Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catclust.sql /main/10 2008/10/10 20:52:50 nmacnaug Exp $ Rem Rem catclust.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2001, 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catclust.sql - CLUSTer database specific views definitions Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Create all cluster database specific views Rem Rem NOTES Rem This script must be run while connected as SYS. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem achoi 05/09/06 - support application edition Rem eyho 09/10/03 - remove product version from RAC registry Rem nmacnaug 08/19/03 - cleanup rac statistics Rem nmacnaug 04/02/03 - remove unused columns Rem eyho 03/08/02 - use rdbms release number with rac Rem eyho 12/05/01 - add validation procedure for catclust Rem eyho 11/14/01 - fix column name Rem eyho 11/02/01 - register to component registry Rem eyho 06/26/01 - optimize package creation Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem eyho 04/13/01 - Merged eyho_bug-1393413 Rem eyho 04/11/01 - Rename catclustdb.sql to catclust.sql Rem eyho 04/09/01 - Merged eyho_rac_name_changes Rem eyho 04/03/01 - Rename catparr.sql to catclustdb.sql Rem ppjanic 01/14/01 - 601567: Correct v$lock_element definition Rem mjungerm 06/15/99 - add java shared data object type Rem nmacnaug 02/02/99 - zero out unused field Rem kquinn 05/13/98 - 666009: Correct v$cache definition Rem nmacnaug 06/10/98 - return zero for deleted columns Rem mcoyle 08/22/97 - Move v$lock_activity to kernel view Rem tlahiri 03/23/97 - Move v$bh to kqfv.h, remove use of ext_to_obj Rem tlahiri 07/23/96 - Proj-2721: Modifications for enhanced OPS statis Rem atsukerm 07/22/96 - change type for partitioned objects. Rem atsukerm 06/13/96 - fix EXT_TO_OBJ view. Rem mmonajje 05/24/96 - Replace type col name with type# Rem asurpur 04/08/96 - Dictionary Protection Implementation Rem atsukerm 02/29/96 - space support for partitions. Rem jwlee 02/05/96 - fix x$bh column name. Rem atsukerm 02/05/96 - fix ext_to_obj definition. Rem atsukerm 01/03/96 - tablespace-relative DBAs. Rem tlahiri 11/30/95 - Fix error in v$lock_element in last checkin Rem tlahiri 11/20/95 - Bugs 313766 and 313767 Rem aho 11/02/95 - iot change clu# references in ext_to_obj_view Rem aezzat 08/09/95 - modify v$bh, v$ping to include buffer class Rem pgreenwa 10/21/94 - create public syn. for v$locks_with_collisions Rem svenkate 11/30/94 - bug 250244 : view changes Rem thayes 07/08/94 - Extend vbh view Rem svenkate 06/17/94 - bug 172282 : amendments Rem svenkate 06/08/94 - 172288 : add file_lock, file_PING Rem wmaimone 05/06/94 - #184921 run as sys/internal Rem jloaiza 03/17/94 - add false ping view, v$lock_element, etc Rem hrizvi 02/09/93 - apply changes to x$bh Rem jloaiza 11/09/92 - get rid of quted column Rem jklein 11/04/92 - fix view definitions Rem jklein 10/28/92 - merge forward changes from v6 Rem Porter 12/03/90 - Added to control system, renamed to psviews.sql Rem Laursen 10/01/90 - Creation Rem Rem create DBMS_CLUSTDB PACKAGE CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE dbms_clustdb AS PROCEDURE validate; END dbms_clustdb; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY dbms_clustdb AS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEDURE validate IS start_time DATE; end_time DATE; option_val VARCHAR2(64); g_null CHAR(1); BEGIN BEGIN SELECT null INTO g_null FROM obj$ WHERE owner#=0 AND name='V$CACHE_TRANSFER'; -- valid if v$ges_statistics exists; SELECT value INTO option_val FROM v$option WHERE parameter = 'Real Application Clusters'; -- check if RAC option has been linked in IF option_val = 'TRUE' THEN dbms_registry.valid('RAC'); ELSE dbms_registry.invalid('RAC'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN dbms_registry.invalid('RAC'); END; END validate; END dbms_clustdb; / Rem Load catclust to the Component Registry EXECUTE dbms_registry.loading('RAC','Oracle Real Application Clusters','dbms_clustdb.validate'); Rem Old views prior to 9.0.1 Rem Rem This table maps extents to database objects. This table must be dropped Rem and recreated to include any new extents that are added after the last Rem time it was created. Rem Rem NOTE: As of 8.0.3, none of the remaining views in this file depend upon Rem ext_to_obj. v$cache and v$ping (and their new gv$ versions) use obj$ and Rem undo$ to obtain the object name, partition name, type and owner#. The Rem advantage of using obj$ and undo$ is that it is no longer necessary to Rem repeatedly recreate ext_to_obj (an expensive operation) to keep the Rem dynamic performance views consistent. Rem Rem ext_to_obj has been retained only for backward compatability reasons. Rem Rem Create ext_to_obj as a view to avoid expensive populating during Rem table creation. create or replace view ext_to_obj_view as select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , obj$.name name , NULL partition_name , 'TABLE' kind , owner# from tab$, uet$, obj$, file$ where bitand(tab$.property, 1024) = 0 /* exclude clustered tables */ and tab$.file# = uet$.segfile# and tab$.block# = uet$.segblock# and tab$.ts# = uet$.ts# and tab$.obj# = obj$.obj# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , obj$.name name , obj$.subname partition_name , 'TABLE PARTITION' kind , owner# from tabpart$, uet$, obj$, file$ where tabpart$.file# = uet$.segfile# and tabpart$.block# = uet$.segblock# and tabpart$.ts# = uet$.ts# and tabpart$.obj# = obj$.obj# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select distinct file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , obj$.name name , NULL partition_name , 'CLUSTER' kind , owner# from tab$, uet$, obj$, file$ where bitand(tab$.property, 1024) = 1024 /* clustered tables */ and tab$.file# = uet$.segfile# and tab$.block# = uet$.segblock# and tab$.ts# = uet$.ts# and tab$.bobj# = obj$.obj# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , obj$.name name , NULL artition_name , 'INDEX' kind , owner# from ind$, uet$, obj$, file$ where ind$.file# = uet$.segfile# and ind$.block# = uet$.segblock# and ind$.ts# = uet$.ts# and ind$.obj# = obj$.obj# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , obj$.name name , obj$.subname partition_name , 'INDEX PARTITION' kind , owner# from indpart$, uet$, obj$, file$ where indpart$.file# = uet$.segfile# and indpart$.block# = uet$.segblock# and indpart$.ts# = uet$.ts# and indpart$.obj# = obj$.obj# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , undo$.name name , NULL partition_name , 'UNDO' kind , user# owner# from undo$, uet$, file$ where undo$.file# = uet$.segfile# and undo$.block# = uet$.segblock# and undo$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# file# , uet$.block# lowb , uet$.block# + uet$.length - 1 highb , 'TEMP SEGMENT' name , NULL partition_name , 'TEMP SEGMENT' kind , 1 owner# from uet$, seg$, file$ where seg$.file# = uet$.segfile# and seg$.block# = uet$.block# and seg$.ts# = uet$.ts# and seg$.type# = 3 and file$.ts# = uet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = uet$.file# union all select file$.file# , fet$.block# , fet$.length + fet$.block# - 1 , 'FREE EXTENT' name , NULL partition_name , 'FREE EXTENT' kind , 1 owner# from fet$, file$ where file$.ts# = fet$.ts# and file$.relfile# = fet$.file# ; create or replace public synonym ext_to_obj for ext_to_obj_view; grant select on ext_to_obj_view to select_catalog_role; Rem **************** NOTE FOR ORACLE 8.0.3 (and beyond) ****************** Rem v$bh is now defined internally in the server (like other true Rem fixed views). A new view: gv$bh, has also been added which is a Rem view on buffer headers across all instances. Correspondingly, there Rem are gv$ version of v$cache, v$ping, etc. (defined later). Rem Rem The commented out definition of v$bh below is been retained so that a Rem description of the columns remains for the benefit of users and DBAs. Rem gv$bh is identical to v$bh execept for an additional INST_ID column, Rem which gives the instance id of the corresponding buffer header. Rem ***************** OLD DEFINITION OF V$BH ******************** Rem v$bh gives the status and number of x_to_null conversions, forced Rem writes and forced reads for every buffer in Rem the buffer cache. Rem It gives the file number, block number, and data-object# for each Rem buffer, but unlike the v$cache and v$ping views, it does not Rem translate that to a database object. Rem Rem There are three columns in v$bh for detecting i/o due to lock Rem lock conversion requests from other instances: Rem Rem 1. The x_to_null column counts the number of times the block has Rem gone from exclusive mode to null on this instance due to a Rem conflicting lock request on another instance. This column has been Rem retained purely for backward compatibility reasons. It provides only Rem a limited view of pinging, since it does not capture other lock Rem transitions types such as exclusive to share. Rem Rem 2. The forced_write column counts the number of times DBWR had to Rem write this this block to disk because this instance had dirtied the Rem block and another instance had requested the lock on the block in a Rem conflicting mode. Rem Rem 3. The forced_read column counts the number of times the block had Rem to be re-read from disk because another instance had forced it out Rem of this instance's cache by requesting the PCM lock on the block in Rem exclusive mode. Rem Rem Columns 2 and 3 together represent the number of disk i/o's an Rem instance had to perform on each block in the cache due to Rem conflicting lock requests by other instances. Rem Rem These i/o's are wasteful since they occur only due to lock activity Rem and would not have occurred in a single instance environment. Rem Rem In order to get a true picture of the pings you need to look at v$bh Rem on all instances. NOTE FOR ORACLE 8.0.3 and beyond - you can achive Rem this by looking at GV$BH. Rem Rem The 'lock_element_addr' column contains the address of the lock Rem element contains the Parallel Cache Management (PCM) lock element Rem that is locking this buffer. Rem Rem If two buffers have the same lock_element_addr, then they are being Rem protected by the same lock. Anytime two buffers are covered by the Rem PCM lock, you can have false collisions between the buffers. Rem With releasable locking, the association of a lock element to a PCM Rem lock may change. This is the reason for including the Rem 'lock_element_name' and 'lock_element_class' in this and subsequent Rem views, since they together uniquely identify a specific PCM lock. Rem Rem create or replace view v$bh as /* view on buffer headers */ Rem select FILE# file#, Rem DBABLK block#, Rem CLASS class#, Rem decode(state, 0, 'FREE', /* not currently is use */ Rem 1, 'XCUR', /* held exclusive by this instance */ Rem 2, 'SCUR', /* held shared by this instance */ Rem 3, 'CR', /* only valid for consistent read */ Rem 4, 'READ', /* is being read from disk */ Rem 5, 'MREC', /* in media recovery mode */ Rem 6, 'IREC') /* in instance(crash) recovery mode */ Rem status, Rem 0 xnc, /* count of ping outs */ Rem 0 forced_reads, Rem 0 forced_writes, Rem bh.le_addr lock_element_addr, Rem name lock_element_name, Rem le_class lock_element_class, Rem decode(bitand(flag,1), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem dirty, /* Dirty bit */ Rem decode(bitand(flag,16), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem temp, /* temporary bit */ Rem decode(bitand(flag,1536), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem ping, /* ping (to shared or null) bit */ Rem decode(bitand(flag,16384), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem stale, /* stale bit */ Rem decode(bitand(flag,65536), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem direct, /* direct access bit */ Rem decode(bitand(flag,1048576), 0, 'N', 'Y') Rem new, /* new bit */ Rem obj objd Rem from x$bh bh, x$le le Rem where bh.le_addr = le.le_addr; Rem grant select on v$bh to public; Rem create or replace public synonym v$bh for v$bh; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view gv$ping as select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from gv$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0 union all select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from gv$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor((bh.class# - 11) / 2)) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0; grant select on gv$ping to public; create or replace public synonym gv$ping for gv$ping; create or replace view v$ping as select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from v$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0 union all select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from v$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor((bh.class# - 11) / 2)) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0; grant select on v$ping to public; create or replace public synonym v$ping for v$ping; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view gv$cache as select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from gv$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) union all select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from gv$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor(bh.class# - 11) / 2); grant select on gv$cache to public; create or replace public synonym gv$cache for gv$cache; create or replace view v$cache as select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from v$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) union all select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr, lock_element_name from v$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor((bh.class# - 11) / 2)); grant select on v$cache to public; create or replace public synonym v$cache for v$cache; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view v$cache_lock as select file#, block#, status, xnc, forced_reads, forced_writes, name, kind, owner#, c.lock_element_addr, c.lock_element_name, indx, class from v$cache c, v$lock_element l where l.lock_element_addr = c.lock_element_addr; grant select on v$cache_lock to public; create or replace public synonym v$cache_lock for v$cache_lock; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view gv$false_ping as select p.inst_id, file#, block#, status, xnc, p.forced_reads, p.forced_writes, name, partition_name, kind, owner#, p.lock_element_addr, p.lock_element_name, p.class# lock_element_class from gv$ping p, gv$locks_with_collisions c where (p.forced_reads + p.forced_writes) > 5 and p.lock_element_addr = c.lock_element_addr and p.inst_id = c.inst_id; grant select on gv$false_ping to public; create or replace public synonym gv$false_ping for gv$false_ping; create or replace view v$false_ping as select file#, block#, status, xnc, p.forced_reads, p.forced_writes, name, partition_name, kind, owner#, p.lock_element_addr, p.lock_element_name, p.class# lock_element_class from v$ping p, v$locks_with_collisions c where (p.forced_reads + p.forced_writes) > 5 and p.lock_element_addr = c.lock_element_addr; grant select on v$false_ping to public; create or replace public synonym v$false_ping for v$false_ping; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view file_ping as select file_id, file_name, tablespace_name ts_name, 0 frequency, 0 x_2_null, 0 x_2_null_forced_write, 0 x_2_null_forced_stale, 0 x_2_s, 0 x_2_s_forced_writes, 0 x_2_ssx, 0 x_2_ssx_forced_writes, 0 s_2_null, 0 s_2_null_forced_stale, 0 ss_2_null, 0 wrb, 0 wrb_forced_write, 0 rbr, 0 rbr_forced_write, 0 rbr_forced_stale, 0 cbr, 0 cbr_forced_write, 0 null_2_x, 0 s_2_x, 0 ssx_2_x, 0 n_2_s, 0 n_2_ss from dba_data_files; grant select on file_ping to select_catalog_role; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view file_lock as select file_id, file_name, tablespace_name ts_name, 0 start_lk, 0 nlocks, 0 blocking from dba_data_files; grant select on file_lock to select_catalog_role; Rem New views for cluster database in 9.0.1 Rem create or replace public synonym v$ges_statistics for v$dlm_misc; create or replace public synonym v$ges_latch for v$dlm_latch; create or replace public synonym v$ges_convert_local for v$dlm_convert_local; create or replace public synonym v$ges_convert_remote for v$dlm_convert_remote; create or replace public synonym v$ges_traffic_controller for v$dlm_traffic_controller; create or replace public synonym v$ges_resource for v$dlm_ress; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_statistics for gv$dlm_misc; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_latch for gv$dlm_latch; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_convert_local for gv$dlm_convert_local; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_convert_remote for gv$dlm_convert_remote; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_traffic_controller for gv$dlm_traffic_controller; create or replace public synonym gv$ges_resource for gv$dlm_ress; Rem This view is depreciated Rem create or replace view gv$cache_transfer as select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr "GC_ELEMENT_ADDR", lock_element_name "GC_ELEMENT_NAME" from gv$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0 union all select bh.inst_id, bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr "GC_ELEMENT_ADDR", lock_element_name "GC_ELEMENT_NAME" from gv$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor((bh.class# - 11) / 2)) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0; grant select on gv$cache_transfer to public; create or replace public synonym gv$cache_transfer for gv$cache_transfer; create or replace view v$cache_transfer as select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, ob.subname partition_name, decode (ob.type#, 1, 'INDEX', 2, 'TABLE', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4, 'VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6, 'SEQUENCE', 7, 'PROCEDURE', 8, 'FUNCTION', 9, 'PACKAGE', 10, 'NON-EXISTENT', 11, 'PACKAGE BODY', 12, 'TRIGGER', 13, 'TYPE', 14, 'TYPE BODY', 19, 'TABLE PARTITION', 20, 'INDEX PARTITION', 21, 'LOB', 22, 'LIBRARY', 28, 'JAVA SOURCE', 29, 'JAVA CLASS', 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE', 56, 'JAVA DATA', 'UNKNOWN') kind, ob.owner#, lock_element_addr "GC_ELEMENT_ADDR", lock_element_name "GC_ELEMENT_NAME" from v$bh bh, "_CURRENT_EDITION_OBJ" ob where (bh.objd = ob.dataobj#) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0 union all select bh.file#, bh.block#, bh.class#, bh.status, bh.xnc, bh.forced_reads, bh.forced_writes,, NULL partition_name, 'UNDO' kind, un.user# owner#, lock_element_addr "GC_ELEMENT_ADDR", lock_element_name "GC_ELEMENT_NAME" from v$bh bh, undo$ un where (bh.class# >= 11) and ( = floor((bh.class# - 11) / 2)) and (bh.forced_reads + bh.forced_writes) > 0; grant select on v$cache_transfer to public; create or replace public synonym v$cache_transfer for v$cache_transfer; Rem successfully load the RAC component and validate the package BEGIN dbms_registry.loaded('RAC'); dbms_clustdb.validate; END; /