Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catadv.sql /main/51 2009/07/01 19:21:05 pbelknap Exp $ Rem Rem catadv.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catadv.sql - Advisor Framework definitions Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This file creates the following components for the advisor framework Rem - types Rem - tables, indexes Rem - views Rem - loads the pl/sql packages Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem pbelknap 06/22/09 - #8618452 - feature usage for reports Rem hayu 03/19/09 - add plan hash 2 Rem pbelknap 03/05/09 - #7916459: materialize io read requests / io write Rem requests Rem hayu 10/21/08 - add fix regression plans Rem hayu 06/25/08 - add parallel plans to dba_advisor_sqlplans Rem ushaft 08/18/08 - add column to dba_addm_findings Rem nchoudhu 07/14/08 - XbranchMerge nchoudhu_sage_july_merge117 from Rem st_rdbms_11.1.0 Rem kyagoub 05/11/08 - add new columns to support sage Rem hayu 04/09/08 - add a column to dba_advisor_sqlstats Rem akini 01/02/08 - modified views on wri$_adv_objects to get Rem sql text (attr4) from wrh$_sqltext for addm Rem kyagoub 06/05/07 - rename spa advisor: change stat column names Rem pbelknap 06/02/07 - add user i/o time to qksctxExeSt Rem pbelknap 05/24/07 - resource consumption tracking - hide plans from Rem views Rem kyagoub 04/13/07 - bug#5981178: add sql_id column to Rem dba_advisor_sqlplans Rem pbelknap 02/20/07 - add execution id Rem pbelknap 12/01/06 - add flags to findings Rem kyagoub 12/28/06 - add advisor_name to dba_advisor_usage Rem ushaft 11/29/06 - fundction describe_directive changed packages Rem ushaft 08/31/06 - add DBA_ADDM_DIRECTIVES views Rem pbelknap 10/09/06 - add status# to dba/user_advisor_executions Rem kyagoub 06/22/06 - add a raw type attribute to the object table Rem kyagoub 06/09/06 - move dba/user_sqltune_views to advisor frmwrk Rem ushaft 04/28/06 - change to dba_advisor_findings message Rem new dba_advisor_inst_fdg views Rem new dba_addm* views Rem gssmith 05/03/06 - 11g directives Rem pbelknap 04/05/06 - system task only parameters Rem kyagoub 04/10/06 - add support for multi-executions Rem bkuchibh 03/28/06 - modify view name Rem ushaft 03/23/06 - add ID column to dba_adv_finding_names Rem bkuchibh 03/14/05 - Fix Bug 4113632 Rem kyagoub 10/10/04 - add other column to advisor objects view Rem gssmith 02/05/04 - Change journal keywords Rem gssmith 01/29/04 - Adding flags to wri$_adv_recommendations Rem kdias 01/08/04 - 'add new finding type' Rem ushaft 11/25/03 - Finish bug 3207351 - Rem add column advisor_id to view dba_advisor_tasks Rem gssmith 11/05/03 - Rem gssmith 10/23/03 - Bug 3207351 Rem kdias 10/09/03 - use user$ instead of all_users Rem gssmith 09/23/03 - Expose flags in DEF_PARAMETERS view Rem gssmith 10/06/03 - Add Access Advisor hidden actions Rem kyagoub 05/03/03 - remove message from recommendation and Rem add type to rationale Rem kyagoub 03/27/03 - extend finding type, add news attributes to the Rem rationale table and grant user_xxx to public Rem kyagoub 03/17/03 - add recommendation type Rem bdagevil 04/28/03 - merge new file Rem gssmith 05/01/03 - AA workload adjustments Rem gssmith 04/15/03 - Rem gssmith 04/15/03 - Change Mode Rem gssmith 04/10/03 - Move static data inserts from catadvtb Rem gssmith 03/26/03 - Bug 2869857 Rem gssmith 02/21/03 - Bug 2815817 Rem kdias 03/12/03 - modify advisor_usage view Rem ushaft 03/07/03 - changed definitions of views over parameters to Rem support new flags Rem gssmith 01/30/03 - Fix user view privs Rem gssmith 01/29/03 - Typo in USER_ADVISOR_LOG view Rem gssmith 01/09/03 - Bug 2657007 Rem gssmith 11/27/02 - Add new column to actions table Rem gssmith 11/12/02 - Fix log table Rem kdias 10/31/02 - modify findings, rec view Rem gssmith 10/23/02 - Bugs Rem gssmith 10/22/02 - Add task_name to views Rem gssmith 10/18/02 - Bug 2631064 Rem btao 10/03/02 - add select_catalog_role Rem kdias 10/03/02 - modify adv_commands defn Rem kdias 09/30/02 - modify view defns to reflect new cols Rem kdias 09/24/02 - remove type from advisor definition Rem gssmith 09/20/02 - remove task type Rem gssmith 09/13/02 - Adding templates Rem gssmith 09/05/02 - gssmith_adv0806 Rem gssmith 09/04/02 - wip Rem gssmith 08/30/02 - Rem gssmith 08/29/02 - wip Rem gssmith 08/23/02 - wip Rem gssmith 08/19/02 - clean up views Rem kdias 07/26/02 - add views Rem kdias 07/19/02 - more schema changes. Rem kdias 06/11/02 - Created Rem Rem Rem The initial part of this file is for Framework definitions only. Rem Individual advisors can add their type declarations at the end just Rem before the tabels are populated. Rem create or replace view dba_advisor_definitions as select id as advisor_id, name as advisor_name, property as property from wri$_adv_definitions where id > 0; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_definitions for sys.dba_advisor_definitions; grant select on dba_advisor_definitions to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_commands as select a.indx as command_id, a.command_name as command_name from x$keacmdn a; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_commands for sys.dba_advisor_commands; grant select on dba_advisor_commands to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_object_types as select a.indx as object_type_id, a.object_type as object_type from x$keaobjt a; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_object_types for sys.dba_advisor_object_types; create or replace view dba_advisor_usage as select a.advisor_id, as advisor_name, a.last_exec_time, a.num_execs, a.num_db_reports, a.first_report_time, a.last_report_time from sys.wri$_adv_usage a, sys.wri$_adv_definitions d where a.advisor_id = and a.advisor_id > 0; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_usage for sys.dba_advisor_usage; grant select on dba_advisor_usage to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_execution_types as select advisor_name, execution_type, dbms_advisor.format_message(e.description) execution_description from wri$_adv_definitions d, wri$_adv_def_exec_types e where = e.advisor_id; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_execution_types for sys.dba_advisor_execution_types; grant select on dba_advisor_execution_types to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_tasks as select a.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, a.description as description, a.advisor_name as advisor_name, a.ctime as created, a.mtime as last_modified, a.parent_id as parent_task_id, a.parent_rec_id as parent_rxec_id, a.last_exec_name as last_execution, e.exec_type as execution_type, e.exec_type_id as execution_type#, e.description as execution_description, nvl(e.exec_start, a.exec_start) as execution_start, nvl(e.exec_end, a.exec_end) as execution_end, decode(nvl(e.status, a.status), 1, 'INITIAL', 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.status_msg_id, a.status_msg_id)) as status_message, a.pct_completion_time as pct_completion_time, a.progress_metric as progress_metric, a.metric_units as metric_units, a.activity_counter as activity_counter, a.rec_count as recommendation_count, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.error_msg_id, a.error_msg#)) as error_message, a.source as source, a.how_created as how_created, decode(bitand(,1), 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as read_only, decode(bitand(,32), 32, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as system_task, a.advisor_id as advisor_id, nvl(e.status, a.status) as status# from wri$_adv_tasks a, wri$_adv_executions e where = e.task_id(+) and a.advisor_id = e.advisor_id(+) and a.last_exec_name = and bitand(, 6) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_tasks for dba_advisor_tasks; grant select on dba_advisor_tasks to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_tasks as select as task_id, as task_name, a.description as description, a.advisor_name as advisor_name, a.ctime as created, a.mtime as last_modified, a.parent_id as parent_task_id, a.parent_rec_id as parent_rec_id, a.last_exec_name as last_execution, e.exec_type as execution_type, nvl(e.exec_start, a.exec_start) as execution_start, nvl(e.exec_end, a.exec_end) as execution_end, decode(nvl(e.status, a.status), 1, 'INITIAL', 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.status_msg_id, a.status_msg_id)) as status_message, a.pct_completion_time as pct_completion_time, a.progress_metric as progress_metric, a.metric_units as metric_units, a.activity_counter as activity_counter, a.rec_count as recommendation_count, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.error_msg_id, a.error_msg#)) as error_message, a.source as source, a.how_created as how_created, decode(bitand(,1), 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as read_only, decode(bitand(,32), 32, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as system_task, a.advisor_id as advisor_id, nvl(e.status, a.status) as status# from wri$_adv_tasks a, wri$_adv_executions e where = e.task_id(+) and a.last_exec_name = and a.advisor_id = e.advisor_id(+) and a.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(, 6) = 4; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_tasks for user_advisor_tasks; grant select on user_advisor_tasks to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_templates as select a.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, a.description as description, a.advisor_name as advisor_name, a.ctime as created, a.mtime as last_modified, a.source as source, decode(bitand(,1), 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as read_only from wri$_adv_tasks a where bitand(,6) = 6; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_templates for dba_advisor_templates; grant select on dba_advisor_templates to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_templates as select as task_id, as task_name, a.description as description, a.advisor_name as advisor_name, a.ctime as created, a.mtime as last_modified, a.source as source, decode(bitand(,1), 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as read_only from wri$_adv_tasks a where a.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,6) = 6; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_templates for user_advisor_templates; grant select on user_advisor_templates to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_log as select a.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, nvl(e.exec_start, a.exec_start) as execution_start, nvl(e.exec_end, a.exec_end) as execution_end, decode(nvl(e.status, a.status), 1, 'INITIAL', 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.status_msg_id, a.status_msg_id)) as status_message, a.pct_completion_time as pct_completion_time, a.progress_metric as progress_metric, a.metric_units as metric_units, a.activity_counter as activity_counter, a.rec_count as recommendation_count, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.error_msg_id, a.error_msg#)) as error_message from wri$_adv_tasks a, wri$_adv_executions e where = e.task_id(+) and a.advisor_id = e.advisor_id(+) and a.last_exec_name = and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_log for dba_advisor_log; grant select on dba_advisor_log to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_log as select as task_id, as task_name, nvl(e.exec_start, a.exec_start) as execution_start, nvl(e.exec_end, a.exec_end) as execution_end, decode(nvl(e.status, a.status), 1, 'INITIAL', 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.status_msg_id, a.status_msg_id)) as status_message, a.pct_completion_time as pct_completion_time, a.progress_metric as progress_metric, a.metric_units as metric_units, a.activity_counter as activity_counter, a.rec_count as recommendation_count, dbms_advisor.format_message_group( nvl(e.error_msg_id, a.error_msg#)) as error_message from wri$_adv_tasks a, wri$_adv_executions e where = e.task_id(+) and a.last_exec_name = and a.advisor_id = e.advisor_id(+) and a.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(, 6) = 4; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_log for user_advisor_log; grant select on user_advisor_log to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_def_parameters as select as advisor_name, as parameter_name, a.value as parameter_value, decode(a.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, decode(bitand(a.flags,2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(a.flags,4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(a.flags,8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, decode(bitand(a.flags,16), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_system_task_only, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.description) as description, a.exec_type execution_type from wri$_adv_def_parameters a, wri$_adv_definitions b where a.advisor_id = and bitand(a.flags,1) = 0; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_def_parameters for dba_advisor_def_parameters; grant select on dba_advisor_def_parameters to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_parameters as select b.owner_name as owner, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, as parameter_name, a.value as parameter_value, decode(a.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, decode(bitand(a.flags,2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(a.flags,4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(a.flags,8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.description) as description, c.exec_type execution_type from wri$_adv_parameters a, wri$_adv_tasks b, wri$_adv_def_parameters c where a.task_id = and = and (b.advisor_id = c.advisor_id or c.advisor_id = 0) and bitand(,4) = 4 /* task property */ and bitand(a.flags,1) = 0 /* invisible parameter */ and (bitand(, 32) = 32 or /* system task only parameter */ bitand(c.flags, 16) = 0); create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_parameters for dba_advisor_parameters; grant select on dba_advisor_parameters to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_parameters as select a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, as parameter_name, a.value as parameter_value, decode(a.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, decode(bitand(a.flags,2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(a.flags,4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(a.flags,8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.description) as description, d.exec_type execution_type from wri$_adv_parameters a, wri$_adv_tasks b, wri$_adv_def_parameters d where a.task_id = and = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and (b.advisor_id = d.advisor_id or d.advisor_id = 0) and bitand(,4) = 4 /* task property */ and bitand(a.flags,1) = 0 /* invisible parameter */ and (bitand(, 32) = 32 or /* system task only parameter */ bitand(d.flags, 16) = 0); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_parameters for user_advisor_parameters; grant select on user_advisor_parameters to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_parameters_proj as select a.task_id as task_id, as parameter_name, a.value as parameter_value, decode(a.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, decode(bitand(a.flags,2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(a.flags,4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(a.flags,8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, decode(bitand(a.flags,16), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_system_task_only, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.description) as description from wri$_adv_parameters a; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_parameters_proj for dba_advisor_parameters_proj; grant select on dba_advisor_parameters_proj to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_executions as select t.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, as execution_name, as execution_id, e.description as description, e.exec_type as execution_type, e.exec_type_id as execution_type#, e.exec_start as execution_start, e.exec_mtime as execution_last_modified, e.exec_end as execution_end, t.advisor_name as advisor_name, e.advisor_id as advisor_id, decode(e.status, 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, e.status as status#, nvl2(e.status_msg_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(e.status_msg_id), NULL) as status_message, nvl2(e.error_msg_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(e.error_msg_id), NULL) as error_message from wri$_adv_executions e, wri$_adv_tasks t where e.task_id = and e.advisor_id = t.advisor_id; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_executions for dba_advisor_executions; grant select on dba_advisor_executions to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_executions as select as task_id, as task_name, as execution_name, as execution_id, e.description as description, e.exec_type as execution_type, e.exec_start as execution_start, e.exec_mtime as execution_last_modified, e.exec_end as execution_end, t.advisor_name as advisor_name, e.advisor_id as advisor_id, decode(e.status, 2, 'EXECUTING', 3, 'COMPLETED', 4, 'INTERRUPTED', 5, 'CANCELLED', 6, 'FATAL ERROR') as status, e.status as status#, nvl2(e.status_msg_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(e.status_msg_id), NULL) as status_message, nvl2(e.error_msg_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(e.error_msg_id), NULL) as error_message from wri$_adv_executions e, wri$_adv_tasks t where e.task_id = and e.advisor_id = t.advisor_id and t.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_executions for user_advisor_executions; grant select on user_advisor_executions to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_exec_parameters as select owner, tp.task_id, task_name, execution_name, execution_type, parameter_name, nvl(ep.value, tp.value) as parameter_value, parameter_type, is_default, is_output, is_modifiable_anytime, tp.description, parameter_flags, parameter_type# from (select t.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, as execution_name, as parameter_name, p.value, decode(d.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, d.datatype as parameter_type#, decode(bitand(d.flags, 2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(d.flags, 4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(d.flags, 8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, dbms_advisor.format_message(d.description) as description, d.exec_type as execution_type, d.flags as parameter_flags from wri$_adv_parameters p, wri$_adv_tasks t, wri$_adv_def_parameters d, wri$_adv_executions e where p.task_id = and bitand(, 4) = 4 /* task property */ and bitand(d.flags, 1) = 0 /* invisible parameter */ and (bitand(, 32) = 32 or /* system task only prm */ bitand(d.flags, 16) = 0) and = and (t.advisor_id = d.advisor_id or d.advisor_id = 0) and e.task_id = p.task_id) tp, wri$_adv_exec_parameters ep where tp.task_id = ep.task_id (+) and tp.parameter_name = (+) and tp.execution_name = ep.exec_name (+); create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_exec_parameters for dba_advisor_exec_parameters; grant select on dba_advisor_exec_parameters to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_exec_parameters as select tp.task_id, task_name, execution_name, execution_type, parameter_name, nvl(ep.value, tp.value) as parameter_value, parameter_type, is_default, is_output, is_modifiable_anytime, tp.description, parameter_flags, parameter_type# from (select t.owner_name as owner, as task_id, as task_name, as execution_name, as parameter_name, p.value, decode(d.datatype, 1, 'NUMBER', 2, 'STRING', 3, 'STRINGLIST', 4, 'TABLE', 5, 'TABLELIST', 'UNKNOWN') as parameter_type, d.datatype as parameter_type#, decode(bitand(d.flags, 2), 0, 'Y', 'N') as is_default, decode(bitand(d.flags, 4), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_output, decode(bitand(d.flags, 8), 0, 'N', 'Y') as is_modifiable_anytime, dbms_advisor.format_message(d.description) as description, d.exec_type as execution_type, d.flags as parameter_flags from wri$_adv_parameters p, wri$_adv_tasks t, wri$_adv_def_parameters d, wri$_adv_executions e where p.task_id = and bitand(, 4) = 4 /* task property */ and bitand(d.flags, 1) = 0 /* invisible parameter */ and (bitand(, 32) = 32 or /* system task only prm */ bitand(d.flags, 16) = 0) and = and (t.advisor_id = d.advisor_id or d.advisor_id = 0) and e.task_id = p.task_id and t.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID')) tp, wri$_adv_exec_parameters ep where tp.task_id = ep.task_id (+) and tp.parameter_name = (+) and tp.execution_name = ep.exec_name (+); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_exec_parameters for user_advisor_exec_parameters; grant select on user_advisor_exec_parameters to public; -- addm advisor uses sqltext from wrh$_sqltext while analyzing local databases -- so view definition uses case stmt for attr4 to fetch the right copy of sqltext create or replace view dba_advisor_objects as select b.owner_name as owner, as object_id, d.object_type as type, a.type as type_id, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, (case when b.advisor_id = 1 and a.type = 7 and length(attr4) = 1 and /* attr4 has ' ' as default val */ a.attr1 is not null then (select nvl(sql_text, ' ') /* backwards compat w/ tests */ from wrh$_sqltext s, wri$_adv_addm_tasks t where t.task_id = a.task_id and s.dbid(+) = t.dbid and s.sql_id(+) = a.attr1) else a.attr4 end) as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5, a.attr6 as attr6, a.attr7 as attr7, a.attr8 as attr8, a.attr9 as attr9, a.attr10 as attr10, a.other as other from wri$_adv_objects a, wri$_adv_tasks b,x$keaobjt d where a.task_id = and d.indx = a.type; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_objects for dba_advisor_objects; grant select on dba_advisor_objects to select_catalog_role; -- addm advisor uses sqltext from wrh$_sqltext while analyzing local databases -- so view definition uses case stmt for attr4 to fetch the right copy of sqltext create or replace view user_advisor_objects as select as object_id, c.object_type as type, a.type as type_id, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, (case when b.advisor_id = 1 and a.type = 7 and length(attr4) = 1 and /* attr4 has ' ' as default val */ a.attr1 is not null then (select nvl(sql_text, ' ') /* backwards compat w/ tests */ from wrh$_sqltext s, wri$_adv_addm_tasks t where t.task_id = a.task_id and s.dbid(+) = t.dbid and s.sql_id(+) = a.attr1) else a.attr4 end) as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5, a.attr6 as attr6, a.attr7 as attr7, a.attr8 as attr8, a.attr9 as attr9, a.attr10 as attr10, a.other as other from wri$_adv_objects a, wri$_adv_tasks b, x$keaobjt c where a.task_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and c.indx = a.type; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_objects for user_advisor_objects; grant select on user_advisor_objects to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_findings as select b.owner_name as owner, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, as finding_id, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.name_msg_code) as finding_name, decode (a.type, 1, 'PROBLEM', 2, 'SYMPTOM', 3, 'ERROR', 4, 'INFORMATION', 5, 'WARNING') as type, a.type as type_id, a.parent as parent, a.obj_id as object_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.impact_msg_id) as impact_type, a.impact_val as impact, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id, a.type) as message, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.more_info_id) as more_info, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered, a.flags as flags from wri$_adv_findings a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_findings for dba_advisor_findings; grant select on dba_advisor_findings to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_findings as select a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, as finding_id, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.name_msg_code) as finding_name, decode (a.type, 1, 'PROBLEM', 2, 'SYMPTOM', 3, 'ERROR', 4, 'INFORMATION', 5, 'WARNING') as type, a.type as type_id, a.parent as parent, a.obj_id as object_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.impact_msg_id) as impact_type, a.impact_val as impact, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id, a.type) as message, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.more_info_id) as more_info, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered, a.flags as flags from wri$_adv_findings a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_findings for user_advisor_findings; grant select on user_advisor_findings to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_fdg_breakdown as select a.task_id as task_id, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, f.impact as impact, a.perc_impact as perc_impact, a.exec_name as execution_name from wri$_adv_inst_fdg a, dba_advisor_findings f where a.task_id = f.task_id and a.finding_id = f.finding_id; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_fdg_breakdown for dba_advisor_fdg_breakdown; grant select on dba_advisor_fdg_breakdown to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_fdg_breakdown as select a.task_id as task_id, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, f.impact as impact, a.perc_impact as perc_impact, a.exec_name as execution_name from wri$_adv_inst_fdg a, user_advisor_findings f where a.task_id = f.task_id and a.finding_id = f.finding_id; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_fdg_breakdown for user_advisor_fdg_breakdown; grant select on user_advisor_fdg_breakdown to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_recommendations as select b.owner_name as owner, as rec_id, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.type, a.rank as rank, a.parent_recs as parent_rec_ids, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.benefit_msg_id) as benefit_type, a.benefit_val as benefit, decode(annotation, 1, 'ACCEPT', 2, 'REJECT', 3, 'IGNORE', 4, 'IMPLEMENTED') as annotation_status, a.flags as flags, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered from wri$_adv_recommendations a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_recommendations for dba_advisor_recommendations; grant select on dba_advisor_recommendations to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_recommendations as select as rec_id, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.type, a.rank as rank, a.parent_recs as parent_rec_ids, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.benefit_msg_id) as benefit_type, a.benefit_val as benefit, decode(annotation, 1, 'ACCEPT', 2, 'REJECT', 3, 'IGNORE', 4, 'IMPLEMENTED') as annotation_status, a.flags as flags, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered from wri$_adv_recommendations a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_recommendations for user_advisor_recommendations; grant select on user_advisor_recommendations to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_actions as select b.owner_name as owner, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, d.rec_id as rec_id, as action_id, a.obj_id as object_id, c.command_name as command, a.command as command_id, a.flags as flags, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, a.attr4 as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5, a.attr6 as attr6, a.num_attr1 as num_attr1, a.num_attr2 as num_attr2, a.num_attr3 as num_attr3, a.num_attr4 as num_attr4, a.num_attr5 as num_attr5, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as message, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered from wri$_adv_actions a, wri$_adv_tasks b, x$keacmdn c, wri$_adv_rec_actions d where a.task_id = and a.command = c.indx and d.task_id = a.task_id and d.act_id = and bitand(,6) = 4 and ((b.advisor_id = 2 and bitand(a.flags,2048) = 0) or (b.advisor_id <> 2)); create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_actions for dba_advisor_actions; grant select on dba_advisor_actions to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_actions as select a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, d.rec_id as rec_id, as action_id, a.obj_id as object_id, c.command_name as command, a.command as command_id, a.flags as flags, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, a.attr4 as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5, a.attr6 as attr6, a.num_attr1 as num_attr1, a.num_attr2 as num_attr2, a.num_attr3 as num_attr3, a.num_attr4 as num_attr4, a.num_attr5 as num_attr5, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as message, nvl(a.filtered, 'N') as filtered from wri$_adv_actions a, wri$_adv_tasks b, x$keacmdn c, wri$_adv_rec_actions d where a.task_id = and a.command = c.indx and d.task_id = a.task_id and d.act_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,6) = 4 and ((b.advisor_id = 2 and bitand(a.flags,2048) = 0) or (b.advisor_id <> 2)); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_actions for user_advisor_actions; grant select on user_advisor_actions to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_rationale as select b.owner_name as owner, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.rec_id as rec_id, as rationale_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.impact_msg_id) as impact_type, a.impact_val as impact, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as message, a.obj_id as object_id, a.type, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, a.attr4 as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5 from wri$_adv_rationale a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_rationale for dba_advisor_rationale; grant select on dba_advisor_rationale to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_rationale as select a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.rec_id as rec_id, as rationale_id, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.impact_msg_id) as impact_type, a.impact_val as impact, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as message, a.obj_id as object_id, a.type, a.attr1 as attr1, a.attr2 as attr2, a.attr3 as attr3, a.attr4 as attr4, a.attr5 as attr5 from wri$_adv_rationale a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and bitand(,6) = 4; create or replace public synonym user_advisor_rationale for user_advisor_rationale; grant select on user_advisor_rationale to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_dir_definitions as select as id, a.advisor_id as advisor_id, as advisor_name, as directive_name, a.domain as domain_name, a.description as description, a.type# as type, decode(a.type#,1,'Filter',2,'Single value',3,'Multiple Values', 4,'Conditional',5,'Constraint','Unknown') as type_name, decode(bitand(a.flags,1),1,'MUTABLE','IMMUTABLE') as task_status, decode(bitand(a.flags,2),2,'MULTIPLE','SINGLE') as instances, as metadata from wri$_adv_directive_defs a, wri$_adv_definitions b, wri$_adv_directive_meta c where a.advisor_id = and a.metadata_id =; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_dir_definitions for dba_advisor_dir_definitions; grant select on dba_advisor_dir_definitions to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_dir_instances as select a.dir_id as directive_id, a.inst_id as instance_id, as instance_name, as data from wri$_adv_directive_instances a where a.task_id = 0; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_dir_instances for dba_advisor_dir_instances; grant select on dba_advisor_dir_instances to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_dir_task_inst as select a.dir_id as directive_id, a.inst_id as seq_id, as instance_name, as username, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, as data from wri$_adv_directive_instances a,wri$_adv_tasks b, user$ d where a.task_id = and d.user# = b.owner#; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_dir_task_inst for dba_advisor_dir_task_inst; grant select on dba_advisor_dir_task_inst to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_dir_task_inst as select a.dir_id as directive_id, a.inst_id as instance_id, as instance_name, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, as data from wri$_adv_directive_instances a,wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_dir_task_inst for user_advisor_dir_task_inst; grant select on user_advisor_dir_task_inst to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_advisor_journal as select b.owner_name as owner, a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.seq_id as journal_entry_seq, decode(a.type, 1, 'FATAL', 2, 'ERROR', 3, 'WARNING', 4, 'INFORMATION', 5, 'INFORMATION2', 6, 'INFORMATION3', 7, 'INFORMATION4', 8, 'INFORMATION5', 9, 'INFORMATION6') as journal_entry_type, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as journal_entry from wri$_adv_journal a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and bitand(,4) = 4; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_journal for dba_advisor_journal; grant select on dba_advisor_journal to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_advisor_journal as select a.task_id as task_id, as task_name, a.exec_name as execution_name, a.seq_id as journal_entry_seq, decode(a.type, 1, 'FATAL', 2, 'ERROR', 3, 'WARNING', 4, 'INFORMATION', 5, 'INFORMATION2', 6, 'INFORMATION3', 7, 'INFORMATION4', 8, 'INFORMATION5', 9, 'INFORMATION6') as journal_entry_type, dbms_advisor.format_message_group(a.msg_id) as journal_entry from wri$_adv_journal a, wri$_adv_tasks b where a.task_id = and bitand(,4) = 4 and b.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym user_advisor_journal for user_advisor_journal; grant select on user_advisor_journal to public; create or replace view dba_advisor_finding_names as select as id, as advisor_name, dbms_advisor.format_message(a.finding_name) as finding_name from (select rownum-1 as id, advisor_id, finding_name from x$keafdgn) a, WRI$_ADV_DEFINITIONS d where a.advisor_id =; create or replace public synonym dba_advisor_finding_names for dba_advisor_finding_names; grant select on dba_advisor_finding_names to select_catalog_role; Rem The following views contain SQL related information. Rem These views become part of the advisor framework as there is Rem more than one advisor client which is using them now, such as sqltune, Rem sqlpi, and sqldiag. Rem Initially, these views belonged to sqltune advisor and they Rem used to be created in catsqltv.sql. Rem all sql plans are new in 11g except the plan table which exists since Rem 10gR1. The old sqltune view for plans is kept in catsqltv.sql for Rem backward compatibility. It should be deprecated in the future. Rem Here we duplicate its definition but we give it a more general name. Rem The new columns AVERAGE_OVER_COUNT and FIRST_EXEC_IGNORED are introduced Rem for multiple executions. It means that one SQL can be test executed Rem multiple times for the purpose of accuracy and reducing the impact of Rem buffer cache. However these two columns will not have impact of other Rem columns in the view. For example, the stats are still the ones over Rem the number of "EXECUTIONS". AVERAGE_OVER_COUNT means the total number Rem of executions have been done. FIRST_EXEC_IGNORED means that if the first Rem execution of the statement has been ignored for warming the buffer cache. -------------------------- view dba_advisor_sqlstats -------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_advisor_sqlstats AS SELECT task_name, p.TASK_ID, exec_name EXECUTION_NAME, exec_type EXECUTION_TYPE, OBJECT_ID, p.plan_id, p.sql_id, P.PLAN_HASH as plan_hash_value, p.spare_n1 as attr1, -- the time stats in the old version are in milliseconds. In the -- new code, we used a bit in "flags" to indicate that if the -- time stats are in microseconds in the new code. So if -- the flags are not set or NULL, we will need to convert them -- into microseconds. decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, parse_time, parse_time*1000) as PARSE_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, exec_time, exec_time*1000) as ELAPSED_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, cpu_time, cpu_time*1000) as CPU_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, user_io_time, user_io_time*1000) as USER_IO_TIME, BUFFER_GETS, DISK_READS, DIRECT_WRITES, s.spare_n1 PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS, s.spare_n2 PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS, s.spare_n3 PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES, s.spare_n4 PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES, ROWS_PROCESSED, FETCHES, EXECUTIONS, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT, OPTIMIZER_COST, OTHER, TESTEXEC_TOTAL_EXECS, io_interconnect_bytes, decode(bitand(s.flags,1), 1, 'Y', 'N') as TESTEXEC_FIRST_EXEC_IGNORED FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash p, wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats s, wri$_adv_executions e, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE p.plan_id = s.plan_id AND p.exec_name = AND p.task_id = e.task_id AND p.task_id = AND (p.attribute < power (2,16) OR p.attribute >= 3*power(2, 16)) /* hide special plans */; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_advisor_sqlstats FOR SYS.dba_advisor_sqlstats; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON dba_advisor_sqlstats to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; ---------------------------- view user_advisor_sqlstats ----------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_advisor_sqlstats AS SELECT task_name, p.TASK_ID, exec_name EXECUTION_NAME, exec_type EXECUTION_TYPE, OBJECT_ID, p.plan_id, p.sql_id, p.PLAN_HASH as plan_hash_value, p.spare_n1 as attr1, -- the time stats in the old version are in milliseconds. In the -- new code, we used a bit in "flags" to indicate that if the -- time stats are in microseconds in the new code. So if -- the flags are not set or NULL, we will need to convert them -- into microseconds. decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, parse_time, parse_time*1000) as PARSE_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, exec_time, exec_time*1000) as ELAPSED_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, cpu_time, cpu_time*1000) as CPU_TIME, decode(bitand(nvl(s.flags, 0),2), 2, user_io_time, user_io_time*1000) as USER_IO_TIME, BUFFER_GETS, DISK_READS, DIRECT_WRITES, s.spare_n1 PHYSICAL_READ_REQUESTS, s.spare_n2 PHYSICAL_WRITE_REQUESTS, s.spare_n3 PHYSICAL_READ_BYTES, s.spare_n4 PHYSICAL_WRITE_BYTES, ROWS_PROCESSED, FETCHES, EXECUTIONS, END_OF_FETCH_COUNT, OPTIMIZER_COST, OTHER, TESTEXEC_TOTAL_EXECS, io_interconnect_bytes, decode(bitand(s.flags,1), 1, 'Y', 'N') as TESTEXEC_FIRST_EXEC_IGNORED FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash p, wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_stats s, wri$_adv_executions e, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE p.plan_id = s.plan_id AND p.exec_name = AND p.task_id = e.task_id AND p.task_id = AND t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID') AND (p.attribute < power (2,16) OR p.attribute >= 3*power (2, 16)) /* hide special plans */; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_advisor_sqlstats FOR SYS.user_advisor_sqlstats; -- grant a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_advisor_sqlstats to PUBLIC; ----------------------------- view dba_advisor_sqlplans ------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE view dba_advisor_sqlplans AS SELECT task_name, h.task_id, h.exec_name as execution_name, h.sql_id, h.object_id, (case when h.attribute < power(2, 16) then decode(h.attribute, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when h.attribute > 3*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when h.attribute > 4*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when h.attribute > 5*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when h.attribute > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS attribute, statement_id, h.plan_hash as plan_hash_value, h.plan_id, p.timestamp, p.remarks, p.operation, p.options, p.object_node, p.object_owner, p.object_name, p.object_alias, p.object_instance, p.object_type, p.optimizer, p.search_columns,, p.parent_id, p.depth, p.position, p.cost, p.cardinality, p.bytes, p.other_tag, p.partition_start, p.partition_stop, p.partition_id, p.other, p.distribution, p.cpu_cost, p.io_cost, p.temp_space, p.access_predicates, p.filter_predicates, p.projection, p.time, p.qblock_name, p.other_xml FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash h, wri$_adv_sqlt_plans p, wri$_adv_tasks t where h.plan_id = p.plan_id and h.task_id =; -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM dba_advisor_sqlplans FOR SYS.dba_advisor_sqlplans; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role GRANT SELECT ON dba_advisor_sqlplans to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE; --------------------------- view user_advisor_sqlplans ------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE view user_advisor_sqlplans AS SELECT task_name, h.task_id, h.exec_name as execution_name, h.sql_id, h.object_id, (case when h.attribute < power(2, 16) then decode(h.attribute, 0, 'Original', 1, 'Original with adjusted cost', 2, 'Using SQL profile', 3, 'Using new indices', 7, 'Using parallel execution') when h.attribute > 3*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 4*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from workload repository' when h.attribute > 4*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 5*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from cursor cache' when h.attribute > 5*power(2, 16) and h.attribute < 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL tuning set' when h.attribute > 6*power(2, 16) then 'Plan from SQL performance analyzer' end) AS attribute, p.statement_id, h.plan_hash as PLAN_HASH_VALUE, h.plan_id, p.timestamp, p.remarks, p.operation, p.options, p.object_node, p.object_owner, p.object_name, p.object_alias, p.object_instance, p.object_type, p.optimizer, p.search_columns,, p.parent_id, p.depth, p.position, p.cost, p.cardinality, p.bytes, p.other_tag, p.partition_start, p.partition_stop, p.partition_id, p.other, p.distribution, p.cpu_cost, p.io_cost, p.temp_space, p.access_predicates, p.filter_predicates, p.projection, p.time, p.qblock_name, p.other_xml FROM wri$_adv_sqlt_plan_hash h, wri$_adv_sqlt_plans p, wri$_adv_tasks t WHERE h.task_id = and h.plan_id = p.plan_id and t.owner# = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USERID'); -- create a PUBLIC SYNONYM for the view CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM user_advisor_sqlplans FOR SYS.user_advisor_sqlplans; -- GRANT a SELECT privilege on the view to the PUBLIC role GRANT SELECT ON user_advisor_sqlplans to PUBLIC; Rem Rem Views specific to ADDM Rem create or replace view dba_addm_tasks as select at.*, a.dbid as dbid, a.dbname as dbname, a.dbversion as dbversion, a.analysis_version as analysis_version, a.begin_snap_id as begin_snap_id, a.begin_time as begin_time, a.end_snap_id as end_snap_id, a.end_time as end_time, a.requested_analysis as requested_analysis, a.actual_analysis as actual_analysis, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.meter_level as meter_level from wri$_adv_addm_tasks a, dba_advisor_tasks at where at.task_id = a.task_id and at.status = 'COMPLETED'; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_tasks for dba_addm_tasks; grant select on dba_addm_tasks to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_addm_tasks as select at.*, a.dbid as dbid, a.dbname as dbname, a.dbversion as dbversion, a.analysis_version as analysis_version, a.begin_snap_id as begin_snap_id, a.begin_time as begin_time, a.end_snap_id as end_snap_id, a.end_time as end_time, a.requested_analysis as requested_analysis, a.actual_analysis as actual_analysis, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.meter_level as meter_level from wri$_adv_addm_tasks a, user_advisor_tasks at where at.task_id = a.task_id and at.status = 'COMPLETED'; create or replace public synonym user_addm_tasks for user_addm_tasks; grant select on user_addm_tasks to public; create or replace view dba_addm_instances as select a.task_id as task_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, a.instance_name as instance_name, a.host_name as host_name, a.status as status, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.perc_active_sess as perc_active_sess, a.meter_level as meter_level, a.local_task_id as local_task_id from wri$_adv_addm_inst a; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_instances for dba_addm_instances; grant select on dba_addm_instances to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_addm_instances as select a.task_id as task_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, a.instance_name as instance_name, a.host_name as host_name, a.status as status, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.perc_active_sess as perc_active_sess, a.meter_level as meter_level, a.local_task_id as local_task_id from wri$_adv_addm_inst a, wri$_adv_tasks tn where a.task_id = and tn.owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID'); create or replace public synonym user_addm_instances for user_addm_instances; grant select on user_addm_instances to public; create or replace view dba_addm_findings as select f.*, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.perc_active_sess as perc_active_sess, a.is_aggregate as is_aggregate, a.meter_level as meter_level, a.query_is_approx as query_is_approx from wri$_adv_addm_fdg a, dba_advisor_findings f where f.task_id = a.task_id and f.finding_id = a.finding_id; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_findings for dba_addm_findings; grant select on dba_addm_findings to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_addm_findings as select f.*, a.database_time as database_time, a.active_sessions as active_sessions, a.perc_active_sess as perc_active_sess, a.is_aggregate as is_aggregate, a.meter_level as meter_level, a.query_is_approx as query_is_approx from wri$_adv_addm_fdg a, user_advisor_findings f where f.task_id = a.task_id and f.finding_id = a.finding_id; create or replace public synonym user_addm_findings for user_addm_findings; grant select on user_addm_findings to public; create or replace view dba_addm_fdg_breakdown as select a.task_id as task_id, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, a.impact as database_time, a.impact / greatest(1, (cast(t.end_time as date) - cast(t.begin_time as date)) * 86400000000 ) as active_sessions, a.perc_impact as perc_active_sessions from dba_advisor_fdg_breakdown a, wri$_adv_addm_tasks t where a.task_id = t.task_id; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_fdg_breakdown for dba_addm_fdg_breakdown; grant select on dba_addm_fdg_breakdown to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_addm_fdg_breakdown as select a.task_id as task_id, a.finding_id as finding_id, a.instance_number as instance_number, a.impact as database_time, a.impact / greatest(1, (cast(t.end_time as date) - cast(t.begin_time as date)) * 86400000000 ) as active_sessions, a.perc_impact as perc_active_sessions from user_advisor_fdg_breakdown a, wri$_adv_addm_tasks t where a.task_id = t.task_id; create or replace public synonym user_addm_fdg_breakdown for user_addm_fdg_breakdown; grant select on user_addm_fdg_breakdown to public; create or replace view dba_addm_system_directives as SELECT i.INSTANCE_ID as INSTANCE_ID, i.INSTANCE_NAME as INSTANCE_NAME, d.DIRECTIVE_NAME as DIRECTIVE_NAME, prvt_hdm.describe_directive(d.DIRECTIVE_NAME, as DESCRIPTION FROM dba_advisor_dir_instances i, dba_advisor_dir_definitions d WHERE i.DIRECTIVE_ID = d.ID AND d.ADVISOR_ID = 1; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_system_directives for dba_addm_system_directives; grant select on dba_addm_system_directives to select_catalog_role; create or replace view dba_addm_task_directives as SELECT i.TASK_ID as TASK_ID, i.TASK_NAME as TASK_NAME, i.USERNAME as USERNAME, i.SEQ_ID as SEQ_ID, i.INSTANCE_NAME as INSTANCE_NAME, d.DIRECTIVE_NAME as DIRECTIVE_NAME, prvt_hdm.describe_directive(d.DIRECTIVE_NAME, as DESCRIPTION FROM dba_advisor_dir_task_inst i, dba_advisor_dir_definitions d WHERE i.DIRECTIVE_ID = d.ID AND d.ADVISOR_ID = 1; create or replace public synonym dba_addm_task_directives for dba_addm_task_directives; grant select on dba_addm_task_directives to select_catalog_role; create or replace view user_addm_task_directives as SELECT i.TASK_ID as TASK_ID, i.TASK_NAME as TASK_NAME, i.INSTANCE_NAME as INSTANCE_NAME, d.DIRECTIVE_NAME as DIRECTIVE_NAME, prvt_hdm.describe_directive(d.DIRECTIVE_NAME, as DESCRIPTION FROM user_advisor_dir_task_inst i, dba_advisor_dir_definitions d WHERE i.DIRECTIVE_ID = d.ID AND d.ADVISOR_ID = 1; create or replace public synonym user_addm_task_directives for user_addm_task_directives; grant select on user_addm_task_directives to public;