Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catcmp.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/1 2011/04/25 15:10:19 yurxu Exp $ Rem Rem catcmp.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2006, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catcmp.sql - data CoMParison catalog views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem dba_comparison Rem dba_comparison_columns Rem dba_comparison_scan Rem dba_comparison_scan_summary Rem dba_comparison_scan_values Rem dba_comparison_row_dif Rem Rem user_comparison Rem user_comparison_columns Rem user_comparison_scan Rem user_comparison_scan_summary Rem user_comparison_scan_values Rem user_comparison_row_dif Rem Rem "_DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN" Rem "_USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF" Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem yurxu 04/12/11 - Backport yurxu_bug-11922716 from main Rem rmao 09/02/08 - redefinition of dba_comparison_scan_summary view Rem juyuan 11/28/06 - bug-5683618 Rem jinwu 11/03/06 - Created Rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison (owner, comparison_name, comparison_mode, schema_name, object_name, object_type, remote_schema_name, remote_object_name, remote_object_type, dblink_name, scan_mode, scan_percent, cyclic_index_value, null_value, local_converge_tag, remote_converge_tag, max_num_buckets, min_rows_in_bucket, last_update_time) AS SELECT, comparison_name, decode(comparison_mode, 1, 'TABLE') comparison_mode, schema_name, object_name, decode(object_type, 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 42, 'MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'UNDEFINED') object_type, rmt_schema_name, rmt_object_name, decode(rmt_object_type, 2, 'TABLE', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 42, 'MATERIALIZED VIEW', 'UNDEFINED') remote_object_type, dblink_name, decode(scan_mode, 1, 'FULL', 2, 'RANDOM', 3, 'CYCLIC', 4, 'CUSTOM', 'UNDEFINED') scan_mode, scan_percent, cyl_idx_val cyclic_index_value, null_value, loc_converge_tag, rmt_converge_tag, max_num_buckets, min_rows_in_bucket, last_update_time FROM comparison$ c, user$ u where c.user# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON is 'Details about the comparison object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.COMPARISON_MODE is 'Mode of comparison: TABLE' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Schema name of local object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of local object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of local object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.REMOTE_SCHEMA_NAME is 'Schema name of remote object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.REMOTE_OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of remote object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.REMOTE_OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of remote object' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.DBLINK_NAME is 'Database link name to remote database' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.SCAN_MODE is 'Scan mode of comparison: FULL' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.SCAN_PERCENT is 'Scan percent of comparison: Applicable to Random and Cyclic modes' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.CYCLIC_INDEX_VALUE is 'Last index column value used in a cyclic scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.NULL_VALUE is 'Value to use for null column values' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.LOCAL_CONVERGE_TAG is 'The local streams tag used while performing converge dmls' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.REMOTE_CONVERGE_TAG is 'The remote streams tag used while performing converge dmls' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.MAX_NUM_BUCKETS is 'Suggested maximum number of buckets in a scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.MIN_ROWS_IN_BUCKET is 'Suggested minimum number of rows in a bucket' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison FOR dba_comparison / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison AS SELECT comparison_name, comparison_mode, schema_name, object_name, object_type, remote_schema_name, remote_object_name, remote_object_type, dblink_name, scan_mode, scan_percent, cyclic_index_value, null_value, local_converge_tag, remote_converge_tag, max_num_buckets, min_rows_in_bucket, last_update_time FROM dba_comparison WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON is 'Details about the user''s comparison objects' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.COMPARISON_MODE is 'Mode of comparison: TABLE' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.SCHEMA_NAME is 'Schema name of local object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of local object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of local object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.REMOTE_SCHEMA_NAME is 'Schema name of remote object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.REMOTE_OBJECT_NAME is 'Name of remote object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.REMOTE_OBJECT_TYPE is 'Type of remote object' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.DBLINK_NAME is 'Database link name to remote database' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.SCAN_MODE is 'Scan mode of comparison: FULL' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.SCAN_PERCENT is 'Scan percent of comparison: Applicable to Random and Cyclic modes' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.CYCLIC_INDEX_VALUE is 'Last index column value used in a cyclic scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.NULL_VALUE is 'Value to use for null column values' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.LOCAL_CONVERGE_TAG is 'The local streams tag used while performing converge dmls' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.REMOTE_CONVERGE_TAG is 'The remote streams tag used while performing converge dmls' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.MAX_NUM_BUCKETS is 'Suggested number of buckets in a scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.MIN_ROWS_IN_BUCKET is 'Suggested number of rows in a bucket' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison FOR user_comparison / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison_columns (owner, comparison_name, column_position, column_name, index_column) AS SELECT, c.comparison_name, cc.col_position, cc.col_name, decode(bitand(cc.flags, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N') index_column FROM comparison_col$ cc, comparison$ c, user$ u WHERE cc.comparison_id = c.comparison_id AND c.user# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS is 'Details about the comparison object''s columns' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COLUMN_POSITION is 'Column position' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of column' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.INDEX_COLUMN is 'Whether the column is an index column' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison_columns FOR dba_comparison_columns / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison_columns TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison_columns (comparison_name, column_position, column_name, index_column) AS SELECT comparison_name, column_position, column_name, index_column FROM dba_comparison_columns WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS is 'Details about the comparison object''s columns' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COLUMN_POSITION is 'Column position' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME is 'Name of column' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS.INDEX_COLUMN is 'Whether the column is an index column' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison_columns FOR user_comparison_columns / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison_columns TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a helper view CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN" ( comparison_id, owner, comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, root_scan_id, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time ) AS SELECT r.comparison_id comparison_id, owner, r.comparison_name comparison_name, s.scan_id scan_id, s.parent_scan_id parent_scan_id, s.status status, s.spare1 current_dif_count, s.spare2 initial_dif_count, s.spare3 root_scan_id, s.num_rows count_rows, decode(bitand(s.flags, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N') scan_nulls, s.last_update_time last_update_time FROM comparison_scan$ s, comparison$ r, user$ u WHERE s.comparison_id = r.comparison_id AND r.user# = u.user# / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison_scan ( owner, comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time ) AS SELECT owner, comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, decode(status, 1, 'SUC', 2, 'BUCKET DIF', 3, 'FINAL BUCKET DIF', 4, 'ROW DIF'), current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time FROM "_DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN" / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN is 'Details about a comparison scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.PARENT_SCAN_ID is 'Immediate parent scan''s scan id' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.ROOT_SCAN_ID is 'Scan_id of the root (top-most) parent' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.STATUS is 'Status of scan: SUC, BUCKET DIF, FINAL BUCKET DIF, ROW DIF' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.CURRENT_DIF_COUNT is 'Current cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.INITIAL_DIF_COUNT is 'Initial cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.COUNT_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.SCAN_NULLS is 'Whether NULLs are part of this scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison_scan FOR dba_comparison_scan / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison_scan TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison_scan_summary ( owner, comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time ) AS SELECT owner, r.comparison_name comparison_name, s.scan_id scan_id, s.parent_scan_id parent_scan_id, s.spare3 root_scan_id, decode(s.status, 1, 'SUC', 2, 'BUCKET DIF', 3, 'FINAL BUCKET DIF', 4, 'ROW DIF') status, s.spare1 current_dif_count, s.spare2 initial_dif_count, s.num_rows count_rows, decode(bitand(s.flags, 1), 1, 'Y', 'N') scan_nulls, s.last_update_time last_update_time FROM comparison_scan$ s, comparison$ r, user$ u WHERE s.comparison_id = r.comparison_id AND r.user# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY is 'Details about a comparison scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.PARENT_SCAN_ID is 'Immediate parent scan''s scan id' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.ROOT_SCAN_ID is 'Scan_id of the root (top-most) parent' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.STATUS is 'Status of scan: SUC, BUCKET DIF, FINAL BUCKET DIF, ROW DIF' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.CURRENT_DIF_COUNT is 'Current cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.INITIAL_DIF_COUNT is 'Initial cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COUNT_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_NULLS is 'Whether NULLs are part of this scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison_scan_summary FOR dba_comparison_scan_summary / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison_scan_summary TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW all_comparison_scan_summary AS SELECT css.* FROM dba_comparison_scan_summary css, ALL_APPLY aa, ALL_CAPTURE ca where (aa.apply_user = css.owner) or (ca.capture_user = css.owner) / comment on table ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY is 'Details about a comparison scan for the user' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.PARENT_SCAN_ID is 'Immediate parent scan''s scan id' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.ROOT_SCAN_ID is 'Scan_id of the root (top-most) parent' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.STATUS is 'Status of scan: SUC, BUCKET DIF, FINAL BUCKET DIF, ROW DIF' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.CURRENT_DIF_COUNT is 'Current cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.INITIAL_DIF_COUNT is 'Initial cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COUNT_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the scan' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_NULLS is 'Whether NULLs are part of this scan' / comment on column ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM all_comparison_scan_summary FOR all_comparison_scan_summary / GRANT SELECT ON all_comparison_scan_summary TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON_SCAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison_scan ( comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time ) AS SELECT comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time FROM dba_comparison_scan WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON_SCAN is 'Details about a comparison scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.PARENT_SCAN_ID is 'Immediate parent scan''s scan id' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.ROOT_SCAN_ID is 'Scan_id of the root (top-most) parent' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.STATUS is 'Status of scan: SUC, BUCKET DIF, FINAL BUCKET DIF, ROW DIF' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.CURRENT_DIF_COUNT is 'Current cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.INITIAL_DIF_COUNT is 'Initial cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.COUNT_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.SCAN_NULLS is 'Whether NULLs are part of this scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison_scan FOR user_comparison_scan / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison_scan TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison_scan_summary ( comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time ) AS SELECT comparison_name, scan_id, parent_scan_id, root_scan_id, status, current_dif_count, initial_dif_count, count_rows, scan_nulls, last_update_time FROM dba_comparison_scan_summary WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY is 'Details about a comparison scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.PARENT_SCAN_ID is 'Immediate parent scan''s scan id' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.ROOT_SCAN_ID is 'Scan_id of the root (top-most) parent' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.STATUS is 'Status of scan: SUC, BUCKET DIF, FINAL BUCKET DIF, ROW DIF' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.CURRENT_DIF_COUNT is 'Current cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.INITIAL_DIF_COUNT is 'Initial cumulative (incl children) dif count of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.COUNT_ROWS is 'Number of rows in the scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.SCAN_NULLS is 'Whether NULLs are part of this scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison_scan_summary FOR user_comparison_scan_summary / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison_scan_summary TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison_scan_values ( owner, comparison_name, scan_id, column_position, min_value, max_value, last_update_time ) AS SELECT owner, r.comparison_name comparison_name, v.scan_id scan_id, v.column_position column_position, v.min_val min_value, v.max_val max_value, v.last_update_time FROM comparison$ r, user$ u, comparison_scan_val$ v WHERE v.comparison_id = r.comparison_id AND r.user# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES is 'Details about a comparison scan''s values' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.COLUMN_POSITION is 'Column position as in dba_comparison_columns' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.MIN_VALUE is 'Minimum value of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.MAX_VALUE is 'Maximum value of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison_scan_values FOR dba_comparison_scan_values / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison_scan_values TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison_scan_values ( comparison_name, scan_id, column_position, min_value, max_value, last_update_time ) AS SELECT comparison_name, scan_id, column_position, min_value, max_value, last_update_time FROM dba_comparison_scan_values WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES is 'Details about a comparison scan''s values' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.COLUMN_POSITION is 'Column position as in user_comparison_columns' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.MIN_VALUE is 'Minimum value of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.MAX_VALUE is 'Maximum value of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison_scan_values FOR user_comparison_scan_values / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison_scan_values TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_comparison_row_dif (owner, comparison_name, scan_id, local_rowid, remote_rowid, index_value, status, last_update_time) AS SELECT, r.comparison_name, d.scan_id, d.loc_rowid, d.rmt_rowid, d.idx_val, decode(d.status, 1, 'SUC', 2, 'DIF') status, d.last_update_time FROM comparison_row_dif$ d, comparison$ r, user$ u WHERE d.comparison_id = r.comparison_id AND r.user# = u.user# / comment on table DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF is 'Details about the differing rows in a comparison scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.OWNER is 'Owner of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.LOCAL_ROWID is 'Local rowid of differing row' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.REMOTE_ROWID is 'Remote rowid of differing row' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.INDEX_VALUE is 'Index column value of differing row' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.STATUS is 'Status of differing row: SUC or DIF' / comment on column DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_comparison_row_dif FOR dba_comparison_row_dif / GRANT SELECT ON dba_comparison_row_dif TO select_catalog_role / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW user_comparison_row_dif (comparison_name, scan_id, local_rowid, remote_rowid, index_value, status, last_update_time) AS SELECT comparison_name, scan_id, local_rowid, remote_rowid, index_value, status, last_update_time FROM dba_comparison_row_dif WHERE owner = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CURRENT_USER') / comment on table USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF is 'Details about the differing rows in a comparison scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.COMPARISON_NAME is 'Name of comparison' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.SCAN_ID is 'Scan id of scan' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.LOCAL_ROWID is 'Local rowid of differing row' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.REMOTE_ROWID is 'Remote rowid of differing row' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.INDEX_VALUE is 'Index column value of differing row' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.STATUS is 'Status of differing row: SUC or DIF' / comment on column USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF.LAST_UPDATE_TIME is 'The time that this row was updated' / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_comparison_row_dif FOR user_comparison_row_dif / GRANT SELECT ON user_comparison_row_dif TO public with GRANT OPTION / ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- _USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF -- This is used by comparison code, and not intended for the user. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW "_USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF" AS SELECT d.* FROM comparison_row_dif$ d, comparison$ c WHERE d.comparison_id = c.comparison_id AND user# = uid; CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM "_USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF" FOR "_USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF" / GRANT SELECT ON "_USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF" TO public with GRANT OPTION /