Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/3 2011/08/08 09:52:28 surman Exp $ Rem Rem catbundle.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catbundle.sql - Patch bundle installation script Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script is used to load the necessary SQL files for a bundled Rem patch installation into the database. It is meant to be run after Rem opatch has finished updating the ORACLE_HOME with the new SQL files Rem and binaries, and the database has been started. Rem Rem There are two parameters, both of which are mandatory: Rem @catbundle Rem where is the name of the bundle (i.e. CPU or WINDOWS) Rem and is either apply or rollback. Rem The arguments are not case sensitive. Rem Rem You must be connected as sys before running this script. Rem Rem catbundle.sql will look in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin for an input XML Rem file named bundledata_.xml (i.e. bundledata_CPU.xml) Rem for information about which patches in the bundle contain which SQL Rem files. Rem Rem When invoked in apply mode, catbundle will do the following: Rem * Spool output to $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/catbundle. If Rem $ORACLE_BASE is not defined, then spool output to Rem $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/. The directory will be created Rem if it does not already exist. Rem * Dynamically generate an apply SQL script based on the current Rem state of the database. This script will be named Rem catbundle___APPLY_.sql Rem and will be generated to the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. Rem It will contain only the files necessary to bring the database Rem to the highest patch level specified in bundledata.xml. Rem * Dynamically generate a rollback SQL script based on bundledata.xml. Rem This script will be named Rem catbundle___ROLLBACK.sql and will Rem also be generated to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin. It will contain Rem the files necessary to rollback the database back to a previous Rem state after an opatch -rollback. Rem * Automatically invoke the generated apply script. Rem Rem When invoked in rollback mode, catbundle will simply call the Rem existing generated rollback script. The rollback script can also Rem be called directly from a SQL*Plus session. Rem Rem The scripts catcpu.sql and catcpu_rollback.sql are now wrappers to Rem this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem surman 07/18/11 - 12766056: Always create CatbundleCreateDir Rem surman 05/31/11 - 11937509: Create log directory in java Rem surman 05/17/11 - 10413872: Filename priority Rem surman 05/16/11 - 10413872: Bundledata version Rem surman 07/27/10 - 9938689: Create log directory using ORACLE_BASE Rem surman 05/08/09 - 8498426: Set namespace Rem surman 03/30/09 - 8358067: Specify nls_language Rem surman 03/04/09 - 7710405: Correct INSTR platform checks Rem rvadraha 09/03/13 - 7658224: Check mount points using _kolfuseslf Rem surman 09/10/08 - 7391049: Invalid dba_registry_history synonym Rem surman 06/13/08 - Use proper action in registry update Rem surman 06/10/08 - Change logging behavior Rem surman 06/09/08 - Still more comments Rem surman 06/06/08 - Determine directory names in catbundle Rem surman 06/05/08 - Generate rollback script at apply time Rem surman 06/05/08 - Remove bundle_script and spool commands Rem surman 05/28/08 - More comments Rem surman 05/21/08 - Generic bundle names Rem surman 05/20/08 - Change to catbundle from catbp Rem surman 05/20/08 - Support rollback Rem surman 05/19/08 - catcpu.sql replacement project Rem surman 05/19/08 - Created Rem SET TERMOUT on SET ECHO off SET NUMWIDTH 10 SET LINESIZE 200 SET TRIMSPOOL off SET TAB OFF SET SERVEROUTPUT on SET VERIFY off DEFINE bundle_series = &1 DEFINE patch_mode = &2 VARIABLE rdbmsAdminDir VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE rdbmsLogDir VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE catbundleLogDir VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE createDirCmd VARCHAR2(600); VARIABLE applyScriptFile VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE rollbackScriptFile VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE scriptFile VARCHAR2(500); VARIABLE kolfuseslf VARCHAR2(50); REM Init the variable to its default value BEGIN :kolfuseslf := 'FALSE'; END; / REM 11937509: Create Java function and wrapper if JAVAVM is installed REM This needs to be a seperate block so the function will exist for REM subsequent blocks. BEGIN IF dbms_registry.is_valid('JAVAVM',dbms_registry.release_version) = 1 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' CREATE OR REPLACE AND COMPILE JAVA SOURCE NAMED "CatbundleCreateDir" AS import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; import*; public class CatbundleCreateDir { public static int create (String path) { File myFile = new File(path); if (myFile.exists()) { if (myFile.canWrite()) return 1; /* Directory exists and is writable, OK */ else return 0; /* Directory exists and is not writable, NOT OK */ } else { if (myFile.mkdirs()) return 1; /* Directory created, OK */ else return 0; /* Directory could not be created, NOT OK */ } } }'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CatbundleCreateDir(path VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME ''CatbundleCreateDir.create (java.lang.String) return'';'; ELSE -- 12766056: Create dummy version of CatbundleCreateDir so subsequent -- blocks will compile EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CatbundleCreateDir(path VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN RETURN 0; END CatbundleCreateDir;'; END IF; END; / REM Determine the names of interesting directories and create them if REM necessary. DECLARE platform v$database.platform_name%TYPE; homeDir VARCHAR2(500); baseDir VARCHAR2(500); useDir VARCHAR2(500); bundleSeries VARCHAR2(50) := NLS_UPPER('&bundle_series'); BEGIN -- Determine ORACLE_HOME value and admin dir SELECT NLS_UPPER(platform_name) INTO platform FROM v$database; -- 9938689: Default to $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/catbundle; if $ORACLE_BASE -- is not defined then use $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/catbundle; if -- $ORACLE_HOME is not defined then error DBMS_SYSTEM.GET_ENV('ORACLE_BASE', baseDir); DBMS_SYSTEM.GET_ENV('ORACLE_HOME', homeDir); IF homeDir IS NULL THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'ORACLE_HOME is not defined'); END IF; IF baseDir IS NOT NULL THEN useDir := baseDir; ELSE useDir := homeDir; END IF; IF INSTR(platform, 'WINDOWS') != 0 THEN -- Windows, use '\' useDir := RTRIM(useDir, '\'); -- Remove any trailing slashes :catbundleLogDir := useDir || '\cfgtoollogs\catbundle\'; :createDirCmd := 'mkdir ' || :catbundleLogDir; :rdbmsAdminDir := homeDir || '\rdbms\admin\'; :rdbmsLogDir := homeDir || '\rdbms\log\'; ELSIF INSTR(platform, 'VMS') != 0 THEN -- VMS, use [] and . :catbundleLogDir := REPLACE(useDir || '[cfgtoollogs.catbundle]', '][', '.'); :createDirCmd := 'CREATE/DIR ' || :catbundleLogDir; :rdbmsAdminDir := REPLACE(homeDir || '[rdbms.admin]', '][', '.'); :rdbmsLogDir := REPLACE(homeDir || '[rdbms.log]', '][', '.'); ELSE -- Unix and z/OS, '/' useDir := RTRIM(useDir, '/'); -- Remove any trailing slashes :catbundleLogDir := useDir || '/cfgtoollogs/catbundle/'; :createDirCmd := 'mkdir -p ' || :catbundlelogDir; :rdbmsAdminDir := homeDir || '/rdbms/admin/'; :rdbmsLogDir := homeDir || '/rdbms/log/'; END IF; SELECT :rdbmsAdminDir || 'catbundle_' || bundleSeries || '_' || name || '_APPLY.sql' INTO :applyScriptFile FROM v$database; SELECT :rdbmsAdminDir || 'catbundle_' || bundleSeries || '_' || name || '_ROLLBACK.sql' INTO :rollbackScriptFile FROM v$database; -- 9938689: Create log directory -- 11937509: If we can't create then use log directory. IF dbms_registry.is_valid('JAVAVM',dbms_registry.release_version) = 1 THEN DECLARE JavaSessionCleared EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(JavaSessionCleared, -29549); BEGIN FOR tries IN 1..2 LOOP BEGIN IF CatbundleCreateDir(:catbundleLogDir) = 0 THEN -- Create failed, use log directory :catbundleLogDir := :rdbmsLogDir; END IF; -- Success, exit loop :createDirCmd := 'exit'; EXIT; EXCEPTION WHEN JavaSessionCleared THEN -- Clear state and try again -- 12766056: Using dynamic SQL since dbms_java may not be installed EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' DECLARE dummy VARCHAR2(2500); BEGIN dummy := dbms_java.endsession; END;'; END; END LOOP; END; END IF; END; / REM 11937509: If JAVAVM is not valid we fall back to creating the directory REM using a HOST command. This method is not ideal since we can't detect REM errors. Any errors will appear in the output from running catbundle. COLUMN create_cmd NEW_VALUE create_cmd NOPRINT SELECT :createDirCmd AS create_cmd FROM dual; HOST &create_cmd REM Turn spooling on for the generate phase COLUMN generate_logfile NEW_VALUE generate_logfile NOPRINT SELECT :catbundleLogDir || 'catbundle_' || NLS_UPPER('&bundle_series') || '_' || name || '_GENERATE_' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMonDD_hh24_mi_ss', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=''AMERICAN''') || '.log' AS generate_logfile FROM v$database; SPOOL &generate_logfile PROMPT Generating apply and rollback scripts... PROMPT Check the following file for errors: PROMPT &generate_logfile SET TERMOUT off SET ECHO on REM Add new column to registry$history and dba_registry_history if needed BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER TABLE registry$history ADD (bundle_series VARCHAR2(30))'; -- 7391049: Recompile dbms_registry_sys so there are no more invalid objects EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER PACKAGE dbms_registry_sys COMPILE BODY'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE = -1430 THEN -- Column already exists in table, just ignore the error NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dba_registry_history ( action_time, action, namespace, version, id, bundle_series, comments) AS SELECT action_time, action, namespace, version, id, bundle_series, comments FROM registry$history; REM 7391049: Recreate synonym so there are no more invalid objects CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_registry_history FOR dba_registry_history; REM Create temporary table CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE bundle_component_files (cid VARCHAR2(25), fname VARCHAR2(100), seq NUMBER, priority NUMBER, rollback_only CHAR(1), UNIQUE(cid, fname)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; REM Disable Symlink/Mountpoint checks (required for windows platform) DECLARE kolfuseslf_cnt NUMBER := 0; stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN -- alter session: enable use of symbolic links -- first get the current value of _kolfuseslf (default FALSE) stmt := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME=''_kolfuseslf'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt INTO kolfuseslf_cnt; IF kolfuseslf_cnt != 0 THEN stmt := 'SELECT VALUE INTO :kolfuseslf FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME=''_kolfuseslf'''; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; END IF; stmt := 'ALTER SESSION SET "_kolfuseslf" = TRUE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; END; / REM And go for it DECLARE bundledata XMLType; bundle XMLType; component XMLType; bundledataVersion VARCHAR2(50); xmlFilename VARCHAR2(50); bundleID NUMBER; bundleDescription VARCHAR2(100); installedBundle NUMBER; installedBundleDescription VARCHAR2(100); patchMode VARCHAR2(50) := NLS_UPPER('&patch_mode'); bundleSeries VARCHAR2(50) := NLS_UPPER('&bundle_series'); startingBundle NUMBER; currentDBVersion VARCHAR2(20); rollbackOnly CHAR(1); spoolCommand VARCHAR2(500); filename VARCHAR2(100); priority NUMBER; componentID VARCHAR2(30); filenameSeq BINARY_INTEGER := 1; compHeaderWritten BOOLEAN := TRUE; fileopenFailed EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(fileopenFailed, -22288); invalidMode EXCEPTION; applyScriptFilePtr UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; rollbackScriptFilePtr UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE; platform v$database.platform_name%TYPE; CURSOR reverseBundleIDsCur(x XMLType) IS SELECT extract(column_value, '/bundle/@id').getNumberVal() bundleID FROM XMLTable('/bundledata/bundle' PASSING x) ORDER BY bundleID DESC; CURSOR bundleCur(x XMLType) IS SELECT column_value, extract(column_value, '/bundle/@id').getNumberVal() bundleID, extract(column_value, '/bundle/@description').getStringVal() bundleDesc FROM XMLTable('/bundledata/bundle' PASSING x) ORDER BY bundleID; CURSOR componentCur(x XMLType) IS SELECT column_value, extract(column_value, '/component/@id').getStringVal() FROM XMLTable('/bundle/component' PASSING x); -- 10413872: Add priority CURSOR fileCur(x XMLType) IS SELECT c."Filename", extract(column_value, '/file/@priority').getNumberVal() priority FROM XMLTable('/component/file' PASSING x COLUMNS "Filename" VARCHAR2(100) PATH '/file') c; CURSOR componentInfoCur (x XMLType) IS SELECT DISTINCT extract(column_value, '/component/@id').getStringVal() compID, extract(column_value, '/component/@name').getStringVal() compName, extract(column_value, '/component/@schema').getStringVal() compSchema FROM XMLTable('/bundledata/bundle/component' PASSING x) ORDER BY compSchema; CURSOR bundleComponentFilesCur (compID VARCHAR2) IS SELECT fname, rollback_only FROM bundle_component_files WHERE cid = compID ORDER BY priority, seq; PROCEDURE openScriptFiles(apply_file_name IN VARCHAR2, rollback_file_name IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN applyScriptFilePtr := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('ADMIN_DIR', apply_file_name, 'w'); rollbackScriptFilePtr := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('ADMIN_DIR', rollback_file_name, 'w'); EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_PATH THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_PATH during openScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_MODE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_MODE during openScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_OPERATION THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_OPERATION during openScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_MAXLINESIZE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_MAXLINESIZE during openScriptFile'); END openScriptFiles; -- If script is 'A', then input_line will be written to the apply script. -- If script is 'R', then input_line will be written to the rollback script. -- If script is 'B', then input_line will be written to both scripts. PROCEDURE insertScriptFile(script IN CHAR, input_line IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN IF script = 'A' OR script = 'B' THEN UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(applyScriptFilePtr, input_line); END IF; IF script = 'R' OR script = 'B' THEN UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(rollbackScriptFilePtr, input_line); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_FILEHANDLE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_FILEHANDLE during insertScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_OPERATION THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_OPERATION during insertScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'WRITE_ERROR during insertScriptFile'); END insertScriptFile; PROCEDURE closeScriptFiles IS BEGIN UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(applyScriptFilePtr); UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(rollbackScriptFilePtr); EXCEPTION WHEN UTL_FILE.INVALID_FILEHANDLE THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'INVALID_FILEHANDLE during closeScriptFile'); WHEN UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'WRITE_ERROR during closeScriptFile'); END closeScriptFiles; -- Returns the first 4 digits of a version (i.e. '' is returned -- from the input string '') FUNCTION versionTrim(version IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN RETURN SUBSTR(version, 1, INSTR(version, '.', 1, 4) - 1); END versionTrim; FUNCTION componentOK(component IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS BEGIN -- This is modeled off of dbms_registry_sys.cpu_script(). IF dbms_registry.is_in_registry(component) AND dbms_registry.status(component) NOT IN ('REMOVING', 'REMOVED') AND versionTrim(dbms_registry.version(component)) = currentDBVersion THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END IF; END componentOK; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY admin_dir AS ''' || :rdbmsAdminDir || ''''; xmlFilename := 'bundledata_' || bundleSeries || '.xml'; -- 8498426: Set namespace dbms_registry.set_session_namespace('SERVER'); -- Load XML data file bundledata := XMLType(bfilename('ADMIN_DIR', xmlFilename), nls_charset_id('US7ASCII')); -- 10413872: Get version of bundledata.xml so we know what fields to -- look for BEGIN SELECT extract(column_value, '/bundledata/@version').getNumberVal() INTO bundledataVersion FROM XMLTable('/bundledata' PASSING bundledata); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF sqlcode = -1722 THEN -- Invalid number, version is not valid so assume 0 bundledataVersion := 0; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; -- Set :scriptFile to the right value. When this block completes, we will -- run :scriptFile after cleaning up the temporary objects IF patchMode = 'ROLLBACK' THEN :scriptFile := :rollbackScriptFile; RETURN; -- No need to actually generate anything ELSIF patchMode = 'APPLY' THEN :scriptFile := :applyScriptFile; ELSIF patchMode != 'APPLY' THEN RAISE invalidMode; END IF; -- Get database version. We only want the first 4 digits (i.e. SELECT version INTO currentDBVersion FROM v$instance; currentDBVersion := versionTrim(currentDBVersion); -- Determine current bundle installed. DECLARE historyRec registry$history%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO historyRec FROM registry$history WHERE action_time = (SELECT MAX(action_time) FROM registry$history WHERE namespace = 'SERVER' AND bundle_series = bundleSeries AND version = currentDBVersion); IF historyRec.action = 'ROLLBACK' THEN -- Latest entry is bundle rollback, therefore no bundle applied installedBundle := 0; installedBundleDescription := 'None'; ELSIF historyRec.action = 'APPLY' THEN -- Latest entry is a bundle apply, return it installedBundle :=; installedBundleDescription := historyRec.comments; ELSE -- Latest entry is something else, therefore assume no bundle applied installedBundle := 0; installedBundleDescription := 'None'; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN -- No entries, therefore no bundle applied installedBundle := 0; installedBundleDescription := 'None'; END; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Current bundle installed: (' || installedBundle || ') - ' || installedBundleDescription); -- Determine which bundle to start with in the current install. FOR bundleRec IN reverseBundleIDsCur(bundledata) LOOP -- If there is no bundle installed, assign to starting_bundle. Since this -- loop is in descending order, we will end up with starting_bundle = -- the earliest bundle ID in the data file. IF installedBundle IS NULL THEN startingBundle := bundleRec.bundleID; ELSE -- Ensure that the latest bundle will at least be installed. This covers -- the case where we are re-installing the latest bundle again. IF startingBundle IS NULL THEN startingBundle := bundleRec.bundleID; END IF; -- If the fetched bundle ID > installed bundle ID, we need to install -- the fetched bundle ID. IF bundleRec.bundleID > installedBundle THEN startingBundle := bundleRec.bundleID; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Starting bundle ID: ' || startingBundle); -- For each bundle: OPEN bundleCur(bundledata); LOOP FETCH bundleCur INTO bundle, bundleID, bundleDescription; EXIT WHEN bundleCur%NOTFOUND; -- Check against currently installed bundle ID. We will include this -- bundle if there are no currently installed bundles, or if the -- currently installed bundle ID <= this bundle ID. -- If the patch mode is rollback, then we will include all bundles. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Processing components and files for bundle ' || bundleID || ': ' || bundleDescription); IF bundleID >= startingBundle THEN rollbackOnly := 'N'; ELSE rollbackOnly := 'Y'; END If; -- For each component within that bundle: OPEN componentCur(bundle); LOOP FETCH componentCur INTO component, componentID; EXIT WHEN componentCur%NOTFOUND; -- For each file within that component: OPEN fileCur(component); LOOP FETCH fileCur INTO filename, priority; EXIT WHEN fileCur%NOTFOUND; -- Insert into bundle_component_files to trap duplicates -- 10413872: Add priority BEGIN INSERT INTO bundle_component_files (cid, fname, seq, priority, rollback_only) VALUES (componentID, filename, filenameSeq, priority, rollbackOnly); filenameSeq := filenameSeq + 1; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN -- File is already present for this component, just update -- rollback_only if needed IF rollbackOnly = 'N' THEN UPDATE bundle_component_files SET rollback_only = 'N' WHERE cid = componentID AND fname = filename; END IF; END; END LOOP; CLOSE fileCur; END LOOP; CLOSE componentCur; END LOOP; CLOSE bundleCur; -- Now bundle_component_files has the (unique) list of files for each -- component. The next step is to generate the output scripts. openScriptFiles(:applyScriptFile, :rollbackScriptFile); insertScriptFile('A', 'REM This script is ' || :applyScriptFile); insertScriptFile('R', 'REM This script is ' || :rollbackScriptFile); insertScriptFile('B', 'REM It was generated by catbundle.sql on ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMonDD_hh24_mi_ss', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=''AMERICAN''')); insertScriptFile('B', 'SET echo on'); -- Generate spool commands insertScriptFile('B', 'COLUMN spool_file NEW_VALUE spool_file NOPRINT'); spoolCommand := 'SELECT ''' || :catbundleLogDir || ''' || ''catbundle_' || bundleSeries || '_'' || name || ''_APPLY_'' || ' || 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, ''YYYYMonDD_hh24_mi_ss'', ' || '''NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=''''AMERICAN'''''') || ' || '''.log''' || ' AS spool_file FROM v$database;'; insertScriptFile('A', spoolCommand); spoolCommand := 'SELECT ''' || :catbundleLogDir || ''' || ''catbundle_' || bundleSeries || '_'' || name || ''_ROLLBACK_'' || ' || 'TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, ''YYYYMonDD_hh24_mi_ss'', ' || '''NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=''''AMERICAN'''''') || ' || '''.log''' || ' AS spool_file FROM v$database;'; insertScriptFile('R', spoolCommand); insertScriptFile('B', 'SPOOL &' || 'spool_file'); -- 8498426: Set namespace insertScriptFile('B', 'exec dbms_registry.set_session_namespace(''SERVER'')'); FOR componentInfoRec IN componentInfoCur(bundledata) LOOP compHeaderWritten := TRUE; IF componentOK(componentInfoRec.compID) THEN OPEN bundleComponentFilesCur(componentInfoRec.compID); LOOP FETCH bundleComponentFilesCur INTO filename, rollbackOnly; EXIT WHEN bundleComponentFilesCur%NOTFOUND; -- Ensure that we switch schemas only if the component has files to -- process. IF compHeaderWritten THEN insertScriptFile('R', 'PROMPT Processing ' || componentInfoRec.compName || '...'); insertScriptFile('R', 'ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = ' || componentInfoRec.compSchema || ';'); -- If any of the files are marked rollback_only = 'N' then -- output to the apply file DECLARE rollback_count NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO rollback_count FROM bundle_component_files WHERE cid = componentInfoRec.compID AND rollback_only = 'N'; IF rollback_count > 0 THEN insertScriptFile('A', 'PROMPT Processing ' || componentInfoRec.compName || '...'); insertScriptFile('A', 'ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = ' || componentInfoRec.compSchema || ';'); END IF; END; compHeaderWritten := FALSE; END IF; insertScriptFile('R', '@' || filename); IF rollbackOnly = 'N' THEN insertScriptFile('A', '@' || filename); END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE bundleComponentFilesCur; ELSE insertScriptFile('B', 'PROMPT Skipping ' || componentInfoRec.compName || ' because it is not installed or versions mismatch...'); END IF; END LOOP; -- Switch user back to SYS insertScriptFile('B', 'ALTER SESSION SET current_schema = SYS;'); -- Update the registry if we've actually done something. IF (bundleID IS NOT NULL) THEN insertScriptFile('B', 'PROMPT Updating registry...'); insertScriptFile('B', 'INSERT INTO registry$history '); insertScriptFile('B', ' (action_time, action,'); insertScriptFile('B', ' namespace, version, id, '); insertScriptFile('B', ' bundle_series, comments)'); insertScriptFile('B', 'VALUES'); insertScriptFile('A', ' (SYSTIMESTAMP, ''APPLY'', '); insertScriptFile('R', ' (SYSTIMESTAMP, ''ROLLBACK'', '); insertScriptFile('B', ' SYS_CONTEXT(''REGISTRY$CTX'',''NAMESPACE''), '); insertScriptFile('B', ' ''' || currentDBVersion || ''', '); insertScriptFile('B', ' ' || bundleID || ', '); insertScriptFile('B', ' ''' || bundleSeries || ''','); insertScriptFile('B', ' ''' || bundleDescription || ''');'); END IF; insertScriptFile('B', 'COMMIT;'); insertScriptFile('B', 'SPOOL off'); insertScriptFile('B', 'SET echo off'); insertScriptFile('B', 'PROMPT Check the following log file for errors:'); insertScriptFile('B', 'PROMPT &' || 'spool_file'); closeScriptFiles; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Apply SQL file: ' || :applyScriptFile); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rollback SQL file: ' || :rollbackScriptFile); EXCEPTION WHEN fileopenFailed THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Error reading ' || xmlFilename || ' - patch NOT installed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Ensure that the file exists in ' || :rdbmsAdminDir); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); :scriptFile := :rdbmsAdminDir || 'nothing.sql'; -- We need to run something WHEN invalidMode THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE( 'Invalid mode ' || patchMode || ' - patch NOT installed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Mode must be either apply or rollback'); :scriptFile := :rdbmsAdminDir || 'nothing.sql'; -- We need to run something WHEN OTHERS THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception - patch NOT installed'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); :scriptFile := :rdbmsAdminDir || 'nothing.sql'; -- We need to run something END; / REM Enable Symlink/Mountpoint checks (required for windows platform) DECLARE stmt VARCHAR2(1000); BEGIN -- alter session: disable use of symbolic links -- (restore the variable to its prior value) stmt := 'ALTER SESSION SET "_kolfuseslf" = ' || :kolfuseslf; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; END; / PROMPT Dropping temporary objects... TRUNCATE TABLE bundle_component_files; DROP TABLE bundle_component_files; DROP DIRECTORY admin_dir; REM 11937509: Drop Java objects BEGIN IF dbms_registry.is_valid('JAVAVM',dbms_registry.release_version) = 1 THEN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP JAVA SOURCE "CatbundleCreateDir"'; END IF; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP FUNCTION CatbundleCreateDir'; END; / SET ECHO off SET TERMOUT on BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Apply script: ' || :applyScriptFile); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rollback script: ' || :rollbackScriptFile); END; / PROMPT Executing script file... SPOOL off COLUMN script_file NEW_VALUE sf NOPRINT; SELECT :scriptFile AS script_file FROM dual; @&sf