rem rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catdefrt.sql /main/27 2009/03/31 09:20:27 juyuan Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1992, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem NAME Rem catdefrt.sql - CATalog DEFeRred rpc Tables Rem DESCRIPTION Rem create deferred rpc tables Rem RETURNS Rem Rem NOTES Rem This is called from catdefer.sql Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem juyuan 03/19/09 - drop temp$lob Rem elu 11/03/06 - modify for parallel upgrade Rem rburns 07/27/06 - separate queues Rem ksurlake 01/29/02 - Dont create queues if already exist Rem rburns 10/28/01 - wrap drops/created to remove errors Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem arithikr 12/13/00 - 1489592: expect ORA-955 for defaultdest Rem bnainani 11/29/00 - specify compatible=8.0 for create_queue_table Rem liwong 10/20/00 - add def$_destination.flag Rem bnainani 11/15/00 - specify compatible=8.0 for queue table Rem narora 09/13/00 - add comment on new def$_destination columns Rem liwong 09/01/00 - add master w/o quiesce: fixes Rem liwong 07/12/00 - add total_prop_time_lat Rem liwong 06/29/00 - add total_txn_count, total_prop_time Rem liwong 05/17/00 - add_master_db w/o quiesce Rem jstamos 05/17/00 - add_master_db w/o quiesce Rem elu 01/24/00 - add column apply_init to def$_destination Rem alakshmi 12/02/99 - Bug 979398: Before-row insert trigger on Rem def$_propagator Rem wesmith 10/31/98 - change shape of table def$_pushed_transactions Rem jnath 02/23/98 - bug 601972: split anonymous pl/sql blocks Rem wesmith 01/21/98 - create def$_pushed_transactions table for Rem server-side RepAPI Rem nbhatt 07/27/97 - change create_queuetable -> create_queue_table Rem nbhatt 04/21/97 - change 'TRACKING' in CREATE_QUEUE to 'DEPENDENCY Rem nbhatt 04/21/97 - change syntax of create_queue Rem liwong 04/16/97 - Alter view system.AQ$DEF$_AQ{CALL,ERROR} Rem liwong 04/11/97 - Fixing defaultdest_primary typo Rem jstamos 04/10/97 - remove unneeded indexes Rem nbhatt 04/08/97 - change create_qtable to create_queuetable Rem jstamos 04/04/97 - tighter AQ integration Rem liwong 04/02/97 - Add schema_name, package_name in def$_calldest Rem ato 03/31/97 - create_qtable interface change Rem liwong 03/25/97 - remove batch_no from def$_tranorder Rem liwong 02/24/97 - pctversion --> 0 for def$_aqcall, def$_aqerror Rem liwong 02/22/97 - Remove dropping view aq$def$_aqcall Rem ademers 02/07/97 - Remove constraint def$_calldest_call Rem liwong 01/11/97 - drop and create aq$def$_aqcall (temporary) Rem liwong 01/10/97 - Alter view aq$def$_aqcall Rem liwong 01/07/97 - Alter default value for batch_no Rem jstamos 12/23/96 - change temp$nclob col Rem jstamos 11/21/96 - nchar support Rem sjain 11/11/96 - Remove dummy buffer # comment Rem asgoel 11/05/96 - Disable misc_tracking in def$_aqerror Rem sjain 11/06/96 - deferror changes Rem vkrishna 10/28/96 - change STORED IN to STORE AS for lob Rem sjain 10/02/96 - Aq conversion Rem sbalaram 09/24/96 - ARPC performance - add foreign key index Rem jstamos 09/06/96 - rename temp$lob and temporarily change nclob Rem sjain 09/03/96 - AQ converson Rem ademers 08/02/96 - queue_batch default in def_destination Rem ademers 07/29/96 - queue_batch default in def_call Rem ademers 07/29/96 - queue_batch default Rem jstamos 07/24/96 - add system.temp$lob Rem sbalaram 07/22/96 - create def$_aqcall and def$_aqerror tables Rem jstamos 06/12/96 - LOB support for deferred RPCs Rem ldoo 06/28/96 - Comment out queue_table from def_tranorder Rem ademers 05/30/96 - create def_origin Rem ademers 05/28/96 - fix def_destination col names Rem ldoo 05/09/96 - New security model Rem sjain 05/01/96 - add seq col to def_destination Rem ademers 04/29/96 - add batch_no, dep_scn to def_call Rem jstamos 12/04/95 - 324303: use index to avoid sorting the queue Rem jstamos 08/17/95 - code review changes Rem jstamos 08/16/95 - add comments to tables Rem wmaimone 01/04/96 - 7.3 merge Rem hasun 01/31/95 - Modify tables for Rep3 - Object Groups Rem hasun 01/31/95 - merge changes from branch 1.1.720.2 Rem hasun 01/11/95 - Add fix to resolve duplicate SCNs Rem dsdaniel 12/08/94 - add def _destinaton constraint Rem dsdaniel 12/08/94 - name defcall primary Rem dsdaniel 11/25/94 - eliminate deftrandest, ect Rem dsdaniel 11/25/94 - Branch_for_patch Rem dsdaniel 11/22/94 - Creation -- Sys is granted privileges through roles, which don't apply to -- packages owned by sys. Explicitly grant permissions. grant select any table to sys with admin option / grant insert any table to sys / grant update any table to sys / grant delete any table to sys / grant analyze any to sys / rem drop existing synonyms from sys -system DROP SYNONYM def$_tran / DROP SYNONYM def$_call / DROP SYNONYM def$_defaultdest / -- create the table where the exceptions get logged. One row for each -- transactionXorigin_node when the execution of the transaction at -- this node encountered an error. The transaction is always re-executed -- in the security context of the original receiver. CREATE TABLE system.def$_error( enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- Tid of error creation txn CONSTRAINT def$_error_primary PRIMARY KEY(enq_tid), origin_tran_db VARCHAR2(128), -- node which originated this txn origin_enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- original tid of the txn destination VARCHAR2(128), -- dblink transaction destined to step_no NUMBER, -- UID of call receiver NUMBER, -- User ID of the original receiver enq_time DATE, -- time at which transaction enqueued error_number NUMBER, -- error number reported error_msg VARCHAR2(2000)) -- error message / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR is 'Information about all deferred transactions that caused an error' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ENQ_TID is 'The ID of the transaction that created the error' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ORIGIN_TRAN_DB is 'The database originating the deferred transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ORIGIN_ENQ_TID is 'The original ID of the transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.DESTINATION is 'Database link used to address destination' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.STEP_NO is 'Unique ID of call that caused an error' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.RECEIVER is 'User ID of the original receiver' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ENQ_TIME is 'Time original transaction enqueued' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ERROR_NUMBER is 'Oracle error number' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ERROR.ERROR_MSG is 'Error message text' / CREATE TABLE system.def$_destination( dblink VARCHAR2(128), -- queue name last_delivered NUMBER -- scn(from deliver_order column of -- def$_call) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, last_enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- transaction id last delivered last_seq NUMBER, -- last delivered txn seq, 0 on clean -- termination disabled CHAR(1), -- T = propogation to dest disabled -- F = enabled job NUMBER, -- number of job which does the push last_txn_count NUMBER, -- number of transactions executed last -- push last_error_number NUMBER, -- sqlcode from last push last_error_message VARCHAR2(2000), -- error message from last push apply_init VARCHAR2(4000),-- Reserved for internal use only catchup RAW(16) DEFAULT '00', -- used to break transactions alternate CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'F', -- used to break transactions -- T = break transactions -- F = propagate lower link only total_txn_count NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- total txn propagated -- total time to propagate txns, for measuring throughput total_prop_time_throughput NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- total time to propagate txns, for measuring latency total_prop_time_latency NUMBER DEFAULT 0, to_communication_size NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- # of bytes sent to from_communication_size NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- # of bytes recved from flag RAW(4) default '00000000', spare1 NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- # of round trips spare2 NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- # of admin requests spare3 NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- # of error txns spare4 NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- total sleep time CONSTRAINT def$_destination_primary PRIMARY KEY(dblink, catchup)) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION is 'Information about propagation to different destinations' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.DBLINK is 'Destination' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_DELIVERED is 'Value of delivery_order of last transaction propagated' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_ENQ_TID is 'Transaction ID of last transaction propagated' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_SEQ is 'Parallel prop seq number of last transaction propagated' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.DISABLED is 'Is propagation to destination disabled' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.JOB is 'Number of job that pushes queue' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_TXN_COUNT is 'Number of transactions pushed during last attempt' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_ERROR_NUMBER is 'Oracle error number from last push' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE is 'Error message from last push' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.CATCHUP is 'Used to break transaction into pieces' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.ALTERNATE is 'Used to break transaction into pieces' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.TOTAL_TXN_COUNT is 'Total number of transactions pushed' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.TOTAL_PROP_TIME_THROUGHPUT is 'Total propagation time in seconds for measuring throughput' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.TOTAL_PROP_TIME_LATENCY is 'Total propagation time in seconds for measuring latency' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.to_communication_size is 'Total number of bytes sent to this dblink' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.from_communication_size is 'Total number of bytes received from this dblink' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.spare1 is 'Total number of round trips for this dblink' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.spare2 is 'Total number of administrative requests' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.spare3 is 'Total number of error transactions pushed' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DESTINATION.spare4 is 'Total time in seconds spent sleeping during push' / -- create the table that identifies a call to be executed -- at a remote node. One row for each callsXnode when the -- destination_list is D CREATE TABLE system.def$_calldest( enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- deferred transaction id step_no NUMBER, -- call id dblink VARCHAR2(128), -- dblink to destination CONSTRAINT def$_calldest_primary PRIMARY KEY(enq_tid, dblink, step_no), schema_name VARCHAR2(30), package_name VARCHAR2(30), catchup RAW(16) DEFAULT '00', CONSTRAINT def$_call_destination -- Destination table must have a row FOREIGN KEY(dblink, catchup) REFERENCES system.def$_destination(dblink, catchup) ) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST is 'Information about call destinations for D-type and error transactions' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.ENQ_TID is 'Transaction ID' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.STEP_NO is 'Unique ID of call within transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.DBLINK is 'The destination database' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.SCHEMA_NAME is 'The schema of the deferred remote procedure call' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.PACKAGE_NAME is 'The package of the deferred remote procedure call' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_CALLDEST.CATCHUP is 'Dummy column for foreign key' / -- make inserting rows into def$_calldest faster CREATE INDEX system.def$_calldest_n2 ON system.def$_calldest( dblink, catchup) / -- ORA-00955 is expected for table def$_defaultdest if this script is run -- as part of the migration and the table was created in the previous release. CREATE TABLE system.def$_defaultdest ( dblink VARCHAR2(128) -- dblink CONSTRAINT def$_defaultdest_primary PRIMARY KEY) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_DEFAULTDEST is 'Default destinations for deferred remote procedure calls' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_DEFAULTDEST.DBLINK is 'Default destination' / COMMIT / CREATE TABLE system.def$_lob( id RAW(16) CONSTRAINT def$_lob_primary PRIMARY KEY, enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- transaction id blob_col BLOB, -- either BLOB, CLOB, or NCLOB is meaningful clob_col CLOB, nclob_col NCLOB) lob (blob_col, clob_col, nclob_col) store as (pctversion 0) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB is 'Storage for LOB parameters to deferred RPCs' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB.ID is 'Identifier of LOB parameter' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB.ENQ_TID is 'Transaction identifier for deferred RPC with this LOB parameter' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB.BLOB_COL is 'Binary LOB parameter' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB.CLOB_COL is 'Character LOB parameter' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_LOB.NCLOB_COL is 'National Character LOB parameter' / -- make deletes fast CREATE INDEX system.def$_lob_n1 ON system.def$_lob( enq_tid) / CREATE TABLE system.def$_propagator( userid NUMBER -- User ID of the propagator CONSTRAINT def$_propagator_primary PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR2(30) -- Name of the propagator NOT NULL, created DATE -- the time when the propagator is registered DEFAULT SYSDATE NOT NULL) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_PROPAGATOR is 'The propagator for deferred remote procedure calls' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PROPAGATOR.USERID is 'User ID of the propagator' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PROPAGATOR.USERNAME is 'User name of the propagator' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PROPAGATOR.CREATED is 'The time when the propagator is registered' / rem create base tables -- Create table of transactions that have been applied at destination site. -- One row per applied transaction, committed with the transaction. -- This allows us to stream deferred transactions w/o 2PC and still do -- failure recovery. CREATE TABLE system.def$_origin( origin_db VARCHAR2(128), -- global name of pushing site origin_dblink VARCHAR2(128), -- dblink: pushing site -> here inusr NUMBER, -- receiving connected user -- data to identify committed txns during recovery: cscn NUMBER, -- origin site prepare scn enq_tid VARCHAR2(22), -- origin site transaction id reco_seq_no NUMBER, -- transaction seq number when committed catchup RAW(16) DEFAULT '00') -- used to break transactions / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN is 'Information about deferred transactions pushed to this site' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.ORIGIN_DB is 'Originating database for the deferred transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.ORIGIN_DBLINK is 'Database link from deferred transaction origin to this site' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.INUSR is 'Connected user receiving the deferred transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.CSCN is 'Prepare SCN assigned at origin site' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.ENQ_TID is 'Transaction id assigned at origin site' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.RECO_SEQ_NO is 'Deferred transaction sequence number for recovery' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_ORIGIN.CATCHUP is 'Used to break transaction into pieces' / CREATE TABLE system.def$_pushed_transactions ( source_site_id NUMBER, -- sending site CONSTRAINT def$_pushed_tran_primary PRIMARY KEY(source_site_id), last_tran_id NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- last committed transaction disabled VARCHAR2(1) DEFAULT 'F', -- disable propagation CHECK (disabled IN ('T', 'F')), source_site VARCHAR2(128) -- OBSOLETE ) / comment on table SYSTEM.DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS is 'Information about deferred transactions pushed to this site by RepAPI clients' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS.SOURCE_SITE_ID is 'Originating database identifier for the deferred transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS.LAST_TRAN_ID is 'Last committed transaction' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS.DISABLED is 'Disable propagation' / comment on column SYSTEM.DEF$_PUSHED_TRANSACTIONS.SOURCE_SITE is 'Obsolete - do not use' / COMMIT / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Create dummy tables for def$_aqcall and def$_aqerror table . -- These tables are created by AQ procedure create_queue_table, -- called in catdefer.sql. The dummy tables are needed for compiling -- views and package bodies that depend on the def$_aqcall and def$_aqerror. -- CREATE TABLE "SYSTEM"."DEF$_AQCALL" ("Q_NAME" VARCHAR2(30), "MSGID" RAW(16), "CORRID" VARCHAR2(128), "PRIORITY" NUMBER, "STATE" NUMBER, "DELAY" TIMESTAMP (6), "EXPIRATION" NUMBER, "TIME_MANAGER_INFO" TIMESTAMP (6), "LOCAL_ORDER_NO" NUMBER, "CHAIN_NO" NUMBER, "CSCN" NUMBER, "DSCN" NUMBER, "ENQ_TIME" TIMESTAMP (6), "ENQ_UID" NUMBER, "ENQ_TID" VARCHAR2(30), "DEQ_TIME" TIMESTAMP (6), "DEQ_UID" NUMBER, "DEQ_TID" VARCHAR2(30), "RETRY_COUNT" NUMBER, "EXCEPTION_QSCHEMA" VARCHAR2(30), "EXCEPTION_QUEUE" VARCHAR2(30), "STEP_NO" NUMBER, "RECIPIENT_KEY" NUMBER, "DEQUEUE_MSGID" RAW(16), "USER_DATA" BLOB, PRIMARY KEY ("ENQ_TID", "STEP_NO") ) / CREATE TABLE "SYSTEM"."DEF$_AQERROR" ("Q_NAME" VARCHAR2(30), "MSGID" RAW(16), "CORRID" VARCHAR2(128), "PRIORITY" NUMBER, "STATE" NUMBER, "DELAY" TIMESTAMP (6), "EXPIRATION" NUMBER, "TIME_MANAGER_INFO" TIMESTAMP (6), "LOCAL_ORDER_NO" NUMBER, "CHAIN_NO" NUMBER, "CSCN" NUMBER, "DSCN" NUMBER, "ENQ_TIME" TIMESTAMP (6), "ENQ_UID" NUMBER, "ENQ_TID" VARCHAR2(30), "DEQ_TIME" TIMESTAMP (6), "DEQ_UID" NUMBER, "DEQ_TID" VARCHAR2(30), "RETRY_COUNT" NUMBER, "EXCEPTION_QSCHEMA" VARCHAR2(30), "EXCEPTION_QUEUE" VARCHAR2(30), "STEP_NO" NUMBER, "RECIPIENT_KEY" NUMBER, "DEQUEUE_MSGID" RAW(16), "USER_DATA" BLOB, PRIMARY KEY ("ENQ_TID", "STEP_NO") ) / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- Create a synonym for the new deferred queue table. -- Note columns in def$_aqcall are different from the old def$_call CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM def$_aqcall FOR system.def$_aqcall / CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM def$_calldest FOR system.def$_calldest / CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM def$_schedule FOR system.def$_schedule / CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM def$_error FOR system.def$_error / -- This view is for internal use only and may change without notice. -- PROPAGATION_WAS_ENABLED is only meaningful if DISABLED_INTERNALLY_SET -- is 'Y'. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DEFSCHEDULE" AS SELECT s.dblink, s.job, j.interval# interval, next_date, j.last_date, s.disabled, s.last_txn_count, s.last_error_number, s.last_error_message, s.catchup, s.total_txn_count, to_number(decode(s.total_prop_time_throughput, 0, NULL, s.total_txn_count/s.total_prop_time_throughput)) avg_throughput, to_number(decode(s.total_txn_count, 0, NULL, s.total_prop_time_latency/s.total_txn_count)) avg_latency, s.to_communication_size total_bytes_sent, s.from_communication_size total_bytes_received, s.spare1 total_round_trips, s.spare2 total_admin_count, s.spare3 total_error_count, s.spare4 total_sleep_time, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(s.flag, 1, 1), '02'), '00', 'N', 'Y') disabled_internally_set, DECODE(utl_raw.bit_and(utl_raw.substr(s.flag, 1, 1), '01'), '00', 'N', 'Y') propagation_was_enabled FROM system.def$_destination s, sys.job$ j where s.job = j.job(+) / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW defschedule AS SELECT dblink, job, interval, next_date, last_date, disabled, last_txn_count, last_error_number, last_error_message, catchup, total_txn_count, avg_throughput, avg_latency, total_bytes_sent, total_bytes_received, total_round_trips, total_admin_count, total_error_count, total_sleep_time, disabled_internally_set FROM sys."_DEFSCHEDULE" / grant select on defschedule to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFSCHEDULE is 'Information about propagation to different destinations' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.DBLINK is 'Destination' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.JOB is 'Number of job that pushes queue' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.INTERVAL is 'Function used to calculate the next time to push the queue to destination' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.NEXT_DATE is 'Next date that job is scheduled to be executed' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.LAST_DATE is 'Last time queue was (attempted to be) pushed to destination' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.DISABLED is 'Is propagation to destination disabled' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.LAST_TXN_COUNT is 'Number of transactions pushed during last attempt' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.LAST_ERROR_NUMBER is 'Oracle error number from last push' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.LAST_ERROR_MESSAGE is 'Error message from last push' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.CATCHUP is 'Used to break transaction into pieces' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.DISABLED_INTERNALLY_SET is 'disabled was set internally for propagation synchronization' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_TXN_COUNT is 'Total number of transactions propagated (including error transactions)' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.AVG_THROUGHPUT is 'Average number of transactions (including errors) propagated per second' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.AVG_LATENCY is 'Average time in seconds since start of transaction to remote commit' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_BYTES_SENT is 'Total number of bytes sent over SQL*Net during propagation' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_BYTES_RECEIVED is 'Total number of bytes received over SQL*Net during propagation' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_ROUND_TRIPS is 'Total number of SQL*Net round trips during propagation' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_ADMIN_COUNT is 'Total number of administrative requests' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT is 'Total number of error transactions propagated' / comment on column DEFSCHEDULE.TOTAL_SLEEP_TIME is 'Total time in seconds spent sleeping during propagation' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM defschedule FOR defschedule / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW deferror AS SELECT e.enq_tid deferred_tran_id, e.origin_tran_db, e.origin_enq_tid origin_tran_id, e.step_no callno, e.destination, e.enq_time start_time, e.error_number, e.error_msg, receiver FROM system.def$_error e, sys.user$ u WHERE e.receiver = u.user# (+) / grant select on deferror to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFERROR is 'Information about all deferred transactions that caused an error' / comment on column DEFERROR.DEFERRED_TRAN_ID is 'The ID of the transaction that created the error' / comment on column DEFERROR.ORIGIN_TRAN_DB is 'The database originating the deferred transaction' / comment on column DEFERROR.ORIGIN_TRAN_ID is 'The original ID of the transaction' / comment on column DEFERROR.CALLNO is 'Unique ID of call that caused an error' / comment on column DEFERROR.DESTINATION is 'Database link used to address destination' / comment on column DEFERROR.START_TIME is 'Time original transaction enqueued' / comment on column DEFERROR.ERROR_NUMBER is 'Oracle error number' / comment on column DEFERROR.ERROR_MSG is 'Error message text' / comment on column DEFERROR.RECEIVER is 'The original receiver of the deferred transaction' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM deferror for deferror / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW deferrcount AS SELECT count(1) errcount, destination FROM deferror GROUP BY destination / grant select on deferrcount to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFERRCOUNT is 'Summary information about deferred transactions that caused an error' / comment on column DEFERRCOUNT.ERRCOUNT is 'Number of existing transactions that caused an error for given destination' / comment on column DEFERRCOUNT.DESTINATION is 'Database link used to address destination' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM deferrcount for deferrcount / GRANT SELECT ON deferrcount TO PUBLIC / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW deftran AS SELECT enq_tid deferred_tran_id, cscn delivery_order, decode(recipient_key, 0, 'D', 'R') destination_list, enq_time start_time FROM system.def$_aqcall t WHERE cscn is NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT enq_tid deferred_tran_id, cscn delivery_order, 'D' destination_list, enq_time start_time FROM system.def$_aqerror t WHERE cscn is NOT NULL / grant select on deftran to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFTRAN is 'Information about all deferred transactions' / comment on column DEFTRAN.DEFERRED_TRAN_ID is 'The transaction that enqueued the calls' / comment on column DEFTRAN.DELIVERY_ORDER is 'Total ordering on transactions' / comment on column DEFTRAN.DESTINATION_LIST is 'Determine destinations from deftrandest (D) or repcat (R)' / comment on column DEFTRAN.START_TIME is 'Time original transaction enqueued' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM deftran FOR deftran / --- just select from def$_calldest (D-type txn). We need repcat$_repprop --- to determine destination for R-type txn. We can't remove this one --- because dbms_snapshot needs it create or replace view deftrandest as SELECT C.enq_tid deferred_tran_id, C.cscn delivery_order, D.dblink from system.def$_aqcall C, system.def$_destination D where C.cscn IS NOT NULL AND C.cscn >= D.last_delivered AND (C.cscn > D.last_delivered OR (C.cscn = D.last_delivered AND (C.enq_tid > D.last_enq_tid))) AND EXISTS ( select /*+ index(def$_calldest_primary) */ NULL from system.def$_calldest CD where CD.enq_tid = C.enq_tid AND CD.dblink = D.dblink AND CD.catchup = D.catchup) / Rem The deftrandest view defined above is replaced in catrepc. grant select on deftrandest to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFTRANDEST is 'Information about destinations for deferred transactions' / comment on column DEFTRANDEST.DEFERRED_TRAN_ID is 'Transaction ID' / comment on column DEFTRANDEST.DELIVERY_ORDER is 'Total ordering of transactions: second element in the tuple' / comment on column DEFTRANDEST.DBLINK is 'The destination database' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM deftrandest FOR deftrandest / -- Create table of default nodes for replication targets -- this table is managed by calls in dbms_defer_sys CREATE SYNONYM def$_defaultdest FOR system.def$_defaultdest / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW defdefaultdest AS SELECT * from system.def$_defaultdest / grant select on defdefaultdest to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFDEFAULTDEST is 'Default destinations for deferred remote procedure calls' / comment on column DEFDEFAULTDEST.DBLINK is 'Default destination' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM defdefaultdest for defdefaultdest / CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM def$_lob FOR system.def$_lob / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW DefLOB (id, deferred_tran_id, blob_col, clob_col, nclob_col) AS SELECT, d.enq_tid, d.blob_col, d.clob_col, d.nclob_col FROM sys.def$_lob d / grant select on deflob to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFLOB is 'Storage for LOB parameters to deferred RPCs' / comment on column DEFLOB.ID is 'Identifier of LOB parameter' / comment on column DEFLOB.DEFERRED_TRAN_ID is 'Transaction identifier for deferred RPC with this LOB parameter' / comment on column DEFLOB.BLOB_COL is 'Binary LOB parameter' / comment on column DEFLOB.CLOB_COL is 'Character LOB parameter' / comment on column DEFLOB.NCLOB_COL is 'National Character LOB parameter' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM DefLOB for DefLOB / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW defpropagator (username, userid, status, created) AS SELECT p.username, p.userid, DECODE(, NULL, 'INVALID', 'VALID'), p.created FROM system.def$_propagator p, sys.user$ u WHERE p.userid = u.user# (+) / grant select on defpropagator to select_catalog_role / comment on table DEFPROPAGATOR is 'Information about the propagator for all deferred remote procedure calls' / comment on column DEFPROPAGATOR.USERNAME is 'Username of the propagator' / comment on column DEFPROPAGATOR.USERID is 'User ID of the propagator' / comment on column DEFPROPAGATOR.STATUS is 'Status of the propagator' / comment on column DEFPROPAGATOR.CREATED is 'Time when the propagator is registered' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM defpropagator FOR defpropagator /