Rem Rem $Header: catnorul.sql 15-may-2007.12:27:32 ayalaman Exp $ Rem Rem catnorul.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catnorul.sql - Uninstall script for Rule Manager Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script un-installs the Rule Manager component Rem Rem NOTES Rem See Documentation Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ayalaman 05/14/07 - drop irrelev java classes Rem ayalaman 02/16/05 - drop the truncate system trigger with uninstall Rem ayalaman 07/16/04 - negation with delay dictionary table Rem ayalaman 06/29/04 - rules with negation and deadline Rem ayalaman 04/23/04 - ayalaman_rule_manager_support Rem ayalaman 04/02/04 - Created Rem REM REM Drop the Rule Manager specific objects from the EXFSYS schema REM EXECUTE dbms_registry.removing('RUL'); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name =>'EXFSYS.RLM$EVTCLEANUP', force=> true); exec dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name =>'EXFSYS.RLM$SCHDNEGACTION', force=> true); drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_dr; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_ir; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_utl; drop package exfsys.rlm$timecentral; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_depasexp; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_exp; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlm4j_dictmaint; drop package exfsys.dbms_rlmgr_irpk; drop package exfsys.ADM_RLMGR_SYSTRIG; drop package exfsys.DBMS_RLM4J_DICTMAINT_DR; drop procedure exfsys.RLM$CREATE_SCHEDULER_JOBS; drop procedure exfsys.RLM$PROCESSCOLLPREDS; drop procedure exfsys.RLM$PROCCLLGRPBY; drop function exfsys.RLM$UNIQUETAG; drop function exfsys.RLM$PARSEOBYCLS; drop function exfsys.RLM$OPTIMEQCLS; drop function exfsys.RLM$EQLLSRNONEG; --exec dbms_java.dropjava('-schema exfsys'); --exec dbms_java.dropjava('-schema exfsys'); --exec dbms_java.dropjava('-schema exfsys'); drop table exfsys.RLM$COLLGRPBYSPEC; drop table exfsys.rlm$dmlevttrigs; drop table exfsys.rlm$orderclsals; drop table exfsys.rlm4j$ruleset; drop table exfsys.rlm4j$evtstructs; drop table exfsys.RLM4J$ATTRALIASES; drop table exfsys.rlm$schactlist; drop table exfsys.rlm$schacterrs; drop table exfsys.rlm$equalspec; drop table exfsys.rlm$eventstruct; drop table exfsys.rlm$rulesetprivs; drop table exfsys.rlm$validprivs; drop table exfsys.rlm$primevttypemap; drop table exfsys.rlm$rsprimevents; drop table exfsys.rlm$errcode; drop table exfsys.rlm$jobqueue; drop table exfsys.rlm$ruleset; drop table exfsys.rlm$rulesetstcode; drop table exfsys.rlm$parsedcond; drop view exfsys.RLM$INCRRSLTMAPS; drop view exfsys.USER_RLM4J_ATTRIBUTE_ALIASES; drop view exfsys.user_rlm4j_evtst; drop view exfsys.user_rlm4j_ruleclasses; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_event_structs; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_event_structs; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_event_structs; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_rule_classes; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_rule_classes; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_rule_classes; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_privileges; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_privileges; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_rule_class_status; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_rule_class_status; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_rule_class_status; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_rule_class_opcodes; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_comprcls_properties; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_comprcls_properties; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_comprcls_properties; drop view exfsys.user_rlmgr_action_errors; drop view exfsys.all_rlmgr_action_errors; drop view exfsys.adm_rlmgr_action_errors; -- drop public synonyms -- drop public synonym dbms_rlmgr; drop public synonym user_rlmgr_rule_classes; drop public synonym all_rlmgr_rule_classes; drop public synonym user_rlmgr_privileges; drop public synonym rlm$eventids; --drop public synonym all_rlmgr_privileges; drop public synonym user_rlmgr_event_structs; drop public synonym all_rlmgr_event_structs; drop public synonym user_rlmgr_rule_class_status; drop public synonym all_rlmgr_rule_class_status; drop public synonym user_rlmgr_comprcls_properties; drop public synonym all_rlmgr_comprcls_properties; ---drop public synonym rlm$equalattr; drop type exfsys.rlm$keyval; drop type exfsys.rlm$dateval; drop type exfsys.rlm$rowidtab; drop type exfsys.rlm$numval; drop type exfsys.rlm$equalattr; drop type exfsys.rlm$collpreds; drop type exfsys.rlm$collevents; drop type exfsys.rlm$collevent; drop type exfsys.RLM$APNUMBLST; drop type exfsys.RLM$APMULTVCL; drop type exfsys.RLM$APVARCLST; drop function exfsys.rlm$eqlchk; drop function exfsys.rlm$seqchk; begin -- since this is a fresh install, delete any actions left behind -- -- from past installations -- delete from sys.expdepact$ where schema = 'EXFSYS' and package = 'DBMS_RLMGR_DEPASEXP'; delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'DBMS_RLMGR_DEPASEXP' and schema = 'EXFSYS'; end; / ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = EXFSYS; exec dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(''); exec dbms_xmlschema.deleteschema(''); -- create the system trigger without rule manager maintenance -- -- drop the truncate trigger for rule class tables -- drop trigger exfsys.rlmgr_truncate_maint; create or replace package adm_rlmgr_systrig as procedure pre_dropobj_maint (objowner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2, objtype VARCHAR2); --- @todo: system trigger to avoid truncate of the rules table -- --- @todo: consider all other operations such as renaming tables, -- --- dropping columns from the table and altering the tables -- end adm_rlmgr_systrig; / create or replace package body adm_rlmgr_systrig as /*************************************************************************/ /*** PRE_DROPOBJ_MAINT : Pre drop maintenance for rule manager objects ***/ /*************************************************************************/ procedure pre_dropobj_maint (objowner VARCHAR2, objname VARCHAR2, objtype VARCHAR2) as begin return; end; end; / exec exfsys.adm_expfil_systrig.create_systrig_dropobj; ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS; EXECUTE dbms_registry.removed('RUL');