Rem Rem $Header: catfgr.sql 11-mar-2005.13:22:40 htran Exp $ Rem Rem catfgr.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catfgr.sql - CAT File Group Repository Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem File Group Repository Views Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem htran 03/11/05 - only tranportable tablespaces in tablespaces view Rem alakshmi 04/30/04 - alakshmi_tbs_set Rem htran 04/20/04 - column name changes Rem alakshmi 04/19/04 - system privilege READ_ANY_FILE_GROUP Rem htran 04/16/04 - _ALL views for export Rem alakshmi 04/14/04 - move grant of manage_any_file_group to Rem alakshmi 04/05/04 - grant manage_any_file_group to DBA and SYSTEM Rem htran 03/24/04 - fix fg owner/name in DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO Rem htran 03/09/04 - file group in obj$ Rem htran 03/02/04 - add some views for export Rem htran 02/24/04 - name generation sequence Rem htran 02/20/04 - remove XDB stuff Rem htran 02/18/04 - add datapump metadata views Rem htran 02/18/04 - Created Rem -- -- sequences -- -- name generation sequence BEGIN execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE fgr$_names_s START WITH 1 NOCACHE'; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN -- ok if the object exists IF sqlcode = -955 THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / -- -- views -- create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUPS (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, KEEP_FILES, MIN_VERSIONS, MAX_VERSIONS, RETENTION_DAYS, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select,, g.keep_files, g.min_versions, g.max_versions, g.retention_days, g.creation_time, g.user_comment, g.default_dir_obj from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_groups g where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUPS is 'Details about file groups' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.KEEP_FILES is 'Should on-disk files be purged when removed?' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.MIN_VERSIONS is 'Minimum number of versions to keep' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.MAX_VERSIONS is 'Maximum number of versions to keep' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.RETENTION_DAYS is 'Keep versions at least this number of days' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.CREATED is 'When the file group was created' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUPS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUPS for DBA_FILE_GROUPS / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUPS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, CREATOR, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select,, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.creator, v.creation_time, v.user_comment, v.default_dir_obj from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_groups g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where g.file_group_id = v.file_group_id and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS is 'Details about file group versions' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATOR is 'Creator of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATED is 'When the version was created' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS for DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, EXPORT_VERSION, PLATFORM_NAME, EXPORT_TIME, EXPORT_SCN, SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME) as select,, v.version_name, v.version_id, i.export_version, i.export_platform, i.export_time, i.export_scn, i.source_db_name from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_group_export_info i, sys.fgr$_file_groups g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where i.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO is 'Details about export information of file group versions' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_VERSION is 'Compatibility level of export dump' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.PLATFORM_NAME is 'Platform export was done on' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_TIME is 'Export job start time' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_SCN is 'Export job scn' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME is 'Global name of the exporting database' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO for DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, FILE_NAME, FILE_DIRECTORY, FILE_TYPE, FILE_SIZE, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE, COMMENTS) as select,, v.version_name, v.version_id, f.file_name, f.file_dir_obj, f.file_type, f.file_size, f.file_blocksize, f.user_comment from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_group_files f, sys.fgr$_file_groups g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where f.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES is 'Details about file group files' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_NAME is 'Name of the file' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_DIRECTORY is 'Directory object for the file' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_TYPE is 'File type' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_SIZE is 'File size' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE is 'File block size' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES for DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, TABLESPACE_NAME) as select,, v.version_name, v.version_id, ti.tablespace_name from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_tablespace_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_groups g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES is 'Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES for DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, SCN) as select,, v.version_name, v.version_id, ti.schema_name, ti.table_name, ti.tablespace_name, ti.scn from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_table_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_groups g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id and o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / comment on table DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES is 'Details about the tables in the file group repository' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.OWNER is 'Schema table belongs to' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the table' / comment on column DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.SCN is 'SCN table was exported at' / create or replace public synonym DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES for DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES / grant select on DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES to select_catalog_role / -- selects file group information for use by export and ALL views create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" (FILE_GROUP_ID, FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, KEEP_FILES, MIN_VERSIONS, MAX_VERSIONS, RETENTION_DAYS, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY, CREATOR) as select g.file_group_id,,, g.keep_files, g.min_versions, g.max_versions, g.retention_days, g.creation_time, g.user_comment, g.default_dir_obj, g.creator from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_groups g where o.owner# = u.user# and o.obj# = g.file_group_id and (o.owner# in (USERENV('SCHEMAID'), 1 /* PUBLIC */) or o.obj# in (select oa.obj# from sys.objauth$ oa where grantee# in (select kzsrorol from x$kzsro)) or exists (select null from v$enabledprivs where priv_number in ( -277, -278))) / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUPS (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, KEEP_FILES, MIN_VERSIONS, MAX_VERSIONS, RETENTION_DAYS, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select file_group_owner, file_group_name, keep_files, min_versions, max_versions, retention_days, created, comments, default_directory from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUPS is 'Details about file groups' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.KEEP_FILES is 'Should on-disk files be purged when removed?' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.MIN_VERSIONS is 'Minimum number of versions to keep' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.MAX_VERSIONS is 'Maximum number of versions to keep' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.RETENTION_DAYS is 'Keep versions at least this number of days' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.CREATED is 'When the file group was created' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUPS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUPS for ALL_FILE_GROUPS / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUPS to public with grant option / -- selects version information for export create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS" (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION_ID, VERSION_GUID, CREATOR, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select g.file_group_owner, g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.version_guid, v.creator, v.creation_time, v.user_comment, v.default_dir_obj from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where g.file_group_id = v.file_group_id / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, CREATOR, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select v.file_group_owner, v.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.creator, v.created, v.comments, v.default_directory from "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS" v / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS is 'Details about file group versions' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATOR is 'Creator of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATED is 'When the version was created' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS for ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS to public with grant option / -- selects export info for export create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO" (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION_ID, VERSION_GUID, EXPORT_VERSION, PLATFORM_NAME, EXPORT_TIME, EXPORT_SCN, SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME) as select g.file_group_owner, g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.version_guid, i.export_version, i.export_platform, i.export_time, i.export_scn, i.source_db_name from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_export_info i, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where i.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, EXPORT_VERSION, PLATFORM_NAME, EXPORT_TIME, EXPORT_SCN, SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME) as select file_group_owner, file_group_name, version_name, version_id, export_version, platform_name, export_time, export_scn, source_global_name from "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO" / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO is 'Details about export information of file group versions' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_VERSION is 'Compatibility level of export dump' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.PLATFORM_NAME is 'Platform export was done on' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_TIME is 'Export job start time' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_SCN is 'Export job scn' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME is 'Global name of the exporting database' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO for ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO to public with grant option / -- selects file group file information for export create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES" (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION_ID, VERSION_GUID, FILE_NAME, FILE_DIRECTORY, FILE_TYPE, FILE_SIZE, FILE_BLOCKSIZE, COMMENTS, CREATOR, CREATED) as select g.file_group_owner, g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.version_guid, f.file_name, f.file_dir_obj, f.file_type, f.file_size, f.file_blocksize, f.user_comment, f.creator, f.creation_time from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_files f, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where f.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, FILE_NAME, FILE_DIRECTORY, FILE_TYPE, FILE_SIZE, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE,COMMENTS) as select file_group_owner, file_group_name, version_name, version_id, file_name, file_directory, file_type, file_size, file_blocksize, comments from "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES" / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES is 'Details about file group files' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_NAME is 'Name of the file' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_DIRECTORY is 'Directory object for the file' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_TYPE is 'File type' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_SIZE is 'File size' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE is 'File block size' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES for ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES to public with grant option / -- select tablespaces information for export create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES" (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION_ID, VERSION_GUID, TABLESPACE_NAME) as select g.file_group_owner, g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.version_guid, ti.tablespace_name from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_tablespace_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, TABLESPACE_NAME) as select file_group_owner, file_group_name, version_name, version_id, tablespace_name from "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES" / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES is 'Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES for ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES to public with grant option / -- select table information for export create or replace view "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES" (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION_ID, VERSION_GUID, OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, SCN) as select g.file_group_owner, g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, ti.version_guid, ti.schema_name, ti.table_name, ti.tablespace_name, ti.scn from "_ALL_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_table_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / grant select on "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES" to public with grant option / create or replace view ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES (FILE_GROUP_OWNER, FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, SCN) as select file_group_owner, file_group_name, version_name, version_id, owner, table_name, tablespace_name, scn from "_ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES" / comment on table ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES is 'Details about the tables in the file group repository' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.FILE_GROUP_OWNER is 'Owner of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.OWNER is 'Schema table belongs to' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the table' / comment on column ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.SCN is 'SCN table was exported at' / create or replace public synonym ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES for ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES / grant select on ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES to public with grant option / create or replace view "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" (FILE_GROUP_ID, FILE_GROUP_NAME, KEEP_FILES, MIN_VERSIONS, MAX_VERSIONS, RETENTION_DAYS, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select g.file_group_id,, g.keep_files, g.min_versions, g.max_versions, g.retention_days, g.creation_time, g.user_comment, g.default_dir_obj from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.fgr$_file_groups g where o.owner# = u.user# and o.owner# = USERENV('SCHEMAID') and o.obj# = g.file_group_id / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUPS (FILE_GROUP_NAME, KEEP_FILES, MIN_VERSIONS, MAX_VERSIONS, RETENTION_DAYS, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select file_group_name, keep_files, min_versions, max_versions, retention_days, created, comments, default_directory from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUPS is 'Details about file groups' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.KEEP_FILES is 'Should on-disk files be purged when removed?' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.MIN_VERSIONS is 'Minimum number of versions to keep' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.MAX_VERSIONS is 'Maximum number of versions to keep' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.RETENTION_DAYS is 'Keep versions at least this number of days' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.CREATED is 'When the file group was created' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUPS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUPS for USER_FILE_GROUPS / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUPS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS (FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, CREATOR, CREATED, COMMENTS, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY) as select g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, v.creator, v.creation_time, v.user_comment, v.default_dir_obj from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where g.file_group_id = v.file_group_id / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS is 'Details about file group versions' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATOR is 'Creator of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.CREATED is 'When the version was created' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS.DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is 'Default directory object' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS for USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO (FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, EXPORT_VERSION, PLATFORM_NAME, EXPORT_TIME, EXPORT_SCN, SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME) as select g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, i.export_version, i.export_platform, i.export_time, i.export_scn, i.source_db_name from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_export_info i, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where i.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO is 'Details about export information of file group versions' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_VERSION is 'Compatibility level of export dump' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.PLATFORM_NAME is 'Platform export was done on' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_TIME is 'Export job start time' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.EXPORT_SCN is 'Export job scn' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO.SOURCE_GLOBAL_NAME is 'Global name of the exporting database' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO for USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES (FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, FILE_NAME, FILE_DIRECTORY, FILE_TYPE, FILE_SIZE, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE,COMMENTS) as select g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, f.file_name, f.file_dir_obj, f.file_type, f.file_size, f.file_blocksize, f.user_comment from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_file_group_files f, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where f.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES is 'Details about file group files' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_NAME is 'Name of the file' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_DIRECTORY is 'Directory object for the file' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_TYPE is 'File type' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_SIZE is 'File size' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.FILE_BLOCK_SIZE is 'File block size' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES.COMMENTS is 'User specified comment' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES for USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES (FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, TABLESPACE_NAME) as select g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, ti.tablespace_name from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_tablespace_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES is 'Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES for USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES to public with grant option / create or replace view USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES (FILE_GROUP_NAME, VERSION_NAME, VERSION, OWNER, TABLE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME, SCN) as select g.file_group_name, v.version_name, v.version_id, ti.schema_name, ti.table_name, ti.tablespace_name, ti.scn from "_USER_FILE_GROUPS" g, sys.fgr$_table_info ti, sys.fgr$_file_group_versions v where ti.version_guid = v.version_guid and v.file_group_id = g.file_group_id / comment on table USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES is 'Details about the tables in the file group repository' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.FILE_GROUP_NAME is 'Name of the file group' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION_NAME is 'Name of the version' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.VERSION is 'Internal version number' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.OWNER is 'Schema table belongs to' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLE_NAME is 'Name of the table' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.TABLESPACE_NAME is 'Name of the tablespace containing the table' / comment on column USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES.SCN is 'SCN table was exported at' / create or replace public synonym USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES for USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES / grant select on USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES to public with grant option /