Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catidxu.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/04/25 22:23:07 ddoda Exp $ Rem Rem catidxu.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catidxu.sql - Catalog views for Index Utilities Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates views to gather index components Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ddoda 04/20/11 - Backport ddoda_bug-11824603 from main Rem wesmith 06/08/07 - add join index flag to view UTL_ALL_IND_COMPS Rem wesmith 03/09/06 - lrg 2018157: fix views "_utl$*" for IOTs Rem nfolkert 09/11/03 - add estimate for missing statistics Rem nfolkert 05/01/03 - check composite partition for subpartitions Rem nfolkert 03/17/03 - change degree for partitions Rem nfolkert 01/29/03 - fix degree for partitioned indexes Rem nfolkert 01/13/03 - changes for idx_utl list interface Rem nfolkert 10/12/02 - nfolkert_idx_rebuild Rem nfolkert 10/08/02 - Created Rem -- ============================================================================ -- DICTIONARY VIEWS -- ============================================================================ -- UTL_ALL_IND_COMPS -- All index components -- Provides a view including all rebuildable index components including whole -- indexes, index partitions, and index subpartitions. Comprised of four -- private subviews as follows. -- Types (used for pruning union branches) -- 'G': NON-PARTITIONED GLOBAL INDEX -- 'P': PARTITIONED GLOBAL INDEX PARTITION -- 'L': NON-COMPOSITE LOCAL INDEX PARTITION -- 'C': COMPOSITE LOCAL INDEX SUBPARTITION -- Locality -- 'G': GLOBAL -- 'L': LOCAL -- Status -- 'U': UNUSABLE -- 'V': VALID -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Notes on size estimates: in the case of indexes being built on tables -- without statistics (e.g. build-deferred MVs), we are using the allocated -- segments of the base table as an estimate of the number of rows. -- Right now this can be arbitrarily inaccurate. The extents allocated to -- a table may not accurately reflect the amount of data in a table (for -- example, when large amounts of data are deleted from a table, the -- extent size does not change. -- We are using the default average row length (100) from kke (KKEDDRL) to -- estimate the size of the table. Naturally this may be arbitrarily -- inaccurate. If possible, the code should be reorganized to allow reuse -- between these functions, but there did not seem to be a simple way to do -- that. -- In some cases, the size of the table cannot be determined from the -- segment table, for example index organized tables. For these cases, we -- are going to assume the table is very large, so that we will try to run -- them in parallel. The value we have chosen is one billion rows. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Private: ALL GLOBAL NON-PARTITIONTED INDEXES CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_utl$_gnp_ind" (ctype, index_name, component_name, table_id, tab_owner_id, idx_id, ind_owner_id, ind_owner_name, comp_id, tcomp_id, ccomp_id, tccomp_id, status, locality, degree, rowcnt, join_index) AS SELECT 'G',, NULL, Obj_Tab.obj#, Obj_Tab.owner#, Obj_Idx.obj#, Obj_Idx.owner#,, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, DECODE(bitand(Ind.flags, 1), 1, 'U', 'V'), 'G',, CASE WHEN Tab.rowcnt IS NOT NULL THEN Tab.rowcnt WHEN Seg.file# IS NULL THEN 1000000000 ELSE CEIL((dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(TSpc.ts#, Seg.file#, Seg.block#, Seg.type#, Seg.cachehint, NVL(Seg.spare1, 0), Tab.dataobj#, Seg.blocks) * TSpc.blocksize) / 100) END, DECODE(bitand(, 1024), 1024, 'Y', 'N') FROM sys.obj$ Obj_Idx, sys.user$ Usr, sys.ind$ Ind, sys.obj$ Obj_Tab, sys.ts$ TSpc,$ Tab LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.seg$ Seg ON Seg.file# = Tab.file# AND Seg.block# = Tab.block# AND Seg.ts# = Tab.ts# AND Seg.type# = 5 WHERE Obj_Idx.owner# = Usr.user# AND Obj_Tab.obj# = AND Ind.type# <> 4 -- not IOT - TOP AND Ind.obj# = Obj_Idx.obj# AND NOT (bitand(, 2) = 2) -- 0x02 = Partitioned Index AND Tab.obj# = Obj_Tab.obj# AND Tab.ts# = TSpc.ts#; -- Private: ALL GLOBAL PARTITIONED INDEX PARTITIONS -- rowcnt is an estimate. Since table is not partitioned in the same way -- that the index is partitioned, the rowcnt is estimated as the total table -- size divided by the number of index partitions. Is this correct? It may -- be more accurate to use just the table count, given that the lack of -- partition correspondence will require a full scan. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_utl$_gp_ind_parts" (ctype, index_name, component_name, table_id, tab_owner_id, idx_id, ind_owner_id, ind_owner_name, comp_id, tcomp_id, ccomp_id, tccomp_id, status, locality, degree, rowcnt, join_index) AS SELECT 'P',, Obj_IdxPart.subname, Obj_Tab.obj#, Obj_Tab.owner#, Obj_Idx.obj#, Obj_Idx.owner#,, Obj_IdxPart.obj#, NULL, NULL, NULL, DECODE(bitand(IndPart.flags, 1), 1, 'U', 'V'), 'G',, CASE WHEN Tab.rowcnt IS NOT NULL THEN Tab.rowcnt / PartObj.partcnt WHEN Seg.file# IS NULL THEN 1000000000 ELSE CEIL((dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(TSpc.ts#, Seg.file#, Seg.block#, Seg.type#, Seg.cachehint, NVL(Seg.spare1, 0), Tab.dataobj#, Seg.blocks) * TSpc.blocksize) / (100 * PartObj.partcnt)) END, DECODE(bitand(, 1024), 1024, 'Y', 'N') FROM sys.user$ Usr, sys.obj$ Obj_Idx, sys.obj$ Obj_Tab, sys.partobj$ PartObj, sys.ind$ Ind, sys.obj$ Obj_IdxPart, sys.indpart$ IndPart, sys.ts$ TSpc,$ Tab LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.seg$ Seg ON Seg.file# = Tab.file# AND Seg.block# = Tab.block# AND Seg.ts# = Tab.ts# AND Seg.type# = 5 WHERE = Ind.obj# AND Ind.type# <> 4 -- not IOT - TOP AND = Obj_Tab.obj# AND IndPart.obj# = Obj_IdxPart.obj# AND Ind.obj# = Obj_Idx.obj# AND PartObj.obj# = Ind.obj# AND bitand(PartObj.flags, 1) = 0 -- 0x01 = Local index AND Obj_Idx.owner# = Usr.user# AND Tab.obj# = Obj_Tab.obj# AND Tab.ts# = TSpc.ts#; -- Private: ALL LOCAL NON-COMPOSITE INDEX PARTITIONS CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_utl$_lnc_ind_parts" (ctype, index_name, component_name, table_id, tab_owner_id, idx_id, ind_owner_id, ind_owner_name, comp_id, tcomp_id, ccomp_id, tccomp_id, status, locality, degree, rowcnt, join_index) AS SELECT 'L',, Obj_IdxPart.subname, Obj_Tab.obj#, Obj_Tab.owner#, Obj_Idx.obj#, Obj_Idx.owner#,, Obj_IdxPart.obj#, TabPart.obj#, NULL, NULL, DECODE(bitand(IndPart.flags, 1), 1, 'U', 'V'), 'L',, CASE WHEN TabPart.rowcnt IS NOT NULL THEN TabPart.rowcnt WHEN Seg.file# IS NULL THEN 1000000000 ELSE CEIL((dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(TSpc.ts#, Seg.file#, Seg.block#, Seg.type#, Seg.cachehint, NVL(Seg.spare1, 0), TabPart.dataobj#, Seg.blocks) * TSpc.blocksize) / 100) END, DECODE(bitand(, 1024), 1024, 'Y', 'N') FROM sys.obj$ Obj_Idx, sys.user$ Usr, sys.partobj$ PartObj, sys.ind$ Ind, sys.obj$ Obj_IdxPart, sys.indpart$ IndPart, sys.obj$ Obj_Tab,$ Tab, sys.ts$ TSpc, sys.tabpart$ TabPart LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.seg$ Seg ON Seg.file# = TabPart.file# AND Seg.block# = TabPart.block# AND Seg.ts# = TabPart.ts# AND Seg.type# = 5 WHERE Obj_Tab.obj# = AND Ind.type# <> 4 -- not IOT - TOP AND Ind.obj# = AND PartObj.obj# = Ind.obj# AND IndPart.obj# = Obj_IdxPart.obj# AND Ind.obj# = Obj_Idx.obj# AND bitand(PartObj.flags, 1) = 1 -- 0x01 = local index AND Obj_Idx.owner# = Usr.user# AND = Obj_Tab.obj# AND TabPart.part# = IndPart.part# AND Tab.obj# = Obj_Tab.obj# AND TabPart.ts# = TSpc.ts#; -- Private: ALL LOCAL COMPOSITE INDEX SUBPARTITIONS CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_utl$_lc_ind_subs" (ctype, index_name, component_name, table_id, tab_owner_id, idx_id, ind_owner_id, ind_owner_name, comp_id, tcomp_id, ccomp_id, tccomp_id, status, locality, degree, rowcnt, join_index) AS SELECT 'C',, Obj_IdxSubPart.subname, Obj_Tab.obj#, Obj_Tab.owner#, Obj_Idx.obj#, Obj_Idx.owner#,, Obj_IdxSubPart.obj#, TabSubPart.obj#, IndComPart.obj#, TabComPart.obj#, DECODE(bitand(IndSubPart.flags, 1), 1, 'U', 'V'), 'L',, CASE WHEN TabSubPart.rowcnt IS NOT NULL THEN TabSubPart.rowcnt WHEN Seg.file# IS NULL THEN 1000000000 ELSE CEIL((dbms_space_admin.segment_number_blocks(TSpc.ts#, Seg.file#, Seg.block#, Seg.type#, Seg.cachehint, NVL(Seg.spare1, 0), TabSubPart.dataobj#, Seg.blocks) * TSpc.blocksize) / 100) END, DECODE(bitand(, 1024), 1024, 'Y', 'N') FROM sys.obj$ Obj_IdxSubPart, sys.indsubpart$ IndSubPart, sys.indcompart$ IndComPart, sys.user$ Usr, sys.obj$ Obj_Idx, sys.Ind$ Ind, sys.obj$ Obj_Tab, sys.partobj$ PartObj, sys.tabcompart$ TabComPart,$ Tab, sys.ts$ TSpc, sys.tabsubpart$ TabSubPart LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.seg$ Seg ON Seg.file# = TabSubPart.file# AND Seg.block# = TabSubPart.block# AND Seg.ts# = TabSubPart.ts# AND Seg.type# = 5 WHERE IndComPart.obj# = IndSubPart.pobj# AND = Ind.obj# AND Ind.type# <> 4 -- not IOT - TOP AND = Obj_Tab.obj# AND Obj_IdxSubPart.obj# = IndSubPart.obj# AND Obj_Idx.owner# = Usr.user# AND Ind.obj# = Obj_Idx.obj# AND PartObj.obj# = Ind.obj# AND = Obj_Tab.obj# AND TabComPart.part# = IndComPart.part# AND TabComPart.obj# = TabSubPart.pobj# AND TabSubPart.subpart# = IndSubPart.subpart# AND Tab.obj# = Obj_Tab.obj# AND TabSubPart.ts# = TSpc.ts#; -- The Union view of all components -- PUBLIC: All Index Components -- This view is for use with the public interface to the index rebuild package. -- The owner of the table can rebuild all indexes on that table. Also, users -- with alter any index or alter any table privileges. /* Bug# 11824603 */ -- Columns: -- ctype - type of component -- see above -- index_name - name of the index -- component_name - name of the component of the index, if appropriate -- table_id - obj# of the table being indexed -- tab_owner_id - owner# of the table being indexed -- idx_id - obj# of the index -- ind_owner_id - owner# of the index -- ind_owner_name - name of the owner of the index -- comp_id - obj# of the component, if appropriate -- tcomp_id - obj# of table component related to index component, if -- appropriate -- ccomp_id - obj# of composite partition containing this component, if -- appropriate -- tccomp_id - obj# of the composite partition containing the table -- component related to the index component, if appropriate -- status - unusable or valid, see above -- locality - global or local, see above -- degree - degree of parallelism for the index -- rowcnt - number of rows in the index/index component -- join_index - Y if this is a join index, N otherwise CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW utl_all_ind_comps (ctype, index_name, component_name, table_id, tab_owner_id, idx_id, ind_owner_id, ind_owner_name, comp_id, tcomp_id, ccomp_id, tccomp_id, status, locality, degree, rowcnt, join_index) AS SELECT * FROM "_utl$_gnp_ind" WHERE (tab_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR ind_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number in (-72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */))) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM "_utl$_gp_ind_parts" WHERE (tab_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR ind_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number in (-72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */))) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM "_utl$_lnc_ind_parts" WHERE (tab_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR ind_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number in (-72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */))) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM "_utl$_lc_ind_subs" WHERE (tab_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR ind_owner_id = userenv('SCHEMAID') OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.v$enabledprivs WHERE priv_number in (-72 /* ALTER ANY INDEX */, -42 /* ALTER ANY TABLE */))); CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM utl_all_ind_comps FOR utl_all_ind_comps; GRANT SELECT ON utl_all_ind_comps TO PUBLIC;