Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catqueue.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/04/14 01:45:16 rtati Exp $ Rem Rem catqueue.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1996, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catqueue.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file contains the queue dictionary information which is created Rem in the SYSTEM schema. There are three main tables: Rem aq$_queue_tables - stores information about all the queue Rem tables Rem aq$_queues - stores information about all the queues Rem aq$_schedules - stores information about all the Rem schedules Rem In the SYS schema Rem aq$_queue_statistics - stores inforamtion about statistics Rem this inforamtion is only for OPS Rem aq$_message_types - Type Identifiers (TOIDs) of queues Rem that are targets of propagation. Rem aq$_propagation_status - Status of propagation to a destination Rem from a given source queue Rem aq$_pending_messages - Messages that have been sent in the Rem - latest unit of work. Rem Sequence in the SYS schema Rem aq$_propagation_sequence - sequence number generator to stamp Rem each transaction of propagator Rem aq$_rule_set_sequence - sequence number for publisher/sub Rem rule sets Rem aq$_rule_sequence - sequence number for rule names Rem Rem The Standard AQ types are created to be used in the enqueue call Rem as well as the admin subscribe and unsubscribe calls. The types are: Rem aq$_agent - Uniquely identifies a producer or consumer of Rem a message. These can be users,queues, programs etc. Rem Currently we only support agents that are queues or Rem programs. This type is used in Rem dbms_aqadm.subscribe and dbms_aqadm.unsubscribe. Rem aq$_dequeue_history - History of dequeuers for the particular Rem message. Rem aq$_history - A varying array of aq$_dequeue_history Rem Rem In the SYS schema there is also a new queue table aq$_prop_table Rem for use internally in propagation scheduling. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run when connected to SYS or INTERNAL. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rtati 04/12/11 - Backport rtati_bug-10065474 from main Rem tbhosle 02/25/10 - 8670389: add sess key to reg$ & reg$_idx Rem shbose 09/18/09 - Bug 8764375: Add destq to$_schedules Rem xingjin 03/25/09 - bug 8368685: add check to ensure package owner is SYS Rem swshekha 03/20/09 - changed definition of gv$aq and v$aq Rem shbose 02/24/09 - bug 7530052: create new view for dequeue by Rem condition Rem absaxena 08/16/08 - add DBMS_AQ_EXP_DEQUEUELOG_TABLES Rem nbhatt 08/14/08 - add aq$_queue_tables flags comment for dequeuelog Rem shbose 04/10/08 - Add index to aq$_queue_table_affinities Rem sjanardh 03/20/08 - add client_session_guid column to aq$_subscriber_table Rem asohi 03/10/08 - Add enable-disable status flag to reg$ Rem jhan 02/19/08 - Add regz$ for session keys Rem gagarg 10/02/07 - add attribute RULE_NAME in aq$_SUBSCRIBER type Rem asamanta 06/18/07 - LRG 3018059 deleting the row before insert Rem swshekha 05/16/07 - Bugfix: 5303237 add a row in aq$_subscriber_table Rem absaxena 06/05/07 - remove aq$_regid_sequence Rem absaxena 03/13/07 - add reg_id to aq$_srvntfn_message Rem absaxena 02/16/07 - add grouping_inst_id to reg$ Rem swshekha 01/22/07 - Removed comment 'NOT_USED' from total_time of Rem aq$_schedules Rem sjanardh 08/28/06 - add AQ$_SUBSCRIBER_TABLE Rem jawilson 05/05/06 - add AQ$_PROPAGATION_PROGRAM Rem absaxena 07/18/06 - change reg_id in reg$ from varchar2 to number Rem rburns 05/19/06 - restructure for parallel upgrade Rem absaxena 05/24/06 - add DBA|USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS views Rem absaxena 05/23/06 - add aq$_ntfn_msgid_array Rem absaxena 05/22/06 - enhance aq$_descriptor for grouping ntfns Rem absaxena 04/18/06 - add ntfn grouping attributes to aq$_reg_info Rem absaxena 04/06/06 - add sequence aq$_regid_sequence Rem absaxena 04/05/06 - add columns reg_id, reg_time, Rem ntfn_grouping_class|value|type|start_time| Rem repeat_count, and status_change_time to reg$ Rem rvenkate 05/03/05 - expose network_name Rem ksurlake 04/21/05 - 4322733: add constructor Rem jciminsk 03/14/05 - 4163031: aq$_reg_info constructor -- check nulls Rem weiwang 02/14/05 - move the grant on dba_queue_subscribers later Rem weiwang 01/24/05 - add all_queue_subscribers Rem ksurlake 01/04/05 - 4094605: Support larger payload for ntfn Rem kmeiyyap 10/13/04 - grant execute privileges to dbms_aq_inv Rem weiwang 10/14/04 - add view ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES Rem aramacha 09/09/04 - Fix 3797337. Rem rbhyrava 08/12/04 - Rem kmeiyyap 08/04/04 - add 10.0.0 to dba_queue_tables view Rem htran 06/07/04 - queue table views: commit time sort order Rem nbhatt 06/27/04 - refresh Rem nbhatt 06/11/04 - add delivery mode to message_properties_t Rem nbhatt 06/08/04 - fix user_queue_schedules Rem nbhatt 05/25/04 - flow control disable Rem sbalaram 04/29/04 - modify DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to show schedule for Rem BUFFERED msgs Rem ksurlake 06/01/04 - evolve reg$ and related types Rem rvenkate 05/24/04 - add defer ddl bit Rem jciminsk 02/06/04 - merge from RDBMS_MAIN_SOLARIS_040203 Rem jciminsk 12/12/03 - merge from RDBMS_MAIN_SOLARIS_031209 Rem ksurlake 08/26/03 - modify primary key for aq$_propagation_status Rem jciminsk 08/19/03 - branch merge Rem rvenkate 08/13/03 - increase network_name size Rem rvenkate 07/16/03 - add services Rem elu 12/09/03 - add comment for rebuild indexes Rem wesmith 11/12/03 - add comment for new queue table flags bit Rem ksurlake 11/05/03 - Move reg$ and loc$ creation Rem ksurlake 11/03/03 - Add ANYDATA context to aq$_reg_info Rem ksurlake 10/14/03 - Add ANYDATA context to aq$_srvntfn_message Rem jawilson 07/28/03 - Add timezone column to aq$_queue_tables Rem rvenkate 08/13/03 - increase network_name size Rem rvenkate 07/16/03 - add services Rem ksurlake 07/19/03 - Add ack column to aq$_replay_info Rem ksurlake 07/17/03 - include destqueue_id in propagatio_status key Rem weiwang 06/17/03 - add aq$_internal_agents to noexp$ Rem htran 05/12/03 - new table flag to indicate use of 10.0 names Rem weiwang 04/15/03 - add new queue table flags Rem jawilson 02/03/03 - remove dba/user_buffered_queues Rem weiwang 01/31/03 - remove grants for imp/exp packages Rem ksurlake 01/17/03 - Add spilled tables and iots Rem htran 12/20/02 - don't drop internet_agent tables Rem jawilson 10/23/02 - Changes to buffered queue views Rem jawilson 10/02/02 - Add buffered queue views Rem nbhatt 08/09/02 - queue export level to 1004 Rem qialiu 06/06/02 - add calling prvtaqal.plb. Rem gviswana 01/29/02 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem weiwang 01/23/02 - change dbms_aqjms to dbms_aqjms_internal Rem nbhatt 11/15/01 - remove index rule_sub_map Rem najain 11/01/01 - add aq$_replay_info Rem weiwang 11/06/01 - use spare1 in aq$_schedules to store HTTP Rem propagation batch size Rem skmishra 10/19/01 - merge LOG into MAIN Rem bnainani 10/10/01 - add secure col to dba/user/all_queue_tables views Rem bnainani 10/04/01 - add dba_aq_agents, dba/user_aq_agent_privs views Rem bnainani 10/04/01 - add secure flag to create_queue_table Rem weiwang 09/17/01 - grant execute on rules engine import/export Rem packages to aq_administrator_role Rem nbhatt 09/26/01 - comments in aq$_publisher Rem ksurlake 09/06/01 - comments in aq$_queue_tables Rem nbhatt 08/01/01 - ruleset & rule name sequence Rem nbhatt 07/13/01 - publisher table Rem najain 07/11/01 - queue enhancements for replication Rem weiwang 05/15/01 - don't create global_aq_user_role if std edition Rem rburns 10/28/01 - wrap create queue to remove errors Rem druthven 07/20/01 - Rem kmeiyyap 07/03/01 - fix aq$_pending_messages index creation. Rem weiwang 05/15/01 - don't create global_aq_user_role if std edition Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem rkambo 01/17/01 - bugfix 1588636 Rem nbhatt 11/28/00 - add transformation to the constraint of aq_message_types Rem najain 11/20/00 - scale server notification Rem kmeiyyap 11/02/00 - 1099084: add index to aq$_pending_messages. Rem rkambo 11/06/00 - watermark and xml presentation Rem najain 10/12/00 - grant execute on msg_prop_t to public Rem bnainani 11/15/00 - specify compatible=8.0 for queue table Rem weiwang 09/19/00 - create global_aq_user_role Rem weiwang 09/28/00 - reserve toid for aq$_sig_prop Rem nbhatt 11/07/00 - grant execute on sys.aq_midarray to public Rem rkambo 07/21/00 - notification presentation support Rem skmishra 08/15/00 - move internet_users privs after create role Rem bnainani 08/10/00 - change aqinternet_users synonym Rem bnainani 08/01/00 - move aq$_internet_users view to sys Rem bnainani 07/31/00 - fix merge error Rem nbhatt 07/31/00 - add aq_midarray Rem aahluwal 07/26/00 - Adjusting SYSTEM.AQ$Internet_Users col size Rem aahluwal 07/24/00 - Changing definition of aq_internet_agents view Rem nbhatt 08/23/00 - add transformation to sys.message_types Rem najain 04/26/00 - support AQ signature Rem aahluwal 07/20/00 - add authorization tables/views Rem rkambo 06/06/00 - pubsub enhancement Rem weiwang 03/23/00 - add DBMS_AQ_LDAP_LIB Rem rbhyrava 04/13/00 - add prvtaqem.plb Rem nbhatt 04/06/00 - add the transformations table Rem najain 03/22/00 - update aq$reg_info Rem najain 03/16/00 - support for email notification Rem najain 02/10/00 - support for plsql post Rem rkambo 01/31/00 - plsql notification for non-persistent queues Rem najain 12/27/99 - support for plsql notification Rem kmeiyyap 08/13/99 - bug 954417 - add sequence for trans. grouping tid Rem bnainani 07/30/99 - Bug 915265 - change file names to 8 chars Rem bnainani 07/29/99 - grant execute on aq packages to execute_catalog_r Rem bnainani 07/01/99 - grant execute on dbms_aqjms to aquser/aqadmin Rem bnainani 06/03/99 - add prvtaqjms.plb Rem nbhatt 03/12/99 - hide total consumers from v$aq Rem nbhatt 03/15/99 - bug:810412 move affinity table before aq_schedules Rem kmeiyyap 01/07/99 - make catqueue.sql sqlplus compatible Rem ato 12/12/98 - add dbms_aqadm to imp_full_database Rem ryaseen 11/20/98 - splitting dbms_aqadm Rem ato 11/02/98 - filter duplication types in queue_tables views Rem mkamath 10/22/98 - Adding ENQUEUE/DEQUEUE ANY privilege to SYS Rem ato 10/21/98 - set order in exppkgact$ Rem ato 10/12/98 - exp/imp procedural objects support Rem ato 09/30/98 - add prvtaqin.sql Rem ato 09/15/98 - create all_queue_tables view Rem mkamath 08/31/98 - making type$_notify_msg public Rem schandra 08/06/98 - move prvtaqdi ahead of other packages Rem ncramesh 08/07/98 - change fro sqlplus Rem schandra 07/31/98 - defer delete from pending_messages Rem ato 07/16/98 - remove events 10931 Rem ato 07/13/98 - bug672378-use intcol# in queue table views Rem schandra 06/25/98 - add spare fields in propagation tables Rem ato 06/25/98 - grant options for execute rights Rem nbhatt 06/18/98 - add NONPERSISTENT queue to ALL_QUEUES Rem ryaseen 06/29/98 - update queue table flags comment Rem schandra 06/05/98 - queue table upgrade/downgrade Rem ato 06/04/98 - grant execute rights to roles Rem mkamath 06/02/98 - Adding session serial# to schedules table Rem ato 06/01/98 - grant select on propagation_status to aq_administ Rem mkamath 06/03/98 - add comment related to SCHEDULES table Rem ato 05/16/98 - remove catq8003.sql Rem ato 05/15/98 - grant select on v_$aq and gv_$aq to aq_admin_role Rem ato 05/14/98 - add ALL_QUEUES and QUEUE_PRIVILEGES views Rem ato 05/12/98 - grant all system types to PUBLIC Rem ato 05/08/98 - grant dba view to AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE Rem ato 05/08/98 - move role creations in catqueue.sql Rem ato 05/05/98 - reverse the index key order in aq$_queues_check Rem mkamath 05/31/98 - modifying user_queue_schedules Rem mkamath 05/28/98 - Changing view user_queue_schedules Rem schandra 05/05/98 - add COMPATIBLE column to DBA_QUEUE_TABLES and USE Rem mkamath 05/12/98 - Adding fields to the schedules table Rem arsaxena 04/30/98 - chnage views to decode non_persistent queue type Rem mkamath 04/23/98 - Moving notify_msg definition ahead of package loa Rem mkamath 04/26/98 - Enhancing propagation notify queue payload Rem ryaseen 04/13/98 - load package dbms_prvtaqis Rem mkamath 04/16/98 - Adding USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES view Rem ato 04/22/98 - add prvtaqdi.plb (Admin Internal) Rem ato 04/09/98 - add AQ admin library Rem schandra 03/25/98 - create recovery tables for propagation Rem ryaseen 04/10/98 - Move subscriber, rule tables to user schema Rem ryaseen 04/07/98 - Add$_rules Rem nireland 03/17/98 - Add synonym for DBA_QUEUES. #605559 Rem ryaseen 02/20/98 - Add$_queue_subscribers Rem schandra 01/27/98 - add comment for new queue tables Rem nbhatt 03/17/98 - add new table for queue affinities Rem nbhatt 02/23/98 - add dictionary table for instance affinity Rem mkamath 02/28/98 - changing aq$_schedules adding aq$_prop_table Rem ato 11/13/97 - patch bug fix 572136 Rem ato 11/13/97 - remove double quote Rem arsaxena 10/16/97 - increase number of recipients to 1024 Rem nbhatt 09/15/97 - add gv$aq and v$aq views Rem arsaxena 09/12/97 - address 90->1024 Rem nbhatt 08/14/97 - remove owner_inst and incarn_num Rem nbhatt 08/12/97 - add incarn_num to aq$_queues Rem nbhatt 08/06/97 - add column for statistics in system.aq_queues Rem schandra 08/15/97 - 524213: sqlplus is sensitive to blank lines Rem arsaxena 07/22/97 - add scheduling table/view for propagation Rem schandra 05/13/97 - address - 30->90 Rem ato 05/07/97 - bug#489741:don't replace aq$ types Rem ato 05/05/97 - remove internal package Rem schandra 05/01/97 - Bug# 486530: fix retention time handling Rem schandra 04/30/97 - add types for displaying dequeue history Rem nbhatt 04/24/97 - add loading of catq8003.sql Rem schandra 04/24/97 - add field to denote how app was specified in dequ Rem nbhatt 04/23/97 - chnage EXCPT to EXCEPTION_QUEUE Rem nbhatt 04/22/97 - destination->address in AQ agent Rem nbhatt 04/21/97 - compile the dbms_aqin package Rem nbhatt 04/21/97 - change views Rem esoyleme 04/22/97 - bit for iot imp/exp in queue_tables Rem schandra 04/12/97 - create AQ types with fixed OIDs Rem jbellemo 04/12/97 - add with grant option Rem ato 03/29/97 - raw payload support Rem schandra 03/25/97 - support grouping by transaction Rem schandra 03/18/97 - increase size of varray to 100000 Rem schandra 03/11/97 - string for queue & appname in history Rem schandra 02/18/97 - create AQ types Rem nbhatt 03/31/97 - update RETENTION field Rem ato 03/18/97 - fix view bug Rem asurpur 01/03/97 - Grant DBA views to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE Rem ato 11/08/96 - ADT => object_type Rem ato 11/06/96 - insert aq$ tables into noexp$ Rem ato 11/06/96 - do not drop aq$ tables Rem ato 10/22/96 - modify event level of 10931 Rem ato 10/25/96 - fix view bug Rem ato 10/22/96 - change name of midseq to chainseq Rem ato 10/21/96 - add fields to DBA_QUEUES Rem ato 10/15/96 - fix user views Rem pshah 10/15/96 - Changing the load pathname of the dbms_aq Rem package specification and body Rem ato 10/09/96 - load AQ admin package Rem pshah 10/08/96 - Incorporating changes due to AQ packages Rem becoming non-fixed Rem pshah 09/27/96 - Remove AQLIB creation Rem pshah 09/25/96 - Creating AQLIB Rem pshah 09/25/96 - Creating a public synonym for the x$dbmsaq Rem package Rem pshah 09/23/96 - Modifying queue dictionary column names Rem pshah 08/26/96 - Adding the 'ret_time' column to$_queues Rem ato 08/26/96 - fix view user_queue_tables Rem ato 08/22/96 - remove toid from aq$_queues Rem ato 08/15/96 - modify for typed queues Rem ato 08/07/96 - change queue_type usage Rem pshah 08/02/96 - Removing data_obj_no from queue table dictionary Rem pshah 08/01/96 - Adding data_obj_no column to the queue tables dic Rem ato 07/31/96 - ALL_QUEUES -> DBA_QUEUES Rem ato 07/29/96 - queue_tid -> qtoid Rem ato 07/28/96 - fixed typos Rem pshah 07/23/96 - q_userdata_type => q_udata_type Rem ato 07/22/96 - Fixed-type vs variant-type queue Rem pshah 06/06/96 - Adding a column to queues data dictionary Rem pshah 05/30/96 - Queue Data Dictionary Rem pshah 05/30/96 - Created Rem -- Granting priveleges to SYS grant select any table to sys with admin option / grant insert any table to sys / grant update any table to sys / grant delete any table to sys / grant select any sequence to sys / grant execute any type to sys / create sequence invalidation_reg_id$ /* registration sequence number */ start with 1 increment by 1 minvalue 1 nomaxvalue cache 300 order nocycle / create table sys.reg$ ( reg_id number, subscription_name varchar2(128) not null, location_name varchar2(256) not null, user# number not null, user_context raw(128), context_size number, namespace number, presentation number, version number, status number, -- status_change_time timestamp with time zone, any_context sys.anydata, context_type number DEFAULT 0, qosflags number DEFAULT 0, payload_callback varchar2(4000), timeout timestamp, reg_time timestamp with time zone, ntfn_grouping_class number, ntfn_grouping_value number, ntfn_grouping_type number, ntfn_grouping_start_time timestamp with time zone, ntfn_grouping_repeat_count number, grouping_inst_id number, state number, session_key varchar2(1024)) / create index reg$_idx on reg$ (subscription_name, namespace, location_name, reg_id); Rem During upgrade we cannot add SYS.ANYDATA columns in c0902000.sql Rem because it might not have been created then. a0902000.sql would Rem be too late since the scheduler registers for notification in Rem between (prvtdsch.sql). Hence we modify reg$ here. BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE sys.reg$ MODIFY (user_context raw(128) NULL, context_size number NULL) ADD (any_context SYS.ANYDATA, context_type NUMBER DEFAULT 0)'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; / DECLARE COLUMN_EXISTS exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(COLUMN_EXISTS, -1430); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE sys.reg$ ADD (qosflags number DEFAULT 0, payload_callback varchar2(4000), timeout timestamp)'; EXCEPTION WHEN COLUMN_EXISTS THEN NULL; END; / DECLARE COLUMN_EXISTS exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(COLUMN_EXISTS, -1430); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE sys.reg$ ADD (reg_id number, reg_time timestamp with time zone, ntfn_grouping_class number, ntfn_grouping_value number, ntfn_grouping_type number, ntfn_grouping_start_time timestamp with time zone, ntfn_grouping_repeat_count number, grouping_inst_id number)'; EXCEPTION WHEN COLUMN_EXISTS THEN NULL; END; / create index sys.reg$_t on sys.reg$ (timeout) / create table sys.loc$ ( location_name varchar2(256) not null, emon# number, connection# number) / create or replace view DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS as select reg_id, subscription_name, location_name, user#, user_context, context_size, decode(namespace, 0, 'ANONYMOUS', 1, 'AQ', 2, 'DBCHANGE') NAMESPACE, decode(presentation, 0, 'DEFAULT', 1, 'XML') PRESENTATION, decode(version, 1, '8.1.6', 2, '10.2', 3, '11.1', 4, '11.2', 5, '') VERSION, decode(status, 0, 'DB REG', 1, 'LDAP REG') STATUS, any_context, context_type, decode(qosflags, 1,'RELIABLE', 2, 'PAYLOAD', 16, 'PURGE_ON_NTFN') QOSFLAGS, payload_callback, timeout, reg_time, decode(ntfn_grouping_class, 1, 'TIME')NTFN_GROUPING_CLASS, ntfn_grouping_value, decode(ntfn_grouping_type, 1, 'SUMMARY', 2, 'LAST') NTFN_GROUPING_TYPE, ntfn_grouping_start_time, decode(ntfn_grouping_repeat_count, -1, 'FOREVER', ntfn_grouping_repeat_count) NTFN_GROUPING_REPEAT_COUNT from reg$ / comment on table DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS is 'All subscription registrations created in the database' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NAMESPACE is 'Subscription namespace' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.PRESENTATION is 'Presentation of notification' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.VERSION is 'Version' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.STATUS is 'Status of registration' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.QOSFLAGS is 'Quality of service of registration' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_CLASS is 'Grouping class' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_VALUE is 'Grouping value' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_TYPE is 'Grouping type' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_START_TIME is 'Grouping start time' / comment on column DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_REPEAT_COUNT is 'Grouping repeat count' / create or replace public synonym DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS for SYS.DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS / grant select on DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / create or replace view USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS as select r.reg_id, r.subscription_name, r.location_name, r.user#, r.user_context, r.context_size, decode(r.namespace, 0, 'ANONYMOUS', 1, 'AQ', 2, 'DBCHANGE') NAMESPACE, decode(r.presentation, 0, 'DEFAULT', 1, 'XML') PRESENTATION, decode(r.version, 1, '8.1.6', 2, '10.2', 3, '11.1', 4, '11.2', 5, '') VERSION, decode(r.status, 0, 'DB REG', 1, 'LDAP REG') STATUS, r.any_context, r.context_type, decode(r.qosflags, 1, 'RELIABLE', 2, 'PAYLOAD', 16, 'PURGE_ON_NTFN') QOSFLAGS, r.payload_callback, r.timeout, r.reg_time, decode(r.ntfn_grouping_class, 1, 'TIME') NTFN_GROUPING_CLASS, r.ntfn_grouping_value, decode(r.ntfn_grouping_type, 1, 'SUMMARY', 2, 'LAST') NTFN_GROUPING_TYPE, r.ntfn_grouping_start_time, decode(r.ntfn_grouping_repeat_count, -1, 'FOREVER', r.ntfn_grouping_repeat_count) NTFN_GROUPING_REPEAT_COUNT from reg$ r, sys.user$ cu where r.user# = cu.user# and cu.user# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS is 'All subscription registrations created by the user' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NAMESPACE is 'Subscription namespace' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.PRESENTATION is 'Presentation of notification' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.VERSION is 'Version' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.STATUS is 'Status of registration' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.QOSFLAGS is 'Quality of service of registration' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_CLASS is 'Grouping class' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_VALUE is 'Grouping value' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_TYPE is 'Grouping type' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_START_TIME is 'Grouping start time' / comment on column USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.NTFN_GROUPING_REPEAT_COUNT is 'Grouping repeat count' / create or replace public synonym USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS for SYS.USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS / grant select on USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create AQ types -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- These types are used in oltp/qs/kwqi*.[ch]. If the type is changed make -- sure the references to the type in the code is also changed. -- The internal structure that represents aq$_agent is kwqia defined in kwqi.h -- Similarly kwqidh represents the aq$_dequeue_history type. -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE CREATE TYPE$_agent TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020000' AS OBJECT ( name varchar2(30), -- M_IDEN, name of a message producer or consumer address varchar2(1024), -- address where message must be sent protocol number) -- protocol for communication, must be 0 / CREATE TYPE$_dequeue_history TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020001' AS OBJECT ( consumer varchar2(30), -- identifies dequeuer transaction_id varchar2(22), -- M_LTID, transaction id of dequeuer deq_time date, -- time of dequeue deq_user number, -- user id of client performing dequeue remote_apps varchar2(4000), -- string repn. of remote agents agent_naming number, -- how was the message sent to agent propagated_msgid raw(16)) -- message id in remote queue / -- TODO. Ideally the collection types below should be unbounded. We can use -- nested tables for this purpose but nested tables are stored out-of-line and -- may hence cause a performance hit. If the limit for the collections below -- is an issue and nested tables is not an acceptable solution we may have -- to use a LONG datatype for storing this information and parse it ourselves. -- It is possible, however, that unbounded varrays may be supported in 8.1 CREATE TYPE$_subscribers TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020002' AS VARRAY(1024) OF$_agent / CREATE TYPE$_recipients TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020003' AS VARRAY(1024) OF$_agent / CREATE TYPE$_history TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020004' AS VARRAY(1024) OF$_dequeue_history / CREATE TYPE$_dequeue_history_t TIMESTAMP '1997-04-12:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020005' AS TABLE of$_dequeue_history / -- create type for propagation notify queue CREATE TYPE$_notify_msg AS OBJECT ( opcode INTEGER, qid RAW(16), dest VARCHAR2(128)) / -- Signature properties contain the signature for non-repudiation -- It has just the signature for now CREATE TYPE$_sig_prop TIMESTAMP '2000-09-28:12:59:00' OID '00000000000000000000000000020006' AS OBJECT (signature RAW(2000), canalgo varchar2(2000), digalgo varchar2(2000), sigalgo varchar2(2000), certificate varchar2(2000), digval RAW(2000)) / -- Array of message ids create TYPE aq$_midarray as varray(1024) of VARCHAR2(32); / -- TODO: For some reason, must grant execute on these types to system as well grant execute on$_agent to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_dequeue_history to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_subscribers to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_recipients to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_history to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_notify_msg to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_sig_prop to PUBLIC with grant option / grant execute on$_midarray to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create the table with information about all the queue tables in the system CREATE TABLE$_queue_tables( schema VARCHAR2(30) -- name of the schema the queue NOT NULL, -- table belongs to name VARCHAR2(30) -- name of the queue table NOT NULL, udata_type NUMBER -- userdata type: 1 for OBJECT NOT NULL, -- 2 for VARIANT objno NUMBER NOT NULL, -- object number flags NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue table properties -- 1 for multiple dequeues -- 2 for transactional grouping -- 4 for table exported but -- dequeue iot not patched. -- 8 for 8.1 multi-consumer qtable -- 16 for table exported but -- history iot not patched. -- 32 for table exported but -- timemanager iot not imported -- 64 for table exported but -- subscribers not imported -- 128 for upgrade in progress -- 256 for downgrade in progress -- 512 for non-repupiate_sender q -- 1024 for non repudiating both -- the sender and the reciever -- 2048 table exported but signature -- iot not patched -- 4096 secure queue table -- user/agent mapping enforced -- 8192 10i style queue table -- 16384 use 10.0 name format -- 32768 do post-TTS steps -- 65536 post-TTS rebuild indexes -- 131072 buffered tables, defer ddl -- 2097152 table exported but commit -- time iot not patched. -- 8388608 dequeue log not patched sort_cols NUMBER NOT NULL, -- sort order for dequeue -- 1 sort by priority -- 2 sort by enq_time -- 3 sort by priority, enq_time -- 4 sort by commit_time -- 5 sort by priority, commit_time -- 7 sort by enq_time, prioirty timezone VARCHAR2(64), -- queue table timezone table_comment VARCHAR2(2000), -- user comment CONSTRAINT aq$_queue_tables_primary PRIMARY KEY (objno)) / create index system.i1_queue_tables on$_queue_tables (objno, schema, flags); -- Contains information on all the queues in the system CREATE TABLE$_queues( oid RAW(16), -- queue identifier which is -- globally used to identify -- a queue eventid NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue id used as event id name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, -- name of a queue table_objno NUMBER NOT NULL, -- object no. of the queue -- table usage NUMBER NOT NULL, -- usage of the queue: -- 0 for normal queue -- 1 for exception queue -- 2 for non_persistent queues enable_flag NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue enabled? -- 0x01 enqueue enabled -- 0x02 dequeue enabled -- 0x04 flow control off max_retries NUMBER, -- maximum number of retries retry_delay NUMBER, -- delay before retrying (secs) properties NUMBER, -- various properties of -- queues -- 0x0001 tracking on -- 0x0002 multiple dequeues -- 0x0004 deq by bundling txn -- 0x0008 new style 8.1q -- 0x0010 qtable is unusable -- 0x0020 non-repudiate sender -- 0x0040 non-rep sender/rcver -- 0x0080 exception queue -- 0x0100 q metadata incomp. -- 0x0200 buffered queue ret_time NUMBER, -- retention time (in seconds) queue_comment VARCHAR2(2000), -- user comment subscribers$_subscribers, -- varray of aq$_agents memory_threshold NUMBER, -- memory threshold service_name VARCHAR2(64), -- short service name network_name VARCHAR2(256), -- network name appended to -- db_name.db_domain CONSTRAINT aq$_queues_check UNIQUE(name, table_objno), CONSTRAINT aq$_queues_primary PRIMARY KEY (oid)) / create index system.i1_queues on$_queues(name, eventid, table_objno); -- Contains information about acknowledged messages for buffered messages CREATE TABLE$_replay_info( eventid NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue id used as event id agent$_agent NOT NULL, -- sender agent correlationid varchar2(128), -- correlation id. ack NUMBER -- ack for propagation ) / -- contains information about queue table affinities (for OPS) -- CREATE TABLE$_queue_table_affinities( table_objno NUMBER NOT NULL, -- table object number primary_instance NUMBER NOT NULL, -- primary owner instance-id secondary_instance NUMBER NOT NULL, -- secondary owner instance-id owner_instance NUMBER NOT NULL, -- current owner instance-id CONSTRAINT aq$_qtable_affinities_pk PRIMARY KEY (table_objno)) / -- index for better faster queue table repartitioning CREATE INDEX sys.i1_queue_table_affinities on$_queue_table_affinities( owner_instance, table_objno); -- Create AQ$_SUBSCRIBER_TABLE -- contains rows of "removed subscribers" in the system; used in cleanup of -- "orphaned messages of these subscribers" and also these subscriber rows -- from schema subscriber table. CREATE TABLE$_subscriber_table( schema VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, -- name of the schema the queue -- table belongs to table_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, -- name of the queue table table_objno NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue table object number queue_id NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue id used as event id subscriber_id NUMBER NOT NULL, -- subsriber identifier queue_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, -- name of a queue name VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT NULL, -- subsriber name address VARCHAR2(1024) DEFAULT NULL, -- subscriber address protocol NUMBER, -- subscriber protocol subscriber_type NUMBER, -- status of subscriber rule_name VARCHAR2(30), -- subscriber rule name trans_name VARCHAR2(65), -- transformation name ruleset_name VARCHAR2(65), -- subscriber rule set name negative_ruleset_name VARCHAR2(65), -- negative rule set name creation_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- subscriber creation time modification_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- alter subscriber time deletion_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- subscriber removal time scn_at_remove NUMBER, -- SCN at subscriber removal scn_at_add NUMBER, -- SCN at add subscriber client_session_guid VARCHAR2(36), -- conn_guid passed from client instance_id NUMBER, -- instance that added subscriber CONSTRAINT aq$_subscriber_table_primary PRIMARY KEY (table_objno,subscriber_id) ) / CREATE INDEX$_subscriber_table_i ON$_subscriber_table(subscriber_type) / DELETE FROM$_subscriber_table WHERE subscriber_id = 0; / INSERT INTO$_subscriber_table (schema, table_name, table_objno, queue_id, subscriber_id, queue_name) VALUES('0','0', 0, 0, 0, '0') / --Create a Global context to maintain a JM session to DB session relation --for AQJMS non-durable subscribers CREATE OR REPLACE CONTEXT global_aqclntdb_ctx USING dbms_aqjms ACCESSED GLOBALLY / -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- Please do not add tables needed by the time manager after aq$_schedules. -- Reason: Time manager checks for the existence of aq$_schedules before -- starting. -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- Contains information on all the schedules in the system CREATE TABLE$_schedules( oid RAW(16), -- queue identifier which is -- globally used to identify -- a queue destination VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, -- dblink, for now start_time DATE, -- seconds since midnight -- to start propagating duration VARCHAR2(8), -- propagation window in -- seconds next_time VARCHAR2(128), -- function to compute next -- window wrt to end of -- current window latency VARCHAR2(8), -- maximum delay in seconds -- to propagate a message -- after it is enqueued last_time DATE, -- last time that messages were -- propagated successfully jobno NUMBER, -- job number in the job queue -- that will propagate the -- messages CONSTRAINT aq$_schedules_check UNIQUE(jobno), CONSTRAINT aq$_schedules_primary PRIMARY KEY (oid, destination)) / -- To avoid import export problems, from 8.1 onwares the schedules information -- is stored in the sys schema CREATE TABLE$_schedules( oid RAW(16), -- queue identifier which is -- globally used to identify -- a queue destination VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, -- dblink, for now start_time DATE, -- !!! NOT USED !!! -- dba_scheduler_job. -- start_Date duration VARCHAR2(8), -- propagation window in -- seconds next_time VARCHAR2(200), -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job. -- Repeat_Interval -- latency VARCHAR2(8), -- maximum delay in seconds -- to propagate a message -- after it is enqueued last_run DATE, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job. -- LAST_START_DATE -- jobno NUMBER, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- --NULL-- failures NUMBER, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job. -- failure_count disabled VARCHAR2(1), -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job.state -- error_time DATE, -- date and time of last -- unsuccessful execution -- last_error_msg VARCHAR2(4000), -- error message text -- cur_start_time DATE, -- !!! NOT USED !!! -- dba_scheduler_job_run_deta -- ilsa.ctual_start_date -- next_run DATE, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_Scheduler_job. -- next_run_date -- process_name VARCHAR2(8), -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job_run.detai -- ls.slave_pid join with -- v$process sid NUMBER, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- dba_scheduler_job_run.detai -- session_id -- serial NUMBER, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! -- -- null - total_time NUMBER, -- -- dba_Scheduler_job_run_ -- details.elapsed_time -- total_msgs NUMBER, -- total number of messages -- transferred in this -- schedule total_bytes NUMBER, -- total number of bytes in -- all messages transferred -- in this schedule total_windows NUMBER, -- total number of windows -- for this schedule win_msgs NUMBER, -- number of messages thus -- far in this window win_bytes NUMBER, -- number of bytes thus -- far in this window max_num_per_win NUMBER, -- max. number of messages -- propagated in a window max_size NUMBER, -- max. size of a propagated -- message (bytes) in this -- schedule instance NUMBER, -- !!!!NOT USED!!! spare1 NUMBER, -- HTTP propagation batch size spare2 VARCHAR2(1024), -- possible address - unused job_name VARCHAR2(30), -- name of the scheduler job destq NUMBER, -- boolean value specifying -- whether destination_queue -- is specified in -- schedule_propagation CONSTRAINT aq$_schedules_primary PRIMARY KEY (oid, destination)) / -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- Please do not add tables needed by the time manager after aq$_schedules. -- Reason: Time manager checks for the existence of aq$_schedules before -- starting. -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- Contains information on all the message types for propagation CREATE TABLE$_message_types( queue_oid RAW(16) NOT NULL, -- object id of the source -- queue schema_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, -- schema name at destination queue_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, -- queue name at destination trans_name VARCHAR2(61), -- transformation applied to -- the queue destination VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL, -- dblink, for now toid RAW(16), -- msg toid at destination version NUMBER, verified VARCHAR(1), -- 'T' if types are equal -- 'F' otherwise properties NUMBER, -- 0x01 nonrepudiate the sender -- 0x02 dest is RAC network_name VARCHAR2(256), -- network name of dest queue CONSTRAINT aq$_msgtypes_unique UNIQUE (queue_oid, schema_name, queue_name, destination, trans_name)) / -- aq$_propagation_status contains status information about propagation. -- Sender: -- queue_id - Event id of source queue -- destination - dblink address that is target of propagation -- sequence - Sequence # of messages that have been sent -- status - one of 1 (sent) or 3 (prepared) -- Receiver: -- queue_id - Event id of source queue -- destination - dblink address that is source of propagation -- sequence - Sequence # of messages that have been received -- status - 2 (received) -- Unused fields: -- txnid - Transaction id used by sender for a batch -- destqueue_id - Target queue's identifier -- flags - type of entry in this table CREATE TABLE$_propagation_status( queue_id NUMBER, -- Event id of source queue destination VARCHAR2(128), -- dblink address sequence NUMBER, -- sequence # of messages that have been sent status NUMBER, -- one of kwqppst txnid VARCHAR2(22), -- unused destqueue_id NUMBER, -- unused flags NUMBER, -- unused CONSTRAINT aq$_propagation_status_primary PRIMARY KEY (queue_id, destination,destqueue_id)) / -- aq$_pending_messages contains message ids and rowids of messages that -- have been prepared to be sent. This table is only used in the sender side. -- Enrties are inserted into this table either when a) sender goes to the -- prepared state or b) sender needs to flush entries to the table when -- the transaction size is larger than the stream size. A message in -- aq$_pending_messages may be propagated to several queues in the remote -- database (i.e there could be duplicate msgids for the same sequence #). -- The copy column in aq$_pending_messages uniquely identifies which remote -- queue generated the pmsgid message id on enqueue. If there are n copies for -- msgid m, the ith copy's pmsgid column is the propagated msgid for the ith -- unique address that received this message at the specified destination and -- had a type match with the local queue. The copy columns are 1-based. Note -- that propagator may not send messages even if the type matches if the -- expiration time has passed. This is OK because we only require that the -- copy column be in the same order as message sends to a destination. If -- expiration causes propagation not to send a message to one queue it will -- not send the message to all subsequent queues. -- Entries are inserted into$_pending_messages during propagation before -- sending a commit command to the remote database. However, entries are -- deleted from this table in a deferred fashion (currently it is done -- as part of updating the schedule) to reduce amount of work to be done -- during every propagation batch. We must be careful to delete only those -- entries that are no longer required. Entries are required only when -- the status column for the corresponding sequence# in aq$_propagation_status -- is in the prepared state (note that this covers the case where message ids -- are flushed to disk when propagating a large transaction group). To -- avoid a join in the purge of the table below we delete all entries whose -- sequence# is < minimum of all sequence#s in aq$_propagation_status. CREATE TABLE$_pending_messages( sequence NUMBER, -- sequence #of messages that have been sent msgid RAW(16), -- message id sent with above sequence copy NUMBER, -- copy# of above msgid pmsgid RAW(16), -- propagated message id txnid VARCHAR2(22), -- unused flags NUMBER) -- unused / -- This index is used during purging of aq$_pending_messages table CREATE INDEX$_pending_messages_i ON$_pending_messages(sequence) / -- sequence for generating montonically increasing values for each batch of -- messages. Note that we do not use the ORDER clause because we assume that -- the propagation scheduler will schedule propagation for a given source queue -- from the same instance. CREATE SEQUENCE$_propagation_sequence START WITH 1 / -- contains information about owner instances and their -- incarnation number (for statistics in OPS) CREATE TABLE$_queue_statistics( eventid NUMBER, -- the eventid of the queue -- unique in a database owner_inst NUMBER, -- instance number of the owner -- instance incarn_num NUMBER, -- incarnation number of the -- instance CONSTRAINT aq$_queue_statitics_pk PRIMARY KEY (eventid)) / -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- Please do not add tables needed by the time manager after aq$_schedules. -- Reason: Time manager checks for the existence of aq$_schedules before -- starting. -- NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE NOTE -- -- CREATE the table for all publishers -- create table aq$_publisher( pub_id NUMBER NOT NULL, -- publisher id queue_id NUMBER NOT NULL, -- queue object id p_name VARCHAR2(30), -- publisher name p_address VARCHAR2(1024), -- publisher address p_protocol NUMBER, -- publisher protocol p_rule_name VARCHAR2(61), -- publisher rule name p_rule VARCHAR2(2000), -- rule text p_ruleset VARCHAR2(61), -- ruleset name p_transformation VARCHAR2(61)) -- transformation name / -- Add aq$ tables to noexp$ delete from noexp$ where name like 'AQ$_%' / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'AQ$_QUEUE_TABLES', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'AQ$_QUEUES', 2) / insert into noexp$ (owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'AQ$_SCHEDULES', 2) / insert into noexp$(owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'AQ$_INTERNET_AGENTS', 2) / insert into noexp$(owner, name, obj_type) values('SYSTEM', 'AQ$_INTERNET_AGENT_PRIVS', 2) / commit / -- Create entries to provide EXP/IMP procedural object support for AQ delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_QUEUE_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_INDEX_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_TIMEMGR_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_HISTORY_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_DEQUEUELOG_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_SUBSCRIBER_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_SIGNATURE_TABLES' or package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_CMT_TIME_TABLES' / delete from sys.exppkgobj$ where package = 'DBMS_AQ_EXP_QUEUES' / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_QUEUE_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 1000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_QUEUE_TABLES', 'SYS', 2, 1000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_INDEX_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_TIMEMGR_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_HISTORY_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_DEQUEUELOG_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_SUBSCRIBER_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_SIGNATURE_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgact$(package, schema, class, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_CMT_TIME_TABLES', 'SYS', 3, 2000) / insert into sys.exppkgobj$(package, schema, class, type#, prepost, level#) values('DBMS_AQ_EXP_QUEUES', 'SYS', 3, 24, 1, 1004) / commit / -- Create the view DBA_QUEUE_TABLES create or replace view DBA_QUEUE_TABLES as select t.schema OWNER, QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, || '.' || OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t, sys.col$ c, sys.coltype$ ct, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$_queue_table_affinities aft where c.intcol# = ct.intcol# and c.obj# = ct.obj# and = 'USER_DATA' and t.objno = c.obj# and o.oid$ = ct.toid and o.type# = 13 and o.owner# = u.user# and t.objno = aft.table_objno union select t.schema OWNER, QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, null OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t,$_queue_table_affinities aft where (t.udata_type = 2 or t.udata_type = 3) and t.objno = aft.table_objno / comment on table DBA_QUEUE_TABLES is 'All queue tables created in the database' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.TYPE is 'Name of the payload type' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Name of the payload type for object type payload' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.SORT_ORDER is 'Sort order for the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.RECIPIENTS is 'Mulitple or single recipient queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.MESSAGE_GROUPING is 'Transaction grouping' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.COMPATIBLE is 'Compatibility version of the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.PRIMARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the primary owner of the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.SECONDARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the secondary owner of the queue table' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.OWNER_INSTANCE is 'Instance which owns the queue table currently' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column DBA_QUEUE_TABLES.SECURE is 'Secure queue table' / create or replace public synonym DBA_QUEUE_TABLES for SYS.DBA_QUEUE_TABLES / grant select on DBA_QUEUE_TABLES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / -- Create the view ALL_QUEUE_TABLES create or replace view ALL_QUEUE_TABLES as select t.schema OWNER, QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, || '.' || OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t, sys.col$ c, sys.coltype$ ct, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u,$_queue_table_affinities aft where c.intcol# = ct.intcol# and c.obj# = ct.obj# and = 'USER_DATA' and t.objno = c.obj# and o.oid$ = ct.toid and o.type# = 13 and o.owner# = u.user# and t.objno = aft.table_objno and t.objno in (select q.table_objno from$_queues q, sys.obj$ ro where ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -219 /* ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) ) union select t.schema OWNER, QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, null OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t,$_queue_table_affinities aft where (t.udata_type = 2 or t.udata_type = 3) and t.objno = aft.table_objno and t.objno in (select q.table_objno from$_queues q, sys.obj$ ro where ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -219 /* ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) ) / comment on table ALL_QUEUE_TABLES is 'All queue tables accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.TYPE is 'Name of the payload type' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Name of the payload type for object type payload' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.SORT_ORDER is 'Sort order for the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.RECIPIENTS is 'Mulitple or single recipient queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.MESSAGE_GROUPING is 'Transaction grouping' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.COMPATIBLE is 'Compatibility version of the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.PRIMARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the primary owner of the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.SECONDARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the secondary owner of the queue table' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.OWNER_INSTANCE is 'Instance which owns the queue table currently' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.SECURE is 'Secure queue table' / create or replace public synonym ALL_QUEUE_TABLES for SYS.ALL_QUEUE_TABLES / grant select on ALL_QUEUE_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create the view USER_QUEUE_TABLES create or replace view USER_QUEUE_TABLES as select QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, || '.' || OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t, sys.col$ c, sys.coltype$ ct, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ tc, sys.user$ qc,$_queue_table_affinities aft where c.intcol# = ct.intcol# and c.obj# = ct.obj# and = 'USER_DATA' and t.objno = c.obj# and o.oid$ = ct.toid and o.type# = 13 and o.owner# = tc.user# and qc.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and t.objno = aft.table_objno union select QUEUE_TABLE, decode(t.udata_type, 1 , 'OBJECT', 2, 'VARIANT', 3, 'RAW') TYPE, null OBJECT_TYPE, decode(t.sort_cols, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'PRIORITY', 2, 'ENQUEUE_TIME', 3, 'PRIORITY, ENQUEUE_TIME', 4, 'COMMIT_TIME', 5, 'PRIORITY, COMMIT_TIME', 7, 'ENQUEUE_TIME, PRIORITY') SORT_ORDER, decode(bitand(t.flags, 1), 1, 'MULTIPLE', 0, 'SINGLE') RECIPIENTS, decode(bitand(t.flags, 2), 2, 'TRANSACTIONAL', 0, 'NONE')MESSAGE_GROUPING, decode(bitand(t.flags, 8192+8), 8192+8, '10.0.0', 8, '8.1.3', 0, '8.0.3')COMPATIBLE, aft.primary_instance PRIMARY_INSTANCE, aft.secondary_instance SECONDARY_INSTANCE, aft.owner_instance OWNER_INSTANCE, substr(t.table_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, decode(bitand(t.flags, 4096), 4096, 'YES', 0, 'NO') SECURE from$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ qc,$_queue_table_affinities aft where (t.udata_type = 2 or t.udata_type = 3) and qc.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and t.objno = aft.table_objno / comment on table USER_QUEUE_TABLES is 'All queue tables created by the user' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the queue table' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.TYPE is 'Name of the payload type' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Name of the payload type for object type payload' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.SORT_ORDER is 'Sort order for the queue table' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.RECIPIENTS is 'Mulitple or single recipient queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.MESSAGE_GROUPING is 'Transaction grouping' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.COMPATIBLE is 'Compatibility version of the queue table' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.PRIMARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the primary owner of the queue table' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.SECONDARY_INSTANCE is 'Instance assigned as the secondary owner of the queue table' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.OWNER_INSTANCE is 'Instance which owns the queue table currently' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column USER_QUEUE_TABLES.SECURE is 'Secure queue table' / -- Create a synonym for the USER_QUEUE_TABLES view create or replace public synonym USER_QUEUE_TABLES for SYS.USER_QUEUE_TABLES / grant select on USER_QUEUE_TABLES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- -- Create the view DBA_QUEUES -- create or replace view DBA_QUEUES as select OWNER, NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, q.eventid QID, decode(q.usage, 1, 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE', 2, 'NON_PERSISTENT_QUEUE', 'NORMAL_QUEUE') QUEUE_TYPE, q.max_retries MAX_RETRIES, q.retry_delay RETRY_DELAY, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 1), 1 , ' YES ', ' NO ')ENQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 2), 2 , ' YES ', ' NO ')DEQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(q.ret_time, -1, ' FOREVER', q.ret_time) RETENTION, substr(q.queue_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, s.network_name NETWORK_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ u, dba_services s where = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and q.service_name = (+) / comment on table DBA_QUEUES is 'All database queues' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the table the queue data resides in' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.QID is 'Object number of the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.QUEUE_TYPE is 'Type of the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.MAX_RETRIES is 'Maximum number of retries allowed when dequeuing from the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.RETRY_DELAY is 'Time interval between retries' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.ENQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for enqueue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.DEQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for dequeue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.RETENTION is 'Time interval processed messages retained in the queue' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column DBA_QUEUES.NETWORK_NAME is 'Network name of queue service' / create or replace public synonym DBA_QUEUES for DBA_QUEUES / grant select on DBA_QUEUES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / -- Create the view ALL_QUEUES -- This view displays all queues that the user has either ENQUEUE or -- DEQUEUE privilege on. If the user has any AQ system privileges, -- like ENQUEUE_ANY, DEQUEUE_ANY or MANAGE_ANY, all the queues in -- the system will be displayed by this view. create or replace view ALL_QUEUES as select OWNER, NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, q.eventid QID, decode(q.usage, 1, 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE', 2, 'NON_PERSISTENT_QUEUE', 'NORMAL_QUEUE') QUEUE_TYPE, q.max_retries MAX_RETRIES, q.retry_delay RETRY_DELAY, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 1), 1 , ' YES ', ' NO ')ENQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 2), 2 , ' YES ', ' NO ')DEQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(q.ret_time, -1, ' FOREVER', q.ret_time) RETENTION, substr(q.queue_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, s.network_name NETWORK_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ ro, dba_services s where = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and ro.owner# = u.user# and ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -219 /* ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) and q.service_name = (+) / comment on table ALL_QUEUES is 'All queues accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the table the queue data resides in' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.QID is 'Object number of the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.QUEUE_TYPE is 'Type of the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.MAX_RETRIES is 'Maximum number of retries allowed when dequeuing from the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.RETRY_DELAY is 'Time interval between retries' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.ENQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for enqueue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.DEQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for dequeue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.RETENTION is 'Time interval processed messages retained in the queue' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column ALL_QUEUES.NETWORK_NAME is 'Network name of queue service' / create or replace public synonym ALL_QUEUES for ALL_QUEUES / grant select on ALL_QUEUES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create the view ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES -- This view displays all queues that the user has DEQUEUE privilege on. -- If the user has system privileges DEQUEUE_ANY or MANAGE_ANY, -- all the queues in the system will be displayed by this view. create or replace view ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES as select OWNER, NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, q.eventid QID, decode(q.usage, 1, 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE', 2, 'NON_PERSISTENT_QUEUE', 'NORMAL_QUEUE') QUEUE_TYPE, q.max_retries MAX_RETRIES, q.retry_delay RETRY_DELAY, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 1), 1 , ' YES ', ' NO ')ENQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 2), 2 , ' YES ', ' NO ')DEQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(q.ret_time, -1, ' FOREVER', q.ret_time) RETENTION, substr(q.queue_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, s.network_name NETWORK_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ u, sys.obj$ ro, dba_services s where = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and ro.owner# = u.user# and ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.privilege# in (21, 41) and grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or ro.obj# in (select q.eventid from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t where q.table_objno = t.objno and bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.owner# = 0 and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID'))) ) and q.service_name = (+) / comment on table ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES is 'All queues accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the table the queue data resides in' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.QID is 'Object number of the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.QUEUE_TYPE is 'Type of the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.MAX_RETRIES is 'Maximum number of retries allowed when dequeuing from the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.RETRY_DELAY is 'Time interval between retries' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.ENQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for enqueue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.DEQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for dequeue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.RETENTION is 'Time interval processed messages retained in the queue' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.NETWORK_NAME is 'Network name of queue service' / create or replace public synonym ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES for ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES / grant select on ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES as select /*+ ORDERED NO_USE_MERGE(ro) */ t.schema OWNER, NAME, q.eventid QID from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t,sys.obj$ ro where q.table_objno = t.objno and ro.obj# = q.eventid and (ro.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or ro.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where oa.privilege# = 21 and grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in (-218 /* MANAGE ANY QUEUE */, -220 /* DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE */)) or (bitand(t.flags, 8) = 0 and (exists (select null from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o where oa.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 and ( = 'DBMS_AQ' or = 'DBMS_AQADM') and o.type# = 9 and oa.grantee# = userenv('SCHEMAID')))) ) / comment on table ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES is 'All queues accessible to the user' / comment on column ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.OWNER is 'Owner of the queue' / comment on column ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES.QID is 'Object number of the queue' / create or replace public synonym ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES for ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES / grant select on ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- -- Create the view USER_QUEUES -- create or replace view USER_QUEUES as select NAME, QUEUE_TABLE, q.eventid QID, decode(q.usage, 1, 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE', 2, 'NON_PERSISTENT_QUEUE', 'NORMAL_QUEUE') QUEUE_TYPE, q.max_retries MAX_RETRIES, q.retry_delay RETRY_DELAY, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 1), 1 , ' YES ', ' NO ')ENQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(bitand(q.enable_flag, 2), 2 , ' YES ', ' NO ')DEQUEUE_ENABLED, decode(q.ret_time, -1, ' FOREVER', q.ret_time) RETENTION, substr(q.queue_comment, 1, 50) USER_COMMENT, s.network_name NETWORK_NAME from$_queues q,$_queue_tables t, sys.user$ u, dba_services s where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and q.service_name = (+) / comment on table USER_QUEUES is 'All queues owned by the user' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.NAME is 'Name of the queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.QUEUE_TABLE is 'Name of the table the queue data resides in' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.QID is 'Object number of the queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.QUEUE_TYPE is 'Type of the queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.MAX_RETRIES is 'Maximum number of retries allowed when dequeuing from the queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.RETRY_DELAY is 'Time interval between retries' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.ENQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for enqueue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.DEQUEUE_ENABLED is 'Queue is enabled for dequeue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.RETENTION is 'Time interval processed messages retained in the queue' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.USER_COMMENT is 'User specified comment' / comment on column USER_QUEUES.NETWORK_NAME is 'Network name of queue service' / create or replace public synonym USER_QUEUES for USER_QUEUES / grant select on USER_QUEUES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create the view DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS create or replace view DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS as select t.schema QUEUE_OWNER, QUEUE_NAME, p.p_name PUBLISHER_NAME, p.p_address PUBLISHER_ADDRESS, p.p_protocol PUBLISHER_PROTOCOL, p.p_rule PUBLISHER_RULE, p.p_rule_name PUBLISHER_RULE_NAME, p.p_ruleset PUBLISHER_RULESET, p.p_transformation PUBLISHER_TRANSFORMATION from$_queue_tables t,$_queues q,$_publisher p, sys.user$ u where q.table_objno = t.objno and q.eventid = p.queue_id and = t.schema / create or replace public synonym DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS for DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS / grant select on DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / create or replace view ALL_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS as select t.schema QUEUE_OWNER, QUEUE_NAME, p.p_name PUBLISHER_NAME, p.p_address PUBLISHER_ADDRESS, p.p_protocol PUBLISHER_PROTOCOL, p.p_rule PUBLISHER_RULE, p.p_rule_name PUBLISHER_RULE_NAME, p.p_ruleset PUBLISHER_RULESET, p.p_transformation PUBLISHER_TRANSFORMATION from$_queue_tables t,$_queues q,$_publisher p, sys.user$ u where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and q.eventid = p.queue_id / create or replace public synonym ALL_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS for ALL_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS / grant select on ALL_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view USER_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS as select QUEUE_NAME, p.p_name PUBLISHER_NAME, p.p_address PUBLISHER_ADDRESS, p.p_protocol PUBLISHER_PROTOCOL, p.p_rule PUBLISHER_RULE, p.p_rule_name PUBLISHER_RULE_NAME, p.p_ruleset PUBLISHER_RULESET, p.p_transformation PUBLISHER_TRANSFORMATION from$_queue_tables t,$_queues q,$_publisher p, sys.user$ u where u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.schema and q.table_objno = t.objno and q.eventid = p.queue_id / create or replace public synonym USER_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS for USER_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS / grant select on USER_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create the view QUEUE_PRIVILEGES -- This view displays all AQ object level privileges granted to or -- granted by the user. create or replace view QUEUE_PRIVILEGES as select GRANTEE, OWNER, NAME, GRANTOR, decode(sum(privilege#), 20, 1, 41, 1, 0) ENQUEUE_PRIVILEGE, decode(sum(oa.privilege#), 21, 1, 41, 1, 0) DEQUEUE_PRIVILEGE from sys.objauth$ oa, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ ue, sys.user$ ur, sys.user$ u where oa.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 24 and oa.grantor# = ur.user# and oa.grantee# = ue.user# and u.user# = o.owner# and (oa.grantor# = userenv('SCHEMAID') or oa.grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro) or o.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) group by,,, / comment on table QUEUE_PRIVILEGES is 'Grants on queues for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.GRANTEE is 'Name of the user to whom access was granted' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.OWNER is 'Owner of the object' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.NAME is 'Name of the object' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.GRANTOR is 'Name of the user who performed the grant' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.ENQUEUE_PRIVILEGE is 'Permission to ENQUEUE to the queue' / comment on column QUEUE_PRIVILEGES.DEQUEUE_PRIVILEGE is 'Permission to DEQUEUE from the queue' / create or replace public synonym QUEUE_PRIVILEGES for QUEUE_PRIVILEGES / grant select on QUEUE_PRIVILEGES to PUBLIC with grant option / -- Create GV$AQ and V$AQ views for AQ statistics create or replace view v_$aq as select QID, WAITING, READY, EXPIRED, AVERAGE_MSG_AGE, TOTAL_WAIT, AVERAGE_WAIT from v$aq1 / create or replace public synonym v$aq for v_$aq / grant select on v_$aq to select_catalog_role / create or replace view gv_$aq as select qid, sum(WAITING) waiting, sum(READY) ready, sum(EXPIRED) expired, decode(sum(WAITING+READY+EXPIRED),0,0,max(average_msg_age)) average_msg_age, decode(sum(TOTAL_CONSUMERS),0,0,max(TOTAL_WAIT)) total_wait, decode(sum(TOTAL_CONSUMERS), 0, 0, TRUNC(max(TOTAL_WAIT)/max(TOTAL_CONSUMERS))) average_wait from gv$aq1 group by qid / create or replace public synonym gv$aq for gv_$aq / grant select on gv_$aq to select_catalog_role / -- create a table that stores agent names - for AQ internet access -- also contains protocol (spare1 column is for possible later use -- to store authentication information) CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents ( agent_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL ENABLE PRIMARY KEY, protocol INTEGER NOT NULL, spare1 VARCHAR2(128) ); -- the table that stores the agent name to database user mapping -- note that the foreign key constraint means any agent_name in -- this table must first be in SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs ( agent_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, db_username VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT agent_must_be_created FOREIGN KEY (agent_name) REFERENCES SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT unq_pairs UNIQUE (agent_name, db_username) ); -- a view which shows the db usernames associated with an agent name -- and their protocol - first sub query gets those agent names that have -- rows in SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs, the second subquery gets those -- agent names that are not CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW AQ$Internet_Users AS (SELECT t.agent_name, t.db_username, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 1), 0, 'NO ', 1, 'YES ') http_enabled, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 2), 0, 'NO ', 2, 'YES ') smtp_enabled, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 4), 0, 'NO ', 4, 'YES ') ftp_enabled FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs t, SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents u WHERE t.agent_name = u.agent_name UNION (SELECT x.agent_name, NULL, decode(bitand(x.protocol, 1), 0, 'NO ', 1, 'YES ') http_enabled, decode(bitand(x.protocol, 2), 0, 'NO ', 2, 'YES ') smtp_enabled, decode(bitand(x.protocol, 4), 0, 'NO ', 4, 'YES ') ftp_enabled FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents x WHERE (x.agent_name NOT IN (SELECT y.agent_name FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs y)))); create or replace public synonym AQ$Internet_Users for SYS.AQ$Internet_Users / -- create a view of registered AQ agents create or replace view DBA_AQ_AGENTS as SELECT u.agent_name, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 1), 0, 'NO ', 1, 'YES ') http_enabled, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 2), 0, 'NO ', 2, 'YES ') smtp_enabled FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents u; create or replace public synonym DBA_AQ_AGENTS for DBA_AQ_AGENTS / grant select on DBA_AQ_AGENTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / -- view of registered AQ agents and their mapping to db users create or replace view DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS as (SELECT u.agent_name, t.db_username, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 1), 0, 'NO ', 1, 'YES ') http_enabled, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 2), 0, 'NO ', 2, 'YES ') smtp_enabled FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs t RIGHT OUTER JOIN SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents u ON t.agent_name = u.agent_name); create or replace public synonym DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS for DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS / grant select on DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / -- view of registered AQ agents mapped to a particular db user create or replace view USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS as SELECT u.agent_name, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 1), 0, 'NO ', 1, 'YES ') http_enabled, decode(bitand(u.protocol, 2), 0, 'NO ', 2, 'YES ') smtp_enabled FROM SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agent_Privs t, SYSTEM.AQ$_Internet_Agents u, sys.user$ usr where u.agent_name = t.agent_name and usr.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and = t.db_username; create or replace public synonym USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS for USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS / grant select on USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS to PUBLIC with GRANT option / -- Creating a sequence for generating message identifiers for messages CREATE SEQUENCE$_chainseq START WITH 1 / -- Creating a sequence for iot enqueue transaction id CREATE SEQUENCE$_iotenqtxid START WITH 1 CACHE 1000 / -- Creating a sequence for naming publisher subscriber rule sets CREATE SEQUENCE$_rule_set_sequence START WITH 1 CACHE 1000 / -- Creating a sequence for name publisher, subscriber rules CREATE SEQUENCE$_rule_sequence START WITH 1 CACHE 1000 / -- Creating a sequence for name publisher, subscriber rules CREATE SEQUENCE$_publisher_sequence START WITH 1 CACHE 1000 / -- Creating a sequence for non-durable subscriber names CREATE SEQUENCE$_nondursub_sequence INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 / -- Create the library where 3GL callouts will reside CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY dbms_aq_lib trusted as static / -- Create the library where 3GL callouts will reside CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY dbms_aqadm_lib trusted as static / -- Create the library where 3GL callouts will reside CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY dbms_aq_ldap_lib trusted as static / -- Create the library where email notifications are mad CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY dbms_aqelm_lib trusted as static / -- create type for storing the message properties -- The only reason for creaing this new type (which is a replica of the -- pl/sql record message_properties_t) is that we cannot have a record -- field inside a ADT CREATE or replace TYPE sys.msg_prop_t AS OBJECT ( priority number, delay number, expiration number, correlation varchar2(128), attempts number, exception_queue varchar2(51), enqueue_time date, state number, sender_id aq$_agent, original_msgid raw(16), delivery_mode number); / -- create type for storing generic ntfn descriptor for plsql notification CREATE or replace TYPE$_ntfn_descriptor AS OBJECT ( ntfn_flags number) -- flags / -- create type for storing grouping ntfn data for AQ namespace, value 2^30 -- or 2G which is the max varray size CREATE or replace TYPE$_ntfn_msgid_array AS VARRAY(1073741824) OF raw(16); / -- create type for storing aq descriptor for plsql notification CREATE or replace TYPE$_descriptor AS OBJECT ( queue_name VARCHAR2(65), -- name of the queue consumer_name VARCHAR2(30), -- name of the consumer msg_id RAW(16), -- message identifier msg_prop msg_prop_t, -- message properties gen_desc$_ntfn_descriptor, -- generic descriptor msgid_array$_ntfn_msgid_array, -- grp ntfn msgid list ntfnsRecdInGrp NUMBER) -- ntfns recd in grp / -- create type for storing registration information CREATE or replace TYPE$_reg_info AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(128), -- name of the subscription namespace NUMBER, -- namespace of the subscription callback VARCHAR2(4000), -- callback function context RAW(2000), -- context for the callback func. anyctx SYS.ANYDATA, -- anydata ctx for callback func ctxtype NUMBER, -- raw/anydata context qosflags NUMBER, -- QOS flags payloadcbk VARCHAR2(4000), -- payload callback timeout NUMBER, -- registration expiration ntfn_grouping_class NUMBER, -- ntfn grouping class ntfn_grouping_value NUMBER, -- ntfn grouping value ntfn_grouping_type NUMBER, -- ntfn grouping type ntfn_grouping_start_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- grp start time ntfn_grouping_repeat_count NUMBER, -- ntfn grp repeat count CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW, anyctx SYS.ANYDATA, ctxtype NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW, qosflags NUMBER, timeout NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW, anyctx SYS.ANYDATA, ctxtype NUMBER, qosflags NUMBER, payloadcbk VARCHAR2, timeout NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT, CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW, qosflags NUMBER, timeout NUMBER, ntfn_grouping_class NUMBER, ntfn_grouping_value NUMBER, ntfn_grouping_type NUMBER, ntfn_grouping_start_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, ntfn_grouping_repeat_count NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT ); / -- create type for storing post information CREATE or replace TYPE$_post_info AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(128), -- name of the subscription namespace NUMBER, -- namespace of the subscription payload RAW(32767)) -- payload / CREATE or replace TYPE$_reg_info_list AS VARRAY(1024) OF$_reg_info / CREATE or replace TYPE$_post_info_list AS VARRAY(1024) OF$_post_info / -- type for message that will be stored in aq$_event_table queue table CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE$_event_message AS OBJECT ( sub_name VARCHAR2(128), -- name of the subscription sub_namespace NUMBER, -- namespace of the subscription payloadt NUMBER, -- payload type payload RAW(2000), -- message payload queue_name VARCHAR2(65), -- name of the queue msg_id RAW(16), -- message identifier consumer_name VARCHAR2(30), -- name of the consumer priority NUMBER, -- priority delay NUMBER, -- delay expiration NUMBER, -- expiration attempts NUMBER, -- number of attempts enqueue_time DATE, -- time of enqueue state NUMBER, -- state exception_queue VARCHAR2(51), -- exception queue correlation VARCHAR2(128), -- correlation original_msgid RAW(16), -- original message id agent_name VARCHAR2(30), -- sender name agent_address VARCHAR2(1024), -- sender address agent_protocol NUMBER, -- sender protocol recipient_list SYS.AQ$_RECIPIENTS, -- recipient list xmlpayload VARCHAR2(4000), -- payload in xml, if reqd. pblob BLOB) -- blob for storing raw payload -- for 11.0 compatible / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE aq$_srvntfn_message AS OBJECT ( queue_name VARCHAR2(65), -- name of the queue consumer_name VARCHAR2(30), -- name of the consumer msg_id RAW(16), -- message identifier priority number, delay number, expiration number, correlation varchar2(128), attempts number, exception_queue varchar2(51), enqueue_time date, state number, agent_name varchar2(30), agent_address varchar2(1024), agent_protocol number, original_msgid raw(16), sub_name VARCHAR2(128), -- name of the subscription sub_namespace NUMBER, -- namespace of the subscription sub_callback VARCHAR2(4000), -- callback function sub_context RAW(2000), -- context for the callback func. user_id number, -- user identifier payload RAW(2000), payloadl number, xmlpayload VARCHAR2(4000), -- payload in xml, if reqd. payloadt number, -- payload type, xml/default anysub_context SYS.ANYDATA, -- anydata context context_type number, -- RAW or ANYDATA context delivery_mode number, -- delivery mode ntfn_flags number, -- generic ntfn flags msgid_array$_ntfn_msgid_array,-- grp ntfn msg id array ntfnsRecdInGrp number, -- ntfns recd in grp pblob BLOB, -- for storing raw payload in 11 compatible mode reg_id number) -- registration id / -- create type for table function used in xxx_queue_subscribers CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE$_subscriber AS OBJECT ( name VARCHAR2(30), -- M_IDEN, name of a message producer or consumer address VARCHAR2(1024), -- address where message must be sent protocol NUMBER, -- protocol for communication, must be 0 trans_name VARCHAR2(61), -- tranformation name sub_type NUMBER, -- subscriber type rule_name VARCHAR2(30) --rule name ); / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE$_subscriber_t AS TABLE OF aq$_subscriber; / GRANT execute ON$_subscriber TO PUBLIC / GRANT execute ON$_subscriber_t TO PUBLIC / -- This aq$_dummy_t should be created after dbms_aq specification is -- defined but before dbms_aq body is created. This will allow -- aq$_dummy_t to be recreated without invalidating the package. -- This aq$_dummy_t is needed for sharing the dequeue interface between -- raw type and object type, should be removed when raw queue gets its -- own internal interface. CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE$_dummy_t AS OBJECT (data CHAR(1)); / GRANT EXECUTE ON$_dummy_t TO PUBLIC; -- Create the AQ administrator role -- CREATE ROLE aq_administrator_role / -- -- Grant AQ_ADMINSTRATOR_ROLE to SYSTEM -- GRANT aq_administrator_role TO system WITH ADMIN OPTION / -- -- Create the AQ user role (obsoleted, kept here mainly for 8.0 compatibility) -- CREATE ROLE aq_user_role /