Rem Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catawrvw.sql - Catalog script for AWR Views Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Catalog script for AWR Views. Used to create the Rem Workload Repository Schema. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Must be run when connected as SYSDBA Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem bdagevil 03/14/10 - add px_flags column to Rem DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY Rem dongfwan 02/22/10 - Bug 9266913: add snap_timezone to wrm$_snapshot Rem sburanaw 02/04/10 - add db replay's callid to ASH Rem jomcdon 12/31/09 - bug 9212250: add PQQ fields to AWR tables Rem ilistvin 11/23/09 - bug8811401: add DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE view Rem amadan 11/19/09 - Bug 9115881 Add and Update AQ related AWR views Rem arbalakr 11/12/09 - truncate module/action to max lengths in Rem X$MODACT_LENGTH Rem sriganes 07/24/09 - bug 8413874: add multi-valued parameters in AWR Rem mfallen 03/20/09 - bug 8347956: add flash cache columns Rem akini 03/16/09 - add dba_hist_ash_snapshot Rem arbalakr 03/16/09 - bug 8283759: add hostname, port num to ASH view Rem arbalakr 02/24/09 - add DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME/TOPLEVELCALL_NAME Rem arbalakr 02/23/09 - bug 7350685: add sql_opname,top_level_call#/name Rem to ASH view Rem amysoren 02/05/09 - bug 7483450: add foreground values to Rem waitclassmetric Rem mfallen 01/04/09 - bug 7650345: add new sqlstat and seg_stat columns Rem bdagevil 01/02/09 - add STASH columns to ASH view Rem ilistvin 10/22/08 - add DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME and Rem DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME Rem sburanaw 09/29/08 - is_captured/is_replayed, capture/replay_overhead Rem to ash Rem ushaft 08/19/08 - add columns to ASH view Rem sburanaw 08/15/08 - expose time_mode, is_sqlid_current, in_capture, Rem in_replay in ASH Rem amysoren 08/14/08 - add ash bit for sequence load Rem mfallen 05/15/08 - bug 7029198: add dba_hist_dyn_remaster_stats Rem akini 04/23/08 - added DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL Rem jgiloni 04/15/08 - Shared Server AWR Stats Rem mfallen 03/12/08 - bug 6861722: add dba_hist_db_cache_advice column Rem sburanaw 12/11/07 - add blocking_inst_id, ecid to ASH Rem pbelknap 03/23/07 - add parsing_user_id to sqlstat Rem mlfeng 04/18/07 - platform name to database_instance, Rem bug with join in iostat views Rem sburanaw 03/02/07 - rename column top_sql* to top_level_sql* in Rem DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY Rem redefine ash session_type Rem remove in_background column Rem ushaft 02/08/07 - add IC_CLIENT_STATS, IC_DEVICE_STATS, Rem MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP, INTERCONNECT_PINGS Rem veeve 03/08/07 - add flags to DBA_HIST_ASH Rem amadan 02/10/07 - add first_activity_time to Rem DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES Rem mlfeng 12/21/06 - add snap_flag to dba_hist_snapshot Rem suelee 01/02/07 - Disable IORM Rem ilistvin 11/09/06 - move views with package dependencies to Rem catawrpd.sql Rem pbelknap 11/20/06 - add flag column to DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT Rem mlfeng 10/25/06 - do not join with BL table Rem sburanaw 08/04/06 - rename "time_model" columns to "in_" columns, Rem remove parse columns, redefine session_type Rem sburanaw 08/03/06 - add current_row# to dba_hist_active_sess_history Rem ushaft 08/03/06 - add column to pga_target_advice Rem mlfeng 07/21/06 - add interconnect table Rem suelee 07/25/06 - Fix units for Resource Manager views Rem mlfeng 07/17/06 - add sum squares Rem veeve 06/23/06 - add new 11g columns to DBA_HIST_ASH Rem mlfeng 06/17/06 - remove union all from Baseline tables Rem mlfeng 06/11/06 - add last_time_computed Rem mlfeng 05/20/06 - add columns to baselines Rem suelee 05/18/06 - Add IO statistics tables Rem gngai 04/14/06 - added coloredsql view Rem ushaft 05/26/06 - added 16 columns to DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER Rem amadan 05/16/06 - add DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES Rem mlfeng 05/14/06 - add memory views Rem amysoren 05/17/06 - DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT changes Rem veeve 03/01/06 - modified DBA_HIST_ASH to show eflushed rows Rem veeve 02/10/06 - add qc_session_serial# to ASH Rem adagarwa 04/25/05 - Added PL/SQL stack fields to DBA_HIST_ASH Rem mlfeng 05/10/05 - add event histogram, mutex sleep Rem mlfeng 05/26/05 - Fix tablespace space usage view Rem veeve 03/10/05 - made DBA_HIST_ASH.QC* NULL when invalid Rem adagarwa 03/04/05 - Added force_matching_sig,blocking_sesison_srl# Rem to DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY Rem narora 03/07/05 - add queue_id to WRH$_BUFFERED_QUEUES Rem kyagoub 09/12/04 - add bind_data to dba_hist_sqlstat Rem veeve 10/19/04 - add p1text,p2text,p3text to Rem dba_hist_active_sess_history Rem mlfeng 09/21/04 - add parsing_schema_name Rem mlfeng 07/27/04 - add new sql columns, new tables Rem bdagevil 08/02/04 - fix DBA_HIST_SQLBIND view Rem mlfeng 05/21/04 - add topnsql column Rem ushaft 05/26/04 - added DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE Rem ushaft 05/15/04 - add views for WRH$_COMP_IOSTAT, WRH$_SGA_TARGET.. Rem bdagevil 05/26/04 - add timestamp column in explain plan Rem bdagevil 05/13/04 - add other_xml column Rem narora 05/20/04 - add wrh$_sess_time_stats, streams tables Rem veeve 05/12/04 - made DBA_HIST_ASH similiar to its V$ Rem add blocking_session,xid to DBA_HIST_ASH Rem mlfeng 04/26/04 - p1, p2, p3 for event name Rem mlfeng 01/30/04 - add gc buffer busy Rem mlfeng 01/12/04 - class -> instance cache transfer Rem mlfeng 12/09/03 - fix bug with baseline view Rem mlfeng 11/24/03 - remove rollstat, add latch_misses_summary Rem pbelknap 11/03/03 - pbelknap_swrfnm_to_awrnm Rem mlfeng 08/29/03 - sync up with v$ changes Rem mlfeng 08/27/03 - add rac tables Rem mlfeng 07/10/03 - add service stats Rem nmacnaug 08/13/03 - remove unused statistic Rem mlfeng 08/04/03 - remove address columns from ash, sql_bind Rem mlfeng 07/25/03 - add group_name to metric name Rem gngai 08/01/03 - changed event class metrics Rem mramache 06/24/03 - hintset_applied -> sql_profile Rem gngai 06/17/03 - changed dba_hist_sysmetric_history Rem gngai 06/24/03 - fixed wrh$ views to use union all Rem mlfeng 06/03/03 - add wrh$_instance_recovery columns Rem mramache 05/20/03 - add plsql/java time columns to DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT Rem veeve 04/22/03 - Modified DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY Rem sql_hash_value OUT, sql_id IN, sql_address OUT Rem bdagevil 04/23/03 - undostat views: use sql_id instead of signature Rem mlfeng 04/22/03 - Modify signature/hash value to sql_id Rem mlfeng 04/14/03 - Modify DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT Rem mlfeng 04/11/03 - Add DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV Rem bdagevil 04/28/03 - merge new file Rem mlfeng 03/17/03 - Adding hash to name tables Rem mlfeng 04/01/03 - add block size to datafile, tempfile Rem veeve 03/05/03 - rename service_id to service_hash Rem in DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY Rem mlfeng 03/05/03 - add SQL Bind view Rem mlfeng 03/04/03 - add new dba_hist views to sync with catswrtb Rem mlfeng 03/04/03 - remove wrh$_idle_event Rem mlfeng 02/13/03 - modify dba_hist_event_name Rem mlfeng 01/27/03 - mlfeng_swrf_reporting Rem mlfeng 01/24/03 - update undostat view Rem mlfeng 01/16/03 - Creation of DBA_HIST views Rem mlfeng 01/16/03 - Created Rem Rem ************************************************************************* Rem Creating the Workload Repository History (DBA_HIST) Catalog Views ... Rem ************************************************************************* /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE (DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STARTUP_TIME, PARALLEL, VERSION, DB_NAME, INSTANCE_NAME, HOST_NAME, LAST_ASH_SAMPLE_ID, PLATFORM_NAME) as select dbid, instance_number, startup_time, parallel, version, db_name, instance_name, host_name, last_ash_sample_id, platform_name from WRM$_DATABASE_INSTANCE / comment on table DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE is 'Database Instance Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE for DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE / grant select on DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT ***************************************/ /* only the valid snapshots (status = 0) will be displayed) */ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STARTUP_TIME, BEGIN_INTERVAL_TIME, END_INTERVAL_TIME, FLUSH_ELAPSED, SNAP_LEVEL, ERROR_COUNT, SNAP_FLAG, SNAP_TIMEZONE) as select snap_id, dbid, instance_number, startup_time, begin_interval_time, end_interval_time, flush_elapsed, snap_level, error_count, snap_flag, snap_timezone from WRM$_SNAPSHOT where status = 0; / comment on table DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT is 'Snapshot Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT for DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR ***************************************/ /* shows error information for each snapshot */ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, TABLE_NAME, ERROR_NUMBER) as select snap_id, dbid, instance_number, table_name, error_number from wrm$_snap_error; / comment on table DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR is 'Snapshot Error Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR for DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR / grant select on DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL ***************************************/ /* shows list of colored SQL IDs */ create or replace view DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL (dbid, sql_id, create_time) as select dbid, sql_id, create_time from wrm$_colored_sql where owner = 1; / comment on table DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL is 'Marked SQLs for snapshots' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL for DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL / grant select on DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA (dbid, baseline_id, baseline_name, baseline_type, start_snap_id, end_snap_id, moving_window_size, creation_time, expiration, template_name, last_time_computed) as select dbid, baseline_id, baseline_name, baseline_type, start_snap_id, end_snap_id, moving_window_size, creation_time, expiration, template_name, last_time_computed from WRM$_BASELINE / comment on table DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA is 'Baseline Metadata Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA for DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA / grant select on DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /************************************ * DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE ************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE (dbid, template_id, template_name, template_type, baseline_name_prefix, start_time, end_time, day_of_week, hour_in_day, duration, expiration, repeat_interval, last_generated) as select dbid, template_id, template_name, template_type, baseline_name_prefix, start_time, end_time, day_of_week, hour_in_day, duration, expiration, repeat_interval, last_generated from WRM$_BASELINE_TEMPLATE / comment on table DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE is 'Baseline Template Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE for DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE / grant select on DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL (DBID, SNAP_INTERVAL, RETENTION, TOPNSQL) as select dbid, snap_interval, retention, decode(topnsql, 2000000000, 'DEFAULT', 2000000001, 'MAXIMUM', to_char(topnsql, '999999999')) topnsql from WRM$_WR_CONTROL / comment on table DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL is 'Workload Repository Control Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL for DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL / grant select on DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE (SNAP_ID, DBID, TS#, TSNAME, CONTENTS, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT, EXTENT_MANAGEMENT) as select tbs.snap_id, tbs.dbid, tbs.ts#, tbs.tsname, tbs.contents, tbs.segment_space_management, tbs.extent_management from WRH$_TABLESPACE tbs / comment on table DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE is 'Tablespace Static Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE for DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE / grant select on DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DATAFILE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DATAFILE (DBID, FILE#, CREATION_CHANGE#, FILENAME, TS#, TSNAME, BLOCK_SIZE) as select dbid, file#, creation_change#, filename, ts#, coalesce(t.tsname, d.tsname) tsname, block_size from WRH$_DATAFILE d LEFT OUTER JOIN WRH$_TABLESPACE t USING (dbid, ts#) / comment on table DBA_HIST_DATAFILE is 'Names of Datafiles' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DATAFILE for DBA_HIST_DATAFILE / grant select on DBA_HIST_DATAFILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. (bug 5352801) *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FILE#, CREATION_CHANGE#, FILENAME, TS#, TSNAME, BLOCK_SIZE, PHYRDS, PHYWRTS, SINGLEBLKRDS, READTIM, WRITETIM, SINGLEBLKRDTIM, PHYBLKRD, PHYBLKWRT, WAIT_COUNT, TIME) as select f.snap_id, f.dbid, f.instance_number, f.file#, f.creation_change#, fn.filename, fn.ts#, fn.tsname, fn.block_size, phyrds, phywrts, singleblkrds, readtim, writetim, singleblkrdtim, phyblkrd, phyblkwrt, wait_count, time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_FILESTATXS f, DBA_HIST_DATAFILE fn where f.dbid = fn.dbid and f.file# = fn.file# and f.creation_change# = fn.creation_change# and f.snap_id = sn.snap_id and f.dbid = sn.dbid and f.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS is 'Datafile Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS for DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS / grant select on DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE (DBID, FILE#, CREATION_CHANGE#, FILENAME, TS#, TSNAME, BLOCK_SIZE) as select dbid, file#, creation_change#, filename, ts#, coalesce(t.tsname, d.tsname) tsname, block_size from WRH$_TEMPFILE d LEFT OUTER JOIN WRH$_TABLESPACE t USING (dbid, ts#) / comment on table DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE is 'Names of Temporary Datafiles' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE for DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE / grant select on DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FILE#, CREATION_CHANGE#, FILENAME, TS#, TSNAME, BLOCK_SIZE, PHYRDS, PHYWRTS, SINGLEBLKRDS, READTIM, WRITETIM, SINGLEBLKRDTIM, PHYBLKRD, PHYBLKWRT, WAIT_COUNT, TIME) as select t.snap_id, t.dbid, t.instance_number, t.file#, t.creation_change#, tn.filename, tn.ts#, tn.tsname, tn.block_size, phyrds, phywrts, singleblkrds, readtim, writetim, singleblkrdtim, phyblkrd, phyblkwrt, wait_count, time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_TEMPSTATXS t, DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE tn where t.dbid = tn.dbid and t.file# = tn.file# and t.creation_change# = tn.creation_change# and sn.snap_id = t.snap_id and sn.dbid = t.dbid and sn.instance_number = t.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS is 'Temporary Datafile Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS for DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS / grant select on DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, COMPONENT, FILE_TYPE, IO_TYPE, OPERATION, BYTES, IO_COUNT) as select io.snap_id, io.dbid, io.instance_number, io.component, io.file_type, io.io_type, io.operation, io.bytes, io.io_count from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_COMP_IOSTAT io where sn.snap_id = io.snap_id and sn.dbid = io.dbid and sn.instance_number = io.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT is 'I/O stats aggregated on component level' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT for DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SQL_ID, PLAN_HASH_VALUE, OPTIMIZER_COST, OPTIMIZER_MODE, OPTIMIZER_ENV_HASH_VALUE, SHARABLE_MEM, LOADED_VERSIONS, VERSION_COUNT, MODULE, ACTION, SQL_PROFILE, FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, PARSING_SCHEMA_ID, PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, PARSING_USER_ID, FETCHES_TOTAL, FETCHES_DELTA, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT_TOTAL, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT_DELTA, SORTS_TOTAL, SORTS_DELTA, EXECUTIONS_TOTAL, EXECUTIONS_DELTA, PX_SERVERS_EXECS_TOTAL, PX_SERVERS_EXECS_DELTA, LOADS_TOTAL, LOADS_DELTA, INVALIDATIONS_TOTAL, INVALIDATIONS_DELTA, PARSE_CALLS_TOTAL, PARSE_CALLS_DELTA, DISK_READS_TOTAL, DISK_READS_DELTA, BUFFER_GETS_TOTAL, BUFFER_GETS_DELTA, ROWS_PROCESSED_TOTAL, ROWS_PROCESSED_DELTA, CPU_TIME_TOTAL, CPU_TIME_DELTA, ELAPSED_TIME_TOTAL, ELAPSED_TIME_DELTA, IOWAIT_TOTAL, IOWAIT_DELTA, CLWAIT_TOTAL, CLWAIT_DELTA, APWAIT_TOTAL, APWAIT_DELTA, CCWAIT_TOTAL, CCWAIT_DELTA, DIRECT_WRITES_TOTAL, DIRECT_WRITES_DELTA, PLSEXEC_TIME_TOTAL, PLSEXEC_TIME_DELTA, JAVEXEC_TIME_TOTAL, JAVEXEC_TIME_DELTA, IO_OFFLOAD_ELIG_BYTES_TOTAL, IO_OFFLOAD_ELIG_BYTES_DELTA, IO_INTERCONNECT_BYTES_TOTAL, IO_INTERCONNECT_BYTES_DELTA, PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS_DELTA, PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES_DELTA, PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS_DELTA, PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES_DELTA, OPTIMIZED_PHYSICAL_READS_TOTAL, OPTIMIZED_PHYSICAL_READS_DELTA, CELL_UNCOMPRESSED_BYTES_TOTAL, CELL_UNCOMPRESSED_BYTES_DELTA, IO_OFFLOAD_RETURN_BYTES_TOTAL, IO_OFFLOAD_RETURN_BYTES_DELTA, BIND_DATA, FLAG) as select sql.snap_id, sql.dbid, sql.instance_number, sql_id, plan_hash_value, optimizer_cost, optimizer_mode, optimizer_env_hash_value, sharable_mem, loaded_versions, version_count, substrb(module,1,(select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(action,1,(select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, sql_profile, force_matching_signature, parsing_schema_id, parsing_schema_name, parsing_user_id, fetches_total, fetches_delta, end_of_fetch_count_total, end_of_fetch_count_delta, sorts_total, sorts_delta, executions_total, executions_delta, px_servers_execs_total, px_servers_execs_delta, loads_total, loads_delta, invalidations_total, invalidations_delta, parse_calls_total, parse_calls_delta, disk_reads_total, disk_reads_delta, buffer_gets_total, buffer_gets_delta, rows_processed_total, rows_processed_delta, cpu_time_total, cpu_time_delta, elapsed_time_total, elapsed_time_delta, iowait_total, iowait_delta, clwait_total, clwait_delta, apwait_total, apwait_delta, ccwait_total, ccwait_delta, direct_writes_total, direct_writes_delta, plsexec_time_total, plsexec_time_delta, javexec_time_total, javexec_time_delta, io_offload_elig_bytes_total, io_offload_elig_bytes_delta, io_interconnect_bytes_total, io_interconnect_bytes_delta, physical_read_requests_total, physical_read_requests_delta, physical_read_bytes_total, physical_read_bytes_delta, physical_write_requests_total, physical_write_requests_delta, physical_write_bytes_total, physical_write_bytes_delta, optimized_physical_reads_total, optimized_physical_reads_delta, cell_uncompressed_bytes_total, cell_uncompressed_bytes_delta, io_offload_return_bytes_total, io_offload_return_bytes_delta, bind_data, sql.flag from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SQLSTAT sql where sn.snap_id = sql.snap_id and sn.dbid = sql.dbid and sn.instance_number = sql.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT is 'SQL Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT for DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT (DBID, SQL_ID, SQL_TEXT, COMMAND_TYPE) as select dbid, sql_id, sql_text, command_type from WRH$_SQLTEXT / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT is 'SQL Text' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT for DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, TOTAL_SQL, TOTAL_SQL_MEM, SINGLE_USE_SQL, SINGLE_USE_SQL_MEM) as select ss.snap_id, ss.dbid, ss.instance_number, total_sql, total_sql_mem, single_use_sql, single_use_sql_mem from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SQL_SUMMARY ss where sn.snap_id = ss.snap_id and sn.dbid = ss.dbid and sn.instance_number = ss.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY is 'Summary of SQL Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN (DBID, SQL_ID, PLAN_HASH_VALUE, ID, OPERATION, OPTIONS, OBJECT_NODE, OBJECT#, OBJECT_OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_ALIAS, OBJECT_TYPE, OPTIMIZER, PARENT_ID, DEPTH, POSITION, SEARCH_COLUMNS, COST, CARDINALITY, BYTES, OTHER_TAG, PARTITION_START, PARTITION_STOP, PARTITION_ID, OTHER, DISTRIBUTION, CPU_COST, IO_COST, TEMP_SPACE, ACCESS_PREDICATES, FILTER_PREDICATES, PROJECTION, TIME, QBLOCK_NAME, REMARKS, TIMESTAMP, OTHER_XML) as select dbid, sql_id, plan_hash_value, id, operation, options, object_node, object#, object_owner, object_name, object_alias, object_type, optimizer, parent_id, depth, position, search_columns, cost, cardinality, bytes, other_tag, partition_start, partition_stop, partition_id, other, distribution, cpu_cost, io_cost, temp_space, access_predicates, filter_predicates, projection, time, qblock_name, remarks, timestamp, other_xml from WRH$_SQL_PLAN / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN is 'SQL Plan Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN for DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA (DBID, SQL_ID, NAME, POSITION, DUP_POSITION, DATATYPE, DATATYPE_STRING, CHARACTER_SID, PRECISION, SCALE, MAX_LENGTH) as select dbid, sql_id, name, position, dup_position, datatype, datatype_string, character_sid, precision, scale, max_length from WRH$_SQL_BIND_METADATA / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA is 'SQL Bind Metadata Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA for DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV (DBID, OPTIMIZER_ENV_HASH_VALUE, OPTIMIZER_ENV) as select dbid, optimizer_env_hash_value, optimizer_env from WRH$_OPTIMIZER_ENV / comment on table DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV is 'Optimizer Environment Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV for DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV / grant select on DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME (DBID, EVENT_ID, EVENT_NAME, PARAMETER1, PARAMETER2, PARAMETER3, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS) as select dbid, event_id, event_name, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, wait_class_id, wait_class from WRH$_EVENT_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME is 'Event Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME for DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, EVENT_ID, EVENT_NAME, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS, TOTAL_WAITS, TOTAL_TIMEOUTS, TIME_WAITED_MICRO, TOTAL_WAITS_FG, TOTAL_TIMEOUTS_FG, TIME_WAITED_MICRO_FG) as select e.snap_id, e.dbid, e.instance_number, e.event_id, en.event_name, en.wait_class_id, en.wait_class, total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited_micro, total_waits_fg, total_timeouts_fg, time_waited_micro_fg from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT e, DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME en where e.event_id = en.event_id and e.dbid = en.dbid and e.snap_id = sn.snap_id and e.dbid = sn.dbid and e.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT is 'System Event Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT for DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, EVENT_ID, EVENT_NAME, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS, TOTAL_WAITS, TOTAL_TIMEOUTS, TIME_WAITED_MICRO) as select e.snap_id, e.dbid, e.instance_number, e.event_id, en.event_name, en.wait_class_id, en.wait_class, total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited_micro from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY e, DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME en where sn.snap_id = e.snap_id and sn.dbid = e.dbid and sn.instance_number = e.instance_number and sn.status = 0 and e.event_id = en.event_id and e.dbid = en.dbid / comment on table DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY is 'Summary of Background Event Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, CLASS, WAIT_COUNT, TIME) as select wt.snap_id, wt.dbid, wt.instance_number, class, wait_count, time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_WAITSTAT wt where sn.snap_id = wt.snap_id and sn.dbid = wt.dbid and sn.instance_number = wt.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT is 'Wait Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT for DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, EQ_TYPE, REQ_REASON, TOTAL_REQ#, TOTAL_WAIT#, SUCC_REQ#, FAILED_REQ#, CUM_WAIT_TIME, EVENT#) as select eq.snap_id, eq.dbid, eq.instance_number, eq_type, req_reason, total_req#, total_wait#, succ_req#, failed_req#, cum_wait_time, event# from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_ENQUEUE_STAT eq where sn.snap_id = eq.snap_id and sn.dbid = eq.dbid and sn.instance_number = eq.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT is 'Enqueue Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT for DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME (DBID, LATCH_HASH, LATCH_NAME) as select dbid, latch_hash, latch_name from WRH$_LATCH_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME is 'Latch Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME for DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LATCH * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LATCH (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, LATCH_HASH, LATCH_NAME, LEVEL#, GETS, MISSES, SLEEPS, IMMEDIATE_GETS, IMMEDIATE_MISSES, SPIN_GETS, SLEEP1, SLEEP2, SLEEP3, SLEEP4, WAIT_TIME) as select l.snap_id, l.dbid, l.instance_number, l.latch_hash, ln.latch_name, level#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, sleep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, wait_time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_LATCH l, DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME ln where l.latch_hash = ln.latch_hash and l.dbid = ln.dbid and l.snap_id = sn.snap_id and l.dbid = sn.dbid and l.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LATCH is 'Latch Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LATCH for DBA_HIST_LATCH / grant select on DBA_HIST_LATCH to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, LATCH_HASH, LATCH_NAME, CHILD#, GETS, MISSES, SLEEPS, IMMEDIATE_GETS, IMMEDIATE_MISSES, SPIN_GETS, SLEEP1, SLEEP2, SLEEP3, SLEEP4, WAIT_TIME) as select l.snap_id, l.dbid, l.instance_number, l.latch_hash, ln.latch_name, child#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, sleep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, wait_time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN l, DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME ln where l.latch_hash = ln.latch_hash and l.dbid = ln.dbid and l.snap_id = sn.snap_id and l.dbid = sn.dbid and l.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN is 'Latch Children Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN for DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN / grant select on DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, LATCH_HASH, LATCH_NAME, LEVEL#, GETS, MISSES, SLEEPS, IMMEDIATE_GETS, IMMEDIATE_MISSES, SPIN_GETS, SLEEP1, SLEEP2, SLEEP3, SLEEP4, WAIT_TIME) as select l.snap_id, l.dbid, l.instance_number, l.latch_hash, ln.latch_name, level#, gets, misses, sleeps, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, spin_gets, sleep1, sleep2, sleep3, sleep4, wait_time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_LATCH_PARENT l, DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME ln where l.latch_hash = ln.latch_hash and l.dbid = ln.dbid and l.snap_id = sn.snap_id and l.dbid = sn.dbid and l.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT is 'Latch Parent Historical Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT for DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT / grant select on DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PARENT_NAME, WHERE_IN_CODE, NWFAIL_COUNT, SLEEP_COUNT, WTR_SLP_COUNT) as select l.snap_id, l.dbid, l.instance_number, parent_name, where_in_code, nwfail_count, sleep_count, wtr_slp_count from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY l where l.snap_id = sn.snap_id and l.dbid = sn.dbid and l.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY is 'Latch Misses Summary Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, EVENT_ID, EVENT_NAME, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS, WAIT_TIME_MILLI, WAIT_COUNT) as select e.snap_id, e.dbid, e.instance_number, e.event_id, en.event_name, en.wait_class_id, en.wait_class, e.wait_time_milli, e.wait_count from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_EVENT_HISTOGRAM e, DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME en where e.event_id = en.event_id and e.dbid = en.dbid and e.snap_id = sn.snap_id and e.dbid = sn.dbid and e.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM is 'Event Histogram Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM for DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM / grant select on DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, MUTEX_TYPE, LOCATION, SLEEPS, WAIT_TIME) as select m.snap_id, m.dbid, m.instance_number, mutex_type, location, sleeps, wait_time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_MUTEX_SLEEP m where m.snap_id = sn.snap_id and m.dbid = sn.dbid and m.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP is 'Mutex Sleep Summary Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP for DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP / grant select on DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, NAMESPACE, GETS, GETHITS, PINS, PINHITS, RELOADS, INVALIDATIONS, DLM_LOCK_REQUESTS, DLM_PIN_REQUESTS, DLM_PIN_RELEASES, DLM_INVALIDATION_REQUESTS, DLM_INVALIDATIONS) as select lc.snap_id, lc.dbid, lc.instance_number, namespace, gets, gethits, pins, pinhits, reloads, invalidations, dlm_lock_requests, dlm_pin_requests, dlm_pin_releases, dlm_invalidation_requests, dlm_invalidations from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_LIBRARYCACHE lc where sn.snap_id = lc.snap_id and sn.dbid = lc.dbid and sn.instance_number = lc.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE is 'Library Cache Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE for DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE / grant select on DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, BPID, BUFFERS_FOR_ESTIMATE, NAME, BLOCK_SIZE, ADVICE_STATUS, SIZE_FOR_ESTIMATE, SIZE_FACTOR, PHYSICAL_READS, BASE_PHYSICAL_READS, ACTUAL_PHYSICAL_READS, ESTD_PHYSICAL_READ_TIME) as select db.snap_id, db.dbid, db.instance_number, bpid, buffers_for_estimate, name, block_size, advice_status, size_for_estimate, size_factor, physical_reads, base_physical_reads, actual_physical_reads, estd_physical_read_time from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_DB_CACHE_ADVICE db where db.snap_id = sn.snap_id and db.dbid = sn.dbid and db.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE is 'DB Cache Advice History Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, ID, NAME, BLOCK_SIZE, SET_MSIZE, CNUM_REPL, CNUM_WRITE, CNUM_SET, BUF_GOT, SUM_WRITE, SUM_SCAN, FREE_BUFFER_WAIT, WRITE_COMPLETE_WAIT, BUFFER_BUSY_WAIT, FREE_BUFFER_INSPECTED, DIRTY_BUFFERS_INSPECTED, DB_BLOCK_CHANGE, DB_BLOCK_GETS, CONSISTENT_GETS, PHYSICAL_READS, PHYSICAL_WRITES) as select bp.snap_id, bp.dbid, bp.instance_number, id, name, block_size, set_msize, cnum_repl, cnum_write, cnum_set, buf_got, sum_write, sum_scan, free_buffer_wait, write_complete_wait, buffer_busy_wait, free_buffer_inspected, dirty_buffers_inspected, db_block_change, db_block_gets, consistent_gets, physical_reads, physical_writes from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS bp where sn.snap_id = bp.snap_id and sn.dbid = bp.dbid and sn.instance_number = bp.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT is 'Buffer Pool Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT for DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PARAMETER, TOTAL_USAGE, USAGE, GETS, GETMISSES, SCANS, SCANMISSES, SCANCOMPLETES, MODIFICATIONS, FLUSHES, DLM_REQUESTS, DLM_CONFLICTS, DLM_RELEASES) as select rc.snap_id, rc.dbid, rc.instance_number, parameter, total_usage, usage, gets, getmisses, scans, scanmisses, scancompletes, modifications, flushes, dlm_requests, dlm_conflicts, dlm_releases from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY rc where sn.snap_id = rc.snap_id and sn.dbid = rc.dbid and sn.instance_number = rc.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY is 'Row Cache Historical Statistics Information Summary' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SGA ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SGA (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, NAME, VALUE) as select sga.snap_id, sga.dbid, sga.instance_number, name, value from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SGA sga where sn.snap_id = sga.snap_id and sn.dbid = sga.dbid and sn.instance_number = sga.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SGA is 'SGA Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SGA for DBA_HIST_SGA / grant select on DBA_HIST_SGA to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SGASTAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SGASTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, NAME, POOL, BYTES) as select sga.snap_id, sga.dbid, sga.instance_number, name, pool, bytes from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SGASTAT sga where sn.snap_id = sga.snap_id and sn.dbid = sga.dbid and sn.instance_number = sga.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SGASTAT is 'SGA Pool Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SGASTAT for DBA_HIST_SGASTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SGASTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PGASTAT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PGASTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, NAME, VALUE) as select pga.snap_id, pga.dbid, pga.instance_number, name, value from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_PGASTAT pga where sn.snap_id = pga.snap_id and sn.dbid = pga.dbid and sn.instance_number = pga.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PGASTAT is 'PGA Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PGASTAT for DBA_HIST_PGASTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_PGASTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, CATEGORY, NUM_PROCESSES, NON_ZERO_ALLOCS, USED_TOTAL, ALLOCATED_TOTAL, ALLOCATED_AVG, ALLOCATED_STDDEV, ALLOCATED_MAX, MAX_ALLOCATED_MAX) as select pmem.snap_id, pmem.dbid, pmem.instance_number, category, num_processes, non_zero_allocs, used_total, allocated_total, allocated_total / num_processes, allocated_stddev, allocated_max, max_allocated_max from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_PROCESS_MEMORY_SUMMARY pmem where sn.snap_id = pmem.snap_id and sn.dbid = pmem.dbid and sn.instance_number = pmem.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY is 'Process Memory Historical Summary Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, RESOURCE_NAME, CURRENT_UTILIZATION, MAX_UTILIZATION, INITIAL_ALLOCATION, LIMIT_VALUE) as select rl.snap_id, rl.dbid, rl.instance_number, resource_name, current_utilization, max_utilization, initial_allocation, limit_value from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_RESOURCE_LIMIT rl where sn.snap_id = rl.snap_id and sn.dbid = rl.dbid and sn.instance_number = rl.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT is 'Resource Limit Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT for DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT / grant select on DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SHARED_POOL_SIZE_FOR_ESTIMATE, SHARED_POOL_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_SIZE, ESTD_LC_MEMORY_OBJECTS, ESTD_LC_TIME_SAVED, ESTD_LC_TIME_SAVED_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_LOAD_TIME, ESTD_LC_LOAD_TIME_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_MEMORY_OBJECT_HITS) as select sp.snap_id, sp.dbid, sp.instance_number, shared_pool_size_for_estimate, shared_pool_size_factor, estd_lc_size, estd_lc_memory_objects, estd_lc_time_saved, estd_lc_time_saved_factor, estd_lc_load_time, estd_lc_load_time_factor, estd_lc_memory_object_hits from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE sp where sn.snap_id = sp.snap_id and sn.dbid = sp.dbid and sn.instance_number = sp.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE is 'Shared Pool Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SIZE_FOR_ESTIMATE, SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_SPILL_COUNT, ESTD_SPILL_TIME, ESTD_UNSPILL_COUNT, ESTD_UNSPILL_TIME) as select sp.snap_id, sp.dbid, sp.instance_number, size_for_estimate, size_factor, estd_spill_count, estd_spill_time, estd_unspill_count, estd_unspill_time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE sp where sn.snap_id = sp.snap_id and sn.dbid = sp.dbid and sn.instance_number = sp.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE is 'Streams Pool Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, LOW_OPTIMAL_SIZE, HIGH_OPTIMAL_SIZE, OPTIMAL_EXECUTIONS, ONEPASS_EXECUTIONS, MULTIPASSES_EXECUTIONS, TOTAL_EXECUTIONS) as select swh.snap_id, swh.dbid, swh.instance_number, low_optimal_size, high_optimal_size, optimal_executions, onepass_executions, multipasses_executions, total_executions from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM swh where sn.snap_id = swh.snap_id and sn.dbid = swh.dbid and sn.instance_number = swh.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM is 'SQL Workarea Histogram History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM for DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PGA_TARGET_FOR_ESTIMATE, PGA_TARGET_FACTOR, ADVICE_STATUS, BYTES_PROCESSED, ESTD_TIME, ESTD_EXTRA_BYTES_RW, ESTD_PGA_CACHE_HIT_PERCENTAGE, ESTD_OVERALLOC_COUNT) as select pga.snap_id, pga.dbid, pga.instance_number, pga_target_for_estimate, pga_target_factor, advice_status, bytes_processed, estd_time, estd_extra_bytes_rw, estd_pga_cache_hit_percentage, estd_overalloc_count from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE pga where sn.snap_id = pga.snap_id and sn.dbid = pga.dbid and sn.instance_number = pga.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE is 'PGA Target Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SGA_SIZE, SGA_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS) as select sga.snap_id, sga.dbid, sga.instance_number, sga.sga_size, sga.sga_size_factor, sga.estd_db_time, sga.estd_physical_reads from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE sga where sn.snap_id = sga.snap_id and sn.dbid = sga.dbid and sn.instance_number = sga.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE is 'SGA Target Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, MEMORY_SIZE, MEMORY_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_DB_TIME, ESTD_DB_TIME_FACTOR, VERSION) as select mem.snap_id, mem.dbid, mem.instance_number, memory_size, memory_size_factor, estd_db_time, estd_db_time_factor, version from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE mem where sn.snap_id = mem.snap_id and sn.dbid = mem.dbid and sn.instance_number = mem.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE is 'Memory Target Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, COMPONENT, OPER_TYPE, START_TIME, END_TIME, TARGET_SIZE, OPER_MODE, PARAMETER, INITIAL_SIZE, FINAL_SIZE, STATUS) as select mro.snap_id, mro.dbid, mro.instance_number, component, oper_type, start_time, end_time, target_size, oper_mode, parameter, initial_size, final_size, mro.status from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS mro where sn.snap_id = mro.snap_id and sn.dbid = mro.dbid and sn.instance_number = mro.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS is 'Memory Resize Operations History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS for DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS / grant select on DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, RECOVERY_ESTIMATED_IOS, ACTUAL_REDO_BLKS, TARGET_REDO_BLKS, LOG_FILE_SIZE_REDO_BLKS, LOG_CHKPT_TIMEOUT_REDO_BLKS, LOG_CHKPT_INTERVAL_REDO_BLKS, FAST_START_IO_TARGET_REDO_BLKS, TARGET_MTTR, ESTIMATED_MTTR, CKPT_BLOCK_WRITES, OPTIMAL_LOGFILE_SIZE, ESTD_CLUSTER_AVAILABLE_TIME, WRITES_MTTR, WRITES_LOGFILE_SIZE, WRITES_LOG_CHECKPOINT_SETTINGS, WRITES_OTHER_SETTINGS, WRITES_AUTOTUNE, WRITES_FULL_THREAD_CKPT) as select ir.snap_id, ir.dbid, ir.instance_number, recovery_estimated_ios, actual_redo_blks, target_redo_blks, log_file_size_redo_blks, log_chkpt_timeout_redo_blks, log_chkpt_interval_redo_blks, fast_start_io_target_redo_blks, target_mttr, estimated_mttr, ckpt_block_writes, optimal_logfile_size, estd_cluster_available_time, writes_mttr, writes_logfile_size, writes_log_checkpoint_settings, writes_other_settings, writes_autotune, writes_full_thread_ckpt from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_INSTANCE_RECOVERY ir where sn.snap_id = ir.snap_id and sn.dbid = ir.dbid and sn.instance_number = ir.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY is 'Instance Recovery Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY for DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY / grant select on DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, JAVA_POOL_SIZE_FOR_ESTIMATE, JAVA_POOL_SIZE_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_SIZE, ESTD_LC_MEMORY_OBJECTS, ESTD_LC_TIME_SAVED, ESTD_LC_TIME_SAVED_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_LOAD_TIME, ESTD_LC_LOAD_TIME_FACTOR, ESTD_LC_MEMORY_OBJECT_HITS) as select jp.snap_id, jp.dbid, jp.instance_number, java_pool_size_for_estimate, java_pool_size_factor, estd_lc_size, estd_lc_memory_objects, estd_lc_time_saved, estd_lc_time_saved_factor, estd_lc_load_time, estd_lc_load_time_factor, estd_lc_memory_object_hits from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE jp where sn.snap_id = jp.snap_id and sn.dbid = jp.dbid and sn.instance_number = jp.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE is 'Java Pool Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_THREAD ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_THREAD (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, THREAD#, THREAD_INSTANCE_NUMBER, STATUS, OPEN_TIME, CURRENT_GROUP#, SEQUENCE#) as select th.snap_id, th.dbid, th.instance_number, thread#, thread_instance_number, th.status, open_time, current_group#, sequence# from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_THREAD th where sn.snap_id = th.snap_id and sn.dbid = th.dbid and sn.instance_number = th.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_THREAD is 'Thread Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_THREAD for DBA_HIST_THREAD / grant select on DBA_HIST_THREAD to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME (DBID, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME) as select dbid, stat_id, stat_name from WRH$_STAT_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME is 'Statistic Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME for DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME, VALUE) as select s.snap_id, s.dbid, s.instance_number, s.stat_id, nm.stat_name, value from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SYSSTAT s, DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME nm where s.stat_id = nm.stat_id and s.dbid = nm.dbid and s.snap_id = sn.snap_id and s.dbid = sn.dbid and s.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT is 'System Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT for DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME, VALUE) as select s.snap_id, s.dbid, s.instance_number, s.stat_id, nm.stat_name, value from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SYS_TIME_MODEL s, DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME nm where s.stat_id = nm.stat_id and s.dbid = nm.dbid and s.snap_id = sn.snap_id and s.dbid = sn.dbid and s.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL is 'System Time Model Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL for DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL / grant select on DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME (DBID, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME) as select dbid, stat_id, stat_name from WRH$_OSSTAT_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME is 'Operating System Statistic Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME for DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_OSSTAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_OSSTAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME, VALUE) as select s.snap_id, s.dbid, s.instance_number, s.stat_id, nm.stat_name, value from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_OSSTAT s, DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME nm where s.stat_id = nm.stat_id and s.dbid = nm.dbid and s.snap_id = sn.snap_id and s.dbid = sn.dbid and s.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_OSSTAT is 'Operating System Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_OSSTAT for DBA_HIST_OSSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_OSSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME (DBID, PARAMETER_HASH, PARAMETER_NAME) as select dbid, parameter_hash, parameter_name from WRH$_PARAMETER_NAME where (translate(parameter_name,'_','#') not like '#%') / comment on table DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME is 'Parameter Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME for DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PARAMETER * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PARAMETER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PARAMETER_HASH, PARAMETER_NAME, VALUE, ISDEFAULT, ISMODIFIED) as select p.snap_id, p.dbid, p.instance_number, p.parameter_hash, pn.parameter_name, value, isdefault, ismodified from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_PARAMETER p, WRH$_PARAMETER_NAME pn where p.parameter_hash = pn.parameter_hash and p.dbid = pn.dbid and p.snap_id = sn.snap_id and p.dbid = sn.dbid and p.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PARAMETER is 'Parameter Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PARAMETER for DBA_HIST_PARAMETER / grant select on DBA_HIST_PARAMETER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PARAMETER_HASH, PARAMETER_NAME, ORDINAL, VALUE, ISDEFAULT, ISMODIFIED) as select mp.snap_id, mp.dbid, mp.instance_number, mp.parameter_hash, pn.parameter_name, mp.ordinal, mp.value, mp.isdefault, mp.ismodified from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_MVPARAMETER mp, WRH$_PARAMETER_NAME pn where mp.parameter_hash = pn.parameter_hash and mp.dbid = pn.dbid and mp.snap_id = sn.snap_id and mp.dbid = sn.dbid and mp.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER is 'Multi-valued Parameter Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER for DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER / grant select on DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT (BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SNAP_ID, UNDOTSN, UNDOBLKS, TXNCOUNT, MAXQUERYLEN, MAXQUERYSQLID, MAXCONCURRENCY, UNXPSTEALCNT, UNXPBLKRELCNT, UNXPBLKREUCNT, EXPSTEALCNT, EXPBLKRELCNT, EXPBLKREUCNT, SSOLDERRCNT, NOSPACEERRCNT, ACTIVEBLKS, UNEXPIREDBLKS, EXPIREDBLKS, TUNED_UNDORETENTION) as select begin_time, end_time, ud.dbid, ud.instance_number, ud.snap_id, undotsn, undoblks, txncount, maxquerylen, maxquerysqlid, maxconcurrency, unxpstealcnt, unxpblkrelcnt, unxpblkreucnt, expstealcnt, expblkrelcnt, expblkreucnt, ssolderrcnt, nospaceerrcnt, activeblks, unexpiredblks, expiredblks, tuned_undoretention from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_UNDOSTAT ud where sn.snap_id = ud.snap_id and sn.dbid = ud.dbid and sn.instance_number = ud.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT is 'Undo Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT for DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************************************************** * DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. * * Note: In WRH$_SEG_STAT, we have renamed the GC CR/Current Blocks * Served columns to GC CR/Current Blocks Received. For * compatibility reasons, we will keep the Served columns * in the DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT view in case any product has a * dependency on the column name. We will remove this column * after two releases (remove in release 12). * * To obsolete the columns, simply remove the following: * GC_CR_BLOCKS_SERVED_TOTAL, GC_CR_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA, * GC_CU_BLOCKS_SERVED_TOTAL, GC_CU_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA, *****************************************************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, TS#, OBJ#, DATAOBJ#, LOGICAL_READS_TOTAL, LOGICAL_READS_DELTA, BUFFER_BUSY_WAITS_TOTAL, BUFFER_BUSY_WAITS_DELTA, DB_BLOCK_CHANGES_TOTAL, DB_BLOCK_CHANGES_DELTA, PHYSICAL_READS_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_READS_DELTA, PHYSICAL_WRITES_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_WRITES_DELTA, PHYSICAL_READS_DIRECT_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_READS_DIRECT_DELTA, PHYSICAL_WRITES_DIRECT_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_WRITES_DIRECT_DELTA, ITL_WAITS_TOTAL, ITL_WAITS_DELTA, ROW_LOCK_WAITS_TOTAL, ROW_LOCK_WAITS_DELTA, GC_CR_BLOCKS_SERVED_TOTAL, GC_CR_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA, GC_CU_BLOCKS_SERVED_TOTAL, GC_CU_BLOCKS_SERVED_DELTA, GC_BUFFER_BUSY_TOTAL, GC_BUFFER_BUSY_DELTA, GC_CR_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_TOTAL, GC_CR_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_DELTA, GC_CU_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_TOTAL, GC_CU_BLOCKS_RECEIVED_DELTA, SPACE_USED_TOTAL, SPACE_USED_DELTA, SPACE_ALLOCATED_TOTAL, SPACE_ALLOCATED_DELTA, TABLE_SCANS_TOTAL, TABLE_SCANS_DELTA, CHAIN_ROW_EXCESS_TOTAL, CHAIN_ROW_EXCESS_DELTA, PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS_DELTA, PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS_TOTAL, PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS_DELTA, OPTIMIZED_PHYSICAL_READS_TOTAL, OPTIMIZED_PHYSICAL_READS_DELTA) as select seg.snap_id, seg.dbid, seg.instance_number, ts#, obj#, dataobj#, logical_reads_total, logical_reads_delta, buffer_busy_waits_total, buffer_busy_waits_delta, db_block_changes_total, db_block_changes_delta, physical_reads_total, physical_reads_delta, physical_writes_total, physical_writes_delta, physical_reads_direct_total, physical_reads_direct_delta, physical_writes_direct_total, physical_writes_direct_delta, itl_waits_total, itl_waits_delta, row_lock_waits_total, row_lock_waits_delta, gc_cr_blocks_received_total, gc_cr_blocks_received_delta, gc_cu_blocks_received_total, gc_cu_blocks_received_delta, gc_buffer_busy_total, gc_buffer_busy_delta, gc_cr_blocks_received_total, gc_cr_blocks_received_delta, gc_cu_blocks_received_total, gc_cu_blocks_received_delta, space_used_total, space_used_delta, space_allocated_total, space_allocated_delta, table_scans_total, table_scans_delta, chain_row_excess_total, chain_row_excess_delta, physical_read_requests_total, physical_read_requests_delta, physical_write_requests_total, physical_write_requests_delta, optimized_physical_reads_total, optimized_physical_reads_delta from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SEG_STAT seg where seg.snap_id = sn.snap_id and seg.dbid = sn.dbid and seg.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT is ' Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT for DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ (DBID, TS#, OBJ#, DATAOBJ#, OWNER, OBJECT_NAME, SUBOBJECT_NAME, OBJECT_TYPE, TABLESPACE_NAME, PARTITION_TYPE) as select dbid, ts#, obj#, dataobj#, owner, object_name, subobject_name, object_type, coalesce(tsname, tablespace_name) tablespace_name, partition_type from WRH$_SEG_STAT_OBJ so LEFT OUTER JOIN WRH$_TABLESPACE ts USING (dbid, ts#) / comment on table DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ is 'Segment Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ for DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ / grant select on DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME ***************************************/ /* The Metric Id will remain the same across releases */ create or replace view DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME (DBID, GROUP_ID, GROUP_NAME, METRIC_ID, METRIC_NAME, METRIC_UNIT) as select dbid, group_id, group_name, metric_id, metric_name, metric_unit from WRH$_METRIC_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME is 'Segment Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME for DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, INTSIZE, GROUP_ID, METRIC_ID, METRIC_NAME, VALUE, METRIC_UNIT) as select m.snap_id, m.dbid, m.instance_number, begin_time, end_time, intsize, m.group_id, m.metric_id, mn.metric_name, value, mn.metric_unit from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY m, DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME mn where m.group_id = mn.group_id and m.metric_id = mn.metric_id and m.dbid = mn.dbid and sn.snap_id = m.snap_id and sn.dbid = m.dbid and sn.instance_number = m.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY is 'System Metrics History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY for DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, INTSIZE, GROUP_ID, METRIC_ID, METRIC_NAME, METRIC_UNIT, NUM_INTERVAL, MINVAL, MAXVAL, AVERAGE, STANDARD_DEVIATION, SUM_SQUARES) as select m.snap_id, m.dbid, m.instance_number, begin_time, end_time, intsize, m.group_id, m.metric_id, mn.metric_name, mn.metric_unit, num_interval, minval, maxval, average, standard_deviation, sum_squares from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY m, DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME mn where m.group_id = mn.group_id and m.metric_id = mn.metric_id and m.dbid = mn.dbid and sn.snap_id = m.snap_id and sn.dbid = m.dbid and sn.instance_number = m.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY is 'System Metrics History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, SESSID, SERIAL#, INTSIZE, GROUP_ID, METRIC_ID, METRIC_NAME, VALUE, METRIC_UNIT) as select m.snap_id, m.dbid, m.instance_number, begin_time, end_time, sessid, serial#, intsize, m.group_id, m.metric_id, mn.metric_name, value, mn.metric_unit from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY m, DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME mn where m.group_id = mn.group_id and m.metric_id = mn.metric_id and m.dbid = mn.dbid and sn.snap_id = m.snap_id and sn.dbid = m.dbid and sn.instance_number = m.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY is 'System Metrics History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY for DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FILEID, CREATIONTIME, BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, INTSIZE, GROUP_ID, AVGREADTIME, AVGWRITETIME, PHYSICALREAD, PHYSICALWRITE, PHYBLKREAD, PHYBLKWRITE) as select fm.snap_id, fm.dbid, fm.instance_number, fileid, creationtime, begin_time, end_time, intsize, group_id, avgreadtime, avgwritetime, physicalread, physicalwrite, phyblkread, phyblkwrite from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY fm where sn.snap_id = fm.snap_id and sn.dbid = fm.dbid and sn.instance_number = fm.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY is 'File Metrics History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY for DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS, BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME, INTSIZE, GROUP_ID, AVERAGE_WAITER_COUNT, DBTIME_IN_WAIT, TIME_WAITED, WAIT_COUNT, TIME_WAITED_FG, WAIT_COUNT_FG) as select em.snap_id, em.dbid, em.instance_number, em.wait_class_id, wn.wait_class, begin_time, end_time, intsize, group_id, average_waiter_count, dbtime_in_wait, time_waited, wait_count, time_waited_fg, wait_count_fg from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY em, (select wait_class_id, wait_class from wrh$_event_name group by wait_class_id, wait_class) wn where em.wait_class_id = wn.wait_class_id and sn.snap_id = em.snap_id and sn.dbid = em.dbid and sn.instance_number = em.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY is 'Wait Class Metric History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY for DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, STATISTIC#, NAME, VALUE) as select dlm.snap_id, dlm.dbid, dlm.instance_number, statistic#, name, value from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_DLM_MISC dlm where sn.snap_id = dlm.snap_id and sn.dbid = dlm.dbid and sn.instance_number = dlm.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC is 'Distributed Lock Manager Miscellaneous Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC for DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC / grant select on DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, CR_REQUESTS, CURRENT_REQUESTS, DATA_REQUESTS, UNDO_REQUESTS, TX_REQUESTS, CURRENT_RESULTS, PRIVATE_RESULTS, ZERO_RESULTS, DISK_READ_RESULTS, FAIL_RESULTS, FAIRNESS_DOWN_CONVERTS, FAIRNESS_CLEARS, FREE_GC_ELEMENTS, FLUSHES, FLUSHES_QUEUED, FLUSH_QUEUE_FULL, FLUSH_MAX_TIME, LIGHT_WORKS, ERRORS) as select crb.snap_id, crb.dbid, crb.instance_number, cr_requests, current_requests, data_requests, undo_requests, tx_requests, current_results, private_results, zero_results, disk_read_results, fail_results, fairness_down_converts, fairness_clears, free_gc_elements, flushes, flushes_queued, flush_queue_full, flush_max_time, light_works, errors from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_CR_BLOCK_SERVER crb where sn.snap_id = crb.snap_id and sn.dbid = crb.dbid and sn.instance_number = crb.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER is 'Consistent Read Block Server Historical Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER for DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER / grant select on DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, PIN1, PIN10, PIN100, PIN1000, PIN10000, FLUSH1, FLUSH10, FLUSH100, FLUSH1000, FLUSH10000, WRITE1, WRITE10, WRITE100, WRITE1000, WRITE10000) as select cub.snap_id, cub.dbid, cub.instance_number, pin1, pin10, pin100, pin1000, pin10000, flush1, flush10, flush100, flush1000, flush10000, write1, write10, write100, write1000, write10000 from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER cub where sn.snap_id = cub.snap_id and sn.dbid = cub.dbid and sn.instance_number = cub.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER is 'Current Block Server Historical Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER for DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER / grant select on DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, INSTANCE, CLASS, CR_BLOCK, CR_BUSY, CR_CONGESTED, CURRENT_BLOCK, CURRENT_BUSY, CURRENT_CONGESTED ,lost ,cr_2hop ,cr_3hop ,current_2hop ,current_3hop ,cr_block_time ,cr_busy_time ,cr_congested_time ,current_block_time ,current_busy_time ,current_congested_time ,lost_time ,cr_2hop_time ,cr_3hop_time ,current_2hop_time ,current_3hop_time ) as select ict.snap_id, ict.dbid, ict.instance_number, instance, class, cr_block, cr_busy, cr_congested, current_block, current_busy, current_congested ,lost ,cr_2hop ,cr_3hop ,current_2hop ,current_3hop ,cr_block_time ,cr_busy_time ,cr_congested_time ,current_block_time ,current_busy_time ,current_congested_time ,lost_time ,cr_2hop_time ,cr_3hop_time ,current_2hop_time ,current_3hop_time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER ict where sn.snap_id = ict.snap_id and sn.dbid = ict.dbid and sn.instance_number = ict.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER is 'Instance Cache Transfer Historical Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER for DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER / grant select on DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME (DBID, OPERATION_ID, OPERATION_NAME) as select dbid, operation_id, operation_name from WRH$_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME is 'Optimizer Explain Plan Operation Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME for DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME (DBID, OPTION_ID, OPTION_NAME) as select dbid, option_id, option_name from WRH$_PLAN_OPTION_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME is 'Optimizer Explain Plan Option Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME for DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME (DBID, COMMAND_TYPE, COMMAND_NAME) as select dbid, command_type,command_name from WRH$_SQLCOMMAND_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME is 'Sql command types' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME for DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME (DBID, TOP_LEVEL_CALL#,TOP_LEVEL_CALL_NAME) as select dbid, top_level_call#,top_level_call_name from WRH$_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME is 'Oracle top level call type' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME for DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY ( /* ASH/AWR meta attributes */ SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SAMPLE_ID, SAMPLE_TIME, /* Session/User attributes */ SESSION_ID, SESSION_SERIAL#, SESSION_TYPE, FLAGS, USER_ID, /* SQL attributes */ SQL_ID, IS_SQLID_CURRENT, SQL_CHILD_NUMBER, SQL_OPCODE, SQL_OPNAME, FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, TOP_LEVEL_SQL_ID, TOP_LEVEL_SQL_OPCODE, /* SQL Plan/Execution attributes */ SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUE, SQL_PLAN_LINE_ID, SQL_PLAN_OPERATION, SQL_PLAN_OPTIONS, SQL_EXEC_ID, SQL_EXEC_START, /* PL/SQL attributes */ PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_ID, PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_ID, PLSQL_OBJECT_ID, PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_ID, /* PQ attributes */ QC_INSTANCE_ID, QC_SESSION_ID, QC_SESSION_SERIAL#, PX_FLAGS, /* Wait event attributes */ EVENT, EVENT_ID, SEQ#, P1TEXT, P1, P2TEXT, P2, P3TEXT, P3, WAIT_CLASS, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_TIME, SESSION_STATE, TIME_WAITED, BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS, BLOCKING_SESSION, BLOCKING_SESSION_SERIAL#, BLOCKING_INST_ID, BLOCKING_HANGCHAIN_INFO, /* Session's working context */ CURRENT_OBJ#, CURRENT_FILE#, CURRENT_BLOCK#, CURRENT_ROW#, TOP_LEVEL_CALL#, TOP_LEVEL_CALL_NAME, CONSUMER_GROUP_ID, XID, REMOTE_INSTANCE#, TIME_MODEL, IN_CONNECTION_MGMT, IN_PARSE, IN_HARD_PARSE, IN_SQL_EXECUTION, IN_PLSQL_EXECUTION, IN_PLSQL_RPC, IN_PLSQL_COMPILATION, IN_JAVA_EXECUTION, IN_BIND, IN_CURSOR_CLOSE, IN_SEQUENCE_LOAD, CAPTURE_OVERHEAD, REPLAY_OVERHEAD, IS_CAPTURED, IS_REPLAYED, /* Application attributes */ SERVICE_HASH, PROGRAM, MODULE, ACTION, CLIENT_ID, MACHINE, PORT, ECID, /* DB Replay info */ DBREPLAY_FILE_ID, DBREPLAY_CALL_COUNTER, /* STASH columns */ TM_DELTA_TIME, TM_DELTA_CPU_TIME, TM_DELTA_DB_TIME, DELTA_TIME, DELTA_READ_IO_REQUESTS, DELTA_WRITE_IO_REQUESTS, DELTA_READ_IO_BYTES, DELTA_WRITE_IO_BYTES, DELTA_INTERCONNECT_IO_BYTES, PGA_ALLOCATED, TEMP_SPACE_ALLOCATED) as select /* ASH/AWR meta attributes */ ash.snap_id, ash.dbid, ash.instance_number, ash.sample_id, ash.sample_time, /* Session/User attributes */ ash.session_id, ash.session_serial#, decode(ash.session_type, 1,'FOREGROUND', 'BACKGROUND'), ash.flags, ash.user_id, /* SQL attributes */ ash.sql_id, decode(bitand(ash.flags, power(2, 4)), NULL, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y'), ash.sql_child_number, ash.sql_opcode, (select command_name from DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME where command_type = ash.sql_opcode and dbid = ash.dbid) as sql_opname, ash.force_matching_signature, decode(ash.top_level_sql_id, NULL, ash.sql_id, ash.top_level_sql_id), decode(ash.top_level_sql_id, NULL, ash.sql_opcode, ash.top_level_sql_opcode), /* SQL Plan/Execution attributes */ ash.sql_plan_hash_value, decode(ash.sql_plan_line_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.sql_plan_line_id), (select operation_name from DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME where operation_id = ash.sql_plan_operation# and dbid = ash.dbid) as sql_plan_operation, (select option_name from DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME where option_id = ash.sql_plan_options# and dbid = ash.dbid) as sql_plan_options, decode(ash.sql_exec_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.sql_exec_id), ash.sql_exec_start, /* PL/SQL attributes */ decode(ash.plsql_entry_object_id,0,to_number(NULL), ash.plsql_entry_object_id), decode(ash.plsql_entry_object_id,0,to_number(NULL), ash.plsql_entry_subprogram_id), decode(ash.plsql_object_id,0,to_number(NULL), ash.plsql_object_id), decode(ash.plsql_object_id,0,to_number(NULL), ash.plsql_subprogram_id), /* PQ attributes */ decode(ash.qc_session_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.qc_instance_id), decode(ash.qc_session_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.qc_session_id), decode(ash.qc_session_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.qc_session_serial#), decode(ash.px_flags, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.px_flags), /* Wait event attributes */ decode(ash.wait_time, 0, evt.event_name, NULL), decode(ash.wait_time, 0, evt.event_id, NULL), ash.seq#, evt.parameter1, ash.p1, evt.parameter2, ash.p2, evt.parameter3, ash.p3, decode(ash.wait_time, 0, evt.wait_class, NULL), decode(ash.wait_time, 0, evt.wait_class_id, NULL), ash.wait_time, decode(ash.wait_time, 0, 'WAITING', 'ON CPU'), ash.time_waited, (case when ash.blocking_session = 4294967295 then 'UNKNOWN' when ash.blocking_session = 4294967294 then 'GLOBAL' when ash.blocking_session = 4294967293 then 'UNKNOWN' when ash.blocking_session = 4294967292 then 'NO HOLDER' when ash.blocking_session = 4294967291 then 'NOT IN WAIT' else 'VALID' end), (case when ash.blocking_session between 4294967291 and 4294967295 then to_number(NULL) else ash.blocking_session end), (case when ash.blocking_session between 4294967291 and 4294967295 then to_number(NULL) else ash.blocking_session_serial# end), (case when ash.blocking_session between 4294967291 and 4294967295 then to_number(NULL) else ash.blocking_inst_id end), (case when ash.blocking_session between 4294967291 and 4294967295 then NULL else decode(bitand(ash.flags, power(2, 3)), NULL, 'N', 0, 'N', 'Y') end), /* Session's working context */ ash.current_obj#, ash.current_file#, ash.current_block#, ash.current_row#, ash.top_level_call#, (select top_level_call_name from DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME where top_level_call# = ash.top_level_call# and dbid = ash.dbid) as top_level_call_name, decode(ash.consumer_group_id, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.consumer_group_id), ash.xid, decode(ash.remote_instance#, 0, to_number(NULL), ash.remote_instance#), ash.time_model, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2, 3)),0,'N','Y') as in_connection_mgmt, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2, 4)),0,'N','Y')as in_parse, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2, 7)),0,'N','Y')as in_hard_parse, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,10)),0,'N','Y')as in_sql_execution, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,11)),0,'N','Y') as in_plsql_execution, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,12)),0,'N','Y')as in_plsql_rpc, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,13)),0,'N','Y') as in_plsql_compilation, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,14)),0,'N','Y') as in_java_execution, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,15)),0,'N','Y')as in_bind, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,16)),0,'N','Y')as in_cursor_close, decode(bitand(ash.time_model,power(2,17)),0,'N','Y')as in_sequence_load, decode(bitand(ash.flags,power(2,5)),NULL,'N',0,'N','Y') as capture_overhead, decode(bitand(ash.flags,power(2,6)), NULL,'N',0,'N','Y' ) as replay_overhead, decode(bitand(ash.flags,power(2,0)),NULL,'N',0,'N','Y') as is_captured, decode(bitand(ash.flags,power(2,2)), NULL,'N',0,'N','Y' )as is_replayed, /* Application attributes */ ash.service_hash, ash.program, substrb(ash.module,1,(select ksumodlen from x$modact_length)) module, substrb(ash.action,1,(select ksuactlen from x$modact_length)) action, ash.client_id, ash.machine, ash.port, ash.ecid, /* DB Replay info */ ash.dbreplay_file_id, ash.dbreplay_call_counter, /* stash columns */ ash.tm_delta_time, ash.tm_delta_cpu_time, ash.tm_delta_db_time, ash.delta_time, ash.delta_read_io_requests, ash.delta_write_io_requests, ash.delta_read_io_bytes, ash.delta_write_io_bytes, ash.delta_interconnect_io_bytes, ash.pga_allocated, ash.temp_space_allocated from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY ash, WRH$_EVENT_NAME evt where ash.snap_id = sn.snap_id(+) and ash.dbid = sn.dbid(+) and ash.instance_number = sn.instance_number(+) and ash.dbid = evt.dbid and ash.event_id = evt.event_id / comment on table DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY is 'Active Session Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY for DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY / grant select on DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOTS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOT as select s.* from WRM$_SNAPSHOT s where s.status in (0,1) and s.flush_elapsed is not null and (s.snap_id,dbid,instance_number) not in (select e.snap_id,dbid,instance_number from WRM$_SNAP_ERROR e where e.table_name = 'WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY'); / -- create a public synonym for the view create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOT for DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOT / -- grant a select privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE grant select on DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT * ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, TS#, TSNAME, CONTENTS, STATUS, SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT, EXTENT_MANAGEMENT, IS_BACKUP) as select tbs.snap_id, tbs.dbid, tbs.instance_number, ts#, tsname, contents, tbs.status, segment_space_management, extent_management, is_backup from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_TABLESPACE_STAT tbs where tbs.snap_id = sn.snap_id and tbs.dbid = sn.dbid and tbs.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT is 'Tablespace Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT for DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_LOG ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_LOG (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, GROUP#, THREAD#, SEQUENCE#, BYTES, MEMBERS, ARCHIVED, STATUS, FIRST_CHANGE#, FIRST_TIME) as select log.snap_id, log.dbid, log.instance_number, group#, thread#, sequence#, bytes, members, archived, log.status, first_change#, first_time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_LOG log where sn.snap_id = log.snap_id and sn.dbid = log.dbid and sn.instance_number = log.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_LOG is 'Log Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_LOG for DBA_HIST_LOG / grant select on DBA_HIST_LOG to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, MTTR_TARGET_FOR_ESTIMATE, ADVICE_STATUS, DIRTY_LIMIT, ESTD_CACHE_WRITES, ESTD_CACHE_WRITE_FACTOR, ESTD_TOTAL_WRITES, ESTD_TOTAL_WRITE_FACTOR, ESTD_TOTAL_IOS, ESTD_TOTAL_IO_FACTOR) as select mt.snap_id, mt.dbid, mt.instance_number, mttr_target_for_estimate, advice_status, dirty_limit, estd_cache_writes, estd_cache_write_factor, estd_total_writes, estd_total_write_factor, estd_total_ios, estd_total_io_factor from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE mt where sn.snap_id = mt.snap_id and sn.dbid = mt.dbid and sn.instance_number = mt.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE is 'Mean-Time-To-Recover Target Advice History' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE for DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE / grant select on DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE (SNAP_ID, DBID, TABLESPACE_ID, TABLESPACE_SIZE, TABLESPACE_MAXSIZE, TABLESPACE_USEDSIZE, RTIME) as select tb.snap_id, tb.dbid, tablespace_id, tablespace_size, tablespace_maxsize, tablespace_usedsize, rtime from (select distinct snap_id, dbid from WRM$_SNAPSHOT where status = 0) sn, WRH$_TABLESPACE_SPACE_USAGE tb where sn.snap_id = tb.snap_id and sn.dbid = tb.dbid / comment on table DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE is 'Tablespace Usage Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE for DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE / grant select on DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /********************************* * DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME *********************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME (DBID, SERVICE_NAME_HASH, SERVICE_NAME) as select dbid, service_name_hash, service_name from WRH$_SERVICE_NAME sn / comment on table DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME is 'Service Names' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME for DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /********************************* * DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. *********************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SERVICE_NAME_HASH, SERVICE_NAME, STAT_ID, STAT_NAME, VALUE) as select st.snap_id, st.dbid, st.instance_number, st.service_name_hash, sv.service_name, nm.stat_id, nm.stat_name, value from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SERVICE_STAT st, WRH$_SERVICE_NAME sv, WRH$_STAT_NAME nm where st.service_name_hash = sv.service_name_hash and st.dbid = sv.dbid and st.stat_id = nm.stat_id and st.dbid = nm.dbid and st.snap_id = sn.snap_id and st.dbid = sn.dbid and st.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT is 'Historical Service Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT for DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT / grant select on DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*********************************** * DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS * * NOTE: Convert this to not use the BL once the * crash in the Diff-Diff report is fixed. ***********************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SERVICE_NAME_HASH, SERVICE_NAME, WAIT_CLASS_ID, WAIT_CLASS, TOTAL_WAITS, TIME_WAITED) as select st.snap_id, st.dbid, st.instance_number, st.service_name_hash, nm.service_name, wait_class_id, wait_class, total_waits, time_waited from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS st, WRH$_SERVICE_NAME nm where st.service_name_hash = nm.service_name_hash and st.dbid = nm.dbid and st.snap_id = sn.snap_id and st.dbid = sn.dbid and st.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS is 'Historical Service Wait Class Statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS for DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS / grant select on DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*********************************** * DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS ***********************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SESSION_TYPE, MIN_LOGON_TIME, SUM_CPU_TIME, SUM_SYS_IO_WAIT, SUM_USER_IO_WAIT) as select st.snap_id, st.dbid, st.instance_number, st.session_type, st.min_logon_time, st.sum_cpu_time, st.sum_sys_io_wait, st.sum_user_io_wait from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SESS_TIME_STATS st where st.snap_id = sn.snap_id and st.dbid = sn.dbid and st.instance_number = sn.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS is 'CPU and I/O time for interesting (STREAMS) sessions' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS for DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS / grant select on DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, CAPTURE_NAME, STARTUP_TIME, LAG, TOTAL_MESSAGES_CAPTURED, TOTAL_MESSAGES_ENQUEUED, ELAPSED_RULE_TIME, ELAPSED_ENQUEUE_TIME, ELAPSED_REDO_WAIT_TIME, ELAPSED_PAUSE_TIME) as select cs.snap_id, cs.dbid, cs.instance_number, cs.capture_name, cs.startup_time, cs.lag, cs.total_messages_captured, cs.total_messages_enqueued, cs.elapsed_rule_time, cs.elapsed_enqueue_time, cs.elapsed_redo_wait_time, cs.elapsed_pause_time from wrh$_streams_capture cs, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = cs.snap_id and sn.dbid = cs.dbid and sn.instance_number = cs.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE is 'STREAMS Capture Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE for DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE / grant select on DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*********************************************** * DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM ***********************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, APPLY_NAME, STARTUP_TIME, READER_TOTAL_MESSAGES_DEQUEUED, READER_LAG, coord_total_received, coord_total_applied, coord_total_rollbacks, coord_total_wait_deps, coord_total_wait_cmts, coord_lwm_lag, server_total_messages_applied, server_elapsed_dequeue_time, server_elapsed_apply_time) as select sas.snap_id, sas.dbid, sas.instance_number, sas.apply_name, sas.startup_time, sas.reader_total_messages_dequeued, sas.reader_lag, sas.coord_total_received, sas.coord_total_applied, sas.coord_total_rollbacks, sas.coord_total_wait_deps, sas.coord_total_wait_cmts, sas.coord_lwm_lag, sas.server_total_messages_applied, sas.server_elapsed_dequeue_time, sas.server_elapsed_apply_time from wrh$_streams_apply_sum sas, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = sas.snap_id and sn.dbid = sas.dbid and sn.instance_number = sas.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM is 'STREAMS Apply Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM for DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM / grant select on DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, QUEUE_SCHEMA, QUEUE_NAME, STARTUP_TIME, QUEUE_ID, NUM_MSGS, SPILL_MSGS, CNUM_MSGS, CSPILL_MSGS, EXPIRED_MSGS, OLDEST_MSGID, OLDEST_MSG_ENQTM, QUEUE_STATE, ELAPSED_ENQUEUE_TIME, ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, ELAPSED_TRANSFORMATION_TIME, ELAPSED_RULE_EVALUATION_TIME, ENQUEUE_CPU_TIME, DEQUEUE_CPU_TIME, LAST_ENQUEUE_TIME, LAST_DEQUEUE_TIME ) as select qs.snap_id, qs.dbid, qs.instance_number, qs.queue_schema, qs.queue_name, qs.startup_time, qs.queue_id, qs.num_msgs, qs.spill_msgs, qs.cnum_msgs, qs.cspill_msgs, qs.expired_msgs, qs.oldest_msgid, qs.oldest_msg_enqtm, qs.queue_state, qs.elapsed_enqueue_time, qs.elapsed_dequeue_time, qs.elapsed_transformation_time, qs.elapsed_rule_evaluation_time, qs.enqueue_cpu_time, qs.dequeue_cpu_time, qs.last_enqueue_time, qs.last_dequeue_time from wrh$_buffered_queues qs, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = qs.snap_id and sn.dbid = qs.dbid and sn.instance_number = qs.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES is 'STREAMS Buffered Queues Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES for DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES / grant select on DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /********************************************** * DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS **********************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, QUEUE_SCHEMA, QUEUE_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ID, SUBSCRIBER_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ADDRESS, SUBSCRIBER_TYPE, STARTUP_TIME, LAST_BROWSED_SEQ, LAST_BROWSED_NUM, LAST_DEQUEUED_SEQ, LAST_DEQUEUED_NUM, CURRENT_ENQ_SEQ, NUM_MSGS, CNUM_MSGS, TOTAL_DEQUEUED_MSG, TOTAL_SPILLED_MSG, EXPIRED_MSGS, MESSAGE_LAG, ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, DEQUEUE_CPU_TIME, LAST_DEQUEUE_TIME, OLDEST_MSGID, OLDEST_MSG_ENQTM ) as select ss.snap_id, ss.dbid, ss.instance_number, ss.queue_schema, ss.queue_name, ss.subscriber_id, ss.subscriber_name, ss.subscriber_address, ss.subscriber_type, ss.startup_time, ss.last_browsed_seq, ss.last_browsed_num, ss.last_dequeued_seq, ss.last_dequeued_num, ss.current_enq_seq, ss.num_msgs, ss.cnum_msgs, ss.total_dequeued_msg, ss.total_spilled_msg, ss.expired_msgs, ss.message_lag, ss.elapsed_dequeue_time, ss.dequeue_cpu_time, ss.last_dequeue_time, ss.oldest_msgid, ss.oldest_msg_enqtm from wrh$_buffered_subscribers ss, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = ss.snap_id and sn.dbid = ss.dbid and sn.instance_number = ss.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS is 'STREAMS Buffered Queue Subscribers Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS for DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS / grant select on DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /********************************************** * DBA_HIST_RULE_SET **********************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_RULE_SET (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, OWNER, NAME, STARTUP_TIME, CPU_TIME, ELAPSED_TIME, EVALUATIONS, SQL_FREE_EVALUATIONS, SQL_EXECUTIONS, RELOADS) as select rs.snap_id, rs.dbid, rs.instance_number, rs.owner,, rs.startup_time, rs.cpu_time, rs.elapsed_time, rs.evaluations, rs.sql_free_evaluations, rs.sql_executions, rs.reloads from wrh$_rule_set rs, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = rs.snap_id and sn.dbid = rs.dbid and sn.instance_number = rs.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_RULE_SET is 'Rule sets historical statistics information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_RULE_SET for DBA_HIST_RULE_SET / grant select on DBA_HIST_RULE_SET to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, QUEUE_SCHEMA, QUEUE_NAME, QUEUE_ID, FIRST_ACTIVITY_TIME, ENQUEUED_MSGS, DEQUEUED_MSGS, BROWSED_MSGS, ELAPSED_ENQUEUE_TIME, ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME, ENQUEUE_CPU_TIME, DEQUEUE_CPU_TIME, AVG_MSG_AGE, DEQUEUED_MSG_LATENCY, ELAPSED_TRANSFORMATION_TIME, ELAPSED_RULE_EVALUATION_TIME, ENQUEUED_EXPIRY_MSGS, ENQUEUED_DELAY_MSGS, MSGS_MADE_EXPIRED, MSGS_MADE_READY, LAST_ENQUEUE_TIME, LAST_DEQUEUE_TIME, LAST_TM_EXPIRY_TIME, LAST_TM_READY_TIME, ENQUEUE_TRANSACTIONS, DEQUEUE_TRANSACTIONS, EXECUTION_COUNT ) as select pqs.snap_id, pqs.dbid, pqs.instance_number, pqs.queue_schema, pqs.queue_name,pqs.queue_id, pqs.first_activity_time, pqs.enqueued_msgs, pqs.dequeued_msgs, pqs.browsed_msgs, pqs.elapsed_enqueue_time, pqs.elapsed_dequeue_time, pqs.enqueue_cpu_time, pqs.dequeue_cpu_time, pqs.avg_msg_age, pqs.dequeued_msg_latency, pqs.elapsed_transformation_time, pqs.elapsed_rule_evaluation_time, pqs.enqueued_expiry_msgs, pqs.enqueued_delay_msgs, pqs.msgs_made_expired, pqs.msgs_made_ready, pqs.last_enqueue_time, pqs.last_dequeue_time, pqs.last_tm_expiry_time, pqs.last_tm_ready_time, pqs.enqueue_transactions, pqs.dequeue_transactions, pqs.execution_count from wrh$_persistent_queues pqs, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = pqs.snap_id and sn.dbid = pqs.dbid and sn.instance_number = pqs.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES is 'STREAMS AQ Persistent Queues Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES for DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES / grant select on DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /********************************************** * DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS **********************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, QUEUE_SCHEMA, QUEUE_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ID, SUBSCRIBER_NAME, SUBSCRIBER_ADDRESS, SUBSCRIBER_TYPE, FIRST_ACTIVITY_TIME, ENQUEUED_MSGS, DEQUEUED_MSGS, AVG_MSG_AGE,BROWSED_MSGS, EXPIRED_MSGS, DEQUEUED_MSG_LATENCY, LAST_ENQUEUE_TIME, LAST_DEQUEUE_TIME, ELAPSED_DEQUEUE_TIME,DEQUEUE_CPU_TIME,DEQUEUE_TRANSACTIONS, EXECUTION_COUNT) as select pss.snap_id, pss.dbid, pss.instance_number, pss.queue_schema, pss.queue_name, pss.subscriber_id, pss.subscriber_name, pss.subscriber_address, pss.subscriber_type, pss.first_activity_time, pss.enqueued_msgs, pss.dequeued_msgs, pss.avg_msg_age, pss.browsed_msgs, pss.expired_msgs, pss.dequeued_msg_latency, pss.last_enqueue_time, pss.last_dequeue_time, pss.elapsed_dequeue_time,pss.dequeue_cpu_time, pss.dequeue_transactions, pss.execution_count from wrh$_persistent_subscribers pss, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = pss.snap_id and sn.dbid = pss.dbid and sn.instance_number = pss.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS is 'STREAMS AQ Persistent Queue Subscribers Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS for DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS / grant select on DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FUNCTION_ID, FUNCTION_NAME, SMALL_READ_MEGABYTES, SMALL_WRITE_MEGABYTES, LARGE_READ_MEGABYTES, LARGE_WRITE_MEGABYTES, SMALL_READ_REQS, SMALL_WRITE_REQS, LARGE_READ_REQS, LARGE_WRITE_REQS, NUMBER_OF_WAITS, WAIT_TIME) as select io.snap_id, io.dbid, io.instance_number, nm.function_id, nm.function_name, io.small_read_megabytes, io.small_write_megabytes, io.large_read_megabytes, io.large_write_megabytes, io.small_read_reqs, io.small_write_reqs, io.large_read_reqs, io.large_write_reqs, io.number_of_waits, io.wait_time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_IOSTAT_FUNCTION io, WRH$_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME nm where sn.snap_id = io.snap_id and sn.dbid = io.dbid and sn.instance_number = io.instance_number and sn.status = 0 and io.function_id = nm.function_id and io.dbid = nm.dbid / comment on table DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION is 'Historical I/O statistics by function' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION for DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION / grant select on DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME (DBID, FUNCTION_ID, FUNCTION_NAME) as select dbid, function_id, function_name from WRH$_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME is 'Function names for historical I/O statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME for DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FILETYPE_ID, FILETYPE_NAME, SMALL_READ_MEGABYTES, SMALL_WRITE_MEGABYTES, LARGE_READ_MEGABYTES, LARGE_WRITE_MEGABYTES, SMALL_READ_REQS, SMALL_WRITE_REQS, SMALL_SYNC_READ_REQS, LARGE_READ_REQS, LARGE_WRITE_REQS, SMALL_READ_SERVICETIME, SMALL_WRITE_SERVICETIME, SMALL_SYNC_READ_LATENCY, LARGE_READ_SERVICETIME, LARGE_WRITE_SERVICETIME, RETRIES_ON_ERROR) as select io.snap_id, io.dbid, io.instance_number, nm.filetype_id, nm.filetype_name, io.small_read_megabytes, io.small_write_megabytes, io.large_read_megabytes, io.large_write_megabytes, io.small_read_reqs, io.small_write_reqs, io.small_sync_read_reqs, io.large_read_reqs, io.large_write_reqs, io.small_read_servicetime, io.small_write_servicetime, io.small_sync_read_latency, io.large_read_servicetime, io.large_write_servicetime, io.retries_on_error from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_IOSTAT_FILETYPE io, WRH$_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME nm where sn.snap_id = io.snap_id and sn.dbid = io.dbid and sn.instance_number = io.instance_number and sn.status = 0 and io.filetype_id = nm.filetype_id and io.dbid = nm.dbid / comment on table DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE is 'Historical I/O statistics by file type' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE for DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE / grant select on DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME (DBID, FILETYPE_ID, FILETYPE_NAME) as select dbid, filetype_id, filetype_name from WRH$_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME / comment on table DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME is 'File type names for historical I/O statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME for DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME / grant select on DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, FUNCTION_ID, FUNCTION_NAME, FILETYPE_ID, FILETYPE_NAME, SMALL_READ_MEGABYTES, SMALL_WRITE_MEGABYTES, LARGE_READ_MEGABYTES, LARGE_WRITE_MEGABYTES, SMALL_READ_REQS, SMALL_WRITE_REQS, LARGE_READ_REQS, LARGE_WRITE_REQS, NUMBER_OF_WAITS, WAIT_TIME) as select io.snap_id, io.dbid, io.instance_number, io.function_id, nmfn.function_name, io.filetype_id, nmft.filetype_name, io.small_read_megabytes, io.small_write_megabytes, io.large_read_megabytes, io.large_write_megabytes, io.small_read_reqs, io.small_write_reqs, io.large_read_reqs, io.large_write_reqs, io.number_of_waits, io.wait_time from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_IOSTAT_DETAIL io, WRH$_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME nmfn, WRH$_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME nmft where sn.snap_id = io.snap_id and sn.dbid = io.dbid and sn.instance_number = io.instance_number and sn.status = 0 and io.function_id = nmfn.function_id and io.dbid = nmfn.dbid and io.filetype_id = nmft.filetype_id and io.dbid = nmft.dbid / comment on table DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL is 'Historical I/O statistics by function and filetype' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL for DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL / grant select on DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SEQUENCE#, CONSUMER_GROUP_ID, CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME, REQUESTS, CPU_WAIT_TIME, CPU_WAITS, CONSUMED_CPU_TIME, YIELDS, ACTIVE_SESS_LIMIT_HIT, UNDO_LIMIT_HIT, SWITCHES_IN_CPU_TIME, SWITCHES_OUT_CPU_TIME, SWITCHES_IN_IO_MEGABYTES, SWITCHES_OUT_IO_MEGABYTES, SWITCHES_IN_IO_REQUESTS, SWITCHES_OUT_IO_REQUESTS, SQL_CANCELED, ACTIVE_SESS_KILLED, IDLE_SESS_KILLED, IDLE_BLKR_SESS_KILLED, QUEUED_TIME, QUEUE_TIME_OUTS, IO_SERVICE_TIME, IO_SERVICE_WAITS, SMALL_READ_MEGABYTES, SMALL_WRITE_MEGABYTES, LARGE_READ_MEGABYTES, LARGE_WRITE_MEGABYTES, SMALL_READ_REQUESTS, SMALL_WRITE_REQUESTS, LARGE_READ_REQUESTS, LARGE_WRITE_REQUESTS, PQS_QUEUED, PQ_QUEUED_TIME, PQ_QUEUE_TIME_OUTS, PQS_COMPLETED, PQ_SERVERS_USED, PQ_ACTIVE_TIME) as select cg.snap_id, cg.dbid, cg.instance_number, cg.sequence#, cg.consumer_group_id, cg.consumer_group_name, cg.requests, cg.cpu_wait_time, cg.cpu_waits, cg.consumed_cpu_time, cg.yields, cg.active_sess_limit_hit, cg.undo_limit_hit, cg.switches_in_cpu_time, cg.switches_out_cpu_time, cg.switches_in_io_megabytes, cg.switches_out_io_megabytes, cg.switches_in_io_requests, cg.switches_out_io_requests, cg.sql_canceled, cg.active_sess_killed, cg.idle_sess_killed, cg.idle_blkr_sess_killed, cg.queued_time, cg.queue_time_outs, cg.io_service_time, cg.io_service_waits, cg.small_read_megabytes, cg.small_write_megabytes, cg.large_read_megabytes, cg.large_write_megabytes, cg.small_read_requests, cg.small_write_requests, cg.large_read_requests, cg.large_write_requests, nvl(cg.pqs_queued, 0), nvl(cg.pq_queued_time, 0), nvl(cg.pq_queue_time_outs, 0), nvl(cg.pqs_completed, 0), nvl(cg.pq_servers_used, 0), nvl(cg.pq_active_time, 0) from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP cg where sn.snap_id = cg.snap_id and sn.dbid = cg.dbid and sn.instance_number = cg.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP is 'Historical resource consumer group statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP for DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP / grant select on DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, SEQUENCE#, START_TIME, END_TIME, PLAN_ID, PLAN_NAME, CPU_MANAGED, PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MANAGED) as select pl.snap_id, pl.dbid, pl.instance_number, pl.sequence#, pl.start_time, pl.end_time, pl.plan_id, pl.plan_name, pl.cpu_managed, nvl(pl.parallel_execution_managed, 'OFF') from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_RSRC_PLAN pl where sn.snap_id = pl.snap_id and sn.dbid = pl.dbid and sn.instance_number = pl.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN is 'Historical resource plan statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN for DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN / grant select on DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, NAME, IP_ADDRESS, IS_PUBLIC, SOURCE) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number,, ci.ip_address, ci.is_public, ci.source from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_CLUSTER_INTERCON ci where sn.snap_id = ci.snap_id and sn.dbid = ci.dbid and sn.instance_number = ci.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON is 'Cluster Interconnect Historical Stats' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON for DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON / grant select on DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNACIC_COMP ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, component ,current_size, min_size, max_size, user_specified_size, oper_count, last_oper_type, last_oper_mode, last_oper_time, granule_size) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number, t.component ,t.current_size, t.min_size, t.max_size, t.user_specified_size, t.oper_count, t.last_oper_type, t.last_oper_mode, t.last_oper_time, t.granule_size from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP t where sn.snap_id = t.snap_id and sn.dbid = t.dbid and sn.instance_number = t.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP is 'Historical memory component sizes' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP for DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP / grant select on DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, name, bytes_sent, bytes_received) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number,, t.bytes_sent, t.bytes_received from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_IC_CLIENT_STATS t where sn.snap_id = t.snap_id and sn.dbid = t.dbid and sn.instance_number = t.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS is 'Historical interconnect client statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS for DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS / grant select on DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, if_name ,ip_addr ,net_mask ,flags ,mtu ,bytes_received, packets_received, receive_errors ,receive_dropped, receive_buf_or ,receive_frame_err, bytes_sent ,packets_sent, send_errors ,sends_dropped ,send_buf_or, send_carrier_lost) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number, t.if_name ,t.ip_addr ,t.net_mask ,t.flags ,t.mtu ,t.bytes_received, t.packets_received, t.receive_errors ,t.receive_dropped, t.receive_buf_or ,t.receive_frame_err, t.bytes_sent ,t.packets_sent, t.send_errors ,t.sends_dropped ,t.send_buf_or, t.send_carrier_lost from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_IC_DEVICE_STATS t where sn.snap_id = t.snap_id and sn.dbid = t.dbid and sn.instance_number = t.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS is 'Historical interconnect device statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS for DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS / grant select on DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, target_instance, cnt_500b, wait_500b, waitsq_500b, cnt_8k, wait_8k, waitsq_8k) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number, t.target_instance, t.cnt_500b, t.wait_500b, t.waitsq_500b, t.cnt_8k, t.wait_8k, t.waitsq_8k from wrm$_snapshot sn, WRH$_INTERCONNECT_PINGS t where sn.snap_id = t.snap_id and sn.dbid = t.dbid and sn.instance_number = t.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS is 'Instance to instance ping stats' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS for DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS / grant select on DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, name, serial#, idle, busy, wait, totalq, sampled_total_conn) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number,, d.serial#, d.idle, d.busy, d.wait, d.totalq, d.sampled_total_conn from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_DISPATCHER d where sn.snap_id = d.snap_id and sn.dbid = d.dbid and sn.instance_number = d.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER is 'Dispatcher statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER for DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER / grant select on DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, num_samples, sample_time, sampled_total_conn, sampled_active_conn, sampled_total_srv, sampled_active_srv, sampled_total_disp, sampled_active_disp, srv_busy, srv_idle, srv_in_net, srv_out_net, srv_messages, srv_bytes, cq_wait, cq_totalq, dq_totalq) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number, s.num_samples, s.sample_time, s.sampled_total_conn, s.sampled_active_conn, s.sampled_total_srv, s.sampled_active_srv, s.sampled_total_disp, s.sampled_active_disp, s.srv_busy, s.srv_idle, s.srv_in_net, s.srv_out_net, s.srv_messages, s.srv_bytes, s.cq_wait, s.cq_totalq, s.dq_totalq from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY s where sn.snap_id = s.snap_id and sn.dbid = s.dbid and sn.instance_number = s.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY is 'Shared Server summary statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY for DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY / grant select on DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /*************************************** * DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS ***************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, remaster_ops, remaster_time, remastered_objects, quiesce_time, freeze_time, cleanup_time, replay_time, fixwrite_time, sync_time, resources_cleaned, replayed_locks_sent, replayed_locks_received, current_objects) as select sn.snap_id, sn.dbid, sn.instance_number, s.remaster_ops, s.remaster_time, s.remastered_objects, s.quiesce_time, s.freeze_time, s.cleanup_time, s.replay_time, s.fixwrite_time, s.sync_time, s.resources_cleaned, s.replayed_locks_sent, s.replayed_locks_received, s.current_objects from WRM$_SNAPSHOT sn, WRH$_DYN_REMASTER_STATS s where sn.snap_id = s.snap_id and sn.dbid = s.dbid and sn.instance_number = s.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS is 'Dynamic remastering statistics' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS for DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS / grant select on DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE / /***************************************** * DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE *****************************************/ create or replace view DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE (SNAP_ID, DBID, INSTANCE_NUMBER, QUEUE_TABLE_ID, TYPE, STATUS, NEXT_SERVICE_TIME, WINDOW_END_TIME, TOTAL_RUNS, TOTAL_LATENCY, TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME, TOTAL_CPU_TIME, TMGR_ROWS_PROCESSED, TMGR_ELAPSED_TIME, TMGR_CPU_TIME, LAST_TMGR_PROCESSING_TIME, DEQLOG_ROWS_PROCESSED, DEQLOG_PROCESSING_ELAPSED_TIME, DEQLOG_PROCESSING_CPU_TIME, LAST_DEQLOG_PROCESSING_TIME, DEQUEUE_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED, HISTORY_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED , TIME_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED, INDEX_CLEANUP_COUNT, INDEX_CLEANUP_ELAPSED_TIME, INDEX_CLEANUP_CPU_TIME, LAST_INDEX_CLEANUP_TIME ) as select pqc.snap_id, pqc.dbid, pqc.instance_number, pqc.queue_table_id, pqc.type, pqc.status, pqc.next_service_time, pqc.window_end_time, pqc.TOTAL_RUNS, pqc.TOTAL_LATENCY, pqc.TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME, pqc.TOTAL_CPU_TIME, pqc.TMGR_ROWS_PROCESSED, pqc.TMGR_ELAPSED_TIME, pqc.TMGR_CPU_TIME, pqc.LAST_TMGR_PROCESSING_TIME, pqc.DEQLOG_ROWS_PROCESSED, pqc.DEQLOG_PROCESSING_ELAPSED_TIME, pqc.DEQLOG_PROCESSING_CPU_TIME, pqc.LAST_DEQLOG_PROCESSING_TIME, pqc.DEQUEUE_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED, pqc.HISTORY_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED, pqc.TIME_INDEX_BLOCKS_FREED, pqc.INDEX_CLEANUP_COUNT, pqc.INDEX_CLEANUP_ELAPSED_TIME, pqc.INDEX_CLEANUP_CPU_TIME, pqc.LAST_INDEX_CLEANUP_TIME from wrh$_persistent_qmn_cache pqc, wrm$_snapshot sn where sn.snap_id = pqc.snap_id and sn.dbid = pqc.dbid and sn.instance_number = pqc.instance_number and sn.status = 0 / comment on table DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE is 'STREAMS AQ Persistent QMN Cache Historical Statistics Information' / create or replace public synonym DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE for DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE / grant select on DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE /