTAMP is 'When the request was submitted' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.REQUEST is 'Name of the requested operation' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.SNAME is 'Schema of replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.ONAME is 'Replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.TYPE is 'Type of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.STATUS is 'Status of the request at this database' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with processing the request' / comment on column ALL_REPCATLOG.ERRNUM is 'Oracle error number associated with processing the request' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPCATLOG for ALL_REPCATLOG / grant select on ALL_REPCATLOG to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPCATLOG (ID, SOURCE, STATUS, USERID, TIMESTAMP, ROLE, MASTER, SNAME, REQUEST, ONAME, TYPE, MESSAGE, ERRNUM, GNAME) as select, r.source, r.status, r.userid, r.timestamp, r.role, r.master, r.sname, r.request, r.oname, r.type, r.message, r.errnum, r.gname from repcat_repcatlog r / comment on table DBA_REPCATLOG is 'Information about asynchronous administration requests' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.ID is 'Identifying number of repcat log record' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.STATUS is 'Status of the request at this database' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.USERID is 'Name of the user who submitted the request' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.TIMESTAMP is 'When the request was submitted' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.REQUEST is 'Name of the requested operation' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.SNAME is 'Schema of replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.ONAME is 'Replicated object name, if applicable' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.TYPE is 'Type of replicated object, if applicable' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with processing the request' / comment on column DBA_REPCATLOG.ERRNUM is 'Oracle error number associated with processing the request' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPCATLOG for DBA_REPCATLOG / grant select on DBA_REPCATLOG to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_REPDDL (LOG_ID, SOURCE, ROLE, MASTER, LINE, TEXT, DDL_NUM) as select r.log_id, r.source, r.role, r.master, r.line, r.text, r.ddl_num from system.repcat$_ddl r, user_repcatlog u where r.log_id = and r.source = u.source / comment on table USER_REPDDL is 'Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.LOG_ID is 'Identifying number of the repcat log record' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.LINE is 'Ordering of records within a single request' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.TEXT is 'Portion of an argument' / comment on column USER_REPDDL.DDL_NUM is 'Order of ddls to execute' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPDDL for USER_REPDDL / grant select on USER_REPDDL to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_REPDDL (LOG_ID, SOURCE, ROLE, MASTER, LINE, TEXT, DDL_NUM) as select r.log_id, r.source, r.role, r.master, r.line, r.text, r.ddl_num from system.repcat$_ddl r, all_repcatlog u where r.log_id = and r.source = u.source / comment on table ALL_REPDDL is 'Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.LOG_ID is 'Identifying number of the repcat log record' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.LINE is 'Ordering of records within a single request' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.TEXT is 'Portion of an argument' / comment on column ALL_REPDDL.DDL_NUM is 'Order of ddls to execute' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPDDL for ALL_REPDDL / grant select on ALL_REPDDL to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPDDL (LOG_ID, SOURCE, ROLE, MASTER, LINE, TEXT, DDL_NUM) as select r.log_id, r.source, r.role, r.master, r.line, r.text, r.ddl_num from system.repcat$_ddl r / comment on table DBA_REPDDL is 'Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.LOG_ID is 'Identifying number of the repcat log record' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.SOURCE is 'Name of the database at which the request originated' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.ROLE is 'Is this database the masterdef for the request' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.MASTER is 'Name of the database that processes this request' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.LINE is 'Ordering of records within a single request' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.TEXT is 'Portion of an argument' / comment on column DBA_REPDDL.DDL_NUM is 'Order of ddls to execute' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPDDL for DBA_REPDDL / grant select on DBA_REPDDL to select_catalog_role / create table system.repcat$_priority_group ( sname varchar2(30), -- interpreted as gname priority_group varchar2(30), data_type_id integer constraint repcat$_priority_group_nn1 not null constraint repcat$_priority_group_c1 check (data_type_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)), fixed_data_length integer, priority_comment varchar2(80), constraint repcat$_priority_group_pk primary key (priority_group, sname), constraint repcat$_priority_group_u1 unique (sname, priority_group, data_type_id, fixed_data_length), constraint repcat$_priority_group_c2 check ((data_type_id in (4, 7) and fixed_data_length is not null) or (data_type_id in (1, 2, 3, 5, 6) and fixed_data_length is null)) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_priority_group is 'Information about all priority groups in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority_group.sname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority_group.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority_group.data_type_id is 'Datatype of the value in the priority group' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority_group.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority_group.priority_comment is 'Description of the priority group' / create or replace view dba_reppriority_group ( sname, --- OBSOLETE priority_group, data_type, fixed_data_length, priority_comment, gname ) as select sname, priority_group, decode(data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), fixed_data_length, priority_comment, sname from system.repcat$_priority_group / comment on table dba_reppriority_group is 'Information about all priority groups in the database' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.sname is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.gname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.data_type is 'Datatype of the value in the priority group' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column dba_reppriority_group.priority_comment is 'Description of the priority group' / create or replace public synonym dba_reppriority_group for dba_reppriority_group / grant select on dba_reppriority_group to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_reppriority_group ( sname, --- OBSOLETE priority_group, data_type, fixed_data_length, priority_comment, gname ) as select sname, priority_group, decode(data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), fixed_data_length, priority_comment, sname from system.repcat$_priority_group / comment on table all_reppriority_group is 'Information about all priority groups which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.sname is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.gname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.data_type is 'Datatype of the value in the priority group' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column all_reppriority_group.priority_comment is 'Description of the priority group' / create or replace public synonym all_reppriority_group for all_reppriority_group / grant select on all_reppriority_group to public with grant option / create or replace view user_reppriority_group ( priority_group, data_type, fixed_data_length, priority_comment ) as select r.priority_group, decode(r.data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), r.fixed_data_length, r.priority_comment from system.repcat$_priority_group r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_reppriority_group is 'Information about user''s priority groups' / comment on column user_reppriority_group.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column user_reppriority_group.data_type is 'Datatype of the value' / comment on column user_reppriority_group.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column user_reppriority_group.priority_comment is 'Description of the priority group' / create or replace public synonym user_reppriority_group for user_reppriority_group / grant select on user_reppriority_group to public with grant option / -- the value columns in this table are of the maximum size of oracle. -- Traditional chinese is a four byte character set, so the nchar -- and nvarchar2 sizes are set to the most conservative number. -- For interop with v7, the char_value must remain at 255 (due to -- padding). Values of length over 255 will be kept in large_char_value. create table system.repcat$_priority ( sname varchar2(30) --- interpreted as gname constraint repcat$_priority_nn1 not null, priority_group varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_priority_nn2 not null, priority number constraint repcat$_priority_nn3 not null, raw_value raw(2000), char_value char(255), number_value number, date_value date, varchar2_value varchar2(4000), nchar_value nchar(500), -- 4 * 500 = 2000 bytes nvarchar2_value nvarchar2(1000), -- 4 * 1000 = 4000 bytes large_char_value char(2000), constraint repcat$_priority_pk primary key (sname, priority_group, priority), constraint repcat$_priority_f1 foreign key (priority_group, sname) references system.repcat$_priority_group ) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin create index system.repcat$_priority_f1_idx on system.repcat$_priority(priority_group, sname) / comment on table system.repcat$_priority is 'Values and their corresponding priorities in all priority groups in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.sname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.priority is 'Priority of the value' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.raw_value is 'Raw value' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.char_value is 'Blank-padded character string' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.number_value is 'Numeric value' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.date_value is 'Date value' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.varchar2_value is 'Character string' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.nchar_value is 'NCHAR string' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.nvarchar2_value is 'NVARCHAR2 string' / comment on column system.repcat$_priority.large_char_value is 'Blank-padded character string over 255 characters' / create or replace view dba_reppriority ( sname, --- OBSOLETE priority_group, priority, data_type, fixed_data_length, char_value, varchar2_value, number_value, date_value, raw_value, gname, nchar_value, nvarchar2_value, large_char_value ) as select p.sname, p.priority_group, v.priority, decode(p.data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), p.fixed_data_length, v.char_value, v.varchar2_value, v.number_value, v.date_value, v.raw_value, p.sname, v.nchar_value, v.nvarchar2_value, v.large_char_value from system.repcat$_priority v, system.repcat$_priority_group p where v.sname = p.sname and v.priority_group = p.priority_group / comment on table dba_reppriority is 'Values and their corresponding priorities in all priority groups in the database' / comment on column dba_reppriority.sname is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column dba_reppriority.gname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column dba_reppriority.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column dba_reppriority.priority is 'Priority of the value' / comment on column dba_reppriority.data_type is 'Datatype of the value' / comment on column dba_reppriority.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column dba_reppriority.raw_value is 'Raw value' / comment on column dba_reppriority.char_value is 'Blank-padded character string' / comment on column dba_reppriority.number_value is 'Numeric value' / comment on column dba_reppriority.date_value is 'Date value' / comment on column dba_reppriority.varchar2_value is 'Character string' / comment on column dba_reppriority.nchar_value is 'NCHAR string' / comment on column dba_reppriority.nvarchar2_value is 'NVARCHAR2 string' / comment on column dba_reppriority.large_char_value is 'Blank-padded character string over 255 characters' / create or replace public synonym dba_reppriority for dba_reppriority / grant select on dba_reppriority to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_reppriority ( sname, --- OBSOLETE priority_group, priority, data_type, fixed_data_length, char_value, varchar2_value, number_value, date_value, raw_value, gname, nchar_value, nvarchar2_value, large_char_value ) as select p.sname, p.priority_group, v.priority, decode(p.data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), p.fixed_data_length, v.char_value, v.varchar2_value, v.number_value, v.date_value, v.raw_value, p.sname, v.nchar_value, v.nvarchar2_value, v.large_char_value from system.repcat$_priority v, system.repcat$_priority_group p where v.sname = p.sname and v.priority_group = p.priority_group / comment on table all_reppriority is 'Values and their corresponding priorities in all priority groups which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_reppriority.sname is 'OBSOLETE COLUMN: Name of the replicated schema' / comment on column all_reppriority.gname is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column all_reppriority.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column all_reppriority.priority is 'Priority of the value' / comment on column all_reppriority.data_type is 'Datatype of the value' / comment on column all_reppriority.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column all_reppriority.raw_value is 'Raw value' / comment on column all_reppriority.char_value is 'Blank-padded character string' / comment on column all_reppriority.number_value is 'Numeric value' / comment on column all_reppriority.date_value is 'Date value' / comment on column all_reppriority.varchar2_value is 'Character string' / comment on column all_reppriority.nchar_value is 'NCHAR string' / comment on column all_reppriority.nvarchar2_value is 'NVARCHAR2 string' / comment on column all_reppriority.large_char_value is 'Blank-padded character string over 255 characters' / create or replace public synonym all_reppriority for all_reppriority / grant select on all_reppriority to public with grant option / create or replace view user_reppriority ( priority_group, priority, data_type, fixed_data_length, char_value, varchar2_value, number_value, date_value, raw_value, nchar_value, nvarchar2_value, large_char_value ) as select p.priority_group, v.priority, decode(p.data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), p.fixed_data_length, v.char_value, v.varchar2_value, v.number_value, v.date_value, v.raw_value, v.nchar_value, v.nvarchar2_value, v.large_char_value from system.repcat$_priority v, system.repcat$_priority_group p, sys.user$ u where v.sname = and p.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and v.priority_group = p.priority_group / comment on table user_reppriority is 'Values and their corresponding priorities in user''s priority groups' / comment on column user_reppriority.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group' / comment on column user_reppriority.priority is 'Priority of the value' / comment on column user_reppriority.data_type is 'Datatype of the value' / comment on column user_reppriority.fixed_data_length is 'Length of the value in bytes if the datatype is CHAR' / comment on column user_reppriority.raw_value is 'Raw value' / comment on column user_reppriority.char_value is 'Blank-padded character string' / comment on column user_reppriority.number_value is 'Numeric value' / comment on column user_reppriority.date_value is 'Date value' / comment on column user_reppriority.varchar2_value is 'Character string' / comment on column user_reppriority.nchar_value is 'NCHAR string' / comment on column user_reppriority.nvarchar2_value is 'NVARCHAR2 string' / comment on column user_reppriority.large_char_value is 'Blank-padded character string over 255 characters' / create or replace public synonym user_reppriority for user_reppriority / grant select on user_reppriority to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_column_group ( sname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_column_group_nn1 not null, oname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_column_group_nn2 not null, group_name varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_column_group_nn3 not null, group_comment varchar2(80), constraint repcat$_column_group_pk primary key (sname, oname, group_name) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_column_group is 'All column groups of replicated tables in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_column_group.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_column_group.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_column_group.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column system.repcat$_column_group.group_comment is 'Description of the column group' / create or replace view dba_repcolumn_group ( sname, oname, group_name, group_comment ) as select sname, oname, group_name, group_comment from system.repcat$_column_group / comment on table dba_repcolumn_group is 'All column groups of replicated tables in the database' / comment on column dba_repcolumn_group.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_repcolumn_group.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_repcolumn_group.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column dba_repcolumn_group.group_comment is 'Description of the column group' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcolumn_group for dba_repcolumn_group / grant select on dba_repcolumn_group to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_repcolumn_group ( sname, oname, group_name, group_comment ) as select c.sname, c.oname, c.group_name, c.group_comment from system.repcat$_column_group c, all_repobject o where c.sname = o.sname and c.oname = o.oname and o.type in ('TABLE', 'SNAPSHOT') / comment on table all_repcolumn_group is 'All column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_repcolumn_group.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_repcolumn_group.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_repcolumn_group.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column all_repcolumn_group.group_comment is 'Description of the column group' / create or replace public synonym all_repcolumn_group for all_repcolumn_group / grant select on all_repcolumn_group to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repcolumn_group ( oname, group_name, group_comment ) as select r.oname, r.group_name, r.group_comment from system.repcat$_column_group r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_repcolumn_group is 'All column groups of user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_repcolumn_group.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_repcolumn_group.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column user_repcolumn_group.group_comment is 'Description of the column group' / create or replace public synonym user_repcolumn_group for user_repcolumn_group / grant select on user_repcolumn_group to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_grouped_column ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), group_name varchar2(30), -- The POS for a row in this table may not -- be the column position for the column with COLUMN_NAME column_name varchar2(30), pos number, constraint repcat$_grouped_column_pk primary key (sname, oname, group_name, column_name, pos), constraint repcat$_grouped_column_f1 foreign key (sname, oname, group_name) references system.repcat$_column_group ) / create index system.repcat$_grouped_column_f1_idx on system.repcat$_grouped_column(sname, oname, group_name) / comment on table system.repcat$_grouped_column is 'Columns in all column groups of replicated tables in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_grouped_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_grouped_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_grouped_column.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column system.repcat$_grouped_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the column group' / comment on column system.repcat$_grouped_column.pos is 'Position of a column or an attribute in the table' / create or replace view dba_repgrouped_column ( sname, oname, group_name, column_name ) as select distinct gc.sname, gc.oname, gc.group_name, gc.column_name from system.repcat$_grouped_column gc / comment on table dba_repgrouped_column is 'Columns in the all column groups of replicated tables in the database' / comment on column dba_repgrouped_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_repgrouped_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_repgrouped_column.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column dba_repgrouped_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the column group' / create or replace public synonym dba_repgrouped_column for dba_repgrouped_column / grant select on dba_repgrouped_column to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_repgrouped_column ( sname, oname, group_name, column_name ) as select g.sname, g.oname, g.group_name, g.column_name from all_tab_columns tc, sys.dba_repgrouped_column g where g.sname = tc.owner and g.oname = tc.table_name and g.column_name = tc.column_name union select g.sname, g.oname, g.group_name, g.column_name from "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, sys.dba_repgrouped_column g where g.sname = nt.owner and g.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table all_repgrouped_column is 'Columns in the all column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_repgrouped_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_repgrouped_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_repgrouped_column.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column all_repgrouped_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the column group' / create or replace public synonym all_repgrouped_column for all_repgrouped_column / grant select on all_repgrouped_column to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repgrouped_column ( oname, group_name, column_name ) as select g.oname, g.group_name, g.column_name from user_tab_columns tc, sys.dba_repgrouped_column g, sys.user$ u where g.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and g.oname = tc.table_name and g.column_name = tc.column_name union select g.oname, g.group_name, g.column_name from "_USER_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, sys.dba_repgrouped_column g, sys.user$ u where g.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and g.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table user_repgrouped_column is 'Columns in the all column groups of user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_repgrouped_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_repgrouped_column.group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column user_repgrouped_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the column group' / create or replace public synonym user_repgrouped_column for user_repgrouped_column / grant select on user_repgrouped_column to public with grant option / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. REM For the remote acess of POS in repcat$_grouped_column, REM "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN" is added. REM This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. create or replace view "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN" ( sname, oname, group_name, column_name, pos ) as select gc.sname, gc.oname, gc.group_name, gc.column_name, gc.pos from all_tab_columns tc, system.repcat$_grouped_column gc where gc.sname = tc.owner and gc.oname = tc.table_name and (gc.column_name = tc.column_name OR (gc.column_name = 'SYS_NC_OID$' AND -- sOID column exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_repcolumn rc where rc.sname = gc.sname and rc.oname = gc.oname and rc.cname = 'SYS_NC_OID$' and utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '10') = '10'))) union select gc.sname, gc.oname, gc.group_name, gc.column_name, gc.pos from "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, system.repcat$_grouped_column gc where gc.sname = nt.owner and gc.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN" is 'Columns in the all column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN".sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN".oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN".group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN".column_name is 'Name of the column in the column group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN".pos is 'Position of the column in the table' / grant select on "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN" to public with grant option / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- A column group is selected if at least one column in the column -- group is present in this database create or replace view "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP" (sname, oname, group_name, group_comment) as select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ distinct cg.sname, cg.oname, cg.group_name, cg.group_comment from all_repcolumn_group cg, "_ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN" rcgcol where cg.group_name = rcgcol.group_name and cg.sname = rcgcol.sname and cg.oname = rcgcol.oname / comment on table "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP" is 'All column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP".sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP".oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP".group_name is 'Name of the column group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP".group_comment is 'Description of the column group' / grant select on "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP" to PUBLIC with grant option / create table system.repcat$_conflict ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), conflict_type_id integer constraint repcat$_conflict_c1 check (conflict_type_id in (1, 2, 3)), reference_name varchar2(30), constraint repcat$_conflict_pk primary key (sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_conflict is 'All conflicts for which users have specified resolutions in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_conflict.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_conflict.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_conflict.conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_conflict.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / create or replace view dba_repconflict ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name from system.repcat$_conflict / comment on table dba_repconflict is 'All conflicts for which users have specified resolutions in the database' / comment on column dba_repconflict.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_repconflict.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_repconflict.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_repconflict.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / create or replace public synonym dba_repconflict for dba_repconflict / grant select on dba_repconflict to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_repconflict ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name from system.repcat$_conflict, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where sname = and oname = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 /* tables */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table all_repconflict is 'All conflicts with available resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_repconflict.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_repconflict.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_repconflict.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_repconflict.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / create or replace public synonym all_repconflict for all_repconflict / grant select on all_repconflict to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repconflict ( oname, conflict_type, reference_name ) as select r.oname, decode(r.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), r.reference_name from system.repcat$_conflict r, user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table all_repconflict is 'All conflicts with available resolutions for user''s replicated tables' / comment on column all_repconflict.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_repconflict.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_repconflict.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / create or replace public synonym user_repconflict for user_repconflict / grant select on user_repconflict to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_resolution_method ( conflict_type_id integer, method_name varchar2(80), constraint repcat$_resol_method_pk primary key (conflict_type_id, method_name) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_resolution_method is 'All conflict resolution methods in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_method.conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_method.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / create or replace view dba_represolution_method ( conflict_type, method_name ) as select decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), method_name from system.repcat$_resolution_method / comment on table dba_represolution_method is 'All conflict resolution methods in the database' / comment on column dba_represolution_method.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_represolution_method.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / create or replace public synonym dba_represolution_method for dba_represolution_method / grant select on dba_represolution_method to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_represolution_method ( conflict_type, method_name ) as select decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), method_name from system.repcat$_resolution_method / comment on table all_represolution_method is 'All conflict resolution methods accessible to the user' / comment on column all_represolution_method.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_represolution_method.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / create or replace public synonym all_represolution_method for all_represolution_method / grant select on all_represolution_method to public with grant option / create or replace view user_represolution_method ( conflict_type, method_name ) as select decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), method_name from system.repcat$_resolution_method / comment on table user_represolution_method is 'All conflict resolution methods accessible to the user' / comment on column user_represolution_method.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column user_represolution_method.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / create or replace public synonym user_represolution_method for user_represolution_method / grant select on user_represolution_method to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_resolution ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), conflict_type_id integer, reference_name varchar2(30), sequence_no number, method_name varchar2(80) constraint repcat$_resolution_nn1 not null, function_name varchar2(92) constraint repcat$_resolution_nn2 not null, priority_group varchar2(30), resolution_comment varchar2(80), constraint repcat$_resolution_pk primary key (sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name, sequence_no), constraint repcat$_resolution_f1 foreign key (conflict_type_id, method_name) references system.repcat$_resolution_method, constraint repcat$_resolution_f3 foreign key (sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name) references system.repcat$_conflict ) / create index system.repcat$_resolution_f3_idx on system.repcat$_resolution(conflict_type_id, method_name) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_resolution_idx2 ON system.repcat$_resolution(sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name) / comment on table system.repcat$_resolution is 'Description of all conflict resolutions in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution.resolution_comment is 'Description of the conflict resolution' / create or replace view dba_represolution ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment from system.repcat$_resolution / comment on table dba_represolution is 'Description of all conflict resolutions in the database' / comment on column dba_represolution.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_represolution.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_represolution.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_represolution.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column dba_represolution.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column dba_represolution.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column dba_represolution.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column dba_represolution.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column dba_represolution.resolution_comment is 'Description of the conflict resolution' / create or replace public synonym dba_represolution for dba_represolution / grant select on dba_represolution to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_represolution ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment from system.repcat$_resolution, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where sname = and oname = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 /* tables */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table all_represolution is 'Description of all conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_represolution.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_represolution.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_represolution.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_represolution.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column all_represolution.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column all_represolution.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column all_represolution.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column all_represolution.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column all_represolution.resolution_comment is 'Description of the conflict resolution' / create or replace public synonym all_represolution for all_represolution / grant select on all_represolution to public with grant option / create or replace view user_represolution ( oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment ) as select r.oname, decode(r.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), r.reference_name, r.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, r.resolution_comment from system.repcat$_resolution r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_represolution is 'Description of all conflict resolutions for user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_represolution.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_represolution.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column user_represolution.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column user_represolution.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column user_represolution.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column user_represolution.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column user_represolution.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column user_represolution.resolution_comment is 'Description of the conflict resolution' / create or replace public synonym user_represolution for user_represolution / grant select on user_represolution to public with grant option / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- o. Since the constraint information is not pulled over to the mview -- site, it is not possible to find the columns with unique constraints -- and then pull the UNIQUENESS conflict information from the master site. -- Instead we pull all the UNIQUENESS conflict resolution information -- down to the mview site for all flavors. This will not cause any -- issues because there is no constraint information at mview site. -- -- o. Since DELETE conflict involves the whole row, pull down the info -- for DELETE conflict resolution down to the local site for all -- flavors. -- -- o. For UPDATE conflict resolution, pull down only the relevant -- information for the column groups with columns in the flavor -- at the local site. -- create or replace view "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION" ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment, conflict_type_id ) as select sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolution_comment, decode(conflict_type, 'UPDATE',1, 'UNIQUENESS',2, 'DELETE',3, -1) from all_represolution where conflict_type in ('UNIQUENESS', 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED') union select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ resol.sname, resol.oname, resol.conflict_type, resol.reference_name, resol.sequence_no, resol.method_name, resol.function_name, resol.priority_group, resol.resolution_comment, decode(resol.conflict_type, 'UPDATE',1, 'UNIQUENESS',2, 'DELETE',3, -1) from all_represolution resol, "_ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP" rg where conflict_type = 'UPDATE' and resol.reference_name = rg.group_name and resol.sname = rg.sname and resol.oname = rg.oname / comment on table "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION" is 'Description of all conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".resolution_comment is 'Description of the conflict resolution' / comment on column "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION".conflict_type_id is 'Internal id for the conflict type.' / grant select on "_ALL_REPRESOLUTION" to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_resolution_statistics ( sname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn1 not null, oname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn2 not null, conflict_type_id integer constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn3 not null, reference_name varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn4 not null, method_name varchar2(80) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn5 not null, function_name varchar2(92) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn6 not null, priority_group varchar2(30), resolved_date date constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn7 not null, primary_key_value varchar2(2000) constraint repcat$_resolution_stats_nn8 not null ) / comment on table system.repcat$_resolution_statistics is 'Statistics for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.resolved_date is 'Timestamp for the resolution of the conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_resolution_statistics.primary_key_value is 'Primary key of the replicated row (character data)' / create or replace view dba_represolution_statistics ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolved_date, primary_key_value ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name, method_name, decode(method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', function_name, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', function_name, NULL), priority_group, resolved_date, primary_key_value from system.repcat$_resolution_statistics / comment on table dba_represolution_statistics is 'Statistics for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.resolved_date is 'Timestamp for the resolution of the conflict' / comment on column dba_represolution_statistics.primary_key_value is 'Primary key of the replicated row (character data)' / create or replace public synonym dba_represolution_statistics for dba_represolution_statistics / grant select on dba_represolution_statistics to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_represolution_statistics ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolved_date, primary_key_value ) as select sname, oname, decode(conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), reference_name, method_name, decode(method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', function_name, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', function_name, NULL), priority_group, resolved_date, primary_key_value from system.repcat$_resolution_statistics, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where sname = and oname = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 /* tables */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table all_represolution_statistics is 'Statistics for conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.resolved_date is 'Timestamp for the resolution of the conflict' / comment on column all_represolution_statistics.primary_key_value is 'Primary key of the replicated row (character data)' / create or replace public synonym all_represolution_statistics for all_represolution_statistics / grant select on all_represolution_statistics to public with grant option / create or replace view user_represolution_statistics ( oname, conflict_type, reference_name, method_name, function_name, priority_group, resolved_date, primary_key_value ) as select r.oname, decode(r.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), r.reference_name, r.method_name, decode(r.method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', r.function_name, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', r.function_name, NULL), r.priority_group, r.resolved_date, r.primary_key_value from system.repcat$_resolution_statistics r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_represolution_statistics is 'Statistics for conflict resolutions for user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.method_name is 'Name of the conflict resolution method' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.function_name is 'Name of the resolution function' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.priority_group is 'Name of the priority group used in conflict resolution' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.resolved_date is 'Timestamp for the resolution of the conflict' / comment on column user_represolution_statistics.primary_key_value is 'Primary key of the replicated row (character data)' / create or replace public synonym user_represolution_statistics for user_represolution_statistics / grant select on user_represolution_statistics to public with grant option / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_resolution_stats_n1 on system.repcat$_resolution_statistics ( sname, oname, resolved_date, conflict_type_id, reference_name, method_name, function_name, priority_group ) / create table system.repcat$_resol_stats_control ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), created date constraint repcat$_resol_stats_ctrl_nn1 not null, status integer constraint repcat$_resol_stats_ctrl_nn2 not null, status_update_date date constraint repcat$_resol_stats_ctrl_nn3 not null, purged_date date, last_purge_start_date date, last_purge_end_date date, constraint repcat$_resol_stats_ctrl_pk primary key (sname, oname) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_resol_stats_control is 'Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.created is 'Timestamp for which statistics collection was first started' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.status is 'Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE, CANCELLED' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.status_update_date is 'Timestamp for which the status was last updated' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.purged_date is 'Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.last_purge_start_date is 'The last start date of the statistics purging date range' / comment on column system.repcat$_resol_stats_control.last_purge_end_date is 'The last end date of the statistics purging date range' / create or replace view dba_represol_stats_control ( sname, oname, created, status, status_update_date, purged_date, last_purge_start_date, last_purge_end_date ) as select sname, oname, created, decode(status, 1, 'ACTIVE', 2, 'CANCELLED', 'UNDEFINED'), status_update_date, purged_date, last_purge_start_date, last_purge_end_date from system.repcat$_resol_stats_control / comment on table dba_represol_stats_control is 'Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.created is 'Timestamp for which statistics collection was first started' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.status is 'Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE, CANCELLED' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.status_update_date is 'Timestamp for which the status was last updated' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.purged_date is 'Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.last_purge_start_date is 'The last start date of the statistics purging date range' / comment on column dba_represol_stats_control.last_purge_end_date is 'The last end date of the statistics purging date range' / create or replace public synonym dba_represol_stats_control for dba_represol_stats_control / grant select on dba_represol_stats_control to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_represol_stats_control ( sname, oname, created, status, status_update_date, purged_date, last_purge_start_date, last_purge_end_date ) as select c.sname, c.oname, c.created, decode(c.status, 1, 'ACTIVE', 2, 'CANCELLED', 'UNDEFINED'), c.status_update_date, c.purged_date, c.last_purge_start_date, c.last_purge_end_date from system.repcat$_resol_stats_control c, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where c.sname = and c.oname = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 /* tables */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table all_represol_stats_control is 'Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.created is 'Timestamp for which statistics collection was first started' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.status is 'Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE, CANCELLED' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.status_update_date is 'Timestamp for which the status was last updated' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.purged_date is 'Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.last_purge_start_date is 'The last start date of the statistics purging date range' / comment on column all_represol_stats_control.last_purge_end_date is 'The last end date of the statistics purging date range' / create or replace public synonym all_represol_stats_control for all_represol_stats_control / grant select on all_represol_stats_control to public with grant option / create or replace view user_represol_stats_control ( oname, created, status, status_update_date, purged_date, last_purge_start_date, last_purge_end_date ) as select r.oname, r.created, decode(r.status, 1, 'ACTIVE', 2, 'CANCELLED', 'UNDEFINED'), r.status_update_date, r.purged_date, r.last_purge_start_date, r.last_purge_end_date from system.repcat$_resol_stats_control r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_represol_stats_control is 'Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.created is 'Timestamp for which statistics collection was first started' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.status is 'Status of statistics collection: ACTIVE, CANCELLED' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.status_update_date is 'Timestamp for which the status was last updated' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.purged_date is 'Timestamp for the last purge of statistics data' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.last_purge_start_date is 'The last start date of the statistics purging date range' / comment on column user_represol_stats_control.last_purge_end_date is 'The last end date of the statistics purging date range' / create or replace public synonym user_represol_stats_control for user_represol_stats_control / grant select on user_represol_stats_control to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_parameter_column ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), conflict_type_id integer, reference_name varchar2(30), sequence_no number, parameter_table_name varchar2(30), parameter_column_name varchar2(4000), parameter_sequence_no number, -- COLUMN_POS refers to repcat$_repcolumn.pos. column_pos number, -- ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NO indicates the relative ordering of -- an attribute in its long column. For an ADT column, -- ATTRIBUTE_SEQUENCE_NO reflects the canonical order of -- the ADT definition. attribute_sequence_no number, constraint repcat$_parameter_column_pk primary key (sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name, sequence_no, parameter_table_name, parameter_sequence_no, column_pos), constraint repcat$_parameter_column_f1 foreign key (sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name, sequence_no) references system.repcat$_resolution ) / create index system.repcat$_parameter_column_f1_i on system.repcat$_parameter_column(sname, oname, conflict_type_id, reference_name, sequence_no) / comment on table system.repcat$_parameter_column is 'All columns used for resolving conflicts in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.parameter_table_name is 'Name of the table to which the parameter column belongs' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.parameter_column_name is 'Name of the parameter column used for resolving the conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.parameter_sequence_no is 'Ordering on parameter column' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.column_pos is 'Column position of an attribute or a column' / comment on column system.repcat$_parameter_column.attribute_sequence_no is 'Sequence number for an attribute of an ADT/pkREF column or a scalar column' / create or replace view dba_repparameter_column ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, parameter_table_name, parameter_column_name, parameter_sequence_no ) as select p.sname, p.oname, decode(p.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, decode(method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), rc.lcname), p.parameter_sequence_no from system.repcat$_parameter_column p, system.repcat$_resolution r, system.repcat$_repcolumn rc where p.sname = r.sname and p.oname = r.oname and p.conflict_type_id = r.conflict_type_id and p.reference_name = r.reference_name and p.sequence_no = r.sequence_no and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name and p.attribute_sequence_no = 1 and p.sname = rc.sname and p.oname = rc.oname and p.column_pos = rc.pos / comment on table dba_repparameter_column is 'All columns used for resolving conflicts in the database' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.parameter_table_name is 'Name of the table to which the parameter column belongs' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.parameter_column_name is 'Name of the parameter column used for resolving the conflict' / comment on column dba_repparameter_column.parameter_sequence_no is 'Ordering on parameter column' / create or replace public synonym dba_repparameter_column for dba_repparameter_column / grant select on dba_repparameter_column to select_catalog_role / REM For the remote acess of attribute_sequence_no in repcat$_grouped_column, REM "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN" is added. REM This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. create or replace view "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN" ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, parameter_table_name, parameter_column_name, parameter_sequence_no, column_pos, attribute_sequence_no ) as select p.sname, p.oname, decode(p.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, p.parameter_column_name, p.parameter_sequence_no, p.column_pos, p.attribute_sequence_no from system.repcat$_parameter_column p, all_tab_columns tc, system.repcat$_resolution r, system.repcat$_repcolumn rc where p.sname = tc.owner and p.oname = tc.table_name and p.sname = rc.sname and p.oname = rc.oname and p.column_pos = rc.pos and ( (NVL(, rc.lcname) = tc.column_name) or -- SOID column (utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '10') = '10') ) and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name and p.sname = r.sname and p.oname = r.oname and p.conflict_type_id = r.conflict_type_id and p.reference_name = r.reference_name and p.sequence_no = r.sequence_no union select p.sname, p.oname, decode(p.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, p.parameter_column_name, p.parameter_sequence_no, p.column_pos, p.attribute_sequence_no from system.repcat$_parameter_column p, "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, system.repcat$_resolution r where p.sname = nt.owner and p.parameter_table_name = nt.table_name and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name and p.sname = r.sname and p.oname = r.oname and p.conflict_type_id = r.conflict_type_id and p.reference_name = r.reference_name and p.sequence_no = r.sequence_no / comment on table "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN" is 'All columns used for resolving conflicts in replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".parameter_table_name is 'Name of the table to which the parameter column belongs' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".parameter_column_name is 'Name of the parameter column used for resolving the conflict' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".parameter_sequence_no is 'Ordering on parameter column' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".column_pos is 'Column position of a column or an attribute' / comment on column "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN".attribute_sequence_no is 'Ordering of an attribute for a parameter column' / grant select on "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN" to public with grant option / create or replace view all_repparameter_column ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, parameter_table_name, parameter_column_name, parameter_sequence_no ) as select p.sname, p.oname, decode(p.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, decode(method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), rc.lcname), p.parameter_sequence_no from system.repcat$_parameter_column p, system.repcat$_resolution r, system.repcat$_repcolumn rc, all_tab_columns tc where p.sname = r.sname and p.oname = r.oname and p.conflict_type_id = r.conflict_type_id and p.reference_name = r.reference_name and p.sequence_no = r.sequence_no and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name and p.attribute_sequence_no = 1 and p.sname = rc.sname and p.oname = rc.oname and p.column_pos = rc.pos and p.sname = tc.owner and p.oname = tc.table_name and (( is null and rc.lcname = tc.column_name) or ( is not null and = tc.column_name)) union select p.sname, p.oname, p.conflict_type, p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, p.method_name, p.function_name, p.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, p.parameter_column_name, p.parameter_sequence_no from "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, dba_repparameter_column p where p.sname = nt.owner and p.parameter_table_name = nt.table_name and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name / comment on table all_repparameter_column is 'All columns used for resolving conflicts in replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.parameter_table_name is 'Name of the table to which the parameter column belongs' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.parameter_column_name is 'Name of the parameter column used for resolving the conflict' / comment on column all_repparameter_column.parameter_sequence_no is 'Ordering on parameter column' / create or replace public synonym all_repparameter_column for all_repparameter_column / grant select on all_repparameter_column to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repparameter_column ( sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, sequence_no, method_name, function_name, priority_group, parameter_table_name, parameter_column_name, parameter_sequence_no ) as select p.sname, p.oname, decode(p.conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, r.method_name, r.function_name, r.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, decode(method_name, 'USER FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION', NVL(, rc.lcname), rc.lcname), p.parameter_sequence_no from system.repcat$_parameter_column p, system.repcat$_resolution r, system.repcat$_repcolumn rc, user_tab_columns tc, sys.user$ u where p.sname = r.sname and p.oname = r.oname and p.conflict_type_id = r.conflict_type_id and p.reference_name = r.reference_name and p.sequence_no = r.sequence_no and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name and p.attribute_sequence_no = 1 and p.sname = rc.sname and p.oname = rc.oname and p.column_pos = rc.pos and p.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and p.oname = tc.table_name and (( is null and rc.lcname = tc.column_name) or ( is not null and = tc.column_name)) union select p.sname, p.oname, p.conflict_type, p.reference_name, p.sequence_no, p.method_name, p.function_name, p.priority_group, p.parameter_table_name, p.parameter_column_name, p.parameter_sequence_no from "_USER_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, dba_repparameter_column p, sys.user$ u where p.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and p.parameter_table_name = nt.table_name and p.oname = p.parameter_table_name / comment on table user_repparameter_column is 'All columns used for resolving conflicts in user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.sequence_no is 'Ordering on resolution' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.parameter_table_name is 'Name of the table to which the parameter column belongs' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.parameter_column_name is 'Name of the parameter column used for resolving the conflict' / comment on column user_repparameter_column.parameter_sequence_no is 'Ordering on parameter column' / create or replace public synonym user_repparameter_column for user_repparameter_column / grant select on user_repparameter_column to public with grant option / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- Pulls the conflict with available resolutions for columns -- that belong to the flavor at the local site by doing a -- join with _ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN. -- -- Since OVERWRITE and DISCARD do not have entries in the -- _ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view, this pulls them seperately. -- USER FUNCTION and USER FLAVOR FUNCTION may also be specified -- with no paramater columns. In that case, they also may not have -- entries in the _ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN view. So pull them -- also seperately. -- create or replace view "_ALL_REPCONFLICT" (sname, oname, conflict_type, reference_name, conflict_type_id) as select rc.sname, rc.oname, rc.conflict_type, rc.reference_name, decode(rc.conflict_type, 'UPDATE',1, 'UNIQUENESS',2, 'DELETE',3, -1) from all_repconflict rc where rc.conflict_type in ('UNIQUENESS', 'DELETE') union select rc.sname, rc.oname, rc.conflict_type, rc.reference_name, decode(rc.conflict_type, 'UPDATE',1, 'UNIQUENESS',2, 'DELETE',3, -1) from all_repconflict rc, all_represolution resol where rc.sname = resol.sname and rc.oname = resol.oname and rc.conflict_type = resol.conflict_type and resol.method_name in ('OVERWRITE', 'DISCARD', 'USER FUNCTION', 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION') union select /*+ ALL_ROWS */ rc.sname, rc.oname, rc.conflict_type, rc.reference_name, decode(rc.conflict_type, 'UPDATE',1, 'UNIQUENESS',2, 'DELETE',3, -1) from all_repconflict rc, "_ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN" rpcol where rc.reference_name = rpcol.reference_name and rc.sname = rpcol.sname and rc.oname = rpcol.oname / comment on table "_ALL_REPCONFLICT" is 'All conflicts with available resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCONFLICT".sname is 'Owner of replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCONFLICT".oname is 'Name of the replicated object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCONFLICT".conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCONFLICT".reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column "_ALL_REPCONFLICT".conflict_type_id is 'Internal ID for the type of conflict.' / grant select on "_ALL_REPCONFLICT" to PUBLIC with grant option / create table system.repcat$_audit_attribute ( attribute varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_audit_attribute_pk primary key, data_type_id integer constraint repcat$_audit_attribute_nn1 not null, data_length integer, source varchar2(92) constraint repcat$_audit_attribute_nn2 not null, constraint repcat$_audit_attribute_c1 check ((data_type_id in (2, 4, 5, 6, 7) and data_length is not null) or (data_type_id not in (2, 4, 5, 6, 7) and data_length is null) ) ) / comment on table system.repcat$_audit_attribute is 'Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_attribute.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_attribute.data_type_id is 'Datatype of the attribute value' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_attribute.data_length is 'Length of the attribute value in byte' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_attribute.source is 'Name of the function which returns the attribute value' / create or replace view dba_repaudit_attribute ( attribute, data_type, data_length, source ) as select attribute, decode(data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), data_length, source from system.repcat$_audit_attribute / comment on table dba_repaudit_attribute is 'Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication' / comment on column dba_repaudit_attribute.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / comment on column dba_repaudit_attribute.data_type is 'Datatype of the attribute value' / comment on column dba_repaudit_attribute.data_length is 'Length of the attribute value in byte' / comment on column dba_repaudit_attribute.source is 'Name of the function which returns the attribute value' / create or replace public synonym dba_repaudit_attribute for dba_repaudit_attribute / grant select on dba_repaudit_attribute to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_repaudit_attribute ( attribute, data_type, data_length, source ) as select attribute, decode(data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), data_length, source from system.repcat$_audit_attribute / comment on table all_repaudit_attribute is 'Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication' / comment on column all_repaudit_attribute.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / comment on column all_repaudit_attribute.data_type is 'Datatype of the attribute value' / comment on column all_repaudit_attribute.data_length is 'Length of the attribute value in byte' / comment on column all_repaudit_attribute.source is 'Name of the function which returns the attribute value' / create or replace public synonym all_repaudit_attribute for all_repaudit_attribute / grant select on all_repaudit_attribute to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repaudit_attribute ( attribute, data_type, data_length, source ) as select attribute, decode(data_type_id, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'VARCHAR2', 3, 'DATE', 4, 'CHAR', 5, 'RAW', 6, 'NVARCHAR2', 7, 'NCHAR', 'UNDEFINED'), data_length, source from system.repcat$_audit_attribute / comment on table user_repaudit_attribute is 'Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication' / comment on column user_repaudit_attribute.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / comment on column user_repaudit_attribute.data_type is 'Datatype of the attribute value' / comment on column user_repaudit_attribute.data_length is 'Length of the attribute value in byte' / comment on column user_repaudit_attribute.source is 'Name of the function which returns the attribute value' / create or replace public synonym user_repaudit_attribute for user_repaudit_attribute / grant select on user_repaudit_attribute to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_audit_column ( sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), column_name varchar2(30), base_sname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_audit_column_nn1 not null, base_oname varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_audit_column_nn2 not null, base_conflict_type_id integer constraint repcat$_audit_column_nn3 not null, base_reference_name varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_audit_column_nn4 not null, attribute varchar2(30) constraint repcat$_audit_column_nn5 not null constraint repcat$_audit_column_f1 references system.repcat$_audit_attribute, constraint repcat$_audit_column_pk primary key (column_name, oname, sname), constraint repcat$_audit_column_f2 foreign key (base_sname, base_oname, base_conflict_type_id, base_reference_name) references system.repcat$_conflict ) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks create index system.repcat$_audit_column_f1_idx on system.repcat$_audit_column(attribute) / create index system.repcat$_audit_column_f2_idx on system.repcat$_audit_column(base_sname,base_oname,base_conflict_type_id, base_reference_name) / comment on table system.repcat$_audit_column is 'Information about columns in all shadow tables for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.sname is 'Owner of the shadow table' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.oname is 'Name of the shadow table' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the shadow table' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.base_sname is 'Owner of replicated table' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.base_oname is 'Name of the replicated table' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.base_conflict_type_id is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.base_reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column system.repcat$_audit_column.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / create or replace view dba_repaudit_column ( sname, oname, column_name, base_sname, base_oname, base_conflict_type, base_reference_name, attribute ) as select sname, oname, column_name, base_sname, base_oname, decode(base_conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), base_reference_name, attribute from system.repcat$_audit_column / comment on table dba_repaudit_column is 'Information about columns in all shadow tables for all replicated tables in the database' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.sname is 'Owner of the shadow table' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.oname is 'Name of the shadow table' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the shadow table' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.base_sname is 'Owner of replicated table' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.base_oname is 'Name of the replicated table' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.base_conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.base_reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column dba_repaudit_column.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / create or replace public synonym dba_repaudit_column for dba_repaudit_column / grant select on dba_repaudit_column to select_catalog_role / create or replace view all_repaudit_column ( sname, oname, column_name, base_sname, base_oname, base_conflict_type, base_reference_name, attribute ) as select sname, oname, column_name, base_sname, base_oname, decode(base_conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), base_reference_name, attribute from system.repcat$_audit_column, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ o where sname = and oname = and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 /* tables */ and (o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or o.obj# in ( select obj# from objauth$ where grantee# in ( select kzsrorol from x$kzsro ) ) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-45 /* LOCK ANY TABLE */, -47 /* SELECT ANY TABLE */, -48 /* INSERT ANY TABLE */, -49 /* UPDATE ANY TABLE */, -50 /* DELETE ANY TABLE */) ) ) / comment on table all_repaudit_column is 'Information about columns in all shadow tables for replicated tables which are accessible to the user' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.sname is 'Owner of the shadow table' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.oname is 'Name of the shadow table' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the shadow table' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.base_sname is 'Owner of replicated table' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.base_oname is 'Name of the replicated table' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.base_conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.base_reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column all_repaudit_column.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / create or replace public synonym all_repaudit_column for all_repaudit_column / grant select on all_repaudit_column to public with grant option / create or replace view user_repaudit_column ( oname, column_name, base_sname, base_oname, base_conflict_type, base_reference_name, attribute ) as select r.oname, r.column_name, r.base_sname, r.base_oname, decode(r.base_conflict_type_id, 1, 'UPDATE', 2, 'UNIQUENESS', 3, 'DELETE', 'UNDEFINED'), r.base_reference_name, r.attribute from system.repcat$_audit_column r, sys.user$ u where r.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table user_repaudit_column is 'Information about columns in all shadow tables for user''s replicated tables' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.oname is 'Name of the shadow table' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.column_name is 'Name of the column in the shadow table' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.base_sname is 'Owner of replicated table' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.base_oname is 'Name of the replicated table' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.base_conflict_type is 'Type of conflict' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.base_reference_name is 'Table name, unique constraint name, or column group name' / comment on column user_repaudit_column.attribute is 'Description of the attribute' / create or replace public synonym user_repaudit_column for user_repaudit_column / grant select on user_repaudit_column to public with grant option / -- -- Supported audit attributes. -- delete from system.repcat$_audit_attribute / insert into system.repcat$_audit_attribute (attribute, data_type_id, data_length, source) values ('TIMESTAMP', 3, NULL, 'SYSDATE') / insert into system.repcat$_audit_attribute (attribute, data_type_id, data_length, source) values ('GLOBAL NAME', 2, 128, 'DBMS_REPUTIL.GLOBAL_NAME') / create or replace view DBA_REPFLAVORS (FLAVOR_ID, GNAME, FNAME, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, PUBLISHED, GROUP_OWNER) as select f.flavor_id, f.gname, f.fname, f.creation_date,, f.published, f.gowner from system.repcat$_flavors f, user$ u where f.created_by = u.user# (+) / comment on table DBA_REPFLAVORS is 'Flavors defined for replicated object groups' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier, unique within object group' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.GNAME is 'Name of the object group' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.CREATION_DATE is 'Date on which the flavor was created' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.CREATED_BY is 'User that created the flavor' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVORS.PUBLISHED is 'Indicates whether flavor is published (Y/N) or obsolete (O)' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPFLAVORS for DBA_REPFLAVORS / grant select on DBA_REPFLAVORS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view ALL_REPFLAVORS (FLAVOR_ID, GNAME, FNAME, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, PUBLISHED, GROUP_OWNER) as select f.flavor_id, f.gname, f.fname, f.creation_date,, f.published, f.gowner from system.repcat$_flavors f, user$ u where f.created_by = u.user# (+) / comment on table ALL_REPFLAVORS is 'Flavors defined for replicated object groups' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier, unique within object group' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.GNAME is 'Name of the object group' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.CREATION_DATE is 'Date on which the flavor was created' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.CREATED_BY is 'User that created the flavor' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVORS.PUBLISHED is 'Indicates whether flavor is published (Y/N) or obsolete (O)' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPFLAVORS for ALL_REPFLAVORS / grant select on ALL_REPFLAVORS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_REPFLAVORS (FLAVOR_ID, GNAME, FNAME, CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY, PUBLISHED, GROUP_OWNER) as select f.flavor_id, f.gname, f.fname, f.creation_date,, f.published, f.gowner from system.repcat$_flavors f, sys.user$ u where f.created_by = userenv('SCHEMAID') and f.created_by = u.user# / comment on table USER_REPFLAVORS is 'Flavors current user created for replicated object groups' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier, unique within object group' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.GNAME is 'Name of the object group' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.FNAME is 'Name of the flavor' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.CREATION_DATE is 'Date on which the flavor was created' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.CREATED_BY is 'User that created the flavor' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVORS.PUBLISHED is 'Indicates whether flavor is published (Y/N) or obsolete (O)' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPFLAVORS for USER_REPFLAVORS / grant select on USER_REPFLAVORS to PUBLIC with grant option / -- create table to hold objects in each flavor CREATE TABLE system.repcat$_flavor_objects (flavor_id NUMBER, gowner VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT 'PUBLIC', gname VARCHAR2(30), sname VARCHAR2(30), oname VARCHAR2(30), type NUMBER, version# NUMBER CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavor_objects_version CHECK (version# >= 0 AND version# < 65536), hashcode RAW(17), columns_present RAW(125), CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavor_objects_pk PRIMARY KEY (sname, oname, type, gname, flavor_id, gowner), CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavor_objects_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (gname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT repcat$_flavor_objects_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (gname, flavor_id, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_flavors(gname, flavor_id, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_flavor_objects_fg ON system.repcat$_flavor_objects(flavor_id, gname, gowner) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_flavor_objects_fk1_idx ON system.repcat$_flavor_objects(gname, gowner) / CREATE INDEX system.repcat$_flavor_objects_fk2_idx ON system.repcat$_flavor_objects(gname, flavor_id, gowner) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS is 'Replicated objects in flavors' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group containing object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.GNAME is 'Object group containing object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of object' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.TYPE is 'Object type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.VERSION# is 'Version# of a user-defined type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.HASHCODE is 'Hashcode of a user-defined type' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_FLAVOR_OBJECTS.COLUMNS_PRESENT is 'For tables, encoded mapping of columns present' / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_repflavor_objects (fname, gname, sname, oname, type, group_owner) AS SELECT fl.fname, fo.gname, fo.sname, fo.oname, DECODE (fo.type, -1, 'SNAPSHOT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 32, 'INDEXTYPE', 33, 'OPERATOR', 'UNDEFINED'), fo.gowner from system.repcat$_flavors fl, system.repcat$_flavor_objects fo where fo.gname = fl.gname and fo.flavor_id = fl.flavor_id and fo.gowner = fl.gowner / comment on table DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS is 'Replicated objects in flavors' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing object' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of object' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.TYPE is 'Object type' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS for DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS / grant select on DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW all_repflavor_objects (fname, gname, sname, oname, type, group_owner) AS SELECT UNIQUE fo.fname, fo.gname, fo.sname, fo.oname, fo.type, fo.group_owner from dba_repflavor_objects fo, all_objects o where fo.sname = o.owner and fo.oname = o.object_name and (fo.type = o.object_type OR fo.type = 'SNAPSHOT' and o.object_type IN ('VIEW', 'TABLE')) / comment on table ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS is 'Replicated objects in flavors' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing object' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of object' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.TYPE is 'Object type' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS for ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS / grant select on ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create a view suitable for remote access from repcat. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS" (flavor_id, gname, sname, oname, type, columns_present, published, flag, gowner, version#, hashcode) AS SELECT fo.flavor_id, fo.gname, fo.sname, fo.oname, fo.type, fo.columns_present, fl.published, ro.flag, fo.gowner, fo.version#, fo.hashcode from system.repcat$_flavor_objects fo, all_objects o, system.repcat$_flavors fl, system.repcat$_repobject ro where fo.gname = fl.gname and fo.gowner = fl.gowner and fo.flavor_id = fl.flavor_id and fo.sname = ro.sname and fo.oname = ro.oname and fo.type = ro.type and fo.sname = o.owner and fo.oname = o.object_name and = o.object_id and ((fo.type = -1 and o.object_type in ('VIEW', 'TABLE')) or (fo.type > 0 and o.object_type = DECODE (fo.type, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 32, 'INDEXTYPE', 33, 'OPERATOR', 'UNDEFINED'))) / comment on table "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS" is 'Replicated objects in flavors' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".FLAVOR_ID is 'Flavor identifier' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".GOWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".SNAME is 'Schema containing object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".ONAME is 'Name of object' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".TYPE is 'Object type' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".VERSION# is 'Object type version#' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".HASHCODE is 'Object type hashcode' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".COLUMNS_PRESENT is 'For tables, encoded mapping of columns present' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".PUBLISHED is 'Indicates whether flavor is published (Y/N) or obsolete (O)' / comment on column "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS".FLAG is 'Information about replicated object' / grant select on "_ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS" to PUBLIC with grant option / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_repflavor_objects (fname, gname, sname, oname, type, group_owner) AS SELECT UNIQUE fo.fname, fo.gname, fo.sname, fo.oname, fo.type, fo.group_owner from dba_repflavor_objects fo, user_objects o, sys.user$ u where fo.sname = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and fo.oname = o.object_name and (fo.type = o.object_type OR fo.type = 'SNAPSHOT' and o.object_type IN ('VIEW', 'TABLE')) / comment on table USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS is 'Replicated user objects in flavors' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing object' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of object' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS.TYPE is 'Object type' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS for USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS / grant select on USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS to PUBLIC with grant option / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat_repflavor_columns (fname, gname, sname, oname, cname, type, pos, group_owner, type_toid, type_owner, type_hashcode, type_mod, top, internal_cname, property) AS -- include table columns and snapshot columns SELECT f.fname, fo.gname, rc.sname, rc.oname, rc.lcname, decode(rc.ctype, 1, decode(rc.charsetform, 2, 'NVARCHAR2', 'VARCHAR2'), 2, 'NUMBER', 12, 'DATE', 23, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '04'), '04', rc.ctype_name, -- for soidref_fk_attr we want to display the real column type decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 2, 1), '02'), '02', rc.ctype_name, 'RAW')), 58, rc.ctype_name, 69, 'ROWID', 96, decode(rc.charsetform, 2, 'NCHAR', 'CHAR'), 112, NVL(rc.ctype_name, decode(rc.charsetform, 2, 'NCLOB', 'CLOB')), 113, 'BLOB', 111, rc.ctype_name, 121, rc.ctype_name, 122, rc.ctype_name, 123, rc.ctype_name, 'UNDEFINED'), rc.pos, fo.gowner, rc.toid, rc.ctype_owner, RAWTOHEX(rc.hashcode), DECODE(rc.ctype, 111, 'REF', 23, decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(,2,1),'02'), '02', 'REF') ), decode(rc.ctype, 23, -- nested table column SETID (in the parent table) decode(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(, 1, 1), '08'), '08',decode(, rc.lcname, NULL,,, -- for XMLType storage column 112, decode(, rc.lcname, NULL,,, rc.cname, FROM system.repcat$_repcolumn rc, system.repcat$_flavor_objects fo, system.repcat$_flavors f, system.repcat$_repobject ro WHERE f.flavor_id = fo.flavor_id AND f.gname = fo.gname AND f.gowner = fo.gowner AND rc.sname = fo.sname AND rc.oname = fo.oname AND fo.type in (2, -1) AND ro.sname = rc.sname AND ro.oname = rc.oname AND ro.type = rc.type AND ro.gname = fo.gname AND ro.gowner = fo.gowner AND rc.pos IS NOT NULL AND ((mod(rc.pos-1,8) < 4 AND fo.columns_present IS NOT NULL -- the following AND clauses are necessary to avoid -- invoking utl_raw.substr with fo.columns_present from one -- object while rc.pos is from another object. AND fo.sname = rc.sname AND fo.oname = rc.oname AND fo.type = rc.type AND utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(fo.columns_present, floor((rc.pos-1)/8)+1, 1), to_char(power(2, mod(rc.pos-1,8)))) != '00') OR (mod(rc.pos-1,8) >= 4 AND fo.columns_present IS NOT NULL -- the following AND clauses are necessary to avoid -- invoking utl_raw.substr with fo.columns_present from one -- object while rc.pos is from another object. AND fo.sname = rc.sname AND fo.oname = rc.oname AND fo.type = rc.type AND utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(fo.columns_present, floor((rc.pos-1)/8)+1, 1), to_char(10*power(2, mod(rc.pos-1,8)-4))) != '00')) / comment on table REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS is 'Replicated columns in flavors' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the object' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Object name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.CNAME is 'Column name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.INTERNAL_CNAME is 'Internal column name' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE is 'Column type' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TOP is 'Top column of this attribute column' / comment on column REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.POS is 'Ordering of column used as IN parameter in the replication procedures' / grant select on REPCAT_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_repflavor_columns (fname, gname, sname, oname, cname, type, pos, group_owner, type_toid, type_owner, type_hashcode, type_mod, top) AS SELECT fname, gname, sname, oname, cname, type, pos, group_owner, type_toid, type_owner, type_hashcode, type_mod, top FROM repcat_repflavor_columns / comment on table DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS is 'Replicated columns in flavors' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the object' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Object name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.CNAME is 'Column name' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE is 'Column type' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TOP is 'Top column of this attribute column' / comment on column DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.POS is 'Ordering of column used as IN parameter in the replication procedures' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS for DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS / grant select on DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS to select_catalog_role / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW all_repflavor_columns (fname, gname, sname, oname, cname, type, pos, group_owner, type_toid, type_owner, type_hashcode, type_mod, top) AS SELECT fc.fname, fc.gname, fc.sname, fc.oname, fc.cname, fc.type, fc.pos, fc.group_owner, fc.type_toid, fc.type_owner, fc.type_hashcode, fc.type_mod, FROM dba_repflavor_columns fc, all_tab_columns tc WHERE fc.sname = tc.owner AND fc.oname = tc.table_name AND (( IS NOT NULL AND = tc.column_name) OR ( IS NULL AND fc.cname = tc.column_name)) UNION SELECT fc.fname, fc.gname, fc.sname, fc.oname, fc.cname, fc.type, fc.pos, fc.group_owner, fc.type_toid, fc.type_owner, fc.type_hashcode, fc.type_mod, FROM dba_repflavor_columns fc, "_ALL_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt WHERE fc.sname = nt.owner AND fc.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS is 'Replicated columns in flavors' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the object' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Object name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.CNAME is 'Column name' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE is 'Column type' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.POS is 'Ordering of column used as IN parameter in the replication procedures' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TOP is 'Top column of this attribute column' / create or replace public synonym ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS for ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS / grant select on ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS to PUBLIC with grant option / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_repflavor_columns (fname, gname, sname, oname, cname, type, pos, group_owner, type_toid, type_owner, type_hashcode, type_mod, top) AS SELECT fc.fname, fc.gname, fc.sname, fc.oname, fc.cname, fc.type, fc.pos, fc.group_owner, fc.type_toid, fc.type_owner, fc.type_hashcode, fc.type_mod, FROM user_tab_columns tc, dba_repflavor_columns fc, sys.user$ u WHERE fc.sname = AND u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND fc.oname = tc.table_name AND (( IS NOT NULL AND = tc.column_name) OR ( IS NULL AND fc.cname = tc.column_name)) UNION SELECT fc.fname, fc.gname, fc.sname, fc.oname, fc.cname, fc.type, fc.pos, fc.group_owner, fc.type_toid, fc.type_owner, fc.type_hashcode, fc.type_mod, FROM "_USER_REPL_NESTED_TABLE_NAMES" nt, dba_repflavor_columns fc, sys.user$ u WHERE fc.sname = AND u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') AND fc.oname = nt.table_name / comment on table USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS is 'Replicated columns from current user''s tables in flavors' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.FNAME is 'Flavor name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GROUP_OWNER is 'Object group owner' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.GNAME is 'Object group name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the object' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.ONAME is 'Object name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.CNAME is 'Column name' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE is 'Column type' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.POS is 'Ordering of column used as IN parameter in the replication procedures' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_OWNER is 'Type owner of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_HASHCODE is 'Type hashcode of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_TOID is 'Type OID of a column of TYPE' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TYPE_MOD is 'Datatype modifier of a column' / comment on column USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS.TOP is 'Top column of this attribute column' / create or replace public synonym USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS for USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS / grant select on USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS to PUBLIC with grant option / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- In cleaning and populating repcat$_resolution_method, it's OK --- if you see ORA-02292 (integrity constraint violated) and --- ORA-00001 (unique constraint violated) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Supported automatic conflict resolution methods. -- -- UPDATE METHODS: -- 'MINIMUM', 'EARLIEST TIMESTAMP', 'MAXIMUM', 'LATEST TIMESTAMP', -- 'SITE PRIORITY', 'PRIORITY GROUP', 'ADDITIVE', 'AVERAGE', -- 'OVERWRITE', 'DISCARD', 'USER FUNCTION', 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION' BEGIN delete from system.repcat$_resolution_method where conflict_type_id = 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -02292 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'MINIMUM'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'EARLIEST TIMESTAMP' ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'MAXIMUM'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'LATEST TIMESTAMP'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'SITE PRIORITY'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'PRIORITY GROUP'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'ADDITIVE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'AVERAGE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'OVERWRITE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'DISCARD'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'USER FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (1, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / -- INSERT METHODS: -- 'APPEND SITE NAME', 'APPEND SEQUENCE', 'DISCARD', 'USER FUNCTION' -- 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION' BEGIN delete from system.repcat$_resolution_method where conflict_type_id = 2; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -02292 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (2, 'APPEND SITE NAME'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (2, 'APPEND SEQUENCE'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (2, 'DISCARD'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (2, 'USER FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (2, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / -- DELETE METHODS: -- 'USER FUNCTION', 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION' BEGIN delete from system.repcat$_resolution_method where conflict_type_id = 3; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -02292 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (3, 'USER FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / BEGIN insert into system.repcat$_resolution_method (conflict_type_id, method_name) values (3, 'USER FLAVOR FUNCTION'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -00001 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / commit / Rem ********************************************************************** Rem For SYS to be able to grant select on defcalldest and deftrandest Rem it need to be explictly Rem granted priviledges on the underlying SYSTEM onwed tables. Rem To get those priviledges, SYS creates and executes a package owned Rem by SYSTEM that issues the grants to SYS using DBMS_SQL. create or replace procedure system.ora$_sys_rep_auth as begin EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.repcat$_repschema TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.repcat$_repprop TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.def$_aqcall TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.def$_calldest TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.def$_error TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON SYSTEM.def$_destination TO SYS ' || 'WITH GRANT OPTION'; end; / begin system.ora$_sys_rep_auth; end; / -- The following tables and views support refresh group templates -- repcat$_template_status create table system.repcat$_template_status (template_status_id number, constraint repcat$_template_status_pk primary key (template_status_id), status_type_name varchar2(100) not null) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_STATUS is 'Table for template status and template status codes.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_STATUS.TEMPLATE_STATUS_ID is 'Internal primary key for the template status table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_STATUS.STATUS_TYPE_NAME is 'User friendly name for the template status.' / -- seed data for the template_status table insert into system.repcat$_template_status (template_status_id,status_type_name) select 0, 'Modifiable' from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_template_status where template_status_id = 0) / insert into system.repcat$_template_status (template_status_id,status_type_name) select 1, 'Frozen' from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_template_status where template_status_id = 1) / insert into system.repcat$_template_status (template_status_id,status_type_name) select 2, 'Deleted' from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_template_status where template_status_id = 2) / -- repcat$_template_types create table system.repcat$_template_types (template_type_id number, constraint repcat$_template_types_pk primary key (template_type_id), template_description varchar2(200), flags raw(255), spare1 varchar2(4000)) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TYPES is 'Internal table for maintaining types of templates.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TYPES.TEMPLATE_TYPE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the template types table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TYPES.TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION is 'Description of the template type.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TYPES.FLAGS is 'Bitmap flags controlling each type of template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TYPES.SPARE1 is 'Reserved for future expansion.' / -- seed data for repcat$_template_types insert into system.repcat$_template_types (template_type_id, template_description,flags) select 1,'Deployment template',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_template_types where template_type_id = 1) / insert into system.repcat$_template_types (template_type_id, template_description,flags) select 2,'IAS template',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_template_types where template_type_id = 2) / -- repcat$_refresh_templates create table system.repcat$_refresh_templates (refresh_template_id number not null, constraint repcat$_refresh_templates_pk primary key (refresh_template_id), owner varchar2(30) not null, refresh_group_name varchar2(30) not null, refresh_template_name varchar2(30) not null, template_comment varchar2(2000), public_template varchar2(1), constraint refresh_templates_c1 check ((public_template in ('Y','N')) or public_template is NULL), last_modified date, modified_by number, creation_date date, created_by number, constraint repcat$_refresh_templates_u1 unique (refresh_template_name), refresh_group_id number default 0 not null, template_type_id number default 1 not null, constraint repcat$_refresh_templates_fk1 foreign key (template_type_id) references system.repcat$_template_types, template_status_id number default 0 not null, constraint repcat$_refresh_templates_fk2 foreign key (template_status_id) references system.repcat$_template_status, flags raw(255), spare1 varchar2(4000)) / create sequence system.repcat$_refresh_templates_s / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES is 'Primary table containing deployment template information.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.LAST_MODIFIED is 'Date the row was last modified.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.MODIFIED_BY is 'User id of the user that modified the row.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.CREATION_DATE is 'Date the row was created.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.CREATED_BY is 'User id of the user that created the row.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_GROUP_ID is 'Internal primary key to default refresh group for the template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_TYPE_ID is 'Internal primary key to the template types.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_STATUS_ID is 'Internal primary key to the template status table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.FLAGS is 'Internal flags for the template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.SPARE1 is 'Reserved for future use.' / -- DBA view on the REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES table. create or replace view dba_repcat_refresh_templates as select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates t, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tt.template_type_id = t.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_refresh_templates for dba_repcat_refresh_templates / grant select on dba_repcat_refresh_templates to select_catalog_role / create table system.repcat$_user_authorizations (user_authorization_id number not null, constraint repcat$_user_authorizations_pk primary key (user_authorization_id), user_id number not null, refresh_template_id number not null, constraint repcat$_user_authorization_fk2 foreign key (refresh_template_id) references system.repcat$_refresh_templates on delete cascade, constraint repcat$_user_authorizations_u1 unique (user_id,refresh_template_id) ) / create index system.repcat$_user_authorizations_n1 on system.repcat$_user_authorizations(refresh_template_id) / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.USER_AUTHORIZATION_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.USER_ID is 'Database user id.' / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES table.' / create sequence system.repcat$_user_authorizations_s / create or replace view dba_repcat_user_authorizations (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner,rt.refresh_group_name, rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'), u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, all_users u, system.repcat$_user_authorizations ra, system.repcat$_template_types tt where u.user_id = ra.user_id and ra.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and tt.template_type_id = rt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_user_authorizations for dba_repcat_user_authorizations / grant select on DBA_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS to select_catalog_role / -- all_ view on repcat$_user_authorizations create or replace view all_repcat_user_authorizations (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner,rt.refresh_group_name, rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'), u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, all_users u, system.repcat$_user_authorizations ra, system.repcat$_template_types tt where u.user_id = ra.user_id and ra.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATIONS.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_user_authorizations for all_repcat_user_authorizations / grant select on all_repcat_user_authorizations to public with grant option / --user view on repcat$_user_authorizations create or replace view user_repcat_user_authorization (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner,rt.refresh_group_name, rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'), u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, all_users u, system.repcat$_user_authorizations ra, system.repcat$_template_types tt where u.user_id = ra.user_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and ra.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_AUTHORIZATION.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_user_authorization for user_repcat_user_authorization / grant select on user_repcat_user_authorization to public with grant option / -- all_ view on repcat$_refresh_templates table create or replace view all_repcat_refresh_templates as select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt where public_template = 'Y' and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 union select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au, system.repcat$_template_types tt where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_refresh_templates for all_repcat_refresh_templates / grant select on all_repcat_refresh_templates to public with grant option / -- user view on repcat$_refresh_templates table create or replace view user_repcat_refresh_templates as select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt where public_template = 'Y' and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 union select refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name,template_comment, nvl(public_template,'N') public_template from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au, system.repcat$_template_types tt where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_REFRESH_TEMPLATES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_refresh_templates for user_repcat_refresh_templates / grant select on user_repcat_refresh_templates to public with grant option / -- repcat$_object_types create table system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id number, constraint repcat$_object_type_pk primary key (object_type_id), object_type_name varchar2(200), flags raw(255), spare1 varchar2(4000)) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES is 'Internal table for template object types.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES.OBJECT_TYPE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the template object types table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES.OBJECT_TYPE_NAME is 'Descriptive name for the object type.' / --# SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES.FLAGS -- '01' : accessible to regular templates -- '02' : accessible to iAS -- '00' : unsupported comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES.FLAGS is 'Internal flags for object type processing.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_OBJECT_TYPES.SPARE1 is 'Reserved for future use.' / -- seed data for repcat$_object_types insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1017,'GENERATED DDL',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1017) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1016,'DUMMY MATERIALIZED VIEW',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1016) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1015,'UPDATABLE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1015) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1014,'REFRESH GROUP',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1014) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1013,'SYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1013) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1012,'ASYNCHRONOUS MASTER REPGROUP',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1012) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1011,'TEMPORARY TABLE',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1011) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1005,'SYNCHRONOUS UPDATABLE TABLE',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1005) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1004,'ASYNCHRONOUS UPDATABLE TABLE',hextoraw('00') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1004) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1003,'READ ONLY TABLE',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1003) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1002,'SITEOWNER',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1002) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1001,'USER',hextoraw('02') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1001) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -5,'DATABASE LINK',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -5) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select -1,'MATERIALIZED VIEW',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = -1) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 1,'INDEX',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 1) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 2,'TABLE',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 2) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 4,'VIEW',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 4) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 5,'SYNONYM',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 5) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 6,'SEQUENCE',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 6) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 7,'PROCEDURE',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 7) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 8,'FUNCTION',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 8) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 9,'PACKAGE',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 9) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 10,'PACKAGE BODY',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 10) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 12,'TRIGGER',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 12) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 13,'TYPE',hextoraw('03') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 13) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 14,'TYPE BODY',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 14) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 32,'INDEX TYPE',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 32) / insert into system.repcat$_object_types (object_type_id,object_type_name, flags) select 33,'OPERATOR',hextoraw('01') from dual where not exists (select 1 from system.repcat$_object_types where object_type_id = 33) / -- repcat$_template_refgroups create table system.repcat$_template_refgroups (refresh_group_id number not null, constraint repcat$_template_refgroups_pk primary key (refresh_group_id), refresh_group_name varchar2(30) not null, refresh_template_id number not null, constraint repcat$_template_refgroups_fk1 foreign key (refresh_template_id) references system.repcat$_refresh_templates on delete cascade, rollback_seg varchar2(30), start_date varchar2(200), interval varchar2(200)) / create sequence system.repcat$_template_refgroups_s / create index system.repcat$_template_refgroups_n1 on system.repcat$_template_refgroups(refresh_group_name) / create index system.repcat$_template_refgroups_n2 on system.repcat$_template_refgroups(refresh_template_id) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS is 'Table for maintaining refresh group information for template.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_GROUP_ID is 'Internal primary key of the refresh groups table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Primary key of the template containing the refresh group.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use during refresh.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.START_DATE is 'Refresh start date.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.INTERVAL is 'Refresh interval.' / create or replace view dba_template_refgroups (refresh_group_id,refresh_group_name,refresh_template_id,refresh_template_name, rollback_seg, start_date, interval) as select rg.refresh_group_id, rg.refresh_group_name, rt.refresh_template_id, rt.refresh_template_name, rg.rollback_seg, rg.start_date, rg.interval from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_refgroups rg, system.repcat$_template_types tt where rt.refresh_template_id = rg.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on table DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS is 'Table for maintaining refresh group information for template.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_GROUP_ID is 'Internal primary key of the refresh groups table.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Primary key of the template containing the refresh group.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the deployment template containing the refresh group.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Name of the rollback segment to use during refresh.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.START_DATE is 'Refresh start date.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS.INTERVAL is 'Refresh interval.' / create or replace public synonym dba_template_refgroups for dba_template_refgroups / grant select on dba_template_refgroups to select_catalog_role / -- repcat$_template_objects table create table system.repcat$_template_objects (template_object_id number not null, constraint repcat$_template_objects_pk primary key (template_object_id), refresh_template_id number not null, constraint repcat$_template_objects_fk1 foreign key (refresh_template_id) references system.repcat$_refresh_templates on delete cascade, object_name varchar2(30) not null, object_type number not null, constraint repcat$_template_objects_fk3 foreign key (object_type) references system.repcat$_object_types, object_version# NUMBER CONSTRAINT repcat$_template_objects_ver CHECK (object_version# >= 0 AND object_version# < 65536), ddl_text clob, master_rollback_seg varchar2(30), derived_from_sname varchar2(30), derived_from_oname varchar2(30), flavor_id number, schema_name varchar2(30), ddl_num number default 1 not null, -- constraint repcat$_template_object_fk2 foreign key (flavor_id) -- references system.repcat$_flavors on delete cascade, constraint repcat$_template_objects_u1 unique (object_name,object_type,refresh_template_id,schema_name, ddl_num), template_refgroup_id number default 0 not null, -- constraint repcat$_template_objects_fk4 foreign key (refresh_template_id) -- references system.repcat$_template_refgroups flags raw(255), spare1 varchar2(4000) ) / create index system.repcat$_template_objects_n1 on system.repcat$_template_objects (refresh_template_id, object_type) / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.TEMPLATE_OBJECT_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the database object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of database object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_VERSION# is 'Version# of database object of TYPE.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_TEXT is 'DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEG is 'Rollback segment for use during snapshot refreshes.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_SNAME is 'Schema name of schema containing object this was derived from.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_ONAME is 'Object name of object this object was derived from.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Foreign key to the REPCAT$_FLAVORS table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_NUM is 'Order of ddls to execute.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Schema containing the object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.TEMPLATE_REFGROUP_ID is 'Internal ID of the refresh group to contain the object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.FLAGS is 'Internal flags for the object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.SPARE1 is 'Reserved for future use.' / create sequence system.repcat$_template_objects_s / create or replace view dba_repcat_template_objects (refresh_template_name,object_name,object_type, ddl_num, ddl_text, master_rollback_segment, derived_from_sname, derived_from_oname,flavor_id) as select rt.refresh_template_name, t.object_name, ot.object_type_name object_type, t.ddl_num,t.ddl_text,t.master_rollback_seg, t.derived_from_sname,t.derived_from_oname,t.flavor_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_objects t, system.repcat$_object_types ot, system.repcat$_template_types tt where t.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and ot.object_type_id = t.object_type and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the database object.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of database object.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_NUM is 'Order of DDLs for creating the object.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_TEXT is 'DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT is 'Rollback segment for use during snapshot refreshes.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_SNAME is 'Schema name of schema containing object this was derived from.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_ONAME is 'Object name of object this object was derived from.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Foreign key to the REPCAT$_FLAVORS table.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_template_objects for dba_repcat_template_objects / grant select on DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS to select_catalog_role / -- all_ view on repcat$_template_objects create or replace view all_repcat_template_objects (refresh_template_name,object_name,object_type, ddl_num, ddl_text, master_rollback_segment, derived_from_sname, derived_from_oname,flavor_id) as select rt.refresh_template_name, t.object_name, ot.object_type_name object_type, t.ddl_num, t.ddl_text,t.master_rollback_seg, t.derived_from_sname,t.derived_from_oname,t.flavor_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_objects t, system.repcat$_object_types ot, system.repcat$_template_types tt where t.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and ot.object_type_id = t.object_type and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_NUM is 'Order of DDLs for creating the object.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_TEXT is 'DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_ONAME is 'Object name of object this object was derived from.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_SNAME is 'Schema name of schema containing object this was derived from.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Foreign key to the REPCAT$_FLAVORS table.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT is 'Rollback segment for use during snapshot refreshes.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the database object.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of database object.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_template_objects for all_repcat_template_objects / grant select on all_repcat_template_objects to public with grant option / -- user_ view on repcat$_template_objects create or replace view user_repcat_template_objects (refresh_template_name,object_name,object_type, ddl_num, ddl_text, master_rollback_segment, derived_from_sname, derived_from_oname,flavor_id) as select rt.refresh_template_name, t.object_name, ot.object_type_name object_type, t.ddl_num, t.ddl_text,t.master_rollback_seg, t.derived_from_sname,t.derived_from_oname,t.flavor_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_objects t, system.repcat$_object_types ot, system.repcat$_template_types tt where t.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and ot.object_type_id = t.object_type and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_NUM is 'Order of DDLs for creating the object.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DDL_TEXT is 'DDL string for creating the object or WHERE clause for snapshot query.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_ONAME is 'Object name of object this object was derived from.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.DERIVED_FROM_SNAME is 'Schema name of schema containing object this was derived from.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.FLAVOR_ID is 'Foreign key to the REPCAT$_FLAVORS table.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.MASTER_ROLLBACK_SEGMENT is 'Rollback segment for use during snapshot refreshes.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of the database object.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of database object.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_OBJECTS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_template_objects for user_repcat_template_objects / grant select on user_repcat_template_objects to public with grant option / -- repcat$_template_parms table create table system.repcat$_template_parms (template_parameter_id number, constraint repcat$_template_parms_pk primary key (template_parameter_id), refresh_template_id number not null, constraint repcat$_template_parms_fk1 foreign key (refresh_template_id) references system.repcat$_refresh_templates on delete cascade, parameter_name varchar2(30) not null, default_parm_value clob, prompt_string varchar2(2000), user_override varchar2(1) default 'Y', constraint repcat$_template_parms_c1 check (user_override in ('Y','N')), constraint repcat$_template_parms_u1 unique (refresh_template_id, parameter_name)) / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_REFRESH_TEMPLATES table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column system.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS.USER_OVERRIDE is 'User override flag.' / -- Sequence used to populate the primary key of the -- REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS table. create sequence system.repcat$_template_parms_s / -- DBA view on the REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS table. create or replace view dba_repcat_template_parms (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,user_override) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, tp.user_override from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.USER_OVERRIDE is 'User override flag.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_template_parms for dba_repcat_template_parms / grant select on dba_repcat_template_parms to select_catalog_role / -- all_ view on repcat$_template_parms create or replace view all_repcat_template_parms (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,user_override) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, tp.user_override from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') ) / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.USER_OVERRIDE is 'User override flag.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_template_parms for all_repcat_template_parms / grant select on all_repcat_template_parms to public with grant option / -- user_ view on repcat$_template_parms create or replace view user_repcat_template_parms (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,user_override) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, tp.user_override from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_TEMPLATE_PARMS.USER_OVERRIDE is 'User override flag.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_template_parms for user_repcat_template_parms / grant select on user_repcat_template_parms to public with grant option / -- table for tracking which objects use which paramters create table system.repcat$_object_parms (template_parameter_id number not null, constraint repcat$_object_parms_fk1 foreign key (template_parameter_id) references system.repcat$_template_parms, template_object_id number not null, constraint repcat$_object_parms_fk2 foreign key (template_object_id) references system.repcat$_template_objects on delete cascade, constraint repcat$_object_parms_pk primary key (template_parameter_id,template_object_id)) / comment on column system.repcat$_object_parms.template_parameter_id is 'Primary key of template parameter.' / comment on column system.repcat$_object_parms.template_object_id is 'Primary key of object using the paramter.' / create index system.repcat$_object_parms_n2 on system.repcat$_object_parms(template_object_id) / -- storing parameters for each template/site create table system.repcat$_user_parm_values (user_parameter_id number, constraint repcat$_user_parm_values_pk primary key (user_parameter_id), template_parameter_id number not null, constraint repcat$_user_parm_values_fk1 foreign key (template_parameter_id) references system.repcat$_template_parms on delete cascade, user_id number not null, parm_value clob, constraint repcat$_user_parm_values_u1 unique (template_parameter_id,user_id)) / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_PARM_VALUES.USER_PARAMETER_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_USER_PARM_VALUES table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_PARM_VALUES.TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_PARMS table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_PARM_VALUES.USER_ID is 'Database user id.' / comment on column system.repcat$_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARM_VALUE is 'Value of the parameter for this user.' / -- Sequence used to populate the primary key of the -- REPCAT$_USER_PARM_VALUES table. create sequence system.repcat$_user_parm_values_s / -- DBA view on the REPCAT$_USER_PARM_VALUES table. create or replace view dba_repcat_user_parm_values (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,parm_value, user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, sp.parm_value, u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_user_parm_values sp, dba_users u, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and tp.template_parameter_id = sp.template_parameter_id and sp.user_id = u.user_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARM_VALUE is 'Value of the parameter for this user.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES for DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES / grant select on DBA_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES to select_catalog_role / -- all_ view on repcat$_user_parm_values create or replace view all_repcat_user_parm_values (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,parm_value, user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, sp.parm_value, u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_user_parm_values sp, dba_users u, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and tp.template_parameter_id = sp.template_parameter_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and sp.user_id = u.user_id and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARM_VALUE is 'Value of the parameter for this user.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column ALL_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_user_parm_values for all_repcat_user_parm_values / grant select on all_repcat_user_parm_values to public with grant option / -- user_ view on repcat_user_parm_values create or replace view user_repcat_user_parm_values (refresh_template_name,owner,refresh_group_name, template_comment,public_template,parameter_name, default_parm_value,prompt_string,parm_value, user_name) as select rt.refresh_template_name,rt.owner, rt.refresh_group_name,rt.template_comment, nvl(rt.public_template,'N'),tp.parameter_name, tp.default_parm_value, tp.prompt_string, sp.parm_value, u.username from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_parms tp, system.repcat$_user_parm_values sp, dba_users u, system.repcat$_template_types tt where tp.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and tp.template_parameter_id = sp.template_parameter_id and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and sp.user_id = u.user_id and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.DEFAULT_PARM_VALUE is 'Default value for the parameter.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARAMETER_NAME is 'name of the parameter.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PARM_VALUE is 'Value of the parameter for this user.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PROMPT_STRING is 'String for use in prompting for parameter values.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.PUBLIC_TEMPLATE is 'Flag specifying public template or private template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.TEMPLATE_COMMENT is 'Optional comment field for the refresh group template.' / comment on column USER_REPCAT_USER_PARM_VALUES.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_user_parm_values for user_repcat_user_parm_values / grant select on user_repcat_user_parm_values to public with grant option / create table system.repcat$_template_sites (template_site_id number, constraint repcat$_template_sites_pk primary key (template_site_id), refresh_template_name varchar2(30) not null, refresh_group_name varchar2(30), template_owner varchar2(30), user_name varchar2(30) not null, site_name varchar2(128), repapi_site_id number, status number not null, refresh_template_id number, /* OBSOLETE */ user_id number, /* OBSOLETE */ instantiation_date date, constraint repcat$_template_sites_c1 check (status in (-100,-1,0,1)), /* -100 used to flag IAS sites*/ constraint repcat$_template_sites_c2 check ((site_name is not null and repapi_site_id is null) or (site_name is null and repapi_site_id is not null)), constraint repcat$_template_sites_u1 unique (refresh_template_name,user_name,site_name,repapi_site_id)) / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.TEMPLATE_SITE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_SITES table.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column system.repcat$_template_sites.template_OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column system.repcat$_template_sites.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.SITE_NAME is 'Name of the site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.repapi_site_id is 'Name of the site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.STATUS is 'Status of the instantiation at the site.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.refresh_template_id is 'Obsolete - do not use.' / comment on column system.repcat$_TEMPLATE_SITES.STATUS is 'Obsolete - do not use.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_SITES.USER_ID is 'Obsolete - do not use.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_SITES.instantiation_date is 'Date template was instantiated.' / create sequence system.repcat$_template_sites_s / create or replace view dba_repcat_template_sites (refresh_template_name,refresh_group_name,template_owner, user_name,site_name,repapi_site_name,status,instantiation_date) as select ts.refresh_template_name, ts.refresh_group_name, ts.template_owner, ts.user_name,ts.site_name,ss.site_name, decode(status,-1,'DELETED',0,'INSTALLING',1,'INSTALLED','UNDEFINED'), instantiation_date from system.repcat$_template_sites ts, sys.snap_site$ ss where ts.status != -100 and ts.repapi_site_id = ss.site_id (+) / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.template_OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.SITE_NAME is 'Name of the site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.repapi_site_name is 'Name of the repapi site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.STATUS is 'Status of the instantiation at the site.' / comment on column dba_repcat_template_sites.instantiation_date is 'Date template was instantiated.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_template_sites for dba_repcat_template_sites / grant select on dba_repcat_template_sites to select_catalog_role / -- all_ view on repcat$_template_sites create or replace view all_repcat_template_sites (refresh_template_name,refresh_group_name,template_owner, user_name,site_name,repapi_site_name,status,instantiation_date) as select ts.refresh_template_name, ts.refresh_group_name, ts.template_owner, ts.user_name,ts.site_name,ss.site_name, decode(status,-1,'DELETED',0,'INSTALLING',1,'INSTALLED','UNDEFINED'), instantiation_date from system.repcat$_template_sites ts, sys.snap_site$ ss, system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt where ts.repapi_site_id = ss.site_id (+) and ts.status != -100 and rt.refresh_template_name = ts.refresh_template_name and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and exists (select 1 from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-174 /* alter any snapshot */)) union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, sys.user$ u where nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and rt.owner = and u.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.TEMPLATE_OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.SITE_NAME is 'Name of the site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.repapi_site_name is 'Name of the repapi site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.STATUS is 'Status of the instantiation at the site.' / comment on column all_repcat_template_sites.instantiation_date is 'Date template was instantiated.' / create or replace public synonym all_repcat_template_sites for all_repcat_template_sites / grant select on all_repcat_template_sites to public with grant option / --user_ view on repcat$_template_sites create or replace view user_repcat_template_sites (refresh_template_name,refresh_group_name,template_owner, user_name,site_name,repapi_site_name,status, instantiation_date) as select ts.refresh_template_name, ts.refresh_group_name, ts.template_owner, ts.user_name,ts.site_name,ss.site_name, decode(status,-1,'DELETED',0,'INSTALLING',1,'INSTALLED','UNDEFINED'), instantiation_date from system.repcat$_template_sites ts, sys.snap_site$ ss, system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_template_types tt where ts.repapi_site_id = ss.site_id (+) and rt.refresh_template_name = ts.refresh_template_name and rt.template_type_id = tt.template_type_id and bitand(rawtohex(tt.flags),1) = 1 and rt.refresh_template_id in (select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt where public_template = 'Y' union select rt.refresh_template_id from system.repcat$_refresh_templates rt, system.repcat$_user_authorizations at, sys.all_users au where at.refresh_template_id = rt.refresh_template_id and au.user_id = at.user_id and nvl(rt.public_template,'N') = 'N' and au.user_id = userenv('SCHEMAID')) / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group template.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.REFRESH_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the refresh group to create during instantiation.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.TEMPLATE_OWNER is 'Owner of the refresh group template.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.USER_NAME is 'Database user name.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.SITE_NAME is 'Name of the site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.repapi_site_name is 'Name of the repapi site that has instantiated the template.' / comment on column user_repcat_template_sites.STATUS is 'Status of the instantiation at the site.' / create or replace public synonym user_repcat_template_sites for user_repcat_template_sites / grant select on user_repcat_template_sites to public with grant option / -- repcat$_site_objects create table system.repcat$_site_objects (template_site_id number not null, constraint repcat$_site_object_fk2 foreign key (template_site_id) references system.repcat$_template_sites on delete cascade, sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30) not null, object_type_id number not null, constraint repcat$_site_objects_fk1 foreign key (object_type_id) references system.repcat$_object_types, constraint repcat$_site_objects_u1 unique (template_site_id,oname,object_type_id,sname)) / create index system.repcat$_site_objects_n1 on system.repcat$_site_objects(template_site_id) / -- create sequence used to populate the temp output table create sequence system.repcat$_temp_output_s / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITE_OBJECTS is 'Table for maintaining database objects deployed at a site.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITE_OBJECTS.TEMPLATE_SITE_ID is 'Internal primary key of the template sites table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITE_OBJECTS.SNAME is 'Schema containing the deployed database object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITE_OBJECTS.ONAME is 'Name of the deployed database object.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITE_OBJECTS.OBJECT_TYPE_ID is 'Internal ID of the object type of the deployed database object.' / create table system.repcat$_runtime_parms (runtime_parm_id number, parameter_name varchar2(30), parm_value clob) / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_RUNTIME_PARMS.RUNTIME_PARM_ID is 'Primary key of the parameter values table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_RUNTIME_PARMS.PARAMETER_NAME is 'Name of the parameter.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_RUNTIME_PARMS.PARM_VALUE is 'Parameter value.' / -- need to create unique index to enforce the primary key constraint -- because constraints are not supported on temp tables create unique index system.repcat$_runtime_parms_pk on system.repcat$_runtime_parms (runtime_parm_id,parameter_name) / -- sequence used to populate the table create sequence system.repcat$_runtime_parms_s / create table system.repcat$_template_targets (template_target_id number, constraint template$_targets_pk primary key (template_target_id), target_database varchar2(128) not null, target_comment varchar2(2000), connect_string varchar2(4000), spare1 varchar2(4000)) / create sequence system.template$_targets_s / create unique index system.repcat$_template_targets_u1 on system.repcat$_template_targets(target_database) / comment on table system.repcat$_template_targets is 'Internal table for tracking potential target databases for templates.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TEMPLATE_TARGET_ID is 'Internal primary key of the template targets table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TARGET_DATABASE is 'Global identifier of the target database.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TARGET_COMMENT is 'Comment on the target database.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.CONNECT_STRING is 'The connection descriptor used to connect to the target database.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.SPARE1 is 'The spare column' / create or replace view dba_template_targets (template_target_id, target_database, target_comment, connect_string) as select tt.template_target_id, tt.target_database, tt.target_comment, tt.connect_string from system.repcat$_template_targets tt / comment on table DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS is 'Internal table for tracking potential target databases for templates.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TEMPLATE_TARGET_ID is 'Internal primary key of the template targets table.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TARGET_DATABASE is 'Global identifier of the target database.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.TARGET_COMMENT is 'Comment on the target database.' / comment on column DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS.CONNECT_STRING is 'The connection descriptor used to connect to the target database.' / create or replace public synonym dba_template_targets for dba_template_targets / grant select on dba_template_targets to select_catalog_role / create table system.repcat$_exceptions (exception_id NUMBER, constraint repcat$_exceptions_pk primary key (exception_id), user_name varchar2(30), request clob, job number, error_date date, error_number number, error_message varchar2(4000), line_number number) / create sequence system.repcat$_exceptions_s / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS is 'Repcat processing exceptions table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.EXCEPTION_ID is 'Internal primary key of the exceptions table.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.USER_NAME is 'User name of user submitting the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.REQUEST is 'Originating request containing the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.JOB is 'Originating job containing the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_DATE is 'Date of occurance for the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_NUMBER is 'Error number generating the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with the error generating the exception.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXCEPTIONS.LINE_NUMBER is 'Line number of the exception.' / create or replace view dba_repcat_exceptions (exception_id, user_name, request, job, error_date, error_number, error_message, line_number) as select re.exception_id, re.user_name, re.request, re.job, re.error_date,re.error_number,re.error_message,re.line_number from system.repcat$_exceptions re / comment on table DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS is 'Repcat processing exceptions table.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.EXCEPTION_ID is 'Internal primary key of the exceptions table.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.USER_NAME is 'User name of user submitting the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.REQUEST is 'Originating request containing the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.JOB is 'Originating job containing the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_DATE is 'Date of occurance for the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_NUMBER is 'Error number generating the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.ERROR_MESSAGE is 'Error message associated with the error generating the exception.' / comment on column DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS.LINE_NUMBER is 'Line number of the exception.' / create or replace public synonym dba_repcat_exceptions for dba_repcat_exceptions / grant select on dba_repcat_exceptions to select_catalog_role / create table system.repcat$_instantiation_ddl (refresh_template_id number, constraint repcat$_instantiation_ddl_fk1 foreign key (refresh_template_id) references system.repcat$_refresh_templates on delete cascade, ddl_text clob, ddl_num number, phase number, constraint repcat$_instantiation_ddl_pk primary key (refresh_template_id,phase,ddl_num)) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_INSTANTIATION_DDL is 'Table containing supplementary DDL to be executed during instantiation.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_INSTANTIATION_DDL.REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Primary key of template containing supplementary DDL.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_INSTANTIATION_DDL.DDL_TEXT is 'Supplementary DDL string.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_INSTANTIATION_DDL.PHASE is 'Phase to execute the DDL string.' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_INSTANTIATION_DDL.DDL_NUM is 'Column for ordering of supplementary DDL.' / create or replace view "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL" (refresh_template_id,ddl_text,ddl_num,phase) as select refresh_template_id, ddl_text, ddl_num, phase from system.repcat$_instantiation_ddl / comment on table "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL" is 'Table containing supplementary DDL to be executed during instantiation.' / comment on column "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL".REFRESH_TEMPLATE_ID is 'Primary key of template containing supplementary DDL.' / comment on column "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL".DDL_TEXT is 'Supplementary DDL string.' / comment on column "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL".PHASE is 'Phase to execute the DDL string.' / comment on column "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL".DDL_NUM is 'Column for ordering of supplementary DDL.' / create or replace public synonym "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL" for "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL" / grant select on "_ALL_INSTANTIATION_DDL" to PUBLIC with grant option / -- support add_master_database without quiescing create table system.repcat$_extension( extension_id RAW(16) PRIMARY KEY, extension_code NUMBER, CONSTRAINT repcat$_extension_code CHECK (extension_code IN (0)), masterdef VARCHAR2(128), export_required VARCHAR2(1), -- Y for YES, N for NO CONSTRAINT repcat$_extension_exportreq CHECK (export_required IN ('Y', 'N')), repcatlog_id NUMBER, extension_status NUMBER, CONSTRAINT repcat$_extension_status CHECK (extension_status IN (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)), flashback_scn NUMBER, push_to_mdef VARCHAR2(1), -- Y for YES, N for NO CONSTRAINT repcat$_extension_push_to_mdef CHECK (push_to_mdef IN ('Y', 'N')), push_to_new VARCHAR2(1), -- Y for YES, N for NO CONSTRAINT repcat$_extension_push_to_new CHECK (push_to_new IN ('Y', 'N')), percentage_for_catchup_mdef NUMBER, cycle_seconds_mdef NUMBER, percentage_for_catchup_new NUMBER, cycle_seconds_new NUMBER) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION is 'Information about replication extension requests' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.EXTENSION_CODE is 'Kind of replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.MASTERDEF is 'Master definition site for replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.EXPORT_REQUIRED is 'YES if this extension requires an export, and NO if no export is required' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.REPCATLOG_ID is 'Identifier of repcatlog records related to replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.EXTENSION_STATUS is 'Status of replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.FLASHBACK_SCN is 'Flashback_scn for export or change-based recovery for replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.PUSH_TO_MDEF is 'YES if existing masters partially push to masterdef, NO if no pushing' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.PUSH_TO_NEW is 'YES if existing masters partially push to new masters, NO if no pushing' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_MDEF is 'Fraction of push to masterdef cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.CYCLE_SECONDS_MDEF is 'Length of push to masterdef cycle when catching up' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_NEW is 'Fraction of push to new masters cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_EXTENSION.CYCLE_SECONDS_NEW is 'Length of push to new masters cycle when catching up' / create table system.repcat$_sites_new( extension_id RAW(16), CONSTRAINT repcat$_sites_new_fk1 FOREIGN KEY(extension_id) REFERENCES system.repcat$_extension(extension_id) ON DELETE CASCADE, gowner VARCHAR2(30), gname VARCHAR2(30), CONSTRAINT repcat$_sites_new_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (gname, gowner) REFERENCES system.repcat$_repcat(sname, gowner) ON DELETE CASCADE, dblink VARCHAR2(128), CONSTRAINT repcat$_sites_new_pk PRIMARY KEY(extension_id, gowner, gname, dblink), full_instantiation VARCHAR2(1), -- Y for YES, N for NO CONSTRAINT repcat$_sites_new_full_inst CHECK (full_instantiation IN ('Y', 'N')), master_status NUMBER) / -- index on foreign key to avoid deadlocks in -- concurrent do_deferred_repcat_admin create index system.repcat$_sites_new_fk2_idx on system.repcat$_sites_new(gname, gowner) / create index system.repcat$_sites_new_fk1_idx on system.repcat$_sites_new(extension_id) / comment on table SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW is 'Information about new masters for replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.DBLINK is 'A database site that will replicate the object group' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.FULL_INSTANTIATION is 'Y if the database uses full-database export or change-based recovery' / comment on column SYSTEM.REPCAT$_SITES_NEW.MASTER_STATUS is 'Instantiation status of the new master' / create or replace view DBA_REPEXTENSIONS (extension_id, request, masterdef, export_required, repcatlog_id, extension_status, flashback_scn, break_trans_to_masterdef, break_trans_to_new_masters, percentage_for_catchup_mdef, cycle_seconds_mdef, percentage_for_catchup_new, cycle_seconds_new) as select r.extension_id, DECODE(r.extension_code, 0, 'ADD_NEW_MASTERS') request, r.masterdef, DECODE(export_required, 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO') export_required, r.repcatlog_id, DECODE(r.extension_status, 0, 'READY', 1, 'STOPPING', 2, 'EXPORTING', 3, 'INSTANTIATING', 4, 'ERROR') extension_status, r.flashback_scn, DECODE(r.push_to_mdef, 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO') break_trans_to_masterdef, DECODE(r.push_to_new, 'Y', 'YES', 'N', 'NO') break_trans_to_new_masters, r.percentage_for_catchup_mdef, r.cycle_seconds_mdef, r.percentage_for_catchup_new, r.cycle_seconds_new from system.repcat$_extension r / comment on table DBA_REPEXTENSIONS is 'Information about replication extension requests' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.REQUEST is 'Kind of replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.MASTERDEF is 'Master definition site for replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.EXPORT_REQUIRED is 'YES if this extension requires an export, and NO if no export is required' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.REPCATLOG_ID is 'Identifier of repcatlog records related to replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.EXTENSION_STATUS is 'Status of replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.FLASHBACK_SCN is 'Flashback_scn for export or change-based recovery for replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF is 'YES if existing masters partially push to masterdef, NO if no pushing' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.BREAK_TRANS_TO_NEW_MASTERS is 'YES if existing masters partially push to new masters, NO if no pushing' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_MDEF is 'Fraction of push to masterdef cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.CYCLE_SECONDS_MDEF is 'Length of push to masterdef cycle when catching up' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_NEW is 'Fraction of push to new masters cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column DBA_REPEXTENSIONS.CYCLE_SECONDS_NEW is 'Length of push to new masters cycle when catching up' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPEXTENSIONS for DBA_REPEXTENSIONS / grant select on DBA_REPEXTENSIONS to select_catalog_role / -- Create a view suitable for remote access from repcat. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. create or replace view "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS" (extension_id, request, masterdef, export_required, repcatlog_id, extension_status, flashback_scn, break_trans_to_masterdef, break_trans_to_new_masters, percentage_for_catchup_mdef, cycle_seconds_mdef, percentage_for_catchup_new, cycle_seconds_new) as select r.extension_id, r.request, r.masterdef, r.export_required, r.repcatlog_id, r.extension_status, r.flashback_scn, r.break_trans_to_masterdef, r.break_trans_to_new_masters, r.percentage_for_catchup_mdef, r.cycle_seconds_mdef, r.percentage_for_catchup_new, r.cycle_seconds_new from dba_repextensions r / comment on table "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS" is 'Information about replication extension requests' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".REQUEST is 'Kind of replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".MASTERDEF is 'Master definition site for replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".EXPORT_REQUIRED is 'Y if this extension requires an export, and N if no export is required' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".REPCATLOG_ID is 'Identifier of repcatlog records related to replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".EXTENSION_STATUS is 'Status of replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".FLASHBACK_SCN is 'FLASHBACK_SCN for export or change-based recovery for replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".BREAK_TRANS_TO_MASTERDEF is 'Y if existing masters partially push to masterdef, N if no pushing' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".BREAK_TRANS_TO_NEW_MASTERS is 'Y if existing masters partially push to new masters, N if no pushing' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_MDEF is 'Fraction of push to masterdef cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".CYCLE_SECONDS_MDEF is 'Length of push to masterdef cycle when catching up' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".PERCENTAGE_FOR_CATCHUP_NEW is 'Fraction of push to new masters cycle devoted to catching up' / comment on column "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS".CYCLE_SECONDS_NEW is 'Length of push to new masters cycle when catching up' / create or replace public synonym "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS" for "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS" / grant select on "_ALL_REPEXTENSIONS" to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_REPSITES_NEW (extension_id, gowner, gname, dblink, full_instantiation, master_status) as select r.extension_id, r.gowner, r.gname, r.dblink, r.full_instantiation, DECODE(r.master_status, 0, 'READY', 1, 'INSTANTIATING', 2, 'INSTANTIATED', 3, 'PREPARED') master_status from system.repcat$_sites_new r / comment on table DBA_REPSITES_NEW is 'Information about new masters for replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.DBLINK is 'A database site that will replicate the object group' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.FULL_INSTANTIATION is 'Y if the database uses full-database export or change-based recovery' / comment on column DBA_REPSITES_NEW.MASTER_STATUS is 'Instantiation status of the new master' / create or replace public synonym DBA_REPSITES_NEW for DBA_REPSITES_NEW / grant select on DBA_REPSITES_NEW to select_catalog_role / -- Create a view suitable for remote access from repcat. -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. create or replace view "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW" (extension_id, gowner, gname, dblink, full_instantiation, master_status) as select r.extension_id, r.gowner, r.gname, r.dblink, r.full_instantiation, r.master_status from dba_repsites_new r / comment on table "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW" is 'Information about new masters for replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".EXTENSION_ID is 'Globally unique identifier for replication extension' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".GOWNER is 'Owner of the object group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".GNAME is 'Name of the replicated object group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".DBLINK is 'A database site that will replicate the object group' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".FULL_INSTANTIATION is 'Y if the database uses full-database export or change-based recovery' / comment on column "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW".MASTER_STATUS is 'Instantiation status of the new master' / create or replace public synonym "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW" for "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW" / grant select on "_ALL_REPSITES_NEW" to PUBLIC with grant option / rem ********************************************************************* rem repcat$_cdef view. rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW repcat$_cdef AS SELECT * FROM sys.cdef$ WHERE robj# != obj# / grant select on repcat$_cdef to select_catalog_role / Rem Deferred RPC views and reimplementation of views Rem ************************************************************ Rem AQ/propagation converge: Rem sname, oname, type uniquely determines a recipient key Rem create or replace view defcalldest as select C1.step_no callno, C.enq_tid deferred_tran_id, D.dblink from system.def$_aqcall C, system.def$_aqcall C1, system.def$_destination D where C.cscn IS NOT NULL and C1.enq_tid = c.enq_tid AND C.cscn >= D.last_delivered AND (C.cscn > D.last_delivered OR (C.cscn = D.last_delivered AND (C.enq_tid > D.last_enq_tid))) and (( C1.recipient_key = 0 AND EXISTS ( select NULL from system.def$_calldest CD where CD.enq_tid=C1.enq_tid AND CD.step_no=C1.step_no AND CD.dblink = D.dblink AND CD.catchup = D.catchup)) OR ( C1.recipient_key > 0 AND EXISTS ( SELECT NULL from system.repcat$_repprop P WHERE D.dblink = P.dblink AND D.catchup = P.extension_id AND = 1 AND P.recipient_key = C1.recipient_key AND ((P.delivery_order is NULL) OR (P.delivery_order < C.cscn))))) / grant select on defcalldest to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFCALLDEST is 'Information about call destinations for deferred transactions' / comment on column DEFCALLDEST.CALLNO is 'Unique ID of call within transaction' / comment on column DEFCALLDEST.DEFERRED_TRAN_ID is 'Transaction ID' / comment on column DEFCALLDEST.DBLINK is 'The destination database' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM defcalldest for defcalldest / -- Note: any change to this query requires the corresponding changes -- in all the expanded "deftrandest" view (e.g., the query in -- purge_aq_precise). The expansion is for performance -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. create or replace view "_DEFTRANDEST" as select C.enq_tid deferred_tran_id, C.cscn delivery_order, D.dblink, D.catchup from system.def$_aqcall C, system.def$_destination D where C.cscn IS NOT NULL AND C.cscn >= D.last_delivered AND (C.cscn > D.last_delivered OR (C.cscn = D.last_delivered AND (C.enq_tid > D.last_enq_tid))) and (( C.recipient_key = 0 AND EXISTS ( select /*+ index(CD def$_calldest_primary) */ NULL from system.def$_calldest CD where CD.enq_tid=C.enq_tid AND CD.dblink = D.dblink AND CD.catchup = D.catchup )) OR ( C.recipient_key > 0 AND ( (EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM system.repcat$_repprop p WHERE D.dblink = P.dblink AND D.catchup = P.extension_id AND = 1 AND P.recipient_key = C.recipient_key AND ((P.delivery_order is NULL) OR (P.delivery_order < C.cscn)))) OR (EXISTS ( SELECT NULL from system.def$_aqcall C2, system.repcat$_repprop P WHERE C2.enq_tid=C.enq_tid AND C2.cscn IS NULL AND D.dblink = P.dblink AND D.catchup = P.extension_id AND = 1 AND P.recipient_key = C2.recipient_key AND ((P.delivery_order is NULL) OR (P.delivery_order < C.cscn))))))) / create or replace view deftrandest as select deferred_tran_id, delivery_order, dblink from "_DEFTRANDEST" / grant select on deftrandest to select_catalog_role / -- ensure deftrandest synonym is valid alter public synonym deftrandest compile /