Rem Rem $Header: catdbfus.sql 24-may-2005.11:28:09 mlfeng Exp $ Rem Rem catdbfus.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catdbfus.sql - Catalog creation file for DB Feature Usage Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file creates the schema objects and PL/SQL packages for Rem DB Feature Usage. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mlfeng 05/04/05 - add cpu tracking tables Rem mlfeng 12/01/03 - NULL for initial time Rem mlfeng 10/13/03 - add DATE to time for first sample Rem mlfeng 06/05/03 - add comments for columns in dba views Rem mlfeng 06/24/03 - make insert idempotent, sample_interval Rem mlfeng 05/05/03 - add interval column for EM Rem mlfeng 04/01/03 - add last sample date number column Rem aime 04/25/03 - aime_going_to_main Rem mlfeng 01/31/03 - update disable flags Rem mlfeng 01/13/03 - DB Feature Usage Rem mlfeng 01/13/03 - Disable the DBA_HOST_CONFIGURATION view Rem mlfeng 01/09/03 - Filter out disabled/test features in DBA view Rem mlfeng 12/12/02 - Adding a clob to the feature usage table to Rem allow clients to track extra info Rem mlfeng 11/12/02 - Added table, package definitions. Rem mlfeng 10/30/02 - Created Rem Rem ************************************************************************* Rem ---------------- DB Feature Usage Statistics Table ---------------------- Rem ************************************************************************* Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Create the DBFUS tables Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_FEATURE_USAGE (name varchar2(64) not null, dbid number not null, version varchar2(17) not null, first_usage_date date, last_usage_date date, detected_usages number not null, aux_count number, feature_info clob, error_count number, constraint WRI$_DBU_FEATURE_USAGE_PK primary key (name, dbid, version) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_FEATURE_METADATA (name varchar2(64) not null, inst_chk_method integer, inst_chk_logic clob, usg_det_method integer, usg_det_logic clob, description varchar2(128), constraint WRI$_DBU_FEATURE_METADATA_PK primary key (name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_HIGH_WATER_MARK (name varchar2(64) not null, dbid number not null, version varchar2(17) not null, highwater number, last_value number, error_count number, constraint WRI$_DBU_HIGH_WATER_MARK_PK primary key (name, dbid, version) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_HWM_METADATA (name varchar2(64) not null, method integer, logic clob, description varchar2(128), constraint WRI$_DBU_HWM_METADATA_PK primary key (name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE (dbid number not null, version varchar2(17) not null, last_sample_date date, last_sample_date_num number, last_sample_period number, total_samples number not null, sample_interval number, constraint WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE_PK primary key (dbid, version) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Insert the row into the WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE table for the current Rem dbid and version of the database. Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE (dbid, version, last_sample_date, last_sample_date_num, last_sample_period, total_samples, sample_interval) select dbid, version, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 604800 from v$database, v$instance where not exists (select 1 from WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE us, v$database d, v$instance i where us.dbid = d.dbid and us.version = i.version) / commit; Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Create the CPU Usage Views Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE (dbid number not null, version varchar2(17) not null, timestamp date not null, cpu_count number, cpu_core_count number, cpu_socket_count number, constraint WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE_PK primary key (dbid, version, timestamp) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE_SAMPLE (dbid number not null, version varchar2(17) not null, last_sample_date date, last_sample_date_num number, last_sample_period number, total_samples number not null, sample_interval number, constraint WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE_SAMPLE_PK primary key (dbid, version) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Insert the row into the WRI$_DBU_USAGE_SAMPLE table for the current Rem dbid and version of the database. Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- insert into WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE_SAMPLE (dbid, version, last_sample_date, last_sample_date_num, last_sample_period, total_samples, sample_interval) select dbid, version, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 43200 from v$database, v$instance where not exists (select 1 from WRI$_DBU_CPU_USAGE_SAMPLE us, v$database d, v$instance i where us.dbid = d.dbid and us.version = i.version) / commit; Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Create the DBFUS views Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS (DBID, NAME, VERSION, DETECTED_USAGES, TOTAL_SAMPLES, CURRENTLY_USED, FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE, AUX_COUNT, FEATURE_INFO, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, LAST_SAMPLE_PERIOD, SAMPLE_INTERVAL, DESCRIPTION) as select samp.dbid,, samp.version, detected_usages, total_samples, decode(to_char(last_usage_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MI:SS'), NULL, 'FALSE', to_char(last_sample_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY, HH:MI:SS'), 'TRUE', 'FALSE') currently_used, first_usage_date, last_usage_date, aux_count, feature_info, last_sample_date, last_sample_period, sample_interval, mt.description from wri$_dbu_usage_sample samp, wri$_dbu_feature_usage fu, wri$_dbu_feature_metadata mt where samp.dbid = fu.dbid and samp.version = fu.version and = and not like '_DBFUS_TEST%' and /* filter out test features */ bitand(mt.usg_det_method, 4) != 4 /* filter out disabled features */ / create or replace public synonym DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS for DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS is 'Database Feature Usage Statistics' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.DBID is 'database ID of database being tracked' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.NAME is 'name of feature' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.VERSION is 'the database version the feature was tracked in' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.DETECTED_USAGES is 'number of times the system has detected usage for the feature' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.TOTAL_SAMPLES is 'number of times the system has woken up and checked for usage' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.CURRENTLY_USED is 'if usage was detected the last time the system checked' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.FIRST_USAGE_DATE is 'the first sample time the system detected usage for the feature' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.LAST_USAGE_DATE is 'the last sample time the system detected usage for the feature' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.AUX_COUNT is 'extra column to store feature specific usage data' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.FEATURE_INFO is 'extra column to store feature specific usage data' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.LAST_SAMPLE_DATE is 'last time the system checked for usage' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.LAST_SAMPLE_PERIOD is 'amount of time between the last two usage sample times, in number of seconds' / comment on column DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS.DESCRIPTION is 'describes feature and usage detection logic' / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS (DBID, NAME, VERSION, HIGHWATER, LAST_VALUE, DESCRIPTION) as select dbid,, version, highwater, last_value, description from wri$_dbu_high_water_mark hwm, wri$_dbu_hwm_metadata mt where = and not like '_HWM_TEST%' and /* filter out test hwm */ bitand(mt.method, 4) != 4 /* filter out disabled hwm */ / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS for DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS is 'Database High Water Mark Statistics' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.DBID is 'database ID' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.NAME is 'name of high water mark statistics' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.VERSION is 'the database version the highwater marks are tracked in' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.HIGHWATER is 'highest value for statistic seen at sampling time' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.LAST_VALUE is 'value of statistic at last sample time' / comment on column DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS.DESCRIPTION is 'description of high water mark' / Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace view DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS (DBID, VERSION, TIMESTAMP, CPU_COUNT, CPU_CORE_COUNT, CPU_SOCKET_COUNT) as select cu.dbid, cu.version, timestamp, cpu_count, cpu_core_count, cpu_socket_count from wri$_dbu_cpu_usage cu, wri$_dbu_cpu_usage_sample cus where cu.dbid = cus.dbid and cu.version = cus.version / create or replace public synonym DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS for DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS / grant select on DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS to select_catalog_role / comment on table DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS is 'Database CPU Usage Statistics' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.DBID is 'database ID' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.VERSION is 'the database version' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.TIMESTAMP is 'time the CPU usage changed' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.CPU_COUNT is 'CPU count of database' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.CPU_CORE_COUNT is 'CPU Core count of database' / comment on column DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS.CPU_SOCKET_COUNT is 'CPU Socket count of database' /