Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Rem All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ashrpti.sql - SQL*Plus script to generate ASH Report Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem shiyadav 07/22/11 - Backport shiyadav_bug-12317689 from main Rem akini 07/24/08 - RAC report Rem akini 09/10/08 - add support for reporting on standby instance Rem veeve 11/29/05 - fixed a typo in WATI_CLASS Rem adagarwa 06/24/05 - added plsql_entry target Rem veeve 05/11/05 - add support for slot_width input Rem veeve 05/04/05 - fixed slow query in get btime/etime Rem veeve 06/24/04 - flexible input formats for begin_time Rem veeve 06/10/04 - veeve_ash_report_r2 Rem veeve 06/04/04 - Created Rem set echo off verify off timing off feedback off trimspool on trimout on set long 1000000 pagesize 6000 linesize 80 Rem Rem Customizable parameters Rem ======================= define default_report_type = 'html'; define default_report_duration = 15; define default_report_name_prefix = 'ashrpt'; define default_report_name_suffix = 'MMDD_HH24MI'; Rem Rem End of Customizable parameters Rem ============================== Rem Rem Get Report Type Rem =============== prompt prompt Specify the Report Type prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text prompt Defaults to '&&default_report_type' column report_type new_value report_type; set heading off select 'Type Specified: ', lower( (case when '&&report_type' IS NULL then '&&default_report_type' when '&&report_type' <> 'text' then 'html' else '&&report_type' end) ) report_type from dual; set heading on Rem Rem Get dbid and instid (if not already specified) Rem =================== column instt_num heading "Inst Num" format 99999; column instt_name heading "Instance" format a12; column dbb_name heading "DB Name" format a12; column dbbid heading "DB Id" format a12 just c; column host heading "Host" format a12; prompt prompt prompt Instances in this Workload Repository schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set heading on select distinct (case when cd.dbid = wr.dbid and = wr.db_name and ci.instance_number = wr.instance_number and ci.instance_name = wr.instance_name then '* ' else ' ' end) || wr.dbid dbbid , wr.instance_number instt_num , wr.db_name dbb_name , wr.instance_name instt_name , wr.host_name host from dba_hist_database_instance wr, v$database cd, v$instance ci; prompt prompt Defaults to current database column dbid new_value dbid; column mydbid new_value mydbid noprint; set heading off select 'Using database id:', (case when '&&dbid' IS NULL then d.dbid else to_number('&&dbid') end) || ' ' as dbid, d.dbid as mydbid from v$database d; set heading on prompt prompt Enter instance numbers. Enter 'ALL' for all instances in a prompt RAC cluster or explicitly specify list of instances (e.g., 1,2,3). prompt Defaults to current instance. column inst_num new_value inst_num; column myinst_num new_value myinst_num noprint; set heading off select 'Using instance number(s):', (case when '&&inst_num' IS NULL then to_char(ci.instance_number) when UPPER('&&inst_num') = 'ALL' then 'ALL' else trim('&&inst_num') end) as inst_num, to_char(ci.instance_number) as myinst_num from v$instance ci; set heading on -- -- Set up the binds for dbid and inst_num or inst_lst variable dbid number; variable inst_num number; variable inst_lst varchar2(1023); begin :dbid := &dbid; :inst_num := 0; :inst_lst := NULL; if (instr('&inst_num',',') > 0) then :inst_lst := '&inst_num'; elsif('&inst_num' = 'ALL') then :inst_lst := NULL; else :inst_num := to_number('&inst_num'); end if; end; / define inst = 'num'; define inst_file = 'rac'; column inst new_value inst noprint; column inst_file new_value inst_file noprint; select (case when instr('&inst_num',',') > 0 OR '&inst_num' = 'ALL' then 'lst' else 'num' end) as inst, (case when instr('&inst_num',',') > 0 OR '&inst_num' = 'ALL' then 'rac' else to_char(:inst_num) end) as inst_file from dual; -- if reporting on current database and instance and current database -- is a physical standby, prompt the user on whether to generate report -- on v$ash (standby data) or dba_hist_ash (primary data) define stdbyfile = 'noop'; column stdbyfile new_value stdbyfile noprint; select (case when :inst_num = '&myinst_num' AND :dbid = '&mydbid' AND database_role = 'PHYSICAL STANDBY' then 'std' else 'noop' end) as stdbyfile from v$database where dbid=&dbid; -- Set up bind for stdby_flag - used by ashrptistd.sql variable stdby_flag number; begin :stdby_flag := 0; end; / @@ashrpti&stdbyfile Rem Rem Get btime and etime Rem =================== -- First, show the oldest and the latest ASH samples available define ash_time_format = 'DD-Mon-YY HH24:MI:SS'; variable oldest_sample varchar2(30); variable latest_sample varchar2(30); whenever sqlerror exit; declare oldest_snap number; latest_snap number; oldest_mem date := NULL; latest_mem date := NULL; oldest_disk date := NULL; latest_disk date := NULL; begin select min(snap_id), max(snap_id) into oldest_snap, latest_snap from dba_hist_ash_snapshot where dbid = :dbid; select min(sample_time), max(sample_time) into oldest_disk, latest_disk from dba_hist_active_sess_history where dbid = :dbid and snap_id in (oldest_snap, latest_snap); if ('&mydbid' = :dbid AND '&myinst_num' = :inst_num) then select min(sample_time), max(sample_time) into oldest_mem, latest_mem from v$active_session_history; end if; if (oldest_disk is null AND :stdby_flag = 2) then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No ASH samples exist for Primary Database/Instance ' ||:dbid||'/'||trim('&inst_num')); elsif (oldest_mem is null AND :stdby_flag = 1) then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No ASH samples exist for Standby Database/Instance ' ||:dbid||'/'||trim('&inst_num')); elsif (oldest_disk is null AND oldest_mem is null) then raise_application_error(-20200, 'No ASH samples exist for Database/Instance '||:dbid||'/'||trim('&inst_num')); end if; -- Put the min(oldest_disk, oldest_mem) in oldest_disk -- Take care of NULLs and stdby_flag case when (:stdby_flag = 1) then oldest_disk := oldest_mem; when (:stdby_flag = 2) then oldest_disk := oldest_disk; when (oldest_disk IS NOT NULL AND oldest_mem IS NOT NULL) then oldest_disk := least(oldest_disk, oldest_mem); when (oldest_disk IS NULL) then oldest_disk := oldest_mem; else oldest_disk := oldest_disk; end case; -- Put the max(latest_disk, latest_mem) in latest_disk -- Take care of NULLs and stdby_flag case when (:stdby_flag = 1) then latest_disk := latest_mem; when (:stdby_flag = 2) then latest_disk := latest_disk; when (latest_disk IS NOT NULL AND latest_mem IS NOT NULL) then latest_disk := greatest(latest_disk, latest_mem); when (latest_disk IS NULL) then latest_disk := latest_mem; else latest_disk := latest_disk; end case; :oldest_sample := to_char(oldest_disk, '&&ash_time_format'); :latest_sample := to_char(latest_disk, '&&ash_time_format'); end; / whenever sqlerror continue; column ash_sample format a20; column min_past format a6; prompt prompt prompt ASH Samples in this Workload Repository schema prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ set heading off select 'Oldest ASH sample available: ', :oldest_sample as ash_sample, '[', (to_char((sysdate - to_date(:oldest_sample, '&&ash_time_format'))*1440, '99999')) as min_past, 'mins in the past]', 'Latest ASH sample available: ', :latest_sample as ash_sample, '[', (to_char((sysdate - to_date(:latest_sample, '&&ash_time_format'))*1440, '99999')) as min_past, 'mins in the past]' from dual; set heading on prompt prompt Specify the timeframe to generate the ASH report prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rem Rem Get btime Rem ========= prompt Enter begin time for report: prompt prompt -- Valid input formats: prompt -- To specify absolute begin time: prompt -- [MM/DD[/YY]] HH24:MI[:SS] prompt -- Examples: 02/23/03 14:30:15 prompt -- 02/23 14:30:15 prompt -- 14:30:15 prompt -- 14:30 prompt -- To specify relative begin time: (start with '-' sign) prompt -- -[HH24:]MI prompt -- Examples: -1:15 (SYSDATE - 1 Hr 15 Mins) prompt -- -25 (SYSDATE - 25 Mins) prompt prompt Defaults to -&&default_report_duration mins prompt Report begin time specified: &&begin_time prompt -- -- Set up the binds for btime whenever sqlerror exit; variable btime varchar2(30); declare lbtime_in varchar2(100); begin_time date; FUNCTION get_time_from_begin_time( btime_in IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN DATE IS first_char VARCHAR2(2); in_str VARCHAR2(100); past_hrs NUMBER; past_mins NUMBER; pos NUMBER; num_slashes NUMBER := 0; num_colons NUMBER := 0; date_part VARCHAR2(100); time_part VARCHAR2(100); my_fmt VARCHAR2(100) := 'MM/DD/YY HH24:MI:SS'; BEGIN in_str := TRIM(btime_in); first_char := SUBSTR(in_str, 1, 1); /* Handle relative input format starting with a -ve sign, first */ IF (first_char = '-') THEN in_str := SUBSTR(in_str, 2); pos := INSTR(in_str,':'); IF (pos = 0) THEN past_hrs := 0; past_mins := TO_NUMBER(in_str); ELSE past_hrs := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(in_str,1,pos-1)); past_mins := TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(in_str,pos+1)); END IF; IF (past_mins = 0 AND past_hrs = 0) THEN /* Invalid input */ raise_application_error( -20500, 'Invalid input! Cannot recognize ' || 'input format for begin_time ' || '"' || TRIM(btime_in) || '"' ); RETURN NULL; END IF; RETURN (sysdate - past_hrs/24 - past_mins/1440); END IF; /* Handle absolute input format now. Fill out all the missing optional parts of the input string to make it look like 'my_fmt' first. Then just do "return to_date()". */ FOR pos in 1..LENGTH(in_str) LOOP IF (SUBSTR(in_str,pos,1) = '/') THEN num_slashes := num_slashes + 1; END IF; IF (SUBSTR(in_str,pos,1) = ':') THEN num_colons := num_colons + 1; END IF; END LOOP; IF (num_slashes > 0) THEN pos := INSTR(in_str,' '); date_part := TRIM(SUBSTR(in_str,1,pos-1)); time_part := TRIM(SUBSTR(in_str,pos+1)); IF (num_slashes = 1) THEN date_part := date_part || '/' || TO_CHAR(sysdate,'YY'); END IF; ELSE date_part := TO_CHAR(sysdate,'MM/DD/YY'); time_part := in_str; END IF; IF (num_colons > 0) THEN IF (num_colons = 1) THEN time_part := time_part || ':00'; END IF; in_str := date_part || ' ' || time_part; begin RETURN TO_DATE(in_str, my_fmt); exception when others then /* Invalid input */ raise_application_error( -20500, 'Invalid input! Cannot recognize ' || 'input format for begin_time ' || '"' || TRIM(btime_in) || '"' ); end; END IF; /* Invalid input */ raise_application_error( -20500, 'Invalid input! Cannot recognize ' || 'input format for begin_time ' || '"' || TRIM(btime_in) || '"' ); RETURN NULL; END get_time_from_begin_time; begin lbtime_in := nvl('&&begin_time', '-' || &&default_report_duration); begin_time := get_time_from_begin_time(lbtime_in); :btime := to_char( begin_time, '&&ash_time_format' ); end; / whenever sqlerror continue; Rem Rem Get etime Rem ========= prompt Enter duration in minutes starting from begin time: prompt Defaults to SYSDATE - begin_time prompt Press Enter to analyze till current time prompt Report duration specified: &&duration -- -- Set up the binds for etime variable etime varchar2(30); declare duration number; since_begin_time number; begin_time date; end_time date; begin -- First calculate minutes since begin_time begin_time := to_date( :btime, '&&ash_time_format' ); since_begin_time := (sysdate - begin_time)*1440; -- Default to since_begin_time duration := nvl('&&duration', since_begin_time); -- Put upper bound on user input to not go into the future -- only if begin_time is not already in the future if (duration > since_begin_time AND since_begin_time > 0) then duration := since_begin_time; end if; -- Calculate end_time and :etime end_time := begin_time + duration/1440; :etime := to_char( end_time, '&&ash_time_format' ); end; / column nl80 format a80 newline; set heading off select 'Using ' || :btime || ' as report begin time' as nl80, 'Using ' || :etime || ' as report end time' as nl80 from dual; set heading on Rem Rem Get Slot Width for the 'Activity Over Time' section Rem =================================================== prompt prompt Specify Slot Width (using ashrpti.sql) for 'Activity Over Time' section prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt -- Explanation: prompt -- In the 'Activity Over Time' section of the ASH report, prompt -- the analysis period is divided into smaller slots prompt -- and top wait events are reported in each of those slots. prompt prompt -- Default: prompt -- The analysis period will be automatically split upto 10 slots prompt -- complying to a minimum slot width of prompt -- 1 minute, if the source is V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY or prompt -- 5 minutes, if the source is DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY. prompt prompt prompt Specify Slot Width in seconds to use in the 'Activity Over Time' section: prompt Defaults to a value as explained above: prompt Slot Width specified: &&slot_width prompt Rem Rem Get Special Report Targets Rem ========================== prompt prompt Specify Report Targets (using ashrpti.sql) to generate the ASH report prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt prompt -- Explanation: prompt -- ASH Report can accept "Report Targets", prompt -- like a particular SQL statement, or a particular SESSION, prompt -- to generate the report on. If one or more report targets are prompt -- specified, then the data used to generate the report will only be prompt -- the ASH samples that pertain to ALL the specified report targets. prompt prompt -- Default: prompt -- If none of the report targets are specified, prompt -- then the target defaults to all activity in the database instance. prompt prompt prompt Specify SESSION_ID (eg: from V$SESSION.SID) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: prompt SESSION report target specified: &&target_session_id prompt prompt prompt Specify SQL_ID (eg: from V$SQL.SQL_ID) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt SQL report target specified: &&target_sql_id prompt prompt prompt Specify WAIT_CLASS name (eg: from V$EVENT_NAME.WAIT_CLASS) report target: prompt [Enter 'CPU' to investigate CPU usage] prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt WAIT_CLASS report target specified: &&target_wait_class prompt prompt prompt Specify SERVICE_HASH (eg: from V$ACTIVE_SERVICES.NAME_HASH) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: prompt SERVICE report target specified: &&target_service_hash prompt prompt prompt Specify MODULE name (eg: from V$SESSION.MODULE) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt MODULE report target specified: &&target_module_name prompt prompt prompt Specify ACTION name (eg: from V$SESSION.ACTION) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt ACTION report target specified: &&target_action_name prompt prompt prompt Specify CLIENT_ID (eg: from V$SESSION.CLIENT_IDENTIFIER) report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt CLIENT_ID report target specified: &&target_client_id prompt prompt prompt Specify PLSQL_ENTRY name (eg: "SYS.DBMS_LOB.*") report target: prompt Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed) prompt PLSQL_ENTRY report target specified: &&target_plsql_entry prompt Rem Rem Get Report Name Rem =============== -- set the extension based on the report_type set termout off; column ext new_value ext; select '.html' ext from dual where lower('&&report_type') <> 'text'; select '.txt' ext from dual where lower('&&report_type') = 'text'; set termout on; set termout off; column dflt_name new_value dflt_name noprint; select '&&default_report_name_prefix' || '_' || '&inst_file' || '_' || to_char( to_date(:etime, '&&ash_time_format'), '&&default_report_name_suffix' ) || '&&ext' dflt_name from dual; set termout on; prompt Specify the Report Name prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prompt The default report file name is &&dflt_name.. To use this name, prompt press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. column report_name_msg new_value report_name_msg; column report_name new_value report_name; set heading off; select 'Using the report name' as report_name_msg, nvl('&&report_name','&dflt_name') as report_name from sys.dual; set heading on; column nl80 format a80 newline; set heading off; select 'Summary of All User Input', '-------------------------' as nl80, 'Format : ' || upper('&&report_type') as nl80, 'DB Id : ' || :dbid as nl80, 'Inst num : ' || '&inst_num' as nl80, 'Begin time : ' || :btime as nl80, 'End time : ' || :etime as nl80, 'Slot width : ' || decode('&&slot_width', NULL, 'Default', '&&slot_width seconds') as nl80, 'Report targets : ' || (decode(q'^&&target_session_id^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_sql_id^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_wait_class^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_service_hash^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_module_name^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_action_name^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_client_id^', NULL, 0, 1) + decode(q'^&&target_plsql_entry^', NULL, 0, 1)) as nl80, 'Report name : ' || '&&report_name' from dual; set heading on; Rem Rem Set function name and linesize Rem ===================================== set termout off; column fn_name new_value fn_name noprint; select (case when instr('&inst_num',',') > 0 OR '&inst_num' = 'ALL' then (case when lower('&report_type') = 'text' then 'ash_global_report_text' else 'ash_global_report_html' end) else (case when lower('&report_type') = 'text' then 'ash_report_text' else 'ash_report_html' end) end) as fn_name from dual; column lnsz new_value lnsz noprint; select decode('&fn_name', 'ash_report_text', '80' , 'ash_report_html', '1500' , 'ash_global_report_text', '320' , 'ash_global_report_html', '1500' , '500') as lnsz from dual; set termout on; set linesize &lnsz; Rem Rem Spool out the report Rem ==================== set termout on heading off; spool &report_name; select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.&fn_name( :dbid, :inst_&inst, to_date(:btime, '&&ash_time_format'), to_date(:etime, '&&ash_time_format'), 0, to_number(nvl('&&slot_width', 0)), to_number(q'^&&target_session_id^'), q'^&&target_sql_id^', q'^&&target_wait_class^', to_number(q'^&&target_service_hash^'), q'^&&target_module_name^', q'^&&target_action_name^', q'^&&target_client_id^', q'^&&target_plsql_entry^', :stdby_flag )); spool off; prompt Report written to &report_name. -- cleanup clear columns sql; ttitle off; btitle off; repfooter off; set linesize 78 termout on feedback 6 heading on; -- Undefine all 'define's undefine default_report_type; undefine default_report_duration; undefine default_report_name_prefix; undefine default_report_name_suffix; undefine ash_time_format; undefine stdbyfile; -- Undefine all 'new_value's undefine inst undefine inst_file undefine myinst_num undefine report_type undefine ext undefine dflt_name undefine report_name_msg undefine report_name undefine fn_name undefine lnsz -- Undefine all 'input variables' undefine dbid undefine inst_num undefine begin_time undefine duration undefine slot_width undefine target_session_id undefine target_sql_id undefine target_wait_class undefine target_service_hash undefine target_module_name undefine target_action_name undefine target_client_id undefine target_plsql_entry whenever sqlerror continue; -- -- End of script file