Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catprp.sql /main/16 2009/03/26 21:56:17 rmao Exp $ Rem Rem catprp.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catprp.sql - Streams Propagation Views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rmao 03/20/09 - bug7561840: set propagation status to ABORTED if Rem its queue schedule is disabled by error Rem jinwu 09/04/08 - populate dba_propagation.error_message based on Rem last CCAC run mode Rem haxu 04/24/08 - populate dba_propagation.error_message for CCAC Rem jinwu 05/19/06 - add column acked_scn to dba_propagation Rem liwong 05/10/06 - rename auto_merge to auto_merge_threshold Rem juyuan 01/16/05 - add columns to dba_propagation Rem narora 03/02/05 - bug 4209149: add status to dba_propagation Rem rvenkate 05/11/04 - queue_to_queue support Rem elu 04/23/03 - modify all_propagation Rem elu 09/26/02 - add negative rulesets Rem sbalaram 06/19/02 - Fix bug 2395423 Rem weiwang 02/01/02 - fix [dba|all]_propagation views Rem wesmith 01/10/02 - add grants to propagation views Rem sbalaram 12/10/01 - use create or replace synonym Rem alakshmi 11/08/01 - Merged alakshmi_apicleanup Rem jingliu 11/06/01 - fix typo Rem wesmith 11/04/01 - add public synonym for all_propagation Rem liwong 11/04/01 - Add all_propagation Rem kmeiyyap 11/02/01 - Created Rem CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DBA_PROPAGATION (PROPAGATION_NAME, SOURCE_QUEUE_OWNER, SOURCE_QUEUE_NAME, DESTINATION_QUEUE_OWNER, DESTINATION_QUEUE_NAME, DESTINATION_DBLINK, RULE_SET_OWNER, RULE_SET_NAME, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_OWNER, NEGATIVE_RULE_SET_NAME, QUEUE_TO_QUEUE, STATUS, ERROR_MESSAGE, ERROR_DATE, ORIGINAL_PROPAGATION_NAME, ORIGINAL_SOURCE_QUEUE_OWNER, ORIGINAL_SOURCE_QUEUE_NAME, ACKED_SCN, AUTO_MERGE_THRESHOLD) AS SELECT p.propagation_name, p.source_queue_schema, p.source_queue, p.destination_queue_schema, p.destination_queue, p.destination_dblink, p.ruleset_schema, p.ruleset, p.negative_ruleset_schema, p.negative_ruleset, case when bitand(p.spare1, 1) = 1 THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END, decode (qs.schedule_disabled, 'Y', case when qs.failures >= 16 THEN 'ABORTED' ELSE 'DISABLED' END, 'N', 'ENABLED', null, 'ABORTED'), case when bitand(p.spare1, 4) = 4 THEN p.error_msg ELSE qs.last_error_msg END, case when bitand(p.spare1, 4) = 4 THEN p.error_date ELSE qs.last_error_date END, /* look at errors based on last run mode */ p.original_propagation_name, p.original_source_queue_schema, p.original_source_queue, p.acked_scn, auto_merge_threshold FROM sys.streams$_propagation_process p, dba_queue_schedules qs WHERE p.source_queue_schema = qs.schema (+) and p.source_queue = qs.qname (+) and qs.destination (+) = case when bitand(p.spare1, 1) = 1 THEN dbms_logrep_util.canonical_concat(p.destination_queue_schema, p.destination_queue) || '@' || p.destination_dblink ELSE p.destination_dblink END and qs.message_delivery_mode (+) = 'PERSISTENT' / COMMENT ON TABLE dba_propagation IS 'Streams propagation in the database' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.propagation_name IS 'name of the Streams propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.source_queue_owner IS 'owner of the propgation source queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.source_queue_name IS 'name of the propagation source queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.destination_queue_owner IS 'owner of the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.destination_queue_name IS 'name of the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.destination_dblink IS 'database link to access the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.rule_set_owner IS 'propagation rule set owner' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.rule_set_name IS 'propagation rule set name' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.negative_rule_set_owner IS 'propagation negative rule set owner' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.negative_rule_set_name IS 'propagation negative rule set name' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.status IS 'Status of the propagation: DISABLED, ENABLED, ABORTED' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.error_message IS 'Error message last encountered by propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.error_date IS 'The time that propagation last encountered an error' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.original_propagation_name IS 'The original propagation from which this propagation is cloned' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.original_source_queue_owner IS 'The source queue owner of original propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.original_source_queue_name IS 'The source queue name of original propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN dba_propagation.auto_merge_threshold IS 'If not null, merge_streams() will be called on this propagation automatically' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_propagation FOR dba_propagation / GRANT SELECT ON dba_propagation TO select_catalog_role / -- View of propagation processes CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ALL_PROPAGATION AS SELECT p.* FROM dba_propagation p, all_queues q WHERE p.source_queue_owner = q.owner AND p.source_queue_name = AND ((p.rule_set_owner IS NULL and p.rule_set_name IS NULL) OR ((p.rule_set_owner, p.rule_set_name) IN (SELECT r.rule_set_owner, r.rule_set_name FROM all_rule_sets r))) AND ((p.negative_rule_set_owner IS NULL AND p.negative_rule_set_name IS NULL) OR ((p.negative_rule_set_owner, p.negative_rule_set_name) IN (SELECT r.rule_set_owner, r.rule_set_name FROM all_rule_sets r))) / COMMENT ON TABLE all_propagation IS 'Streams propagation seen by the user' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.propagation_name IS 'name of the Streams propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.source_queue_owner IS 'owner of the propgation source queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.source_queue_name IS 'name of the propagation source queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.destination_queue_owner IS 'owner of the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.destination_queue_name IS 'name of the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.destination_dblink IS 'database link to access the propagation destination queue' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.rule_set_owner IS 'propagation rule set owner' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.rule_set_name IS 'propagation rule set name' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.negative_rule_set_owner IS 'propagation negative rule set owner' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.negative_rule_set_name IS 'propagation negative rule set name' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.status IS 'Status of the propagation: DISABLED, ENABLED, ABORTED' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.error_message IS 'Error message last encountered by propagation' / COMMENT ON COLUMN all_propagation.error_date IS 'The time that propagation last encountered an error' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM all_propagation FOR all_propagation / GRANT SELECT ON all_propagation TO public with grant option /