Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catdef.sql /main/17 2009/04/12 22:44:20 rkgautam Exp $ Rem Rem catdef.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catdef.sql - Create a view for default users with default passwords Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem SYS.DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD view shows list of users with default Rem passwords. This view is being used by DB Security scanners and other Rem tools to warn DBAs on such users. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Each default account must have an entry in SYS.DEFAULT_PWD$ table. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rkgautam 04/09/09 - Bug 8420947, removing internal references Rem sarchak 03/02/09 - Bug 7829203,default_pwd$ should not be recreated Rem ssonawan 02/24/09 - bug-8260171: add account plm/plm Rem rkgautam 02/03/09 - bug-8214972: adding rdw13dev/retek Rem rlong 09/25/08 - Rem rkgautam 08/26/08 - bug-7347131: add user$ verifiers Rem rkgautam 08/25/08 - Rem rmir 08/12/08 - bug-7218953: add additional entry for OLAPSYS Rem rkgautam 07/30/08 - bug-7341968: Verifier corrected for PM Rem rkgautam 07/30/08 - bug-7269805: added default account ORDDATA Rem dsemler 06/05/08 - add appqossys to the default password table Rem rkgautam 05/19/08 - bug-6998975: added default account FOD Rem rkgautam 04/22/08 - bug-6952604: added default account SRDEMO Rem rkgautam 01/09/08 - bug-6659094: added missing default accounts Rem rkgautam 01/08/08 - Rem ssonawan 07/11/07 - bug-6020455: update DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD Rem shan 06/21/07 - remove grant on USERS_WITH_DEFPWD and Rem SYS.DEFAULT_PWD$ Rem shan 04/30/07 - update default password list Rem shan 04/12/07 - users with default password view Rem shan 04/12/07 - Created Rem -- For adding entry to DEFAULT_PWD$. Please follow the below mentioned steps -- 1) Add the entry in dsec.bsq -- ex: For example, if you insert a user SCOTT and his default password -- verifier BFE9361CDAE2A11C (o3 hash value of "foobar") in this table -- insert into SYS.DEFAULT_PWD$(user_name,pwd_verifier,pv_type) -- values ('SCOTT', 'BFE9361CDAE2A11C', 0); -- Then user SCOTT will show up in the DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD view -- as long as his password is "foobar". -- 2) Add the entry in c1101000.sql -- ex: exec insert_into_defpwd('SCOTT', 'BFE9361CDAE2A11C',pv_type default 0); -- A table in SYS schema to store a list of users who are still using the -- default passwords. DBA should populate this table with the following -- information: -- user_name : A user name -- pwd_verifier : The default password verifier -- pv_type : Password veriifer type. -- 0 - O3logon verifier. ie, password column in user$ table -- Other values undefined as of now. Will be defined as we -- support new verifier types -- -- Create a DBA view to show what users are still using their passwords CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW SYS.DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD (USERNAME) AS SELECT DISTINCT FROM SYS.user$ u, SYS.default_pwd$ dp WHERE (u.type# = 1 AND bitand(u.astatus, 16) = 16 ) OR (u.type# = 1 AND u.password = dp.pwd_verifier AND = dp.user_name AND dp.pv_type = 0); -- Add comments on the DBA view COMMENT ON TABLE DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD is 'Users that are still using their default passwords'; COMMENT ON COLUMN DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD.USERNAME is 'Name of the user'; -- Create public synonym for DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD FOR SYS.DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD; -- Grant privs on the view and the base table we newly created -- GRANT select ON DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD TO dba; -- GRANT select, insert, delete, update ON SYS.DEFAULT_PWD$ TO dba;