Rem Rem $Header: catpstrt.sql 28-sep-2007.15:53:25 sylin Exp $ Rem Rem catpstrt.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catpstrt.sql - CATProc STaRT script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script runs the initial startup code to prepare Rem to run the rest of the scripts in catproc.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script must be run only as a subscript of catproc.sql. Rem It is run single process by Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem sylin 08/13/07 - Add utlident.sql Rem elu 11/03/06 - add prvthssq Rem rburns 10/23/06 - add session script Rem rburns 10/25/06 - add BYTE semantics Rem rburns 08/28/06 - more prereqs Rem rburns 01/13/06 - split catproc for parallel upgrade Rem rburns 01/13/06 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; DOC ###################################################################### ###################################################################### The following PL/SQL block will cause an ORA-20000 error and terminate the current SQLPLUS session if the user is not SYS. Disconnect and reconnect with AS SYSDBA. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # DECLARE p_user VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN SELECT USER INTO p_user FROM DUAL; IF p_user != 'SYS' THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20000, 'This script must be run AS SYSDBA'); END IF; END; / Rem Run catproc session initialization script @@catpses.sql WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; Rem indicate that catproc scripts are loading BEGIN dbms_registry.loading ('CATPROC','Oracle Database Packages and Types', 'dbms_registry_sys.validate_catproc'); END; / Rem basic procedural views (should be in catalog?) @@catprc @@catjobq Rem Remote views @@catrpc Rem Setup for pl/sql @@dbmsstdx @@utlident @@plitblm @@plspur @@pipidl rem granting execute on the package created in pipidl.sql rem to execute_catalog_role... grant execute on pidl to execute_catalog_role / @@pidian rem granting execute on the package created in pidian.sql rem to execute_catalog_role... grant execute on diana to execute_catalog_role / @@diutil @@pistub @@prvtpckl.plb -- catsrvmgr.sql is dependent on this @@catspace -- prvtcmpl.plb is dependent on this @@dbmslob.sql -- utlcomp is dependent on this @@prvtcmpl.plb -- utlsmtp is dependent on this @@utltcp -- utlurl is dependent on this @@utlhttp -- dbms_transaction_internal_sys spec in this file @@prvthtxn.plb -- dbms_ddl is dependent on this @@dbmssql -- dbms_sys_sql - dbms_repcat_decl is dependent on this @@prvthssq.plb -- contains dbms_output (odci procedures dependent on this) @@dbmsotpt -- creates a role needed by prvtlsis.plb and prvtlsss.plb package specs @@dbmslsby.sql Rem dbms_session - used in package specs @@dbmssess Rem dbms_lock - used in package specs @@dbmslock Rem utl_file - used in package specs @@utlfile