Rem Rem NAME Rem CATPITR.SQL Rem FUNCTION Rem Tablespace Point in Time specific views Rem NOTES Rem This script must be run while connected as SYS or INTERNAL Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mawatts 01/09/08 - bug 6620517: bogus row for an IOT-with-LOB Rem rasivara 05/16/06 - bug 5192382: Check for masked bits in trigflag Rem ahwang 12/11/03 - Ignore recyclebin objects during RS check Rem amsrivas 11/08/02 - 2477350: check snapshots on partitioned tables Rem araghava 02/11/02 - bug 1912886: partition numbers no longer go Rem from 1 -> n. Rem apareek 12/27/00 - bug 1560639 Rem amozes 05/31/00 - bitmap join index support Rem cyyip 02/22/00 - fix for sqlplus Rem apareek 08/05/99 - Restrict REF columns with ref constraints Rem apareek 06/30/99 - fix bug 860417 Rem mjungerm 06/15/99 - add java shared data object type Rem apareek 06/16/99 - ignore dropped undo segs Rem apareek 04/26/99 - iots with lobs should go against ind Rem apareek 03/11/99 - partitioned iots self contained Rem apareek 03/11/99 - exclude logical partitions Rem apareek 03/11/99 - check for iots against ind Rem apareek 12/03/98 - fix blanks for sqlplus Rem apareek 10/20/98 - block functional indexes Rem apareek 09/08/98 - capture rollback segs Rem apareek 08/28/98 - make sure iot and overflow seg self-contained Rem apareek 08/20/98 - remove IOT,Nested tables,VARRAY restrictions Rem apareek 08/06/98 - remove BFILE restriction Rem apareek 08/05/98 - disallow SYS owned objects Rem ncramesh 08/04/98 - change for sqlplus Rem apareek 06/12/98 - partitioned lobs, subpartitions Rem apareek 06/11/98 - check for subpartitions Rem apareek 04/10/98 - secondary objs and functional indexes Rem apareek 06/23/97 - detect snapshots,fix 484226 Rem apareek 06/24/97 - capture primary key constraint relationships Rem apareek 06/06/97 - capture global non-partitioned indexes Rem apareek 05/12/97 - use nvl for ts2_name Rem apareek 04/24/97 - add constraint name to view Rem apareek 04/18/97 - fix bug 480823 Rem apareek 04/08/97 - change TS_PITR_DROPPED_OBJECTS name Rem apareek 03/27/97 - add tablespace column to TS_PITR_DROPPED_OBJECTS Rem apareek 03/17/97 - new column for partition name in TS_PITR_CHECK Rem asurpur 01/03/97 - Granting select on views to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE Rem apareek 11/12/96 - view for reporting objects lost due to tspitr Rem apareek 11/12/96 - added check for queue tables Rem apareek 11/10/96 - check for queue tables using new property flag Rem apareek 10/08/96 - Creation Rem Rem Rem View Name : TS_PITR_CHECK Rem Rem View Schema Rem =========== Rem Rem (OBJ1_OWNER,OBJ1_NAME,OBJ1_SUBNAME,OBJ1_TYPE,TS1_NAME, Rem OBJ2_NAME,OBJ2_SUBNAME,OBJ2_TYPE,OBJ2_OWNER, TS2_NAME, Rem CONSTRAINT_NAME,REASON Rem ) Rem Rem Column Name Description Rem ======================================== ======== ==== Rem OBJ1_OWNER Owner of object 1 Rem OBJ1_NAME Object 1 Rem OBJ1_SUBNAME SubObject1Name Rem OBJ1_TYPE Object Type Rem TS1_NAME Tablespace containing Object 1 Rem OBJ2_NAME Object Name Rem OBJ2_SUBNAME SubObject2Name Rem OBJ2_TYPE Object Type Rem OBJ2_OWNER Object owner of second object Rem TS2_NAME Tablespace containing Object 1 Rem CONSTRAINT_NAME name of dependent constraint Rem REASON Reason why Tablespace Point in Recovery cannot proceed Rem Rem Rem Rem Comments on View : TS_PITR_CHECK Rem ================================ Rem Rem Rem Rem To perform Point-Intime-Tablespace-Recovery(PITR) in Oracle Version 8.0 Rem at the time of export there can be no references going in or out of the Rem the Recovery Set(RS) i.e the set of non-system tablespaces to be recovered. Rem This view captures any such references not fully contained in the recovery Rem set. Rem In addition, it checks for presence of objects in the recovery set Rem that are not supported Rem Rem Rem The view needs to return 0 rows for the export phase to proceed. Rem The following scenarios will show up in the view: Rem - IOT tables exist in the recovery set Rem - IOT overflow segments exist in the recovery set Rem - Replication master tables are in the recovery set Rem - Snapshot tables are in the recovery set Rem - Snapshot logs are in the recovery set Rem - Tables or Extent tables that have associated nested tables Rem - Tables or Extent tables that contain a VARRAY collection type Rem - Tables/Clusters and associated indexes not fully contained in the RS Rem - Partitioned Objects (tables and indexes) not fully contained in the RS Rem includes, straddling table partitions and straddling table and index Rem partition Rem - Tables that have a parent-child relationship via referential integrity Rem constraints are not fully contained in the RS Rem - Lob Segments, Lob Indexes and referencing tables are not fully Rem contained in the RS Rem - Secondary Objects, Functional indexes exist in the recovery set Rem - STRADDLING_RS_OBJECTS does not filter out the recyclebin objects. Rem - Views or code using STRADDLING_RS_OBJECTS must do such Rem - filtering. See TS_PITR_INFO for example. Rem ============================================================================== create or replace view STRADDLING_RS_OBJECTS (OBJECT1,TS1,OBJECT2,TS2,REASON_ID ) as /* check whether base table and lob segment are in different tablespaces */ /* Exclude iots */ (select t.obj#, t.ts#, l.lobj#, l.ts#, 'Base table and lob object not fully contained in recovery set' from tab$ t, lob$ l where l.ts#!=t.ts# and l.obj#=t.obj# and bitand(,64)=0) union all /* check iots having lobs */ select t.obj#,i.ts#,l.lobj#, l.ts#,'Base table and lob object not fully contained in pluggable set' from tab$ t, lob$ l, ind$ i where bitand(,64)!=0 and l.ts#!=i.ts# and l.obj#=t.obj# and = t.obj# union all /* iot and overflow segment are self contained */ select t.obj#, t.ts#, i.obj#, i.ts#, 'IOT and Overflow segment not self contained' from tab$ t, ind$ i where t.bobj# = and t.ts# != i.ts# and bitand(,512) != 0 union all /* Are there dependencies between objects in different tablespaces that are enforced through constraints, also ignore constraints that are disabled */ select t.obj#,t.ts#,cdef$.obj#,t2.ts#,'constraint between tables not contained in recovery set' from tab$ t2,cdef$, tab$ t where cdef$.robj#=t.obj# and cdef$.obj#=t2.obj# and t.ts# != t2.ts# and cdef$.enabled is not null union all /* tables whose indexes are not in the same tablespace. Ignore the following: partitioned object - checked separately indexes on unsupported TSPITR objects indexes enforcing primary key constraints - checked separately join indexes - checked separately IOT's with indexes of type LOB - see "check iots having lobs" above */ select t.obj# object1, t.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2, 'Tables and associated indexes not fully contained in the recovery set' from tab$ t, ind$ i where and t.ts# != i.ts# and bitand(,32)= 0 and bitand(,2 ) = 0 and bitand(, 4096) = 0 and bitand(, 131072)=0 and bitand(, 1024) = 0 /* skip join indexes */ minus /* indexes enforcing primary key constraints */ /* fix bug 860417 - exclude partitioned objects */ /* fix bug 6620517 - exclude IOT's with indexes of type LOB */ ( select t.obj# object1, t.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2, 'Tables and associated indexes not fully contained in the recovery set' from tab$ t, ind$ i , cdef$ cf where t.obj#=cf.obj# and i.obj#=cf.enabled and cf.type#=2 and t.ts# != i.ts# and and bitand(,32)= 0 and bitand(, 4096) = 0 union all select t.obj# object1, t.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2, 'Tables and associated indexes not fully contained in the recovery set' from tab$ t, ind$ i where and t.ts# != i.ts# and bitand(,64)!=0 /* IOT base table */ and i.type# = 8 /* index type is LOB */ ) union all /* Capture indexes enforcing primary key constraints, ignore internally generated snapshot/indexes */ /* Exclude iots , ALso exclude partitioned tables since they have no storage */ /* The tablespace for partitioned tables defaults to 0 and thus there will */ /* always be a violation */ select t.obj# object1, t.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2, 'Table and Index enforcing primary key constraint not in same tablespace' from tab$ t, ind$ i , cdef$ cf where t.obj#=cf.obj# and i.obj#=cf.enabled and cf.type#=2 and t.ts# != i.ts# and and bitand(,64)=0 and bitand(,32)= 0 and bitand(, 4096) = 0 minus /* primary key constraints on internally generated snapshot tables */ /* exclude partitioned objects and unsupported objects */ select t.obj# object1, t.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2, 'Table and Index enforcing primary key constraint not in same tablespace' from tab$ t, ind$ i, obj$ o, user$ u, snap$ s where and t.ts# != i.ts# and and and o.obj#=t.obj# and o.owner#=u.user# and bitand(,32)= 0 and bitand(, 4096) = 0 union all /* clusters whose indexes are not in the same tablespace */ select c.obj# object1, c.ts# ts1, i.obj# object2, i.ts# ts2,'Tables/Clusters and associated indexes not fully contained in the recovery set' from clu$ c, ind$ i where and c.ts# != i.ts# union all /* partitioned tables with at least two partitions in different tablespaces */ /* Exclude logical partitions - they have no storage . eg partitioned iots */ select tp1.obj#, tp1.ts#, tp.obj#, tp.ts#, ' Partitioned Objects not fully contained in the recovery set' from tabpart$ tp, (select bo#, min(ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) ts#, min(file#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) file#, min(block#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) block#, min(obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) obj# from tabpart$ where file# != 0 and block# != 0 group by bo#) tp1 where = and tp1.ts# != tp.ts# and tp.file# != 0 and tp.block# != 0 union all /* partitioned indexes that are in tablespace different than any table partitions. Exclude partitioned iots - no storage (check for null header) */ select tp1.obj#,tp1.ts#,ip.obj#,ip.ts#, ' Partitioned Objects not fully contained in the recovery set' from indpart$ ip, ind$ i, (select bo#, min(ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) ts#, min(file#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) file#, min(block#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) block#, min(obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) obj# from tabpart$ where file# != 0 and block# != 0 group by bo#) tp1 where = and = i.obj# and tp1.ts# != ip.ts# union all /* partitioned table and non-partitioned index in different tablespaces */ select tp.obj#, tp.ts#, i.obj#, i.ts#, ' Partitioned Objects not fully contained in the recovery set' from tabpart$ tp, ind$ i where tp.ts#!=i.ts# and bitand(,2) =0 and and bitand(, 1024) = 0 /* skip join indexes */ union all /* partitioned index and non-partitioned table in different tablespaces */ select t.obj#, t.ts#, ip.obj#, ip.ts#, ' Partitioned Objects not fully contained in the recovery set' from indpart$ ip, tab$ t, ind$ i where ip.ts#!=t.ts# and and and and bitand(, 1024) = 0 /* skip join indexes */ union all /* join index and parent table (or table (sub)partition) in different ts */ select v1.obj#, v1.ts#, v2.obj#, v2.ts#, 'Join Index related objects not fully contained in the recovery set' from (select obj# to#, obj#, ts# from tab$ union all select bo# to#, obj#, ts# from tabpart$ union all select to#, tsp.obj#, tsp.ts# from tabsubpart$ tsp, tabcompart$ tcp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# ) v1, (select obj# io#, obj#, ts# from ind$ where bitand(property, 1024) = 1024 union all select io#, ip.obj#, ip.ts# from indpart$ ip, ind$ i where = i.obj# and bitand(, 1024) = 1024 union all select io#, isp.obj#, isp.ts# from indsubpart$ isp, indcompart$ icp, ind$ i where isp.pobj# = icp.obj# and = i.obj# and bitand(, 1024) = 1024 ) v2, jijoin$ j where = j.obj# and ( = j.tab1obj# or = j.tab2obj#) and v1.ts# != v2.ts# union all /* Handle Composite partitions */ /* Subpartitions that are not in the same tablespace */ /* Check the tablespace of the first subpartition of partition 1 against all tablespaces of other subpartitions for the same object */ select V1.obj#, V1.ts# , V2.obj#, V2.ts#, 'Subpartitions not fully contained in recovery set' from ( select min(tsp.obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by tcp.part#, tsp.subpart#) obj#, min(tsp.ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by tcp.part#, tsp.subpart#) ts#, bo# from tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# group by V1, ( select tsp.obj#,ts#, from tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj#) V2 where = and V1.ts# != V2.ts# union all /* Make sure that composite table partitions and index composite partitions are in the same tablespace */ select V3.obj#,V3.ts#,V4.obj#,V4.ts#, 'Table subpartition and index subpartition not fully contained in the recovery set' from ( select min(tsp.obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by tcp.part#, tsp.subpart#) obj#, min(tsp.ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by tcp.part#, tsp.subpart#) ts#, bo# from tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# group by V3, ( select isp.obj#,ts#, from indcompart$ icp, indsubpart$ isp where isp.pobj# = icp.obj#) V4, ind$ i where = and = i.obj# and V4.ts# != V3.ts# union all /* Partitions having lob fragments */ select lf.fragobj#,lf.ts#, tp.obj#,tp.ts#,'Table partition and lob fragment not in recovery set' from lobfrag$ lf, tabpart$ tp where lf.tabfragobj# = tp.obj# and tp.ts# !=lf.ts# union all /* Subpartitions having lob fragments */ select tsp.obj#,tsp.ts#,lf.fragobj#,lf.ts#,'Table Subpartition and lob fragment not fully contained in pluggable set' from tabsubpart$ tsp, lobfrag$ lf where tsp.obj# = lf.tabfragobj# and tsp.ts# != lf.ts# union all /* Objects that are not supported tab$.property - 0x1000 = Primary Key based OID$ column - 0x20000 = AQs to be defined Block REF columns with ref constraints - bug 895775 */ /* get all non partitioned, non iot unsupported objects */ select obj#, ts#, -1, -1 , ' Object not allowed in Recovery Set' from tab$ where (bitand(property ,4096) != 0 or bitand(property,131072)!=0) and bitand(property,64)=0 and bitand(property,32)=0 union all /* get iot objects that aren't supported */ select, i.ts# , -1, -1,' Object not allowed in Pluggable Set' from tab$ t, ind$ i where t.obj# = and bitand(, 64)!=0 and (bitand(, 4096)!=0 or bitand(,131072)!=0) union all /* partitioned objects that aren't supported */ select,tp.ts#,-1,-1, ' Object not allowed in Pluggable Set' from tabpart$ tp, tab$ t where t.obj# = and (bitand(, 4096)!=0 or bitand(,131072)!=0) union all /* Capture subpartitioned tables that have REFs having ref constraints */ select,tsp.ts#, -1, -1, '104 Object not allowed in Pluggable Set' from tab$ t, tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# and = t.obj# and (bitand(, 4096)!=0 or bitand(,131072)!=0) union all /* Bug 895775 Begin */ /* Once this bug gets fixed we should rip this code out */ /* Capture tables having referential constraints on REF column */ /* Ignore tables that are stored as IOTs or are partitioned/subpartitioned */ select t.obj#, t.ts#, -1, -1, 'Table has REF column as OID column' from tab$ t, col$ c where c.obj# = t.obj# and bitand(, 524288)!=0 and bitand(,64)=0 and bitand(,32)=0 union all /* Capture IOTs having referential constraints on REF column */ select, i.ts# , -1, -1, 'Table has REF column as OID column' from ind$ i, col$ c, tab$ t where c.obj# = and bitand(, 524288)!=0 and bitand(,64)!=0 and t.obj# = union all /* Capture partitioned tables that have REFs having ref constraints */ select,tp.ts#,-1,-1, 'Table has REF column as OID column' from tabpart$ tp, col$ c where c.obj# = and bitand(, 524288)!=0 union all /* Capture subpartitioned tables that have REFs having ref constraints */ select,tsp.ts#, -1, -1, 'Table has REF column as OID column' from col$ c, tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# and = c.obj# and bitand(, 524288)!=0 /* End Bug 895775 */ union all /* Check for Snapshots */ select o2.obj#,t.ts#, -1,-1, 'Snapshots not allowed in recovery set' from obj$ o, obj$ o2, tab$ t, user$ u, snap$ s where t.obj#=o.obj# and and and u.user#=o.owner# and o2.owner#=o.owner# and union all /* Master tables without snapshot logs not supported */ /* Bug 5192382: The lower 2 bytes of trigflag are used for various combinations of snapshot/replication. The upper flags are used by other layers. So check for a table being master table for snapshot/replication is bitand(t.trigflag, 65535) != 0. See KQLDTVTF_MSK in kqld.h. */ select distinct(t.obj#), t.ts#, -1,-1 ,'Master table used for snapshots not allowed in recovery set' from obj$ o,tab$ t,snap$ s,user$ u where o.obj#=t.obj# and and o.owner#=u.user# and and bitand(t.trigflag, 65535) = 0 union all /* Master tables used for replication/snapshots not allowed in recovery set Exclude partitioned tables, they will be checked saperately. */ select distinct t.obj#,t.ts#, -1, -1 ,'Master table used for snapshots/replication not allowed in recovery set' from tab$ t where bitand(t.trigflag, 65535) != 0 and bitand(,32) = 0 union all /* Master tables used for replication/snapshots not allowed in pluggable set Tablespace for partitioned tables defaults to 0, hence we need to do the check against tabpart$ */ select distinct t.obj#,tp.ts#, -1, -1 ,'Master table used for snapshots/replication not allowed in pluggable set' from tab$ t, tabpart$ tp where bitand(t.trigflag, 65535) != 0 and t.obj# = and bitand(,32) != 0 union all /* Capture snapshots on subpartitioned tables */ select distinct t.obj#, tsp.ts#, -1, -1, 'Master table used for snapshots/replication not allowed in pluggable set' from tab$ t, tabcompart$ tcp, tabsubpart$ tsp where tsp.pobj# = tcp.obj# and = t.obj# and bitand(t.trigflag, 65535) != 0 and bitand(,32) != 0 union all /* Check for snapshot logs */ select o.obj#,t.ts#,-1,-1, 'Snapshot logs not allowed in recovery set' from mlog$ m, tab$ t, obj$ o where and o.obj#=t.obj# /* Secondary Objects not allowed in the recovery Set */ union all select o.obj#, t.ts#,-1,-1, 'Secondary Objects not allowed in Recovery Set' from tab$ t, obj$ o where o.obj#=t.obj# and o.flags=16 union all /* Domain/Functional Indexes not supported */ select i.obj#,i.ts#,-1,-1,'Domain/Functional Indexes not supported' from ind$ i where i.type# = 9 or = 16 union all /****************************************************/ /* */ /* Don't allow objects owned by SYS */ /* */ /****************************************************/ /* Capture non-partitioned tables owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, t.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned tables not allowed in Recovery Set' from tab$ t, obj$ o where t.obj# = o.obj# and bitand(,32) = 0 and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture partitioned tables owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, tp.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned partitions not allowed in Recovery Set' from tabpart$ tp, obj$ o where tp.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture clusters owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, c.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned clusters not allowed in Recovery Set' from clu$ c, obj$ o where c.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture subpartitions owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, tsp.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned subpartitions not allowed in Recovery Set' from tabsubpart$ tsp, obj$ o where tsp.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture non-partitioned indexes owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, i.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned indexes not allowed in Recovery Set' from ind$ i, obj$ o where i.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 and bitand(,2) =0 union all /* Capture partitioned indexes owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, ip.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned partitioned indexes not allowed in Recovery Set' from indpart$ ip, obj$ o where ip.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture subpartitioned indexes owned by SYS */ select o.obj#, isp.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned subpartitioned indexes not allowed in Recovery Set' from indsubpart$ isp, obj$ o where isp.obj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture SYS owned lobs */ select l.lobj#, l.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned lobs not allowed in Recovery Set' from lob$ l, obj$ o where l.lobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Capture partitioned lobs */ select lf.fragobj#, lf.ts#,-1,-1, 'Sys owned lob fragments not allowed in Recovery Set' from lobfrag$ lf, obj$ o where lf.fragobj# = o.obj# and o.owner# = 0 union all /* Make sure that for IOTs the index partitions are all self contained */ select ip1.obj#, ip1.ts#, ip2.obj#, ip2.ts# , ' IOT partitions not self contained' from (select bo#, min(ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) ts#, min(obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) obj# from indpart$ group by bo#) ip1, indpart$ ip2, ind$ i, tab$ t where i.obj# and ip1.ts# != ip2.ts# and = i.obj# and = t.obj# and bitand(,64)!=0 union all /* Make sure that for IOTs, overflow segments and index partitions are self contained. We can take the first overflow segment partition and run it against all the index partitions. This guarantees completeness since all index partitions are checked for seperately for self containment */ select tp.obj#, tp.ts#,ip.obj#,ip.ts#, ' Overflow segment and index partition not self contained' from indpart$ ip, ind$ i, tab$ t, (select bo#, min(ts#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) ts#, min(obj#) keep (dense_rank first order by part#) obj# from tabpart$ group by bo#) tp where = t.obj# and bitand(,512)!=0 and t.bobj# = and i.obj# and ip.ts# != tp.ts#; grant select on STRADDLING_RS_OBJECTS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; create or replace view TS_PITR_INFO (OBJ1_OWNER,OBJ1_NAME,OBJ1_SUBNAME,OBJ1_TYPE,TS1_NAME,OBJ2_NAME,OBJ2_SUBNAME,OBJ2_TYPE,OBJ2_OWNER,TS2_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NO,REASON) as select owner,,o1.subname, decode(o1.type#,0, 'NEXT OBJECT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 23, 'DIRECTORY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', ' '),,,o2.subname, decode(o2.type#, 0, 'NEXT OBJECT', 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 23, 'DIRECTORY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', ' '), o2.owner#,,cf.con#,s.reason_id from straddling_rs_objects s, obj$ o1, obj$ o2, ts$ ts1, ts$ ts2 , user$ u,cdef$ cf where s.object1=o1.obj# and s.object2=o2.obj#(+) and s.ts1=ts1.ts# and s.ts2=ts2.ts#(+) and o1.owner#=u.user# and s.object2=cf.obj#(+) and bitand(o1.flags, 128)=0 and (o2.flags is null or bitand(o2.flags, 128)=0) union all /* capture rollback segs */ select 'SYS',, NULL, 'ROLLBACK SEGMENT',,NULL , NULL, NULL,-1, NULL,-1,'Rollback Segment not allowed in transportable set' from undo$ u, ts$ ts where u.ts# = ts.ts# and ts.ts# != 0 and u.status$ != 1; grant select on TS_PITR_INFO to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; Rem =============================================================================== Rem VIEW NAME TS_PITR_CHECK # Rem # Rem =============================================================================== create or replace view TS_PITR_CHECK (OBJ1_OWNER,OBJ1_NAME,OBJ1_SUBNAME,OBJ1_TYPE,TS1_NAME,OBJ2_NAME,OBJ2_SUBNAME,OBJ2_TYPE,OBJ2_OWNER,TS2_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME,REASON) as select obj1_owner,obj1_name,obj1_subname,obj1_type,ts1_name,obj2_name,obj2_subname,obj2_type,,nvl(ts2_name,'-1'),,reason from ts_pitr_info t, user$ u, con$ c where u.user#(+)=t.obj2_owner and c.con#(+)=t.constraint_no ; grant select on TS_PITR_CHECK to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; Rem =============================================================================== Rem VIEW NAME TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED # Rem # Rem =============================================================================== Rem This view describes all objects created in the future of the pitr recovery Rem time that will be lost as a consequence of performing tablespace point Rem in time recovery. create or replace view TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED (owner,name,creation_time,tablespace_name) as (select,,o.ctime,tablespace_name from user$ u, obj$ o, dba_segments s where u.user# = o.owner# and = s.segment_name and = s.owner); grant select on TS_PITR_OBJECTS_TO_BE_DROPPED to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE;