Rem Rem $Header: cathae.sql 31-may-2006.09:13:20 kneel Exp $ Rem Rem cathae.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem cathae.sql - Catalog changes for HA Event notification Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem kneel 05/31/06 - support upgrade Rem kneel 04/05/06 - support critical alerts in kjhn Rem aahluwal 05/10/05 - [Bug 4351043]: restrict HAE_SUB rule to HA Rem message group only Rem kneel 11/26/04 - lrg 1795216: duplicate jobs in logical standby Rem kneel 11/09/04 - lrg 1795206 index key too long Rem kneel 11/02/04 - Changing object and alert names Rem kneel 10/14/04 - changing TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE to TIMESTAMP Rem kneel 10/07/04 - changing TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE columns Rem kneel 10/04/04 - moving prvtkjhn.plb call to cathae.sql Rem kneel 09/17/04 - making recent_resource_incarnations$ Rem index-organized Rem kneel 09/16/04 - support for DataGuard standbys Rem kneel 09/08/04 - define subscriber for instance down events Rem kmeiyyap 07/21/04 - use internal add_subscriber API Rem nikeda 07/05/04 - nikeda_oci_events_p3 Rem aahluwal 06/28/04 - add rule for HAE_SUB Rem kneel 06/25/04 - instance down alert reliability work Rem aahluwal 06/23/04 - Created Rem rem ============================================================= rem table used to track resource incarnations and ensure clients rem receive notification of resource incarnation death rem ============================================================= CREATE TABLE recent_resource_incarnations$ ( resource_type varchar2(30), resource_id number, resource_name varchar2(256), db_unique_name varchar2(30), db_domain varchar2(128), instance_name varchar2(30), host_name varchar2(512), location varchar2(512), incarnation varchar2(30), startup_time timestamp(9), shutdown_time timestamp(9), description varchar2(4000), CONSTRAINT recent_resource_incarnations$p PRIMARY KEY ( resource_type, db_domain, db_unique_name, instance_name, incarnation, startup_time) ) ORGANIZATION INDEX OVERFLOW TABLESPACE sysaux / comment on column recent_resource_incarnations$.STARTUP_TIME is 'Resource startup date and time in universal time (UTC)' / comment on column recent_resource_incarnations$.SHUTDOWN_TIME is 'Resource shutdown date and time in universal time (UTC)' / create or replace view DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS as select RESOURCE_TYPE, RESOURCE_NAME, DB_UNIQUE_NAME, DB_DOMAIN, INSTANCE_NAME, HOST_NAME, from_tz(STARTUP_TIME, '+00:00') at local as STARTUP_TIME from RECENT_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS$ / comment on table DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS is 'Resource incarnations that are running or eligible for HA status notification' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.RESOURCE_TYPE is 'Resource type' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.RESOURCE_NAME is 'Resource name' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.DB_UNIQUE_NAME is 'Databae unique name' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.DB_DOMAIN is 'Database domain' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.INSTANCE_NAME is 'Name of instance at which resource is located' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.HOST_NAME is 'Name of host at which resource is located' / comment on column DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS.STARTUP_TIME is 'Resource startup date and time' / create or replace public synonym DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS for sys.DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS / grant select on DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS to select_catalog_role /