Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catnozxs.sql /main/2 2010/06/06 21:49:30 snadhika Exp $ Rem Rem catnozxs.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catnozxs.sql - for removing (NO) XS Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script is invoked at the beginning of catnoqm.sql Rem Rem NOTES Rem Schema tables are deleted in catnoqm.sql. All objects are under 'SYS' Rem unless qualified with a different schema. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem snadhika 04/14/10 - Remove PREDICATE xmlindex Rem yiru 03/25/09 - Created Rem Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all index Rem ================================================================= -- Drop xml index for xs$securityclass --drop index xdb.sc_xidx; -- Drop index on xs$principals --drop index xdb.prin_xidx; Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all XS public syonyms Rem ================================================================= -- tables' synonym --* in catzxs.sql drop public synonym XS$CACHE_DELETE; drop public synonym XS$CACHE_ACTIONS; -- views' synonym -- *in catnacl.sql invoked by catzxs drop public synonym DBA_NETWORK_ACLS; drop public synonym DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES; drop public synonym DBA_WALLET_ACLS; -- *in xsrelod.sql invoked by catzxs drop public synonym DBA_XDS_OBJECTS; drop public synonym ALL_XDS_OBJECTS; drop public synonym USER_XDS_OBJECTS; drop public synonym DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop public synonym ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop public synonym USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop public synonym DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop public synonym ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop public synonym USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop public synonym DOCUMENT_LINKS2; drop public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS; drop public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS; drop public synonym ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP; drop public synonym ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE; drop public synonym ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE; drop public synonym XS_SESSION_ROLES; drop public synonym V$XS_SESSION; drop public synonym V$XS_SESSION_ROLE; drop public synonym V$XS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE; -- *in dbmsnacl.sql invoked by xsrelod drop public synonym USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES; -- packages' synonym -- *in dbmsnacl.sql invoked by xsrelod drop public synonym dbms_network_acl_utility; drop public synonym dbms_network_acl_admin; -- *in prvtkzxh.sql drop public synonym DBMS_XS_MTCACHE; -- *in prvtkzxv.sql drop public synonym DBMS_XS_UTIL; Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all XS views Rem ================================================================= -- in catnacl.sql invoked by catzxs drop view DBA_NETWORK_ACLS; drop view DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES; drop view DBA_WALLET_ACLS; -- in xsrelod.sql invoked by catzxs drop view DBA_XDS_OBJECTS; drop view ALL_XDS_OBJECTS; drop view USER_XDS_OBJECTS; drop view DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop view ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop view USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS; drop view DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop view ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop view USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS; drop view XDB.DOCUMENT_LINKS2; drop view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS; drop view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS; drop view ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP; drop view ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE; drop view ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE; drop view V$XS_SESSION; drop view V$XS_SESSION_ROLE; drop view V$XS_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE; --in dbmsnacl.sql invoked by xsrelod drop view USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES; Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all XS tables Rem ================================================================= -- in catzxs.sql drop table XDB.XS$CACHE_ACTIONS; drop table XDB.XS$CACHE_DELETE; -- in catnacl.sql invoked by catzxs drop table NET$_ACL; drop table WALLET$_ACL; Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all XS packages Rem ================================================================= -- in xsrelod.sql drop package XS$CATVIEW_UTIL; -- in prvtkzxu.sql invoked by xsrelod drop package DBMS_XS_PRINCIPALS; drop package DBMS_XS_PRINCIPALS_INT; -- in prvtkzxevents.sql invoked by xsrelod drop package DBMS_XS_ROLESET_EVENTS_INT; drop package DBMS_XS_PRINCIPAL_EVENTS_INT; drop package DBMS_XS_DATA_SECURITY_EVENTS; drop package DBMS_XS_SECCLASS_EVENTS; -- in prvtkzxh.sql invoked by xsrelod drop package DBMS_XS_MTCACHE; drop package DBMS_XS_MTCACHE_FFI; -- in prvtkzxv.sql invoked by xsrelod drop package XS_UTIL; -- in dbmsacl.sql invoked by xsrelod drop package dbms_network_acl_admin; drop package dbms_network_acl_utility; Rem ================================================================= Rem Drop all XS users Rem ================================================================= drop user XS$NULL cascade;