Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/catactx.sql /main/10 2008/11/19 19:01:24 dsirmuka Exp $ Rem Rem catactx.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2008, Oracle and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem catactx.sql - Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem dsirmuka 11/11/08 - #5697725. Pull out outer predicates from sub qry Rem gviswana 05/24/01 - CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM Rem htseng 04/12/01 - eliminate execute twice (remove ;). Rem rvissapr 09/08/00 - bug 1394376 Rem cchui 06/07/00 - add initialized globally context Rem rvissapr 06/02/00 - Rem rvissapr 05/24/00 - adding global context views. Rem dmwong 08/04/99 - make namespace and context 30 char long Rem dmwong 09/23/98 - dictionary views for application context Rem dmwong 09/23/98 - Created Rem remark remark FAMILY "CONTEXT" remark remark Views for showing information about context namespaces: remark SESSION_CONTEXT, ALL_CONTEXT and DBA_CONTEXT remark create or replace view v_$context as select SUBSTR(namespace,1,30) "NAMESPACE", SUBSTR(attribute,1,30) "ATTRIBUTE", value "VALUE" from v$context; create or replace public synonym v$context for v_$context; grant select on v_$context to select_catalog_role; create or replace view gv_$context as select SUBSTR(namespace,1,30) "NAMESPACE", SUBSTR(attribute,1,30) "ATTRIBUTE", value "VALUE" from gv$context; create or replace public synonym gv$context for gv_$context; grant select on gv_$context to select_catalog_role; create or replace view SESSION_CONTEXT ( NAMESPACE, ATTRIBUTE, VALUE ) as select namespace, attribute, value from v_$context / comment on table SESSION_CONTEXT is 'Description of all context attributes set under the current session' / comment on column SESSION_CONTEXT.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the attribute' / comment on column SESSION_CONTEXT.ATTRIBUTE is 'Name of the attribute' / comment on column SESSION_CONTEXT.VALUE is 'Value of the attribute' / create or replace public synonym SESSION_CONTEXT for SESSION_CONTEXT / grant select on SESSION_CONTEXT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view ALL_CONTEXT (NAMESPACE, SCHEMA, PACKAGE) as select, c.schema, c.package from context$ c, obj$ o where o.obj# = c.obj# and o.type# = 44 and exists ( select null from v$context v where v.namespace = ) / comment on table ALL_CONTEXT is 'Description of all active context namespaces under the current session' / comment on column ALL_CONTEXT.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the active context' / comment on column ALL_CONTEXT.SCHEMA is 'Schema of the designated package' / comment on column ALL_CONTEXT.PACKAGE is 'Name of the designated package' / create or replace public synonym ALL_CONTEXT for ALL_CONTEXT / grant select on ALL_CONTEXT to PUBLIC with grant option / create or replace view DBA_CONTEXT (NAMESPACE, SCHEMA, PACKAGE,TYPE) as select, c.schema, c.package, DECODE( c.flags,0,'ACCESSED LOCALLY',1,'INITIALIZED EXTERNALLY',2,'ACCESSED GLOBALLY',4,'INITIALIZED GLOBALLY') from context$ c, obj$ o where c.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 44 / comment on table DBA_CONTEXT is 'Description of all context namespace information' / comment on column DBA_CONTEXT.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the context' / comment on column DBA_CONTEXT.SCHEMA is 'Schema of the designated package' / comment on column DBA_CONTEXT.PACKAGE is 'Name of the designated package' / comment on column DBA_CONTEXT.TYPE is 'Type of the context create' / create or replace public synonym DBA_CONTEXT for DBA_CONTEXT / grant select on DBA_CONTEXT to select_catalog_role / Remark Family "CONTEXT" Remark Subgroup "GLOBALCONTEXT" Remark Views showing information on Global Context Remark DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT , ALL_GLOBALCONTET create or replace view v_$globalcontext as select SUBSTR(namespace,1,30) "NAMESPACE", SUBSTR(attribute,1,30) "ATTRIBUTE", value "VALUE", SUBSTR(username,1,30) "USERNAME", clientidentifier "CLIENT_IDENTIFIER" from v$globalcontext; create or replace public synonym v$globalcontext for v_$globalcontext; grant select on v_$globalcontext to select_catalog_role / create or replace view gv_$globalcontext as select SUBSTR(namespace,1,30) "NAMESPACE", SUBSTR(attribute,1,30) "ATTRIBUTE", value "VALUE", SUBSTR(username,1,30) "USERNAME", clientidentifier "CLIENT_IDENTIFIER" from gv$globalcontext; create or replace public synonym gv$globalcontext for gv_$globalcontext / grant select on gv_$globalcontext to select_catalog_role / create or replace view GLOBAL_CONTEXT (namespace,attribute,value,username,client_identifier) as select namespace,attribute,value,username,clientidentifier from v$globalcontext where clientidentifier is null or clientidentifier = SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','CLIENT_IDENTIFIER') / grant select on global_context to public / comment on table GLOBAL_CONTEXT is 'Information on all the globally accessible context attribute values' / comment on column GLOBAL_CONTEXT.NAMESPACE is 'Namespace of the globally accesssible context' / comment on column GLOBAL_CONTEXT.ATTRIBUTE is 'attribute of the globally accessible context' / comment on column GLOBAL_CONTEXT.VALUE is 'value of the attribute of the globally accessible context' / comment on column GLOBAL_CONTEXT.USERNAME is 'username for which globally accessible context value is applicable ' / comment on column GLOBAL_CONTEXT.CLIENT_IDENTIFIER is 'client identifier of the globally accessible context' / create or replace public synonym global_context for global_context / grant select on GLOBAL_CONTEXT to select_catalog_role / create or replace view DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT (namespace, schema , package) as select, c.schema,c.package from context$ c, obj$ o where c.obj# = o.obj# and o.type# = 44 and c.flags= 2 / comment on table DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT is 'Description of all context information accessible globally' / comment on column DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT.SCHEMA is 'Namespace of the globally accessible context' / comment on column DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT.SCHEMA is 'Schema of the package that administers the globally accessible context' / comment on column DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT.PACKAGE is 'Package that administers the globally accessible context' / create or replace public synonym DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT for DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT / grant select on DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT to select_catalog_role /