Rem Rem $Header: catexf.sql 08-feb-2007.14:01:25 ayalaman Exp $ Rem Rem catexf.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catexf.sql - Top level script to load Expression Filter Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script installs the Expression Filter feature in a Rem dedicated EXFSYS schema. Rem Rem NOTES Rem See Documentation. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ayalaman 02/08/07 - fail on ORA error Rem ayalaman 10/25/04 - fix the validation procedure Rem ayalaman 10/07/04 - new validation procedure in SYS Rem ayalaman 11/21/02 - Rem ayalaman 11/19/02 - add indextype definition Rem ayalaman 09/26/02 - ayalaman_expression_filter_support Rem ayalaman 09/06/02 - Created Rem WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; REM REM Create the user with a default and temporary tablespace REM User will be prompted to enter the password for the user and the REM tablespace names REM @@exfsys.sql REM REM Running as sysdba : set current schema to EXFSYS REM ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = EXFSYS; WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; begin sys.dbms_registry.loading('EXF', 'Oracle Expression Filter', 'validate_exf','EXFSYS'); end; / REM REM Create the Java library in EXFSYS schema REM prompt .. loading the Expression Filter Java library @@initexf.sql REM REM Create Trusted 'C' library REM CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY EXFTLIB TRUSTED AS STATIC; / REM REM Create required schema objects in the EXFSYS Schema REM --- Create Types required for Expression Filter @@exftyp.sql --- Create Expression Filter Dictionary @@exftab.sql --- Create Public PL/SQL Package specifications @@exfpbs.sql --- Create Expression Filter catalog views @@exfview.sql REM REM Create package implementations REM prompt .. creating Expression Filter private package in SYS schema @@exfsppvs.plb prompt .. installing Expression Filter APIs @@exfeapvs.plb prompt .. installing Expression Filter indextype and operators @@exfimpvs.plb REM .. installing XPath Expression Filter support @@exfxppvs.plb REM REM Create Indextype definition REM create indextype EXPFilter for EVALUATE(VARCHAR2, VARCHAR2), EVALUATE(VARCHAR2, sys.ANYDATA), EVALUATE(CLOB, VARCHAR2), EVALUATE(CLOB, sys.ANYDATA) using ExpressionIndexMethods; grant execute on expfilter to public; REM REM Associate Statistics Methods REM ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH FUNCTIONS evaluate_vv, evaluate_va, evaluate_cv, evaluate_ca USING ExpressionIndexStats; ASSOCIATE STATISTICS WITH INDEXTYPES EXPFilter USING ExpressionIndexStats; REM REM Validate Expression Filter installation REM EXECUTE sys.dbms_registry.loaded('EXF'); EXECUTE sys.validate_exf; ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA = SYS;