Rem Rem $Header: awrgdinp.sql 25-feb-2008.08:19:21 ilistvin Exp $ Rem Rem awrgdinp.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem awrgdinp.sql - AWR Glopal Compare Period Report Input variables Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script gets the dbid,eid,filename,etc from the user Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ilistvin 12/17/07 - Created Rem -- Script Parameters: -- First Param (&1) : file prefix e.g. 'awrrpt_' -- Second Param (&2) : file extension e.g. '.html', '.lst' -- **** IMPORTANT - the second parameter must be non-null, or else SQL*Plus -- adds an awkward prompt when we try to use it -- After executing, this module leaves the substitution variable -- &report_name defined. Issue the command spool &report_name to -- spool your report to a file, and then undefine report_name when you're -- done with it. -- The following list of SQL*Plus bind variables will be defined and assigned -- a value by this SQL*Plus script: -- First pair of snapshots -- variable dbid number - Database id -- variable instl varchar2 - CSV list of instance numbers -- variable bid number - Begin snapshot id -- variable eid number - End snapshot id -- Second pair of snapshots -- variable dbid2 number - Database id -- variable instl2 varchar2 - CSV list of instance numbers -- variable bid2 number - Begin snapshot id -- variable eid2 number - End snapshot id clear break compute; repfooter off; ttitle off; btitle off; set heading on; set timing off veri off space 1 flush on pause off termout on numwidth 10; set echo off feedback off pagesize 60 linesize 80 newpage 1 recsep off; set trimspool on trimout on define "&" concat "." serveroutput on; set underline on; -- -- Request the DB Id and Instance Number, if they are not specified column instt_num heading "Inst Num" format 99999; column instt_name heading "Instance" format a12; column dbb_name heading "DB Name" format a12; column dbbid heading "DB Id" format a12 just c; column host heading "Host" format a12; prompt prompt prompt Instances in this Workload Repository schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select distinct (case when cd.dbid = wr.dbid and = wr.db_name and ci.instance_number = wr.instance_number and ci.instance_name = wr.instance_name then '* ' else ' ' end) || wr.dbid dbbid , wr.instance_number instt_num , wr.db_name dbb_name , wr.instance_name instt_name , wr.host_name host from dba_hist_database_instance wr, v$database cd, v$instance ci; prompt prompt Database Id and Instance Number for the First Pair of Snapshots prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Using &&dbid for Database Id for the first pair of snapshots prompt Using instances &&instance_numbers_or_ALL for the first pair of snapshots -- -- Set up the binds for dbid and instance number list -- variable dbid number; variable instl varchar2(1023); variable inst_num varchar2(3); begin :dbid := &dbid; :instl := '&instance_numbers_or_ALL'; if UPPER(:instl) = 'ALL' then :instl := ''; end if; :inst_num := '1st'; end; / -- -- Error reporting -- whenever sqlerror exit; variable max_snap_time char(10); declare cursor csnapid is select to_char(max(end_interval_time),'dd/mm/yyyy') from dba_hist_snapshot where dbid = :dbid; begin -- Check Snapshots exist for Database Id/Instance Number open csnapid; fetch csnapid into :max_snap_time; if csnapid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No snapshots exist for database '||:dbid); end if; close csnapid; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- Ask how many days of snapshots to display set termout on; column instart_fmt noprint; column db_name format a12 heading 'DB Name'; column snap_id format 99999990 heading 'Snap Id'; column snapdat format a18 heading 'Snap Started' just c; column lvl format 99 heading 'Snap|Level'; prompt prompt prompt Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent prompt (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without prompt specifying a number lists all completed snapshots. prompt prompt set heading off; column num_days new_value num_days noprint; select 'Listing ' || decode( nvl('&&num_days', 3.14) , 0 , 'no snapshots' , 3.14 , 'all Completed Snapshots' , 1 , 'the last day''s Completed Snapshots' , 'the last &num_days days of Completed Snapshots') , nvl('&&num_days', 3.14) num_days from sys.dual; set heading on; -- -- List available snapshots break on inst_name on db_name on host on instart_fmt skip 1; ttitle off; select di.db_name db_name , s.snap_id snap_id , to_char(max(s.end_interval_time),'dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi') snapdat , max(s.snap_level) lvl from dba_hist_snapshot s , dba_hist_database_instance di where di.dbid = :dbid and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time and s.end_interval_time >= decode( &num_days , 0 , to_date('31-JAN-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') , 3.14, s.end_interval_time , to_date(:max_snap_time,'dd/mm/yyyy') - (&num_days-1)) group by db_name, snap_id order by db_name, snap_id; clear break; ttitle off; -- -- Ask for the snapshots Id's which are to be compared prompt prompt prompt Specify the First Pair of Begin and End Snapshot Ids prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt First Begin Snapshot Id specified: &&begin_snap prompt prompt First End Snapshot Id specified: &&end_snap prompt -- -- Set up the snapshot-related binds variable bid number; variable eid number; begin :bid := &begin_snap; :eid := &end_snap; end; / prompt -- -- Error reporting whenever sqlerror exit; declare cursor cspid(vspid dba_hist_snapshot.snap_id%type) is select end_interval_time , startup_time from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id = vspid and dbid = :dbid; bsnapt dba_hist_snapshot.end_interval_time%type; bstart dba_hist_snapshot.startup_time%type; esnapt dba_hist_snapshot.end_interval_time%type; estart dba_hist_snapshot.startup_time%type; insts AWRRPT_INSTANCE_LIST_TYPE; begin -- Check Begin Snapshot id is valid, get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:bid); fetch cspid into bsnapt, bstart; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid||' does not exist for this database'); end if; close cspid; -- Check End Snapshot id is valid and get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:eid); fetch cspid into esnapt, estart; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid||' does not exist for this database'); end if; if :eid <= :bid then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid|| ' must be greater than Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid); end if; close cspid; -- -- Make sure at least one instance has not been re-started between -- begin and end snapshots -- begin select b.instance_number bulk collect into insts from dba_hist_snapshot b, dba_hist_snapshot e where b.dbid = :dbid and b.snap_id = :bid and e.dbid = :dbid and e.snap_id = :eid and e.startup_time = b.startup_time and e.instance_number = b.instance_number; exception -- Check startup time is same for begin and end snapshot ids when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20200, 'All instances were shutdown between snapshots '||:bid||' and '||:eid); when others then raise; end; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; clear break compute; repfooter off; ttitle off; btitle off; set heading on; set timing off veri off space 1 flush on pause off termout on numwidth 10; set echo off feedback off pagesize 60 linesize 80 newpage 1 recsep off; set trimspool on trimout on define "&" concat "." serveroutput on; set underline on; -- -- Request the DB Id and Instance Number, if they are not specified prompt prompt prompt Instances in this Workload Repository schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ select distinct (case when cd.dbid = wr.dbid and = wr.db_name and ci.instance_number = wr.instance_number and ci.instance_name = wr.instance_name then '* ' else ' ' end) || wr.dbid dbbid , wr.instance_number instt_num , wr.db_name dbb_name , wr.instance_name instt_name , wr.host_name host from dba_hist_database_instance wr, v$database cd, v$instance ci; -- -- Set up dbid and instance number for the first pair of snapshots -- as defaults for the second pair of snapshots -- column dbid1 new_value dbid1 noprint; column instl1 new_value instnum1 noprint; select :dbid as dbid1, :instl as instnum1 from dual; prompt prompt Database Id and Instance Number for the Second Pair of Snapshots prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Using &&dbid2 for Database Id for the second pair of snapshots prompt Using instances &&instance_numbers_or_ALL2 for the second pair of snapshots -- -- Set up the binds for dbid and instance number list -- variable dbid2 number; variable instl2 varchar2(1023); variable inst_num2 varchar2(4); begin :dbid2 := nvl(&dbid2,&dbid1); :instl2 := '&instance_numbers_or_ALL2'; if UPPER(:instl2) = 'ALL' then :instl2:= ''; end if; :inst_num2 := '2nd'; end; / -- -- Error reporting -- whenever sqlerror exit; variable max_snap_time char(10); declare cursor csnapid is select to_char(max(end_interval_time),'dd/mm/yyyy') from dba_hist_snapshot where dbid = :dbid2; begin -- Check Snapshots exist for Database Id/Instance Number open csnapid; fetch csnapid into :max_snap_time; if csnapid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No snapshots exist for database '||:dbid2); end if; close csnapid; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- Ask how many days of snapshots to display set termout on; column instart_fmt noprint; column db_name format a12 heading 'DB Name'; column snap_id format 99999990 heading 'Snap Id'; column snapdat format a18 heading 'Snap Started' just c; column lvl format 99 heading 'Snap|Level'; prompt prompt prompt Specify the number of days of snapshots to choose from prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Entering the number of days (n) will result in the most recent prompt (n) days of snapshots being listed. Pressing without prompt specifying a number lists all completed snapshots. prompt prompt set heading off; column num_days2 new_value num_days2 noprint; select 'Listing ' || decode( nvl('&&num_days2', 3.14) , 0 , 'no snapshots' , 3.14 , 'all Completed Snapshots' , 1 , 'the last day''s Completed Snapshots' , 'the last &num_days days of Completed Snapshots') , nvl('&&num_days', 3.14) num_days2 from sys.dual; set heading on; -- -- List available snapshots break on inst_name on db_name on host on instart_fmt skip 1; ttitle off; select di.db_name db_name , s.snap_id snap_id , to_char(max(s.end_interval_time),'dd Mon YYYY HH24:mi') snapdat , max(s.snap_level) lvl from dba_hist_snapshot s , dba_hist_database_instance di where di.dbid = :dbid2 and di.dbid = s.dbid and di.instance_number = s.instance_number and di.startup_time = s.startup_time and s.end_interval_time >= decode( &num_days , 0 , to_date('31-JAN-9999','DD-MON-YYYY') , 3.14, s.end_interval_time , to_date(:max_snap_time,'dd/mm/yyyy') - (&num_days-1)) group by db_name, snap_id order by db_name, snap_id; clear break; ttitle off; -- -- Ask for the snapshots Id's which are to be compared prompt prompt prompt Specify the First Pair of Begin and End Snapshot Ids prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt First Begin Snapshot Id specified: &&begin_snap2 prompt prompt First End Snapshot Id specified: &&end_snap2 prompt -- -- Set up the snapshot-related binds variable bid2 number; variable eid2 number; begin :bid2 := &begin_snap2; :eid2 := &end_snap2; end; / prompt -- -- Error reporting whenever sqlerror exit; declare cursor cspid(vspid dba_hist_snapshot.snap_id%type) is select end_interval_time , startup_time from dba_hist_snapshot where snap_id = vspid and dbid = :dbid2; bsnapt dba_hist_snapshot.end_interval_time%type; bstart dba_hist_snapshot.startup_time%type; esnapt dba_hist_snapshot.end_interval_time%type; estart dba_hist_snapshot.startup_time%type; insts AWRRPT_INSTANCE_LIST_TYPE; begin -- Check Begin Snapshot id is valid, get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:bid2); fetch cspid into bsnapt, bstart; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid2||' does not exist for this database'); end if; close cspid; -- Check End Snapshot id is valid and get corresponding instance startup time open cspid(:eid2); fetch cspid into esnapt, estart; if cspid%notfound then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid2||' does not exist for this database'); end if; if :eid <= :bid then raise_application_error(-20200, 'End Snapshot Id '||:eid2|| ' must be greater than Begin Snapshot Id '||:bid2); end if; close cspid; -- -- Make sure at least one instance has not been re-started between -- begin and end snapshots -- begin select b.instance_number bulk collect into insts from dba_hist_snapshot b, dba_hist_snapshot e where b.dbid = :dbid2 and b.snap_id = :bid2 and e.dbid = :dbid2 and e.snap_id = :eid2 and e.startup_time = b.startup_time and e.instance_number = b.instance_number; exception -- Check startup time is same for begin and end snapshot ids when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20200, 'All instances were shutdown between snapshots '||:bid2||' and '||:eid2); when others then raise; end; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; clear break compute; repfooter off; ttitle off; btitle off; -- -- Use report name if specified, otherwise prompt user for output file -- name (specify default), then begin spooling -- set termout off; column dflt_name new_value dflt_name noprint; select '&&1'||:inst_num||'_'||:bid||'_'||:inst_num2||'_'||:bid2||'&&2' dflt_name from dual; set termout on; prompt prompt Specify the Report Name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt The default report file name is &dflt_name. To use this name, prompt press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. prompt set heading off; column report_name new_value report_name noprint; select 'Using the report name ' || nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') , nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') report_name from sys.dual; set heading off; set pagesize 50000; set echo off; set feedback off; undefine dbid undefine inst_num undefine num_days undefine begin_snap undefine end_snap undefine dbid2 undefine inst_num2 undefine num_days2 undefine begin_snap2 undefine end_snap2 undefine dflt_name2 undefine 1 undefine 2 -- -- End of script