Rem Rem $Header: rdbms/admin/c0902000.sql /st_rdbms_11.2.0/2 2011/07/13 01:42:58 cmlim Exp $ Rem Rem c0902000.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem c0902000.sql - upgrade Oracle RDBMS from 9.2.0 to the new release Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Put any dictionary related changes here (ie-create, alter, Rem update,...). DO NOT put PL/SQL modules in this script. Rem If you must upgrade using PL/SQL, put the module in a0902000.sql Rem as catalog.sql and catproc.sql will be run before a0902000.sql Rem is invoked. Rem Rem This script is called from u0902000.sql and c0900010.sql Rem Rem This script performs the upgrade in the following stages: Rem STAGE 1: upgrade from 9.2.0 to 10.1 Rem STAGE 2: upgrade from 10.1 to the next release Rem Rem NOTES Rem * This script must be run using SQL*PLUS. Rem * You must be connected AS SYSDBA to run this script. Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem cmlim 04/04/11 - bug 11864197: rewrite update of ntimestamp# and Rem dbid in aud$/fga_log$ Rem gagarg 03/10/08 - Add event 10851 to enable DDL on AQ tables Rem cdilling 10/16/07 - add enquote_literal to timezone Rem hosu 08/13/07 - 3112253: ignore 01408 error when creating index on Rem signature in sql$text Rem cdilling 05/02/07 - fix execute immediates Rem dvoss 04/06/07 - bug 5959897 - partitioning issue Rem dvoss 03/15/07 - move certain logmnr actions to c1002000.sql Rem dvoss 01/22/07 - fix paritioning issues Rem dvoss 01/05/07 - logminer upgrade split Rem vakrishn 12/19/06 - set num_mappings to 0 in 9.2 Rem hosu 10/16/06 - lrg 2588622 Rem hohung 10/19/06 - bug5579457: drop v$kqrpd, v$kqrsd Rem rburns 08/15/06 - fix ora-02260 Rem srirkris 04/20/06 - Dont drop ODCIColInfo Rem rburns 03/24/06 - fix re-run scenario for registry table Rem rburns 02/11/06 - catch 1927 error Rem nireland 12/07/05 - Ensure 816 types really are there. #4460775 Rem mtakahar 04/26/05 - lrg1847073 don't mark dubious stats if reupgrade Rem rburns 05/06/05 - limit undo Rem amanikut 04/27/05 - reupgrade test Rem rburns 09/02/04 - remove serveroutput Rem ycao 08/23/04 - bug 3841411: move LE lob$ logic from catproc Rem ciyer 07/24/04 - invalidate views to pick up new dependeny Rem arithikr 08/11/04 - 3798917 - delete DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE from props$ Rem rburns 07/15/04 - remove dbms_output compiles Rem mtakahar 04/20/04 - #(3272499) flag potentially dubious stats Rem jciminsk 03/04/04 - move grid to c1001000.sql Rem jciminsk 02/06/04 - merge from RDBMS_MAIN_SOLARIS_040203 Rem jciminsk 12/12/03 - merge from RDBMS_MAIN_SOLARIS_031209 Rem ksurlake 08/26/03 - modify primary key for aq$_propagation_status Rem lchidamb 08/29/03 - add retry_count, retry_time Rem lchidamb 08/14/03 - add director quiesce operations table Rem rvenkate 08/13/03 - increase network_name size Rem lchidamb 08/13/03 - add node/service policy tables Rem ksurlake 08/18/03 - Change primary key for aq$_propagation_status Rem lchidamb 07/29/03 - add director escalation table Rem elu 07/25/03 - modify dir$database_attributes Rem jstamos 07/29/03 - add director columns Rem rvenkate 07/16/03 - add services to aq$_queues Rem elu 07/16/03 - add db priority for grid Rem ckantarj 07/03/03 - add TAF characteristics to service$ Rem jstamos 06/30/03 - add director state Rem rburns 01/07/04 - add calls to 10.1 scripts Rem nireland 01/07/04 - Fix ts# for indices on temp tables. #3238525 Rem rvissapr 12/11/03 - bug 3275411 - seq$ will have 32chars in audit$ Rem xan 12/15/03 - bug fix: 3320404 Rem rburns 12/09/03 - bug 3306397 - fix spare6 Rem qyu 12/04/03 - #3048174: fix charset in col# Rem gmulagun 12/03/03 - #3294084: Upgrade user$.audit$ column Rem ksurlake 11/05/03 - Bug 2867252: Upgrade for reg_info and reg$ Rem ksurlake 11/03/03 - Bug 2867252: Upgrade for aq$_srvntfn_msg rem mtakahar 10/22/03 - add storage parameters to stats storage objects Rem vraja 10/21/03 - rename FLASHBACK ANY TRANSACTION to SELECT ANY Rem TRANSACTION Rem nireland 10/21/03 - Fix LRG with dba_procedures Rem mtyulene 09/29/03 - change cache_stats_1$ and cache_stats_0$, Rem zqiu 10/02/03 - new column in aw_prop$ Rem gkulkarn 09/27/03 - bug fix: 3140873 Rem nireland 10/08/03 - Revoke public grant on dba_procedures Rem dvoss 10/03/03 - clean up timeseries objects Rem zqiu 10/02/03 - new column in aw_prop$ Rem gkulkarn 09/27/03 - bug fix: 3140873 Rem jawilson 08/04/03 - Add timezone column to aq$_queue_tables Rem qyu 09/19/03 - #3138892: fix ts# for lob in temp tables Rem gmulagun 09/11/03 - change type of audit PROCESS# column Rem ksurlake 08/27/03 - Add ack column to aq$_replay_info Rem rburns 08/28/03 - cleanup Rem lchidamb 08/29/03 - add retry_time, retry_count Rem araghava 09/04/03 - (3127926): use more efficient sql to update Rem partitioning tables Rem dsemler 08/06/03 - add system service entry Rem gviswana 07/03/03 - Move view invalidation to utlip.sql Rem lchidamb 08/14/03 - add director quiesce operations table Rem rvenkate 08/13/03 - increase network_name size Rem lchidamb 08/13/03 - add node/service policy tables Rem lchidamb 07/29/03 - add director escalation table Rem elu 07/25/03 - modify dir$database_attributes Rem jstamos 07/29/03 - add director columns Rem rvenkate 07/16/03 - add services to aq$_queues Rem elu 07/16/03 - add db priority for grid Rem ckantarj 07/03/03 - add TAF characteristics to service$ Rem jstamos 06/30/03 - add director state Rem alakshmi 07/24/03 - add cascade option Rem clei 07/15/03 - synonym policies no longer attached to base obj Rem gssmith 07/14/03 - Add upgrade for Summary Advisor Rem mramache 06/23/03 - sql profiles Rem liwong 06/18/03 - dml_handlers for virtual objects Rem lkaplan 06/04/03 - add convert_long_to_lob_chunk Rem liwong 06/01/03 - Add apply$_virtual_obj_cons Rem mdevin 05/01/03 - Upgrade to table smon_scn_time Rem sbalaram 06/01/03 - add streams$_dest_objs Rem rburns 05/28/03 - fix lcr row_record for 9201 Rem weiwang 05/14/03 - remove the extra IOT column for rule_set$ Rem jnesheiw 05/29/03 - enlarge object column in logstdby$scn Rem raguzman 05/23/03 - set logical standby bit in TAB$ Rem sichandr 05/23/03 - privs for multi level nested tables Rem lchidamb 05/09/03 - add director objects Rem rvissapr 05/20/03 - bug 2944537 - add exempt identity policy Rem lchidamb 05/09/03 - add director objects Rem elu 05/07/03 - add start_scn to streams$_apply_milestone Rem krajaman 05/01/03 - Upgrade fixes Rem rburns 04/25/03 - revise timestamp Rem jstamos 04/24/03 - add director upgrade Rem nshodhan 04/22/03 - bug-2897618 Rem tbgraves 04/22/03 - merge SVRMGMT Rem skaluska 04/15/03 - transparent session migration Rem nshodhan 04/07/03 - add constructor for lcr$_row_unit Rem nshodhan 04/03/03 - add lcr$_row_unit Rem gmulagun 04/06/03 - bug 2822534: rename tran_id to xid Rem rburns 03/20/03 - drop O7 view Rem narora 03/19/03 - bug 2842797: default value of fetchlwm_scn Rem zqiu 03/10/03 - more columns for aw_obj$ Rem vraja 02/10/03 - add FLASHBACK ANY TRANSACTION priv Rem gviswana 02/03/03 - Invalidate views to pick up new dependency model Rem srtata 02/07/03 - change DDL and DML stmts on aud Rem mxiao 01/30/03 - change to MATERIALIZED VIEW in AUDIT_ACTIONS Rem narora 01/13/03 - add fetchlwm_scn to apply_milestone Rem alakshmi 01/20/03 - streams$_capture_process.version varchar2(30=>64) Rem jwwarner 01/27/03 - upgrade xmlgenformattype Rem nbhatt 01/28/03 - lrg 1295018 Rem clei 01/15/03 - change rls_sc$ Rem pabingha 01/17/03 - CDC subscription description length Rem rburns 01/14/03 - fix registry version Rem weiwang 01/15/03 - invalidate dependents of rule set Rem htran 01/14/03 - i_streams_message_consumers only on streams_name Rem svivian 01/09/03 - back out Plan Stability changes Rem tkeefe 01/08/03 - bug 2734166: Eliminate multiple inserts Rem into proxy_info$ Rem twtong 01/10/03 - fix bug-2677089 Rem rburns 12/06/02 - add namespace to registry table Rem lbarton 12/31/02 - modify metascript, metascriptfilter Rem svivian 01/06/03 - outline temporary tables Rem akalra 12/04/02 - add columns to smon_scn_time Rem mbrey 12/19/02 - adding columns to cdc_change_tables$ Rem raguzman 12/19/02 - add dbid column to fga_log$ and aud$ Rem nfolkert 12/24/02 - remove invalidation of summaries Rem tbgraves 12/10/02 - initial tablespace sizes for SYSTEM/SYSAUX Rem remove CATALOG registry timestamp Rem zqiu 12/03/02 - add OLAP Service system table indice Rem mmorsi 12/11/02 - Fix for Bug 2707312 Rem gclaborn 12/12/02 - Add column parse_attr to metaxslparam$ Rem rvissapr 12/16/02 - bug 2594538 Rem jwwarner 12/11/02 - drop old xmlconcat fcn Rem sslim 11/22/02 - lrg 1112873: logical standby support Rem zqiu 11/20/02 - modify OLAP Service system tables Rem htran 11/15/02 - expand some Streams columns Rem akalra 11/26/02 - remove indexes on smon_scn_time Rem gmulagun 11/20/02 - add lsqlbind clob column Rem alakshmi 11/08/02 - add streams$_capture_process.version Rem alakshmi 11/04/02 - MVDD de-coupling during upgrade Rem sagrawal 11/12/02 - lrg fix Rem pabingha 11/12/02 - CDC generate sub. name Rem sagrawal 10/11/02 - PL/SQL warnings Rem jgalanes 11/06/02 - Add expimp_tts_ct$ table for 2383871 Rem rburns 11/05/02 - move ncomp_ddl creation Rem mvemulap 10/14/02 - add ncomp_dll Rem akalra 11/04/02 - add indexes on smon_scn_time Rem mtyulene 10/21/02 - add tab_stats$, ind_stats$ Rem mmorsi 10/11/02 - adding type mgr upgrade for binary float/double Rem rramkiss 10/30/02 - Add new scheduler privileges Rem liwong 10/23/02 - Add status_change_time Rem nmanappa 10/21/02 - populating padding bytes of audit$ column Rem dsemler 10/15/02 - service object Rem apadmana 10/18/02 - Add table streams$_message_rules Rem apadmana 10/14/02 - Sysaux: Streams Rem mmorsi 10/11/02 - adding type mgr upgrade for binary float/double Rem masubram 10/06/02 - add new online redefinition table Rem schakkap 10/03/02 - tab_stats$, fixed_obj$ Rem zqiu 10/09/02 - more OLAP Service system tables Rem asundqui 10/07/02 - new Resource Manager parameters Rem dcassine 10/03/02 - add start & end date to streams$_apply_process Rem dcassine 10/01/02 - add start & end date to streams$_capture_process Rem vmarwah 10/04/02 - Undrop Tables: Record CON# in recyclebin$. Rem rburns 10/05/02 - fix snap alter Rem apadmana 09/30/02 - add table streams$_privileged_user Rem yhu 10/08/02 - upgrade for ODCIEnv Rem rburns 09/25/02 - drop OLAP_SRF_T body Rem tchorma 10/01/02 - Add new column to operator$ Rem masubram 09/18/02 - new dictionary tables for online redef Rem mdilman 09/17/02 - insert DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE to props$ Rem twtong 09/26/02 - add alias_txt to snap$ Rem btao 09/20/02 - grant privileges to system for access advisor Rem gmulagun 09/16/02 - enhance fga_log$ and aud$ trails Rem kdias 09/13/02 - add advisor priv Rem lbarton 09/18/02 - add metapathmap$ Rem elu 09/10/02 - add negative rule sets for streams Rem vmarwah 09/04/02 - Undrop Tables: Record BaseObj and Object to purge Rem rburns 08/30/02 - invalidate MVs on all upgrades Rem clei 09/03/02 - add ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY privilege Rem yhu 09/17/02 - upgrade for domain index array insert Rem tkeefe 09/12/02 - Move proxy_data$ and proxy_role_data$ out of Rem bootstrap region Rem mtakahar 08/26/02 - remove monitoring bit in tab$ Rem twtong 09/10/02 - extend sum and sumdep Rem cluu 09/06/02 - drop obsolete mts views Rem wnorcott 08/28/02 - remove hard tabs from liwong txn Rem wnorcott 08/26/02 - fix syntax error Rem liwong 08/22/02 - Capture extra attributes Rem mxiao 08/18/02 - add columns to mlog$, cdc_change_tables$ Rem wnorcott 08/15/02 - ADD cdc changes Rem clei 08/12/02 - add security relevant columns metadata Rem hsbedi 08/20/02 - external table upgrade Rem twtong 08/14/02 - extend sum$ to support rewrite equivalence Rem vmarwah 08/08/02 - Undrop Tables: modify RecycleBin$ schema. Rem esoyleme 08/02/02 - modify the correct column in ps$ Rem rburns 08/02/02 - fix SQL statement Rem nshodhan 08/01/02 - streams$_capture_process changes Rem weiwang 07/31/02 - add rules engine upgrade script Rem rburns 07/30/02 - drop ODCI types Rem nshodhan 07/24/02 - downstream capture Rem dcassine 07/26/02 - add precommit handler to streams$_apply_process Rem rburns 07/19/02 - add timestamps Rem twtong 07/29/02 - add sumqb Rem alakshmi 07/02/02 - Handle upgrades for LCR types Rem vmarwah 07/19/02 - Undrop Table: Create RecycleBin$ updates Rem pabingha 08/07/02 - CDC change source/set changes Rem zqiu 07/16/02 - add OLAP Service related catalog changes Rem rburns 07/03/02 - move sysauth updates Rem rvissapr 06/21/02 - add additional index on fga Rem rvissapr 06/20/02 - fga dml and multi column support Rem mxiao 06/17/02 - rename privileges from snapshot to mat view Rem rburns 06/05/02 - move dependency deletes Rem twtong 06/19/02 - invalidate dim object after upgrade Rem twtong 06/17/02 - add attname to dimattr Rem vmarwah 05/08/02 - Undrop Tables: Creating RECYCLEBIN$ table. Rem dcwang 05/23/02 - move system privileges on any rules. Rem rburns 05/06/02 - remove v$mls_parameters Rem araghava 04/30/02 - upgrade partitioning metadata. Rem asundqui 05/03/02 - consumer group mapping interface Rem sbedarka 04/16/02 - #(2264056) add index on obj# to various part$ Rem twtong 04/01/02 - fix alter suminline Rem dcwang 04/10/02 - add import full database and export full database Rem twtong 03/22/02 - add text to suminline Rem lbarton 03/20/02 - metadata API 10.1 dictionary changes Rem yuli 03/19/02 - drop v$compatibility and v$compatseg Rem rburns 03/17/02 - rburns_10i_updown_scripts Rem rburns 02/12/02 - Created Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 1: upgrade from 9.2.0 to 10.1 Rem========================================================================= alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Patch all synonyms to have dependency on the next fellow. Rem May have to re-work this approach. alter session set events '22299 trace name context forever, level 1'; declare CURSOR alter1(objectno number) IS SELECT o.obj#, CASE WHEN = 'PUBLIC' THEN 'ALTER PUBLIC SYNONYM ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"'||||'"') || ' COMPILE' ELSE 'ALTER SYNONYM' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"'||||'"') || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name('"'||||'"') || 'COMPILE ' END FROM obj$ o, user$ u WHERE o.type#=5 AND o.linkname is NULL AND u.user# = o.owner# AND o.obj# > objectno order by obj#; ddl_statement varchar2(1000); my_err number; objnum number; begin objnum := 0; OPEN alter1(objnum); LOOP BEGIN FETCH alter1 INTO objnum, ddl_statement; EXIT WHEN alter1%NOTFOUND; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN my_err := SQLCODE; IF my_err = -1555 THEN -- snapshot too old, re-execute fetch query CLOSE alter1; OPEN alter1(objnum); GOTO continue; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; BEGIN -- Issue the Alter synonym compile statement EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ddl_statement; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN null; -- ignore, and proceed. END; <> null; END LOOP; CLOSE alter1; end; / alter session set events '22299 trace name context off'; select count(*), status from obj$ where type#=5 group by status; select obj#, owner#, name, linkname from obj$ o where type#=5 and status=6 and not exists (select * from dependency$ d where d.d_obj# = o.obj#); alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Rem Invalidate all views so that their dependences will be updated with Rem the new synonym dependency model Rem update obj$ set status = 6 where type# = 4 and status not in (5,6) and ((subname is null) or (subname <> 'DBMS_DBUPGRADE_BABY')) and linkname is null; commit; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem Remove entries from sys.duc$ - rebuilt for 10.1 by catalog and catproc delete from duc$; Rem========================================================================= Rem Rename system privileges here Rem========================================================================= update SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP set name = 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW' where privilege = -172; update SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP set name = 'CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where privilege = -173; update SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP set name = 'ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where privilege = -174; update SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP set name = 'DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where privilege = -175; Rem========================================================================= Rem Add new system privileges here Rem========================================================================= insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-255, 'EXPORT FULL DATABASE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-256, 'IMPORT FULL DATABASE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-257, 'CREATE RULE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-258, 'CREATE ANY RULE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-259, 'ALTER ANY RULE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-260, 'DROP ANY RULE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-261, 'EXECUTE ANY RULE', 1); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-262, 'ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-263, 'ADVISOR', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-264, 'CREATE JOB', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-265, 'CREATE ANY JOB', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-266, 'EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-267, 'EXECUTE ANY CLASS', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-268, 'MANAGE SCHEDULER', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-269, 'SELECT ANY TRANSACTION',0); delete from SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP where privilege in (-64, -65, -66, -67, -68); Rem Move "Any rule" system privileges update sysauth$ set privilege# = -257 where privilege# = -64; update sysauth$ set privilege# = -258 where privilege# = -65; update sysauth$ set privilege# = -259 where privilege# = -66; update sysauth$ set privilege# = -260 where privilege# = -67; update sysauth$ set privilege# = -261 where privilege# = -68; grant all privileges, analyze any dictionary to dba with admin option; grant create table to system; grant create snapshot to system; grant select any table to system; grant global query rewrite to system; Rem========================================================================= Rem Rename audit options here Rem========================================================================= update STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP set name = 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW' where option# = 172; update STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP set name = 'CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where option# = 173; update STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP set name = 'ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where option# = 174; update STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP set name = 'DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW' where option# = 175; alter table audit_actions modify (name varchar2(28)); update audit_actions set name = 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG' where action = 71; update audit_actions set name = 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG' where action = 72; update audit_actions set name = 'DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG' where action = 73; update audit_actions set name = 'CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW' where action = 74; update audit_actions set name = 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW' where action = 75; update audit_actions set name = 'DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW' where action = 76; Rem========================================================================= Rem Add new audit options here Rem========================================================================= insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 255, 'EXPORT FULL DATABASE', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 256, 'IMPORT FULL DATABASE', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 262, 'ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 263, 'ADVISOR', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 264, 'CREATE JOB', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 265, 'CREATE ANY JOB', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 266, 'EXECUTE ANY PROGRAM', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 267, 'EXECUTE ANY CLASS', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 268, 'MANAGE SCHEDULER', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values ( 269, 'SELECT ANY TRANSACTION',0); Rem========================================================================= Rem Drop views removed from last release here Rem remove obsolete dependencies for any fixed views in i0902000.sql Rem========================================================================= drop view v_$mls_parameters; drop public synonym v$mls_parameters; drop view gv_$mls_parameters; drop public synonym gv$mls_parameters; drop view V_$COMPATIBILITY; drop public synonym V$COMPATIBILITY; drop view GV_$COMPATIBILITY; drop public synonym GV$COMPATIBILITY; drop view V_$COMPATSEG; drop public synonym V$COMPATSEG; drop view GV_$COMPATSEG; drop public synonym GV$COMPATSEG; -- from catexp7.sql - has dependency on v$compatibility drop view IMP7UEC; drop view v_$mts; drop public synonym v$mts; drop view gv_$mts; drop public synonym gv$mts; drop view v_$kqrpd; drop public synonym v$kqrpd; drop view gv_$kqrpd; drop public synonym gv$kqrpd; drop view v_$kqrsd; drop public synonym v$kqrsd; drop view gv_$kqrsd; drop public synonym gv$kqrsd; Rem========================================================================= Rem Drop packages removed from last release here Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem Add changes to sql.bsq dictionary tables here Rem========================================================================= Rem Repair any existing invalid values in spare6 update tab$ set spare6=NULL where to_char(spare6) = '00-000-00'; commit; rem table used to store the dropped objects which are still not purged create table recyclebin$ ( obj# number not null, /* original object number */ owner# number not null, /* owner user number */ original_name varchar2(32), /* Original Object Name */ operation number not null, /* Operation carried out */ /* 0 -> DROP */ /* 1 -> TRUNCATE (not supported) */ type# number not null, /* object type (see KQD.H) */ ts# number, /* tablespace number */ file# number, /* segment header file number */ block# number, /* segment header block number */ droptime date, /* time when object was dropped */ dropscn number, /* SCN of Tx which caused the drop */ partition_name varchar2(32), /* Name of the partition dropped */ /* NULL otherwise */ flags number, /* flags for undrop processing */ related number not null, /* obj one level up in heirarchy */ bo number not null, /* base object */ purgeobj number not null, /* obj to purge when purging this */ base_ts# number, /* Base objects Tablespace number */ base_owner# number, /* Base objects owner number */ space number, /* number of blocks used by the object */ con# number, /* con#, if index is due to constraint */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number ) / create index recyclebin$_obj on recyclebin$(obj#) / create index recyclebin$_ts on recyclebin$(ts#) / create index recyclebin$_owner on recyclebin$(owner#) / rem Ensure 816 types really exist - see bug 4460775 CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE upgrade_system_types_to_816 IS LANGUAGE C NAME "TO_816" LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB; / DECLARE ttotal NUMBER; BEGIN select count(*) into ttotal from obj$ o, user$ u where in ('TIME', 'TIME WITH TZ', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TIMESTAMP WITH TZ', 'INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH', 'INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND', 'TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TZ') and o.owner#=u.user# and'SYS' and o.type#=13; -- Only run this once IF ttotal < 7 THEN upgrade_system_types_to_816(); END IF; END; / DROP PROCEDURE upgrade_system_types_to_816; Rem add text column to suminline$ ALTER TABLE suminline$ ADD (text long); Rem Rem Metadata API changes Rem alter table metaview$ modify (xmltag null); alter table metaview$ modify (udt null); alter table metaview$ modify (schema null); alter table metaview$ modify (viewname null); alter table metaxslparam$ add (properties number default 0 not null); alter table metaxslparam$ add (parse_attr varchar2(2000)); Rem Add columns to mlog$, cdc_change_tables$ and set the values Rem in a0902000.sql ALTER TABLE mlog$ ADD (oldest_seq DATE); ALTER TABLE cdc_change_tables$ ADD (mvl_oldest_seq NUMBER); ALTER TABLE cdc_change_tables$ ADD (mvl_oldest_seq_time DATE); Rem Rem Dictionary tables for heterogeneous object types in Metadata API Rem create table metascript$ /* scripts for heterogeneous types */ ( htype varchar2(30) not null, /* root heterogeneous objtype */ ptype varchar2(30) not null, /* parent heterogeneous objtype */ seq# number not null, /* sequence number */ rseq# number not null, /* sequence number of reference type */ ltype varchar2(30) not null, /* leaf object name */ properties number not null, /*leaf type's properties */ /* 0x0001 = 1 = leaf is heterogeneous object */ model varchar2(30) not null, /* model properties */ version number not null /* decimal RDBMS version: eg, 0802010000 */ ) / create unique index i_metascript1$ on metascript$(ptype,seq#,model,version) / create unique index i_metascript2$ on metascript$(model,htype,seq#,version) / create table metascriptfilter$ /* filters for steps in a script */ ( htype varchar2(30) not null, /* root heterogeneous objtype */ ptype varchar2(30) not null, /* parent heterogeneous objtype */ seq# number not null, /* sequence number */ ltype varchar2(30) not null, /* leaf object name */ filter varchar2(30) not null, /* filter name */ pfilter varchar2(30), /* parent filter name */ vcval varchar2(2000), /* filter text value */ bval number, /* filter boolean value */ nval number, /* filter numeric value */ properties number default 0 not null, /* filter properties */ model varchar2(30) not null /* model properties */ ) / rem rem (these indexes intentionally not unique) rem create index i_metascriptfilter1$ on metascriptfilter$(model,htype,seq#) / create index i_metascriptfilter2$ on metascriptfilter$(model,ptype,seq#) / create table metanametrans$ /* path names for heterogeneous objtype nodes */ ( name varchar2(200) not null, /* path name */ htype varchar2(30) not null, /* root heterogeneous objtype */ ptype varchar2(30) not null, /* immediate parent objtype */ seq# number not null, /* sequence number in ptype */ properties number not null, /* path name's properties */ /* 0x0001 = 1 = this is the fully qualified path name */ model varchar2(30) not null, /* model properties */ descrip varchar2(2000) /* description of the object type */ ) / create index i_metanametrans1$ on metanametrans$(model,htype,name) / create index i_metanametrans2$ on metanametrans$(model,ptype,seq#) / create table metapathmap$ /* het objtypes containing objs named by pathname */ ( name varchar2(200) not null, /* path name */ htype varchar2(30) not null, /* heterogeneous objtype */ model varchar2(30) not null, /* model name */ version number not null /* decimal RDBMS version: eg, 0802010000 */ ) / create index i_metapathmap$ on metapathmap$(name,htype,model) / Rem Partitoning metadata create index i_tabpart_obj$ on tabpart$(obj#); create index i_indpart_obj$ on indpart$(obj#); create index i_indsubpart_obj$ on indsubpart$(obj#); merge /*+ use_hash (tp0) */ into tabpart$ tp0 using (select /*+ use_hash (tp) */ 10 * row_number() over (partition by bo# order by part#) part#, obj# from tabpart$ tp where bo# in (select obj# from partobj$ po where parttype != 2)) tp1 on (tp1.obj# = tp0.obj#) when matched then update set tp0.part# = tp1.part# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); merge /*+ use_hash (ip0) */ into indpart$ ip0 using (select /*+ use_hash (ip) */ 10 * row_number() over (partition by bo# order by part#) part#, obj# from indpart$ ip where bo# in (select obj# from partobj$ po where parttype != 2)) ip1 on (ip1.obj# = ip0.obj#) when matched then update set ip0.part# = ip1.part# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); merge /*+ use_hash (tcp0) */ into tabcompart$ tcp0 using (select 10 * row_number() over (partition by bo# order by part#) part#, obj# from tabcompart$ tcp) tcp1 on (tcp1.obj# = tcp0.obj#) when matched then update set tcp0.part# = tcp1.part# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); merge /*+ use_hash (icp0) */ into indcompart$ icp0 using (select 10 * row_number() over (partition by bo# order by part#) part#, obj# from indcompart$ icp) icp1 on (icp1.obj# = icp0.obj#) when matched then update set icp0.part# = icp1.part# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); merge /*+ use_hash (tsp0) */ into tabsubpart$ tsp0 using (select /*+ use_hash (tsp) */ 10 * row_number() over (partition by pobj# order by subpart#) subpart#, obj# from tabsubpart$ tsp where pobj# in (select tcp.obj# from tabcompart$ tcp, partobj$ po where = po.obj# and mod(po.spare2, 256) = 4)) tsp1 on (tsp1.obj# = tsp0.obj#) when matched then update set tsp0.subpart# = tsp1.subpart# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); merge /*+ use_hash (isp0) */ into indsubpart$ isp0 using (select /*+ use_hash (isp) */ 10 * row_number() over (partition by pobj# order by subpart#) subpart#, obj# from indsubpart$ isp where pobj# in (select icp.obj# from indcompart$ icp, partobj$ po where = po.obj# and mod(po.spare2, 256) = 4)) isp1 on (isp1.obj# = isp0.obj#) when matched then update set isp0.subpart# = isp1.subpart# when not matched then insert (obj#) values (null); Rem the following 2 updated must be run after the above updates Rem since they depend on values updated above. update lobcomppart$ lcp set part# = (select part# from tabcompart$ tcp where lcp.tabpartobj# = tcp.obj#); update lobfrag$ lf set frag# = (select part# from tabpart$ tp where lf.tabfragobj# = tp.obj# union select subpart# from tabsubpart$ tsp where lf.tabfragobj# = tsp.obj#); Rem End partitioning metadata Rem add attribute name to table dimattr$ alter table dimattr$ add (attname varchar2(30)); Rem invalidate all dimension objects after upgrade UPDATE obj$ SET status = 5 WHERE type# = 43 / commit / Rem set ts# to 2147483647 for lob in temp tables update lob$ set ts# = 2147483647 where bitand(property, 8) = 8 / commit / Rem set charsetid and charsetform to 0 for the virtual column added by Rem the function index if it is not of char type update col$ set charsetid = 0, charsetform = 0 where bitand(property, 65576) = 65576 and type# not in (1, 8, 96, 112) / commit / Rem synonym specific policies,group,context associated with the parent synonyms update rls$ set obj# = ptype where ptype is not null; update rls_grp$ set obj# = synid where synid is not null; update rls_ctx$ set obj# = synid where synid is not null; commit; Rem VPD metatdata for security relevant columns create table rls_sc$ /* RLS secrurity relevant columns */ ( obj# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* parent object number */ gname VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, /* name of policy group */ pname VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, /* name of policy */ intcol# NUMBER /* security relevant column ID */ ) / create index i_rls_sc on rls_sc$(obj#, gname, pname) / Rem ----- START FGA (FINE GRAIN AUDIT) META DATA ------ ALTER TABLE fga$ MODIFY (ptxt VARCHAR2(4000) NULL) / ALTER TABLE fga$ ADD (stmt_type NUMBER default 1) / CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_fgap ON fga$(obj#, pname) / Rem Upgrade all existing policies to SELECT type (1) UPDATE fga$ SET stmt_type = 1 WHERE stmt_type IS NULL; ALTER TABLE fga$ MODIFY(stmt_type NUMBER default 1 NOT NULL ) / CREATE TABLE fgacol$ ( obj# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* parent object number */ pname VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, /* name of policy */ intcol# NUMBER NOT NULL /* column number */ ) / TRUNCATE TABLE fgacol$ / CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_fgacol ON fgacol$(obj#, pname, intcol#) / Rem copy relevant column information into new table INSERT INTO fgacol$(obj# , pname, intcol#) SELECT f.obj# , f.pname , c.col# FROM col$ c, fga$ f WHERE f.pcol IS NOT NULL AND f.obj# = c.obj# AND = f.pcol; REm FGA audit Trail ALTER TABLE fga_log$ ADD (stmt_type NUMBER) / UPDATE fga_log$ SET stmt_type = 1 where stmt_type is NULL; commit; Rem ----- End FGA metadata ------ Rem Begin update fga_log$ and aud$ for enhancing audit trails Rem Add new fine grained audit columns ALTER TABLE fga_log$ ADD ( ntimestamp# TIMESTAMP, proxy$sid NUMBER, user$guid VARCHAR2(32), instance# NUMBER, process# VARCHAR2(16), xid RAW(8), auditid VARCHAR2(64), statement NUMBER, entryid NUMBER, dbid NUMBER, lsqlbind CLOB ) / -- populate NTIMESTAMP# and DBID in AUD$/FGA_LOG$ create or replace procedure populate_ntimestamp_dbid_audit(tab_owner VARCHAR2, tab_name VARCHAR2) as cur_dbid number := 0; type ctyp is ref cursor; rowid_cur ctyp; rowid_tab dbms_sql.urowid_table; nrows number := 0; rows_updated number := 0; rows_not_updated number := 0; counter number := 0; current_time timestamp(6); begin execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' where ntimestamp# is null' into nrows; counter := ceil(nrows/1000000); dbms_output.put_line('.'); dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------------------------------------------'); IF (counter = 0) THEN dbms_output.put_line('There are not any null NTIMESTAMP#s/DBIDs in ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' to update.'); dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------------------------------------------'); return; ELSE select current_timestamp into current_time from dual; dbms_output.put_line('Start NTIMESTAMP#/DBID update in ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' at: ' || current_time || '...'); dbms_output.put_line('Will update at least ' || nrows || ' rows.'); END IF; select dbid into cur_dbid from v$database; -- Populate columns NTIMESTAMP#/DBID in audit table if NULL. LOOP IF (counter = 0) THEN EXIT; END IF; OPEN rowid_cur FOR 'select rowid from ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' where ntimestamp# is null and dbid is null ' || ' and rownum <= 1000000'; FETCH rowid_cur bulk collect into rowid_tab limit 100000; IF (rowid_tab.count = 0) THEN EXIT; END IF; LOOP FORALL i in 1..rowid_tab.count execute immediate 'UPDATE ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' SET ntimestamp# = ' || ' SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(CAST(timestamp# AS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)), ' || ' dbid = ' || cur_dbid || ' WHERE ntimestamp# IS NULL and ' || ' dbid IS NULL and rowid = :1' using rowid_tab(i); COMMIT; IF (counter = 1 and nrows <= 100000) THEN EXIT; END IF; nrows := nrows - 100000; FETCH rowid_cur bulk collect into rowid_tab limit 100000; IF (rowid_tab.count = 0) THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; counter := counter - 1; END LOOP; CLOSE rowid_cur; COMMIT; execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' where ntimestamp# is not null and dbid is not null' into rows_updated; dbms_output.put_line('Total rows updated: ' || rows_updated); execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || tab_owner || '.' || tab_name || ' where ntimestamp# is null and dbid is null' into rows_not_updated; dbms_output.put_line('Total rows not yet updated: ' || rows_not_updated); select current_timestamp into current_time from dual; dbms_output.put_line('End update at: ' || current_time || '.'); dbms_output.put_line('-------------------------------------------------------------------------'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN rollback; END; / -- populate ntimestamp# and dbid columns in fga_log$ exec populate_ntimestamp_dbid_audit ('SYS', 'FGA_LOG$'); ALTER TABLE fga_log$ MODIFY (timestamp# DATE NULL) / Rem Add new columns to regular audit trail Rem AUD$ table could exist either in SYSTEM schema or in SYS schema Rem depending on whether the db is OLS (Oracle Label Security) enabled Rem or not. So, we should generate appropriate "Alter Table" statement. DECLARE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(500); schema_name VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN -- find out in which schema AUD$ table exists. SELECT INTO schema_name FROM obj$ o, user$ u WHERE = 'AUD$' AND o.type#=2 AND o.owner# = u.user# AND IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM'); -- construct Alter Table statement and execute it sql_stmt := 'ALTER TABLE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(schema_name, FALSE) || '.AUD$ ADD (' || ' ntimestamp# TIMESTAMP,' || ' proxy$sid NUMBER,' || ' user$guid VARCHAR2(32),' || ' instance# NUMBER,' || ' process# VARCHAR2(16),' || ' xid RAW(8),' || ' auditid VARCHAR2(64),' || ' scn NUMBER,' || ' dbid NUMBER,' || ' sqlbind CLOB,' || ' sqltext CLOB' || ')'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; -- populate ntimestamp# and dbid columns in aud$ populate_ntimestamp_dbid_audit (schema_name, 'AUD$'); END; / drop procedure populate_ntimestamp_dbid_audit; DECLARE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(500); schema_name VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN -- find out in which schema AUD$ table exists. SELECT INTO schema_name FROM obj$ o, user$ u WHERE = 'AUD$' AND o.type#=2 AND o.owner# = u.user# AND IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM'); -- construct Alter Table statement and execute it sql_stmt := 'ALTER TABLE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(schema_name, FALSE) || '.AUD$ MODIFY (' || ' timestamp# DATE NULL' || ')'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt; END; / Rem End update fga_log$ and aud$ for enhancing audit trails Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN audit$ column value change Rem Populate the 8 padding bytes of audit$ column with '-' Rem========================================================================= alter system flush shared_pool; update tab$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update user$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update seq$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) ; update view$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update procedure$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update dir$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update type_misc$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; update library$ set audit$ = substr(audit$, 1, 32) || '------'; commit; Rem========================================================================= Rem END audit$ column value change Rem========================================================================= Rem Begin changes to OLAP Service catalog tables alter table aw$ add ( version number default null, /* aw storage version */ oids number(10) default null, /* object id page space */ objs number(10) default null, /* object storage page space */ dict raw(8) default null /* aw dictionary object */ ); alter table ps$ modify (psgen number(10)); alter table ps$ add ( gelrec number default null, /* generation erase list */ maprec number default null /* map record */ ); alter sequence psindex_seq$ cache 1000; drop type body OLAP_SRF_T; create table aw_obj$ /* Analytical Workspace Object table */ (awseq# number, /* aw sequence number */ oid number(20), /* object number */ objname varchar2(256), /* object name, ref NAMESIZE in xsobj.c */ gen# number(10), /* generation number */ objtype number(4), /* object type */ partname varchar2(256), /* partition name */ objdef blob, /* object definition */ objvalue blob, /* object value */ compcode blob) /* compiled code body */ lob(objdef) store as (enable storage in row) lob(objvalue) store as (enable storage in row) lob(compcode) store as (enable storage in row) tablespace sysaux ; create unique index i_aw_obj$ on aw_obj$ (awseq#, oid, gen#) tablespace sysaux; create table aw_prop$ /* Analytical Workspace Property table */ (awseq# number, /* aw sequence number */ oid number(20), /* object number */ objname varchar2(256), /* object name */ gen# number(10), /* generation number */ propname varchar2(256), /* property name */ proptype number, /* property type */ propval blob) /* property value */ lob(propval) store as (enable storage in row) tablespace sysaux ; create index i_aw_prop$ on aw_prop$ (awseq#, oid) tablespace sysaux; Rem End changes to OLAP Service catalog tables Rem Begin changes to external table catalog tables DROP TYPE ODCIExtTableInfo force; ALTER TABLE external_tab$ ADD (PROPERTY number DEFAULT '1'); ALTER TABLE external_tab$ modify (PROPERTY number not null); Rem End changes to external table catalog tables Rem Begin streams changes. Rem Begin AQ changes Rem Set the status of all queues to invalid (workaround for 92 bug 2760010) Rem UPDATE obj$ SET status = 5 WHERE type# = 24 / commit / DECLARE timezone varchar2(64); stmt varchar2(200); BEGIN timezone := DBTIMEZONE; stmt := 'ALTER TABLE$_queue_tables ADD (TIMEZONE VARCHAR2(64) ' || 'DEFAULT ' || dbms_assert.enquote_literal(timezone) || ')'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE stmt; END; / alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem End AQ changes Rem move into SYSAUX alter table streams$_apply_progress move tablespace SYSAUX; alter table apply$_error move tablespace SYSAUX; alter index streams$_apply_error_unq rebuild tablespace SYSAUX; Rem Rem Streams capture process table Rem TODO: migrate predumpscn value to first_scn Rem ALTER TABLE streams$_capture_process ADD ( use_dblink number, /* use dblink from downstream to src db */ first_scn number, /* initially predump scn, eventually the earliest */ /* scn from which capture process can restart from */ source_dbname varchar2(128), /* global name of source db */ negative_ruleset_owner varchar2(30), /* negative rule set owner */ negative_ruleset_name varchar2(30), /* negative rule set name */ start_date date, /* captures from start date */ end_date date, /* captures up to end_date */ error_number number, /* error number reported if any */ error_message varchar2(4000), /* explanation of error */ status_change_time date, /* the date that the status column changed */ version varchar2(64), /* capture version number */ spare4 number, /* unused */ spare5 number, /* unused */ spare6 number, /* unused */ spare7 varchar2(1000) /* unused */ ); Rem Set flags bit (KNLCAPF_NEED_DECOUPLE) to indicate that MVDD needs to Rem be de-coupled from LogMiner dictionary during capture start-up. UPDATE streams$_capture_process SET flags=DECODE(bitand(flags, 16), 16, flags, flags+16); COMMIT; Rem set capture version number to 9.2. UPDATE streams$_capture_process SET version='' WHERE version IS NULL; COMMIT; Rem add precommit_handler column to streams$_apply_process Rem add negative rule set owner and name to streams$_apply_process ALTER TABLE streams$_apply_process ADD (precommit_handler varchar2(98) default NULL, negative_ruleset_owner varchar2(30), /* negative rule set owner */ negative_ruleset_name varchar2(30), /* negative rule set name */ start_date date default NULL, /* apply txn start limit */ end_date date default NULL, /* apply txn end limit */ error_number number, /* error number reported if any */ error_message varchar2(4000), /* explanation of error */ status_change_time date /* the date that the status column changed */ ); Rem add negative rule set owner and name to streams$_propagation_process ALTER TABLE streams$_propagation_process ADD ( negative_ruleset_schema varchar2(30), /* negative rule set owner */ negative_ruleset varchar2(30) /* negative rule set name */ ); Rem add start_scn to streams$_apply_milestone ALTER TABLE streams$_apply_milestone ADD ( start_scn number ); Rem add and_condition to streams$_rules ALTER TABLE streams$_rules ADD ( and_condition varchar2(4000) ); create table streams$_extra_attrs ( process# number not null, /* capture_process # */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* attribute name */ include varchar2(30), /* the attribute is included? */ flag number, /* 0x01 = row_attribute, 0x02 = ddl_attribute */ spare1 number, spare2 varchar2(1000) ); create unique index i_streams_extra_attrs1 on streams$_extra_attrs (process#, name); rem keeps track of the streams privileges granted to a user create table streams$_privileged_user ( user# number not null, /* user number, this mapping is for user$.user# */ privs number not null /* the privileges granted (bit vector) : */ /* 0x1 is streams administrator */ ) / create unique index i_streams_privileged_user1 on streams$_privileged_user(user#) / rem populated by dbms_streams_adm.add_message_rule create table streams$_message_rules ( streams_name varchar2(30) not null, /* name of apply/dequeue */ streams_type number not null, /* propagation(2), apply (3), dequeue (4) */ msg_type_owner varchar2(30), /* message type owner */ msg_type_name varchar2(30), /* message type name */ msg_rule_var varchar2(30), /* message rule variable */ rule_owner varchar2(30) not null, /* rule owner */ rule_name varchar2(30) not null, /* rule name */ rule_condition varchar2(4000), /* text of the rule condition */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(30), spare5 varchar2(128) ) / create unique index i_streams_message_rules on streams$_message_rules(streams_name, streams_type, rule_owner, rule_name) / rem consumers of user-enqueued messages create table streams$_message_consumers ( streams_name varchar2(30) not null, /* name of dequeue */ queue_oid raw(16) not null, /* AQ queue identifier */ queue_owner varchar2(30) not null, /* queue owner */ queue_name varchar2(30) not null, /* queue name */ rset_owner varchar2(30), /* rule set owner */ rset_name varchar2(30), /* rule set name */ neg_rset_owner varchar2(30), /* negative rule set owner */ neg_rset_name varchar2(30), /* negative rule set name */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(30), spare5 varchar2(128) ) / create unique index i_streams_message_consumers on streams$_message_consumers(streams_name) / -- expand columns holding procedure names so that canonicalized names will fit alter table sys.streams$_apply_process modify (message_handler varchar2(98)); alter table sys.streams$_apply_process modify (ddl_handler varchar2(98)); alter table sys.apply$_dest_obj_ops modify (user_apply_procedure varchar2(98)); -- allow dml handlers for virtual objects alter table sys.apply$_dest_obj_ops add (sname varchar2(30), oname varchar2(30), apply_name varchar2(30)); create table apply$_virtual_obj_cons ( owner varchar2(30) not null, /* source object owner */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* source object name */ powner varchar2(30) not null, /* source parent obj owner */ pname varchar2(30) not null, /* source parent obj name */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(30), spare4 varchar2(4000) ); create unique index i_apply_virtual_obj_cons on apply$_virtual_obj_cons (owner, name, powner, pname); create table sys.apply$_constraint_columns ( owner varchar2(30) not null, -- object owner name varchar2(30) not null, -- object name constraint_name varchar2(30) not null, cname varchar2(30) not null, -- column name cpos number, -- column position long_cname varchar2(4000), -- long column name for adt support spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(30), spare4 varchar2(30) ); create unique index sys.apply$_constraint_columns_uix1 on sys.apply$_constraint_columns(owner, name, constraint_name, cname); -- to facilitate the query: given a constraint name, find out -- all related objects create index sys.apply$_constraint_columns_idx1 on sys.apply$_constraint_columns(constraint_name); create table streams$_dest_objs ( object_number number, /* destination table obj# */ property number, /* table property - bit flag */ /* 0x01 : all columns specified as not to be compared for delete */ /* 0x02 : all columns specified as not to be compared for update */ dblink varchar2(128), /* database link for HS instantiation */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 varchar2(1000), spare4 varchar2(1000) ) / create unique index streams$_dest_objs_i on streams$_dest_objs(object_number, dblink) / create table streams$_dest_obj_cols ( object_number number, /* destination table obj# */ column_name varchar2(30), /* name of the column for which to */ /* turn conflict detection off */ flag number, /* column property - bit flag */ /* 0x01 -> do not compare for deletes */ /* 0x02 -> do not compare for updates */ dblink varchar2(128), /* database link for HS instantiation */ spare1 number, spare2 varchar2(1000) ) / create unique index streams$_dest_obj_cols_i on streams$_dest_obj_cols(object_number, column_name, dblink) / Rem end Streams Changes Rem add query block identifiers to summary metadata tables Rem Also add (rw_name, dest_stmt, rw_mode) for rewrite Rem equivalence alter table sum$ add ( numqbnodes integer, /* number of query block nodes */ qbcmarker integer, /* selpos of query block marker */ markerdty integer, /* query block marker data type */ rw_name varchar2(30), /* name of the rewrite equivalence */ src_stmt clob, /* source stmt of rw equivalence */ dest_stmt clob, /* destination stmt of rw equivalence */ rw_mode integer /* rewrite mode of rw equivalence */ ); alter table sum$ modify (sumtext null, sumtextlen null); alter table sumdetail$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table suminline$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table sumkey$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table sumagg$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table sumjoin$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table sumpred$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); alter table sumdep$ add (qbcid number default 0 not null); Rem recreate the indice to include query block id begin execute immediate 'drop index i_sumkey$_1'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -1418 then null; else raise; end if; end; / create unique index i_sumkey$_1 on sumkey$ (sumobj#,sumcolpos#,groupingpos#,ordinalpos,qbcid); begin execute immediate 'drop index i_sumagg$_1'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -1418 then null; else raise; end if; end; / create unique index i_sumagg$_1 on sumagg$ (sumobj#,sumcolpos#,qbcid); Rem create summary query node tree table and indice create table sumqb$ (sumobj# number not null, nodeid number not null, pflags number, xpflags number, sflags number, state number, text long, textlen number, marker varchar2(4000), markerlen number, hashval number, hashval2 number, rorder number, sorder number, leafcnt number, orignode number, parent number, opttyp number, selcnt number, frompo number, flags number, numdetailtab integer, numaggregates integer, numkeycolumns integer, numjoins integer, numinlines integer, numwhrnodes integer, numhavnodes integer); create index i_sumqb$_1 on sumqb$(nodeid); create index i_sumqb$_2 on sumqb$(hashval); create index i_sumqb$_3 on sumqb$(hashval2); Rem Rem Begin CDC changes here Rem Rem Process CDC change sources Rem Delete the predefined change source for 9i. Users had no way of creating Rem change sources in 9i, so this is the only possible change source. delete from cdc_change_sources$ where source_name = 'SYNC_SOURCE'; alter table cdc_change_sources$ add ( source_type number not null, /* change source type */ source_database varchar2(128), /* source database global name */ source_dbid varchar2(16), /* source database ID */ first_scn number, /* SCN before LogMiner dict. dump */ first_logfile varchar2(2000), /* first redo log file for ManualLog */ logfile_format varchar2(2000), /* later log format for ManualLog */ publisher varchar2(30) /* publisher of change source */ ) modify ( logfile_location varchar2(2000) null /* shorten and make nullable */ ); Rem Insert the two predefined change sources for 10.1 insert into cdc_change_sources$ (source_name,dbid,logfile_location,logfile_suffix,source_description,created, source_type, source_database, source_dbid, first_scn, first_logfile, logfile_format, publisher) values('HOTLOG_SOURCE',NULL,NULL,NULL,'HOTLOG CHANGE SOURCE',SYSDATE, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); insert into cdc_change_sources$ (source_name,dbid,logfile_location,logfile_suffix,source_description,created, source_type, source_database, source_dbid, first_scn, first_logfile, logfile_format, publisher) values('SYNC_SOURCE',NULL,NULL,NULL,'SYNCHRONOUS CHANGE SOURCE',SYSDATE, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); Rem Process CDC change sets Rem Delete the predefined change set for 9i. Users had no way of creating Rem change sets in 9i, so this is the only possible change set. delete from cdc_change_sets$ where set_name = 'SYNC_SET'; alter table cdc_change_sets$ add ( stop_on_ddl char(1) not null, /* Y or N - stop if DDL detected */ capture_enabled char(1) not null, /* Y or N - can perform capture */ capture_error char(1) not null, /* Y or N - internal capture error */ capture_name varchar2(30), /* Streams capture engine name */ queue_name varchar2(30), /* AQ/Streams queue */ queue_table_name varchar2(30), /* AQ/Streams spillover queue table */ apply_name varchar2(30), /* Streams apply engine name */ supplemental_procs number, /* number of supp. processes CDC can use */ set_description varchar2(255), /* description of change set */ publisher varchar2(30) /* publisher of change source */ ) modify ( advance_enabled char(1) null, /* make nullable */ ignore_ddl char(1) null, /* make nullable */ lowest_scn number null, /* make nullable */ tablespace varchar2(30) null /* make nullable */ ); Rem Insert the single predefined change set for 10.1 insert into cdc_change_sets$ (set_name, change_source_name, created, advancing, purging, stop_on_ddl, capture_enabled, capture_error, set_description, lowest_scn, publisher) values('SYNC_SET', 'SYNC_SOURCE', SYSDATE, 'N', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 'SYNCHRONOUS CHANGE SET', 0, NULL); Rem Process CDC subscriptions alter table cdc_subscribers$ add ( subscription_name varchar2(30) default 'NONE' not null, reserved1 number ) modify ( description varchar2(255) /* increase length */ ); Rem drop old handle-based unique index begin execute immediate 'DROP INDEX i_cdc_subscribers$'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -1418 then null; else raise; end if; end; / Rem generate subscription names for old subscriptions update cdc_subscribers$ set subscription_name = 'CDC$SN#' || to_char(handle) where subscription_name = 'NONE'; Rem create new subscription_name-based unique index begin execute immediate 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i_cdc_subscribers$ on sys.cdc_subscribers$(subscription_name)'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -942 then null; else raise; end if; end; / Rem add the new columns into cdc_change_tables$ ALTER TABLE cdc_change_tables$ ADD (source_table_obj# NUMBER); ALTER TABLE cdc_change_tables$ ADD (source_table_ver NUMBER); Rem Rem End CDC changes here Rem Rem Rem Begin online redefinition changes Rem rem sequence used to generate ids for online redefinitions and its steps create sequence redef_seq$ increment by 1 start with 1 nocycle / rem table to store the redefinition metadata create table redef$( id integer not null, /* redefinition id */ name varchar2(30) not null, /* transformation name */ state integer not null, /* current state of the redefinition */ flag integer /* flag (internal use only) */ ) / create unique index ui_redef_id$ on redef$(id) / create unique index ui_redef_name$ on redef$(name) / rem table to store the information about the objects involved while executing rem a redefinition create table redef_object$( redef_id integer not null, /* redefinition id */ obj_type integer not null, /* object type */ obj_owner varchar2(30) not null, /* original object owner */ obj_name varchar2(30) not null, /* original object name */ int_obj_owner varchar2(30), /* interim/cloned object owner */ int_obj_name varchar2(30), /* interim/cloned object name */ bt_owner varchar2(30), /* base table owner */ bt_name varchar2(30), /* base table name */ genflag integer, /* flag (internal use only) */ typflag integer /* obj type specific flag (internal use only) */ ) / create index i_redef_object$ on redef_object$(redef_id, obj_type, obj_owner, obj_name) / rem table to store the dependent objects that could not be cloned during the rem online redefinition create table redef_dep_error$( redef_id integer not null, /* redefinition id */ obj_type integer not null, /* object type */ obj_owner varchar2(30) not null, /* original object owner */ obj_name varchar2(30) not null, /* original object name */ bt_owner varchar2(30), /* base table owner */ bt_name varchar2(30), /* base table name */ ddl_txt clob /* ddl string */ ) / create index i_redef_dep_error$ on redef_dep_error$(redef_id, obj_type, obj_owner, obj_name) / Rem Rem End online redefinition changes Rem Rem Clear the monitoring bit (obsolete) Rem #(3272499) Also mark the mon_mods$ entries with potentially dubious Rem statistics then gather_stats_job will run further checks later. Rem (exclude: iot overflow, temp, external, iot mapping tables) alter system flush shared_pool; declare is_reupgrade pls_integer; begin select count(*) into is_reupgrade from obj$ where owner#=0 and name='TAB_STATS$' and type#=2; -- don't do this if re-upgrade if (is_reupgrade = 0) then merge into sys.mon_mods$ m using (select /*+ dynamic_sampling(4) dynamic_sampling_est_cdn */ tab.obj# obj#, 0 inserts, 0 updates, 0 deletes, sysdate timestamp, 2 flags, 0 drop_segments from (select obj# from$ /* non-partitoined tables */ where bitand(property,32+512+4194304+8388608+2147483648) = 0 and bitand(flags,536870912) = 0 and bitand(flags,2097152) = 0 /* monitoring is off */ and bitand(flags,16) != 0 /* analyzed */ union all /* table partitions */ select tp.obj# from sys.tabpart$ tp,$ t where = t.obj# and bitand(t.flags,2097152) = 0 /* monitoring is off */ and bitand(tp.flags,2) != 0 /* analyzed */ union all /* table subpartitions */ select tsp.obj# from sys.tabsubpart$ tsp, sys.tabcompart$ tp,$ t where tsp.pobj# = tp.obj# and = t.obj# and bitand(t.flags,2097152) = 0 /* monitoring is off */ and bitand(tsp.flags,2) != 0 /* analyzed */ ) tab ) v on (m.obj# = v.obj#) when matched then update set flags = flags - bitand(flags,2) + 2 when NOT matched then insert values (v.obj#, v.inserts, v.updates, v.deletes, v.timestamp, v.flags, v.drop_segments); end if; end; / UPDATE$ t SET flags = flags - 2097152 WHERE bitand(t.flags, 2097152) = 2097152; commit; Rem ======================================================================== Rem Update IND$ to reset ts# for indices on temporary tables. Rem Flags to check are 0x400000 and 0x800000, global and session flags. Rem ======================================================================== alter system flush shared_pool; update ind$ set ts# = 0 where ts# != 0 and bo# in (select obj# from tab$ where bitand(property, 12582912) != 0); rem fixed object (X$...) information create table fixed_obj$ ( obj# number not null, /* object number */ timestamp date not null, /* object specification timestamp */ flags number, /* 0x00000001 = analyzed 0x00000002 = locked */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(1000), spare5 varchar2(1000), spare6 date ) storage (maxextents unlimited) / create unique index i_fixed_obj$_obj# on fixed_obj$(obj#) storage (maxextents unlimited) / rem table to store optimizer statistics for table and table partition objects create table tab_stats$ ( obj# number not null, /* object number */ cachedblk number, /* blocks in buffer cache */ cachehit number, /* cache hit ratio */ logicalread number, /* number of logical reads */ rowcnt number, /* number of rows */ blkcnt number, /* number of blocks */ empcnt number, /* number of empty blocks */ avgspc number, /* average available free space/iot ovfl stats */ chncnt number, /* number of chained rows */ avgrln number, /* average row length */ avgspc_flb number, /* avg avail free space of blocks on free list */ flbcnt number, /* free list block count */ analyzetime date, /* timestamp when last analyzed */ samplesize number, /* number of rows sampled by Analyze */ flags number, /* 0x00000001 = user-specified stats */ spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(1000), spare5 varchar2(1000), spare6 date ) storage (initial 32k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0) / create unique index i_tab_stats$_obj# on tab_stats$(obj#) storage (maxextents unlimited) / rem table to store optimizer statistics for index and index partition objects create table ind_stats$ ( obj# number not null, /* object number */ cachedblk number, /* blocks in buffer cache */ cachehit number, /* cache hit ratio */ logicalread number, /* number of logical reads */ rowcnt number, /* number of rows in the index */ blevel number, /* btree level */ leafcnt number, /* # of leaf blocks */ distkey number, /* # distinct keys */ lblkkey number, /* avg # of leaf blocks/key */ dblkkey number, /* avg # of data blocks/key */ clufac number, /* clustering factor */ analyzetime date, /* timestamp when last analyzed */ samplesize number, /* number of rows sampled by Analyze */ flags number, spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(1000), spare5 varchar2(1000), spare6 date ) storage (initial 32k next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0) / create unique index i_ind_stats$_obj# on ind_stats$(obj#) storage (maxextents unlimited) / Rem Rem Bigfile Tablespace changes Rem delete from sys.props$ where name = 'DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE'; insert into sys.props$ values('DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE', 'SMALLFILE', 'Default tablespace type'); Rem table used to store array type info supported by the indextype create table indarraytype$ ( obj# number not null, /* indextype obj# */ type number not null, /* data type of indexed column */ /* for ADT column, type# = DTYADT */ basetypeobj# number, /* object number of user-defined type */ arraytypeobj# number not null, /* object number of array type */ spare1 number, spare2 number ) / Rem Rem Add alias_txt to snap$ Rem alter table snap$ add (alias_txt clob); Rem Move proxy metadata to tables outside bootstrap region create table proxy_info$ ( client# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* client user ID */ proxy# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* proxy user ID */ credential_type# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* Type of credential passed by proxy */ /* * Values * 0 = No Authentication * 5 = Authentication */ flags NUMBER NOT NULL /* Mask flags of associated with entry */ /* Flags values: * 1 = proxy can activate all client roles * 2 = proxy can activate no client roles * 4 = role can be activated by proxy, * 8 = role cannot be activated by proxy */ ) / insert into proxy_info$ select client#, proxy#, decode(credential_type#, 0, 0,/* No Credential => No Authentication */ 1, 0, /* Certificate => No Credential */ 2, 0, /*Distinguished Name => No Credential*/ 4, 5),/* Oracle Password => Authentication */ flags from proxy_data$; delete from proxy_data$; create unique index i_proxy_info$ on proxy_info$(client#, proxy#) / create table proxy_role_info$ ( client# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* client user ID */ proxy# NUMBER NOT NULL, /* proxy user ID */ role# NUMBER NOT NULL /* role ID */ ) / insert into proxy_role_info$ select client#, proxy#, role# from proxy_role_data$; delete from proxy_role_data$; create index i_proxy_role_info$_1 on proxy_role_info$(client#, proxy#) / create unique index i_proxy_role_info$_2 on proxy_role_info$(client#, proxy#, role#) / Rem Rem Begin operator$ changes Rem Rem Add a column to the operator$ table to keep track of the next Rem available binding number ALTER TABLE operator$ ADD (nextbindnum number default 0 not null); Rem Populate the nextbindnum field UPDATE operator$ SET nextbindnum = numbind + 1; Rem Rem End operator$ changes Rem Rem Rem start Resource Manager changes Rem alter table resource_plan_directive$ add ( max_idle_time number, /* max. idle time in sec */ max_idle_blocker_time number, /* max. idle time blocking other sess */ switch_back number /* switch back at end of top call? */ ) / update resource_plan_directive$ set max_idle_time = 4294967295, max_idle_blocker_time = 4294967295, switch_back = 0 / create table resource_group_mapping$ ( attribute varchar2(30), /* mapping attribute type */ value varchar2(128), /* attribute value to match */ consumer_group varchar2(30), /* name of consumer group */ status varchar2(30) /* whether active or pending */ ) / create table resource_mapping_priority$ ( attribute varchar2(30), /* mapping attribute type */ priority number, /* priority of mapping (1 - 8) */ status varchar2(30) /* whether active or pending */ ) / truncate table resource_group_mapping$ / truncate table resource_mapping_priority$ / insert into resource_group_mapping$ (attribute, value, consumer_group, status) (select 'ORACLE_USER', name, defschclass, 'ACTIVE' from user$ where defschclass is not null and defschclass != 'DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('EXPLICIT', 1, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('ORACLE_USER', 7, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('SERVICE_NAME', 6, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('CLIENT_OS_USER', 9, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('CLIENT_PROGRAM', 8, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('CLIENT_MACHINE', 10, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('MODULE_NAME', 5, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('MODULE_NAME_ACTION', 4, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('SERVICE_MODULE', 3, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('SERVICE_MODULE_ACTION', 2, 'ACTIVE') / insert into resource_mapping_priority$ (attribute, priority, status) values ('CLIENT_ID', 11, 'ACTIVE') / commit / Rem Rem end Resource Manager changes Rem Rem Rem Add the service$ table Rem create table service$ ( service_id number, /* unique ID */ name varchar2(64), /* short name */ name_hash number, /* service name hash */ network_name varchar2(512), /* SERVICE_NAME as used by net */ failover_method varchar2(64), /* TAF failover characterstics */ failover_type varchar2(64), failover_retries number(10), failover_delay number(10), creation_date date, /* date created */ creation_date_hash number, /* creation date hash */ deletion_date date /* date marked deleted */ ) / rem Create the internal system service delete from service$ where name = 'SYS$BACKGROUND' or name = 'SYS$USERS' / insert into service$ (service_id, name, creation_date) values (1, 'SYS$BACKGROUND', sysdate) / insert into service$ (service_id, name, creation_date) values (2, 'SYS$USERS', sysdate) / rem table used by import and export for storing xml format of export rem metadata when doing transportable tablespaces. create table expimp_tts_ct$( owner varchar2(30) not null, /* table owner */ tablename varchar2(30) not null, /* table name */ xmlinfo clob not null, /* table's metadata from export */ when timestamp not null /* for safety */ ) / Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN director changes Rem========================================================================= Rem table used by director that contains all databases in cluster create global temporary table cluster_databases( database_name varchar2(128), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000)) on commit preserve rows / Rem table used by director that contains all nodes in cluster create global temporary table cluster_nodes( node_name varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000)) on commit preserve rows / Rem table used by director that contains all running instances in cluster create global temporary table cluster_instances( instance_number number, database_name varchar2(128), inst_name varchar2(4000), node_name varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000)) on commit preserve rows / Rem table used by director for migrate operations create table dir$migrate_operations( job_name varchar2(100), alert_seq_id number, incarnation_info varchar2(4000), service_name varchar2(4000), source_instance varchar2(4000), dest_instance varchar2(4000), session_count number, director_factor number, submit_time date, status number, start_time date, end_time date, actual_count number, error_message varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$migrate_ui on sys.dir$migrate_operations(job_name) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$migrate_end_time on sys.dir$migrate_operations(end_time) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$migrate_alert_seq_id on sys.dir$migrate_operations(alert_seq_id) tablespace sysaux / Rem table used by director for service operations create table dir$service_operations( job_name varchar2(100), alert_seq_id number, job_type number, incarnation_info varchar2(4000), service_name varchar2(4000), instance_name varchar2(4000), director_factor number, submit_time date, status number, start_time date, end_time date, error_message varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$service_ui on sys.dir$service_operations(job_name) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$service_end_time on sys.dir$service_operations(end_time) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$service_alert_seq_id on sys.dir$service_operations(alert_seq_id) tablespace sysaux / rem table used by director for escalate operations rem this is used to keep track of escalations from rem the database director to the cluster director create table dir$escalate_operations( escalation_id varchar2(200), alert_seq_id number, escalation VARCHAR2(20), incarnation_info varchar2(4000), instance_name varchar2(4000), submit_time date, status number, start_time date, end_time date, retry_time date, retry_count number, error_message varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$escalate_ui on sys.dir$escalate_operations(escalation_id) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$escalate_end_time on sys.dir$escalate_operations(end_time) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$escalate_alert_seq_id on sys.dir$escalate_operations(alert_seq_id) tablespace sysaux / rem table used by database director for rem recording quiesce operations create table dir$quiesce_operations ( job_name varchar2(100), alert_seq_id number, job_type number, incarnation_info varchar2(4000), instance_name varchar2(4000), submit_time date, status number, start_time date, end_time date, error_message varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$quiesce_ui on sys.dir$quiesce_operations(job_name) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$quiesce_status on sys.dir$quiesce_operations(status) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$quiesce_end_time on sys.dir$quiesce_operations(end_time) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$quiesce_alert_seq_id on sys.dir$quiesce_operations(alert_seq_id) tablespace sysaux / rem table used by database director for rem recording specific instance actions rem done by a job create table dir$instance_actions ( job_name varchar2(100), action_type number, instance_name varchar2(4000), submit_time date, start_time date, end_time date, error_message varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$instance_job_name on sys.dir$instance_actions(job_name) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$instance_acttyp on sys.dir$instance_actions(action_type) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$instance_end_time on sys.dir$instance_actions(end_time) tablespace sysaux / Rem table used by director for resonate operations create table dir$resonate_operations ( job_name varchar2(100), alert_name varchar2(200), job_type number, incarnation_info varchar2(4000), database_name varchar2(128), instance_name varchar2(4000), node_name varchar2(4000), submit_time date, status number, start_time date, end_time date, error_message varchar2(4000), priority number, sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$resonate_ui on sys.dir$resonate_operations(job_name) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$resonate_status on sys.dir$resonate_operations(status) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$resonate_end_time on sys.dir$resonate_operations(end_time) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$resonate_alert_name on sys.dir$resonate_operations(alert_name) tablespace sysaux / rem table used by director for database priorities create table dir$database_attributes ( database_name varchar2(128), attribute_name varchar2(30), attribute_value varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create unique index sys.i_dir$db_attributes_ui on sys.dir$database_attributes(database_name) tablespace sysaux / rem table used by director for victim database policy function create table dir$victim_policy ( user_name varchar2(30), policy_function_name varchar2(98), version number, sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparen6 number, sparen7 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / Rem Table for keeping node attributes create table dir$node_attributes ( node_name varchar2(4000), attribute_name varchar2(30), attribute_value varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$node_attributes_attr on sys.dir$node_attributes(attribute_name) tablespace sysaux / Rem Table for keeping service attributes create table dir$service_attributes ( service_id number, attribute_name varchar2(30), attribute_value varchar2(4000), sparen1 number, sparen2 number, sparen3 number, sparen4 number, sparen5 number, sparevc1 varchar2(4000), sparevc2 varchar2(4000), sparevc3 varchar2(4000), sparevc4 varchar2(4000), sparevc5 varchar2(4000)) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$service_attributes_serv on sys.dir$service_attributes(service_id) tablespace sysaux / create index sys.i_dir$service_attributes_attr on sys.dir$service_attributes(attribute_name) tablespace sysaux / Rem========================================================================= Rem END director changes Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem Add changes to other SYS dictionary objects here Rem========================================================================= Rem Add namespace to registry$ ALTER TABLE registry$ ADD ( namespace VARCHAR2(30), org_version VARCHAR2(30), prv_version VARCHAR2(30) ); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE registry$ set namespace = ''SERVER'' where namespace IS NULL'; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF sqlcode = -942 THEN NULL; -- registry$ does not exist, pre-92 db ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / -- include registry$schema to avoid script re-run errors ALTER TABLE registry$progress DROP CONSTRAINT registry_progress_fk ; ALTER TABLE registry$dependencies DROP CONSTRAINT dependencies_fk ; ALTER TABLE registry$dependencies DROP CONSTRAINT dependencies_req_fk ; ALTER TABLE registry$schemas DROP CONSTRAINT registry_schema_fk; ALTER TABLE registry$ DROP CONSTRAINT registry_parent_fk; ALTER TABLE registry$ DROP CONSTRAINT registry_pk; ALTER TABLE registry$ ADD CONSTRAINT registry_pk PRIMARY KEY (namespace, cid); ALTER TABLE registry$ ADD CONSTRAINT registry_parent_fk FOREIGN KEY (namespace, pid) REFERENCES registry$ (namespace, cid) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE registry$schemas ADD CONSTRAINT registry_schema_fk FOREIGN KEY (namespace, cid) REFERENCES registry$ (namespace, cid) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE registry$progress ADD CONSTRAINT registry_progress_fk FOREIGN KEY (namespace, cid) REFERENCES registry$ (namespace, cid) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE registry$dependencies ADD CONSTRAINT registry_dependencies_fk FOREIGN KEY (namespace, cid) REFERENCES registry$ (namespace, cid) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE registry$dependencies ADD CONSTRAINT registry_dependencies_req_fk FOREIGN KEY (req_namespace, req_cid) REFERENCES registry$ (namespace, cid) ON DELETE CASCADE; drop public synonym XMLConcat; drop function xmlconcat; Rem =========================================== Rem Remove public grant on DBA_PROCEDURES Rem =========================================== BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'REVOKE SELECT on DBA_PROCEDURES from PUBLIC'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF SQLCODE IN (-942, -1917, -1918, -1919, -1927, -1951, -1952) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / Rem =========================================== Rem smon_scn_time table Rem See comments in sql.bsq Rem =========================================== Rem add columns to 9.0.2 table alter table sys.smon_scn_time ADD ( num_mappings number default 0, tim_scn_map raw(1200) default null ) / Rem add columns to 10.1 beta1 table alter table sys.smon_scn_time ADD ( scn number default 0, /* scn */ orig_thread number default 0 /* for downgrade */ ) / update smon_scn_time set scn = scn_wrp * 4294967295 + scn_bas where scn=0; update smon_scn_time set orig_thread=thread, thread=0 where orig_thread=0 and thread<>0; commit; rem rem transparent session migration rem create table tsm_hist$ ( source_sid number, /* session id on source instance */ source_serial# number, /* serial# on source instance */ state number, /* migration state */ cost number, /* estimated migration cost */ source varchar2(4000), /* source instance */ destination varchar2(4000), /* destination instance */ connect_string varchar2(4000), /* destination connect string */ failure_reason number, /* reason for failure of migration */ destination_sid number, /* session id on destination instance */ destination_serial# number, /* serial# on destination instance */ start_time date, /* migration start time */ end_time date /* migration end time */ ) tablespace SYSAUX / create index i_tsm_hist1 on tsm_hist$(source_sid, source_serial#) tablespace SYSAUX / Rem Set Logical Standby bit in tab$ & seq$ to ensure tables are always guarded. alter system flush shared_pool; UPDATE SYS.TAB$ SET FLAGS = FLAGS + 1073741824 WHERE BITAND(FLAGS, 1073741824) != 1073741824 /* lsby bit not already set */ AND BITAND(PROPERTY, 4194304) != 4194304 /* not temp table */ AND OBJ# IN (SELECT O.OBJ# FROM SYS.OBJ$ O, SYS.USER$ U WHERE U.USER# = O.OWNER# AND O.TYPE# = 2 AND U.NAME != 'SYS' AND U.NAME != 'SYSTEM' AND U.NAME != 'OUTLN' AND U.NAME != 'DBSNMP'); COMMIT; alter system flush shared_pool; UPDATE SYS.SEQ$ SET FLAGS = FLAGS + 8 WHERE BITAND(FLAGS, 8) != 8 /* lsby bit not already set */ AND OBJ# IN (SELECT O.OBJ# FROM SYS.OBJ$ O, SYS.USER$ U WHERE U.USER# = O.OWNER# AND O.TYPE# = 6 AND U.NAME != 'SYS' AND U.NAME != 'SYSTEM' AND U.NAME != 'OUTLN' AND U.NAME != 'DBSNMP'); COMMIT; alter system flush shared_pool; Rem ========================================================================= Rem upgrade rules engine objects Rem ========================================================================= ALTER TABLE sys.rec_tab$ ADD ( tab_id number, /* index of table alias */ tab_obj# number /* table object number */ ) / ALTER TABLE sys.rec_var$ ADD ( var_id number, /* index of variable */ var_dty number, /* oacdty */ precision# number, /* precision */ scale number, /* scale */ maxlen number, /* maximum length */ charsetid number, /* NLS character set id */ charsetform number, /* character set form */ toid raw(16), /* OID for ADTs */ version number, /* TOID version for ADTs */ num_attrs number /* number of flattened attributes in var */ ) / DECLARE INDEX_NOT_EXIST exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INDEX_NOT_EXIST, -1418); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP INDEX sys.i_rec_tab'; EXCEPTION WHEN INDEX_NOT_EXIST THEN NULL; END; / DECLARE INDEX_NOT_EXIST exception; pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(INDEX_NOT_EXIST, -1418); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'DROP INDEX sys.i_rec_var'; EXCEPTION WHEN INDEX_NOT_EXIST THEN NULL; END; / UPDATE sys.obj$ SET status = 5 where obj# in ((select obj# from obj$ where type# = 62 or type# = 46) union all (select /*+ index (dependency$ i_dependency2) */ d_obj# from dependency$ connect by prior d_obj# = p_obj# start with p_obj# in (select obj# from obj$ where type# = 62 or type# = 46))) / commit / -- Remove lcr$_row_record methods whose signatures have changed -- between and higher releases DECLARE version varchar2(30); alt_typ_stmt varchar2(500); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT substr(dbms_registry.version(''CATPROC''),1,7) FROM DUAL' INTO version; IF version = '' THEN alt_typ_stmt := 'ALTER TYPE sys.lcr$_row_record DROP MEMBER FUNCTION ' || ' get_value (value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2) ' || ' RETURN sys.AnyData CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_typ_stmt; alt_typ_stmt := 'ALTER TYPE sys.lcr$_row_record DROP MEMBER FUNCTION ' || ' get_values (value_type IN VARCHAR2) ' || ' RETURN sys.lcr$_row_list CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_typ_stmt; alt_typ_stmt := 'ALTER TYPE sys.lcr$_row_record DROP MEMBER FUNCTION ' || ' get_lob_information (value_type IN VARCHAR2,' || ' column_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_typ_stmt; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF sqlcode = -904 THEN NULL; /* dbms_registry package does not * exist, pre-92 db */ ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / Rem========================================================================= Rem Add changes to SYSTEM objects here Rem========================================================================= Rem Begin Logical Standby changes. Rem Rem Logical Standby SCN table Rem ALTER TABLE system.logstdby$scn add ( objname varchar2(4000), /* Object name */ schema varchar2(30), /* Schema name */ type varchar2(20) ); Rem Rem Logical Standby Skip table Rem ALTER TABLE system.logstdby$skip add ( use_like number, /* 0 = exact match, 1 = like, 2 = like with escape */ esc varchar2(1) /* Escape character if using like */ ); Rem Rem Logical Standby apply_milestone table Rem ALTER TABLE system.logstdby$apply_milestone add ( fetchlwm_scn number default(0) not null /* maximum SCN ever fetched */ ); Rem End Logical Standby changes. Rem ====================== Rem Begin Logminer Upgrade Rem ====================== declare /**************************************************************************** * * * DESCRIPTION * On upgrade from 9i to 10g, logmnrc_gtcs gets a new primary key of * logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol#. * For 9i the key was logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, segcol#. * Though the new key should always be unique, bug 3785754 could cause * a given table entry to have multiple occurances of the same intcol#. * This procedure "tweaks" (does not correct) all offending entries so * that the creation of the new key will succeed. "Tweaking" happens such * that tweaked intcol# values are easily indentifed as having been * tweaked. They are all over 2000 whereas normal intcol# are typically * less than 1000. * Pre-tweaked values are first saved in uniquely named, generated * tables of the form SYS.BUG$3785754_xxxxxx where xxxxxx is a unique * integer that corresponds to the occation on which procedure was run. * The source of logmnrc_gtcs corruption is always logmnr_col$. Streams * sessions may not be fully caught up at the time of upgrade. If a * session still needed to mine the redo of a table for which the * Logminer frontier metadata is wrong, subsquent corruption of * logmnrc_gtcs is possible. * In this post upgrade scenario, logmnr_gtcs will be corrupted * differently than pre-upgrade. Rather than just having incorrect * duplicate intcol# values, in logmnr_gtcs the duplicates will now * be collapsed into a single column description. This type of corruption * would likely cause streams apply to stop. * To avoid this cascading problem, at the time of the logmnr_gtcs * fixup a similar fixup will also be applied to logmnr_col$. Note that * this should ensure that the mining of subsequent DMLs that need this * definition may continue to work if this adjustment is to a * logmnr_gtcs entry that has only been corrupted by one DDL. If a * corrupt entry has been manipulated by subsequent DDLs, the results * are unknown. Further more, once logmnr_col$ has been adjusted by * this script, the application of a subsequent DDL will likely result * in an unusable definition. * In otherwords, by applying the same tweak to corrupt logmnr_col$ * entries, we allow for the possibility of mining * unprocessed DMLs that were generated pre-upgrade. This change * does not allow for the mining of unapplied DMLs that require the * corrupt logmnr_col$ / logmnrc_gtcs entries if there is there * is an intervening DDL. At the time of upgrade, with our without * this change, unprocessed DDLs that impact corrupt logmnr_col$ entries * will likely cause problems when attempt to apply subsequent DMLs * that need these definitions. * Note, the fix for this issue was included in 10.2. * * TRANSACTION * This routine performs DDL. There should be no transaction open * in the context in which this is called. * * ERRORS * No errors are expected. All errors are signalled. */ BugTableName VARCHAR2(60); /* * MakeBugTableName * Assuming that multiple callers are not invoking this simultaneously, * returns a new, unique name to be used to name a table related to * this bug. * * RETURNS: * String, not to exceed 60 characters, of tablename. * Example: 'BUG$3785754_xxxxxx' */ FUNCTION MakeBugTableName RETURN VARCHAR2 IS NewTableName varchar2(30); BEGIN select 'BUG$3785754_' || ltrim(to_char(1 + NVL(MAX(TO_NUMBER(LTRIM(, 'BUG$3785754_'))), 0), '0999999')) into NewTableName from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where = 'SYS' and o.owner# = u.user# and o.type# = 2 and like 'BUG$3785754_%'; RETURN NewTableName; END MakeBugTableName; /* * GtcsTweakIsNeeded * Looks at logmnrc_gtcs and returns TRUE if there are duplicates * for the proposed new key of logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol#. * FALSE is returned if there are no duplicates. */ FUNCTION GtcsTweakIsNeeded RETURN BOOLEAN IS CntKeyViloations number; BEGIN /* * Use execute immediate to ensure that this does not recompile * every time a partition is added/dropped to logmnrc_gtcs. */ execute immediate 'select count(*) from (select logmnr_uid from system.logmnrc_gtcs group by logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)' into CntKeyViloations; return (CntKeyViloations > 0); END GtcsTweakIsNeeded; /* * ColTweakIsNeeded * Looks at logmnr_col$ and returns TRUE if there are duplicates * for a key of logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol#. * FALSE is returned if there are no duplicates. */ FUNCTION ColTweakIsNeeded RETURN BOOLEAN IS CntKeyViloations number; BEGIN /* * Use execute immediate to ensure that this does not recompile * every time a partition is added/dropped to logmnrc_gtcs. */ execute immediate 'select count(*) from (select logmnr_uid from system.logmnr_col$ group by logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)' into CntKeyViloations; return (CntKeyViloations > 0); END ColTweakIsNeeded; /* * CreateTableOfTweakedGtcs * Creates a table named by input parameter of all tuples from * logmnrc_gtcs that will be tweaked to ensure successful creation * of new primary key. * PARAMETERS: * BugTableName : IN * A string of an unsued tablename that is * to be created and loaded with logmnrc_gtcs entries * that need to be tweaked. */ PROCEDURE CreateTableOfTweakedGtcs(BugTableName IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN execute immediate 'create table SYS.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(BugTableName, FALSE) || ' as select * from system.logmnrc_gtcs x where (x.logmnr_uid, x.obj#, x.objv#, x.intcol#) IN (select logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol# from system.logmnrc_gtcs group by logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)'; END CreateTableOfTweakedGtcs; /* * CreateTableOfTweakedCols * Creates a table named by input parameter of all tuples from * logmnr_col$ that will be tweaked to ensure that there are not * duplicate intcol#s for the columns of a given table. * PARAMETERS: * BugTableName : IN * A string of an unsued tablename that is * to be created and loaded with logmnrc_gtcs entries * that need to be tweaked. */ PROCEDURE CreateTableOfTweakedCols(BugTableName IN VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN execute immediate 'create table SYS.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(BugTableName, FALSE) || ' as select * from system.logmnr_col$ x where (x.logmnr_uid, x.obj#, x.intcol#) IN (select logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol# from system.logmnr_col$ group by logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)'; END CreateTableOfTweakedCols; /* * MakeTheGtcsTweaks * Finds every tuple in logmnrc_gtcs that participates in a collision * of what is to be the new primary key and tweaks it's intcol# value * to ensure no collisions. The intcol# is set to 2000+segcol#. */ PROCEDURE MakeTheGtcsTweaks IS BEGIN execute immediate 'update system.logmnrc_gtcs x set x.intcol# = 2000 + x.segcol# where (x.logmnr_uid, x.obj#, x.objv#, x.intcol#) IN (select logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol# from system.logmnrc_gtcs group by logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)'; END MakeTheGtcsTweaks; /* * MakeTheColTweaks * Finds every tuple in logmnr_col$ that has a duplicate intcol# * within a given table definition and tweaks intcol# values * to eliminate collisions. The intcol# is set to 2000+segcol#. * Although this is imperfect as there are rare circumstances when * a table may have multiple, equal values of segcol# == 0, these * columns are not of interest when processing redo generated by 9i. */ PROCEDURE MakeTheColTweaks IS BEGIN execute immediate 'update system.logmnr_col$ x set x.intcol# = 2000 + x.segcol# where (x.logmnr_uid, x.obj#, x.intcol#) IN (select logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol# from system.logmnr_col$ group by logmnr_uid, obj#, intcol# having count(1) > 1)'; END MakeTheColTweaks; BEGIN IF GtcsTweakIsNeeded THEN BugTableName := MakeBugTableName; CreateTableOfTweakedGtcs(BugTableName); MakeTheGtcsTweaks; Commit; END IF; IF ColTweakIsNeeded THEN BugTableName := MakeBugTableName; CreateTableOfTweakedCols(BugTableName); MakeTheColTweaks; Commit; END IF; END; / alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNRC_GTCS drop primary key cascade; alter session set events '14524 trace name context forever, level 1'; declare prop number; begin select bitand(,32) into prop from obj$ o, tab$ t, user$ u where = 'SYSTEM' and u.user# = o.owner# and o.remoteowner is null and o.linkname is null and o.type# = 2 and o.obj# = t.obj# and = 'LOGMNRC_GTCS'; if prop = 32 then execute immediate 'alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNRC_GTCS add constraint LOGMNRC_GTCS_PK primary key (logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol#) using index local tablespace sysaux logging'; else -- if it is not partitioned, this will get recreated later but we -- create it now to validate it close to the above bugfix in case -- there are any constraint violations. execute immediate 'alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNRC_GTCS add constraint LOGMNRC_GTCS_PK primary key (logmnr_uid, obj#, objv#, intcol#) using index tablespace sysaux logging'; end if; end; / alter session set events '14524 trace name context off'; -- In 10i we have tried to give Logminer Contraints Logminer names declare buf varchar2(4000); cursor constraint_names_cursor is SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME, substr(, 1, 6) CONSTRAINT_PREFIX, || '.' || INDEX_FULL_NAME, substr(, 1, 6) INDEX_PREFIX, || '.' || TABLE_FULL_NAME, TABLE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, INDEX_NAME FROM sys.con$ c, sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u, sys.cdef$ cd LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.obj$ io ON cd.enabled = io.obj# WHERE cd.con# = c.con# and cd.obj# = o.obj# and cd.type# = 2 and o.owner# = u.user# and IN ('SYSTEM', 'SYS') and IN ('LOGMNR_BUILDLOG', 'LOGMNR_AGE_SPILL$', 'LOGMNR_ATTRCOL$', 'LOGMNR_CCOL$', 'LOGMNR_CDEF$', 'LOGMNR_COL$', 'LOGMNR_COLTYPE$', 'LOGMNR_ICOL$', 'LOGMNR_IND$', 'LOGMNR_INDCOMPART$', 'LOGMNR_INDPART$', 'LOGMNR_INDSUBPART$', 'LOGMNR_LOB$', 'LOGMNR_LOBFRAG$', 'LOGMNR_LOGMNR_BUILDLOG', 'LOGMNR_LOG$', 'LOGMNR_OBJ$', 'LOGMNR_PROCESSED_LOG$', 'LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT$', 'LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO$', 'LOGMNR_SPILL$', 'LOGMNR_TAB$', 'LOGMNR_TABCOMPART$', 'LOGMNR_TABPART$', 'LOGMNR_TABSUBPART$', 'LOGMNR_TS$', 'LOGMNR_TYPE$', 'LOGMNR_USER$'); begin FOR name_rec IN constraint_names_cursor LOOP IF NOT 'LOGMNR' = name_rec.CONSTRAINT_PREFIX THEN buf := 'ALTER TABLE ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.SCHEMA_NAME, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.TABLE_NAME, FALSE) || ' RENAME CONSTRAINT ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.CONSTRAINT_NAME, FALSE) || ' TO ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.TABLE_NAME || '_PK', FALSE); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE buf; END IF; IF NOT (name_rec.INDEX_PREFIX IS NULL OR 'LOGMNR' = name_rec.INDEX_PREFIX) THEN buf := 'ALTER INDEX ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.SCHEMA_NAME, FALSE)|| '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.INDEX_NAME, FALSE) || ' RENAME TO ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(name_rec.TABLE_NAME || '_PK', FALSE); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE buf; END IF; END LOOP; COMMIT; end; / alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_OBJ$ add (FLAGS NUMBER(22), SPARE3 NUMBER(22), STIME DATE); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_TAB$ add (KERNELCOLS NUMBER(22), BOBJ# NUMBER(22), TRIGFLAG NUMBER(22), FLAGS NUMBER(22)); alter table SYS.LOGMNR_BUILDLOG add (MARKED_LOG_FILE_LOW_SCN NUMBER); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNRC_GTLO add (COLS NUMBER, KERNELCOLS NUMBER, TAB_FLAGS NUMBER, TRIGFLAG NUMBER, OBJ_FLAGS NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE5 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE6 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE7 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE8 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE9 NUMBER); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNRC_GTCS add (LOGMNR_SPARE5 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE6 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE7 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE8 NUMBER, LOGMNR_SPARE9 NUMBER); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_LOG$ add (db_id number, resetlogs_change# number, reset_timestamp number, prev_resetlogs_change# number, prev_reset_timestamp number, blocks number, block_size number, flags number, contents number, spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 number, spare5 number); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_SPILL$ add (spare1 number, spare2 number); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_AGE_SPILL$ add (spare1 number, spare2 number); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT$ add (ckpt_info blob, flag number, spare1 number, spare2 number) LOB (ckpt_info) STORE AS (TABLESPACE SYSTEM CACHE CHUNK 16k STORAGE (INITIAL 16K NEXT 16K)); alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_SESSION$ add (oldest_scn number default 0, global_db_name varchar2(128) default null, reset_timestamp number, branch_scn number, version varchar2(64), spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 number, spare5 number, spare6 date, spare7 varchar(1000), spare8 varchar(1000)); CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.LOGMNR_ERROR$ ( session# number, time_of_error date, code number, message varchar2(4000), spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 varchar2(4000), spare5 varchar2(4000)) TABLESPACE SYSAUX LOGGING; CREATE TABLE system.logmnr_session_evolve$ ( branch_level number, session# number, db_id number, reset_scn number, reset_timestamp number, prev_reset_scn number, prev_reset_timestamp number, status number, spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 date) tablespace SYSAUX LOGGING; CREATE SEQUENCE system.logmnr_evolve_seq$ START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NOMAXVALUE ORDER; CREATE TABLE SYSTEM.logmnr_processed_log$ ( session# number, thread# number, sequence# number, first_change# number, next_change# number, first_time date, next_time date, file_name varchar2(513), status number, info varchar2(32), timestamp date, CONSTRAINT LOGMNR_PROCESSED_LOG$_PK PRIMARY KEY (SESSION#, THREAD#) USING INDEX TABLESPACE SYSAUX LOGGING) TABLESPACE SYSAUX LOGGING; -- Ckpt_info is new in 10i for LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT$. Ensure that it -- is initialized to empty_blob. This operation must be idempotent; -- we only set it to empty_blob when it is null. update SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT$ set ckpt_info = EMPTY_BLOB() where ckpt_info is null; commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_SESSION$ does not have reset_timestamp populated. -- Set reset_timestamp to a useful value. We only need a real -- value in the case of streams mining on the source system. Other 9i -- sessions will eventually be dropped. Mining through resetlogs was -- not supported in 9i, so we assume the current incarnation is valid. -- Resetlog support will only be in place after the upgrade is completed. update system.logmnr_session$ x set x.reset_timestamp = nvl( (select ((((((((((to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'YYYY') - 1988) * 12) + to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'MM') - 1) * 31) + to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'DD') - 1) * 24) + to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'HH24')) * 60) + to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'MI')) * 60) + to_char(v.RESETLOGS_TIME, 'SS') from (select max(i.resetlogs_time) resetlogs_time, i.resetlogs_change# from v$database_incarnation i group by i.RESETLOGS_CHANGE# ) v where v.resetlogs_change# = x.resetlogs_change#), 0) where x.reset_timestamp is null; commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_SESSION$ also has a new column, version. It needs -- to be initialized. -- -- Bug 3996171: This should only be done when we have already loaded -- a dictionary for this session. update system.logmnr_session$ x set x.version = '' where x.version is null and exists (select 1 from system.logmnr_uid$ u where x.session# = u.session#); commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_SESSION$ also has a new column, branch_scn. It needs -- to be initialized. update system.logmnr_session$ x set x.branch_scn = 0 where x.branch_scn is null; commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_LOG$ also has a new column, contents. It needs -- to be initialized. update system.logmnr_log$ x set x.contents = 0 where x.contents is null; commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_LOG$ has new shape to its primary key. -- Prior to 10i it was (SESSION#, THREAD#, SEQUENCE#). -- First, give the new columns some reasonable values. The final predicate -- ensures that we only do this once. update SYSTEM.LOGMNR_LOG$ X set (x.db_id, x.resetlogs_change#, x.reset_timestamp) = (select s.db_id, s.resetlogs_change#, s.reset_timestamp from system.logmnr_session$ s where s.session# = x.session#) where x.db_id is NULL; commit; -- SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO used to have a primary key -- on (session#, xidusn, xidslt, xidsqn, session_num, serial_num) -- prior to We need to drop that primary key and create -- a new one. Ideally we should check to see whether the named -- primary key exists, before dropping and recreating the primary key. -- The following delete will only remove checkpoint data delete SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO$ where start_scn = effective_scn; commit; alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO$ drop primary key cascade; alter table SYSTEM.LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO$ add constraint LOGMNR_RESTART_CKPT_TXINFO$_PK primary key (SESSION#, XIDUSN, XIDSLT, XIDSQN, SESSION_NUM, SERIAL_NUM, EFFECTIVE_SCN); -- new inline constraints -- Before we can add these must ensure that they will be valid. -- Do these using dynamic (as opposed to static SQL to ensure that -- this declare block does not get invalidated -- or deadlocked as a result of DDL operations -- on the table which we are updating. -- First ensure that system_name is never null. update system.logmnr_session$ set session_name = to_char(session#) where session_name is NULL; commit; -- Second, ensure session_name for existing STREAMS sessions are the same -- as their corresponding capture names. In 9.2 cloned sessions had the -- same session_name as their parent. update system.logmnr_session$ x set x.session_name = (select s.capture_name from sys.streams$_capture_process s where s.LOGMNR_SID = x.session#) where exists (select c.logmnr_sid from sys.streams$_capture_process c where c.LOGMNR_SID = x.session#); commit; -- Third ensure that session_name is unique by appending session number -- onto any non-unique name. update system.logmnr_session$ x set x.session_name = x.session_name || to_char(x.session#) where x.session# in (select distinct a.session# from system.logmnr_session$ a, system.logmnr_session$ b where a.session_name = b.session_name and a.session# <> b.session#); commit; alter table system.logmnr_session$ modify session_name not null; alter table system.logmnr_session$ drop primary key; alter table system.logmnr_session$ add constraint logmnr_session_pk primary key (session#) using index tablespace SYSTEM LOGGING; alter table system.logmnr_session$ add constraint logmnr_session_uk1 unique (session_name) using index tablespace SYSTEM LOGGING; /* indexes added for lsby */ CREATE INDEX system.logmnr_log$_flags ON system.logmnr_log$ (flags) TABLESPACE SYSAUX LOGGING; CREATE INDEX system.logmnr_log$_first_change# ON system.logmnr_log$(first_change#) TABLESPACE SYSAUX LOGGING; begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on dbms_logmnr_internal from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_krvrdluid3 from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_krvrdrepdict3 from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_krvrda_test_apply from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_krvrdluid3 from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on dbms_logmnr_octologmnrt from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_krvrdluid3 from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_dict_cache from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / begin execute immediate 'revoke execute on logmnr_gtlo3 from execute_catalog_role'; exception when others then null; end; / Rem ==================== Rem End Logminer Upgrade Rem ==================== -- Turn ON the event to enable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context forever, level 1'; ALTER TABLE$_queues ADD (service_name VARCHAR2(64)); ALTER TABLE$_queues ADD (network_name VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE$_message_types ADD (network_name VARCHAR2(256)); ALTER TABLE$_replay_info ADD (ack NUMBER); Rem Evolve Type$_reg_info ALTER TYPE$_reg_info ADD ATTRIBUTE(anyctx SYS.ANYDATA, ctxtype NUMBER) CASCADE; ALTER TYPE$_reg_info ADD CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION aq$_reg_info( name VARCHAR2, namespace NUMBER, callback VARCHAR2, context RAW) RETURN SELF AS RESULT CASCADE; ALTER TYPE$_srvntfn_message ADD ATTRIBUTE(anysub_context SYS.ANYDATA, context_type NUMBER) CASCADE; -- Turn ON the event to enable DDL on AQ tables alter session set events '10851 trace name context forever, level 1'; Rem TODO: Fix later Rem UPDATE SYS.AQ_SRVNTFN_TABLE tab Rem SET tab.user_data.context_type = 0; Rem Begin Summary Advisor changes. alter table system.mview$_adv_workload modify (application varchar2(64)); Rem End Summary Advisor changes. Rem ======================================================================== Rem Upgrade system types to 10.1 Rem ======================================================================== Rem Upgrading the type manager to refresh to the latest Rem Rem c1001000.sql contributions START here. tbgraves Rem========================================================================= Rem Add new system privileges here Rem========================================================================= Rem Add SQL Tuning Base privileges insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-274, 'CREATE ANY SQL PROFILE', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-270, 'DROP ANY SQL PROFILE', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-271, 'ALTER ANY SQL PROFILE', 0); Rem add sql tuning Set privileges insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-272, 'ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET', 0); insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-273, 'ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET', 0); Rem add secure client_id privilege insert into SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP values (-275, 'EXEMPT IDENTITY POLICY', 0); grant all privileges, analyze any dictionary to dba with admin option; Rem========================================================================= Rem Add new object privileges here Rem========================================================================= Rem A grant/revoke on a nested table column is supposed Rem to propagate the privileges to all the underlying nested tables. Rem Prior to 10.1, these privileges were being propagated only to the Rem first level nested tables. The following piece of code fixes the Rem nested table while upgrading to 10.1 in case privileges had been Rem granted on the first level tables. create or replace procedure u$grant$nested$priv (pobj in number) is ntabobjn number; cnt integer; cursor c2(pobj number) is select ntab# from ntab$ where obj#=pobj; begin open c2(pobj); loop fetch c2 into ntabobjn; exit when c2%NOTFOUND; -- If there is already a row present, ignore it select count(*) into cnt from objauth$ where obj# = ntabobjn; if (cnt = 0) then -- Add rows for this table. insert into objauth$ (obj#, grantor#, grantee#, privilege#, sequence#, parent, option$, col#) select ntabobjn, grantor#, grantee#, privilege#, object_grant.nextval, parent, option$, col# from objauth$ where obj#=pobj; -- Recurse to find nested tables u$grant$nested$priv(ntabobjn); end if; end loop; end; / declare n integer; pobj number; grantor number; grantee number; priv number; options number; cursor c1 is select a.obj# from tab$ t, objauth$ a where t.obj#=a.obj# and bitand(, 8192) = 8192 and bitand(, 4) = 4; begin -- Get number of first level nested tables which were granted privileges -- in prior releases and which have further nested tables under them. -- If this count is zero, we have nothing to do. select count(*) into n from tab$ t, objauth$ a where t.obj#=a.obj# and bitand(, 8192) = 8192 and bitand(, 4) = 4; if (n > 0) then -- Open a cursor to fetch each such first level nested table -- For each parent table, call a recursive procedure to grant -- privileges to the nested tables. open c1; loop fetch c1 into pobj; exit when c1%NOTFOUND; u$grant$nested$priv(pobj); end loop; end if; end; / drop procedure u$grant$nested$priv; Rem=================i======================================================== Rem Add new audit options here Rem========================================================================= Rem Add SQL Tuning Base options insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (274, 'CREATE ANY SQL PROFILE',0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (270, 'DROP ANY SQL PROFILE',0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (271, 'ALTER ANY SQL PROFILE',0); Rem add sql tuning Set options insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (272, 'ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET', 0); insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (273, 'ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET', 0); Rem add secure client_id privilege insert into STMT_AUDIT_OPTION_MAP values (275, 'EXEMPT IDENTITY POLICY', 0); Rem========================================================================= Rem Drop views removed from last release here Rem remove obsolete dependencies for any fixed views in i1001000.sql Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem Drop packages removed from last release here Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem Add changes to sql.bsq dictionary tables here Rem========================================================================= Rem Add SQL Tuning Base create table sql$ /* base table for SQL Tuning Base */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL text */ nhash number not null, /* hash value for normalized text */ sqlarea_hash number not null, /* sql cache hash value */ last_used date not null, /* week of last use */ inuse_features number not null, /* bit map of features used by this object */ /* 0x01 - SQLProfiles, 0x02 - stored outlines */ flags number not null, /* not used currently */ modified date not null, /* last modification timestamp */ incarnation number not null, /* modification incarnation number */ spare1 number, /* spare column */ spare2 varchar2(1000) /* spare column */ ) / -- catch "such column list already indexed" error when rerun begin execute immediate 'create unique index i_sql$signature on sql$(signature)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -01408) then null; else raise; end if; end; / create table sql$text /* holds SQL text for sql$ entries */ ( signature number not null, /* signature of normalized SQL text */ sql_text CLOB not null, /* un-normalized SQL text */ sql_len number not null /* length of SQL text */ ) / -- catch "such column list already indexed" error when rerun begin execute immediate 'create index i_sql$text on sql$text(signature)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -01408) then null; else raise; end if; end; / create table sqlprof$ /* base table for storing SQL profile objects */ ( sp_name varchar2(30) not null, /* name (potentially generated) */ signature number not null,/* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* category name */ nhash number not null, /* hash value for normalized text */ created date not null, /* creation date */ last_modified date not null, /* last modified date */ type number not null, /* '1' for manual, */ /* '2' for auto-tune */ status number not null, /* '1' for enabled, */ /* '2' for disabled, '3' for void */ flags number not null, /* not used */ spare1 number, /* spare column */ spare2 varchar2(1000) /* spare column */ ) / create unique index i_sqlprof$ on sqlprof$(signature, category) / create unique index i_sqlprof$name on sqlprof$(sp_name) / create table sqlprof$desc /* descriptions for SQL profiles */ ( signature number not null,/* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* join key: category name */ description varchar2(500) /* profile description (potentially generated) */ ) / create unique index i_sqlprof$desc on sqlprof$desc(signature, category) / create table sqlprof$attr /* table containing attributes for SQL profiles */ ( signature number not null,/* signature of normalized SQL txt */ category varchar2(30) not null, /* join key: category name */ attr# number not null, /* attr number within profile */ attr_val varchar2(500) not null /* attribute value */ ) / create unique index i_sqlprof$attr on sqlprof$attr (signature, category, attr#) / rem table to monitor lifetime caching statistics create table cache_stats_1$ ( dataobj# number not null, inst_id number not null, cached_avg number, cached_sqr_avg number, cached_no integer, cached_seq_no integer, chr_avg number, chr_sqr_avg number, chr_no integer, chr_seq_no integer, lgr_sum number, lgr_last number, phr_last number, spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 number, spare5 number ) storage (maxextents unlimited) / create index i_cache_stats_1 on cache_stats_1$(dataobj#, inst_id) storage (maxextents unlimited) / create sequence cache_stats_seq_1 start with 1 increment by 1 / rem table to monitor workload caching statistics create table cache_stats_0$ ( dataobj# number not null, inst_id number not null, cached_avg number, cached_sqr_avg number, cached_no integer, cached_seq_no integer, chr_avg number, chr_sqr_avg number, chr_no integer, chr_seq_no integer, lgr_sum number, lgr_last number, phr_last number, spare1 number, spare2 number, spare3 number, spare4 number, spare5 number ) storage (maxextents unlimited) / create index i_cache_stats_0 on cache_stats_0$(dataobj#, inst_id) storage (maxextents unlimited) / create sequence cache_stats_seq_0 start with 1 increment by 1 / /* target list for automated stats collection */ create table stats_target$ ( staleness number not null, /* -100 = no stats, -1.0 ... +1.0 = staleness factor on a log scale */ osize number not null, /* roughly calculated object size */ obj# number not null, /* target object obj# */ type# number not null, /* target object type# as in obj$ */ flags number not null, /* 0x0001 = failed with timeout last time */ /* 0x0002 = non-segment level of partitioned object */ status number not null, /* 0 = pending, 1 = gathering in progress, 2 = completed, 3 = failed */ sid number, /* session id of the session working/worked on this object */ serial# number, /* serial# of the session working/worked on this object */ part# number, /* [sub]partition# if applicable else null */ bo# number /* base or parent obj# */ /* table partition: obj# of the parent table */ /* table subpartition: obj# of the parent table partition */ /* non-partitioned or global index: obj# of the base table */ /* local index partition: obj# of the corresponding table partition */ /* local index subpartition: obj# of the corresponding table subpartition */ /* else: null */ ) storage (maxextents unlimited) tablespace sysaux; create index i_stats_target1 on stats_target$ (staleness, osize, obj#, status) storage (maxextents unlimited) tablespace sysaux; create unique index i_stats_target2 on stats_target$ (obj#) storage (maxextents unlimited) tablespace sysaux; /* alter storage parameters for some existing objects */ begin execute immediate 'alter cluster c_obj#_intcol# storage (next 200k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_obj#_intcol# storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter table hist_head$ storage (next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_hh_obj#_col# storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_hh_obj#_intcol# storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter table mon_mods$ storage (next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_mon_mods$_obj storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter table col_usage$ storage (next 100k maxextents unlimited pctincrease 0)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_col_usage$ storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter table object_usage storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / begin execute immediate 'alter index i_stats_obj# storage (maxextents unlimited)'; exception when others then if (sqlcode = -25150) then null; else raise; end if; end; / Rem========================================================================= Rem Plan Stability changes Rem========================================================================= alter table outln.ol$nodes add node_name varchar2(64); Rem c1001000.sql contributions END here. tbgraves Rem========================================================================= Rem Add changes to SYSTEM objects here Rem========================================================================= Rem ======================================================================== Rem Upgrade system types to 10.2.0 Rem ======================================================================== CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE upgrade_system_types_from_920 IS LANGUAGE C NAME "UPG_FROM_920" LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB; / DECLARE x_null CHAR(1); BEGIN SELECT NULL INTO x_null from obj$ o, user$ u where in ('BINARY_DOUBLE', 'BINARY_FLOAT') and o.owner#=u.user# and'SYS' and o.type#=13 and rownum<=1; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN upgrade_system_types_from_920(); END; / drop procedure upgrade_system_types_from_920; Rem Drop these types so that they will be recreated (no longer evolved) DROP TYPE ODCIIndexInfo FORCE; DROP TYPE ODCICost FORCE; DROP TYPE ODCIArgDesc FORCE; DROP TYPE ODCIEnv FORCE; -- Upgrade xmlgenformattype -- drop xmlgenformattype.createformat() static function begin execute immediate 'alter type sys.xmlgenformattype drop static function createFormat(enclTag IN varchar2, schemaType IN varchar2, schemaName IN varchar2, targetNameSpace IN varchar2, dburlPrefix IN varchar2, processingIns IN varchar2) RETURN XMLGenFormatType cascade'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -22324 then null; else raise; end if; end; / alter type sys.xmlgenformattype add static function createFormat( enclTag IN varchar2 := 'ROWSET', schemaType IN varchar2 := 'NO_SCHEMA', schemaName IN varchar2 := null, targetNameSpace IN varchar2 := null, dburlPrefix IN varchar2 := null, processingIns IN varchar2 := null) RETURN XMLGenFormatType deterministic parallel_enable cascade; begin execute immediate 'alter type sys.xmlgenformattype drop CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION XMLGenFormatType (enclTag IN varchar2 := ''ROWSET'', schemaType IN varchar2 := ''NO_SCHEMA'', schemaName IN varchar2 := null, targetNameSpace IN varchar2 := null, dbUrlPrefix IN varchar2 := null, processingIns IN varchar2 := null) RETURN SELF AS RESULT cascade'; exception when others then if sqlcode = -22324 then null; else raise; end if; end; / alter type sys.xmlgenformattype add CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION XMLGenFormatType ( enclTag IN varchar2 := 'ROWSET', schemaType IN varchar2 := 'NO_SCHEMA', schemaName IN varchar2 := null, targetNameSpace IN varchar2 := null, dbUrlPrefix IN varchar2 := null, processingIns IN varchar2 := null) RETURN SELF AS RESULT deterministic parallel_enable cascade; alter type sys.xmlgenformattype add STATIC function createFormat2( enclTag in varchar2 := 'ROWSET', flags in raw) return sys.xmlgenformattype deterministic parallel_enable cascade; alter type sys.xmlgenformattype add attribute controlflag raw(4) cascade; Rem ======================================================================== Rem All additions/modifications to lcr$_row_XXX must go here. Rem ======================================================================== Rem Workaround for bug 2897618 Rem Drop methods from lcr$_row_record before lcr$_row_unit type evolution and Rem add them back after the type has evolved Rem These methods are: Rem 1. lcr$_row_record.construct : added in 9201 Rem 2. lcr$_row_record.set_values : added in 9201 Rem 3. lcr$_row_record.get_values : added in 9202 : w/ row_list in signature ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record DROP STATIC FUNCTION construct( source_database_name in varchar2, command_type in varchar2, object_owner in varchar2, object_name in varchar2, tag in raw DEFAULT NULL, transaction_id in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, scn in number DEFAULT NULL, old_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, new_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN lcr$_row_record CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record DROP MEMBER procedure set_values( self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, value_list IN sys.lcr$_row_list) CASCADE; -- Remove lcr$_row_record methods that were introduced between and -- higher releases and refer to lcr$_row_list DECLARE version varchar2(30); alt_typ_stmt varchar2(500); BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT substr(dbms_registry.version(''CATPROC''),1,7) FROM DUAL' INTO version; -- drop these methods only for and higher releases IF substr(version, 1, 3) = '9.2' AND version != '' THEN alt_typ_stmt := 'ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record DROP MEMBER FUNCTION get_values( ' || ' value_type IN VARCHAR2, ' || ' use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ''Y'') ' || ' return sys.lcr$_row_list CASCADE'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE alt_typ_stmt; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF sqlcode = -904 THEN NULL; /* dbms_registry package does not * exist, pre-92 db */ ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / Rem Evolve type lcr$_row_unit ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_unit ADD ATTRIBUTE long_information NUMBER CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_unit ADD CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION lcr$_row_unit( column_name VARCHAR2, data SYS.ANYDATA, lob_information NUMBER, lob_offset NUMBER, lob_operation_size NUMBER) RETURN SELF AS RESULT CASCADE; Rem Now add those methods back to lcr$_row_record ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD STATIC FUNCTION construct( source_database_name in varchar2, command_type in varchar2, object_owner in varchar2, object_name in varchar2, tag in raw DEFAULT NULL, transaction_id in varchar2 DEFAULT NULL, scn in number DEFAULT NULL, old_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL, new_values in sys.lcr$_row_list DEFAULT NULL ) RETURN lcr$_row_record CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_values( value_type IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') return sys.lcr$_row_list CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER procedure set_values( self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, value_type IN VARCHAR2, value_list IN sys.lcr$_row_list) CASCADE; Rem Now add the new methods added in 10.1 ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_extra_attribute( attribute_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN Sys.AnyData CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER PROCEDURE set_extra_attribute(self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record, attribute_name IN VARCHAR2, attribute_value IN Sys.AnyData) CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_compatible RETURN NUMBER CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_long_information( value_type IN VARCHAR2, column_name IN VARCHAR2, use_old IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y') RETURN NUMBER CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_row_record ADD MEMBER PROCEDURE convert_long_to_lob_chunk( self in out nocopy lcr$_row_record) CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_ddl_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_extra_attribute( attribute_name IN VARCHAR2) RETURN Sys.AnyData CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_ddl_record ADD MEMBER PROCEDURE set_extra_attribute(self in out nocopy lcr$_ddl_record, attribute_name IN VARCHAR2, attribute_value IN Sys.AnyData) CASCADE; ALTER TYPE lcr$_ddl_record ADD MEMBER FUNCTION get_compatible RETURN NUMBER CASCADE; Rem========================================================================= Rem Supplemental log related metadata fixups go here Rem========================================================================= -- for large databases, limit the number of rows changed before commit to -- avoid rollback problems during upgrade begin loop execute immediate 'update sys.ccol$ set spare1 = 0 where spare1 IS NULL and rownum <10000'; exit when sql%rowcount = 0; commit; end loop; end; / commit; REM ======================================================================== REM BEGIN Drop Time Series REM ======================================================================== delete from sys.exppkgact$ where package = 'ORDTEXP' and schema = 'ORDSYS'; commit; drop public synonym DBA_TIMESERIES_COLS; drop public synonym DBA_TIMESERIES_OBJS; drop public synonym DBA_TIMESERIES_GROUPS; drop public synonym ALL_TIMESERIES_GROUPS; drop public synonym ALL_TIMESERIES_COLS; drop public synonym ALL_TIMESERIES_OBJS; drop public synonym USER_TIMESERIES_OBJS; drop public synonym USER_TIMESERIES_GROUPS; drop public synonym USER_TIMESERIES_COLS; declare cnt number := 0; begin select count(1) into cnt from user$ where name = 'ORDSYS'; if (cnt = 0) then return; else select count(1) into cnt from obj$ where name = 'ORD_INSTALLATIONS' and type# = 2 and owner# = (select user# from user$ where name = 'ORDSYS'); if (cnt != 0) then execute immediate 'delete from ORDSYS.ORD_INSTALLATIONS ' || ' where short_name=''ORDTS'' '; commit; end if; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.DBA_TIMESERIES_GROUPS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.ALL_TIMESERIES_GROUPS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.USER_TIMESERIES_GROUPS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.DBA_TIMESERIES_OBJS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.ALL_TIMESERIES_OBJS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.USER_TIMESERIES_OBJS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.DBA_TIMESERIES_COLS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.ALL_TIMESERIES_COLS'; execute immediate 'drop view ORDSYS.USER_TIMESERIES_COLS'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.TIMESERIES'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.TIMESCALE'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.TSTOOLS'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.CALENDAR'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTMATH'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTMOVE'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTCUME'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTTRANS'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTSCALE'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTGET'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTAGG'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTDDL'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTEXP'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTCUTL'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTTUTL'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTSYS'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTUTL'; execute immediate 'drop package ORDSYS.ORDTTUTL2'; execute immediate 'drop library ORDSYS.ORDTSLIBT'; declare type obj_cur_typ is ref cursor; obj_cur obj_cur_typ; obj_owner varchar2(50); obj_name varchar2(50); obj_type varchar2(50); cnt number; no_such_table exception; pragma exception_init(no_such_table, -942); begin open obj_cur for 'select tso.owner, tso.obj_name, tso.obj_type ' || ' from ORDSYS.ORDT_TIMESERIES_OBJS tso ' || ' where tso.obj_type in ( ''VIEW'', ''TRIGGER'') '; loop fetch obj_cur into obj_owner, obj_name, obj_type; exit when obj_cur%NOTFOUND; select count(1) into cnt from obj$ o, user$ u where u.user# = o.owner# and o.type# in (4,12) and = obj_name and = obj_owner; if (cnt = 1) then execute immediate 'drop ' || obj_type ||' ' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(obj_owner, FALSE) || '.' || dbms_assert.enquote_name(obj_name, FALSE); end if; end loop; exception when no_such_table then null; end; execute immediate 'drop TABLE ORDSYS.ORDT_TIMESERIES PURGE'; execute immediate 'drop TABLE ORDSYS.ORDT_TIMESERIES_OBJS PURGE'; execute immediate 'drop TABLE ORDSYS.ORDT_FLAT_ATTRIBUTES PURGE'; execute immediate 'drop TABLE ORDSYS.ORDT_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES PURGE'; execute immediate 'drop TABLE ORDSYS.ORDT_TIMESERIES_COLS PURGE'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTDateTab'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTDateRangeTab'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTDateRange'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTNumSeriesIOTRef'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2SeriesIOTRef'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTNumSeries'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2Series'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTNumTab'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2Tab'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTNumCell'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTVarchar2Cell'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTCalendar'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTExceptions'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTPattern'; execute immediate 'drop type ORDSYS.ORDTPatternBits'; end if; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM END Drop Time Series REM ======================================================================== Rem ============================== Start of MV upgrade =================== Rem ======================================================================= Rem Fix bug #3320404: Delete the fast refresh operations for LOB MVs Rem as the refresh operations are different in 10g. Rem ======================================================================= Rem Set status of LOB MVs to regenerate refresh operations UPDATE sys.snap$ s SET s.status = 0 WHERE bitand(s.flag, 512) = 512 AND s.instsite = 0 ; Rem Delete old fast refresh operations for LOB MVs DELETE FROM sys.snap_refop$ sr WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 from sys.snap$ s WHERE bitand(s.flag, 512) = 512 AND s.instsite = 0 AND sr.sowner = s.sowner AND sr.vname = s.vname ) ; COMMIT; Rem ============================== End of MV upgrade =================== Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rem If this is a little endian machine with varying width LOB, Rem then set a flag in LOB$ saying that this LOB columns stores data Rem in AL16UTF16LE. This needs to be done before any Rem inserts or selects are done in any LOB column during upgrade Rem (e.g., AQ rules) Rem Create function platform_little_endian here as a trusted callout Rem so the lob$ block will not depend on any dbms* package being loaded. Rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB TRUSTED AS STATIC / CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION platform_little_endian return boolean IS LANGUAGE C NAME "IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN" LIBRARY UPGRADE_LIB; / declare begin if (platform_little_endian = TRUE) then update lob$ l set property=property+512 where bitand(property, 512)=0 and exists (select c.obj# from col$ c where l.obj# = c.obj# and l.intcol#=c.intcol# and c.type# = 112 and ((c.charsetid > 800 AND c.charsetid < 1000) OR c.charsetid > 2000)); end if; end; / drop function platform_little_endian; Rem========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 1: upgrade from 9.2.0 to 10.1 Rem========================================================================= Rem========================================================================= Rem BEGIN STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem========================================================================= @@c1001000 Rem========================================================================= Rem END STAGE 2: invoke script for subsequent release Rem========================================================================= Rem************************************************************************* Rem END c0902000.sql Rem*************************************************************************