Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catptabs.sql /main/25 2009/07/01 21:38:43 kkunchit Exp $ Rem Rem catptabs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catptabs.sql - CATProc TABleS and views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script runs the "cat" scripts that create the tables Rem and views required by the features loaded in catproc.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script must be run only as a subscript of catproc.sql. Rem It can be run with as a multiprocess phase. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem amullick 06/15/09 - consolidate archive provider/manager into Rem DBFS HS: remove catam.sql Rem amullick 01/22/09 - Add Archive Provider catalog tables Rem rcolle 01/21/09 - only load WRR tables and not views Rem kkunchit 01/15/09 - ContentAPI support Rem ssvemuri 03/27/08 - Archive Manager catalog tables Rem nkgopal 01/11/08 - Add DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT tables and views Rem hosu 12/28/07 - move catost.sql to catpdeps.sql Rem sylin 12/06/07 - add prvtrctv.plb required by prvtrcmp.plb Rem sylin 11/29/07 - add prvtuttv.plb required by prvtutil.plb Rem achoi 11/13/07 - add catpexe Rem shan 04/13/07 - added catdef.sql Rem dvoss 01/03/07 - add catlmnr.sql Rem ilistvin 11/22/06 - use catawrtv instead of catawr Rem rburns 09/16/06 - split catsvrm.sql Rem elu 10/23/06 - add catrep.sql Rem schakkap 09/20/06 - fix comments for catost.sql Rem mbastawa 08/31/06 - add catcrc.sql Rem rburns 08/23/06 - more restructuring Rem cdilling 08/03/06 - add catadvtb.sql Rem rburns 07/27/06 - more reorganization Rem chliang 05/24/06 - add sscr cat script Rem kamsubra 05/19/06 - Adding catkppls.sql Rem kneel 06/01/06 - add cathae.sql Rem rburns 05/19/06 - add queue files Rem mabhatta 05/18/06 - adding transaction backout catalog file Rem rburns 01/13/06 - split catproc for parallel upgrade Rem rburns 01/13/06 - Created Rem -- Drop all dp types FORCE. Don't have to drop other object types as -- CREATE OR REPLACE works for them. @@catnodpt.sql Rem Flashback transaction backout Rem The types are used in dbmstran and prvttran @@catbac.sql Rem tables and views for UTL_RECOMP package body @@prvtrctv.plb Rem Views for Application context ( dbmsutil and prvtutil depends on it ) @@catactx.sql Rem View and types for dbms_utility package body @@prvtuttv.plb Rem Server Manager views -- depends on views created in catspace @@catsvrmg -- need before dbms_jobs can be run, so include in this script Rem Logical Standby package specs @@prvtlsis.plb @@prvtlsss.plb Rem Transformations @@cattrans.sql Rem Rules engine @@catrule.sql @@catsnap Rem Views for tablespace point in time recovery @@catpitr Rem DIP account creation @@catdip.sql Rem Row Level Security catalog views @@catrls Rem Views for tablespace point in time recovery @@catpitr Rem Script for Application Role @@catar.sql Rem Manageability/Diagnosability Report Framework -- tables are created in catpstrt.sql @@catrepv Rem Script for Fine Grained Auditing @@catfga.sql Rem Script for DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT @@catamgt.sql Rem Index Rebuild Views and Body @@catidxu Rem Transparent Session Migration @@cattsm.sql Rem Change Notification @@catchnf.sql Rem Data Mining @@catodm.sql Rem Connection pool @@catkppls.sql Rem Session State Capture and Restore (SSCR) @@catsscr.sql Rem Advanced Queues @@catqueue.sql Rem High Availabilty Events (FAN alerts) @@cathae.sql Rem Manageability Advisor @@catadvtb.sql Rem Resource Manager Views @@catrm.sql Rem Scheduler tables @@catsch.sql Rem Stored outline catalog views @@catol.sql Rem DataPump views @@catdpb.sql Rem Client result cache @@catcrc.sql Rem Component Registry Package spec and views @@dbmscr.sql Rem dbms_utility used in package specs @@dbmsutil Rem Create the DB Feature Usage tables/views @@catdbfus Rem Create server alert schema @@catalrt Rem Create Autotask Schema @@catatsk Rem create dbms monitor schema @@catmntr Rem create SQL Tune schema @@catsqlt Rem create AWR schema @@catawrtv Rem SQL Management Base (SMB) catalog views @@catsmbvw.sql Rem Create the WRR$ schema @@catwrrtb.sql Rem SQL Access Advisor tables @@catsumat Rem Replication tables and views @@catrep.sql Rem Logminer tables and views @@catlmnr.sql Rem Catdef, default password table and views @@catdef.sql Rem Catadrvw - the adr views/synonyms/grants @@catadrvw Rem DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE table @@catpexe.sql Rem ContentAPI @@catcapi Rem archive provider catalog tables @@catpspi.sql