Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catlibc.sql /main/3 2009/12/08 18:04:23 arbalakr Exp $ Rem Rem catlibc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catlibc.sql - header routines for compiling the library cache Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This package is the include file for the RDBMS package DBMS_LIBCACHE. Rem It provides the base definitions for a maintenance process to Rem compile cursors in the library cache in advance of the application Rem itself parsing them. Rem NOTES Rem This package is the include file for DBMS_LIBCACHE. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run from the SYS user. It is created before dbmslibc.sql Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem arbalakr 11/23/09 - truncate module/action to max lengths in Rem X$MODACT_LENGTH Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem sltam 02/07/01 - Merged sltam_dbmslibc_src Rem ccolrain 08/08/00 - created. Rem ccolrain 09/26/00 - to offer access using db links Rem sltam 12/18/00 - Check-in ----------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace package dbms_libcache$def as ------------ -- OVERVIEW -- -- This package includes the data types and messages for the package -- dbms_libcache which compiles cursors in the local library cache. ---------------------------- -- ASSUMPTIONS -- 1. The RDBMS package DBMS_SYS is loaded. ---------------------------- -- EXAMPLE USAGE -- Data types may be included in applications that wish to call -- dbms_libcache by using the prefix dbms_libcache$def. -- For example, to use the table of SQL statement the following declaration -- is used: -- declare -- p_SQL_tab dbms_libcache$def.SQL_tab; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -- version identification for dbms_libcache -- -- DB_LINK_METHOD the source instance is accessed using database links -- GLOBAL_METHOD the source instance is accessed using global views DB_LINK_METHOD constant binary_integer := 1; GLOBAL_METHOD constant binary_integer := 2; access_method constant binary_integer := DB_LINK_METHOD; ------------ -- types for dbms_libcache package -- type dynamic_cursor is ref cursor; cursor_id integer; cursor_addr raw(8); db_link varchar2(128); sql_stmt varchar2(13767); ------------ -- PL/SQL table containing the sql statement -- tab_sql_statements dbms_sql.varchar2s ; ------------ -- Control record describing each cursor on the source instance -- type SQL_record is record ( inst_id integer , addr cursor_addr%type , hash_value integer , command_type integer , optimizer_mode varchar2(10) , parsing_user_id integer , parsing_schema_id integer ); ------------ -- Table of SQL records extracted from the source instance -- type SQL_tab is table of SQL_record index by binary_integer; ------------ -- Control record containing the meta data record for a bind variable -- type SQL_bind_record is record ( position integer , datatype integer , bind_name varchar2(30) , max_length integer , array_length integer ); ------------ -- Table of SQL meta data descriptions extracted from the source instance -- type SQL_bind_tab is table of SQL_bind_record index by binary_integer; ------------ -- status return codes for dbms_libcache -- SUCCESS constant binary_integer := 0; ERROR constant binary_integer := -1; WARNING constant binary_integer := -2; ------------ -- ERROR STACK for dbms_libcache -- ERR_MSG varchar2(100); -- application error message ERR_CODE number; -- application error code ------------ -- RUNTIME DEFINITIONS ------------ -- -- Number of parse errors tolerated before exiting (this value can be changed). error_threshold constant binary_integer := 100; -- Debug mode set to true displays detailed messages debug boolean := false; -- Output buffer size used for dbms_output output_buffer constant binary_integer := 50000; -- Wild card username used when parsing is not restricted by username all_users constant binary_integer := -1; ------------ -- CONSTANT DEFINITIONS ------------ ------------ -- Internal Oracle command types -- refer octdef.h -- c_ins constant binary_integer := 2 ; -- insert c_sel constant binary_integer := 3 ; -- select c_upd constant binary_integer := 6 ; -- update c_del constant binary_integer := 7 ; -- delete c_plsql constant binary_integer := 47 ; -- pl/sql ------------ -- External Oracle data types -- refer dtydef.h -- c_nul constant binary_integer := 0 ; -- not bound c_str constant binary_integer := 1 ; -- string, may be space padded c_num constant binary_integer := 2 ; -- numeric c_int constant binary_integer := 3 ; -- integer c_flt constant binary_integer := 4 ; -- float point c_txt constant binary_integer := 5 ; -- text, null terminated c_vnu constant binary_integer := 6 ; -- NUM, length in 1st byte c_pdn constant binary_integer := 7 ; -- packed decimal c_lng constant binary_integer := 8 ; -- long c_vcs constant binary_integer := 9 ; -- variable char string c_ti5 constant binary_integer := 10; -- table c_rid constant binary_integer := 11; -- row id. c_dat constant binary_integer := 12; -- date c_bin constant binary_integer := 23; -- binary data (RAW) c_lbi constant binary_integer := 24; -- binary data (long RAW) c_chr constant binary_integer := 96; -- ANSI fixed character -- record of values for each Oracle datatype, excluding tables type rec_data_values is record ( v_null varchar2(1) := null , v_str varchar2(13767) := 'SAMPLE' , v_num numeric := 0.0 , v_int integer := 0 , v_flt float := 0.0 , v_txt varchar2(256) := 'SAMPLE' , v_vnu number := 0 , v_pdn decimal := 0.0 , v_lng long := 'SAMPLE' , v_vcs varchar2(13767) := 'SAMPLE' , v_rid rowid -- set at initialization , v_dat date := sysdate , v_bin raw(13767) , v_lbi long raw , v_chr char(2000) := 'SAMPLE' ); --------------------------------- -- PL/SQL APPLICATION RROR CODES --------------------------------- -- -- instance name for the source instance must be entered lc_err_null_instance_name exception; lc_err_null_instance_code constant numeric := -20001 ; lc_err_null_instance_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Instance name cannot be null.'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_null_instance_name, -20001); -- instance name entered does not match an active instance, excluding the current lc_err_invalid_instance_name exception; lc_err_invalid_instance_code constant numeric := -20002 ; lc_err_invalid_instance_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Instance name is invalid:'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_invalid_instance_name, -20002); -- multiple instances exist with the instance name entered lc_err_multiple_instance_names exception; lc_err_multiple_instance_code constant numeric := -20003 ; lc_err_multiple_instance_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Multiple instances with name:'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_multiple_instance_names, -20003); -- no instance id. found with the given instance name (eg. it is now down) lc_err_no_instance_found exception; lc_err_no_instance_found_code constant numeric := -20004 ; lc_err_no_instance_found_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Instance not found:'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_no_instance_found, -20004); -- user name entered does not match known user lc_err_invalid_username exception; lc_err_invalid_username_code constant numeric := -20005 ; lc_err_invalid_username_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'User name is invalid:'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_invalid_username, -20005); -- execution threshold should be greater than zero lc_err_threshold_exec exception; lc_err_threshold_exec_code constant numeric := -20006 ; pragma exception_init(lc_err_threshold_exec, -20006); -- shared memory threshold should be greater than zero lc_err_threshold_sharable_mem exception; lc_err_threshold_shar_mem_code constant numeric := -20007 ; pragma exception_init(lc_err_threshold_sharable_mem, -20007); -- no SQL text address descriptors returned lc_err_no_matching_SQL exception; lc_err_no_matching_SQL_code constant numeric := -20008 ; lc_err_no_matching_SQL_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'No SQL statements found matching the input criteria.'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_no_matching_SQL, -20008); -- no SQL text returned for the address descriptor lc_err_no_SQL_text exception; lc_err_no_SQL_text_code constant numeric := -20009 ; lc_err_no_SQL_text_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'No SQL text found.'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_no_SQL_text, -20009); -- Fatal error in compile from remote lc_err_compile_cursors exception; lc_err_compile_cursors_code constant numeric := -20100 ; lc_err_compile_cursors_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Exiting compile from remote'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_compile_cursors, -20100); -- Non-fatal error in compile cursor job lc_warn_compile_cursors exception; lc_warn_compile_cursors_code constant numeric := -20111 ; lc_warn_compile_cursors_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Warning at cursor :'; pragma exception_init(lc_warn_compile_cursors, -20111); -- Fatal error in compile cursor job lc_error_count_exceeded exception; lc_error_count_exceeded_code constant numeric := -20112 ; lc_error_count_exceeded_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Error threshold exceeded.'; pragma exception_init(lc_error_count_exceeded, -20112); -- Warn of unsupported data types during binding lc_warn_unsupported_type exception; lc_warn_unsupported_type_code constant numeric := -20114 ; lc_warn_unsupported_type_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Warning - bind datatype is not supported.'; pragma exception_init(lc_warn_unsupported_type, -20114); -- Raise an error if database link is null, db_access_method only lc_err_null_db_link exception; lc_err_null_db_link_code constant numeric := -20115 ; lc_err_null_db_link_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Database link is null.'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_null_db_link, -20115); -- Raise an error if the database link is invalid, db_access_method only lc_err_invalid_db_link exception; lc_err_invalid_db_link_code constant numeric := -20116 ; lc_err_invalid_db_link_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Database link is invalid, see error stack.'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_invalid_db_link, -20116); -- Information cursor processed lc_cursor_done_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Completed cursor :'; -- Invalid schema name (parsing user is dropped) lc_err_invalid_schema exception; lc_err_invalid_schema_code constant numeric := -20118 ; lc_err_invalid_schema_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Parsing schema id no longer exists:'; pragma exception_init(lc_err_invalid_schema, -20118); -- Information processing complete lc_compile_done_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Total SQL statements compiled = '; -- Parsing user does not have access to the objects lc_outside_security exception; lc_outside_security_msg constant varchar2(256) := 'Parsing user cannot access the objects.'; pragma exception_init(lc_outside_security, -942); end dbms_libcache$def; / -- -- skip errors due to dropping synonyms. whenever sqlerror continue; --------------------------------- create or replace public synonym dbms_libcache$def for dbms_libcache$def / grant execute on dbms_libcache$def to public / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Rem $Header: catlibc(1).sql 08-Aug-2000.01 ccolrain Rem Rem catlibc(1).sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catlibc2.sql - views for selecting from the library cache Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem The views in this file are used to view full data from the child cursors Rem in the library cache. This view is replaced by v$sql in oracle 9i. Rem Rem RETURNS Rem This package is executed for the package DBMS_LIBCACHE. Rem Rem NOTES Rem The view must be created as the dictionary user SYS. Rem Rem Rem CREATED Rem ccolrain 08/08/00 - created. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ccolrain ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- skip errors due to dropping synonyms. whenever sqlerror continue; --------------------------------- -- VIEW DEFINITIONS -- -- The following views are used pending enhancements to V$SQL and GV$SQL -- child address 1376567 (fixed -- object status 1425898 -- --------------------------------- -- v$sql2 is created from x$kglcursor to externalize the child cursor create or replace view v$sql2 as select userenv('instance') INST_ID, kglnaobj SQL_TEXT, kglobhs0+kglobhs1+kglobhs2+kglobhs3+kglobhs4+kglobhs5+kglobhs6+kglobt16 SHARABLE_MEM, kglobt08+kglobt11 PERSISTENT_MEM, kglobt10 RUNTIME_MEM, kglobt01 SORTS, decode(kglobhs6,0,0,1) LOADED_VERSIONS, decode(kglhdlmd,0,0,1) OPEN_VERSIONS, kglhdlkc USERS_OPENING, kglhdexc EXECUTIONS, kglobpc6 USERS_EXECUTING, kglhdldc LOADS, substr(to_char(kglnatim,'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS'),1,19) FIRST_LOAD_TIME, decode(kglobsta, 1, 'VALID', 2, 'VALID_AUTH_ERROR' ,3 ,'VALID_COMPILE_ERROR', 4, 'VALID_UNAUTH', 5, 'INVALID_UNAUTH', 6, 'INVALID' , kglobsta) OBJECT_STATUS, kglhdivc INVALIDATIONS, kglobt12 PARSE_CALLS, kglobt13 DISK_READS, kglobt14 BUFFER_GETS, kglobt15 ROWS_PROCESSED, kglobt02 COMMAND_TYPE, decode(kglobt32, 0, 'NONE', 1, 'ALL_ROWS', 2, 'FIRST_ROWS', 3, 'RULE', 4, 'CHOOSE', 'UNKNOWN') OPTIMIZER_MODE, kglobtn0 OPTIMIZER_COST, kglobt17 PARSING_USER_ID, kglobt18 PARSING_SCHEMA_ID, kglhdkmk KEPT_VERSIONS, kglhdpar ADDRESS, kglhdadr CHILD_ADDRESS, kglobtp0 TYPE_CHK_HEAP, kglnahsh HASH_VALUE, kglobt09 CHILD_NUMBER, substrb(kglobts0,1,(select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) MODULE, kglobt19 MODULE_HASH, substrb(kglobts1,1,(select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) ACTION, kglobt20 ACTION_HASH, kglobt21 SERIALIZABLE_ABORTS, kglobts2 OUTLINE_CATEGORY from x$kglcursor where kglobt02 != 0 and kglhdadr != kglhdpar ; grant select on v$sql2 to public; create or replace public synonym v$sql2 for v$sql2 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Rem $Header: catlibc(2).sql.sql 08-Aug-2000.01 ccolrain Rem Rem catlibc(2).sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1998, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catlibc1.sql - parsing user and links for parsing the library cache Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SQL*Plus command file to create user which has the right to compile Rem the library cache on the local instance. Rem Rem Rem RETURNS Rem This package is executed at setup for the package dbms_libcache. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run from connected to SYS (or internal) Rem A private link should be created for the parsing user. This may Rem result in ora-2094 (bug 1282056). To work around this problem use a Rem public link and proxy username. Rem Rem Rem CREATED Rem ccolrain 08/08/00 - created. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ccolrain 10/10/00 for bug 128056 private database links are not resolved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -- -- OVERVIEW -- This script creates the parsing user and a private database link. It is executed -- from sys and grants the parsing user the right to create database links -- and to select from the system catalogue. Sites are encouraged to use a database -- link with current_user and authentication through the LDAP directory service. -- skip over errors. set echo off verify off showmode off; whenever sqlerror continue; drop user parser cascade ; prompt ... Creating the parsing user and database link. prompt prompt Below are the list of online tablespaces in this database. prompt Decide which tablespace you wish to use for the PARSER user. select tablespace_name from sys.dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name <> 'SYSTEM' and status = 'ONLINE'; prompt Please enter the parsing users password and tablespaces. prompt create user parser identified by &parser_password default tablespace &default_tablespace temporary tablespace &temporary_tablespace ; grant create session , create database link , create public database link , drop public database link , alter session , select_catalog_role to parser; connect parser / &&parser_password Rem Replace with provate database links following fix to bug 1282056 rem drop database link on a repeated execution drop public database link libc_link ; rem LDAP authentication. rem create database link libc_link rem connect to current_user rem using '&connect_string' ; prompt Please enter the parsing users TNS connect string. prompt rem Basic authentication. create public database link libc_link connect to parser identified by &&parser_password using '&connect_string' ; exit ;