Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catmetx.sql /main/29 2010/05/24 12:28:56 spetride Exp $ Rem Rem catmetx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catmetx.sql - Metadata API: Real definitions for XDB object views. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Metadata API object views for XDB objects Rem Rem NOTES Rem For reasons having to do with compatibility, the XDB objects Rem cannot be created by catproc.sql; they must instead be created Rem by a separate script catqm.sql. Since catmeta.sql is run Rem by catproc.sql, it contains fake object views for XDB objects. Rem The real object views are defined in this file which is Rem invoked by catxdbv.sql (which is invoked by catqm.sql). Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem spetride 05/20/10 - lrg 4430944 Rem sdavidso 03/26/10 - bug9480755: export dependant xmlschemas Rem sdavidso 01/27/10 - Bug 8847153: reduce resources for xmlschema Rem export Rem spetride 02/22/10 - XMLSchemaStripUsername signature change Rem spetride 01/20/10 - add XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW Rem htseng 01/21/09 - fix lrg 3756606 for recompile view Rem lbarton 12/05/08 - bug 5976472: sql inj Rem lbarton 07/01/08 - lrg 3465660 Rem lbarton 06/09/08 - move xmlschema registration to catmetx2.sql Rem lbarton 04/07/08 - add kuscomp.xsd Rem rapayne 02/08/08 - bug 6088114 - xmlschema for TYPE_SPECs Rem spetride 05/07/07 - bug 5950173 - xmlschema dependencies Rem sdavidso 04/17/07 - bug 5950173 - xmlschema dependencies Rem bmccarth 04/06/07 - validate args to ku$ view check procedure Rem before executing (bug 597642) Rem sdavidso 03/22/07 - 5903231 - maintain binary storage for xmlschemas Rem lbarton 01/04/07 - conditional compilation of differ code Rem lbarton 03/09/06 - bug 4918185: base xmlschema_view on catalog view Rem abagrawa 03/11/06 - Move dbms_metadata_hack to catxdbh Rem htseng 10/20/05 - register schemas Rem lbarton 09/06/05 - register schemas Rem vkapoor 05/18/05 - LRG 1798757. Freeing some memory Rem ataracha 10/21/04 - ku$_xmlschema_elmt_view - use the base element Rem - name for ref elements Rem spannala 05/20/04 - workaround for disabled xdbhi_idx Rem bmccarth 01/17/03 - add procedure to revalidate ku$ views if needed Rem bmccarth 11/15/02 - enable stripusername for url Rem amanikut 10/25/02 - specify namespace correctly in extractvalue() Rem bmccarth 08/22/02 - XDB 92->main merge - disable (for now) Rem call to stripschema in xdb utility package (not Rem available yet) Rem bmccarth 03/01/02 - add schemaoid to xmlschema Rem lbarton 01/16/02 - Merged lbarton_mdapi_xdb Rem lbarton 01/15/02 - fix comment Rem lbarton 12/03/01 - debug Rem lbarton 11/21/01 - Created Rem -- indexes get disabled on compilation of function. Workaround. alter package xdb.xdb_funcimpl compile; alter index xdb.xdbhi_idx rebuild; -- view for xmlschemas -- this view is used for direct use of MDAPI; not for datapump create or replace force view sys.ku$_xmlschema_view of sys.ku$_xmlschema_t with object identifier (schemaoid) as select '1','0', u.user#,, x.schema_url, x.schema_id, (case when x.local='YES' then 1 else 0 end + case when x.binary='YES' then 2 else 0 end), xlvl.lvl, value(s).getClobVal(), xdb.dbms_xdbutil_int.XMLSchemaStripUsername(XMLTYPE( value(s).getClobVal()), -- stripped from sys.user$ u, sys.dba_xml_schemas x, xdb.xdb$schema s, sys.dba_xmlschema_level_view xlvl where and xlvl.schema_oid = x.schema_id and s.sys_nc_oid$ = x.schema_id and (SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USERID') IN (u.user#, 0) OR EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM session_roles WHERE role='SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE' )) / grant select on sys.ku$_xmlschema_view to public / -- ku$_table_xmlschema_view is used to find the xmlschemas directly referenced -- for xmltype columns/tables and dependent schemas referenced. -- elclude hidden xmlschemas (32768 set in xdb$schema flags) create or replace view ku$_table_xmlschema_view as select opq.obj# tabobj_num, opq.schemaoid schemaoid, opq.schemaoid par_oid from sys.opqtype$ opq UNION select opq.obj# tabobj_num, sd.dep_schema_oid schemaoid, opq.schemaoid par_oid from sys.opqtype$ opq, dba_xml_schema_dependency sd start with sd.schema_oid=opq.schemaoid and opq.type=1 and opq.schemaoid is not null connect by nocycle prior sd.dep_schema_oid=sd.schema_oid and prior opq.schemaoid=opq.schemaoid and opq.type=1 / grant select on ku$_table_xmlschema_view to select_catalog_role / -- view for xmlschemas -- this view is used for datapump where xmlschemas need to be ordered. -- also, fetch of the (potentially large) schema definition is defered, -- to avoid excessive resource consumption during the sort. create or replace force view sys.ku$_exp_xmlschema_view of sys.ku$_xmlschema_t with object identifier (schemaoid) as select '1','0', u.user#,, x.schema_url, x.schema_id, (case when x.local='YES' then 1 else 0 end + case when x.binary='YES' then 2 else 0 end), xlvl.lvl, null, null from sys.user$ u, sys.dba_xml_schemas x, sys.dba_xmlschema_level_view xlvl where and xlvl.schema_oid = x.schema_id and (SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USERID') IN (u.user#, 0) OR EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM session_roles WHERE role='SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE' )) / grant select on sys.ku$_exp_xmlschema_view to public / create or replace force view sys.ku$_xmlschema_elmt_view of sys.ku$_xmlschema_elmt_t with object identifier(schemaoid, elemnum) as select schm.sys_nc_oid$, extractValue(value(schm), '/schema/@x:schemaURL', 'xmlns="" xmlns:x=""'), extractValue(value(xel), '/element/@x:propNumber', 'xmlns="" xmlns:x=""'), case WHEN (extractValue(value(xel) , '/element/@name') is NULL)then else extractValue(value(xel) , '/element/@name') end from xdb.xdb$element xel, xdb.xdb$schema schm where ref(schm) = extractValue(value(xel), '/element/@x:parentSchema', 'xmlns="" xmlns:x=""') / grant select on sys.ku$_xmlschema_elmt_view to select_catalog_role / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- view of xmlschema generated types by table -- This finds xmlschemas (including dependent xmlsschemas) by table, -- and types for those xmlschemas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace force view sys.ku$_xmlschema_types_view as select t.tabobj_num tabobjno, typo.obj_num typeobjno, st.typname typename, st.typowner typeowner from ( select c.xmldata.sqltype typname, c.xmldata.sqlschema typowner, (select s.sys_nc_oid$ from xdb.xdb$schema s where ref(s)=c.xmldata.parent_schema) tschemaoid from xdb.xdb$complex_type c union select typname, typowner, (select s.sys_nc_oid$ from xdb.xdb$schema s where ref(s) tschemaoid from xdb.xdb$element e where not exists (select 1 from xdb.xdb$element e2 where = and = and <> ) st, ku$_schemaobj_view typo, ku$_table_xmlschema_view t where st.typname is not null and st.typowner is not null and ((st.typowner <> 'XDB') or ((st.typname not like 'XDB$%%') and (st.typname <> 'XMLTYPE'))) and and typo.owner_name=st.typowner and t.schemaoid=tschemaoid / grant select on sys.ku$_xmlschema_types_view to select_catalog_role / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- recompile dbms_metadata_int to enable the diffing code alter package dbms_metadata_int compile plsql_ccflags = 'ku$xml_enabled:true'; -- recompile dbms_metadata_util to enable the xmlschema load code alter package dbms_metadata_util compile plsql_ccflags = 'ku$xml_enabled:true'; Rem Rem During the XDB setup, several KU$_ views go invalid, recompile Rem them as needed. Rem (In particular, recompiling dbms_metadata_util causes views that Rem reference it to go invalid. - lrg 3465660) Rem CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE recomp_catmeta_views AS TYPE cur_type is REF CURSOR; data_cursor cur_type; invalid_view VARCHAR2(100); sql_stmt_1 VARCHAR2(1000); sql_stmt_2 VARCHAR2(1000); my_status number; BEGIN -- -- Only get SYS-owned KU$_ views with invalid states -- OPEN data_cursor FOR 'SELECT name FROM SYS.OBJ$ WHERE STATUS > 1 ' || 'AND TYPE# = 4 AND owner#=0 AND name like ''KU$_%'''; sql_stmt_2 := 'select status from sys.obj$ where name = :1 and owner# = 0'; LOOP FETCH data_cursor INTO invalid_view; EXIT WHEN data_cursor%NOTFOUND; -- The compile of a view will automatically compile any other view which it -- references. If we compile a view that already has a success status it -- will invalidate any calling view. Therefore, check if the current view -- still needs to be compiled. execute immediate sql_stmt_2 into my_status using invalid_view; -- -- the 2 dbms_assert functions are to prevent sql injection -- if my_status > 1 THEN sql_stmt_1 := 'ALTER VIEW ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(dbms_assert.qualified_sql_name(invalid_view)) || ' COMPILE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt_1; -- BEGIN -- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt_1; -- kupf$file.trace('GOOD', 'View complilation succeeded on ' || -- invalid_view); -- EXCEPTION -- WHEN OTHERS THEN -- IF SQLCODE = -24344 THEN -- NULL; -- kupf$file.trace('WARN', 'View complilation warning on ' || -- invalid_view); -- ELSE -- kupf$file.trace('FAIL', 'View failed to compile ' || -- invalid_view || ' ' || sqlerrm); -- RAISE; -- END IF; -- END; -- else -- kupf$file.trace('SKIP', 'skipping View ' || -- invalid_view); end if; END LOOP; CLOSE data_cursor; end recomp_catmeta_views; / alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Rem Execute then drop the procedure. Rem BEGIN recomp_catmeta_views; end; / drop procedure recomp_catmeta_views;