Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catadvtb.sql /main/58 2009/07/01 19:21:04 pbelknap Exp $ Rem Rem catadvtb.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catadvtb.sql - Manageability Advisor tables and types Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates base tables and types for the Advisor framework and Rem advisor components Rem Rem NOTES Rem none Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pbelknap 06/22/09 - #8618452 - feature usage for reports Rem pbelknap 03/05/09 - #7916459: materialize io read requests / io write Rem requests Rem pbelknap 10/29/08 - add note about adding new metrics to spa Rem skabraha 09/16/08 - ignore 4043s when recompiling advisor types Rem ushaft 08/06/08 - add ASH query for ADDM findings Rem skabraha 09/04/08 - recompile wri$_adv types for upgrade Rem nchoudhu 07/14/08 - XbranchMerge nchoudhu_sage_july_merge117 from Rem st_rdbms_11.1.0 Rem hayu 04/09/08 - add columns to wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats Rem amitsha 05/04/08 - modify compression advisor subtype to include Rem get_report procedure Rem kyagoub 03/14/08 - add new columns for sage Rem amitsha 03/03/08 - declare subtype for Compression Advisor Rem pbelknap 06/02/07 - add user i/o time to qksctxExeSt Rem gssmith 03/05/07 - Bug 5908357 - wrong tablespace for new WRI Rem objects Rem sburanaw 02/26/07 - addm_seq in wri$_addv_addm_fdg nullable Rem pbelknap 02/20/07 - add execution id Rem pbelknap 12/01/06 - add flags to findings Rem ushaft 01/16/07 - fix datatype in table wri$_adv_addm_inst Rem kyagoub 06/22/06 - add a raw type attribute to the object table Rem kyagoub 06/11/06 - move plan related tables from catsqlt.sql Rem kyagoub 06/07/06 - create wri$_adv_spi under sqltune sub type Rem ushaft 07/10/06 - add indexes on ADDM tables Rem pbelknap 06/06/06 - add sub_param_validate for sqltune Rem ushaft 04/21/06 - add procedures to wri$_hdm_adv_t Rem new wri$_adv_inst_fdg table Rem new wri$_adv_addm* tables Rem gssmith 04/28/06 - Move SQL AA components to catsumat.sql Rem gssmith 03/22/06 - Adding new AA table Rem gssmith 05/03/06 - Add 11g directives metadata Rem pbelknap 05/22/06 - add sub_delete_execution Rem kyagoub 04/24/06 - add argument to sub_resume Rem kyagoub 04/10/06 - add support for multi-executions Rem bkuchibh 02/20/06 - add new column to wri$_adv_findings Rem kyagoub 10/10/04 - add other column to objects table Rem gssmith 04/20/04 - Bug 3501493 Rem pbelknap 01/15/04 - add call to drop task when user dies Rem gssmith 02/05/04 - Change journal flags Rem gssmith 01/29/04 - Adding flags to wri$_adv_recommendations Rem gssmith 11/10/03 - Rem gssmith 10/23/03 - Bug 3207351 Rem gssmith 08/26/03 - Extend AA workload column Rem ushaft 07/09/03 - added sub_get_report to type wri$_adv_hdm_t Rem kyagoub 07/08/03 - implement sub_get_report for sqltune Rem smuthuli 07/15/03 - remove create table/index advisors Rem kdias 06/27/03 - clean up dependencies for upgrade/downgrade Rem slawande 03/27/03 - change default value of prm Rem slawande 03/13/03 - add prm for access advisor Rem wyang 05/04/03 - fix undo advisor default parameter Rem kyagoub 05/03/03 - remove message from recommendation and Rem add type to rationale Rem bdagevil 04/28/03 - merge new file Rem gssmith 05/01/03 - AA workload adjustments Rem gssmith 04/15/03 - Change MODE Rem gssmith 03/26/03 - Bug 2869857 Rem sramakri 03/11/03 - CREATION_COST parameter Rem sramakri 01/28/03 - volatility weight factors Rem slawande 01/24/03 - Add more internal prms for acc advisor Rem kyagoub 03/27/03 - add news attributes to the rationale table and Rem object reference in finding table Rem kyagoub 03/17/03 - add type to recommendation table Rem kdias 03/12/03 - fix obj adv id Rem ushaft 03/07/03 - modifed comments about flags field for params Rem kdias 03/04/03 - replace time window w/ start/end time/snapshot Rem kyagoub 03/08/03 - add _INDEX_ANALYZE_CONTROL/_SQLTUNE_CONTROL/ Rem _PLAN_ANALYZE_CONTROL parameters for sqltune Rem kyagoub 02/19/03 - correct default parameter values for sqltune adv Rem gssmith 03/18/03 - Access Advisor column name changes Rem mxiao 12/23/02 - add attr6 to adv_actions Rem gssmith 01/09/03 - Bug 2657007 Rem gssmith 01/06/03 - Add task parameter for Access Advisor Rem wyang 01/14/03 - Undo Advisor Parameters Rem nwhyte 12/03/02 - Add object space advisors Rem gssmith 12/11/02 - Adding version to task record Rem gssmith 11/27/02 - Access Advisor parameter change Rem gssmith 11/22/02 - Adjust Access Advisor task parameters Rem gssmith 11/19/02 - Bad bit settings Rem kdias 12/05/02 - add hdm parameters Rem wyang 11/21/02 - undo advisor Rem kdias 11/16/02 - add hdm type and data Rem kdias 10/31/02 - modify findings table Rem gssmith 10/30/02 - Bug 2647626 Rem kdias 10/12/02 - add err# out param to sub_execute Rem kdias 10/08/02 - modify pk constraint for message_groups Rem gssmith 10/18/02 - Fix for bug 2632538 Rem btao 10/21/02 - add parameter _BUCKET_QRYMAX Rem gssmith 10/10/02 - Fix Access Advisor parameter Rem kdias 10/08/02 - modify pk constraint for message_groups Rem btao 10/08/02 - add column flags to wri$_adv_actions Rem sramakri 09/30/02 - add commands 16 thru 21 Rem kdias 09/26/02 - add constraint to the objects table Rem kdias 09/24/02 - remove type from advisor definition Rem gssmith 09/27/02 - wip Rem gssmith 09/26/02 - Add usage table entry Rem gssmith 09/25/02 - grabtrans 'gssmith_adv0920' Rem btao 09/24/02 - add additional parameters for idx and mv Rem gssmith 09/13/02 - Adding templates Rem gssmith 09/10/02 - wip Rem gssmith 09/04/02 - wip Rem gssmith 08/27/02 - Add tablespace clauses Rem gssmith 08/21/02 - Adding new sequence for sqlw Rem gssmith 08/21/02 - Created Rem Rem Manageability Advisor repository tables Rem super type definition (abstract class) that defines the methods that Rem each advisor has to implement Rem /* Recompile the wri$_adv types here. This is being done for upgrade. The problem is that this type hierarchy is invalid when catupgrd is run. This leads to deadlock issues when the new subtype, compression_t, is created. Just to expand on what's happening here, we have an implicit mutual dependency between supertype and subtype in an inheritance heirarchy. The could lead to deadlock, if the hierarchy is invalid and the types get recompiled recursively. To avoid that, make sure that you recompile the supertypes, inorder, before creating a new subtype in the hierarchy, if there is a chance that they could be invalid. */ /* NOTE: Ignore the error if the type does not exist */ DECLARE err_code EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(err_code, -4043); BEGIN execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_abstract_t compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_hdm_t compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_sqlaccess_adv compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_tunemview_adv compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_workload compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_undo_adv compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_sqltune compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_sqlpi compile specification reuse settings'; execute immediate 'alter type wri$_adv_objspace_trend_t compile specification reuse settings'; EXCEPTION WHEN err_code THEN NULL; END; / -- flush SGA alter system flush shared_pool; CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wri$_adv_abstract_t AS OBJECT ( advisor_id number, member procedure sub_create (task_id IN NUMBER, from_task_id IN number), member procedure sub_execute (task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), member procedure sub_reset (task_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_resume (task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), member procedure sub_delete (task_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_delete_execution(task_id IN NUMBER, execution_name IN VARCHAR2), member procedure sub_param_validate (task_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value IN OUT VARCHAR2), member procedure sub_get_script (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_get_script(task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, execution_name IN VARCHAR2, object_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_get_report (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), member procedure sub_get_report(task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, execution_name IN VARCHAR2, object_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_validate_directive(task_id IN NUMBER, command_id IN NUMBER, attr1 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr2 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr3 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr4 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr5 IN OUT VARCHAR2), member procedure sub_update_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2), member procedure sub_get_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value OUT VARCHAR2), member procedure sub_cleanup(task_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_implement(task_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_implement(task_id in number, rec_id in number, exit_on_error in number), member procedure sub_user_setup(adv_id IN NUMBER), member procedure sub_import_directives (task_id in number, from_id in number, import_mode in varchar2, accepted out number, rejected out number), member procedure sub_quick_tune (task_name in varchar2, attr_clob in clob, attr_vc in varchar2, attr_num in number, template in varchar2, implement in boolean) ) not final; / Rem Rem table containing the list of advisors in the system along with their Rem method definitions (advisor specific type which is a sub-type of Rem sys.wri$_adv_abstract_t Rem Rem pk : id Rem create table wri$_adv_definitions ( id number not null, /* unique id */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* name */ property number not null, /* bitvec of properties */ /* supports comprehensive mode = 0x01 */ /* supports limited mode = 0x02 */ /* advisor is resumable = 0x04 */ /* accepts directive = 0x08 */ /* can generate undo script = 0x16 */ /* supports multiple executions of tasks = 0x32 */ type wri$_adv_abstract_t not null, /* adv specific object */ constraint wri$_adv_definitions_pk primary key(id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem Default parameter table Rem Rem Valid values for the datatype column are: Rem Rem 1 - number Rem 2 - string Rem 3 - comma-separated list of strings Rem 4 - table specification (schema.table) Rem 5 - comma-separated list of table specifications Rem Values for flags: Rem Flags consists of three bits: Rem 1 - Invisible. If bitand(flags,1)=1 then the views Rem dba_advisor_parameters and user_advisor_parameters do not Rem return the row. Rem 2 - Internal use only Rem 4 - Output: If bitand(flags,4)=1 then the value was set during Rem task execution. We do not allow output values to be invisible Rem 8 - Modifiable after execution Rem 16 - System task parameter only. If this bit is set, this Rem parameter only applies to tasks with the system task bit Rem set. Rem create table wri$_adv_def_parameters ( advisor_id number not null, /* Advisor id number */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* Parameter name */ datatype number not null, /* Data type - see header */ flags number not null, /* 0 = visible, 1 = internal */ value varchar2(4000) not null, /* Parameter value */ description varchar2(9), /* Description code */ exec_type varchar2(30),/* exec. action the parameter can be set for */ constraint wri$_adv_def_parameters_pk primary key(advisor_id,name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem Advisor possible execution types. Rem This table contains meta data about execution actions a given Rem advisor can perform. This is important particularly, for advisors Rem that support multi-executions of their tasks. This table is mainly Rem used to control the execution actions of an advisor. For example, Rem an error will be raised if a given advisor is called to execute Rem an action that is not defined for it. Rem create table wri$_adv_def_exec_types ( advisor_id number not null, /* advisor id number */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* execution action name */ id number not null, /* internal id for exec. type */ description varchar2(9), /* description code */ flags number, /* execution type flags: not used for now */ constraint wri$_adv_def_action_pk primary key(advisor_id, name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem table storing metadata for tasks in the system Rem Rem pk : id Rem fk : advisor_id -> wri$ Rem Rem Valid values for status column (keep in sync with kea.h) Rem 1 - initial Rem 2 - executing Rem 3 - completed Rem 4 - interrupted Rem 5 - cancelled Rem 6 - fatal error Rem create table wri$_adv_tasks ( id number not null, /* unique id for the task */ owner# number not null, /* owner user number */ owner_name varchar2(30), /* Owner name */ name varchar2(30), /* task name */ description varchar2(256), /* task description */ advisor_id number not null, /* associated advisor */ advisor_name varchar2(30), /* Advisor name */ ctime date not null, /* creation time */ mtime date not null, /* last modification time */ parent_id number, /* set if this task is created due to */ /* the recommendation of another task */ parent_rec_id number, /* the recommendation id that */ /* recommended this task */ property number not null, /* bitvec of properties */ /* 0x01 -> Read only */ /* 0x02 -> Template */ /* 0x04 -> Task */ /* 0x08 -> Workload */ /* 0x10 -> Reserved Name */ /* 0x20 -> System Task */ version number, /* Data version number for the task */ last_exec_name varchar2(30), /* last exec. id as an optimizaton */ exec_start date, /* execution start time */ exec_end date, /* execution end time */ status number not null, /* task status */ status_msg_id number, /* id of msg group in messages table */ pct_completion_time number, /* progress in terms of time */ progress_metric number, /* advisor specific progress metric */ metric_units varchar2(64), /* metric units */ activity_counter number, /* counter denoting active work */ /* is being performed */ rec_count number, /* Quality counter */ error_msg# number, /* error msg # */ cleanup number, /* boolean denoting if cleanup reqd */ how_created varchar2(30), /* optional source used to create task */ source varchar2(30), /* optional name of base task */ constraint wri$_adv_tasks_pk primary key (id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / create UNIQUE index wri$_adv_tasks_idx_01 on wri$_adv_tasks (name, owner#) tablespace SYSAUX; create UNIQUE index wri$_adv_tasks_idx_02 on wri$_adv_tasks (owner#, id) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_adv_tasks_idx_03 on wri$_adv_tasks (advisor_id, exec_start) tablespace SYSAUX; create index wri$_adv_tasks_idx_04 on wri$_adv_tasks (parent_id, parent_rec_id) tablespace SYSAUX; create sequence wri$_adv_seq_task /* Generates unique task number */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / Rem Rem table storing task parameters for all the tasks Rem Rem pk : (task_id, name) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem Rem Values for datatypes: see description above for wri$_adv_def_parameters Rem Rem Values for flags: Rem Flags consists of four bits: Rem 1 - Invisible. If bitand(flags,1)=1 then the views Rem dba_advisor_parameters and user_advisor_parameters do not Rem return the row. Rem 2 - Not-default. If bitand(flags,2)=0 then the value of the Rem parameter was copied from wri$_adv_def_parameters when the Rem task was created and not modified since then. Rem 4 - Output: If bitand(flags,4)=1 then the value was set during Rem task execution. We do not allow output values to be invisible Rem 8 - Modifiable after execution Rem 16 - System task only. Parameter is only valid for system tasks. Rem Rem Valid values for flags: Rem 0 - visible / default value / not output Rem 1 - invisible / default value / not output Rem 2 - visible / not default / not output Rem 3 - invisible / not default / not output Rem 6 - visible / not default / output value Rem Rem (All values can be combined with system task only) create table wri$_adv_parameters ( task_id number not null, name varchar2(30) not null, value varchar2(4000) not null, /* parameter value */ datatype number not null, /* datatype of parameter */ flags number not null, description varchar2(9), /* Description code */ constraint wri$_adv_parameters_pk primary key(task_id, name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem table storing metadata for task executions Rem Rem pk : (task_id, name) Rem execution names are unique within a task. execution IDs are Rem included just for convenience with xml reports Rem fk : task_id -> wri$_adv_tasks(id) Rem Rem Valid values for status column (keep in sync status in the task table Rem and with kea.h): Rem 2 - EXECUTING Rem 3 - COMPLETED Rem 4 - INTERRUPTED Rem 5 - CANCELLED Rem 6 - FATAL ERROR Rem Rem Notice that INITIAL (value=1) is the status of the task when it is created Rem and not of the execution. The status of the task is the status of the Rem current (i.e., last) execution. Rem create table wri$_adv_executions ( id number not null, /* execution id */ task_id number not null, /* associated task id */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* unique name for execution */ description varchar2(256), /* optional execution description */ exec_type varchar2(30), /* type of the execution action to perform */ exec_type_id number, /* id of the execution type */ advisor_id number not null, /* associated advisor */ exec_start date, /* execution start time */ exec_mtime date not null, /* last modification time */ exec_end date, /* execution end time */ status number not null, /* task status */ status_msg_id number, /* id of msg group in messages table */ error_msg_id number, /* error msg # */ flags number, /* flags: not used for now */ constraint wri$_adv_execs_pk primary key (task_id, name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / create unique index wri$_adv_execs_idx_01 on wri$_adv_executions (id) tablespace SYSAUX / create index wri$_adv_execs_idx_02 on wri$_adv_executions (advisor_id, exec_start) tablespace SYSAUX / create index wri$_adv_execs_idx_03 on wri$_adv_executions (task_id, exec_start) tablespace SYSAUX / create sequence wri$_adv_seq_exec /* Generates unique exec number */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / Rem Rem table storing task parameters for task executions. Parameters stored Rem in this table are specific to particular executions they were set Rem for when calling the dbms_advisor.execute_task() procedure. Rem This table is always empty for advisors that are single-execution tasks. Rem Rem pk : (task_id, exec_name, name) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem Rem Values for datatypes and flags for parameters, see description above Rem for wri$_adv_def_parameters and wri$_adv_parameters. Rem create table wri$_adv_exec_parameters ( task_id number not null, /* id of the associated task */ exec_name varchar2(30) not null, /* executuion name */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* parameter name */ value varchar2(4000) not null, /* parameter value */ constraint wri$_adv_exec_parameters_pk primary key(task_id, exec_name, name) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem table containing all the object instances that the advisor tasks refer too. Rem These objects could be used for input as well as described in the Rem output (recommendations). Objects are private to a task. Each object Rem instance has a unique id. Rem Rem pk : task_id, id Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_objects ( id number not null, /* unique id for obj instance */ type number not null, /* type of object (namespace) */ /* see kea.h for entire list. */ /* 1=TABLE, 2=INDEX, 3=MVIEW 4=MVIEW LOG 5=UNDO RETENTION 6=UNDO TABLESPACE 5=SQL STATEMENT 6=SQLSET */ /* 5= SQLWORKLOAD, 6=DATAFILE, ... */ task_id number not null, /* task assoc. w/ this obj */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* optional execution id. */ attr1 varchar2(4000), /* attr of the object */ attr2 varchar2(4000), attr3 varchar2(4000), attr4 clob, attr5 varchar2(4000), attr6 raw(2000), attr7 number, attr8 number, attr9 number, attr10 number, other clob, /* additional info associated to object */ spare_n1 number, spare_n2 number, spare_n3 number, spare_n4 number, spare_c1 varchar2(4000), spare_c2 varchar2(4000), spare_c3 varchar2(4000), spare_c4 varchar2(4000), constraint wri$_adv_objects_pk primary key(task_id, id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / create unique index wri$_adv_objects_idx_01 on wri$_adv_objects(task_id, exec_name, id) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem Rem table storing the findings for each task Rem pk : (id, task_id) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem : msg_id -> wri$ Rem : more_info_id -> wri$ Rem : object_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_findings ( id number not null, /* findings id */ task_id number not null, /* associated task */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* optional execution id. */ type number not null, /* type of finding */ parent number not null, /* parent finding id */ obj_id number, /* id of the associated object if any */ Impact_msg_id number, /* impact due to this finding */ impact_val number, /* impact value */ msg_id number, /* findings msg : id of msg group */ more_info_id number, /* id of msg grp for addn info */ name_msg_code varchar2(9), /* like SMG-00071 */ filtered char(1), /* is it filtered by a directive ? */ flags number, /* advisor-specific flags */ constraint wri$_adv_findings_pk primary key(task_id, id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / create unique index wri$_adv_findings_idx_01 on wri$_adv_findings(task_id, exec_name, id) tablespace SYSAUX / create unique index wri$_adv_findings_idx_02 on wri$_adv_findings(task_id, exec_name, obj_id, id) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem Rem Storing a breakdown of a finding impact to contributing instances. Rem perc_impact is the percentage of the finding impact experiences in Rem the specific instance. Rem create table wri$_adv_inst_fdg ( task_id number not null, finding_id number not null, instance_number number not null, exec_name varchar2(30), /* optional execution id. */ perc_impact number, primary key (task_id, finding_id, instance_number) ) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem Rem table storing the recommendations for each task Rem pk : (id, task_id) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem findind_id -> wri$ Rem : msg_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_recommendations ( id number not null, /* rec id */ task_id number not null, /* associated task */ type varchar2(30), /* rec. type. specific to each advisor */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* optional execution id */ finding_id number, /* related finding (optional) */ rank number, /* rank of recommendation */ parent_recs varchar2(4000), /* dependency list */ benefit_msg_id number, /* benefit assoc w/ carrying out the rec */ benefit_val number, /* benefit value */ annotation number, /* annotation status : */ /* ACCEPT = 1 */ /* REJECT = 2 */ /* IGNORE = 3 */ /* IMPLEMENTED = 4 */ flags number, /* Advisor-Specific flags */ filtered char(1), /* is it filtered by a directive ? */ constraint wri$_adv_rec_pk primary key(task_id, id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / create unique index wri$_adv_recs_idx_01 on wri$_adv_recommendations(task_id, exec_name, id) tablespace SYSAUX / create unique index wri$_adv_recs_idx_02 on wri$_adv_recommendations(task_id, exec_name, finding_id, id) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem Rem table storing the set of actions for the task. The association of Rem actions to recommendations is provided in wri$_adv_rec_actions Rem Rem pk : (task_id, id) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem : obj_id -> wri$ Rem : msg_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_actions ( id number not null, /* action id */ task_id number not null, /* associate task */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* optional execution id */ obj_id number, /* object assoc with the action (optional) */ command number not null, /* command type (see kea.h) */ /* 1='CREATE INDEX', 2='CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW', */ /* 3='ALTER TABLE', 4='CALL ADVISOR' etc ... */ flags number, /* Advisor-specific flags */ attr1 varchar2(4000), /* attributes defining the action */ attr2 varchar2(4000), attr3 varchar2(4000), attr4 varchar2(4000), attr5 clob, attr6 clob, num_attr1 number, /* General numeric attribute */ num_attr2 number, /* General numeric attribute */ num_attr3 number, /* General numeric attribute */ num_attr4 number, /* General numeric attribute */ num_attr5 number, /* General numeric attribute */ msg_id number, /* action msg: id of msg group */ filtered char(1), /* is it filtered by a directive ? */ constraint wri$_adv_actions_pk primary key(task_id,id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem table storing the rationale for each recommendation. Rem Rem pk : (task_id, id) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem : find_id -> wri$ Rem : rec_id -> wri$ Rem : obj_id -> wri$ Rem : msg_id -> wri$ REM : impact_msg_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_rationale ( id number not null, /* rationale id */ task_id number not null, /* associate task */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* accociated execution id: optional */ type varchar2(30), /* rationale type. specific to each advisor */ rec_id number, /* associated recommendation */ impact_msg_id number, /* impact due to the finding described */ impact_val number, /* impact value */ obj_id number, /* object associated with this rationale */ msg_id number, /* rationale msg : id of msg group */ attr1 varchar2(4000), /* attributes defining the rationale */ attr2 varchar2(4000), attr3 varchar2(4000), attr4 varchar2(4000), attr5 clob, constraint wri$_adv_rationale_pk primary key (task_id, id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem table storing the association of actions to recommendations. The relation Rem is many-to-many within a task. Rem Rem pk : (task_id, rec_id, act_id) Rem fk : task_id -> wri$ Rem : act_id -> wri$ Rem : rec_id -> wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_rec_actions ( task_id number not null, /* associated task */ rec_id number not null, /* rec within task */ act_id number not null, /* action within task */ constraint wri$_adv_rec_actions_pk primary key(task_id,rec_id,act_id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem Directives table sequence Rem create sequence wri$_adv_seq_dir /* Generates unique directive number */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / Rem Rem Table defining directive metadata. Rem create table wri$_adv_directive_defs ( id number not null, /* Unique id for directive */ advisor_id number not null, /* Advisor id */ domain varchar2(30) not null, /* Domain or namespace name */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* Secondary name */ description varchar2(256) not null, /* Directive description */ type# number not null, /* 1 - Filter */ /* 2 - Single value */ /* 3 - Multi value */ /* 4 - Conditional */ /* 5 - Constraint */ flags number not null, /* Bit values */ /* 1 - task must initial for updates */ /* 2 - Supports multiple instances */ metadata_id number not null /* Link to XML schema or DTD definition */ /* Stored in wri$_adv_directive_meta */ ) tablespace sysaux / create index wri$_adv_dir_idx_01 on wri$_adv_directive_defs (id) tablespace sysaux; create index wri$_adv_dir_idx_02 on wri$_adv_directive_defs (domain,name,advisor_id) tablespace sysaux; create table wri$_adv_directive_meta ( id number not null, /* Unique id for schema element */ data clob not null /* Schema or DTD */ ) tablespace sysaux / create index wri$_adv_dirm_idx_01 on wri$_adv_directive_meta (id) tablespace sysaux; create sequence wri$_adv_seq_dir_inst increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / Rem Rem Instances of directives Rem create table wri$_adv_directive_instances ( dir_id number not null, /* Base directive id */ inst_id number not null, /* Instance id of directive */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* User supplied name. Must */ /* be unique among directives */ task_id number, /* Parent task id. If zero */ /* the instance is global */ data clob not null /* XML data for directive */ ) tablespace sysaux / create index wri$_adv_dirinst_idx_01 on wri$_adv_directive_instances (inst_id) tablespace sysaux; create index wri$_adv_dirinst_idx_02 on wri$_adv_directive_instances (task_id,name,dir_id) tablespace sysaux; Rem Rem Journal table Rem Rem Valid values for the type column are: Rem Rem 1 - Fatal Rem 2 - Error Rem 3 - Warning Rem 4 - Information Rem 5 - Debug level 1 Rem 6 - Debug level 2 Rem 7 - Debug level 3 Rem 8 - Debug level 4 Rem 9 - Debug level 5 create sequence wri$_adv_seq_journal increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / create table wri$_adv_journal ( task_id number not null, /* Current task id */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* id of the task execution */ seq_id number not null, /* Unique for the task */ type number not null, /* See comment for valid value */ msg_id number not null, /* Message set id number */ constraint wri$_adv_journal primary key(task_id,seq_id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem This table stores the set of message ids along with its parameters Rem for the message fields of all the other tables. Rem In general an advisor message is composed of a set of Oracle messages Rem (each row in the table below is an Oracle message). Each set or group is Rem given a unique id which is referenced by the message columns in the other Rem tables. Rem Rem Each row is an Oracle message belonging to a facility (eg: ORA, ADV). Rem The message definition captures formatting information too, since the Rem advisor will be writing out user readable sentences. The three formatting Rem fields include Rem hdr : a number used as a boolean that denotes if the msg hdr Rem (eg: ADV-2300: ) needs to be present in the output. Rem lm : is the number of spaces inserted before the message. Rem nl : is the number of new-lines to appear before the message. Rem Rem pk : id Rem create table wri$_adv_message_groups ( task_id number not null, /* Task or object id */ exec_name varchar2(30), /* if of the asscociated execution */ id number not null, /* unique id for msg group */ seq number not null, /* seq# of msg in message group */ message# number not null, /* oracle message# */ fac varchar2(3), /* msg facility. eg ORA */ hdr number, /* 1 : include header */ /* 0: no header */ lm number, /* left margin : #spaces to be inserted */ /* before msg */ nl number, /* number of newlines before message */ p1 varchar2(4000), /* parameter values */ p2 varchar2(4000), p3 varchar2(4000), p4 varchar2(4000), p5 varchar2(4000), constraint wri$_adv_message_groups_pk primary key(id, seq) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / create index wri$_adv_msg_grps_idx_01 on sys.wri$_adv_message_groups (task_id, id) tablespace SYSAUX / create sequence wri$_adv_seq_msggroup /* Message-set id */ increment by 1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 4294967295 nocycle cache 10 / Rem Rem The following tables contain SQL related information. Rem These tables become part of the advisor framework as there is Rem more than one advisor client which is using them now, such sqltune, Rem sqlpi, and sqldiag. Rem Initially, these tables belonged to sqltune advisor and they Rem used to be created in catsqlt.sql. Rem all sql plans are new in 11g except the plan table which exists since Rem 10gR1. Rem ---------------------------- wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash --------------------------- -- NAME: -- wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This table stores information about query plans generated during a SQL -- tuning or execution session. -- -- PRIMARY KEY: -- (task_id, exec_name, object_id, attribute) -- -- FOREIGN KEY: -- (task_id) references wri$_adv_tasks(id) -- (object_id) references wri$_adv_objects(id) -- (exec_name) references wri$_adv_executions(name) -- FIXME: need to add sql_id to this table and its corresponding view. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash ( task_id NUMBER(38) NOT NULL, exec_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, object_id NUMBER(38) NOT NULL, sql_id VARCHAR2(13) NOT NULL, attribute NUMBER NOT NULL, plan_hash NUMBER NOT NULL, plan_id NUMBER NOT NULL, spare_n1 NUMBER, spare_n2 NUMBER, spare_n3 NUMBER, spare_n4 NUMBER, spare_n5 NUMBER, spare_c1 VARCHAR2(4000), spare_c2 VARCHAR2(4000), constraint wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash_pk primary key(task_id, exec_name, object_id, attribute) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / create unique index wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash_01 on wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash(task_id, exec_name, sql_id, plan_id) tablespace sysaux / ----------------------------- wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats ----------------------- -- NAME: -- wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This table stores sqltune statistics for a SQL statement. -- -- PRIMARY KEY: -- plan_id -- -- FOREIGN KEY: -- (plan_id) references wri$_adv_plan_hash(plan_id) -- -- NOTES: -- If you are adding new columns to this table with the intent of -- supporting additional metrics in SPA, see the note 'ADDING NEW METRICS -- TO SPA' at the top of prvtspai.sql ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats ( plan_id NUMBER NOT NULL, parse_time NUMBER, exec_time NUMBER, cpu_time NUMBER, user_io_time NUMBER, buffer_gets NUMBER, disk_reads NUMBER, direct_writes NUMBER, rows_processed NUMBER, fetches NUMBER, executions NUMBER, end_of_fetch_count NUMBER, optimizer_cost NUMBER, other CLOB, io_interconnect_bytes NUMBER, spare_n1 NUMBER, /* physical read requests */ spare_n2 NUMBER, /* physical write requests */ spare_n3 NUMBER, /* physical read bytes */ spare_n4 NUMBER, /* physical write bytes */ spare_n5 NUMBER, spare_c1 VARCHAR2(4000), spare_c2 VARCHAR2(4000), spare_c3 CLOB, testexec_total_execs NUMBER, flags NUMBER, spare_n6 NUMBER, spare_n7 NUMBER, spare_n8 NUMBER, spare_n9 NUMBER, spare_n10 NUMBER, constraint wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats_pk primary key(plan_id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / ------------------------------ wri$_adv_sqlt_plans ---------------------------- -- NAME: -- wri$_adv_sqlt_plans -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This table stores the query plans generated during a SQL -- tuning session. -- -- PRIMARY KEY: -- (plan_id, id) -- -- FOREIGN KEY: -- (plan_id) references wri$_adv_plan_hash(plan_id) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE wri$_adv_sqlt_plans ( task_id NUMBER(38), object_id NUMBER(38) , attribute NUMBER, plan_hash_value NUMBER, plan_id NUMBER NOT NULL, statement_id VARCHAR2(30), timestamp DATE, remarks VARCHAR2(4000), operation VARCHAR2(30), options VARCHAR2(255), object_node VARCHAR2(128), object_owner VARCHAR2(30), object_name VARCHAR2(30), object_alias VARCHAR2(65), object_instance NUMBER(38), object_type VARCHAR2(30), optimizer VARCHAR2(255), search_columns NUMBER, id NUMBER(38), parent_id NUMBER(38), depth NUMBER(38), position NUMBER(38), cost NUMBER(38), cardinality NUMBER(38), bytes NUMBER(38), other_tag VARCHAR2(255), partition_start VARCHAR2(255), partition_stop VARCHAR2(255), partition_id NUMBER(38), other LONG, distribution VARCHAR2(30), cpu_cost NUMBER(38), io_cost NUMBER(38), temp_space NUMBER(38), access_predicates VARCHAR2(4000), filter_predicates VARCHAR2(4000), projection VARCHAR2(4000), time NUMBER(38), qblock_name VARCHAR2(30), other_xml CLOB, constraint wri$_adv_sqlt_plans_pk primary key(plan_id, id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace SYSAUX / ----------------------------- WRI$_ADV_SQLT_PLAN_SEQ --------------------------- -- NAME: -- WRI$_ADV_SQLT_PLAN_SEQ -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This is a sequence to generate ID values for SQL statement plans in -- WRI$_ADV_SQLT_PLAN_HASH. -- The sequence max vlaue = UB8MAXVAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE SEQUENCE WRI$_ADV_SQLT_PLAN_SEQ INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 MAXVALUE 18446744073709551615 CACHE 100 NOCYCLE / Rem Rem this table is used for tracking advisor usage. Rem Rem pk: advisor_id Rem fk: wri$ Rem create table wri$_adv_usage ( advisor_id number not null, /* advisor id */ last_exec_time date not null, /* date that some task for this */ /* advisor was executed */ num_execs number not null, /* number of non-AUTO executions */ /* NOTE: the default value is needed when downgrading to 11.1/10.2 to keep * prvt_advisor from breaking */ num_db_reports number default 0 not null, /* # of reports from command line (not counting EM) */ first_report_time date, /* first tracked get_report date */ last_report_time date, /* latest tracked report date */ constraint wri$_adv_usage_pk primary key(advisor_id) using index tablespace SYSAUX ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem subtype definition for the HDM Rem CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wri$_adv_hdm_t UNDER wri$_adv_abstract_t ( OVERRIDING MEMBER procedure sub_execute (task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_get_report (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), overriding member procedure sub_reset(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_delete(task_id in number), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_param_validate( task_id in number, name in varchar2, value in out varchar2) ); / create table wri$_adv_addm_tasks ( task_id number not null, dbid number, dbname varchar2(9), dbversion varchar2(17), analysis_version varchar2(17), begin_snap_id number, begin_time timestamp(3), end_snap_id number, end_time timestamp(3), requested_analysis varchar2(8), actual_analysis varchar2(8), database_time number, active_sessions number, perc_flush_time number, perc_mw_time number, meter_level varchar2(6), primary key (task_id) ) tablespace sysaux / create index wri$_adv_addm_tasks_idx_01 on wri$_adv_addm_tasks (dbid, begin_snap_id, end_snap_id) tablespace SYSAUX; create table wri$_adv_addm_inst ( task_id number not null, instance_number number not null, instance_name varchar2(16), host_name varchar2(64), status varchar2(10), database_time number, active_sessions number, perc_active_sess number, perc_flush_time number, meter_level varchar2(6), local_task_id number, primary key (task_id, instance_number) ) tablespace sysaux / create table wri$_adv_addm_fdg ( task_id number not null, finding_id number not null, rule_id number, addm_fdg_id number, addm_seq number, database_time number, active_sessions number, perc_active_sess number, is_aggregate char(1), meter_level varchar2(6), query_type number, query_is_approx char(1), query_args varchar2(4000), primary key (task_id, finding_id) ) tablespace sysaux / Rem Rem Set up Access Advisor definition Rem CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wri$_adv_sqlaccess_adv under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding member procedure sub_create(task_id in number, from_task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_execute(task_id in NUMBER, err_num out number), overriding member procedure sub_reset(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_resume(task_id in number, err_num out number), overriding member procedure sub_delete(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_param_validate(task_id in number, name in varchar2, value in out varchar2), overriding member procedure sub_get_script (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_get_report (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), overriding member procedure sub_validate_directive(task_id IN NUMBER, command_id IN NUMBER, attr1 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr2 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr3 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr4 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr5 IN OUT VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_update_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_get_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value OUT VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_cleanup(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_implement(task_id IN NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_implement(task_id in number, rec_id in number, exit_on_error in number), overriding member procedure sub_user_setup(adv_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_import_directives (task_id in number, from_id in number, import_mode in varchar2, accepted out number, rejected out number), overriding member procedure sub_quick_tune (task_name in varchar2, attr_clob in clob, attr_vc in varchar2, attr_num in number, template in varchar2, implement in boolean) ); / Rem Rem Access Advisor Tune MView Rem CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE wri$_adv_tunemview_adv under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding member procedure sub_execute(task_id in NUMBER, err_num out number), overriding member procedure sub_reset(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_resume(task_id in number, err_num out number), overriding member procedure sub_delete(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_param_validate(task_id in number, name in varchar2, value in out varchar2), overriding member procedure sub_get_script (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_validate_directive(task_id IN NUMBER, command_id IN NUMBER, attr1 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr2 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr3 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr4 IN OUT VARCHAR2, attr5 IN OUT VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_update_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_get_rec_attr (task_id IN NUMBER, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value OUT VARCHAR2), overriding member procedure sub_cleanup(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_implement(task_id IN NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_implement(task_id in number, rec_id in number, exit_on_error in number), overriding member procedure sub_user_setup(adv_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_import_directives (task_id in number, from_id in number, import_mode in varchar2, accepted out number, rejected out number), overriding member procedure sub_quick_tune (task_name in varchar2, attr_clob in clob, attr_vc in varchar2, attr_num in number, template in varchar2, implement in boolean) ); / Rem Rem Access Advisor workload manager Rem create OR REPLACE type wri$_adv_workload under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding member procedure sub_create(task_id in number, from_task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_reset(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_delete(task_id in number), overriding member procedure sub_param_validate(task_id in number, name in varchar2, value in out varchar2), overriding member procedure sub_get_report (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), overriding member procedure sub_user_setup(adv_id in number) ); / Rem Rem subtype definition for Undo Advisor Rem create OR replace type wri$_adv_undo_adv UNDER wri$_adv_abstract_t ( OVERRIDING MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_execute(task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER) ); / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wri$_adv_sqltune sub type definition -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: -- wri$_adv_sqltune -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This is a sub-type object type that implements the SQL Tuning Advisor. -- It is mainly used to integrate the advisor within the Advisor Framework. -- The implementation of this type resides in .../sqltune/prvtsqlt.sql -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create OR replace type wri$_adv_sqltune under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_execute(task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_reset(task_id IN NUMBER), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_resume(task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_delete(task_id IN NUMBER), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_delete_execution(task_id IN NUMBER, execution_name IN VARCHAR2), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_get_script(task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, rec_id IN NUMBER, act_id IN NUMBER, execution_name IN VARCHAR2, object_id IN NUMBER), overriding MEMBER PROCEDURE sub_get_report(task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, execution_name IN VARCHAR2, object_id IN NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_param_validate(task_id IN NUMBER, name IN VARCHAR2, value IN OUT VARCHAR2) ) NOT FINAL / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- wri$_adv_spi sub type definition -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NAME: -- wri$_adv_sqlpi: SQL Performance Impact analyzer -- -- DESCRIPTION: -- This is a sub-type object type that implements the SQL performance change -- impact analysis advisor. -- This type is created under the sqltune object type so that it can inherit -- all sqltune methods. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create OR replace type wri$_adv_sqlpi under wri$_adv_sqltune ( ) FINAL / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem Rem Subtype for Object Space Growth Trend Advisor Rem create OR replace type wri$_adv_objspace_trend_t under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding member procedure sub_execute (task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER) ); / Rem Rem Subtype for Compression Advisor Rem create OR replace type wri$_adv_compression_t under wri$_adv_abstract_t ( overriding member procedure sub_execute (task_id IN NUMBER, err_num OUT NUMBER), overriding member procedure sub_get_report (task_id IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, level IN VARCHAR2, section IN VARCHAR2, buffer IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB) ); / Rem Rem Drop tuning tasks when a user is dropped Rem DELETE FROM sys.duc$ WHERE owner='SYS' and pack='PRVT_ADVISOR' and proc='DELETE_USER_TASKS' and operation#=1 / INSERT INTO sys.duc$ (owner,pack,proc,operation#,seq,com) VALUES ('SYS','PRVT_ADVISOR','DELETE_USER_TASKS',1,1, 'During drop cascade, drop advisor tasks belonging to user') / commit / Rem Rem NOTE: all advisor and parameter definitions are now placed in Rem prvtdadv.sql in procedure SETUP_REPOSITORY. Rem