Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catdwgrd.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/02/24 22:39:38 cdilling Exp $ Rem Rem catdwgrd.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catdwgrd.sql - DataBase DoWnGrade from the current release Rem to the original release (if supported) Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem This script is to be used for downgrading your database from the Rem current release you have installed to the release from which Rem you upgraded. Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script needs to be run in the current release environment Rem (before installing the release to which you want to downgrade). Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cdilling 02/24/11 - add support for Rem bmccarth 05/25/10 - deal with 1102000 Rem cdilling 08/20/09 - add support for patch downgrades in 11.2 Rem cdilling 06/04/09 - update to reflect supported downgrade versions Rem rpang 02/05/09 - 7600720: Network ACL check only when XDB present Rem rgmani 10/30/08 - Downgrade scheduler java code Rem rpang 03/28/08 - no xml rewrite for network acl query Rem nkgopal 01/29/08 - lrg 3284618 Rem nkgopal 01/14/08 - Add DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT downgrade check Rem rpang 01/09/08 - add check for PL/SQL network ACLs Rem rburns 01/03/08 - 11.2 major release downgrade Rem rburns 12/10/07 - component patch downgrade Rem rburns 08/27/07 - change compatible test Rem cdilling 08/09/07 - add support for 11g patch downgrade Rem cdilling 04/19/07 - em downgrade changes Rem rburns 02/25/07 - recompile indextypes Rem cdilling 09/15/06 - add call to f&downgrade_file for pl/sql calls Rem rtjoa 07/10/06 - Avoid XMLindexes check before downgrade for XDB Rem objects Rem liwong 06/07/06 - Check user buffered message apply Rem rburns 05/08/06 - check patch compatible value Rem xbarr 03/09/06 - add support for 11g to 10.2 data mining downgrade Rem cdilling 11/02/05 - add support for 11g to 10.2 downgrade Rem rburns 10/05/05 - remove 9.2 downgrade Rem rburns 03/28/05 - enable component check Rem rburns 03/14/05 - dbms_registry_sys timestamp Rem rburns 02/27/05 - record action for history Rem attran 11/04/04 - check for XMLIDX Rem htran 07/26/04 - check for commit-time queue tables Rem rburns 06/28/04 - consolidate warnings Rem clei 06/10/04 - disallow downgrade if encrypted columns exist Rem rburns 05/17/04 - rburns_single_updown_scripts Rem rburns 02/04/04 - Created Rem ======================================================================= Rem Exit immediately if there are errors in the initial checks Rem ======================================================================= WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT; Rem Check instance version and status; set session attributes EXECUTE dbms_registry.check_server_instance; Rem Determine the previous release CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION version_script RETURN VARCHAR2 IS p_prv_version VARCHAR2(30); p_compatible VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN -- Get the previous version of the CATPROC component SELECT prv_version INTO p_prv_version FROM registry$ WHERE cid='CATPROC'; IF p_prv_version IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Downgrade not supported - database has not been upgraded'); END IF; -- Only allow downgrades to versions from which we support upgrades IF substr(p_prv_version, 1, 8) NOT IN ('','','','','','','', '','') THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Downgrade not supported to version ' || p_prv_version ); END IF; -- Get the current compatible value SELECT value INTO p_compatible FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'compatible'; IF p_compatible > p_prv_version THEN dbms_sys_error.raise_system_error(-39707, p_compatible, p_prv_version); END IF; IF substr(p_prv_version, 1, 6) = '10.1.0' THEN RETURN '1001000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version, 1, 6) = '10.2.0' THEN RETURN '1002000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version, 1, 6) = '11.1.0' THEN RETURN '1101000'; ELSIF substr(p_prv_version, 1, 6) = '11.2.0' THEN RETURN '1102000'; END IF; END version_script; / Rem get the version correct into the "downgrade_file" variable COLUMN file_name NEW_VALUE downgrade_file NOPRINT; SELECT version_script AS file_name FROM DUAL; DROP function version_script; Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: Perform checks prior to downgrade to previous release Rem ========================================================================= SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SET VERIFY OFF Rem ========================================================================= Rem Perform 11.2 downgrade checks Rem ========================================================================= Rem Placeholder for 11.2 downgrade checks Rem ========================================================================= Rem Perform 11.1 downgrade checks Rem ========================================================================= DOC ############################################################################# ############################################################################# If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-20001 error, then de-initialize the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT package using declare RetVal BOOLEAN; begin RetVal := DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.is_cleanup_initialized (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_AUD_STD); if RetVal = TRUE then DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.SET_AUDIT_TRAIL_LOCATION (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_AUD_STD, 'SYSTEM'); DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.DEINIT_CLEANUP(DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_AUD_STD); end if; RetVal := DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.is_cleanup_initialized (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_FGA_STD); if RetVal = TRUE then DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.SET_AUDIT_TRAIL_LOCATION (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_FGA_STD, 'SYSTEM'); DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.DEINIT_CLEANUP(DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_FGA_STD); end if; end; / ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # declare RetVal BOOLEAN; ErrMsg VARCHAR2(1024); begin ErrMsg := 'Cannot continue with downgrade. ' || 'Some Audit Trails initialized using DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.INIT_CLEANUP.' || ' Please use DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.DEINIT_CLEANUP and additionally '|| 'DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.SET_AUDIT_TRAIL_LOCATION to move the tables back to ' || 'SYSTEM tablespace.'; RetVal := DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.is_cleanup_initialized (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_AUD_STD); if RetVal = TRUE then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, ErrMsg); end if; RetVal := DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.is_cleanup_initialized (DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT.AUDIT_TRAIL_FGA_STD); if RetVal = TRUE then RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, ErrMsg); end if; end; / Rem ========================================================================= Rem Perform 10.2 downgrade checks Rem ========================================================================= DOC ############################################################################# ############################################################################# If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-20000 error, then consult the 11g Upgrade Guide for instructions for downgrading the EM Database Control Repository. Drop the SYSMAN user prior to downgrade using DROP USER SYSMAN CASCADE; ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' = '1101000' THEN RETURN; END IF; IF dbms_registry.is_loaded('EM') IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000,('Direct downgrade of EM Database Control not supported.')); END IF; END; / DOC ############################################################################# ############################################################################# If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-40350 error, use the following query to identify Data Mining Models that need to be dropped (11g models) SELECT a.owner, a.model_name FROM dba_mining_models a, model$ b, obj$ c WHERE b.version = 2 AND a.owner = c.owner# AND b.obj#=c.obj# AND a.model_name =; Drop above models prior to downgrade ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there are 11g Mining models DECLARE cnt NUMBER; odm_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(odm_downgrade_error, -40350); missing exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(missing, -942); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1101000', '1102000') THEN RETURN; END IF; execute immediate 'select count(*) from sys.model$ where version=2' into cnt; IF cnt != 0 THEN RAISE odm_downgrade_error; END IF; exception when missing then NULL; when OTHERS then RAISE; END; / DOC ############################################################################# ############################################################################# If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-25342 error, use the following query to identify Applys for user buffered messages that need to be dropped SELECT apply_name FROM dba_apply WHERE apply_captured = 'NO' AND MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE = 'BUFFERED'; Drop the Applys prior to downgrade ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there are Apply processes for user buffered messages DECLARE cnt NUMBER; apply_ub_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(apply_ub_downgrade_error, -25342); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1101000', '1102000') THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT count(*) INTO cnt FROM dba_apply WHERE apply_captured = 'NO' AND MESSAGE_DELIVERY_MODE = 'BUFFERED'; IF cnt > 0 THEN RAISE apply_ub_downgrade_error; END IF; END; / DOC ############################################################################# ############################################################################# If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-20000 error, then the network access control lists need to be dropped prior to downgrade using the following script begin for r in (select /*+NO_XMLINDEX_REWRITE*/ any_path from xds_acl x, resource_view r where extractValue(x.security_class_ns, '.') = '' and extractValue(x.security_class_name, '.') = 'network' and sys_op_r2o(extractValue(r.res, '/Resource/XMLRef')) = x.aclid) loop dbms_network_acl_admin.drop_acl(r.any_path); end loop; end; / ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # DECLARE acl_cnt NUMBER; p_prv_version VARCHAR2(30); p_compatible VARCHAR2(30); BEGIN -- Downgrade to 11.1.0.x IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1101000', '1102000') THEN -- Get the previous version of the CATPROC component SELECT prv_version INTO p_prv_version FROM registry$ WHERE cid = 'CATPROC'; IF p_prv_version IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Downgrade not supported - database has not been upgraded'); END IF; -- No check necessary unless downgrading to IF p_prv_version NOT LIKE '' THEN RETURN; END IF; -- If downgrading to, ok if the compatible value is at least -- 11.0.0 SELECT value INTO p_compatible FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'compatible'; IF p_compatible >= '11.0.0' THEN RETURN; END IF; END IF; IF dbms_registry.is_loaded('XDB') IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT /*+NO_XMLINDEX_REWRITE*/ count(*) ' || ' FROM xds_acl ' || ' WHERE extractValue(security_class_ns, ''.'') = '''' ' || ' AND extractValue(security_class_name, ''.'') = ''network''' into acl_cnt; IF acl_cnt > 0 THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'Network access control lists need to be dropped prior to downgrade.'); END IF; END IF; END; / Rem ========================================================================= Rem Perform 10.1 downgrade checks Rem ========================================================================= DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-30957 error, use the following query to identify XMLINDEXes that need to be dropped. SELECT index_owner, index_name FROM dba_xml_indexes WHERE index_owner != 'XDB'; Drop all the (Non-XDB) XML indexes shown in the above query before downgrade. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there are XML indexes DECLARE cnt NUMBER; xix_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(xix_downgrade_error, -30957); missing exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(missing, -942); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1102000','1101000','1002000') THEN RETURN; END IF; execute immediate 'select count(*) from dba_xml_indexes xi where xi.index_owner != ''XDB''' into cnt; IF cnt != 0 THEN RAISE xix_downgrade_error; END IF; exception when missing then NULL; when OTHERS then RAISE; END; / DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-25331 error, use the following query to identify commit-time queue tables that need to be dropped. SELECT owner, queue_table FROM dba_queue_tables WHERE sort_order like '%COMMIT_TIME%'; Drop all the queue tables shown in the above query before downgrade. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there are commit-time queue tables DECLARE cnt NUMBER; ct_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(ct_downgrade_error, -25331); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1102000','1101000','1002000') THEN RETURN; END IF; select count(*) into cnt from dba_queue_tables where sort_order like '%COMMIT_TIME%'; IF cnt != 0 THEN RAISE ct_downgrade_error; END IF; END; / DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the following PL/SQL block gets an ORA-25427 error, use the following query to list all the database links that must be dropped prior to downgrading: SELECT name, flag FROM$ WHERE bitand(flag, 2) = 2; Consult Oracle documentation for instructions to drop a database link. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise errors if database link data dictionary has passwords DECLARE CURSOR d_link IS SELECT name, flag FROM$; dblink_upgraded_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(dblink_upgraded_error, -25427); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1102000','1101000','1002000') THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR rec IN d_link LOOP -- Raise error if dblink data dictionary has passwords IF bitand(rec.flag, 2) = 2 THEN RAISE dblink_upgraded_error; END IF; END LOOP; END; / DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the following PL/SQL block raises an ORA-26740 error, use the following query to identify file groups that need to be dropped. SELECT file_group_owner, file_group_name FROM dba_file_groups; Drop all the file groups shown in the above query before downgrade. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there are file groups DECLARE cnt NUMBER; fg_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(fg_downgrade_error, -26740); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1102000','1101000','1002000') THEN RETURN; END IF; select count(*) into cnt from sys.fgr$_file_groups; IF cnt != 0 THEN RAISE fg_downgrade_error; END IF; END; / DOC ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the below PL/SQL block raises an ORA-28345 error, use the following query to identify tables with encrypted columns that need to be decrypted. SELECT owner, table_name, column_name FROM dba_encrypted_columns; Decrypt all the encrypted columns shown in the above query before downgrade. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Rem Raise error if there exists any encrypted column DECLARE cnt NUMBER; tce_downgrade_error exception; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(tce_downgrade_error, -28345); BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' IN ('1102000','1101000','1002000') THEN RETURN; END IF; select count(*) into cnt from sys.enc$; IF cnt != 0 THEN RAISE tce_downgrade_error; END IF; END; / Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 1: Perform checks prior to downgrade to previous release Rem ========================================================================= SET SERVEROUTPUT OFF SET VERIFY ON WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE SELECT dbms_registry_sys.time_stamp('DWGRD_BGN') AS timestamp FROM DUAL; Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: downgrade installed components to previous release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem Collect indextype names for later recompiles Rem ========================================================================= create table ityp$temp1 (ityp_own varchar2(30), ityp_nam varchar2(30), typ_own varchar2(30), typ_nam varchar2(30)); -- get the indextypes and their implementation types and insert into the -- temporary table insert into ityp$temp1 (select ityp_own, ityp_nam, typ_own, typ_nam from obj$ o1, obj$ o2, user$ u1, user$ u2, indtypes$ ityp where o1.type# = 32 and o1.obj# = ityp.obj# and o1.owner# = u1.user# and ityp.implobj# = o2.obj# and o2.owner# = u2.user#); Rem ========================================================================= Rem Remove scheduler java-related code Rem ========================================================================= DROP JAVA SOURCE "schedFileWatcherJava"; DROP JAVA SOURCE "dbFWTrace"; EXECUTE sys.dbms_java.dropjava('-s rdbms/jlib/schagent.jar'); Rem ========================================================================= Rem Downgrade Components Rem Use cmpdbdwg for major release downgrade Rem Use cmpdwpth for patch release downgrade Rem ========================================================================= VARIABLE cmpdw_name VARCHAR2(256) COLUMN :cmpdw_name NEW_VALUE cmpdw_file NOPRINT BEGIN IF '&downgrade_file' = '1102000' THEN :cmpdw_name := '@cmpdwpth'; ELSE :cmpdw_name := '@cmpdbdwg'; END IF; END; / SELECT :cmpdw_name FROM DUAL; @&cmpdw_file Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: downgrade installed components to previous release Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 3: downgrade actions always performed Rem ========================================================================= Rem Remove all DataPump objects including all Metadata API types @@catnodp Rem Truncate export actions tables (reloaded during catrelod.sql) truncate table noexp$; truncate table exppkgobj$; truncate table exppkgact$; truncate table expdepobj$; truncate table expdepact$; Rem Drop dbms_rcvman (refers to new fixed views) drop package dbms_rcvman; Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 3: downgrade actions always performed Rem ========================================================================= Rem ========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 4: downgrade dictionary to specified release Rem ========================================================================= Rem First the "f" script is run which contains downgrade actions that Rem call PL/SQL packages. These downgrade actions must be executed Rem prior to running the "e" downgrade script in case the dropping of Rem dependent objects causes the packages to become invalid. Rem Rem If your downgrade code references PL/SQL packages then update the "f" Rem downgrade_file to include these actions. Rem @@f&downgrade_file Rem Downgrade dictionary objects Rem The "e" downgrade file contains actions to downgrade data dictionary Rem objects. Code in the "e" downgrade script should not reference any Rem PL/SQL packages. Rem @@e&downgrade_file Rem ========================================================================= Rem Recompile any invalid indextypes to update object numbers Rem with ALTER INDEXTYPE ... USING Rem ========================================================================= DECLARE cursor find_invld_idxtyp IS SELECT t.ityp_own, t.ityp_nam, t.typ_own, t.typ_nam FROM obj$ o, user$ u, ityp$temp1 t WHERE t.ityp_own = and u.user# = o.owner# and = t.ityp_nam and o.status >1; alt_idxtyp_sql VARCHAR2(300); alt_typ_sql VARCHAR2(300); BEGIN FOR rec IN find_invld_idxtyp LOOP alt_typ_sql := 'ALTER TYPE ' || rec.typ_own || '.' || rec.typ_nam || ' COMPILE REUSE SETTINGS'; alt_idxtyp_sql := 'ALTER INDEXTYPE ' || rec.ityp_own || '.' || rec.ityp_nam || ' USING ' || rec.typ_own || '.' || rec.typ_nam; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_typ_sql; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_idxtyp_sql; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN NULL; END; END LOOP; END; / DROP TABLE ityp$temp1; Rem ========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 4: downgrade dictionary to specified release Rem ========================================================================= Rem put timestamps into spool log,registry$history, and registry$log INSERT INTO registry$log (cid, namespace, operation, optime) VALUES ('DWGRD_END','SERVER',-1,SYSTIMESTAMP); INSERT INTO registry$history (action_time, action) VALUES(SYSTIMESTAMP,'DOWNGRADE'); COMMIT; SELECT 'COMP_TIMESTAMP DWGRD_END ' || TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS ') || TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'J SSSSS ') AS timestamp FROM DUAL; Rem *********************************************************************** Rem END catdwgrd.sql Rem ***********************************************************************