rem rem $Header: catjobq.sql 01-jul-2006.23:37:14 samepate Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1992, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem catjobq.sql - Catalog views for the job queue Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script must be run while connected as SYS or INTERNAL. Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem samepate 06/07/06 - update jobs view Rem desinha 04/29/02 - #2303866: change user => userenv('SCHEMAID') Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice. Rem nlewis 01/15/98 - remove labels from DBA_JOBS and USER_JOBS Rem jingliu 10/21/97 - Instance affinity for job Rem mmonajje 05/21/96 - Replace interval col name with interval# Rem asurpur 04/08/96 - Dictionary Protection Implementation Rem wmaimone 05/06/94 - #184921 run as sys/internal Rem rjenkins 01/19/94 - merge changes from branch 1.1.710.1 Rem rjenkins 12/20/93 - Branch_for_patch Rem rjenkins 12/17/93 - Creation remark remark FAMILY JOB QUEUE remark create or replace view DBA_JOBS_RUNNING as select v.SID, v.id2 JOB, j.FAILURES, LAST_DATE, substr(to_char(last_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_SEC, THIS_DATE, substr(to_char(this_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) THIS_SEC, j.field1 INSTANCE from sys.job$ j, v$lock v where v.type = 'JQ' and j.job (+)= v.id2 / comment on table DBA_JOBS_RUNNING is 'All jobs in the database which are currently running, join v$lock and job$' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.SID is 'Identifier of process which is executing the job. See v$lock.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.JOB is 'Identifier of job. This job is currently executing.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.LAST_DATE is 'Date that this job last successfully executed' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.LAST_SEC is 'Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.THIS_DATE is 'Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.THIS_SEC is 'Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.FAILURES is 'How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?' / comment on column DBA_JOBS_RUNNING.INSTANCE is 'The instance number restricted to run the job' / create or replace public synonym DBA_JOBS_RUNNING for DBA_JOBS_RUNNING / grant select on DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to select_catalog_role / remark Remember to add comments for all_jobs and user_jobs too create or replace view DBA_JOBS as select JOB, lowner LOG_USER, powner PRIV_USER, cowner SCHEMA_USER, LAST_DATE, substr(to_char(last_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) LAST_SEC, THIS_DATE, substr(to_char(this_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) THIS_SEC, NEXT_DATE, substr(to_char(next_date,'HH24:MI:SS'),1,8) NEXT_SEC, (total+(sysdate-nvl(this_date,sysdate)))*86400 TOTAL_TIME, decode(mod(FLAG,2),1,'Y',0,'N','?') BROKEN, INTERVAL# interval, FAILURES, WHAT, nlsenv NLS_ENV, env MISC_ENV, j.field1 INSTANCE from sys.job$ j where BITAND(j.scheduler_flags, 2) IS NULL OR BITAND(j.scheduler_flags, 2) = 0 /* don't show jobs with drop flag */ / comment on table DBA_JOBS is 'All jobs in the database' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.JOB is 'Identifier of job. Neither import/export nor repeated executions change it.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.LOG_USER is 'USER who was logged in when the job was submitted' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.PRIV_USER is 'USER whose default privileges apply to this job' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.SCHEMA_USER is 'select * from bar means select * from ' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.LAST_DATE is 'Date that this job last successfully executed' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.LAST_SEC is 'Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.THIS_DATE is 'Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.THIS_SEC is 'Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.TOTAL_TIME is 'Total wallclock time spent by the system on this job, in seconds' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be executed' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.NEXT_SEC is 'Same as NEXT_DATE. The job becomes due for execution at this time.' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.BROKEN is 'If Y, no attempt is being made to run this job. See dbms_jobq.broken(job).' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.INTERVAL is 'A date function, evaluated at the start of execution, becomes next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.FAILURES is 'How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.WHAT is 'Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that this job executes' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.NLS_ENV is 'alter session parameters describing the NLS environment of the job' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.MISC_ENV is 'a versioned raw maintained by the kernel, for other session parameters' / comment on column DBA_JOBS.INSTANCE is 'Instance number restricted to run the job' / create or replace public synonym DBA_JOBS for DBA_JOBS / grant select on DBA_JOBS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view USER_JOBS as select j.* from dba_jobs j, sys.user$ u where j.priv_user = and u.user# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') / comment on table USER_JOBS is 'All jobs owned by this user' / comment on column USER_JOBS.JOB is 'Identifier of job. Neither import/export nor repeated executions change it.' / comment on column USER_JOBS.LOG_USER is 'USER who was logged in when the job was submitted' / comment on column USER_JOBS.PRIV_USER is 'USER whose default privileges apply to this job' / comment on column USER_JOBS.SCHEMA_USER is 'select * from bar means select * from ' / comment on column USER_JOBS.LAST_DATE is 'Date that this job last successfully executed' / comment on column USER_JOBS.LAST_SEC is 'Same as LAST_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column USER_JOBS.THIS_DATE is 'Date that this job started executing (usually null if not executing)' / comment on column USER_JOBS.THIS_SEC is 'Same as THIS_DATE. This is when the last successful execution started.' / comment on column USER_JOBS.TOTAL_TIME is 'Total wallclock time spent by the system on this job, in seconds' / comment on column USER_JOBS.NEXT_DATE is 'Date that this job will next be executed' / comment on column USER_JOBS.NEXT_SEC is 'Same as NEXT_DATE. The job becomes due for execution at this time.' / comment on column USER_JOBS.BROKEN is 'If Y, no attempt is being made to run this job. See dbms_jobq.broken(job).' / comment on column USER_JOBS.INTERVAL is 'A date function, evaluated at the start of execution, becomes next NEXT_DATE' / comment on column USER_JOBS.FAILURES is 'How many times has this job started and failed since its last success?' / comment on column USER_JOBS.WHAT is 'Body of the anonymous PL/SQL block that this job executes' / comment on column USER_JOBS.NLS_ENV is 'alter session parameters describing the NLS environment of the job' / comment on column USER_JOBS.MISC_ENV is 'a versioned raw maintained by the kernel, for other session parameters' / comment on column USER_JOBS.INSTANCE is 'Instance number restricted to run the job' / create or replace public synonym USER_JOBS for USER_JOBS / grant select on USER_JOBS to public with grant option / create or replace public synonym ALL_JOBS for USER_JOBS / grant select on ALL_JOBS to public with grant option /